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Conduct of a Race: Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024

Part 3 rules

Part 3 (Rules 25 – 37) of the Racing Rules of Sailing covers conduct of a race. These rules are important for both sailors and the race committee. In this article, we’ll highlight the items important to sailors.

This series updates the Inland Lake Yachting Association (ILYA) #FairSailing initiative  begun in 2018. In the update, we’ve incorporated the 2021-2024 changes and added a video version of the article.

Video – Conduct of a Race

Rule 25 – Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions and Signals

We won’t go over Rule 25 in detail here, since it applies more to the race committee than to sailors. The most important part for sailors is Rule 25.1, which states that “the notice of race [NoR] shall be made available to each boat that enters an event before she enters . The sailing instructions [SIs] shall be made available to each boat before the race begins.”

The NoR and SIs have always been important to sailors. With the 2021-2024 rules changes, the NoR becomes even more important:

  • The NoR can now contain some information that was previously required in the SIs. If so, this information won’t be repeated in the SIs. Appendix J contains an updated list of NoR and SI content.
  • The organizers must make the NoR available before boats enter the event. Previously it was only required to be available before the race. The wording in red above shows the change.

The take-away for sailors is to read both the NoR and SIs .

Rule 26 – Starting Races

“Races shall be started by using the following signals. Times shall be taken from the visual signals; the absence of a sound signal shall be disregarded.”

conduct of a race - starting sequence

As a sailor, how do you determine when the warning signal will occur? Here are several possibilities:

  • Many race committees make the warning signal at the exact time shown in the NoR for the race start, without any alerts to sailors.
  • Some race committees use a series of sounds as an assembly signal one minute before the warning. This is optional and not specified in the rules.
  • Some races committees will give announcements over the communications channel when they are about to sound the warning signal.
  • For postponements, the warning signal signal occurs one minute after the postponement flag (AP) is lowered. See the Race Signals page of the rulebook.
  • For general recalls, the warning signal occurs one minute after the the general recall flag (first substitute) is lowered. See Rule 29.2.

Rule 28 – Sailing the Race

“28.1 A boat shall start , sail the course and then finish . While doing so, she may leave on either side a mark that does not begin, bound or end the leg she is sailing. After finishing she need not cross the finishing line completely. 28.2 A boat may correct any errors in sailing the cours e, provided she has not crossed the finishing line to finish .”

Rule 28 Definitions

Start . A boat starts when, her hull having been entirely on the pre-start side of the starting line at or after her starting signal, and having complied with rule 30.1 if it applies, any part of her hull crosses the starting line from the pre-start side to the course side.

Finish . A boat finishes when, after starting, any part of her hull crosses the finishing line from the course side. However, she has not finished if after crossing the finishing line she (a) takes a penalty under rule 44.2, (b) corrects an error in sailing the course made at the line, or (c) continues to sail the course .

conduct of a race - string "rule"

Sail the Course. A boat sails the course provided that a string representing her track from the time she begins to approach the starting line from its prestart side to start until she finishes , when drawn taut, (a) passes each mark of the course for the race on the required side and in the correct order (b) touches each mark designated in the sailing instructions to be a rounding mark , and (c) passes between the marks of a gate from the direction of the course from the previous mark .

Changes and Key Points

  • For sailors this change means that the race committee can score you NSC without protesting you and holding a hearing. in the old rules, the RC would have had to protest you for breaking Rule 28.
  • You may only find out about this when the scores are posted.
  • The definitions of start and finish were revised to state that a boat starts or finishes when any part of the hull crosses the line. Crew and equipment were removed. These changes were made throughout the rules.

Rule 30 – Starting Penalties

30.1 – i flag rule.

I flag - conduct of a race

“If flag I has been displayed, and any part of a boat’s hull is on the course side of the starting line or one of its extensions during the last minute before her starting signal, she shall sail across an extension so that her hull is completely on the pre-start side before she starts .”

30.2 – Z Flag Rule

Z flag - conduct of a race

“If flag Z has been displayed, no part of a boat’s hull shall be in the triangle formed by the ends of the starting line and the first mark during the last minute before her starting signal. If a boat breaks this rule and is identified, she shall receive, without a hearing, a 20% Scoring Penalty calculated as stated in rule 44.3(c). She shall be penalized even if the race is restarted or resailed, but not if it is postponed or abandoned before the starting signal. If she is similarly identified during a subsequent attempt to start the same race, she shall receive an additional 20% Scoring Penalty.”

30.3 – U Flag Rule

U flag - conduct of a race

“If flag U has been displayed, no part of a boat’s hull shall be in the triangle formed by the ends of the starting line and the first mark during the last minute before her starting signal. If a boat breaks this rule and is identified, she shall be disqualified without a hearing, but not if the race is restarted or resailed.”

