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Was ist eine Motoryacht?

Eine Motoryacht ist ein  Motorboot , welches über eine Mindestlänge von 7 bis 10 Meter verfügt. An Bord können Sie komfortabel übernachten und den Ausflug in vollen Zügen genießen. Das  sportliche Boot  ist mit einer  Kajüte  und einem Deck ausgestattet. Der Innenbereich kann mehrere Räume umfassen.

Maxiyacht, Mini-Maxi, Maxis oder Mega-Yacht: Die verschiedenen Arten von Motoryachten

Die Gruppe der Motoryachten beinhaltet unter anderem die Maxi-Yachten. Sie weisen eine Mindestlänge von 18 Metern auf. Die Mini-Maxis sind zwischen 18 und 24 Meter lang. Die dritte Untergruppe sind die Maxis mit einer Länge von 24 bis 30,5Metern. Die größten Yachten der Welt, die Super-Maxis, zeichnen sich durch die Länge von mehr als 30,5 Metern aus. Handelt es sich um ein besonders großes und komfortables Modell, welches primär als Statussymbol dient, dann wird dieses als Megayacht oder Superyacht bezeichnet.

Posillipo Technema 60

Posillipo Technema 60



Westline 365 Sport Coupé

Westline 365 Sport Coupé

Nimbus 26 DC Epoca

Nimbus 26 DC Epoca



Arcona 340

Delta 33 Open

Linssen 402 SX

Linssen 402 SX

Galeon 330 HT

Galeon 330 HT

Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1095

Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1095

Nimbus 380 Commander

Nimbus 380 Commander

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 43

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 43

Meridian 541

Meridian 541

X-Yachts X-442

X-Yachts X-442

Linssen 470 Grand Sturdy

Linssen 470 Grand Sturdy

Nauticat 44

Nauticat 44

Kral Classic 700

Kral Classic 700

Nimbus 32 Dc Ballista

Nimbus 32 Dc Ballista


Astondoa AS 40 open

Beneteau Antares 8

Beneteau Antares 8

Bavaria 34 Sport

Bavaria 34 Sport

Jeanneau Sun Fast 32I

Jeanneau Sun Fast 32I


Sunseeker Predator 68

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Weitere Informationen zu Motoryachten

Mit wie vielen personen kann ich auf einer motoryacht fahren.

Sie haben die Auswahl zwischen kleinen, sportlichen Yachten für zwei bis vier Personen und großen Megayachten, die eine umfangreiche Crew erforderlich machen. In den meisten Fällen übernehmen auf Motoryachten bis zu einer Größe von 21 Metern Yachtmatrosen die Verantwortung.

Der Ausdruck ?Crew? bezieht sich hierbei auf eine Gruppe aus mindestens zwei Personen. Gehören der Crew genau zwei Menschen an, dann erhalten diese im Allgemeinen die Titel Schiffsführer und Steward.

Wie viele Crewmitglieder benötigt werden, kann pauschal nicht festgelegt werden, da unter anderem auch mehrere Ingenieure, Köche und Kinderbetreuer mitreisen können.

Die Baumaterialien für die Motoryachten: Unterschiedliche Typen, unterschiedliche Einsatzgebiete

Moderne Yachten werden bevorzugt aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen gefertigt. Oftmals kommt CFK oder GFK zum Einsatz.

Traditionell diente Holz als Baumaterial für die Wasserfahrzeuge, da es robust und leicht verfügbar ist. Möglich sind auch Aluminium und Stahl.

Die Konstruktionsform soll die Sportlichkeit der Boote ermöglichen, wobei im Falle von größeren Yachten der Fokus auf dem Komfort liegt.

Die Geschwindigkeit, der Spritverbrauch und der Tankvorrat

Die meisten privat genutzten Motoryachten verfügen über eine Größe von 10 bis 20 Metern. Der Spritverbrauch liegt bei dieser Bootsgröße bei rund 100 Litern pro Stunde.

Um Hochseetauglichkeit zu erreichen, sollte eine Yacht mindestens 12 Meter lang sein. Große Privatyachten können mehr als 180 Meter lang sein und bis zu 36 Knoten erreichen.

Die Reichweite wird durch den Tankinhalt begrenzt. Eine durchschnittliche Yacht besitzt Tank mit einer Größe von 500 bis 1.500 Litern.

Mit welchen regelmäßigen Kosten muss ich für die Motoryacht rechnen?

Eine Faustformel besagt, dass die Unterhaltungskosten einem Zehntel des Neupreises des Bootes entsprechen. Eine Motoryacht mit einem Wert von 100.000 Euro führt demnach zu jährlichen Kosten in Höhe von 10.000 Euro.

Brauche ich für das Führen der Motoryacht einen Führerschein?

Bei großen Yachten engagieren die meisten Nutzer eine Crew inklusive Kapitän. Erbringt der Motor eine Leistung von mehr als 15 PS, dann benötigen Sie für Fahrten auf Seen und Flüssen den Sportbootführerschein Binnen. Der Gültigkeitsbereich umfasst alle Bundeswasserstraßen, die sich im Geltungsbereich der Binnenschifffahrtsstraßen-Ordnung befinden.

Auf einzelnen Gewässern, beispielsweise auf dem Rhein, gelten abweichende Regelungen. Wenn Sie auf dem Rhein unterwegs sind, dann müssen Sie für motorisierte Fahrzeuge mit mehr als 5 PS einen Führerschein vorweisen.

Möchten Sie auf außerhalb der Binnengewässer reisen, dann benötigen Sie den Sportbootführerschein See, sofern die Leistung der Motoryacht über 15 PS liegt. Der Gültigkeitsbereich umfasst die Seeschifffahrtsstraßen der Schifffahrtsstraßen-Ordnung.

Welche weiteren Kosten entstehen durch den Besitz der Motoryacht?

Einer der ersten Schritte ist der Abschluss einer Haftpflichtversicherung. Sie bewahrt Sie vor finanziellen Forderungen Dritter.

Wird beispielsweise beim Wendemanöver im Hafen ein anderes Boot gerammt, dann regulieren die Versicherungen den Schaden.

Die Kosten hängen stark von der Größe und dem Wert der Motoryacht sowie der geplanten Nutzung ab. Ein kleines Motorboot verursacht monatliche Ausgaben von mindestens 70 Euro. Für großen Motoryachten und Luxus-Superyachten werden individuelle Angebote erstellt.

Das Bootszubehör: Spaß, Technik und Sicherheit

Für Motoryachten eignen sich ergänzend Beiboote oder Jetskis . Sie können mit der großen Yacht vor der Küste vor Anker gehen und mit kleineren Boot Ausflüge an Land unternehmen. Für die Sicherheit sorgen an Bord Schwimmwesten, Rettungsinseln und vieles weiteres Zubehör. Im technischen Bereich benötigen Sie unter anderem digitales Kartenmaterial, GPS und Leuchtanlagen.

Die Kosten für den Liegeplatz

Die Kosten für einen Wasserliegeplatz hängen von der Bootslänge und dem Standort ab. Während Sie am Bodensee rund 1.000 pro Jahr bezahlen, müssen Sie in Portofinono für eine Yacht mit einer Länge von höchstens 60 Metern circa 2.550 Euro pro Tag zahlen.

Die Stromkosten werden separat berechnet, achten Sie hierbei auf die genauen Angaben, da die Hafengesellschaften von den Stadtwerken unabhängige Preislisten verwenden.

Im Winter benötigen Sie in kalten Regionen einen Landstellplatz für das Boot, beispielsweise in einer Halle. Die Yacht muss trocken sein und alle notwendigen Pflegearbeiten müssen vor der Einlagerung ausgeführt werden.

Der Kauf der Motoryacht: FAQs

Welche sind die bekanntesten bootshersteller.

Die italienische Werft Cantieri Estensi wurde 1995 gegründet. Ein bekannter slowenischer Bootshersteller ist Vanga Yachts , der für seine zuverlässigen Motoryachten geschätzt wird. Abacus Marine stammt aus der Region Sizilien und ist seit 2003 in der Branche tätig.

Wie alt kann eine Motoryacht werden?

Motoryachten werden für Nutzungsdauern von mehreren Jahrzehnten ausgelegt. Um dieses Alter zu erreichen, müssen Sie regelmäßige Wartungs- und Reparaturarbeiten vornehmen lassen.

Wie schlimm ist es, wenn an der Yacht eine Beschädigung vorliegt?

Schäden und Defekte lassen sich meistens nicht verhindern. Der Motor ist großen Belastungen ausgesetzt und daher eine Schwachstelle.

