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Catana 471 owner’s review

Catana 471 Owner’s Review: La Vida Gypsea

Many thanks to Linda and Kurt for this Catana 471 owner’s review. We have always had a softy spot for the 471 – one of the high water marks for Catana, this performance catamaran was designed by Christophe Barreau. We were looking forward to this one! “La Vida Gypsea” was launched in 1998 (hull no. 5).

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your Catana 471 catamaran. When was she launched? What are your plans on La Vida Gypsea? My name is Kurt Wehner, and I have always been drawn to the water and to a life lived a bit out of the norm. Before taking the leap to living aboard a catamaran, my wife, Linda, and I were living off-grid on an island in Bocas del Toro, Panamá. This experience living off-grid really helped to prepare us for a self-sufficient lifestyle on the ocean. In 2021, we sold our home in Panamá and bought our 1998 Catana 471, La Vida GypSea, located in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

catana catamaran

La Vida GypSea is the fifth Catana 471 produced and was launched in January 1998. Our plans are to take her around the world. We are currently planning to go against the flow and take her from Mexico over to the Mediterranean before beginning the traditional westward route around the world.

Why did you choose the Catana 471? You were also looking at the Nautitech 40 and Seawinds right? We were looking at several different models while shopping for our catamaran, including the Seawinds and the Nautitech Open 40. All of the boats would make great live-aboard options, but we kept leaning towards the Catana for a couple of key reasons. First, the Catanas are built very stoutly and are made to last.

The components are all high quality and heavy duty. The hulls are stout as well, and are built using a Twaron fibre that is extremely impact resistant. Second, the early Catanas are a great value. The Nautitech and Seawinds are both newer models and have been in high demand lately, and their price reflects this. By purchasing an older model Catana, I was able to spend less than the newer boats and get a much larger catamaran.

Most of the depreciation of a boat occurs within the first ten years, so I should not experience much depreciation with my 1998 471. As long as the older boats are well maintained, there are great values to be found.

catana catamaran

What’s the best thing about her? She is very comfortable, and, even though her design is over twenty years old, she always turns heads when we enter an anchorage. She looks so sleek and has so much presence.

If there was one thing that you would change, what would that be? Or wouldn’t you change anything? In terms of design and performance, I am very happy with La Vida GypSea. If I were to change something on my particular boat, it would be to replace the water-maker. The water-maker is a 220v unit that requires the generator to operate. I would like to have a model that would operate on the 120v inverter or the 12v battery bank.

Currently, if my generator is out of order then so is my water-maker.

catana catamaran

How do you find the Catana Bridle Mainsheet system? I like the twin mainsheets. It takes a bit more effort to trim both sheets, but it can better control the boom movement in light winds. It also reduces the risk of accidental jibes by giving you a sort of ‘built-in’ preventer. The Catana has the ability of moving either block further outboard on a deep downwind angle that then keeps the sheets clear of the helm positions.

Once you get used to shaping your sails with the two sheets, then it doesn’t have many downsides.

How about sailing with daggerboards? Can you give us an idea of the pros and cons Overall, the Catana’s daggerboards are a great benefit. With the boards down, they help to point higher and truer into the wind. With the boards up, they reduce drag and will reduce your chances of tripping up with a breaking wave on your beam. The drawbacks to the daggerboards is that the trunks take up a little bit of interior space, and they can be noisy inside when the boards are hitting the trunk in waves.

catana catamaran

Does she carry weight well, or do you have to be careful to not overload her with gear? I try to keep La Vida GypSea as light as I can, but we have lots of gear and spares. I keep the weight centrally located as much as possible. We probably suffer a bit in our speed, however the handling does not suffer.

What are the “Must Have” Options in your opinion? eg Types of sails, watermaker, generator, solar, The way you option your boat will depend on the way you plan to use your boat. We are living aboard and blue water cruising, so we depend on options like water makers, generators and plenty of solar power. These are ‘must have’ options in order to be self sufficient.

I also feel that our updated electronics, with chartplotters on both helm stations are ‘must have’ options for safe cruising. We do not have options like racing sails or a bowsprit, because these options are not essential for us to cruise safely.

catana catamaran

What are the “Nice to Have Options”? ‘Nice to have’ options that we have onboard La Vida GypSea include our SSB radio, air conditioning, electric fresh water heads, and other comfort items. I would like to add engine controls to the second helm station someday. That is a ‘nice to have’ option that I currently do not have. This is also the category that I would include the bowsprit and a Code 0 sail, as well.

How are the electrics, plumbing etc. Can you give us an idea of how you have set your power system up, amount of solar, hydrogeneration, batteries etc. Do you need to charge the batteries with the engines? The earlier Catanas have a reputation of having troublesome electrical systems because they utilize a ‘Cartes’ distribution system that is no longer produced. As these ‘Cartes’ go out, many Catana owners are rewiring their boats with an updated C-zone system.

My original system is still hanging in there, but I would like to update before I start having issues.

For power, I currently have a solar system consisting of 1050 watts of panels with a 600ah lithium battery bank and a 3000watt inverter. I used all Victron components so the system would not have compatibility issues between components. On most days, it produces enough power to to be self-sufficient.

However, on cloudy days or heavy use days, I am able to top of the batteries with the diesel generator. Our diesel generator is also used to power our water maker and our air conditioning units.

catana catamaran

Is she easy to maintain? Servicing engines, standing rigging etc Maintenance is pretty straightforward and engine compartments are very roomy with access to all sides of the engines.

Is she easy to sail short-handed? To shorten sail? Is the running rigging complex? Do all the lines lead back to the helms, for example? How does that central winch work out in the cockpit? Can you give us an idea of your sail plan. I often sail the boat single-handed. All lines are run to the cockpit, and other than rigging and hoisting the spinnaker, I never have to leave the cockpit. The main halyard, topping lift, outhaul and reefing lines are led to the central winch at the aft of the cockpit.

The mainsheets have dedicated winches on either side of the central winch. The jibsheets are run to two winches further outboard towards each helm. Finally, there are two additional winches by each helm that are used for daggerboard and spinnaker sheets. I have a full batten 80 square meter mainsail with 3 reef points, plus a 57 square meter Genoa and a 150 square meter asymmetrical spinnaker.

catana catamaran

What’s she like in heavy weather / a blow / big seas. How is the ride in general? (pitch/roll) I cannot comment on her performance in heavy weather and big seas, because I have not experienced either in the 10 months that we have been cruising in Pacific Mexico. We have not seen winds over 22 knots. So far her ride has been very comfortable, but she has not been truly tested.

How are the helm positions? How is the visibility? I know you owned a Leopard before, how does the Catana compare? The helm positions shine when it comes to visibility and access. I can see everything from either helm. I can quickly get from the helm stations to access dock lines when necessary, and I can see right down the length of the hull.

I feel the helm station is much nicer and more in touch than the helm position on the Leopard 48 that I previously owned. However, the helm positions are exposed to the weather and I know that this is a big point of contention for many.

How does she sail in light winds? We have done much of our sailing in light winds, and she still gets the job done. I will often sail in 6-8 knots of wind and still squeak out 3.5-4.5 knots SOG. We do even better downwind, sailing close to wind speed.

How does she sail close hauled? How high does she point to true in a good sea state? When sailing close hauled, I usually hold a course 45 degrees off the wind and she points true and sails well. It is not that she points a lot higher than a catamaran with a keel, but she does not lose as much leeway. I can point higher but then you will see a significant drop in performance.

catana catamaran

Typically, what’s your average speed on passage? What´s the top speed you have logged surfing? As I mentioned earlier, we have sailed in mostly light wind conditions without ever seeing winds above 22 knots. I would guess our average speed on passage is around 5 to 6 knots. there have been many passages where we will average 8 knots, but that has not been typical. Our top speed so far has been 13 knots, but she is capable of much more.

What’s she like under power? Speed, manouevrability? We have two Volvo Penta 55 hp diesel engines with Volvo Penta saildrives and folding props. We cruise at 6-7 knots at 1800 rpms. The maneuverability is good as long as there is not a brisk breeze. The 471 sits high with a lot of freeboard, and will get pushed around with the wind easily. Sometimes the engines will struggle to fight the force of the wind.

Is she easy to dock? Because of the position of the helms, she is very easy to dock. The visibility and access to dock lines from the helm is great. I only dock to the starboard hull as that is where the engine controls are located. By placing a second set of controls on the port helm, I would be even more flexible with docking options.

What is she like at anchor? How much chain, what anchor do you have? We carry 250 feet of 3/8″ G4 chain and a 48kg Mantus anchor. I also have a spade anchor as a secondary anchor with 50 feet of 3/8″ chain and 300 feet of nylon rode.

What length of tender can she carry? We carry a Highfield 340, which is 11’2″, and I wouldn’t recommend much larger. There is room for a Highfield 380, if you need a larger tender. Our dinghy has the console and seat, and I would like to remove this option to lighten the weight of our dinghy.

What’s she like when it´s raining hard? We have owned La Vida GypSea for 10 months in Pacific Mexico and have yet to see one drop of rain.

Is she comfortable down below? Cabins/saloon/galley/heads. How are the forward cabins? The Catana 471 is a very comfortable boat. She does not have the volume of a Lagoon, but still has plenty of space. No one is cramped in any of the cabins and living spaces are large. The only tight space on our catamaran is the guest head, but this is a custom design on our particular boat that took space out of the head to create a separate shower area. The remaining space in the head makes it tight to maneuver with the door closed.

Is there plenty of storage space on the boat. For your gear and sailing gear? I have way too much storage space on our boat. It can tempt you to overload the boat with more and more things. I have all the tools, spares, equipment and toys I need and have room to spare. I would think it would get full with a family of four, but the two of us do not have enough stuff to fill this boat.

How is the finish of the interior? Does she creak under sail? Our boat is 24 years old and has held up pretty well. The interior woodwork shows some signs of discoloration and age, but overall is still beautiful. The boat still feels solid and the only area that creaks under sail in rough conditions is the front center saloon window. I suspect that once I get a chance to reseat the window the issue will be resolved.

What is your favourite spot on the boat? Inside, my favorite place is at the comfortable, large couch at the saloon table. Outside, I like to lounge on the bean bags on the trampolines.

Is she good for hosting guests? On our CATANA 471, we have three cabins and two heads. As I mentioned earlier, our guest head is a bit tight. Because of this, we like to have either family or very close friends sharing the guest head. The best case is to have one guest in each of the two guest cabins, but we could easily accommodate two couples.

I know you have a dog. How does Rigby get on? How does she go about her “business”… just interested as we have a dog that sails with us, getting her to do her stuff is pretty hard! We have a Golden Retriever on the boat and it was actually one of the considerations when we chose the Catana 471. The decks are very wide and flat and easy for Rigby to navigate. She is a great boat dog. She easily jumps from the sugar scoops onto the paddleboard or the dinghy and can even climb the ladder on her own when she jumps off to go swimming. She does, however, refuse to relieve herself on the boat unless we have been underway for days. She will always wait for a trip to the beach to do her business.

catana catamaran

What kind of modifications have you done and why? We are 10 months in and I am still enjoying the boat as is. I am not planning on any modifications for now. Instead, I am focusing on keeping all systems in tip top shape and well maintained.

Any plans for further customisation? The only thoughts I have had at this point for future customization is to design and build customized shelving/storage for the forepeaks to better organize the watertoys, fishing gear, sails, lines and fenders that are stored in there.

If you were to swap her for another boat, what would that be? Let’s say, what is your dream boat? Or maybe you wouldn’t swap her? I have a feeling that this may be my last boat. I cannot think of another boat in the 500K price range that I would rather own. If I came into a fortune, then I would love to purchase a Seawind 1600 or I would certainly love to get a look at the new Catana Ocean Class.

How is the support from Catana? There is a large and very active group of Catana owners that maintain a database of info on all the Catana models. The owners have a wealth of information and they are always eager to share knowledge and experiences. I have yet to have a need to contact Catana.

Anything else you would add to help people thinking of buying a Catana 471? Is there anything you should particularly look out for on a survey for example? I would highly recommend a Catana 471/431 for someone looking for a solid, dependable, well-performing catamaran at a fraction of the price of a new boat.

Follow La Vida Gypsea

You can follow Linda and Kurt on  La Vida Gypsea  on their  Youtube channel  or on  Instagram .

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Owners & Sales Brokers, Performance Catamarans

Julian & jessica.

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We own a 2018 Catana 53 catamaran, which we have sailed over  30,000 miles

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We are the exlclusive Catana authorized sales brokers in the United States, since 2018

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We live aboard our Catana and have lived aboard fulltime since 2015

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Recent news.