30.4 – Black Flag Rule

Black flag - conduct of a race

“If a black flag has been displayed, no part of a boat’s hull shall be in the triangle formed by the ends of the starting line and the first mark during the last minute before her starting signal. If a boat breaks this rule and is identified, she shall be disqualified without a hearing, even if the race is restarted or resailed, but not if it is postponed or abandoned before the starting signal. If a general recall is signaled or the race is abandoned after the starting signal, the race committee shall display her sail number before the next warning signal for that race, and if the race is restarted or resailed she shall not sail in it. If she does so, her disqualification shall not be excluded in calculating her series score.”

Other than removing “crew or equipment,” there were no significant changes to Rule 30 for 2021-2024.

Rule 30 Questions

  • The race committee posted both a Z flag and an I flag at the preparatory signal. Immediately after the start, the race committee signals an individual recall and hails your number.

What must you do to start properly? How will your score for the race be determined? Answers

  • The race committee posted a U flag at the preparatory signal. Five seconds before the start, you are over the line.

If the race committee subsequently re-starts the same race, are you still disqualified? Answer

  • The race committee posted a Black flag at the preparatory signal. 30 seconds before the start, the race committee identifies your boat as being over the line.

If the race committee signals a general recall, and re-starts the race, are you still disqualified? Answer

Rule 31 – Touching a Mark

“While racing , a boat shall not touch a starting mark before starting , a mark that begins, bounds or ends the leg of the course on which she is sailing, or a finishing mark after finishing .”

Rule 31 Key Points

  • Rule 44.1 requires you to take a one-turn penalty when you break rule 31.
  • No changes to Rule 31 for 2021-2024.

Rule 31 Questions

  • When rounding a mark, your rudder contacts the mark’s anchor line but the mark itself never touches any part of the boat.

Does this break Rule 31? Answer

  • You accidentally contact the offset mark while sailing upwind toward the windward mark. (You have not yet rounded the windward mark.)

Rule 32 – Shortening or Abandoning after the Start

S flag - conduct of a race

32.1  “After the starting signal, the race committee may shorten the course (display flag S with two sounds) or abandon the race (display flag N, N over H, or N over A, with three sounds),

yacht racing rule 26

(a) because of foul weather,

(b) because of insufficient wind making it unlikely that any boat will finish within the race time limit,

(c) because a mark is missing or out of position, or

(d) for any other reason directly affecting the safety or fairness of the competition.

In addition, the race committee may shorten the course so that other scheduled races can be sailed, or abandon the race because of an error in the starting procedure. However, after one boat has started , sailed the course and finished within the time limit, if any, the race committee shall not abandon the race without considering the consequences for all boats in the race or series.

32.2  If the race committee signals a shortened course (displays flag S with two sounds), the finishing line shall be,

(a) at a rounding mark , between the mark and a staff displaying flag S;

(b) a line the course requires boats to cross; or

(c) at a gate, between the gate mark s.

The shortened course shall be signaled before the first boat crosses the finishing line.”

Rule 32 Questions

  • You are sailing upwind towards the windward mark. The race committee displays the S flag with two sounds.

Where should you look for the finishing line?  Answer

  • You are sailing downwind towards the leeward gate marks. The race committee displays the S flag with two sounds.

Rule 33 – Changing the Next Leg of the Course

“While boats are racing , the race committee may change a leg of the course that begins at a rounding mark or at a gate by changing the position of the next mark (or the finishing line) and signaling all boats before they begin the leg. The next mark need not be in position at that time.

C flag - conduct of a race

(a) If the direction of the leg will be changed, the signal shall be the display of flag C with repetitive sounds and one or both of

yacht racing rule 26

(1) the new compass bearing,

(2) a green triangle for a change to starboard or a red rectangle for a change to port.

(b) If the length of the leg will be changed, the signal shall be the display of flag C with repetitive sounds and a ‘–’ if the length will be decreased or a ‘+’ if it will be increased.

(c) Subsequent legs may be changed without further signaling to maintain the course shape.”

Rule 37 – Search and Rescue Instructions

Code flag V - conduct of a race

“When the race committee displays flag V with one sound, all boats and official and support vessels shall, if possible, monitor the race committee communication channel for search and rescue instructions.”

Rule 37 was added to the 2021-2024 rules, along with the Code flag V.

World Sailing Cases of Interest – Conduct of a Race

65  –  When a boat knows she has broken the black flag rule she is obliged to retire promptly.

96  –  When after a general recall, a boat learns from seeing her sail number displayed that she has been disqualified under Rule 30.4 and believes the race committee has made a mistake, her only action is not to start and seek redress.

129  –  When the course is shortened at a rounding mark, the mark becomes a finishing mark. Rule 32.2(a) permits the race committee to position the vessel displaying flag S at either end of the finishing line.