Die Außenhülle sollte unbeschädigt sein, wobei kleine Kratzer die Sicherheit nicht gefährden.

Sind Ersatzteile schwierig zu besorgen?

Meistens sind in den Häfen beziehungsweise in der näheren Umgebung die Ersatzteile verfügbar. Gegebenenfalls müssen Sie einen oder mehrere Tage warten, sollte ein Ersatzteil bestellt werden müssen.

Tipps zum Kauf der Motoryacht

  • Fragen Sie nach bekannten Vorschäden sowie dem Zustand der Yacht.
  • Achten Sie auf alle technischen Daten und die Angaben zum Komfort.
  • Beachten Sie Angaben zur zulässigen Personenanzahl und dem möglichen Fahrgebiet.

motoryachten bis 24 meter

Boot-Verkauf Suche

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Motoryacht gebraucht kaufen - motoryachten zum verkauf.

Azimut 38

Spiegel Kotter 1200

Valk Trawler 14.90 Rondspant

Valk Trawler 14.90 Rondspant

Princess 66

Princess 66

Azimut 52

Motorjacht 1220 GSAK


Hemmes Kruiser 12.50 AK

Biam 820 Norwegischer Kajütgleiter

Biam 820 Norwegischer Kajütgleiter

Benetti - Azimut 90 Custom Fly

Benetti - Azimut 90 Custom Fly


Bavaria S 33 HT Diesel

Prestige 550

Prestige 550

Sherpa 80

Pikmeerkruiser 1250 AK

Princess 500

Princess 500

Passion Yachts

  • Motor Yacht
  • Motor Yachts

The Best Motor Yachts by Length  in 2024


The motor yachts assembled here are ordered by length (LOA) and include a range from super cabin cruisers to superyachts.

motoryachten bis 24 meter

This is a guide to the 15 most impressive motor yachts in different sizes and categories.

This review of motor yachts is a celebration of design in both form and function. Brands, model and size of motor yacht. These water vessels give individuals unlimited freedom and access to all the oceans, and lakes of the earth.

Motor yachts today are both rugged and highly sophisticated. They are large watercraft with impressive levels of functionality that provide safety, comfort, and privacy. They are the ideal haven to chill and unwind, especially if you love being on the water like we do.

We’ve been going to boat shows and hitching rides when possible to make this list.

Here are 15 of the best motor yacht brands to make it easy.

They are shown in order of size, increasing to the super yachts that require a large crew to run.

We have removed some models owned by associates of the Russian regime. The Lurssen Nord is just one example.

Top 5 Best Motor Yachts in 2024

All the motor yachts we've tested, tecnomar lamborghini 63 yacht.

Tecnomar Lamborghini 63 Yacht

Where to buy:

Where to buy tecnomar lamborghini 63 yacht:.

Lamborghini has big plans to commemorate the brand’s 60th anniversary. The iconic Italian automaker started manufacturing in 1963. Building 63 limited edition supercars, dubbed the Siàn, wasn’t enough. The carmaker also has teamed up with Tecnomar, part of the Italian Sea Group shipyards, to build 63 limited-edition yachts.

The result is the Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63. It’s 63 feet long and will do 63 knots flat out. That puts it on a short list of the world’s fastest motor yachts. To achieve such a feat, twin V12 MAN diesel engines are paired with a state-of-the-art hull design. The ride is fast but also smooth, comfortable, and sporty. It’s a nautical experience that is becoming of the Lamborghini name.

  • Length: 63 feet (19.2 meters)
  • Beam: 18 feet (5.5 meters)
  • Dry displacement: 52,910 pounds (24 tonnes)
  • Engines: 2x MAN V12-2000 twin-turbo, 24.24 liter, common-rail marine diesels
  • Total power: 4,000 hp (2,942 kW)
  • Total torque: 9,388 lb-ft (13,000 Nm)
  • Max Speed: 63 knots (73 mph, 117 kph)
  • Cruising Speed: 41 knots (46 mph, 74 kph)
  • Fuel consumption (max): 212 gph (800 l/h)
  • Fuel consumption (cruising) : 132 gph (500 l/h)
  • Fuel tankage: 951 gal (3,600 liters)
  • Water tankage: 159 gal (600 liters)
  • CE Category: B-16

Things we like:

Things we don't like:.

Jeanneau US

Jeanneau Worldwide

Jeanneau Merry Fisher 1295

jeanneau nc weekender

Where to Book:

Where to book jeanneau merry fisher 1295:.

All new for 2023, Jeanneau has introduced the Merry Fisher 1295 Fly, also called the NC Weekender 1295 Fly. At just over 40 feet, this true three-level yacht boasts three staterooms, two heads, tons of comfortable seating and lounge space, and enough storage to bring all your stuff with you.

Beyond helm features for easier docking, this cabin cruiser is designed to carry you and your family comfortably. There’s not really another 40-foot flybridge that offers as much as the 1295 for the same price point.

The spacious salon level features sliding glass doors that open onto the aft cockpit. The aft galley is fully appointed and allows for the perfect flow for socialization during meals and hanging out. The cockpit features a walkthrough boarding door to port and a large fold-down swim terrace to starboard.

Finally, the staterooms and heads are large and comfortable, with plenty of storage and headroom below.

  • Length: (Overall/Hull) 41 feet, 2 inches/12.56 meters; 39 feet, 1 inch/11.92 meters
  • Beam: 12 feet, 6 inches/3.80 meters
  • Draft: 2 feet, 6 inches/0.76 meters
  • Hull Weight: 18,031 pounds/8,181 kilograms
  • Bridge Clearance: 16 feet, 5 inches/5.0 meters
  • Fuel Capacity: 310 gallons/1,174 liters
  • Engines: 3x 300 horsepower Yamaha outboards
  • CE Category: B10/C12

Fleming Yachts

Fleming 55

Where to buy Fleming 55:

The Fleming 55 motor yacht is stylish and designed for comfortable long range cruising and boasts a huge storage capacity with a total area of over 250 sq ft. The nautical design displacement hull has a range of 2,000 nm with an environmentally friendly low fuel burn of just over 10 gph.

The yacht is fitted with an aquadrive anti-vibration drive system for smooth cruising. The Fleming 55 aft deck is large and spacious and extends into the salon with loads of room for deck chairs and water gear. Interior has beautiful mood lighting.

It consists of 3 good size cabins so can overnight 6 – 8 adults in comfort, and it has 3 separate heads and a beautiful raised pilot house for the skipper or captain. The master cabin is set forward as a queen berth and the bed is remote and can retract. The aft bulkhead can be used as a remote work office. The salon has an L-settee, fitted icemaker, bar, cute coffee table and TV lift area and there is room for added entertainment system components.

Another awesome added feature is the fitted “dumbwaiter” that assists in getting refreshments up from the galley. The galley is fitted with a side-by-side fridge freezer set and an under-mount double stainless steel sink with a waste disposer. This yacht is a classic and is worth viewing.

  • Length: 55’9"
  • Dry Weight: 67,801 lbs
  • Capacity: 6 - 8 people
  • Motor: 2 x 500HP Cummins QSC Engines

Grand Trawler 62

Grand Trawler 62

Where to buy Grand Trawler 62:

The Grand Trawler 62 from Beneteau hits the mark all round and is super comfortable for both live aboard and long-distance cruises. Designed to overnight 6 to 8 adults on board this gorgeous motor yacht showcases one the largest flybridges on the market for its hull length. The crisp clean interior design reflects the superior quality and workmanship that sets Beneteau’s unmistakable brand apart from the rest.

Beneteau has absolutely hit the mark with the design on this motor yacht. It features an open flowing galley, huge lounge salon and raised cockpit. The transom has a unique sea terrace area, and the master cabin layout is private and beautiful and boasts a full size double bed. It provides soft smooth comfort on board if planning long range cruising with a gyro-stabilizer and the auto-glide trim tabs.

  • Length: 62’
  • Beam: 17’10"
  • Dry Weight: 29,500 lbs
  • Motor: MANi6 730 2 x 730 HPDiesel (2x537kW)

Leopard Catamarans

Leopard 46 Powercat

Leopard 46 Powercat

Where to buy Leopard 46 Powercat:

If you are seeking extra space for entertaining and separate private berths for the crew on long passages, then the Leopard 46 is a great alternative motor yacht option to consider when deciding on a brand. Awesome for cruising, docking and anchoring, the top deck offers a great 360-degree view for sundowners. The advantage of a cat-style motor yacht is the low hull depth it has making it easy to cruise, dock or anchor in low depth ocean waters.