Catana 53 catamaran


By Herb McCormick  |  Cruising World  | December 11, 2018

The Cruising World team of judges discuss the reasons that Catana 53 was named a 2019 "Boat of the Year."  Read the full article

Catana 53 catamaran


By Mark Pilsbury  |  Cruising World  | July 25, 2019

"A bluewater cruising couple with big ideas will find a willing accomplice in the new Catana 53."  After the Cruising World test sail with us aboard our C53, Mark Pilsbury gives his review.  Read the full article

Catana 53 catamaran leaving port


By Zuzana Prochazka  |  YachtWorld  |  January 17, 2019

"The Catana 53 is a bluewater catamaran that ticks all the boxes."  After a test sail with us aboard our C53 in Annapolis, Suzanne gives a thorough review.  "If you’re searching for a proven bluewater multihull that can be sailed by two, has all the comforts of a posh home but is wicked fast, and won’t beat up your wallet, you must put the Catana 53 on your shortlist."  Read the full article

Upcoming Events

  • Thu, Oct 08 United States Sailboat Show  /  Annapolis City Dock Details Oct 08, 2020, 10:00 AM – Oct 12, 2020, 5:00 PM Annapolis City Dock, Dock St, Annapolis, MD 21401, USA Exhibiting the Catana 53 Share
  • Thu, Feb 13 Miami Boat Show  /  Miami Marine Stadium Details Feb 13, 2020, 10:00 AM – Feb 17, 2020, 6:00 PM Miami Marine Stadium, 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149, USA Share
  • Thu, Oct 10 United States Sailboat Show  /  Annapolis City Dock Details Oct 10, 2019, 10:00 AM – Oct 14, 2019, 5:00 PM Annapolis City Dock, Dock St, Annapolis, MD 21401, USA Exhibiting the Catana 53 Share

Planning to Cruise Around the World?

Catana has a 35 year history building high quality, performance oriented, blue water cruising catamarans.  There are more than 500 Catanas cruising the world today.   Catana catamarans give you the freedom to sail quickly, safely, and comfortably anywhere where you want to go, with crew or without.

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Catamaran For Sale – 2001 Catana 471 Catamaran

Catamaran for sale by owner – 2001 catana model 471, location: oxnard, ca, usa                   price: us$429,000.

santosha 2001 catana catamaran 471 background

Email Catamaran Owner

(phone: 805-551-6019)

Voyage-ready performance catamaran. UNRIVALLED EQUIPMENT & FEATURES.

City Where Boat Is Located: Oxnard, CACountry Where Boat Is Located: United States

Asking Price: US$429,000

Cash or Trade: Cash

Boat Name: Santosha

Boat Builder: Catana

Boat Model: 471

Model Year: 2001

Condition: Ready to Sail

Current Use of Boat: Weekends Only

2001 catana 471 catamaran santosha

Catamaran Guru offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents and/or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. Catamaran Guru is not responsible for the actions or the non-actions of any boat owner. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.


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17 Best Catamarans for Sailing Around the World

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Catamarans are quickly outstripping single-hull boats for long-distance journeys. They are more stable and comfortable , and some can travel more than 200 miles in a day. In today’s article, I have put together a complete (well almost) list of some of the best catamarans for circumnavigating the planet; the question is, which one is best for you?

The best catamarans for sailing around the world include: 

  • The Fountaine Pajot Ipanema 58

These cats focus on speed, safety, and comfort for longer journeys. 

This article will show you the seventeen best catamarans for long journeys, and why they’re the best. You’ll also learn some great tips on what to look for in a Catamaran and how to save money by buying a used catamaran. Let this list be a jumping-off point for your future research!

Pro-tip; here are the actual costs of maintaining a cat and here are considerations on how to circumnavigate .

Table of Contents

The Best Catamarans for Sailing Around the World 

A catamaran is a double-hulled boat with a deck or cabin area in between (bluewater cat definition in this article ). The double hull design means that the boat rocks less, sits higher on the water, uses less fuel to sail, and can be sailed in shallower waters than a single-hulled boat without worrying about grounding. 

Catamarans come in a variety of sizes and can be sail-powered or motor-powered and range from single-person sailing boats to family-sized yachts. Every catamaran design is different, and the twin-hull shape offers many ways to customize the layout of a ship. 

Each boat on this list is a larger catamaran (+40ft, more on size here ), so if you’re going to sail around the world, you want lots of space for provisions and rest.

Of course, there are tons of technical specs for each of these boats, but I’m going to focus on the overall features of each of these catamarans, what makes them stand out, and why they would each be an excellent choice for a transatlantic journey. 

Antares 44i 

The Antares 44i is an excellent option for sailing around the world and was explicitly designed for long-distance cruising. It performs well in any weather conditions, can be sailed easily by two people, and you’ll be able to sail long distances and live in comfort. 

Although it can be easily sailed by a crew of two I believe that a true bluewater cat should be set up for single-handed sailing, more on that in another article .

This catamaran features a stateroom on each hull and a forward cabin with plenty of storage space. The living and entertainment features include a flatscreen tv and a high-end deck speaker system. 

With this model, Antares dedicates itself to high-quality boats with optimal rigging and engine configurations. 

Atlantic 42

Atlantic is no longer building this catamaran, but there are usually a few pre-owned boats on the market. You can also get it made custom if you love the design, but be prepared to spend more money on a custom boat (custom boat also gets custom problems ;)). 

The Atlantic 42 is slightly smaller than some of the other catamarans on this list but is a seaworthy vessel. 42 ft is what most sailors I interview ( in this article ) said was the smallest cat to safely cross big oceans. It is also a decent size to counter the risk of capsizing (more on that here ).

It has a forward cockpit and pilothouse, which gives the owner a better use of space and makes the boat easier to navigate. With single-handed capability, one person can sail it easily and let the rest of the crew relax. 

One of the best-praised aspects of the Atlantic 42 is its galley, more extensive than most 42-footers (12.8-meter) can offer. 

One of the few 50 footers (15.24 meters) that can be sailed by just one person (many would of course disagree on this).

The Catana 50 is a catamaran worthy of an overseas journey. Its size adds to its stability on the open waters and its ability to sail straight through the choppy ocean and windy conditions. 

The Catana is also incredibly spacious on the inside, with substantial cabins and showers. The biggest downside to the Catana 50 is its price, as it’s much more expensive than most of its competitors. 

Catana also holds up well against some of the fastest cruising cats out there, here’s a list of the fastest cruisers if you are interested in that.

However, if you can find a gently-used Catana 50, you can rest assured that this boat will last! 

The Dolphin 42 is unique because of the use of daggerboards instead of fixed keels. This upgrade means that the boat has some pretty decent upwind performance while at the same time being faster downwind.

Centerboards and daggerboards offer some interesting downsides compared to mini keels. This is an interesting discussion and I suggest you read another one of my articles if you want to deepen your knowledge a little.

These catamarans are some of the lightest on the market. Not many Dolphins were made, so they are relatively hard to find. However, if you want a small, lightweight boat capable of going great distances, the Dolphin 42 is an excellent choice. 

Fountaine Pajot Belize 43

The Fountaine Pajot Belize is another well-built cruising yacht. Its core is made of foam instead of balsa, which reduces the risk of structural damage due to a rotten core in case of water intrusion. 

The design of Belize offers many options for customizability, with large open spaces and a combined saloon, navigation, and dinette area. 

There are two styles of Belize catamarans for sleeping quarters. You can either purchase a boat with an entire primary suite on one hull or one with two cabins in each hull. The first option is great if you are sailing the world alone and not expecting many guests, as it increases the storage capacity. 

Understanding what factors to consider when getting a cat can be hard, there are just so many of them (such as the daggerboard discussion above), I have tried to compile some of the most important in this article .

The boat also has wraparound windows to increase the sense of space in the galley. 

Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40

Fountaine Pajot is one of the best sailboat manufacturers existing today, as their boats are well made and highly versatile. The Lucia 40 is no exception – it’s a smaller boat but has a lot of room for moving around and on-board living. 

The living area is remarkably spacious on this catamaran for its size. 

The galley and lounge easily accommodate 6+people. The Lucia 40 doesn’t disappoint when it comes to sailing either, as the narrow hulls slice through choppy waters with ease. 

Most catamarans today are built to withstand rough weather but that doesn’t matter as much if the crew isn’t up for the task, I firmly believe that the most important thing a boat should consist of, is knowledge. Therefore taking online courses ( two free here ) or reading books ( my favorites here ) is imperative.

Gemini 105M

Gemini’s boats have been on the market for years and are solidly built for cruising. This boat is one of the most popular ever made, I personally would consider something different for offshore cruising, but since it has such a good reputation, I felt I had to add it to the list.

If you want to understand why I am hesitant to take this boat around the world, I recommend you read my article: What are trampolines on a catamaran?

The Gunboat 62 is a great catamaran and set the standards for the rest of the impressive Gunboat lineup. It’s sleek and spacious while being robust and capable of transatlantic journeys. You can easily travel the world in a Gunboat 62 with several people and not feel cramped. 

The yacht was made for speed and power and remains one of the fastest catamarans on the market, even rivaling the newer Gunboat models.  GABO

Although the earlier models of the Gunboat 62 weren’t designed for a lot of cargo, you can still find space for everything you need without compromise. 

Lagoon catamarans are known for their reliability and ease of use. If you are considering a catamaran for the first time and are unsure about the technicalities of sailing, a Lagoon boat is a great option. 

The Lagoon 380 is probably the smallest cruiser on this list, which makes it better suited for solo or couple sailing.  

When I go looking to buy something, whether it be a boat, campervan, or whatever, I create a checklist and classify all the things I want either by NEED or NICE to have.

I believe the Lagoon 380 to be sub-optimal for my NEEDS, even though it does check a lot of NICE boxes, there’s a step-by-step article on the NEED and NICE method here .

There are several cabin options available on the Lagoon 380, but if you’re sailing by yourself, you can settle for three cabins and a larger galley and living space. With a smaller cockpit and broader side decks, the Lagoon 380 packs a lot of practicality and ease of sailing into a more compact catamaran. 

If you like the idea of a Lagoon boat but want a little more space, the Lagoon 42 is the upgraded version of the Lagoon 380. With all of the same benefits, it comes with more space for cabins or storage, making it one of the best-selling Lagoons of all time. 

The Lagoon 42 is also a faster cruiser built for strength. While it’s not the fastest on the market, it works well in choppy waters and windy conditions, making it great for the beginning sailor to go on a more extended trip. 

Many people have completed an around-the-world sail with this ship.

Although there is a flybridge version, I would recommend the “open” version due to several factors, some including increased windage and a higher boom. More on flybridges pros and cons here .

For stability, safety, and durability, you can’t beat the Lagoon 42. 

The Leopard 45 performs better with less storage weight because of the relatively low bridge deck clearance. If the boat is fully loaded, you could experience some wave pounding. However, the cockpit is open and airy, with devices that block the sun and provide maximum comfort while sailing. 

The Leopard 45 is an incredibly beautiful boat,   and has a strong reputation for excellent build quality!

Leopard catamarans are one of my personal favorites, as such I have written an entire article about the brand, so if you want to understand its pros and cons then here is the link . Gabo

Designed in South Africa, it features a high rear arch for extra support and very smoothly connected decks. The galley is large and open, and most Leopards offer a four-cabin plan. If you are traveling with another person, this boat is an excellent option for you! 

The Manta 42 is another classic catamaran that you can buy used (at a decent price), as it is an incredibly seaworthy vessel. While still in production, the Manta was one of the most popular catamarans on the market. 

It is still in high demand amongst circumnavigators. Buying a used Manta 42 usually means that you inherit some of the previous owner’s boat upgrades! 

The Manta 42 also made it to my list of the 9 safest catamarans on the market ( link ).

This blue water cat can be sailed by one or two people, making it ideal for liveaboard couples or long-distance shorthanded sailing. The galley is in the saloon ( instead of in one of the hulls ), making the cabins below more spacious and better equipped. 

Overall, the Manta is well equipped for sailing around the world. 

Nautitech 44

Nautitech is an excellent brand of the catamaran, with several different designs per boat. The Nautitech 44 has a unique feature, you can have it with two options for steering: twin wheels or a single wheel.

The Nautitech 44 also features a cockpit on the same level as the saloon. The door between the two is more convenient than a hatch and dramatically reduces the risk of water damage during rain pour. 

This is also the same boat that aeroyacht president Gregor owns, he has offered some great insights into Nautitech in the book Catamarans (amazon link )

Outremer 45

Outremer is famous for being one of the fastest brands of catamarans on the market. If you need speed, the Outremer 45 might be the perfect choice for you. It has a top speed of 16 knots, which is higher than almost every other catamaran of its class. 

While the Outremer 45 is known for speed, it doesn’t compromise on the quality of living. 

You can settle into life on this boat with complete peace of mind. Even as a beginning sailor, the steering is simple and easy to use, and the autopilot is top of the line, so you’ll be able to sail across the ocean in an Outremer without issue. 

Privilege Serie 5

A French-designed catamaran, the Privilege Serie 5 is one of the most comfortable 50-foot (15 m) yachts available. The unique cabin layout includes the master cabin in the boat’s center instead of in one of the hulls. 

The Privilege Serie 5 is also incredibly easy to sail, despite its larger size. 

The sails and controls lead to the helm, where the raised deck makes it easy to see all around the deck. If you want to cross the ocean with a full crew then the Privilege Serie 5 might be perfect for you! 

Seawind 1000

The Seawind 1000 is the smallest boat on this list, measuring 33 feet (10 meters) long altogether. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s not livable. If you are sailing on your own or with a partner, there is more than enough space to live in the Seawind 1000, which includes the option of a centered cabin or two hull cabins. 

Because it’s small, the Seawind 1000 is easy to handle. The mast and sails are all manufactured for extra stability and ease of use. 

Overall, the Seawind 1000 is an excellent example of a simple, safe, and seaworthy catamaran. 

Note: since this is a small catamaran it will also be more sensitive to heavy weather so trip-planning becomes even more important.

The Voyage 44 is one of the oldest cats on this list, having had its hay-day in the mid-1990s. However, this also means that a used Voyage 44 will be cheaper than a newer boat. If you can find a Voyage with previous responsible owners, you will inherit any upgrades and fixes that they’ve made on top of a very seaworthy boat. 