Related Content:

SailZing – Racing Rules Category SailZing race signals quiz and worksheet World Sailing Racing Rules 2021-2024

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Third annual Great Sam Rayburn Cardboard Boat Regatta to take place this weekend

BROADDUS, Texas (KTRE) - The third annual great Sam Rayburn Cardboard Boat Regatta will be Saturday, August 26, and competitors are putting together the final touches on their boats for the events.

Making first place in a cardboard boat race while keeping afloat will be the goal.

“We started it three years ago and it’s grown every year. We want to bring back the holiday tradition of coming out to the lake on Labor Day and just having some fun,” Terry Sympson, one of the event’s organizers said.

He said so far there are about 20 boat entries and a few sponsored boats that will be seen in the water. He mentioned one boat to watch for.

“Our windows into the history from San Augustine,” Sympson said.

Displayed on the windows of downtown are 20 different historical events that represent San Augustine. They are advertising the concept on a boat.

“So, it’s just an opportunity to make people aware of what we do here in San Augustine County,” Sympson said.

The boat regatta event will have a pet costume contest, watermelon eating contest and an opportunity for kids who aren’t racing to experience a cardboard boat in the water.

“I think the people here in Broaddus, we forget to take advantage of the lake in our backyard. It offers a lot to our community and surrounding areas,” Cathie Bennett, one of the boat builders, said.

It isn’t just about the boats. Proceeds from the event will help fund Outdoor Freedom Network’s Toys for Tots program.

“We cover three counties in the lake area communities, and we distribute over 5000 toys to approximately 2,500 children,” Sympson said.

There is still time to build and enter your boat. It has to be made only of carboard and tape should only cover the seams. Boats can be entered until the start of the race for $25.

The event will start at 10 a.m. at the Jackson Hill Park and Marina in Broaddus. The entry fee is two dollars per person and children 10 and under are free.

Copyright 2024 KTRE. All rights reserved.

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When will the next presidential debate of 2024 take place and who will moderate it?

By Caitlin Yilek

Updated on: August 30, 2024 / 12:41 PM EDT / CBS News

Before President Biden decided to  drop out of the race  for reelection, he and former President Donald Trump had agreed to one more showdown on the debate stage before the  2024 presidential election . 

After Mr. Biden ended his campaign, it was initially unclear whether a debate between Trump and the new Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, would take place, but ABC News confirmed both campaigns said  they would participate  in the debate, which is scheduled for Sept. 10, just a few weeks after Harris formally accepted the nomination.

When is the second presidential debate?

ABC News is hosting the second presidential debate on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time. It will be the first time Harris and Trump debate each other. 

The debate will be held at the National Constitution Center  in Philadelphia .

The first presidential debate , on June 27, in which Trump faced President Biden in Atlanta, came unusually early  in the election season given that neither candidate had formally received their party's nomination yet. Trump accepted the GOP nomination on July 18 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Harris accepted the Democratic nomination during the party's convention in Chicago on Aug. 22. 

Plans for the ABC debate had been in question after Trump said on Aug. 3 that he was "terminating" it and would do a debate hosted by Fox News on Sept. 4 instead. Harris responded that she would be at the ABC News debate on Sept. 10 and hoped "to see him there." 

Then, at a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago estate on Thursday, Aug. 8, Trump recommitted to the ABC News debate. 

He also proposed two others, with Fox News on Sept. 4 and NBC News on Sept. 25. Harris has not yet agreed to the two additional debates. A Harris campaign spokesperson said Harris is "open to and eager to discuss more debates, but Trump has to show up to the September 10th debate first."

Trump seemed to indicate on Aug. 26 that he would not participate in the debate, saying that his campaign agreed to the same rules regarding microphones in place for the  first presidential debate , including muting the mics. Harris' team confirmed it did not want to mute the mics while the other candidate was talking, saying "our understanding is that Trump's handlers prefer the muted microphone because they don't think their candidate can act presidential for 90 minutes on his own."

But Trump later said "we agreed to the same rules. I don't know, doesn't matter to me." 

Who will moderate the next debate?

"World News Tonight" anchor David Muir and ABC News Live "Prime" anchor Linsey Davis will moderate the debate, ABC News said.

Which candidates qualify for the debate?

The qualifications are similar to the first debate, making it unlikely that any  non-major party candidates will meet the ballot access and polling requirements to earn a spot on stage. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who was running as an independent, suspended his campaign on Aug. 23 and threw his support behind Trump.

Candidates need to earn at least 15% support in four approved national polls and be on the ballot in enough  states to be able to win 270 votes  in the Electoral College — the threshold to win the presidency — in order to qualify.

How many more debates will there be for 2024?