The exterior and interior spaces flow into each other, so the use of space is maximized, giving great volume. There is a spacious 3 or 4 cabin en-suite configuration for this hull length, perfect for guests where privacy matters. Loads of deck space for everyone to spread out and enjoy. It is streamlined and neat in terms of layout, practical use of space, giving you a nice feeling of relaxation and a home away from home feel. Awesome size U-shaped settee caters for 8 guests to dine in comfort, so perfect for entertaining or unforgettable candle-light evenings.

  • Length: 46’4"
  • Beam: 24’1"
  • Dry Weight: 36,945 lbs
  • Capacity: 8 - 12 people
  • Motor: 2 x Yanmar 52 HP

Back Cove Yachts

Back Cove 41

Back Cove 41

Where to buy Back Cove 41:

The Back Cove 41 is designed and constructed in Maine, USA. The 41 is the flagship of the Back Cove motor yacht range. The motor yacht is a perfect combination of traditional and modern in terms of its design. It is a very economical and comfortable classic for long range excursions.

The yacht is fitted with an efficient single diesel engine and straight shaft, thrusters, a generator set, and reverse cycle heat and air conditioning systems for more extreme weather conditions. With no fly bridge it is easy to captain and maneuver singlehanded and it can overnight up to 6 adults.

This elegant yet practical motor boat consists of two state cabins, two heads and a well-thought-out saloon. The interior is balanced and sensible with a dual stainless steel refrigerator & freezer set, a simple ceramic cooktop surface and a fitted convection microwave and a groovy U-shaped settee that converts into a dinette. Comfortable, stately and classic cruising yacht for all purposes.

  • Length: 46’6”
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • Motor: Cummins QSC8.3 marine diesel engine

Nordic Tugs

Nordic Tug 54

Nordic Tug 54

Where to buy Nordic Tug 54:

These sturdy ocean vessels are made in the US in the original classic tugboat style, rugged from the outside and the best kept secret is that they are incredibly beautiful and comfortable on the inside. A perfect floating home away from home for a live-aboard adventure and capable of exploring and facing all types of oceans that may have more adverse weather systems.

This tug style motor yacht has both a pilothouse and lower deck, and then an open flow from the salon into the aft deck. The hull is made from solid knitted fiberglass reinforced plastic and fitted with solid stainless steel handrails. The design offers safety and absolute comfort and they are built to last for many years. For long range expeditions, it has 1,300 gallon fuel capacity in a dual set of tanks and 300 gallon water holding capacity and large black water holding tank at 130 gallon capacity.

This cruising motor yacht boasts classic teak interiors, a classic chart drawer and there is every attention to detail on the cabinets and draws throughout. It has 2 comfortable queen size berths below. Day – night shaded solid fitted windows are in the salon. The galley is beautiful and features a functional and spacious U-shaped solid surface countertop. Viewing this motor yacht interior is worth it. Solid lasting stainless steel finishes throughout and a functional extra stainless steel basin fitted in the aft deck. Split air heating and cooling system installed so perfect for all extreme weather conditions.

  • Length: 56’1"
  • Beam: 16’1"
  • Dry Weight: 68,000 lbs
  • Capacity: 4 - 6 people
  • Motor: Volvo Penta – D11 – 670 HP Diesel

Bertram Yachts

Bertram 61 Convertible

Bertram 61 Convertible

Where to buy Bertram 61 Convertible:

The Bertrams 61 is a sporty bluewater fishing cruiser and is a perfect man cave that is fit for a king and perfect for a 6 person cruising or fishing adventure. Every attention to solid long lasting detail on layout, fittings and the hull design. The expansive 188 ft cockpit has a barbeque and has huge customized fish boxes.

The classic Amtico teak and maple wood interior is unreal and the saloon has a 360 degree view with large windows. It has 2 cabins, the master has a queen size double bed, and the second has 2 single beds (bunk bed option). The galley doubles up into a bar with shellacked wood stools. Well worth viewing in person, and definitely wet weather gear required with this one!

  • Length: 61’1"
  • Beam: 18’3"
  • Motor: Caterpillar C32 ACERT diesels

Azimut Yachts

Azimut Magellano 66

Azimut Magellano 66

Where to buy Azimut Magellano 66:

The Azimut Magellano 66 has a striking visual appeal. The innovative dual-mode hull on this motor yacht decreases the use of horsepower making this vessel super fuel efficient for long range distances.

This 66 foot motor yacht has a near 2,000 mile range, so all those secret hideaway coves and overnight destinations will be well within your reach. The progressive interior space allows for 6 – 8 adults to be in total comfort for cruising, docking or adventures on anchor.

Aesthetically balanced, this motor yacht interior is streamlined and contemporary with attention to every detail. The fly bridge is fitted with a barbecue for entertainment, and an outdoor shower for fresh water splashes after an early morning swim. The saloon offers a beautiful indoor entertainment space. The entire motor yacht is fitted with customised innovative cabinets for storage and neatness. Below deck are three spacious private staterooms. Well worth viewing the Azimut 66 in person, this is a very sought after motor yacht design.

  • Length: 66’1"
  • Dry Weight: 46,400 lbs
  • Capacity: 6 - 10 people
  • Motor: 425-hp Cummins QSB 5.9s

Prestige Yachts

Prestige X70

Prestige X70

Where to buy Prestige X70:

Prestige Yachts X70 launches the unique compact motor superyacht that dreams are made of. Captains, owners and skippers are going to love the infinite cockpit area, it is super comfortable and spacious. A new feature is that the upper fly deck layout has a walk area on each side for ease of access. The maritime-angled window gives the classic yacht exterior shape a more çheeky sporty feel.

A refreshing spacious open plan layout that flows right throughout the yacht allows you to add small elements of comfort to match your personal taste. This motor yacht can accommodate 6 – 10 adults in total comfort for cruising, docking or vacations. The engine room workmanship and layout are worth a special mention and the yacht is driven by dual Volvo Penta 900-hp diesel engines.

The main deck is light and has a very open plan feel with comfortable seating couches that keep you close to the water. The galley is open plan and centrally positioned for serving meals and refreshments, and can be closed off for privacy. Below deck it has 3 ensuite cabins, and the master suite boasts a full size bed with en-suite and has it’s own private access portside. The aft swim platform is on the transom and it has a fitted retractable couch so this space can also be enjoyed. Definitely worth viewing this motor yacht in person.

  • Length: 71’7"
  • Beam: 17’6"
  • Dry Weight: 73,634 lbs
  • Motor: 2 x 1200 or 1350 hp Volvo Penta D13

Viking Yachts

Viking 82

Where to buy Viking 82:

Viking 82 is utter luxury and excellence combined. Modern with clean space and awesome layout. It is also compact, rugged and versatile for fishing or water sport activities. The motor yacht command station has full weather protection and is outfitted with custom designed navigation and entertainment systems.

Below deck are 4 ensuite cabins with walk-in showers and generous windows, the master suite has a king size bed, and enhanced lighting. The open bridge layout is spacious and has a full size dinette and electric grill and the galley has stone counters.

There’s a beautiful sun pad and lounge area and it comes with a wet bar. World class walnut cabinets throughout. The huge transom fish box can double up as stowage to fit extra water gear. This motor yacht offers the owner control and access to absolutely everything the ocean has to offer.

  • Length: 84’9”
  • Beam: 20’6"
  • Dry Weight: 158,850 lbs
  • Motor: MAN / V12 15500CRM 1550 MHP

Sunreef Yachts Eco

Sunreef 100 Eco

Sunreef 100 Eco

Where to buy Sunreef 100 Eco:

This twin-hull rose-gold superyacht with its beautiful grey metallic hull is a special one to look at. Sunreef yachts’ green-powered catamarans are next generation in ethical and responsible boating.

Green propulsion is the way to go, fitted with wind turbines, eco-aware materials, and solar skin lighting system this vessel is setting stage for the future of motor yacht design. If you are passionate about the environment and conservation then this motor yacht brand is leading the way with enlightened future sustainability.

The 42,65 ft beam gives you incredible space aboard. It can be customised and you can select decor for the vast relaxation areas. It has a full-beam bow terrace with a sunken lounge, huge flybridge, spa pool, gym area and of course a bar. Layout plan includes a huge aft storage locker that fits 2 jet skis and has a fitted hydraulic platform. There is super comfortable accommodation for up to 10 guests.

The Sunreef Eco 100 motor yacht gives the discerning and progressive owner exceptional comfort and peace of mind. The perfect blend of luxury and sustainability make this brand stand out. Hybrid green yachts are the progressive next step.