The Voyage 44 has more storage and space than most cruisers of its size and is known for behaving very well in choppy waters. 

This catamaran does its job well while providing adequate space for cooking, sleeping, and living aboard. 

What To Look For in a Long-Distance Cruising Catamaran

If you are planning to sail around the world, you need to be very careful about which kind of catamaran you decide to use. Many of the things you want in a boat really comes down to personal preference, so be sure you know what design preferences you want before you start shopping! 

Size and Payload

The most important thing to consider when buying a catamaran is how much space and cargo you need because the larger the boats are, the bigger the payload it can handle. Decide how long you want the ship to be and how much you’re taking with you. 

It’s vital not to overload a catamaran, this will reduce performance and increase risk of unwanted behavior in heavy seas.

Cabin Placement  

Most catamarans have options for a “Maestro” cabin placement, where one entire hull is the master suite, and the other cabins are located on the opposite hull.

Cockpit and Protection From The Weather

Is the cockpit on the boat you’re looking at covered or open? This can make a difference on the high seas, especially during rainy weather. 

The size of the ship also can affect how many people you need as a crew. If you’re traveling by yourself or with one other person, you don’t want to buy a boat that needs a larger crew. 

Buying Used? 

If you don’t want to spend the money on a brand new catamaran, I don’t blame you. Several of the ships on this list are out of production and can only be found used. However, for circumnavigation, you do want a boat of high quality to keep you safe and dry until you make it to your destination.  

When buying a suitably used catamaran, it’s essential to look at the refit history of the boat more than the year it was made. Catamarans are sturdy, and the general design has been the same for at least the past decade. 

If you find a newer, larger, cheaper boat, you should look into its history. 

Your best bet to save money while buying a catamaran will be to buy an older, probably smaller boat with an excellent refit history and no serious issues. It will still be an investment, and a sturdy used catamaran will serve you well. 

Final Thoughts

No matter which catamaran you decide to buy for your journey, you’ll be able to sail safely and comfortably. Catamarans are great yachts for long-distance sailing, and the ships on this list are the best of the best. These brands are time-tested and ready to accompany you on an adventure around the world! 

Here are Some of My Favorite Catamaran Cruising Resources

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you found it helpful as you hopefully start your sailing adventures. Here are some resources that I use as a sailor that I hope you’ll also find helpful. These are affiliate links, so if you do decide to use any of them, I’ll earn a commission. But in all honesty, these are the exact things that I use and recommend to everyone, even my own family. Sailboats: If you’re looking for the best boat to suit your needs, I would recommend a catamaran. If you’re interested, I can show you the differences between catamarans and other types of sailboats .

Books:  For getting started, I really like  Cruising catamarans made easy . It is actually a textbook from the American sailing association; it is used to get a cruising catamaran certification. There are some other great books, and I have compiled a list of books about cruising catamarans that you will find useful.

Communication:  Being out on adventures, whether it be sailing or climbing mountains, good communications are essential to being safe. I recommend two things Google fi (incredibly simple cellular data all over the world) and Garmin inreach mini (for text and voice in remote areas without cell coverage)

Sailing courses: Online sailing courses are great for beginners starting out their sailing career; it’s an efficient way of learning the basics of navigation, throttle controls, and maritime safety. I suggest starting with two free courses from NauticEd .

To see all my most up-to-date recommendations,  check out this resource  that I made for you!

  • Wikipedia: Catamaran
  • Cruising World: A-Z Best Cruising Catamarans 
  • Dreamy Yacht Sales: Four Best Catamarans for New Buyers
  • Atlantic Cruising: Good Cat/Bad Cat
  • Yachting World: Catamaran Sailing Across the Atlantic
  • Boat Affair: What is a Catamaran? 
  • Nautilus Sailing: Catamaran Sailing

Owner of A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

3 thoughts on “ 17 Best Catamarans for Sailing Around the World ”

I like the efforts you have put in this, regards for all the great content.

Thanks Elisabeth I really appreciate the kind words 🙂

I appreciate you sharing this blog post. Thanks Again. Cool.

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catana catamaran

  • Asia  (4)
  •     Malaysia  (1)
  •     Thailand  (1)
  • Atlantic  (151)
  •     Bahamas  (5)
  •     Canada  (0)
  •     Chesapeake Bay  (32)
  •     Florida  (69)
  •     Georgia  (8)
  •     New England  (6)
  •     North Carolina  (0)
  •     South Carolina  (18)
  •     Texas  (0)
  • Atlantic South  (1)
  •     South Africa  (1)
  •     South America  (0)
  • Caribbean  (72)
  •     Antigua  (0)
  •     Aruba  (1)
  •     Belize  (1)
  •     BVI  (0)
  •     Colombia  (0)
  •     Costa Rica  (0)
  •     Grenada  (6)
  •     Guatemala  (2)
  •     Jamaica  (0)
  •     Martinique  (2)
  •     Mexico  (1)
  •     Panama  (11)
  •     Puerto Rico  (3)
  •     Sint Maarten  (0)
  •     USVI  (0)
  • Europe  (31)
  •     England  (0)
  •     France  (4)
  •     Greece  (6)
  •     Italy  (4)
  •     Portugal  (0)
  •     Spain  (4)
  •     Turkey  (0)
  •     United Kingdom  (0)
  • Indian Ocean  (2)
  •     Tanzania  (0)
  • Pacific  (21)
  •     Australia  (1)
  •     British Columbia  (1)
  •     California  (4)
  •     Fiji  (0)
  •     Hawaii  (0)
  •     Mexico Pacific  (7)
  •     New Zealand  (0)
  •     Oregon  (1)
  •     Panama Pacific  (0)
  •     South Pacific  (3)
  •     Washington  (2)

Large Multihulls

  • Catana 44 (Chesapeake Bay)
  • Looping 60 (South Pacific)
  • Lagoon 42 (Europe)
  • Lagoon 450F (Grenada)

Lagoon 42 (Chesapeake Bay)

Fountaine pajot helia 44 (florida).

  • Constellation 65 Schooner (Mexico)
  • Lagoon Power 67 (Florida)
  • FP Helia 44 Evolution (Florida)
  • Fountaine Pajot Elba 45 (Caribbean)
  • Leopard 40 (Chesapeake Bay)

Maverick 440 (Georgia)

  • Voyage 380 Maxim (Indian Ocean)
  • Balance 442 (South Carolina)

Lagoon 450F (Georgia)

Catana 471 (caribbean), lagoon 450s (france).

  • Catana 411 (South Carolina)

Privilege 510S (Chesapeake Bay)

  • Leopard 51 Powercat (South Carolina)
  • Lagoon 52 (South Carolina)

Leopard 45 (Florida)

  • Excess 15 (Europe)
  • Lagoon 450F (South Carolina)
  • Lagoon 410 S2 (Panama)
  • Lagoon 440 (South Carolina)

Leopard 40 (Florida)

  • Nautitech 475 (Caribbean)
  • Catana 411 (Pacific)
  • Balance 482 (Florida)
  • FP Marquises 56 (Mexico Pacific)

NEEL 47 (Florida)

  • Lagoon 43 PC (New England)
  • Endeavour TrawlerCat 44 (Georgia)

Lagoon 52F (Caribbean)

  • Voyage 440 (New England)
  • Fountaine Pajot Lipari 41 (Caribbean)
  • Lagoon 450 Flybridge (Caribbean)
  • Lagoon 500 (South Carolina)
  • Lagoon 440 (Washington)
  • Nautitech 46 Open (Aruba)
  • Leopard 40 (South Carolina)

Manta 42 Mk IV (Chesapeake Bay)

  • Bali 4.8 (Caribbean)
  • Sunreef 58 Custom (Thailand)

Fountaine Pajot Lipari 41 (Atlantic)

  • Fountaine Pajot Saba 50 (Puerto Rico)
  • Fastback 43 (Chesapeake Bay)
  • Fountaine Pajot Saona 47 (Europe)

Pocket Catamarans

  • Prout 35 Snowgoose (Chesapeake Bay)
  • Lagoon 37 TPI (Florida)
  • Hirondelle 7M MK II (Atlantic)
  • HopYacht 30 (Florida)
  • Fountaine Pajot 35 Tobago (Florida)

Catalac 9M (Oregon)

  • Fountaine Pajot 35 Tobago (Bahamas)
  • Marstrom Seacart 30 (California)
  • Island Packet 35 Cat (Atlantic)
  • EndeavourCat 36 (Florida)
  • Seawind 1000 XL (Florida)
  • Aventura 37 (France)

Endeavour Victory 35 (Mexico Pacific)

  • Gemini Freestyle 37 (New England)
  • Gemini Legacy 35 (Florida)
  • Gemini Legacy 35 (Caribbean)

Gemini 105M (Florida)

Power catamarans, leopard 39 pc (chesapeake bay).

  • Aquila 48 Powercat (Atlantic)
  • Leopard 46 Lion PC (South Carolina)
  • Lagoon 43 PC (Florida)

Endeavour 44 TrawlerCat (Florida)

  • Lagoon 44 PC (Caribbean)
  • Aquila 44 Yacht (South Carolina)
  • Lagoon Seventy 8 (Asia)
  • Aquila 44 (Asia)
  • Fountaine Pajot Summerland 40 (Atlantic)
  • FP Ipanema 58 Power (Caribbean)
  • Nautitech 47 Power (Puerto Rico)
  • Malcolm Tennant 68 Power (Washington)
  • Gold Coast 70 Wave Piercer (Caribbean)
  • Gemini Freestyle 399 Power (Chesapeake Bay)
  • Custom 102 Power Cat (Europe)

Sale Pending

  • Leopard 40 (Atlantic)
  • PDQ Antares 42 (Florida)
  • Lagoon 380 (California)
  • Lagoon 52 F (Atlantic)
  • Manta 42 Mk IV (South Carolina)
  • Leopard 46 (Chesapeake Bay)
  • Nautitech 44 Open (New England)
  • Fountaine Pajot Helia 44 Evolution (South Pacific)

Lagoon 42 (Florida)