There are no other presidential debates scheduled before the election at this point. The campaigns previously  agreed to only two debates — the one hosted by CNN on June 27 and the other by ABC News on Sept. 10. Trump has proposed two more, but the Harris campaign has not agreed.  

CBS News has also invited the campaigns to participate in a vice presidential debate on Oct. 1 , and both the Democrat, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, and the Republican, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, have accepted.

The candidates have  bypassed the tradition of three debates organized by the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which had overseen presidential debates since 1988. The commission's three debates were scheduled to take place in September and October at universities in Texas, Virginia and Utah. Instead, this year's debates were agreed upon without any involvement by the commission. 

The commission was met with sharp criticism by both Trump — who has accused the commission of being biased against Republicans — and by close advisers to Mr. Biden, who view commission procedures as outmoded and fussy. The co-chair of the commission, Frank Fahrenkopf, told CBS News' podcast "The Takeout" that top White House communications adviser Anita Dunn "doesn't like us," and he said on a Politico podcast that this was the reason Mr. Biden's team went around the commission to negotiate directly with Trump's campaign.

  • Presidential Debate
  • Kamala Harris
  • Donald Trump
  • 2024 Elections

Caitlin Yilek is a politics reporter at, based in Washington, D.C. She previously worked for the Washington Examiner and The Hill, and was a member of the 2022 Paul Miller Washington Reporting Fellowship with the National Press Foundation.

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World of Warcraft®: The War Within™ Now Live!

World of Warcraft®: The War Within™ Now Live!

Get back in the fight as you defend Azeroth from the shadows below. Journey through never-before-seen subterranean worlds filled with hidden wonders and lurking perils, down to the dark depths of the nerubian empire, where the malicious Harbinger of the Void is gathering arachnid forces to bring Azeroth to its knees.

Table of Contents

  • Meet the Earthen
  • Uncover the Secrets of Delves

Take Your Character to the Next Level with Hero Talents

Ride into battle in deephaul ravine, explore the zones and dungeons of the war within.

  • Get the Band Together for Warbands (now live)
  • Take to the Skies with Skyriding (now live)
  • User Interface and Quest Updates (now live)

The War Within Season 1 Schedule

The story so far, additional media, meet the earthen, a new playable allied race.

A new playable race arrives in The War Within—the Earthen. Unlock playable Earthen characters after completing their quests and the overall level-up campaign. Enlist this titan-forged race made of living stone by aiding them in their endeavors.

Champions of Azeroth must aid the Earthen and seek a way to restore their harmony and population. They can also be unlocked as a playable race, and you can choose Alliance or Horde to begin your journey starting at level 10 in their capital city of Dornogol. Learn more about them from our previously published article.

Uncover the Secrets of Delves in The War Within

Take your adventure to a new level with Delves.  Explore bite-sized world instances, gain experience, and epic rewards! You can explore alone or with up to four additional friends, along with an NPC companion—Brann Bronzebeard— you customize through their talent tree. Learn more about this new feature and the rewards you can earn either solo or with a few friends in our previously published article .

The War Within™ expansion introduces Hero Talents to World of Warcraft classes. They are an evergreen form of character progression for each class specialization that introduces new powers and class fantasies. There are 11 nodes in a Hero Talent tree. The first of these unlocks with the system at level 71, and you earn 1 talent point per level from level 71 to 80, so you get every talent in the tree by level 80. Learn more about the available Hero Talents for your class and specialization in our article here .

Set your sights on your next PvP adventure within Deephaul Ravine in the Ringing Deeps where you’ll work with your team to secure resources in the mine. Teams earn points by controlling one of the two active mine carts on the map or by capturing the Deephaul Crystal located in the middle of the map. The first team to earn 1500 points wins! Learn more from our article .

Get the Band Together for Warbands (Now Live)

With the arrival of  The War Within , upon first logging into  World of Warcraft , the Warband conversion process automatically enables many of the game's progression systems to be account-wide. Players will not need to log into each character individually for all progression, items, etc., to convert; however, there may be a short wait for the system to completely process your Warband the first time you log in. The Warband conversion process can take up to 20 minutes or longer, and depending on the amount of data being processed, there could be a login queue.

The new Warbands system is effective for all characters on a player's account and the items, Collections, and progression they share. It's important to note that your Warband is limited to characters within a  single region  (for example, the Americas or Europe) but spans every realm, faction, and even subscription you may have within that region.

Please note that as the character selection screen shows all characters on the account in one convenient location, some may show up as “gray” in the listing and are not available to select to use a Character Service on. To use a service for that character, you will need to select the realm that the character is from first by clicking on the “Realm” selection at the top of the screen and then apply the service to that character. You can also hover your mouse cursor over a character listed on the right side of the screen to see additional information including the realm it is currently on. Learn more about Warbands in our previously published article .