  • Length: 100’
  • Beam: 42’65"
  • Capacity: 10 - 14 people
  • Motor : 2 x 1300 HP engines [2 x 180kW - 2 x 360kW]

Conrad Shipyard

Conrad C144S

Conrad C144S

Where to buy Conrad C144S:

The Conrad C144S is just above and beyond. Already took the top place at the 2019 World Superyacht Award ‘Viatoris’. This superyacht is just above and beyond. So far there are only 2 of these babies on the water so far. Whether or not this yacht is within your reach, it is worth taking a sneak preview at this timeless and prestigious straight hull design. Go big or go home.

4 VIP ensuite guest cabins, 4 crew cabins, beach club, 4 lounge zones, 2 beautiful bar areas, 2 dining spaces, full cinema – you can probably modify this space into a gym or remote office, the world is your absolute oyster here. Best you get cracking and sign off on your order today as this timeless superyacht needs at least 24 months pre-production time.

  • Length: 145’
  • Beam: 29’2"
  • Dry Weight: 472 ton
  • Capacity: 16 + people
  • Motor: 2 x CAT C18 ACERT

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The World of Motor Yachts: Luxury, Performance, and Freedom

Motor yachts offer a unique combination of power, comfort, and freedom on the water. Designed primarily for pleasure cruising or racing, these impressive vessels put the world at your fingertips.

A Spectrum of Sizes: Finding Your Perfect Motor Yacht

Motor yachts come in different sizes, catering to every desire. From compact and maneuverable models around 33 feet (10 meters) to sprawling luxury palaces exceeding 131 feet (40 meters), there’s a perfect fit for every dream.

Pricing Considerations:

  • Smaller motor yachts (33ft – 50ft) typically range from $500,000 to $3 million.
  • Mid-size yachts (50ft – 80ft) can fall between $3 million and $15 million.
  • Superyachts (over 80ft) enter a whole new pricing category, reaching into the hundreds of millions and beyond, depending on size, customization, and features.

Power and Maneuverability: Taking Control on the Water

Motor yachts usually have two or more motors. This has several advantages:

  • Better Maneuverability: Two engines allow captains to better deal with challenging weather conditions. Thanks to vessel control software systems, it also provides some advantages when docking.
  • Fuel Efficiency and Range: With dual engines and customized fuel tanks, extended cruises at constant speeds with lower fuel consumption are possible. This is where the explorer yacht, designed to roam, even cross the Atlantic, thrives.
  • Shallow Water Access: Unlike deep-keel sailboats, motor yachts have a shallower draft, allowing them to explore beautiful coves and hidden bays inaccessible to other vessels.

The Flybridge Advantage: Elevated Yachting Experience

Many motor yachts, particularly larger models, will also have a flybridge. This offers captains better visibility for navigation, docking, and it provides passengers with higher vistas. Flybridge boats, like the smaller Merry Fisher , have that additional social space, featuring seating areas, wet bars, and sundecks.

Beyond Ownership: Exploring the Charter Option

Chartering offers a fantastic alternative for those seeking a taste of the motor yacht lifestyle without the full commitment of ownership. Chartering allows owners to offset some of the cost of their boats.

In 2020, an estimated 15,000 yachts were exceeding 79 feet available for charter worldwide.

Charter yachts often involve annual maintenance costs of around 15% of the yacht’s value. For vessels valued over $3 million, that’s almost a half million a year!

Our boating editors recently checked out the Miami boat show to understand this decadent market. We found many owners who don’t even get to use their yachts as much as they’d like, so the chartering world makes sense for everyone.

Entering the Realm of Superyachts: Luxury Redefined

The “Commercial Yacht Code” categorizes motor yachts exceeding 79 feet (24 meters) as superyachts and those surpassing 131 feet (40 meters) as mega-yachts. These behemoths represent the pinnacle of luxury yachting, with meticulously crafted interiors, advanced technological marvels, and crew quarters to cater to the owner’s every need. Naturally, these vessels come with exceptionally high construction standards and price tags.

Buying a Motor Yacht

Once you have made a decision to purchase a motor yacht, the next step is to determine exactly what make of motor yacht will best fit your requirements. There are so many different motor yachts, give yourself time to find the right one and ask yourself this.

  • Budget capacity?
  • New or used?
  • What type of user experience do you want out of the vessel?
  • What hull size of motor yacht is best?

Once you have created a shortlist, you can then refine your search. Take time out to go and view in person. Book yourself an experience aboard and head over to your closest marina and speak to owners. Consider these points before purchasing a motor yacht.

  • Pre-book buyer’s sea trials for your shortlist
  • Select the perfect motor yacht
  • Used – get a certified hull survey, safety comes first
  • Get annual insurance quotes
  • Calculate dockage – purchase or rent a slip or dock
  • Calculate monthly upkeep and maintenance
  • Calculate extra costs like navigational devices & fittings
  • Draft your own checklist
  • Draft & sign off sale & purchase contracts
  • Draft & sign off a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
  • Ensure satisfied 100%
  • Execute payment and take transfer of ownership
  • Register and insure the motor yacht

Frequently Asked Questions About Motor Yachts

These 5 questions give you some clarity on what to consider when purchasing a motor yacht.

  • How many guests and crew (combined) are you comfortable with aboard? Privately registered motor yachts can carry no more than 12 passengers, so often this will define the length of the vessel.
  • Then consider functionality and lifestyle. Decide upfront what you want out of the motor yacht, are you planning to use it for charter, private cruising, sport, remote office, family vacations or entertainment or all of the above?
  • Do you plan to use it on inland water systems or oceans or both?
  • Do you want to captain and skipper yourself or would you prefer a crew, so you have time to enjoy the experience?  Set a limit to your budget both in terms of purchase and then beyond that one has to consider the long term upkeep, storage, and monthly maintenance costs
  • What is the best length for a Motor Yacht?

If you plan on becoming your own captain, the best hull size on average for a single-handed skipper would be between 32ft to 42ft.

The best motor yacht length is defined by both the objective and purpose of the vessel. Added to this one should consider both the budget and upkeep costs, including dockage fees, as these are most often calculated at a per foot rate. The next factor would be to select a good for the number of passengers you wish to have aboard (family, guests, crew), as the number of sleeping berths are limited on smaller hull sizes. As you increase your hull size, you need to consider that this will then add an extra headcount because you have to factor in additional space for crew.

They say the old golden unwritten nautical rule is that boat length is always defined by a person’s age. Whatever your age, double it, and that gives you a perfect hull length in feet (for example, if you are 40 years of age you should consider an 80ft hull length).

They can cost anywhere between $100,000- $10,000,000. The sky’s the absolute limit when it comes to what you can spend on a motor yacht. Used or new, the cost is often defined by the design, size and year of manufacture. Quality motor yachts are built to last and most often retain market related value if they are properly maintained and have an accident free history.

Motor yachts are generally between 33ft – 79 feet, super yachts are generally over 79 feet in hull length, and mega yachts are over 100 feet.

If you purchase a globally recognized brand, it makes selling the boat in the future much easier. The established global motor yacht brands offer a range of existing designs that can be customized to suit any individual requirement. These approved motor yacht designs are often updated with the latest technology and modifications over the years. A tip is that reputable international brands retain market value over the years so are considered a valuable investment.

There is never one best hull type for a motor yacht, there is rather a series or collection of yachts or vessels that are released and they often use the exact same hull design for different lengths in a series. There is a huge selection and variation of hull designs, and this is exactly what defines a yacht. Motor boat hulls are specifically designed to cut through water with the least possible resistance while remaining balanced in all types of weather and water conditions. Each year hull designs improve and often a new hull release is about using the latest carbon fiber molding techniques for structural strength, rather than a modification to the actual shape of the design.

Super yachts are power driven water vessels specially designed by yacht engineers and shipbuilders and are normally 71 – 99 feet in length. Super yachts that exceed 100ft in length are classified as mega yachts.

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Rinker 270 Express Cruiser

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NauticStar 194 Bay


Yamaha Recreation Series


Orion Safety 584

Gallery of motor yachts review.