  • Lagoon 560 (Italy)
  • Leopard 40 Owner (Atlantic)
  • Lagoon 420 (Florida)
  • Lagoon 400 (Florida)
  • Lagoon 470 (Europe)
  • Gemini 105M (California)
  • Admiral  (0)
  •     Admiral 38  (0)
  •     Admiral 40  (0)
  • Americat  (0)
  •     Americat 3014  (0)
  • Antares  (0)
  •     Antares 44  (0)
  • Aquila  (3)
  •     Aquila 44  (2)
  •     Aquila 48 Power Catamaran  (1)
  • Aventura  (1)
  •     Aventura 37  (1)
  • Balance  (2)
  •     Balance 442  (1)
  •     Balance 482  (1)
  • Bali  (13)
  •     Bali 4.0  (0)
  •     Bali 4.1  (2)
  •     Bali 4.2  (2)
  •     Bali 4.3  (1)
  •     Bali 4.4  (1)
  •     Bali 4.5  (2)
  •     Bali 4.6  (0)
  •     Bali 4.8  (2)
  •     Bali 40 Catspace  (1)
  •     Bali 5.4  (2)
  •     Bali Catsmart  (0)
  • Beneteau  (0)
  •     Beneteau Blue II  (0)
  • Broadblue  (0)
  •     Broadblue 38 Prestige  (0)
  •     Broadblue 385  (0)
  •     Broadblue 435  (0)
  • Catalac  (1)
  •     Catalac 10M  (0)
  •     Catalac 11M  (0)
  •     Catalac 12M  (0)
  •     Catalac 8M  (0)
  •     Catalac 900  (0)
  •     Catalac 9M  (1)
  • Catana  (12)
  •     Catana 381  (1)
  •     Catana 39  (0)
  •     Catana 401  (0)
  •     Catana 40S  (0)
  •     Catana 411  (2)
  •     Catana 42  (1)
  •     Catana 42 S  (0)
  •     Catana 431  (0)
  •     Catana 44  (1)
  •     Catana 471  (3)
  •     Catana 50  (2)
  •     Catana 521  (0)
  •     Catana 531  (0)
  •     Catana 55  (0)
  •     Catana 581  (1)
  •     Catana 65  (1)
  • Catathai  (1)
  •     Catathai 44  (1)
  • Chris White  (0)
  •     Chris White 48 Voyager  (0)
  •     Chris White 55  (0)
  • Condor  (1)
  •     Condor 40  (1)
  • Contour  (0)
  •     Contour 34  (0)
  • Corsair  (0)
  •     Corsair F28 R  (0)
  • Cross  (0)
  • Crowther  (0)
  • Custom  (10)
  • De Villiers  (0)
  • Dean  (1)
  •     Dean 365  (0)
  •     Dean 400  (0)
  •     Dean 440  (1)
  • Dix  (0)
  •     Dix DH550  (0)
  • Dolphin  (3)
  •     Dolphin 380  (1)
  •     Dolphin 460  (2)
  • Edel  (0)
  •     Edel 35  (0)
  • Endeavour  (4)
  •     Endeavour 30  (0)
  •     Endeavour 35 Victory  (1)
  •     Endeavour 36  (1)
  •     Endeavour 44  (0)
  •     Endeavour 44 TrawlerCat  (2)
  •     Endeavour 50 Pilothouse Trawler  (0)
  • Excess  (1)
  •     Excess 11  (0)
  •     Excess 15  (1)
  • Farrier  (0)
  •     F-41  (0)
  • Fastback  (1)
  •     Fastback 43  (1)
  • Fastcat  (0)
  •     Fastcat 445  (0)
  • Fisher  (0)
  •     Fisher 28  (0)
  • Fortuna  (0)
  •     Fortuna 36 Island Spirit  (0)
  •     Fortuna 401 Island Spirit  (0)
  • Fountaine Pajot  (27)
  •     FP 32 Maldives  (0)
  •     FP 35 Tobago  (2)
  •     FP 36 Mahe  (0)
  •     FP 37 Antigua  (0)
  •     FP 38 Athena  (1)
  •     FP 39 Fidji  (0)
  •     FP 40 Isla  (1)
  •     FP 40 Lavezzi  (0)
  •     FP 40 Lucia  (2)
  •     FP 40 MY  (0)
  •     FP 40 Summerland MY  (1)
  •     FP 41 Lipari  (3)
  •     FP 42 Astrea  (0)
  •     FP 42 Venezia  (0)
  •     FP 43 Belize  (2)
  •     FP 44 Helia  (3)
  •     FP 44 Orana  (1)
  •     FP 45 Elba  (2)
  •     FP 46 Bahia  (0)
  •     FP 46 Casamance  (0)
  •     FP 48 Salina  (3)
  •     FP 50 Saba  (2)
  •     FP 56 Marquises  (1)
  •     FP 58 Ipanema  (1)
  •     FP 60 Eleuthera  (1)
  •     FP Saona 47  (1)
  • Fusion  (1)
  •     Fusion 40  (1)
  • Gemini  (6)
  •     Gemini 105  (2)
  •     Gemini 3000  (0)
  •     Gemini 3200  (0)
  •     Gemini 3400  (0)
  •     Gemini Freestyle 37  (1)
  •     Gemini Freestyle 399 Power  (1)
  •     Gemini Legacy 35  (2)
  • General  (0)
  • Grainger  (0)
  •     Grainger 420 Mystery Cove  (0)
  • Gunboat  (1)
  •     Gunboat 55  (1)
  • Hirondelle  (1)
  •     Hirondelle 7M  (1)
  • HopYacht  (1)
  •     HopYacht 30  (1)
  • Hughes  (1)
  • Island Packet  (1)
  •     Island Packet Cat 35  (1)
  • Kelsall  (0)
  • Kennex  (0)
  •     Kennex 420  (0)
  • Knysna  (2)
  •     Knysna 440  (0)
  •     Knysna 500  (1)
  •     Knysna 550  (1)
  • Lagoon  (84)
  •     Lagoon 35  (0)
  •     Lagoon 37 TPI  (1)
  •     Lagoon 380  (7)
  •     Lagoon 39  (0)
  •     Lagoon 40  (1)
  •     Lagoon 400  (3)
  •     Lagoon 410  (5)
  •     Lagoon 42  (11)
  •     Lagoon 42 TPI  (1)
  •     Lagoon 420  (3)
  •     Lagoon 421  (1)
  •     Lagoon 43 PC  (2)
  •     Lagoon 44 Power Cat  (1)
  •     Lagoon 440  (2)
  •     Lagoon 450  (15)
  •     Lagoon 46  (3)
  •     Lagoon 470  (1)
  •     Lagoon 50  (2)
  •     Lagoon 500  (6)
  •     Lagoon 52F  (8)
  •     Lagoon 55  (2)
  •     Lagoon 560  (5)
  •     Lagoon 570  (1)
  •     Lagoon 620  (1)
  •     Lagoon Seventy 8  (1)
  •     Lagoon Sixty 7  (1)
  • Leeuwin  (0)
  •     Leeuwin 42  (0)
  • Leopard  (34)
  •     Leopard 38  (2)
  •     Leopard 39  (2)
  •     Leopard 39 PowerCat  (1)
  •     Leopard 40  (9)
  •     Leopard 42  (0)
  •     Leopard 43  (0)
  •     Leopard 44  (3)
  •     Leopard 45  (3)
  •     Leopard 45 Classic  (1)
  •     Leopard 46  (5)
  •     Leopard 46 Lion PowerCat  (1)
  •     Leopard 47  (3)
  •     Leopard 47 PowerCat  (0)
  •     Leopard 48  (3)
  •     Leopard 50  (0)
  •     Leopard 51 PowerCat  (1)
  •     Leopard 53 PowerCat  (0)
  •     Leopard 58  (0)
  • Lidgard  (1)
  •     Lidgard 73 Executive  (1)
  • Looping  (1)
  •     Looping 50  (0)
  • Maine Cat  (1)
  •     Maine Cat 30  (0)
  •     Maine Cat 38  (1)
  •     Maine Cat 41  (0)
  • Manta  (5)
  •     Manta 40  (2)
  •     Manta 42  (3)
  • Matrix  (0)
  •     Matrix 450 Vision  (0)
  • Maverick  (1)
  •     Maverick 400  (0)
  •     Maverick 420  (0)
  •     Maverick 440  (1)
  • Moxie  (1)
  •     Moxie 61  (1)
  • Nautitech  (9)
  •     Nautitech 40  (0)
  •     Nautitech 40 Open  (1)
  •     Nautitech 44 Open  (1)
  •     Nautitech 442  (0)
  •     Nautitech 46 Open  (4)
  •     Nautitech 47  (0)
  •     Nautitech 47 Power  (1)
  •     Nautitech 475  (1)
  •     Nautitech 65  (1)
  • Neel  (1)
  •     Neel 45  (0)
  •     Neel 47  (1)
  • Outremer  (0)
  •     Outremer 40  (0)
  •     Outremer 50 Standard  (0)
  •     Outremer 5X  (0)
  • PDQ  (1)
  •     PDQ 32  (0)
  •     PDQ 36  (0)
  •     PDQ 42 Antares  (1)
  • Privilege  (5)
  •     Privilege 37  (0)
  •     Privilege 39  (0)
  •     Privilege 42  (0)
  •     Privilege 43  (0)
  •     Privilege 435  (0)
  •     Privilege 45  (0)
  •     Privilege 465  (0)
  •     Privilege 48 Transcat  (0)
  •     Privilege 482  (0)
  •     Privilege 495  (0)
  •     Privilege 510  (2)
  •     Privilege 65  (1)
  •     Privilege Serie 5  (2)
  • Prout  (3)
  •     Prout 31 Quest  (0)
  •     Prout 33 Quest  (0)
  •     Prout 34 Event  (0)
  •     Prout 35 Snowgoose  (1)
  •     Prout 37 Snowgoose  (0)
  •     Prout 37 Snowgoose Elite  (0)
  •     Prout 38  (0)
  •     Prout 38 Manta  (0)
  •     Prout 39 Escale  (0)
  •     Prout 45  (2)
  •     Prout 46  (0)
  • Royal Cape  (2)
  •     Royal Cape 45  (1)
  •     Royal Cape 500 Majestic  (0)
  •     Royal Cape 530 Majestic  (1)
  • Sailcraft  (0)
  •     Sailcraft 32 Comanche  (0)
  •     Sailcraft 35 Cherokee  (0)
  •     Sailcraft 41 Apache  (0)
  •     Sailcraft 44 Apache  (0)
  • Scape  (1)
  •     Scape 39  (1)
  • Schionning  (1)
  •     Wildcat 350  (0)
  • Seacart  (1)
  •     Seacart 30  (1)
  • Seawind  (1)
  •     Seawind 1000  (1)
  •     Seawind 1160  (0)
  •     Seawind 1200  (0)
  •     Seawind 1600  (0)
  • Simpson  (0)
  •     Simpson 48  (0)
  • Solaris  (0)
  •     Solaris 36 Sunrise  (0)
  •     Solaris 36 Sunstar  (0)
  •     Solaris 42  (0)
  • St Francis  (1)
  •     St Francis 44  (1)
  •     St Francis 50  (0)
  • Stealth  (1)
  •     Stealth 11.8  (1)
  • Sunreef  (6)
  •     Sunreef 62  (1)
  •     Sunreef 70  (1)
  •     Sunreef 74C  (1)
  •     Sunreef 82 DD  (1)
  •     Sunreef 88 DD  (1)
  • Switch  (3)
  •     Switch 51  (2)
  •     Switch 55  (1)
  • TRT  (0)
  •     TRT 1200  (0)
  • Twins  (0)
  •     Heavenly Twins 26  (0)
  •     Ocean Twins 38  (0)
  • Vaan  (0)
  •     Vaan R5  (0)
  • Vision  (1)
  •     Vision 444  (1)
  • Voyage  (10)
  •     Voyage 380 Maxim  (1)
  •     Voyage 400 Norseman  (0)
  •     Voyage 440  (3)
  •     Voyage 450 Cabriolet  (0)
  •     Voyage 47 Mayotte  (2)
  •     Voyage 480  (1)
  •     Voyage 500  (1)
  •     Voyage 580  (1)
  •     Voyage 590  (1)
  • Wauquiez  (0)
  •     Kronos 45  (0)
  • Wharram  (0)
  •     Wharram 38 Tiki  (0)
  • Whitehaven  (0)
  • Woods  (0)
  •     AMI 320 Renaissance  (0)
  •     Woods 22 Wizard  (0)
  •     Woods 35 Banshee  (0)
  •     Woods 35 Flica  (0)
  •     Woods 36 Scylla  (0)
  •     Woods 36 Vardo  (0)
  •     Woods 38 Transit  (0)
  •     Woods 40 Meander  (0)
  • Xquisite  (1)
  •     Xquisite X5  (1)

Featured Catamarans For Sale

Lagoon 42

S/V Reunited – ICW Friendly Mast, 1650 AH Lithium, Meticulously Maintained. Reunited is an ICW Friendly 2017 – 3 Cabin/3 Head Owner’s Version. Her 25K in recent upgrades include a NEW Large Roach Mainsail, NEW Stackpack and 1650 AH Lithium Batteries. Always privately owned, never chartered, US Duty paid and never in a named storm. As a couple, we’ve enjoyed sailing Reunited comfortably and safely with her ease of handling and spacious accommodations. Her reduced mast allowed us the pleasure of visiting places otherwise not accessible. Always ahead of maintenance, Reunited is Bluewater ready and waiting to embark on her next adventure.…

Fountaine Pajot Helia 44

Unique Opportunity to purchase a 2015 Fountaine Pajot Helia 44. This is a 3 Cabin Owners Version that certainly is one of the most popular models ever built by Fountaine Pajot.

“Freedom” is a two owner U.S. Coast Guard Documented boat that has spent her entire life in the US and a couple trips to the Bahamas. She has never been in a hurricane and always stored in secure Florida locations. She is also registered and duty paid licensed catamaran in Florida!

Extensive improvements and upgrades, Freedom is ready to travel.…

Maverick 440

S/V Journey is a USA registered 2015 Maverick 440 Catamaran for sale by owner. This owners version 3-cabin / 2 head interior layout is well thought out to be ergonomic in a yacht that is easy to sail & operate as a couple or family. The stylish, elegant décor has a timeless quality with a warm appeal. The Maverick 440 is designed for a couple or family who wish to sail around the world in comfort, whilst having the ability to do all the things they love and enjoy the places they visit.…

Lagoon 450F

HAZBIE was the last NEW Lagoon 450F showed at the Annapolis boat show!

1 Owner, never chartered. Immaculately maintained, Blue Water Sailing READY! 3-Cabin Owner’s Version.

Bulkheads were inspected and found no damage or buckling problems. Bulkheads were reinforced to Lagoon standards by a Lagoon authorized service center.

Are you ready to set sail on a luxurious and impeccably maintained catamaran? Look no further! We are excited to offer a stunning 2019 Lagoon 450F that is the epitome of elegance and performance on the water. The Lagoon 450F has the most comfortable cabins and heads in it’s class!…

Catana 471

Our unique Catana 471 has had one owner/operator from new and never chartered or damaged. Panic Attack is a well maintained, owner’s version catamaran, hull no 37. Three cabins, two heads and an upstairs galley with great visibility.

Catanas are the premium brand for well experienced cat sailors. Panic Attack has had regular, yearly engine services , excellent rigging and has Banks Hydronet sails. The Volvo engines were replaced in 2013 and the Hydronet sails were also replaced at the same time. The spinnaker is new and unused.

It’s a fast sailing cat which has done transatlantics with great comfort.…

Lagoon 450S

Tecolote is an aggressively-priced, one-owner, never-chartered, massively-equipped, meticulously-maintained, bulkheads-fixed, recently-surveyed, solar-lithium, 4-cabin, 220V-50Hz, VAT-not paid, 2020 Lagoon 450S lying in Marseille, France. Ready to cruise the Med and sail across the Atlantic to the Caribbean and beyond.

Replacing an icon is never easy, but when the Lagoon 450 replaced the 440, a new benchmark was created. The Lagoon 450 has quickly become the most successful cruising catamaran ever built, with over 1,000 hulls delivered.  It hits the sweet spot with a perfect balance of safety and seaworthiness, comfort and livability, ease of use, and surprisingly impressive performance.  …

Privilege 510S

TicLuna is an immaculate luxury ocean cruiser. The owners have spared no expense in maintaining the vessel. Lifted and bottom painted each winter. The engines and the generator have been serviced by authorized Yanmar and Onan technicians. She is equipped with safety gear that complies with all international standards and meets ARC requirements. Her rigging has been periodically professionally inspected and tuned (Moderne Marine, Turkiye; Alisios Sailing, Gran Canaria, FKG St Maarten). The owners have sailed TicLuna across the Atlantic Ocean, 4 continents and at least 7 seas, and 15 countries.…

Leopard 45

Sippin Pretty features a 3 cabin-3 head layout. The 3 cabin layout includes 2 cabins in the port hull one with a bunk, AC and outlets the other with shower, head and sink, the starboard hull is entirely dedicated to the owner”s suite, complete with work station and large private washroom.