Take to the Skies with Skyriding (Now Live)

Dragonriding is here to stay and is available for many flying mounts in all flyable areas. Players can also toggle between Skyriding (previously known as dynamic flight) or the flying style introduced originally in  The Burning Crusade (TBC)  which we’re calling Steady Flight.

You can easily identify the mounts that are enabled for Skyriding from within the Warbands Collection tab (Shift-P) which is noted as Skyriding. To switch between Skyriding and Steady Flight, you can do so directly in the mount collection by clicking on the Skyriding icon in the middle of the interface and selecting “Switch Flight Style” in the drop-down menu. It’s important to note that any mount that doesn’t support Skyriding will be grounded if Skyriding is active. You will also be able to open your Skills Unlock here as well.

The ground mounts in your collection will continue to stay grounded, but most flying mounts will be able to be put to use for Skyriding save for a select few such as the Otterworldly Ottuk Carrier, some fish mounts, and brooms.

User Interface and Quest Updates (Now Live)

With the start of Early Access on August 22, Normal difficulty dungeons will become available.

  • Ara-Kara, City of Echoes (Levels 70-80)
  • Priory of the Sacred Flame (Levels 70-80)
  • The Rookery (Levels 70-80)
  • The Stonevault (Levels 70-80)
  • Cinderbrew Meadery (Level 80)
  • City of Threads (Level 80)
  • Darkflame Cleft (level 80)
  • The Dawnbreaker (Level 80)

With the launch of the expansion on August 26, Heroic difficulty dungeons will be available to play.

On September 10, The War Within Season 1 will begin with Heroic and Raid Finder Wing 1 of Nerub-ar Palace opening, Mythic 0 dungeons also become available along with Heroic Seasonal dungeons and the new World bosses.

World Bosses

  • Kordac, the Dormant Protector
  • Aggregation of Horrors
  • Shurrai, Atrocity of the Undersea
  • Orta, the Broken Mountain

On September 17, Mythic raids, Raid Finder Wing 2, Mythic+ dungeons and raid Story Mode will open.

On September 24 Raid Finder Wing 3 will open.

Dungeon Item Rewards:



Season 1

Great Vault





Explorer 4 (567)

Adventurer 4 (580)

Veteran 4 (593)



Veteran 4 (593)

Champion 3 (603)



Champion 1 (597)

Champion 4 (606)



Champion 1 (597)

Hero 1 (610)



Champion 2 (600)

Hero 1 (610)



Champion 3 (603)

Hero 2 (613)



Champion 4 (606)

Hero 2 (613)



Hero 1 (610)

Hero 3 (616)



Hero 1 (610)

Hero 4 (619)



Hero 2 (613)

Hero 4 (619)



Hero 2 (613)

Myth 1 (623)

Catch up on the story so far with our video.

Go on a journey to learn all about the story and narrative development of the Worldsoul Saga™ and The War Within™.

WoWCast: Dive into The War Within’s Delves, Dungeons, PvP, and Raid

"threads of destiny".

Warning: Arachnophobe Alert! This content contains references to spiders and arachnid-related imagery which may be unsettling to individuals with arachnophobia. Viewer discretion is advised.

Alleria: "Light and Shadow"

Follow Alleria Windrunner’s journey as she battles through the trials that have shaped her into one of Azeroth’s most formidable heroes.

Short Stories


After several younglings are lost attempting their om’gora rites, Thrall begins questioning the value of the trials. The new generation places such emphasis on martial strength and battle prowess that they would risk death attempting the rites before they are ready. Walking through Orgrimmar with his family, Thrall reflects on his son’s readiness for the trials, his own coming of age, and how to prepare this new generation to build on the legacy he and his friends started long ago. Read it here.


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Queen Regent Moira Thaurissan is exhausted. Her son, Dagran II, is rapidly coming of age and stands to inherit leadership of both the Dark Iron and Bronzebeard Clans. But Dagran is bookish and odd: He would easily choose the company of his library over leadership. Can Moira inspire her son to take up his birthright, or will her fears for his future—and the future of the clans—prove true?  Read it here.


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Monte Gazlowe, Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel, has been probing working conditions among the goblins. Everywhere he tours he sees a burned-out workforce, cheap machinery, and unhealthy working conditions that drag production and denigrate their people. “This is the goblin way! Dog eat dog! Only the winner comes out on top!” But is this really the goblin way, or is it just the way Jastor Gallywix wanted them looking?  Read it here.


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Khadgar has dispatched Alleria Windrunner on a dark mission, one that portends an uncertain future for Azeroth. Before she departs, she visits her lost home of Silvermoon on a mission of peace and connection. Much remains unsaid between Alleria and her son, Arator—hindered by fear and misunderstanding—but Alleria would have her son know his mother and her intentions before a new evil threatens Azeroth again.  Read it here.