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superyachts in port at the Monaco Yacht Show

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  • Waterproof Backpacks
  • Duffel Bags
  • Hiking Backpacks
  • Waterproof Gear
  • Teepee Tents
  • Camping Chairs
  • Heated Socks
  • Marine Binoculars
  • Night Vision Goggles
  • Windbreaker Jackets
  • Collapsible and Folding Wagons
  • Portable Power Stations


  • Dive Computer
  • Scuba Diving BCD
  • Scuba Regulators
  • Freediving Fins
  • Diving Wetsuits
  • Women’s Wetsuits
  • Scuba Diving Drysuits
  • Rebreathers
  • Scuba Diving Masks
  • Snorkel Masks
  • Full Face Diving Mask
  • Full Face Snorkel Masks
  • Prescription Dive Masks
  • Prescription Snorkel Masks
  • Snorkeling Gear
  • Kids Wetsuits
  • Seiko Dive Watches
  • Best Underwater Cameras
  • Waterproof Cameras
  • Underwater Scooters
  • Best Dive Knife
  • Dive Lights
  • Underwater Metal Detector
  • Reef Safe Sunscreen
  • Scuba Tanks
  • Dive Destinations
  • Liveaboards

Wakatobi Resort And House Reef.

  • Paddle boards (SUP)
  • Best Touring Paddle Boards
  • Best Beginner Paddle Boards
  • Motorized paddle boards
  • Electric SUP Pumps
  • Paddles For Paddle Boarding


  • Beach Chairs
  • Beach Umbrellas
  • Beach Wagons
  • Beach Tents
  • Beach Canopy
  • Beach Towels
  • Beach Blankets
  • Water Shoes
  • Water Socks
  • Boogie Boards


  • Swimming Goggles
  • Swimming Fins
  • Swimming Earplugs
  • Women’s Swim Shorts

motoryachten bis 24 meter

  • Getting into Sailing
  • Life Jackets
  • Marine Flares
  • Waterproof Marine Radios
  • Pontoon Boat Accessories
  • Sailing Gloves
  • Boat Fenders

Jet Ski On Water

  • Inflatable Kayak
  • Folding Kayaks
  • Tandem Kayaks
  • Sit On Top Kayaks
  • Sea Touring Kayaks
  • Ocean Kayak
  • Pedal Kayaks
  • Fishing Kayaks
  • Kayak Life Vests
  • Kayak Shoes
  • Kayak Paddles
  • Kayak Trailers
  • Kayak Anchors
  • How to Choose a Kayak – A Beginner’s Guide
  • How To Choose a Kayak Paddle? [What You Need to Know]
  • Kayaking Gear for Beginners
  • What to Wear Kayaking
  • Kayak Safety

Inflatable Boats On Shore

  • All Mountain Snowboards
  • Snowboard Boots
  • Snowboard Bindings
  • Snowboard Helmets
  • Snowboard Jackets
  • Atomic Skis
  • Blizzard Skis
  • Ski Resorts in the US

Crested Butte Ski

  • Travel Backpacks
  • Weekender Bags
  • Packing Cubes
  • Suitcases and Travel Luggages
  • The Best All-inclusive Resorts in the World

Cayo Espanto A Private Island Belize Featured

  • Men’s Yoga Pants
  • Yoga Shorts
  • Yoga Mat Bags
  • Yoga Blocks

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  • Laptop Backpack
  • Mini Backpacks
  • Mesh Backpacks
  • Clear Backpacks
  • Fanny Packs
  • Water Bottles


  • Waterproof Jacket
  • Waterproof Pants
  • Waterproof Watches
  • Waterproof Headphones
  • Snorkel Fins
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  • Best Dive Sites in the World
  • Best Dive Resorts in the World
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  • All Liveaboards
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  • Liveaboards in the Maldives
  • Liveaboards in the Philippines
  • Liveaboards in Egypt
  • Liveaboards in Costa Rica
  • Liveaboards in Belize
  • Liveaboards in Mexico
  • Liveaboards in the Galapagos Islands
  • Aggressor Liveaboards
  • Liveaboard in Thailand
  • Liveaboards in Indonesia
  • The Best Starboard Paddle Boards: A Brand Guide
  • Bluefin Paddle Boards: A Brand Guide
  • Isle Paddle Boards: A Brand Guide
  • Red Paddle Co. Ride 10’6
  • ROC Paddle Boards: A Brand Guide
  • The Best iRocker Paddle Boards: A Brand Guide
  • Blackfin Paddle Boards
  • Pontoon Boats
  • Bowrider Boats
  • Cabin Cruiser Boats
  • Inflatable Boats
  • Electric Surfboard
  • Efoil Board
  • Jet Body Boards
  • All-Mountain Skis
  • Ski Bindings
  • Ski Poles for Downhill & Touring
  • Ski Goggles
  • Ski Gloves and Mittens
  • Ski Jackets
  • Ski and Snowboarding Pants and Bibs
  • Ski Helmets
  • Best Resorts in North America
  • Whistler Blackcomb Ski Resort
  • Copper Mountain Ski Resort
  • Mammoth Mountain Ski Resort Area Review
  • Jackson Hole Ski Resort
  • Telluride Ski Resort
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  • All Diving in Australia
  • Diving In Brothers Islands

motoryachten bis 24 meter

Paddle boarding

motoryachten bis 24 meter

Everyday Life

Global Headquarters

First slide

800 / 830 Motoryacht

Unique destinations are the essence of yachting, and the Outer Reef 800/830 Classic (24 meter) Motoryacht is Fully Ocean Capable, providing complete Trans-Atlantic range: the consummate adventurer is limitless in his or her choices of itineraries. Owners and crew are as comfortable on board as on land, with this model boasting the largest crew quarters and flybridge available within the industry.

Cruising Speed: 9 – 18.5 knots Max Speed: 14.5 – 22.5 knots

Exterior Gallery

motoryachten bis 24 meter

Interior Gallery

motoryachten bis 24 meter

800 / 830 Motoryacht STANDARD SPECS


LOA: 80’ 0” (24.38 m) / 83’ 0” (25.3 m)
Beam: 21’ 0” (6.4 m)
Draft: 5’ 6” (1.67 m)
Displacement: 179,000 lbs (81 metric tons)
Fuel Capacity: 3,000 gallons (11356 lts)
Water Capacity: 500 gallons (1893 lts)
Holding Tank Capacity: 250 gallons (946 lts)


  • Hand laid-up FRP hull with PVC core sandwich construction above water line
  • Solid laminate, commensurate for hull size, made in female mold
  • Vinylester barrier lamination for osmosis protection
  • Simulated planked hull
  • Full length longitudinal engine stringers and athwartship stringers
  • Gel coated finish above waterline
  • Two (2) coats of black antifouling paint over five (5) coats of epoxy primer below waterline
  • Integrally molded rub rails with stainless steel capping
  • Full length keel extends below running gear
  • Stainless steel rudders and struts with two (2) Seatorque enclosed drive shaft systems
  • CE-approved stainless steel portlights
  • Boat construction from only 3 major molds
  • Divinycell PVC cored construction with cook gelcoat
  • All deck and hull area hardware attachments are finished with solid lamination – no coring
  • Bilge area finished smooth and coated with bright white epoxy paint
  • Windows with 3/8" tempered safety glass in salon and ½' tempered safety glass in pilothouse
  • Quiet Roll™ integrated spray rail system
  • Vessel Vanguard marine maintenance system
  • ABT Trac 38hp hydraulic bow and stern thursters
  • ABT Trac 250 stabilizers with 7.5 sq. ft. fins
  • Northern Lights uplift water separator exhaust
  • Underwater exhaust system with bypass and FRP mufflers
  • Copper bonding system to all underwater fittings with zinc anodes
  • Two (2) Seatorque enclosed drive shaft systems and two (2) Nibral propellers
  • Rigid fresh water pipes and color coded copper fuel lines
  • Stainless steel struts with bearings
  • Headhunter 24v DC and Mach-5 115v AC fresh water pumps with accumulator tanks
  • Two (2) 24v DC automatic shower sump systems with external pump
  • Accessible wiring raceway throughout
  • One (1) holding tank with a max capacity of 250 US gallons (946 lts) with two (2) macerator/discharge pumps. One (1) is wired and plumbed for backup redundancy
  • One (1) stainless steel water tank with a max capacity of 500 US gallons (1893 lts)
  • Three (3) aluminum fuel tanks with a total capacity of 3,000 US gallons (11356 lts)
  • Lexan sight gauges on fuel tanks
  • Inspection and cleaning ports on all tanks
  • Fuel fills built into house sides in FRP cabinet