She was outfitted at Just Catamarans with an extensive list of after purchase additions, including lithium batteries, solar panel array, inverter and victron system, freshwater toilets, custom dive tank racks, multiple camera installations, Starlink and custom enclosures and cushions from creative canvas.…

Leopard 40

Are you ready to embark on your next great adventure? Introducing for sale, a 2018 Leopard 40 catamaran, a perfect blend of performance, luxury, and comfort. This catamaran has never been chartered or sustained any hurricane damaged. Located in Lighthouse Point, Florida, close to the yachting capitol of the world, Fort Lauderdale. Step inside and experience the inviting open-plan salon with panoramic views. The well-designed galley ensures you can prepare meals with ease, while the spacious dining area is perfect for entertaining guests. The saloon boast a large front window with an access door to the forward deck and trampoline.…

Leopard 40

This is an owners version 40ft Leopard catamaran with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. This yacht has been meticulously designed for comfort, safety, and the blue water lifestyle and her sleek exterior and elegant lines make her an attractive choice for your sailing experience. The vessel has been in a Florida charter program but only very lightly chartered as he owner has used her frequently. (Full records available). She is always kept meticulously organized in all compartments.

The vessel has a full maintenance history available with every maintenance project or repair documented.…


This is a unique opportunity to have the most advanced, custom Neel 47 trimaran on the market. Delivered in February 2022, Supernova (hull #32) is fully equipped for off-grid, long-range blue water cruising. Offered through the Neel Certified Pre-Owned program, Supernova has passed a rigorous 50-point inspection (extended warranty available). This highly upgraded, custom Neel 47 was built for the cruising couple Craig and Katy, and has been featured on Gone With the Wynns, The Adventure Crews, and Sailing Doodles. Embark on your next adventure with the NEEL 47 trimaran, a marvel of nautical engineering designed for thrill-seekers and luxury lovers alike.…

Lagoon 52F

S/V Elation: Premier 2016 Lagoon 52F Catamaran for Sale

Seller is Motivated – Bring all offers.

Experience unparalleled luxury and performance with S/V Elation, a 2016 Lagoon 52F catamaran that embodies excellence in every aspect. This stunning vessel, meticulously maintained and extensively upgraded, is designed for both private enjoyment and lucrative charter operations, making it an ideal investment for discerning buyers.

For private use, S/V Elation offers an exquisite sailing experience with her sleek, modern design and striking graphics. Over $200,000 has been invested in upgrades over the past three years, including new black sails, advanced navigation systems, and a comprehensive suite of luxury amenities.…

Manta 42 Mk IV

Storyteller is a Maryland based 2007 Manta 42 Mk. IV Catamaran for Sale by Owner. Storyteller is hull No. 118 and began as the builder’s “boat show” boat, featured in magazine articles and at the Miami Boat show. She has never been in charter. The original owners purchased her when Manta closed.

We purchased Storyteller from them in December 2011, sailed her up to the Chesapeake in April 2012, and have been sailing her ever since throughout the Chesapeake and up and down the East Coast and Bahamas. At the end of May 2024 we returned from our latest 7-month cruise to Florida, the Keys and the Bahamas.…

Fountaine Pajot Lipari 41

Off-grid living with large solar array, lithium battery bank, induction cooking and watermaker. New standing and running rigging, low engine hours, ICW friendly mast, full canvas cockpit and helm enclosure, Starlink internet, huge 2-drawer refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioning. Privately owned, never chartered, never involved in a hurricane and US duty paid. Introducing this carefully maintained FP Lipari 41, Trim has been our home on the ocean and has safely carried our family through the sparkling waters of the Caribbean and the Bahamas, to remote anchorages and pristine beaches. We have discovered paradise for ourselves and created memories that will last a lifetime.…

Stealth 11.8 (California)

Stealth 11.8

S/V Hurricane is a 2012 Stealth 11.8 catamaran, for sale by owner. She is also listed with Nils Erickson, boat broker. 

Hurricane is a rare West Coast lightweight racer-cruiser in excellent condition and well sorted and optimized. Ready to race or cruise immediately. 

Designer Alan Carwardine, of Asia Catamaran, has always focused his designs on fast but comfortable boats. 

His current range of sailing catamarans, the STEALTH series, is no exception with stylish lines, large open living areas and easy access to side decks and foredeck.

The undercover cockpit with minimal areas open to direct sunlight cleverly maximizes air flow like no other design of its kind.…

Catathai 44 Grand Voyage (Martinique)

Catathai 44 Grand Voyage

S/V Javerne is a 2017 Catathai 44 Grand Voyage catamaran, for sale by owner. Our catamaran is available for sale now, between Rio and the West Indies where we will arrive at the end of 2024.

It has over 30,000 miles on the clock, and has always been perfectly maintained. It is completely ready to sail, and needs no major work.

With a length of 13.50 meters, and a width of 7 meters, due to its vacuum construction in PVC foam / vinyl ester resin. It is unsinkable.

It was designed and conceived Eco Friendly, it is 100% autonomous thanks to its photovoltaic panels, and a wind turbine.…

Leopard 39 PC

M/Y Good Speed is a 2012 Leopard 39 PC, for sale by owner. Professional Captain maintained.

The Leopard 39 Powercat is an innovative, efficient and spacious yacht that takes the best features from the popular Leopard 47 Powercat to bring you an exciting midsize catamaran with many of the features of a much larger yacht.

With a vision of creating an economical and intelligently designed power catamaran with global cruising capabilities, the team of award winning designers at Robertson and Caine not only drew upon the success of previous models, but also learned from feedback of our global owners and cruisers.…

Lagoon 380 S2 (Caribbean)

Lagoon 380 S2

This Is Me is a Lagoon 380 S2 owner’s version. She has the large windows in cabins with the larger owners cabin and shower. She is very well maintained and clean. Never chartered, 6 people can sit comfortably inside at table and outside table can seat 8.


Recently we had a Volvo mechanic tell us he had never seen cleaner Volvo MD3040 engines. We just finished a 6 month sail staying out on anchor the entire time. She is fully self sustained she just needs wind and a little fuel.…

Catalac 9M

Fiesta is a Catalac 9M that has been well cared for with constant improvements. Twin Yanmar 2gm diesels make docking a breeze and when the breeze doesn’t blow they get you to your next destination extremely efficiently. The Yanmars have had all required maintenance and have about 2500 hours on the log. She has been in fresh water only for the last twelve years, sailing the Columbia River. She is the perfect NW boat with an inside helm and a full set of electronics including a B&G mfd with autopilot and a second chart plotter with AIS.…

Lagoon 410 (Florida)

Lagoon 410

S/V Permanently Temporary is a 2002 410 Lagoon OWNER’S VERSION catamaran, for sale by owner. She comes with 3 staterooms and 2 heads. PORT HULL – V-Berth, Spectra Watermarker (under v-berth), storage, hanging locker. Electrical Control Panel, access to wiring and storage. Head with Jabseco manual head, sink and separate shower. Queen Stateroom with a hanging locker is aft. STARBOARD HULL – Full shower, sink, storage, large hanging locker, poo-poo tank, Raitian electric head, storage and space for washer. Hallway-large hanging locker, storage desk with bookshelves. Queen Berth, hanging locker, escape hatch.…

Leopard 44 (Greece)

Leopard 44

S/V Big Easy is a 2012 Leopard 44, for sale by owner. She is well cared for and upgraded, turn-key, 4-cabin, 4-head catamaran, that is perfect for blue water sailing in the Med. We are currently located in Greece. The boat includes a Highfield hypalon tender and an Oxley Parasailor. Built by Robertson & Caine, and designed by renowned architects Morrelli and Melvin, the Leopard 44 is a blue water cruising catamaran that combines spacious living accommodations, high quality fittings and great performance. The Leopard 44 was “Boat of the Year” when introduced in 2011 with the judges positively commenting on performance, easy handling and the revolutionary forward cockpit.…

Scape 39 Performance (Florida)

Scape 39 Performance

S/V Wild Honey is a fast cruiser/racer sailing catamaran that is very light and responsive and extremely fun to sail, but yet has very comfortable accommodations and amenities. Capable of exceeding 20 knots. Built by Scape Yachts in South Africa using carbon fiber/epoxy resin throughout. Construction complies with Lloyds, CE-Commercial Vessel and USCG construction standards.

She has Yanmar 3YM30 (1000 hrs) with sail drives. Factory rigged for screecher with 5 sails total. The Scape 39 is a great sailing catamaran.  Centerboards. Performance.

Currently on the hard.  Owner ready to let go!…

Leopard 48 (Greece)

Leopard 48

2017 48’ LEOPARD CATAMARAN (4 double cabins) With many unique features, the Leopard 48 sets a new standard in the world of cruising catamarans. This catamaran holds nothing back in its pursuit to excel in all areas. Its sleek style, comfort, space, blue water sailing capabilities and unique innovative features combine to create a catamaran that fits right into the Leopard family. The forward cockpit allows comfortable seating on the forward deck and refreshing circulation throughout the saloon area. The main cockpit aft is not only comfortable but provides free and easy access to a pair of wide-open side decks.…

Morrelli and Melvin 46 Custom (Chesapeake Bay)

Morrelli and Melvin 46 Custom

Yacht survey by Coastal Marine LLC. 5/20/22 at Key Largo FL. during our haul-out. ($438,800 Survey Market Value)

Rhatcat is an Morrelli and Melvin 46 design catamaran for sale by owner.  She is a liveaboard / cruiser with 26’ beam (wider is better). Built with the cruising couple in mind that can easily be singlehanded.

Yacht designers Morrelli and Melvin are known for performance catamarans.  Rhatcat is typical, reaching 17 knots plus. I’ve experienced that 3 times and it wanted to pick up even more. I’m not a racer, so I had to spill the wind!…

Lagoon 42 (Mexico Pacific)

Lagoon 42

S/V Korra is a 2018 Lagoon 42 catamaran, for sale by owner. Korra has been owned and actively maintained by a full-time cruising couple since 2020. She is a 3-cabin owner’s version and is extremely well outfitted for blue-water cruising.

Starting in Spain, the owners sailed across the Atlantic, through the Panama Canal and up the west coast of Mexico to her current destination in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

The boat has never been chartered and has been lovingly cared for and maintained. Korra comes with significant upgrades, spares, creature comforts and toys for an easy start to your new adventure.…

St. Francis 44 Mk II (Florida)

St. Francis 44 Mk II

S/V Majestic is a true blue water cruising boat, built in South Africa and sailed across the Atlantic on her own hulls in 1999. This boat has never been in charter, and has been meticulously maintained full-time and continuously upgraded by her second owner of 20 years.


Majestic is ready to go! You can move aboard, buy some food, and sail straight to Panama or Portugal (our last passage was 900 miles this May)  If you want to make the flooring and cushions prettier, go for it. …

Leopard 39 (South Carolina)

Leopard 39

Luxurious Bluewater Cruising Catamaran: Discover the ultimate in liveaboard luxury and offshore cruising capabilities with this exceptional Leopard 39 sailing catamaran. Meticulously maintained and boasting a host of premium upgrades, this vessel offers an unparalleled blend of performance, comfort, and self-sufficiency for adventurous sailors. Offshore Autonomy: Designed for extended off-grid living, this catamaran features an impressive 940Ah solar array, 1200Ah Lithium battery bank, and Starlink Internet connectivity, ensuring you can explore the world’s most remote destinations without sacrificing modern conveniences. Elegant Living Spaces: The bright and airy interior welcomes you with a spacious salon and U-shaped galley, offering ample space for entertaining and meal preparation.…

Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40 (South Carolina)

Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40

THIS IS THE LUCIA you’ve been looking for! A true diamond in the rough, owned and meticulously maintained by a pilot/engineer/mechanic.  S/V Escape Plan is a 2017 Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40 catamaran, for sale by owner. She is a Three-Cabin Maestro Owner’s/Comfort Version; (Hull #51, Under 1500 Engine hours). She is in excellent condition and ready to sail away upon handover. Escape Plan is USCG Documented and has had a Single Owner. 

Escape Plan has been lovingly maintained and enjoyed by our family while cruising from the Abacos up the East Coast to Annapolis for the past seven years.…

Manta 42 (Florida)

Manta 42

Now available FOR SALE BY OWNER is a beautiful 2000 Manta 42 Sailing Catamaran. I am finishing my cruising time on “Galileo” and she is ready for more adventures with new owners. Galileo is a meticulously maintained and extensively updated vessel. During my ownership, I have strived to completely upgrade or repair all identified deficiencies to bring her to an outstanding and highly reliable level of quality systems, equipment and workmanship. 

The US/Florida built Manta Catamaran Sailboats have an excellent reputation as proven, quality blue water cruising catamarans. These yachts are known for their durable construction and excellent performance.…

Lagoon 42

S/V Drunken Cat is a 2018 Lagoon 42 Owner’s Version catamaran, for sale by owner.

Are you tired of boats just not measuring up to your expectations? Well look no further than this 42 Lagoon sailing catamaran. This 2018 Owners Version has it all and it all works! From bow to stern this vessel is turn key and blue water ready.