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Title: 2021 - 2024 World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing

Description: World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing for 2021 to 2024, effective from 1 January 2021.

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Home  Competition  Rules/Officiating  Race Officers  Materials for Race Officers  Racing Rules of Sailing and Race Management

Materials for Race Officers

Racing rules of sailing and race management.

Note: Suggestions for corrections or additions can be made to the  RMC Web Liaison .

  • Appendix A – Alternate Scoring Systems for Long Series In this document, the US Sailing Racing Rules Committee provides texts for scoring systems designed for long series, such as a season championship spanning several weeks or months. The material presented here is the material referred to in the “US Sailing Note on Scoring a Long Series” at the end of Appendix A in the US Sailing edition of The Racing Rules of Sailing for 2009 – 2012 but is still considered valid.
  • Scoring Guidance Appendix A This document provides scoring guidance under Appendix A. Although developed in conjunction with The Racing Rules of Sailing 2001-2004 , it is current and correct for use with The Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2020 .
  • Appendices KG and LG – Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions Guides and Templates
  • US Sailing provides this guide to writing simple sailing instructions for events such as club or local regattas. For a guide to sailing instructions for more complex events, such as world, national or class championships, consult Appendix L of The Racing Rules of Sailing .
  • 2021-2024 Hearing Request Form Replaces the front page of the former PROTEST FORM to be used by competitors to file protests, redress requests, and requests to reopen a hearing.
  • 2021-2024 Hearing Decision Form Replaces the back page of the former PROTEST FORM and is only for use by the Protest Committee.

Rule 26 Starting Races

  • Racing Rule, Rule 26, Starting System, detailed article
  • Racing Rule, Rule 26, Starting System, Illustration
  • Race Management Handbook , 5th edition (free PDF available to US Sailing members)

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Previous Versions

Last updated.

Racing Rules of Sailing for 2013-2016; Version 6 December 2015
Racing Rules of Sailing for 2017-2020 August 2017
Racing Rules of Sailing for 2021-2024 December 2020
Australia July 2017
Canada November 2019
Great Britain - RYA has declined to grant a license for prescriptions and cases. November 2019
New Zealand July 2017
United States February 2017
World Sailing Cases February 2022
World Sailing Q&As March 2022
Match Race Calls January 2020
Match Race Rapid Response Calls October 2018
Team Race Calls December 2018
Team Race Rapid Response Calls February 2016
CAN Cases October 2017
RYA Cases November 2019
US Appeals November 2019
World Sailing Judges Manual December 2019
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Canada Will Impose 100% Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles

The new tariffs announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will match levies imposed by President Biden and could further strain relations between Canada and China.

Workers assembling a vehicle at an automotive assembly plant.

By Ian Austen

Reporting from Ottawa

In a significant escalation of trade tensions between Western countries and China, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Monday that Canada would impose 100 percent tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, joining the United States and the European Union in protecting domestic car production.

The move aligns Canada’s automotive policy with that of the United States, the market for the vast majority of Canadian-made vehicles where President Biden in May announced 100 percent tariffs on Chinese electric cars. And it also appears to be a form of insurance for the tens of billions of dollars in subsidies that Canadian governments have committed for the development of electric vehicle and battery factories being built in the country by Honda, Stellantis, Volkswagen, General Motors, LG and others.

In addition, Canada will also impose a new 25 percent tariff on Chinese steel and aluminum. The tariffs will most likely worsen the country’s rocky relations with China and could raise the possibility of retaliation by the Chinese government against Canadian agricultural exports.

“I think we all know that China is not playing by the same rules,” Mr. Trudeau told reporters on Monday in Halifax, Nova Scotia. “What is important about this is we’re doing it in alignment and in parallel with other economies around the world.”

Canada opened public consultations on the tariffs at the beginning of July. The 100 percent tariff on Chinese electric vehicles will go into effect on Oct. 1.

The new U.S. tariffs are expected to begin by the end of August. And the European Union has said that, at the end of October, it would impose additional tariffs of 9 percent to 36.3 percent on Chinese electric cars, depending on the manufacturer, beyond the standard 10 percent tariff it already levies on imported vehicles.

Twenty-five percent of federal subsidies for consumers to buy electric vehicles covered imports from China in 2023, according to government documents obtained by Automotive News Canada, an industry publication. A year earlier, just 2 percent of the subsidies went to Chinese-made cars, the government analysis said. Most of the Chinese-made vehicles being subsidized were Teslas produced in Shanghai.

The only zero-emission vehicle currently made in Canada is a General Motors delivery van.