  • Acoustically insulated stand-up engine room lined with sound absorbing material
  • Edura beige coin dot flooring
  • Twin John Deere 6135 (750 hp) diesel engines with ZF transmissions
  • Fiberglass drip pans under engines
  • Northern Lights generator – one (1) 30kw (60hz) w/ sound shields (one (1) 24kw (50hz) for AU-EU)
  • MarineAir chilled water air conditioning system
  • Two (2) sea chests
  • Ball-valve bronze seacocks on all through-hulls below waterline located in sea chests
  • Oil change pump for engines and generators
  • Two (2) 100amp isolation transformers
  • 5 kw inverter/charger (24v DC to 115v AC 60Hz) (5 kw inverter/charger 24v DC to 220v AC 50Hz for AEU)
  • Two (2) Racor 75/1000 max dual fuel filters with gauges for main engines
  • Two (2) Racor 75/1000 max single fuel filters for generators
  • Fuel polishing system 
  • Fuel management system
  • Fireboy fire suppression system including both intake and outlet air shutdown system with aluminum louvers
  • Four (4) automatic bilge pumps 24v DC and emergency bilge suction on engine
  • a) In the guest passageway bilge forward of the water tank 1- 2700 GPH
  • b) In the forward master bilge 1-2700 GPH
  • c) In the forward engine room bilge 1-3700 GPH
  • d) Forward crew bilge 1-2700 GPH
  • Fire system and bilge high-water alarm system with warning panel
  • Fresh water hose bibb
  • Two (2) engine banks with two (2) 8D batteries for each bank
  • One (1) house bank with eight (8) 8D batteries with a total 1020 amp-hours (24VDC)
  • Two (2) generator banks with one (1) battery each
  • One (1) 24v and one (1) 12v battery charger
  • Two (2) battery isolators
  • Two (2) 20 gallon water heaters with heat exchanger off one main engine
  • Four (4) 24v DC blowers
  • Eight (8) LED overhead Lights –110v AC/24v DC (220v AC/ 24v DC for AU-EU) with two (2) two-way switches
  • Two (2) 110v AC GFI outlets (220v 50hz for AU-EU) with water proof covers
  • 316 Stainless steel safety rails around engines
  • Work bench space
  • Two watertight bulkheads
  • Watertight aluminum engine room doors with sight windows


  • Aft deck with teak decking
  • Built-in swim platform with teak decking
  • Stainless steel removable swim ladder on swim platform
  • 2" 316 stainless steel removable safety rails on swim platform
  • Stairway built-in to port and starboard side from swim platform to aft deck with FRP gate doors
  • Aft deck FRP bench seating with storage beneath
  • Exterior furniture fabric for aft deck and Portuguese seats (deducted from décor allowance)
  • Fixed aft deck table – teak with stainless steel bases (Wood species other than teak, such as wenge, cherry, walnut, etc, are optional)
  • FRP sliding door to salon with glass window top and bottom
  • FRP weather tight door on transom
  • Transom shower in recessed box with hot and cold water supply
  • Fresh water wash down outlet
  • Shorepower inlets for 110v/220v 60hz (220v 50hz for AU-EU)
  • Two (2) Glendinning 100 amp cable masters with 75' of cable on transom
  • Glendinning electronic engine controls via hand held remote
  • Six (6) LED courtesy lights with two (2) two-way switches
  • Five (5) LED overhead lights with one (1) standard switch inside the salon
  • Two (2) 110v AC GFI outlets (220v 50hz for AU-EU)
  • 316 Stainless steel heavy duty cleats secured to stainless steel backing plates inside bulwarks
  • Deck scuppers piped out through transom at boot stripe
  • 316 Stainless steel handrail to and from aft deck
  • Molded with teak decking
  • Stainless steel handrails alongside decks
  • Weathertight doors opening into pilothouse port and starboard
  • House side fixed windows with tinted tempered glass
  • Two (2) sets of 316 stainless steel spring-line chocks per side
  • Four (4) 316 stainless steel hawser holes with stainless steel cleats per side recessed in bulwarks
  • Fuel fill fittings for tanks recessed into house side
  • 316 stainless steel overhead safety rails at side steps
  • Four (4) LED courtesy lights along walk ways
  • Eight (8) LED overhead lights with two (2) standard switches


  • Portuguese bridge molded with teak decking
  • Locker doors in aft face of Portuguese bridge
  • 316 Stainless steel handrail on top of Portuguese bridge
  • Hinged door through Portuguese bridge to foredeck
  • ½" Clear tempered glass in forward facing windshields
  • Windows are fixed with FRP recessed frames - no FRP trim around for easy removal and installation of glass
  • Three (3) LED courtesy lights with one (1) standard switch
  • Foredeck with white non-skid surface
  • 316 Stainless steel CE-approved skylight/emergency hatch from the VIP stateroom below
  • 316 Stainless steel rail on bulwarks increasing in width going forward
  • 316 Stainless steel stanchions to support handrail
  • Deck lockers forward either side of anchor platform finished in white epoxy paint
  • 316 Stainless steel anchor chute/roller at bow
  • 105 lb plow-type anchor with 350' long 1/2" high test chain
  • Maxwell VWC-4000 Hydraulic vertical windlass with foot switches and remote controls for dual stations
  • Salt water wash down pump with outlet
  • Fresh water wash down with outlet
  • Salt water and fresh water 316 SS faucets inside foredeck lockers
  • Three (3) LED courtesy lights
  • One (1) 110v AC GFI outlet (220v 50hz for AU-EU) in inside settee
  • Deck drains plumbed to boot-stripe to prevent black streaks
  • Exclusive Deluxbridge® full-beam width deck with white non-skid surface and ample storage space
  • 316 Stainless steel safety rails
  • Venturi windscreen with 316 stainless steel rails
  • Molded FRP steering console with engine controls
  • Electronics console
  • Glendinning electronic engine controls
  • 5" magnetic compass
  • Hypro hydraulic steering system
  • 316 Stainless steel destroyer steering wheel
  • One (1) Stidd helm seat, model 500-200, naugahyde with matching powder coated base
  • ACR 300 24v DC searchlight with dual station controls
  • Fire system repeater alarm
  • Two (2) L-shaped settees with exterior furniture fabric for cushions (deducted from décor allowance) and two (2) tables
  • Five (5) Aquasignal navigation lights in accordance with appropriate collision regulations
  • Kahlenberg dual trumpet air horn with compressor
  • FRP radar mast
  • Hard top over flybridge
  • 316 Stainless steel mast with bow and anchor lights
  • 316 Stainless steel sliding hatch and stairs starboard side down to pilothouse with four (4) LED courtesy lights and two (2) twoway switches
  • Six (6) LED overhead lights with one (1) standard switch
  • Two (2) LED service lights under flybridge steering console with one (1) standard switch
  • One (1) LED courtesy light on step down to boat deck
  • One (1) 12v DC outlet (220v 50hz for AU-EU)
  • Gate door to boat deck
  • Deck with white non-skid surface
  • 316 Stainless steel hand rails
  • Deck box on port side
  • Cabinets behind settees for wash basin, refrigerator, icemaker and/or BBQ grill
  • 800KGS/1700lb aluminum painted davit with 4 way hydraulic control with rotating base, luff, lift, pendant switch and a 12' telescoping arm, with wireless remote
  • Swing gates forward of optional dinghy with 1 ½" stainless steel pipe


  • Interior décor allowance $80,000. This is a "Use or Lose" allowance for the purchase of interior and exterior soft goods (cushion fabrics, bed covers, shams, pillows, etc). This allowance is not transferable to any designer other than Outer Reef's designated in house designer
  • Three (3) Fireboy CO detectors
  • Sliding door entrance from aft deck
  • Fixed windows in house sides with medium 3/8" tinted tempered safety glass
  • Teak valance over windows with LED rope lighting
  • Twelve (12) LED overhead lights with two (2) two-way dimmer switches and one (1) standard dimmer switch
  • LED rope lighting at valance with one (1) standard switch
  • Access hatches to allow for engine removal
  • Vinyl headliner
  • One (1) free standing fixed teak coffee table (Wood species other than teak, such as wenge, cherry, walnut, etc, are optional)
  • Entertainment center cabinet starboard with additional storage cabinets
  • Two (2) end tables (built in)
  • Loose-laid furniture (deducted from décor allowance)
  • Air conditioning control panel
  • Teak cabinetry and lockers
  • Six (6) 110v AC outlets (220v AC for AU-EU)
  • One (1) TV outlet
  • Carpeted floor (deducted from décor allowance)
  • Teak wall paneling with satin finish
  • Drawers with full extension guides and push button latches
  • Teak cabin doors and cabinet doors
  • Chrome door handles on all interior lockers
  • Granite or corian countertops with stainless steel under mount sinks
  • Breakfast bar attached to galley counter facing forward
  • Drawer for soap and sponges in front of the sink
  • Chrome Grohe Europlus II faucet with pull out spray
  • Eight (8) LED overhead lights with two (2) standard switches and one (1) two-way dimmer switch
  • Teak cabinets and cabinet doors with chrome push-button locks
  • Two (2) 110v AC GFI outlets (220v AC GF for AU-EU)
  • Teak and holly sole
  • 36" counter-depth side x side refrigerator
  • 24" dishwasher with stainless interior
  • 30" built-in microwave
  • 30" electric cooktop
  • 30" built-in oven
  • 15" trash compactor
  • Garbage disposal with switch
  • 606L side x side refrigerator with IceBeam door cooling
  • 600mm fully integrated dishwasher
  • 600mm touch control ceran cooktop
  • 600mm slide-out range hood
  • 600mm 65L stainless steel oven with full glass
  • 600mm stainless steel microwave
  • 380mm stainless steel automatic trash compactor
  • Stainless steel garbage disposal with switch