We are the second owners and have lived aboard Drunken Cat for 2 years.

We’ve outfitted her with a new lithium battery system, new water maker, new inverter, new Code 0, new electronics and many other upgrades to make sailing the Caribbean an enjoyable experience.…

Endeavour 44 TrawlerCat

M/Y Fat Cat is a 2002 Endeavour Catamaran 44 Trawler Cat catamaran, for sale by owner.

****update boat is now home in Naples ****ready to view

I love this boat as its main characteristics are she has prop pockets and 3ft draw. This is very good for cruising Florida and Bahamas, also with a narrow beam as catamarans come. We can usually find regular berths and not pay for a double.

She has fuel flow scan meters, and it is a joy to see the economy of the Yanmars. I never owned such an efficient boat with this square footage, and 1500 mile range at 8-10 knots.…

Bali 4.1 (Italy)

Bali 4.1

S/V Sabatica is a 2019 Bali 4.1 catamaran, for sale by owner. Never chartered. Second owners. Low engine hours. Major upgrades in 2023 for performance, comfort and security on the hook: Watermaker, Washing Machine, Ultra Anchor, 600 Ah Lithium House Batteries, Stainless Steel Solar Platform for a total of 1610W production, Solenoid switch propane control from the galley, Bow Sprit and Screecher, window screens, full cushions and foredeck sun shade. Hauled out and bottom painted in 2023. Engines and sail drives serviced in 2023.

We chose the Bali 4.1 model in general, and this 4 cabin/2 bathroom layout in particular, because we felt it offered the best comfort and living space in a vessel of this size while remaining a lively and seaworthy vessel.…

Leopard 46 (Panama)

Leopard 46

S/V Paw Paw is a 2011 Leopard 46 catamaran, for sale by owner. Designed by architects, Melvin and Morrelli, and built by Robertson and Caine, this outstanding, single owner 2011 Leopard 46 is a world class blue water cruising catamaran that combines a stylish, comfortable and spacious living accommodation, high quality construction and great performance. Featuring four private staterooms, each with cupboards and wide shelves, a privacy door and an en suite head comprising a toilet, a mirrored vanity and a separate shower cubicle, plus two additional forepeak berths, it can sleep eight people comfortably.…

Catana 471 (Florida)

Catana 471

S/V Orion II is a fully equipped, 2007 Catana 471 (hull #86) catamaran, for sale by owner and currently in Florida. She’s a beautifully maintained owner’s version with many recent upgrades  including new dinghy, water maker, batteries, solar panels, electronics, windlass and trampoline all bought within the last 2 years.

The Catana 471 is 1999’s Multihull Boat Of The Year by Cruising World Magazine. This model features dual helms aft for maximum sailing feel and control. The bridgedeck is high for wave clearance, and the daggerboards make for a great upwind performance. …

Custom Roake 50 (Guatemala)

Custom Roake 50

S/V Panta Rhei is a 2012 Custom Roake Guenter 50 catamaran, for sale by owners.

The design concept for Panta Rhei was formulated in 1981. We wanted a fast sailing catamaran with comfortable but minimal accommodation capable of cruising the oceans of the world and at the time couldn’t find anything that suited our needs. The design and construction of Panta Rhei was an evolution that occurred over a number of years and involved a cast of naval architects, a variety of construction methods that at the time were cutting edge technologies, and the development of novel approaches to implementing the smooth working of all components.…

Leopard 45/47 (Caribbean)

Leopard 45/47

S/V Althea is a newly redone 2000 Leopard 45/47 catamaran, for sale by owner. Althea has had her sugar scoops extended by 2 feet to a total of 47 feet to enhance her performance in 2023.

The classic Leopard 45, also known as the Moorings 4500, was designed by Simonis Voogd and built by Robertson & Caine in South Africa. When it was introduced in 1997, the Leopard 45 was selected by Cruising World Magazine as “Charter Boat of the Year” and quickly built an outstanding reputation in the Moorings and Sunsail charter fleets.…

Lagoon 450 F (Florida)

Lagoon 450 F

S/V Marlove is a 2011 Lagoon 450 F Owner version catamaran, for sale . Broker in charge .  EU VAT PAID, US DUTY PAID,  NEVER NEVER chartered, she is viewable in Fort Pierce Florida , in perfect shape. Small trades such as for cars and monohulls can be considered.

Replacing an icon is never easy, but when the Lagoon 450 replaced the 440, a new benchmark was created. The Lagoon 450 has taken several items ideas from its predecessor, enhanced them through owner feedback, and created a larger sail area for favorable cruising speeds.…

Fountaine Pajot Athena 38 (Mexico Pacific)

Fountaine Pajot Athena 38

S/V Belize is a 2001 Fountaine Pajot Athena 38 catamaran, for sale by owner in Mexico. In early 2020 she was sailed from Panama to Puerto Vallarta by her second owner who prepped her for an ocean crossing (professional rigger inspection, new mast sheaves, new rudder bearings, new running rigging) but then his plans changed. We purchased her in the fall of 2022 and cruised her from Puerto Vallarta to Mazatlan to La Paz to Loreto where I put her on the hard at Marina Escondido in April 2023. I had planned to splash her in the fall of 2023 but plans changed and I listed her on this site.…

Leopard 47 (Florida)

Leopard 47

S/V Smoke and Roses is a 2005 Leopard 47 catamaran for sale by owner, located in Port Charlotte, Florida. The Leopard 47 is built with thicker hulls for durability and has the reliable shaft drives. Smoke And Roses features redundancy with power and refrigeration. Built by Robertson and Caine this sleek looking catamaran was designed for speed, agility and reliable blue-water performance.  

This yacht is docked at our residence, we use, maintain and upgrade her regularly. She is very clean, shows well and must be seen to appreciate. Delivery to the East Coast of US, most of the Caribbean or Gulf Coast as far as Texas, is available.…

Lagoon 500 (Florida)

Lagoon 500

S/V Wonder is a 2008 Lagoon 500 Owner’s version catamaran, for sale by owner. She has had only TWO owners and has NEVER been chartered.

Wonder is fully equipped with everything that you could ask for, brand new solar panels, stainless steel solid lifelines and railings throughout, water maker, generator, electrical diving compressors, and much more! Duplicate and back-up systems, including Raymarine and Garmin navigation equipment and independent autopilots, can be found throughout the vessel, as well as a large inventory of extra parts, filters and equipment.

The sugar scoops have been extended by 1.07m for more streamline sailing, with stainless steel pull-down ladders on each side.…

Endeavour Victory 35

S/V Quartersplash is a 2000 Endeavor Victory 35 catamaran, for sale by owner. Asking price is $146,000.  Cruising ready with numerous upgrades listed below. Quartersplash is currently located in Puerto Escondido Marina, near Loreto, BCS, MX, in dry storage. Puerto Escondido marina has affordable and available mooring the Sea of Cortez with reasonable rates. Puerto Escondido is easily accessible with a major airport 10 miles away, serviced by Alaska and American airlines and several Mexican carriers. We have enjoyed our time on the Sea with her and hope to find someone else who enjoys her as much as we did.…

Lagoon 570 (South Pacific)

Lagoon 570

S/V Aldebaran is a classic 2004 Lagoon 570 ocean cruising catamaran, for sale by owner. She features long, slick hulls for added performance and stability.

Built to a very high specification at Construction Navale Bordeaux, France, leaders in composite materials manufacturing, the hulls are of multidirectional fiberglass fabrics with carbon reinforcement structures in high load and pressure areas. The internal structural component is balsa-core and vacuum bagged laminate with vinylester resin used throughout the process.

Designed for performance and strongly built it has lots of space inside and outside providing pleasant and safe sailing.…

Leopard 380 (Atlantic)

Leopard 380

**New Plastimo Contest 130 Compass 7/23/23**

S/V Muvfasta is a Louisiana based Coast Guard Documented 1999 Leopard 38 Owners Version catamaran for sale by owner with 3 cabins and 2 heads.  The Owners’ Version Leopard 38 is a highly sought after catamaran with a stellar reputation.

We are the second owners of Muvfasta and take excellent care of her.  We have done many upgrades to Muvfasta since we got her in April 2019 that are listed below.  We sailed her in the Caribbean island hopping and then sailed her from St.…

Lagoon 400 (Mexico Pacific)

Lagoon 400

S/V Vdom is a 2012 Lagoon 400 offered for sale by World’s Aquarium, a 501 C 3 non profit located in Spokane Washington and dedicated to the rescue of sea lions in the Gulf of California.

The only change in our floor plan was forward starboard cabin is now converted to storage and Laundry room.

History: V-Dom, formerly known as Cava, was purchased by it’s original owners, an elderly French couple direct from the Lagoon factory in France in 2012. For the first two years or so of it’s life it sailed some of the intercostal waterways of Europe and the Spanish Mediterranean.…

Gemini 105M

Aireze is a Florida-based 1999 Gemini 105M catamaran for sale by owner.  The Gemini 105 was designed to be affordable, compact, relatively easy vessels for sailors new to catamarans.  It is one of the most popular catamaran designs ever built with over 1,200 hulls constructed.

Aireze is easy to handle and well equipped with a new Raymarine Autopilot, Lewmar electric windlass, new electric head, lazy jacks, 2-100 watt solar panels, new Garmin 9″ touch screen, davits , all new rigging and lines installed 2016, new water heater, new alternator, water pump, impeller, elbow, sea strainer, heat exchanger just serviced,  new belts and filters. …

Bali 4.5 (Florida)

Bali 4.5

Fresh Bottom Paint March 2023!

S/V Serenity is a 2016 Catana Bali 4.5 catamaran for sale by owner. This is a Bali 4.5 Owners Version which has never been chartered, and was Upgraded to 50HP Engines with Twin Disc 60 sail drives & new B&G Zeus 3 Electronics.

BALI 4.5 Open space is built in the Catana shipyards in France, using the best quality materials. Using the closed-cell PVC foam sandwich construction and hull fabrication by infusion ensure rigidity, durability, and weight reduction. Catana has combined speed with luxury to create a unique and revolutionary cruising catamaran in the BALI 4.5.…

ORION Catana 90 | From US$ 46,000/wk

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ORION Catana 90 | From US$ 46,000 /wk

Sailing catamaran ORION was built by Catana of France in 2008, refitted in 2019 and measures 27.4m (90ft) in length. Crewed yacht ORION offers spacious accommodation for up to 8 charter guests, in 4 deluxe en-suite cabins. Multi hull yacht ORION is available in the idyllic Caribbean during the winter months.

S/Y ORION has a light and contemporary interior décor. Honey toned woods, cream leather furnishings and ample natural light, create an open airy ambiance. The salon and dining is an open plan, with the lounge on the starboard side, formal dining port and forward, plus the well-equipped galley port and aft. The Galley offers a glass top breakfast bar, also ideal for evening cocktails. Guest accommodation is in the port and starboard hulls.

ORION Specifications

Type/Year:Catana 90/2008 
Beam:11.6m (38ft) 
L.O.A.:27.43m (90') 
Max Speed:10 
Engines:2 x 210hp Perkins Sabre 
Cruise Speed:7 
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Locations: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  

Exterior living is plentiful on the 11.66m (38.3ft) beamed performance catamaran ORION. Adjacent to the salon is a generous shaded aft cockpit, with ample seating and an alfresco dining option. Guests may easily wander to the capacious foredeck at anchor, or while under sail, where 2 large trampolines are perfect for sunning and relaxing.

Powered by 2 x Perkins 210hp engines when not under sail, the Catana 90 ORION catamaran is capable of 8 – 10 knots.

Yacht Charter Accommodation

The ORION catamaran offers accommodation in 4 cabins. The master cabin has a king size bed. A VIP cabin offers a king size bed, which can also convert into 2 twin beds if required. A family cabin has a king size bed and a separate cabin with 2 twin beds. These cabins are adjoined and share a head, perfect for a family, kids with a nanny, or teenagers.

Charter Amenities and Extras

Tenders & Toys: 16' RIB 90hp Yamaha with towing harness Crew tender: 10' Avon, 3hp Yamaha Wakeboard x 2 Child & adult waterskis Snorkel gear 3 SUP's Snorkel sleds 2 kayaks 1 banana boat for 4 pax Audio Visual Equipment and Deck Facilities: Large screen TV - Salon DVD salon & all cabins Stereo Internet - local provider Underwater camera, still & video, Go PRo Deck showers x Swim platform x 2

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This document is not contractual. The yacht charters and their particulars displayed in the results above are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed. CharterWorld Limited does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. All information is subject to change without notice and is without warrantee. A professional CharterWorld yacht charter consultant will discuss each charter during your charter selection process. Starting prices are shown in a range of currencies for a one-week charter, unless otherwise marked. Exact pricing and other details will be confirmed on the particular charter contract. Just follow the "reserve this yacht charter" link for your chosen yacht charter or contact us and someone from the CharterWorld team will be in touch shortly.