Automotive manufacturing companies and Unifor, the union that represents autoworkers in Canada, have been pushing Mr. Trudeau’s government to match the U.S. tariffs on Chinese electric cars and trucks. Those calls grew louder after a lobbying firm working for BYD, a leading Chinese electric vehicle maker, filed notice that it was working to sell passenger cars in Canada.

BYD, which has been expanding around the world, currently only sells electric buses in Canada and the United States. The company has been selling imported electric and hybrid cars in Mexico and other Latin American countries.

Some environmentalists oppose high tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles and have urged the Canadian government to explore other ways to keep domestic manufacturers competitive. They argue that tariffs will slow the use of zero-emission vehicles by keeping prices relatively high.

“Canada made a decision today that will result in fewer affordable electric vehicles for Canadians, less competition and more climate pollution,” Joanna Kyriazis, the director of public affairs at the clean energy policy research group Clean Energy Canada, said in a statement on Monday. She added that Canada should have followed Europe in opting for lower tariffs.

Mr. Trudeau came to office in 2015 promising to renew relations with China, which had soured under a previous Conservative government. Instead, they sank to a new low in 2018 after the Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrested Meng Wanzhou , a senior executive at the Chinese technology company Huawei, on an extradition request from the United States.

In what Canada characterized as hostage-taking , China then arrested two Canadians. Ms. Meng and the two Canadians were ultimately allowed to return to their home countries in 2021.

China also temporarily blocked imports of canola, an oil seed, from Canada. While the step was ostensibly taken because of insects in the grain, Canada viewed it as further retaliation.

Melissa Eddy contributed reporting from Berlin, and Ana Swanson , from Washington.

Ian Austen reports on Canada for The Times based in Ottawa. He covers politics, culture and the people of Canada and has reported on the country for two decades. He can be reached at [email protected] . More about Ian Austen


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  1. PDF 2021

    CONTENTS Race Signals Inside front cover Online Rules Documents 4 Introduction 5 Definitions 7 Basic Principles 11 Part 1 Fundamental Rules 11 Part 2 When Boats Meet 14 Part 3 Conduct of a Race 21 Part 4 Other Requirements When Racing 26 Part 5 Protests, Redress, Hearings, Misconduct and Appeals 34 Part 6 Entry and Qualification 50 ...


    The race committee uses the same procedure for all starts--those with starting penalties (flag I, Z, Z and I, or black flag) and those without (flag P). This should reduce errors. There is less "wasted" time (5 minutes less) between the warning and the starting signals vs. starting classes at ten-minute intervals.

  3. The Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024

    The Racing Rules of Sailing is published every four years by World Sailing, the international authority for the sport. These rules, amended by US "prescriptions," govern sailboat racing in the United States and in the portions of international races that pass through U.S. waters. The Racing Rules of Sailing for 2021-2024 take effect on ...

  4. PDF 2017

    Fundamental Rules 11 . Part 2. When Boats Meet 14 . Part 3 . Conduct of a Race 20 . Part 4. Other Requirements When Racing 26 . Part 5. Protests, Redress, Hearings, Misconduct and Appeals 33 . Part 6. Entry and Qualification 47 . Part 7. Race Organization 49 . Appendices A. Scoring 54 . B. Windsurfing Competition Rules 58 . C. Match Racing ...

  5. PDF The Racing Rules of

    CONTENTS Race Signals Inside front cover Online Rules Documents 4 Introduction 5 Definitions 7 Basic Principles 11 Part 1 Fundamental Rules 11 Part 2 When Boats Meet 14 Part 3 Conduct of a Race 20 Part 4 Other Requirements When Racing 26 Part 5 Protests, Redress, Hearings, Misconduct and Appeals 33 Part 6 Entry and Qualification 47 Part 7 Race Organization 49

  6. PDF Racing Rules of Sailing

    The <year, rules, parts> shall apply to boats racing under <rating rule>. Add any exceptions and additional qualifications, e.g., crew weight, owner/driver, etc. J2.2(2) ... [Races will be started by using RRS 26.] or [Races will be started with the warning signal made <number> minutes before the starting signal. ]

  7. Conduct of a Race: Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024

    Rule 37 - Search and Rescue Instructions. "When the race committee displays flag V with one sound, all boats and official and support vessels shall, if possible, monitor the race committee communication channel for search and rescue instructions.". Rule 37 was added to the 2021-2024 rules, along with the Code flag V.

  8. Racing Rules of Sailing

    The Racing Rules of Sailing were most dramatically simplified in 1997 since the 1940s. The new document contains four main rules [Part 2, Section A]: Boats on a port tack shall keep clear of boats on starboard tack (Rule 10).; When boats are on the same tack and overlapped, the boat to windward (the boat closest to the wind) shall keep clear of a leeward boat (Rule 11).