  • Granite countertop with white Kohler under-mount sink
  • Chrome Grohe center-set single lever faucet at sink
  • Teak framed mirror
  • Storage cabinet under sink
  • Wallcovering
  • Headhunter 24v electric white toilet with sanitary hose for all discharge plumbing
  • Ventilator blower
  • One (1) 110v AC GFI outlet (220v AC GF for AU-EU)
  • Two (2) LED overhead lights with one (1) standard switch
  • U-shaped settee on raised platform
  • Teak table with single 316 stainless steel pedestal (Wood species other than teak, such as wenge, cherry, walnut, etc, are optional)
  • Nine (9) LED overhead lights with one (1) standard switch, one (1) dimmer switch and two (2) two-way dimmer switches
  • Two (2) LED red night lights with one (1) dimmer switch
  • One (1) chart light
  • LED red and white bridge lights
  • Two (2) 110v AC outlets (220v AC GFI for AU-EU)
  • One (1) USB outlet
  • One (1) 12v DC outlet
  • Custom Outer Reef wood steering wheel at pilothouse helm
  • Hypro hydraulic power assist steering system
  • Engine display screens
  • Overhead electronics console
  • Wiring routes to facilitate equipment installation
  • Main electrical distribution panels with gauges and circuit breakers for AC and DC
  • Alarm and advisory panel
  • Transom doors on AC, DC and advisory panels
  • Glendinning electronic engine controls with back up gear and throttle with synchronizer
  • Three (3) stainless steel Exalto dual speed (intermittent) self-parking windshield wipers with wash down system
  • ½" clear tempered glass in forward facing windshields
  • Control for bow thruster
  • Generator control panel
  • 24v DC to 12v DC converter
  • Windlass up/down switch and control circuit breaker
  • Bilge pump control on advisory panel
  • Equipment running advisory panel
  • Teak stairway to flybridge to starboard
  • Weathtertight doors opening out to port and starboard
  • Curved teak stairway leading to accommodations


  • Curved teak stairway from pilothouse with five (5) LED courtesy lights and two (2) two-way switches
  • Five (5) LED overhead lights with two (2) two-way switches and one (1) standard switch
  • Combination of wall covering and teak wall paneling with satin finish in stairwell and hallway
  • Cabinet for storage or optional stackable washer and dryer
  • Storage under first two steps of the stairwell below
  • Access doors to staterooms


  • King size berth
  • 7" layered foam mattress
  • Drawer storage under the berth
  • LED rope lighting under the bed and at valance with one (1) standard switch and two (2) two-way dimmer switches
  • Two (2) walk-in closets
  • Six (6) built in cabinets
  • Automatic interior lights in lockers
  • Two (2) built-in vanity desks on each side of the stateroom with drawers
  • Drawers with center guides and stops
  • Door stops and holders
  • Teak framed door
  • Cantalupi chrome reading lights
  • Four (4) CE-approved portlights with removable insect screen
  • Shoji screens
  • Five (5) 110v AC outlets (220v AC for AU-EU)
  • Nine (9) LED overhead lights with three (3) three-way dimmer switches, two (2) two-way dimmer switches and one (1) standard switch
  • Nightstand teak tables with two drawers each
  • Dyson V8 Absolute vacuum cleaner


  • Ensuite head with shower
  • Clear tempered glass shower door with towel bar
  • Molded white FRP shower
  • Grohe Relaxa Plus chrome pulsator hand shower with hose and soap dish
  • Ventilator fan in shower
  • Granite countertop with two (2) white Kohler under-mount sinks
  • Chrome Grohe center-set single lever faucet at sinks
  • Teak framed mirror with medicine chest
  • 24v DC ventilator blower
  • Two (2) 110v AC GFI outlets (220v AC GFI for AU-EU)
  • Five (5) LED overhead lights with three (3) standard switches
  • Separate compartmented toilet area with CE-approved portlight


  • 316 Stainless steel CE-approved skylight
  • Tapered queen-size berth
  • Teak storage drawers under the berth
  • Two steps on each side of the berth for easy access
  • LED rope lighting under the bed and at valance with one (1) standard switch
  • Two (2) hanging lockers with teak-faced doors
  • Two (2) 110v AC outlets (220v AC for AU-EU)
  • Five (5) LED overhead lights with two (2) two-way dimmer switches and one (1) standard dimmer switch
  • Two (2) Cantalupi chrome reading lights


  • Clear glass shower door with towel bar
  • One (1) 110v AC GFI outlet (220v AC GFI for AU-EU)
  • Three (3) LED overhead lights with two (2) standard switches


  • Two (2) CE-approved portlights with removable insect screens
  • Two (2) twin berths with storage drawers underneath
  • 7" layered foam mattresses
  • One (1) built-in nightstand
  • One (1) hanging locker with teak-faced doors
  • Automatic interior light in locker
  • Two (2) LED overhead lights with one (1) two-way switch and one (1) two-way dimmer switch



  • One (1) CE-approved portlights with removable insect screens
  • Two (2) transverse berths, one (1) twin and one (1) queen, with storage drawers underneath
  • LED rope lighting under bed with one (1) standard switch
  • One (1) TV outlet 
  • Six (6) LED overhead lights with two (2) two-way switches and two(2) standard switches
  • Storage space behind galley with storage cabinets and room for optional washer and dryer
  • Steps leading to transom


  • L-shaped settee on raised platform
  • Five (5) LED overhead lights with two (2) standard switches
  • Undercounter refrigerator
  • 12" electric cooktop
  • 30" built-in convection microwave
  • One (1) CE-approved portlight with removable insect screen
  • Tecma Marine 24v electric white toilet with sanitary hose for all discharge plumbing
  • Four (4) LED overhead lights with two (2) standard switches and two (2) two-way switches


  • Six (6) 15" x 41" Polyform F-series black fenders
  • Twelve (12) 15' x ½" black fender lines
  • Four (4) 3/4" x 35' double-braid nylon black dock lines
  • Two (2) 3/4" x 50' double-braid nylon black dock lines
  • Twelve (12) Safeguard type I orange life vests for adults over 90 lbs
  • Six (6) Kiddie Mariner 2 ¾ lb M10 fire extinguishers
  • One (1) Bernard oil discharge placard (US Model Only)
  • One (1) Bernard waste discharge placard (US Model Only)
  • Two (2) Jim-Buoy 24" white ring buoys
  • Four (4) Perko chrome/brass 4-ring buoy holders
  • One (1) Orion alert/locate flare kit
  • One (1) Orion circumnavigator first aid kit
  • One (1) Orion safety blaster horn


  • Engine - generator integration onto the Garmin screens
  • AC/DC power monitoring
  • Tank level monitoring
  • Wi-Fi interface
  • Engine exhaust, transmission and SeaTorque shaft temperature monitoring
  • 8” Maretron screen in the crew area (where applicable)
  • Navigation lights, bilge pump monitors
  • All monitors projected onto the Garmin screens
  • Further information available upon request

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Gebrauchte Motorboote 20 bis 24 Metern

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  1. Motoryacht kaufen (neu oder gebraucht)

    In Europa spricht man von einer Motoryacht ab einer Länge von 7, in anderen Ländern wiederum ab 12 Metern. Weder die Stärke der Motorisierung noch die Rumpfform und/oder das Baumaterial (Stahl, Kunststoff, Holz, Karbon, Zement, Beton, natürliche Verbundstoffe wie Hanf) sind ausschlaggebend für die Bezeichnung Motoryacht.