ORION Enquiry

Hi Amanda, I wanted to forward a formal note of thanks regarding our charter of the S/Y Orion last month. We are truly spoiled, had a trip of a lifetime, and dream of the next time! We made fast friends with the crew, who saw to our every need with joy and smiles. And oft wry humor! We relished food from a true artist (who owes me a few recipes!) We enjoyed amazing views of the Amalfi coast, the beautiful islands of Capri, Ischia, and Procida. Explored Grottos, piazza’s and named several anchorages after the Capitan or crew/guest, as we saw fit. My children are now ruined bohemians! Destined to ply the seven seas as rogues, trained by the very best! It was a great boat, greater crew, super adventure for a lucky family. Thank you for your personal touch on the business end and we look forward to working with you again, soon. Chartered sailing yacht ORION in Italy, June


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    Beam:  8'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  15.3'    Draft:  2.2'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  2'8'
    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  13.5'    Draft:  0.75'
    Beam:  11'
    Beam:  13.6'    Draft:  5.6'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  2.5'
    Draft:  12'
    Beam:  11.4'    Draft:  4.5'
    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  13'10'    Draft:  3.5'
    Beam:  8'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  7.8'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  16'    Draft:  1'8'
    Beam:  7'11"'    Draft:  10"'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  6''
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  7'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  13.8'    Draft:  4.2'
    Beam:  7'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  7'
    Beam:  7"11'    Draft:  .83'
    Beam:  18''    Draft:  8'
    Beam:  7-6'    Draft:  2-0'
    Beam:  -'    Draft:  -'
    Beam:  13' 8'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  .8'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  11'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  .75'

catana catamaran

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catana catamaran for sale by owner

catana catamaran for sale by owner

S/V Orion II is a fully equipped, 2007 Catana 471 (hull #86) catamaran, for sale by owner and currently in Florida. She's a beautifully maintained owner's version with many recent upgrades including new dinghy, water maker, batteries, solar panels, electronics, windlass and trampoline all bought within the last 2 years.

Catana. Catana is a yacht manufacturer that currently has 41 yachts for sale on YachtWorld, including 6 new vessels and 35 used yachts, listed by experienced yacht brokers and boat dealerships mainly in the following countries: United States, France, Spain, French Polynesia and Italy. The selection of models featured on YachtWorld spans a ...

Find Catana Catamaran boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Catana boats to choose from.

Catana 582 built in 2005 by the Catana shipyard, owner's catamaran, very well maintained, Saint Vincent the Grenadine flag, EX VAT available marina Blue Lagoon in Saint Vincent.

Explore a sleek 2002 Catana 582 catamaran, now available for sale directly from the owner. Don't miss out on this opportunity!

S/V Serenity is a 2016 Catana Bali 4.5 catamaran for sale by owner. This is a Bali 4.5 Owners Version which has never been chartered, and was Upgraded to 50HP Engines with Twin Disc 60 sail drives & new B&G Zeus 3 Electronics.

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Palooza is a well-constructed bluewater performance sailing catamaran built by the well-regarded Catana factory in France. With extensive upgrades Palooza offers great value for a couple or small family looking to sail across oceans safely and comfortably. Notable upgrades include: lithium batteries (2021), new engines (2018), new generator (2024), 12V air-conditioning (2023), new 3 burner […]

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Catamaran For Sale - 2001 Catana 471 Catamaran. Catamaran for sale by owner - 2001 catana model 471, location: oxnard, ca, usa price: us$429,000. Email Catamaran Owner (phone:

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S/V BILLY K is a Ft Pierce, FL based 2001 Catana SA Catana 401 catamaran for sale by owner at a terrific price. View pricing, specifications, and photos. Contact catamaran owner.

catamaran; gulet; motorboat; powerboat; riverboat; sailboat; trimaran; yacht; powerboat. used power catamaran for sale by owner. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

catamaran catana 53

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catamaran catana 53

The larger Catana designs were given a rehaul relatively recently: the Catana 53 is the latest model that has been upgraded to a boxier, more muscly look. This boat feels huge when you compare it to other 50 footers like the St Francis 50 from South Africa. The first Catana model to get the new make-over was the 59 back in 2013. Then came a 62 footer, the 70 and finally the 53. They have now launched the Ocean Class (50) with its single raised helm.

The company that builds these famous performance cruising cats is the same manufacturer behind the successful Bali range, and the volume charter brand seems to be soaking up more of the company´s resources. Yachts like the Bali 4.3 have been highly successful in taking market share from Lagoon and Fountaine Pajot.

Nevertheless, with the Catana 53, this French manufacturer have once again come up with an impressive, fast, long distance passage maker for couples who are looking to tick off regular 200+ mile days. This yacht competes against the likes of the Atlantic 57 but will appeal to people looking for more comfort down below.

With those daggerboards, she´s fast upwind – you should see 8 knots in 15 knots of wind, and with less leeway than you would get in a fixed keel cat. Head downwind, and speeds in the mid teens are consistently attainable in the right conditions. Images credit, Rowan Gormley

The trademark Catana aft helms will not be to everyone’s liking, but there’s one thing that you can’t dispute: this configuration opens up the aft cockpit and saloon into one huge living space all tucked under a bimini. In rough weather on passage, you will more than likely be inside anyway, sitting at the ample forward facing nav station / control centre. And this Catana looks like it can cross oceans with its reverse bows, high bridge deck, curved daggerboards and clean wide sidedecks with flush hatches. Long distance cruisers will do well to prioritise a back up auto-pilot for redundancy.

  • A seaworthy, bluewater cruiser- an evolutionary design from a performance cruising catamaran manufacturer that has been on top of their game for decades.
  • Fast, light and strong, this cat is also very comfortable. It sits somewhere between an Outremer and a cruising cat, more at the performance end of the scale.
  • There is a huge living space on the main deck when you have those sliding doors open.
  • The boom is tucked in low next to the saloon roof – the center of effort of the mainsail is low and it´s easy to reach the boom.
  • The curved daggerboards follow the shape of the hulls and give you more space down below. Plus they give the boat lift at speed.
  • We love those forward windows that open right up. The ventilation on this boat at anchor is fantastic.
  • We also love the galley with the island. Save some budget for the wine fridge.
  • Overall, she has a high quality finish.
  • This is a big, wide boat. Moving around the marina steering from those aft helms can be intimidating – you are a long way from the opposite bow, although visibility is good through the saloon windows.
  • If your auto-pilot fails on a long passage, you are going to be spending a lot of time at those unprotected helms. One solution is to have a back-up autopilot of course (it’s not a bad idea to have this kind of redundancy on any blue water catamaran).
  • This is a performance cat, so the hulls are slender when you compare them to cruising cats: your living space down below is smaller, particularly in the forward cabins and in the heads. But I have to say that Catana have struck a good balance here compared to other performance cruising cats we have seen. It´s closer to a Balance than an Outremer.

catamaran catana 53

When you are manoeuvring around the marina, the opposite bow seems a long way away. Visibility through the boat is excellent, but even so, you may find yourself hopping up to the side deck to check the distances. The helm seats feel more tucked in on the 53 compared to their smaller boats though. I think it’s those tall sides by the helm seats.

All the advantages of this helm position are plain to see: sailing feel (as you are close to the rudders and the water), the telltales on the sails are in plain view and it’s easy to communicate with people in the cockpit. Plus, as you are right at the back of the boat, it’s no effort to keep track of where everyone is on this boat. Docking her is also a breeze.

If things turn nasty, those on watch are best off heading inside with the sliding glass doors closed and the heating on.

Electric winches are positioned close to each wheel, and all lines lead aft to them. In traditional Catana fashion, the mainsail is controlled by a double-ended sheet across the transom – there is no need for a traveler.

The boom is nicely tucked in low above the bimini top, keeping the centre of effort of the mainsail low. It also means it’s easy to get to the sail and the gooseneck.

You be able to average 9 to 10 knots consistently on this boat on long passages. The 53 is set up for a couple with all the lines leading back aft. She’s a forgiving boat and handles well. On a beam reach in a decent breeze, these yachts fly.

The Catana 53 is powered by twin 75 HP Volvos. At full speed ahead (3000 RPM) she’ll clock over 9 knots. Cruise at 2200 RPM and you will punch through the water at just over 7 knots.

Or alternate the engines and motor along at 6 knots and conserve your fuel.

catana catamaran

Light Construction

Catana 53s are built with foam coring and vinylester resin infused into the hulls, decks and bulkheads, with added carbon fiber and Twaron cloth where needed to increase strength and stiffness. She clocks in at just 14.5 tonnes light displacement and can soak up quite a bit of weight.

catamaran catana 53

The most popular configuration is the Owner’s version. In the port hull, you can set her up with two single bunks or a double in the aft cabin and a double berth forward. Each cabin has an en-suite shower with a shared head. The starboard hull is the owner’s domain, with a roomy island queen berth aft, a dressing and storage area amidships, and a head and shower forward.

There´s space for a crew cabin in the forepeak (we’ve seen one with bunkbeds in here or they can be used for storage, for dive equipment and a compressor, for example, or sails.

The aft cockpit has a roomy table to port that seats six, with a daybed on the starboard side and a sofa along the aft beam. There’s another sofa just inside the saloon on the port side. With the sliding doors open, it all opens up into one interconnected space.

Forward, there’s a substantial nav desk / control centre on the port side.

The galley wraps around in a big U on the starboard side of the saloon- this is a boat that is going to appeal to chefs.

And with the optional wine fridge, you’ll have something nice to wash down all of those culinary delights with. Topping it off is a big island with work surface.

The other option is the Family layout, with a fourth double cabin forward in the starboard hull and a shared head like the opposite hull.

Owner’s Review

If you are interested in even more info on this catamaran, head to our Owner’s Review: Catana 53 page.

Catana 53 Brochure

View the Catana 53 Brochure .

The Catana 53 is catamaran that gives you a great trade off between performance and comfort. Catanas have always built pretty fast cats, but on earlier models you had to compromise on the living space. With the 53, thanks to that huge main deck area and the clever use of space in the hulls, you get a big dollop of both.

How much is a Catana 53? What is the price of one of these catamarans? The price is heavily dependent on the options you go for, like any yacht, but €1.5 to €1.7 million plus taxes gets you in the ball park.

Will Catana relaunch their smaller models? We wish we knew! We’d love to see a 47 and a 42 in the newer, boxier style. They may extend the Ocean Class range with its single raised helm, but personally speaking, I’d like to see some options with the traditional twin aft helms as well. Or maybe a swing helm like the new Outremers? They could just continue focusing on the Bali range for the smaller boats though, I hope not.

Who Designed the Catana 53? Some pretty famous multihull designers have helped Catana get to where they have got today. In the early years, Australian Multihull legend Lock Crowther had a big hand in the early boats like the 40, the 44 and the 48. Then the crack team of Christophe Barreau and Frédéric Neuman took over and launched a whole series of classic boats. For the 53, Catana brought the design in house, but they used Marc Lombard as a key consultant. He shaped the hulls and was the architect behind the Catana 70, which belongs to the same family of designs.

Features and Video

Technical specification.

Length Overall

16.15m / 53'




2 x 60 or 2x 75 HP


800 l


860 l

Sail Area

154 m2 / 1657 sq ft

Draft (Boards up)

1.42m / 4´ 8"

Draft (Boards Down)

2.74m / 9´8"

Displacement (Light)

14.5 tonnes







Design Consultant

Marc Lombard

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catamaran catana 53

Sail Performance

catamaran catana 53


An evolution of the Catana 59 and 62, of which several examples are criss-crossing the oceans, the Catana 53 is the culmination of research by CATANA’s R&D team. It sets new standards in exceptional and luxury models. The skill of using “CARBON INFUSION” and “TWARON IMPACT” technologies, which today are used on every Catana, make the Catana 53 as light as it is tough. With maxi hulls, inverted bows, curved daggerboards, a “flush” interior design which is even more luxurious and carefully soundproofed, this boat gives its all to the pleasure of sailing at the speed of the wind, in absolute comfort and complete safety. At the forefront of semi-custom yacht building, the Catana 53 is a boat with performance well above the average. The architectural concept, the high freeboard, maxi hulls and curved daggerboards have been the hallmark of the Catana yard for more than 30 years. The large bridgedeck clearance allows the Catana 53 to remain comfortable at high speeds, even in big seas. Extensively tested and perfected, the new hulls achieve even better results than those of its predecessors, whose reputation is already well-established. Today the Catana 53 is the most high performance and safest cruising catamaran in its class. Sleek design, cockpit and saloon on the same level, modular and extendable, lounge area with day bed. The interior layout of the Catana 53 innovatively sets new standards of comfort and offers an absolutely unique living space, with the galley either U-shaped or with an island, its wider passageways, and even more spacious cabins. A never-before-seen level of comfort, always at the service of performance, and even with 360° visibility, whether at the helm, in the cockpit, the saloon or at the chart table. With 3, 4 and 5 cabin versions available, the Catana 53 can easily accommodate 8 to 10 people very comfortably on long passages even at full speed. A spacious interior, light and well thought-out, giving a range of possibilities for the interior layout. The Catana 53 provides exceptional comfort, whether for a trip round the world or for a summer cruise. Whichever version you choose, the comfort seen in each cabin is worthy of the biggest superyachts: mirrors, quality woodwork, desk, dressing table and storage with drawers, natural light and background LEDs and a private bathroom. And everywhere a sea view!

catamaran catana 53

Explore in 3D


Performance Indicators


Bruce Number

(higher is faster)

Sail Area to Displacement

Displacement to Length

(lower is faster)


Length (LOA)

Length (LWL)

Displacement ​ (light)

Payload capacity

Sail Area (main+jib)

Draft (min)

Draft (max)

Mast clearance

Bridgedeck clearance

Manufactured Since

Engine (hp) ​

Hull Material



Sandwich PVC fiberglass vinylester (vacuum infusion)

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There are many ways to buy a catamaran and the procedure varies between manufacturers. It's a process that takes time and you should not be afraid of starting talks with the manufacturer.