  9. Racing Rules of Sailing

    Rules; Racing Rules of Sailing for 2013-2016; Version 6: December 2015: Racing Rules of Sailing for 2017-2020: August 2017: Racing Rules of Sailing for 2021-2024: December 2020: Prescriptions; Australia: July 2017: Canada: November 2019: Great Britain - RYA has declined to grant a license for prescriptions and cases. November 2019: New Zealand ...

  10. RRS

    If a race is restarted or re-sailed, a breach of a rule in the original race, or in any previous restart or re-sail of that race shall not. cause a boat to be penalized except under rule 2, 30.2, 30.4 or 69 or under rule 14 when she has caused injury or serious damage. 37. SEARCH AND RESCUE INSTRUCTIONS.

  11. RRS

    Case 26. Compare Previous Version. Compare Next Version. Back. Rule 14, Avoiding Contact. Rule 16.1, Changing Course. Rule 18.1, Mark-Room: When Rule 18 Applies. Rule 64.1, Decision: Penalties and Exoneration. A right-of-way boat need not act to avoid a collision until it is clear that the other boat is not keeping clear.

  12. World Sailing

    Learn the official rules of sailing races, updated every four years by World Sailing. Download the latest edition and related documents.

  13. PDF Significant Rule Changes in the 2021-2024 Racing Rules of Sailing

    Rule 26 (Starting Races) timing of the Warning signal. Rule 28 (Sailing the Race) Now the notice of race (NoR) or the sailing instructions (SI's) can change the. The first sentence of new rule 28.1 states the three elements of sailing a race: "A boat shall start, sail the course and then finish.".

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  18. RRS

    The Racing Rules of Sailing includes two main sections. The first, Parts 1-7, contains rules that affect all competitors. The second, the appendices, provides details of rules, rules that apply to particular kinds of racing, and rules that affect only a small number of competitors or officials. ... Boat A sailboat and the crew on board ...

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    A new playable race arrives in The War Within—the Earthen. Unlock playable Earthen characters after completing their quests and the overall level-up campaign. Enlist this titan-forged race made of living stone by aiding them in their endeavors. Champions of Azeroth must aid the Earthen and seek a way to restore their harmony and population.

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  21. Racing Rules

    The purpose of The Racing Rules of Sailing is to keep sailors and boats safe and to provide fair competition. The Racing Rules of Sailing govern sailboat racing around the world. They are published every four years by World Sailing (WS), and take effect on January 1 of the year following the Summer Olympic Games. The rules are governed by two ...

  22. PDF 2021

    21/,1( 58/(6 '2&80(176 :ruog 6dlolqj kdv hvwdeolvkhg d vlqjoh lqwhuqhw dgguhvv dw zklfk uhdghuv zloo ilqg olqnv wr doo wkh grfxphqwv dydlodeoh rq wkh :ruog 6dlolqj zhevlwh wkdw duh

  23. At Military-Themed Event, Trump Slams Harris Over Afghanistan: Election

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  24. RRS

    A5.1. A boat that did not start, sail the course or finish or comply with rule 30.2 , 30.3 , 30.4 or 78.2 , or that retires or takes a penalty under rule 44.3 (a), shall be scored accordingly by the race committee without a hearing. Only the protest committee may take other scoring actions that worsen a boat's score. A5.2.

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    The company (HPE) declined to rule out pursuing the case. Mr Lynch's death was confirmed on Thursday , three days after he was among six tourists who went missing when the millionaire's yacht ...

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    Final Appeal Officer Bill Mullis today heard and considered an appeal of a Behavioral penalty issued on August 14, 2024 to driver Austin Dillon, owner Richard Childress and spotter Brandon Benesch in the NASCAR Cup Series. The penalty concerns the following sections of the 2024 NASCAR Rule Book for the owner and driver: Sections 4.4.B […]

  27. World Sailing

    Description: World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing for 2021 to 2024, effective from 1 January 2021.

  28. Racing Rules of Sailing and Race Management

    This document provides scoring guidance under Appendix A. Although developed in conjunction with The Racing Rules of Sailing 2001-2004, it is current and correct for use with The Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2020. Appendices KG and LG - Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions Guides and Templates. US Sailing provides this guide to writing ...

  29. RRS

    A boat has right of way over another boat when the other boat is required to keep clear of her. However, some rules in Sections B, C and D limit the actions of a right-of-way boat. 10. ON OPPOSITE TACKS. When are on opposite tacks, a port-tack boat shall keep clear of a starboard-tack boat. 11.

  30. Canada Will Impose 100% Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles

    Canada opened public consultations on the tariffs at the beginning of July. The 100 percent tariff on Chinese electric vehicles will go into effect on Oct. 1. The new U.S. tariffs are expected to ...