  2. Motoryachten kaufen

    Ab einer Länge von 24 Metern gilt ein Boot nach EU-Recht nicht mehr als Sportboot. Grundsätzlich unterscheidet man Motoryachten in Motoryachten, Maxiyachten und Megayachten. Motorboot: bis 7 Meter Motoryacht: ab 10 Meter Maxiyacht: ab 18 Meter Megayacht: ab 60 Meter Die deutschen Firmen Bavaria Yachtbau so wie der französische Yachtbauer ...

  3. Motoryacht

    Maxiyacht, Mini-Maxi, Maxis oder Mega-Yacht: Die verschiedenen Arten von Motoryachten. Die Gruppe der Motoryachten beinhaltet unter anderem die Maxi-Yachten. Sie weisen eine Mindestlänge von 18 Metern auf. Die Mini-Maxis sind zwischen 18 und 24 Meter lang. Die dritte Untergruppe sind die Maxis mit einer Länge von 24 bis 30,5Metern.

  4. Yacht kaufen

    12m - 15m: Motoryachten dieser Größe können für Preise ab etwa 100.000 Euro gebraucht auf Boat24 gefunden werden, je nach Alter, Zustand und Ausstattung. Bei neuen Motoryachten geht es bei etwa 200.000 Euro los. 16m - 20m: Die Preise für Motoryachten diesem Bereich starten oft bei rund 500.000 Euro und können bis zu einigen Millionen Euro ...

  5. Boot kaufen: 30.000 neue & gebrauchte Boote aus Deutschland

    Boot kaufen Finden Sie Ihr nächstes Boot auf der digitalen Bootsbörse für Motor- und Segelboote. Angebote aus Deutschland und Europa Gebrauchtboote Neuboote

  6. Motoryachten zu verkaufen

    Finden Sie 13442 motoryachten zu verkaufen in Ihrer Nähe, sowohl gebraucht als auch neu, Bootspreise, Fotos und Vieles mehr. ... während sie sich in der Größe von 26 Fuß für das kürzeste bis zu 171 Fuß für das längste gelistete Schiff unterscheiden. Sie werden von einer Vielzahl von Yachtbauunternehmen zusammengebaut und ihre ...

  7. Motoryacht gebraucht kaufen

    Motoryacht gebraucht kaufen? Beim internationalen Bootsmarkt Yachtall finden Sie Ihr Traumboot. ... 24 Meter Ausstellungsyacht in italienischem Stil & modernem Design Sparen Sie 2 Millionen EUR bei einer brandneuen 80-Fuß-Arcadia-Ausstellungsyacht mit unschlagbar niedrigem ... Das Boot wurde im 2017 ein großes Refit unterzogen im Wert von ca ...

  8. Motoryacht gebraucht kaufen

    Preis: € 3.790.000 € 3.780.000, inkl. MwSt. Finanzierung: z.B. mtl. € 28.856,24. Riva 88 Folgore. Riva 88 Folgore Motorboot / Motoryacht: ... Malediven 2017 Firma: Melitas ... Suche verfeinern. Möchten Sie Ihr Gebrauchtboot Motoryacht verkaufen? Registrieren Sie sich und bieten Sie Ihre Motoryachten und andere Boote auf Yachtall an. zum ...

  9. Motoryacht gebraucht kaufen

    5.979 Motoryachten zum Verkauf. Ihre Suche: Motoryacht. Suche verfeinern. ... 24 Meter Ausstellungsyacht in italienischem Stil & modernem Design Sparen Sie 2 Millionen EUR bei einer brandneuen 80-Fuß-Arcadia-Ausstellungsyacht mit unschlagbar niedrigem Verbrauch und mehr als 220 m² Wohnfläche!

  10. Gebrauchte motorboote kaufen

    Finden Sie 14466 gebrauchte motorboote zum Verkauf auf Boatshop24, Europas größtem Marktplatz für Boote & Yachten. Wir verbinden jedes Jahr über 10 Millionen Bootskäufer und -verkäufer! ... 2017 Elton Moss Boatbuilder Kingsley 65. ... 24.500 € MOLL GREC SL | Castelló d'Empuries, Girona ...

  11. Gebrauchte yachten kaufen

    Finden Sie 5530 gebrauchte yachten zum Verkauf auf Boatshop24, Europas größtem Marktplatz für Boote & Yachten. Wir verbinden jedes Jahr über 10 Millionen Bootskäufer und -verkäufer! ... 2017 RO/PAX DOUBLE ENDED FERRY 107 M. ... 24.800.000 € Fraser | Monaco, Monaco ...

  12. 13 Best Motor Yachts in 2024

    The "Commercial Yacht Code" categorizes motor yachts exceeding 79 feet (24 meters) as superyachts and those surpassing 131 feet (40 meters) as mega-yachts. These behemoths represent the pinnacle of luxury yachting, with meticulously crafted interiors, advanced technological marvels, and crew quarters to cater to the owner's every need. ...

  13. Power Motor Yachts for sale

    Motor Yachts pricing. Motor Yachts listed for sale on YachtWorld offers a diverse price range, from $29,000 on the relatively more affordable end to an astonishing $29,147,615 for the most luxury model vessels available. When evaluating your budget and the listed price of a yacht for sale, it is crucial to factor in the cost of ownership.

  14. 800 / 830 Motoryacht

    800 / 830 Motoryacht. X Class. Unique destinations are the essence of yachting, and the Outer Reef 800/830 Classic (24 meter) Motoryacht is Fully Ocean Capable, providing complete Trans-Atlantic range: the consummate adventurer is limitless in his or her choices of itineraries. Owners and crew are as comfortable on board as on land, with this ...

  15. Gebrauchte motoryachten zu verkaufen

    Ab einer Länge von 24 Metern gilt ein Boot nach EU-Recht nicht mehr als Sportboot. Grundsätzlich unterscheidet man Motoryachten in Motoryachten, Maxiyachten und Megayachten. Motorboot: bis 7 Meter Motoryacht: ab 10 Meter Maxiyacht: ab 18 Meter Megayacht: ab 60 Meter Die deutschen Firmen Bavaria Yachtbau so wie der französische Yachtbauer ...

  16. 24m-30m yachts for sale

    Our data analysts gather valuable information about every superyacht larger than 24-metres currently for sale. With hundreds of yacht sales and transactions per year, the yachting market is a challenging one, and that's why SuperYacht Times has built this platform to help prospective owners find their perfect superyacht.

  17. Motorboot kaufen

    Motoryachten mit Eignung und Einsatzerlaubnis für die Hochsee - etwa zur Überquerung von Meeren und Ozeanen - sind bis auf wenige Ausnahmen nur im Super- und Megayacht-Sektor (Yachten mit einer Länge von mehr als 30 Metern) anzutreffen. Motorboote sind ab einer bestimmten Motorstärke bzw. Leistung an der Propellerwelle ...

  18. Gebrauchte Motorboote 20 bis 24 Metern kaufen

    Alle Gebrauchte Motorboote zwischen 20 und 24 Metern von Privatpersonen und Händlern zum besten Preis zu verkaufen. Verifizierte Anzeigen. Um eine optimale Nutzung unserer Website zu gewährleisten und die neuesten Sicherheitsupdates zu erhalten, empfehlen wir Ihnen, Ihren Browser zu aktualisieren.

  19. Motor-Superyacht kaufen

    Sie suchen eine Motoryacht ab 25 Meter? Bei Boat24 sind wir auch zuständig fürs Monumentale! Suchen. Kaufen; ... 24,50 x 6,30 m Abmessungen; 2,75 m Tiefgang; 2 x 330 PS / 243 kW Motorleistung; 2024 Baujahr; ... Mit Superyachten werden Motorboote bezeichnet, die ca. 25 bis 60 Meter lang sind. Megayachten sind mindestens 60 Meter lang und ...

  20. MTU-Technik für kleine Yachten

    Rolls-Royce und Azimut Benetti vereinbaren Kooperation für Einheiten bis 30 Meter. Ihr Browser ist veraltet. Bitte laden Sie einen aktuellen Browser herunter. ... Antriebshersteller Rolls-Royce und die italienische Azimut Benetti-Gruppe, weltweit einer der großen Hersteller von Yachten mit Längen von mehr als 24 Metern, haben für die engere ...

  21. Gebrauchte motorboote kaufen

    Gebrauchte motorboote kaufen - neue & gebrauchte gebrauchte motorboote günstig und in großer Auswahl bei Boot24. Egal ob gebrauchte motorboote gebraucht oder neu. ... 24.500 € MOLL GREC SL | Castelló d'Empuries, Girona ... 2017 RO/PAX DOUBLE ENDED FERRY 107 M. 8.816.000 € ...