Here are some common questions you might have:

Can I afford it?  Talk to the manufacturer and they can advise you on financing options.

Can I sail it?  Arrange a test sail with the manufacturer, or ask them directly what kind of support and education they offer for boat buyers. 

If you need anything else, be it more details , an introduction to the manufacturer , a shipyard visit , a  test sail , or help with  customatization,  let us know on the Help  M e page after clicking below and we’ll help you take the next step.

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catamaran catana 53

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catamaran catana 53

Catana C53 Catamaran

Catana 53 catamaran, dimensions & specifications.

  • Architect: Chantier CATANA
  • Interior design: Couëdel HUGON Design
  • Hull length: 53′
  • Overall length: 55′ 10″
  • Beam: 28′ 5”
  • Draft boards up: 4′ 11”
  • Draft boards down: 9′ 10”
  • Light displacement: 14.5 T
  • Main sail area: 1184 sq ft
  • Upwind sail area: 1938 sq ft
  • Downwind sail area: 2939 sq ft
  • Engines power: 2 x 60 HP
  • Fresh water capacity: 211 US gal
  • Fuel capacity: 227 US gal
  • Refrigerator capacity: 96.2 US gal

Want to Buy a Catana?

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Catamaran Guru, through its sister company, Ocean Multihulls, has been appointed the exclusive agent for Catana Catamarans in the USA. Contact us directly for specifications, pricing, and a concierge-level buying experience.

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Catana 53: Best Cruising Multihull Over 50 Feet

  • By Herb McCormick
  • Updated: December 11, 2018

catamaran catana 53

In the quest to determine the Best Cruising Multihull Over 50 Feet, it soon became apparent that the contenders were nicely split between two sets of quite similar vessels. On one hand, you had two evenly matched 50-footers: the Lagoon 50 and the Leopard 50. On the other was a pair of 50-foot-plus vessels, each of which crested the million-dollar price tag: the Catana 53 and the fleet’s lone trimaran, the Neel 51.

The two “Ls” are produced by a couple of the world’s biggest catamaran builders, France’s Lagoon and South Africa’s Robertson and Caine. Both produce hundreds of cats each year, many of them bound for the world’s largest charter fleets (the Leopard is also available in a dedicated charter version that’s marketed as the Moorings 5000, while Lagoon says a solid 40 percent of its new 50’s production run will be charter boats). Finding much to like about all four boats, and recognizing they were all conceived with different purposes in mind, the judging team decided to consider the Lagoon 50 and the Leopard 50 in a separate category: Best Charter Boat .

That left the big cat and the big tri, dedicated long-range cruisers that Tim Murphy said squared up against each other very well. “I think the Neel and the Catana are very fair competitors against each other,” he said. “They’re not billed as 20-plus-knot thoroughbred racing multihulls, but they’re very quick. They’re promising 10 or 12 knots, but day after day. I think they’ll both achieve that. They both do a lot of really good things where their sail plans can be set up for knocking out those ocean miles. They’re really miles-per-day boats, where you’re going to see those 240-mile daily runs I think pretty regularly.”

So there we have the ­similarities, and they are clearly impressive ones. What about the differences?

Neel 51

Well, perhaps obviously, trimarans and catamarans are inherently different, a point Alvah Simon made when discussing the Neel 51. “The builder had charts showing righting moments, stability curves and polar diagrams, and I like that because you can believe science, you can believe data,” he said. But Simon also remarked that above and beyond the impressive figures, there’s a tactile difference between a cat and a tri, one you can feel: “This is a good boat. It’s a good ­concept, and it makes for light, fast multihull sailing, with easier motion, easier speed and easier sailing too.”

Leopard 50

There was a lot to like about the Catana 53 as well, and Murphy sang its praises. “Catanas are built to be cruising boats for liveaboard sailors who want to sail fast and have fun,” he said. “The construction of the boats isn’t at the leading edge of technology, but they use technology well. It’s Divinycell core, vinylester and E-glass through most of the boat, but then they use carbon at structural points along the way. They’ve got good placements of crash bulkheads. I think it’s a nice use of technology without being extreme.

Lagoon 50

“We had a whole lot of fun sailing this boat,” he ­continued. “We saw 10 knots with the screacher up, and it was pretty sweet. Visibility from the helm, a topic we’ve been ­visiting with all the multihulls, was excellent. There were some nice things about the way the ­mainsail was set up, with double triangulated blocks and tackles on soft shackles that can be moved outboard so you basically end up with a really beautiful vang built right into it. I can just imagine doing lots of ocean miles that would be really lovely.”

In the end, it was little things that tilted the scales. For instance, said Ed Sherman, the Catana was “very quiet with the engines running. With 3,000 rpm we were under 70 db in the main saloon.” For the Catana 53, that relative silence was golden, and a reason it’s 2019’s Best Cruising Multihull Over 50 Feet.

See All Winners: 2019 Boats of the Year

Other Winners:

  • Domestic Boat of the Year
  • Import Boat of the Year
  • Best Midsize Cruiser Under 38 Feet
  • Best Midsize Cruiser Over 38 Feet
  • Best Full-Size Cruiser Under 48 Feet
  • Best Full-Size Cruiser
  • Best Cruising Catamaran Under 50 Feet
  • Best Charter Boat
  • More: Boat of the Year , boat of the year 2019 , catana , Sailboats
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catamaran catana 53

High end 53 feet Catamaran - Catana 53 . After several months of research and good advice from our most enthusiastic customers, the Catana shipyard, assisted by several architect firms is proud to present the brand new Catana 53 .

A perfect boat doesn’t exist, but if you’re searching for a proven bluewater multihull that can be sailed by two, has all the comforts of a posh home but is wicked fast, and won’t beat up your wallet, you must put the Catana 53 on your shortlist.

Find Catana 53 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Catana boats to choose from.

The Catana 53 is catamaran that gives you a great trade off between performance and comfort. Catanas have always built pretty fast cats, but on earlier models you had to compromise on the living space.

Find Catana Catamaran 53 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Catana boats to choose from.

The Catana 53 is available with three or four cabins and offers a fully customizable head layout. Our test boat had the owner’s suite in the starboard hull with an oversized shower compartment. The bows can be made into crew cabins, but for cruisers, they’ll also provide invaluable space for gear.

At the forefront of semi-custom yacht building, the Catana 53 is a boat with performance well above the average. The architectural concept, the high freeboard, maxi hulls and curved daggerboards have been the hallmark of the Catana yard for more than 30 years.

The Catana 53 catamaran sports a minimalist design with cockpit and saloon in a totally flush deck. Interior fittings set new standards of comfort.

Catana 53 After several months of research and good advice from our most enthusiastic customers, the Catana shipyard, assisted by several architect firms is proud to present the brand new Catana 53 . Read More

Catana 53: Best Cruising Multihull Over 50 Feet Jon Whittle. In the quest to determine the Best Cruising Multihull Over 50 Feet, it soon became apparent that the contenders were nicely split between two sets of quite similar vessels. On one hand, you had two evenly matched 50-footers: the Lagoon 50 and the Leopard 50.

oc 50 catamaran for sale

oc 50 catamaran for sale


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  3. Catamaran Catana : Luxury & Performance by Nature

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  5. Catamaran Catana : luxe et performance par nature

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  6. Catamaran Catana : Luxury & Performance by Nature

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  1. Catana boats for sale

    Find new and used Catana catamarans for sale on YachtWorld, the world's largest yacht marketplace. Browse listings by year, length, price, location and more.

  2. Catana Catamarans

    2004 Catana 43 Ocean Class (evolved from 431), 47 Ocean Class. 2006: Catana began to manufacture larger yachts from 82 to 90 feet long. 2007 The Catana 50 Ocean Class is launched. 2008 Catana 41 Ocean Class, 65 ,Catana 90. 2010: launch of the Catana 42 and a lighter 50. 2011: launch of the Catana 47 and 59.

  3. Catana Catamaran boats for sale

    US $6,686/mo. A&C Yacht Brokers | Saint Vincent, Saint Vincent And The Grenadines. Request Info. <. 1. 2. >. Find Catana Catamaran boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Catana boats to choose from.

  4. Catana 47 Review

    Catana is based in the Catalan region of southern France and is one of the pioneers of the performance cruising catamaran market. You could say that the Catana 47 is regarded as a something of a classic.. They built the 47 for many years- so this is a well proven boat, designed by Multihull specialist Christophe Barreau to replace the 471, and this catamaran has been tested many times on ...

  5. Catana 42 boats for sale

    Find Catana 42 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Catana boats to choose from.

  6. Catana 70 Catamaran

    Catana Catamarans marks a whole new era in the design of the new Catana 70. One of the major changes is that the mast is located much further aft than on most catamarans which, according to the designers, improves performance and considerably reduces pitching. Revolutionary curved daggerboards give a hydrofoil effect.

  7. The New Catana Catamaran Owner discussion group: Information and advice, about sailing and maintaining Catana catamarans, shared amongst Catana owners and those interested in owning one. Our numbers are diverse, many of us have lived aboard for many years, some cruise seasonally, some have sold their boat and are wishing they hadn't, other just wish they had bought their Catana when the Euro ...

  8. Catana 471 owner's review

    Many thanks to Linda and Kurt for this Catana 471 owner's review. We have always had a softy spot for the 471 - one of the high water marks for Catana, this performance catamaran was designed by Christophe Barreau. We were looking forward to this one! "La Vida Gypsea" was launched in 1998 (hull no. 5). Can you tell us a bit about ...

  9. Home

    Planning to Cruise Around the World? Catana has a 35 year history building high quality, performance oriented, blue water cruising catamarans. There are more than 500 Catanas cruising the world today. Catana catamarans give you the freedom to sail quickly, safely, and comfortably anywhere where you want to go, with crew or without.

  10. CATANA CATAMARANS (@catana_catamarans) • Instagram photos and videos

    5,862 Followers, 125 Following, 347 Posts - CATANA CATAMARANS (@catana_catamarans) on Instagram: " ️Catamarans performance 朗Comfort, safety, luxe & pleasure Sea lovers Designer"

  11. Catana boats for sale

    Find Catana boats for sale near you, including boat prices, photos, and more. Locate Catana boat dealers and find your boat at Boat Trader! ... 1996 Prout Catamaran. $189,265. WORLDWIDE YACHT SALES. 2016 Bavaria Cruiser 46. $198,500. North Point Yacht Sales Southern Bay. 2016 Hanse 415.

  12. Catamaran For Sale

    Catamaran For Sale - 2001 Catana 471 Catamaran. Catamaran For Sale by Owner - 2001 Catana Model 471 Location: Oxnard, CA, USA Price: US$429,000. Email Catamaran Owner (phone: 805-551-6019) Voyage-ready performance catamaran. UNRIVALLED EQUIPMENT & FEATURES. City Where Boat Is Located: Oxnard, CACountry Where Boat Is Located: United States ...

  13. 17 Best Catamarans for Sailing Around the World

    Catana 50. One of the few 50 footers (15.24 meters) that can be sailed by just one person (many would of course disagree on this). The Catana 50 is a catamaran worthy of an overseas journey. Its size adds to its stability on the open waters and its ability to sail straight through the choppy ocean and windy conditions.

  14. CatamaranSite

    Catana 471 (Caribbean) Asking: £395,000 (GBP) S/V Panic Attack is a Chaguaramas, Trinidad and Tobago based 2001 Catana 471 Catamaran For Sale by Owner. Photos & Details Contact Catamaran Owner. Our unique Catana 471 has had one owner/operator from new and never chartered or damaged.

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    ORION Catana 90 | From US$ 46,000 /wk. ORION. Sailing catamaran ORION was built by Catana of France in 2008, refitted in 2019 and measures 27.4m (90ft) in length. Crewed yacht ORION offers spacious accommodation for up to 8 charter guests, in 4 deluxe en-suite cabins. Multi hull yacht ORION is available in the idyllic Caribbean during the ...

  16. Catana sailboats for sale by owner.

    Catana preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Catana used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. Avoid Fraud. ... composite catamaran: Engine: 2 diesel inboard; Location: Europe, Outside United States; Asking: $3,150,000: Sailboat Added 07-Aug-2019 More Details: Catana 582 Ocean Class:

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    fiberglass catamaran: Location: Hummelstown, Pennsylvania; Asking: $750: Sailboat Added 19-Jul-2018 More Details: Featured Sailboats (all): 26' Forrester-Custom for Sherwood Brass Herreshoff Monroe, Michigan ... Capital Yachts | Catalina | Catana | C&C | CE Ryder | Cheoy Lee | Chrysler ...

  18. catana catamaran for sale by owner

    catamaran; gulet; motorboat; riverboat; sailboat; trimaran; yacht; trimaran. catana catamaran for sale by owner. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

  19. catamaran catana 53

    Connection denied by Geolocation Setting. Reason: Blocked country: Russia. The connection was denied because this country is blocked in the Geolocation settings. Please contact yo

  20. oc 50 catamaran for sale

    NEW HH Catamarans OC 50. New boats for sale, sail catamarans 50ft >, hh catamarans boats for sale, hh catamarans oc50 boats for sale. CATANA OC 50 WINNING DESIGN & PERFORMANCE FEA

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    ★★★ [HD Music Video] ★★★The Gift, a film by Carl Erik Rinsch. Part of the Parallel Lines project from Philips Cinema and Ridley Scott Associates.