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Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

When style's your name and comfort's your game, look no further than the Luxury 3000 space yacht when you want to travel the stars. The sleek, precision-crafted starship hails from one of the finest starship manufacturers in the galaxy. It has spacious interiors, often modified for the heights of opulence. Such vessels are not typically armed -- besides, weapons would ruin its graceful lines -- but in the unpredictable and rambunctious sectors of the Outer Rim, skippers often equip their yachts with defenses. In some cases, they even conceal laser cannons in the existing sensor ports and communication masts as to not mar the ship's beauty.

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  • Length: 55.52m

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Luxury 3000 yacht

Manufacturer SoroSuub Corporation

Model Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

Class Yacht

Cost 250,000 credits

Max Space Speed 50 MGLT

Hyperdrive rating Class 2

Armament None

Minimum crew 1

Passengers 10

Cargo capacity 100 metric tons

Role(s) Private shuttle Transport

Background and History

The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more suited to travellers rather than cargo, and far more luxurious.

The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is 50 meters long, with a pair of engine pods that extended from the main hull. Each pod houses a sublight engine and a hyperdrive engine. It also has an observational level with an exterior deck near the aft of the ship, while the interior compartment has a small jet-stream meditation pool and several conform-couches. The main deck offers a dining area, a large private suite, and five visitor cabins, as well as the escape pods, the bridge and the main control systems. In addition, the viewports on the side of the ship are retractable. Above the bridge is a docking coupling. The power couplings and sensor arrays were at the front of the ship, and in some cases jut out.

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Ships: Sorosuub Yacht



The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht made famous by the Lady Luck. The Lady Luck is the personal starship of gambler and New Republic hero Lando Calrissian. Lando has owned numerous starships throughout his long career, but the Lady Luck has been the most durable. Calrissian purchased Lady Luck from an Orthellin royal mistress after the Battle of Endor. At the time, Lando's involvement with the mining operation known as Nomad City kept him from tinkering with the starship, but in the years since he has repeatedly modified and upgraded Lady Luck.

Lando initially planned to transform the Lady Luck into an advanced luxury cruiser. However, Calrissian's near-constant involvement with the New Republic has forced him to convert the Lady Luck into a competent combat vehicle. At first glance, the fifty-meter long starship appears to be an unarmed pleasure yacht, but this placid exterior conceals five retractable laser cannons and a small ion cannon turret. A pair of powerful Chempat-6 deflector shield generators provide moderate protection from enemy fire. The Lady Luck's engines are housed in two long engine pods connected to the main hull. Although the starship's sublight and hyperdrive speeds can't match those of the Millennium Falcon, the Lady Luck can still outrace nearly any other luxury vehicle in the galaxy.

The Lady Luck's secondary systems truly set it apart. It has a highly-sophisticated sensor system allowing Lando to detect, identify, and scan approaching vessels at great range. When the Lady Luck is scanned by customs officials or enemy forces, the ship's transponder can be programmed with up to three separate false identities that include aliases, fake cargo manifests, and modified system specs. Lando frequently changes these identities, although he has used the alias "Stardream" on more than one occasion. A droid brain aboard the starship can pilot the starship in emergencies and direct it towards a summoning unit that Lando always keeps on his belt; this feature proved especially helpful when Lando, Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo were forced to flee the mining city of Ilic. The starship also has concealed smuggler compartments.

Although the Lady Luck is now well-suited to combat, it is still a lavish luxury starship. An entire observation level includes an exterior deck and numerous viewports. Lando's private suite and the five visitor cabins are decorated with rare art from around the galaxy. Conform-couches can be found throughout the starship, and the main deck contains a jet-stream meditation pool, and a small crystal garden. Even the Lady Luck's escape pods are furnished with state-of-the-art grav-couches covered in the finest Corellian leather.


Multi-Passenger Luxury Yacht
Any Pilot
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Ship Customizations

luxury yacht 3000

[Click to see Ship Customizations]

Developer Comments on the Creation of the Lady Luck By Artist Rick Knox The initial design of the Sorosuub 3000 comes from the expanded universe, "Heir to the Empire" which is where I began my search for technical drawings, deck plans and other source information. As it turns out there isn't a lot of source material for the Sorosuub 3000, but fortunately I was given great latitude with its design. First I started with the outside and used the basic profile seen in "Star Wars: The Essentials Guide to Vehicles and Vessels" and expanded that concept. The drawings aren't too exciting so I spiced them up by adding surface detailing, exposed machinery and other subtle details to give the Sorosuub 3000 some character. After the external portion of the model was finished and signed off, it was time to work on the design for the inside rooms. For this part of the ship I wanted to consult with Technical Art Director Jeff Dobson and Lead Designer Cinco Barnes. Cinco wanted the ship to have a lot of windows so players could enjoy the "glass bottom boat" effect in space and wanted the ship to be unarmed and invulnerable (since it isn't a combat vehicle). The only problem we had was why would anyone want an unarmed, invulnerable ship? Well the answer had to be, "because it looks COOL!" We got a look at another version of the Lady Luck shown in a different game but ultimately decided it wasn't large enough and didn't have enough windows. I then did some quick concept layouts and discussed the possibilities with Jeff, but knew that I wanted it to be big and spacious. After a few sessions of mapping out rooms I decided on a final layout, and got started making the ships insides. The main observation deck needed to be 2 floors high with a balcony so you could really get the feel of how large the ship is. After designing this room the others rooms were created using a similar theme of curved pylons and surfaces and deep warm colors. Lastly I had to come up with hull patterns for the Sorosuub 3000. For this I wanted to tie in the inside styling I had come up with, which was a sort of flowing advanced yacht look. So I look at some Winnebagos and real world yachts and came up with 6 patterns that look relevant to star wars but also give it the pleasure yacht look. The Sorosuub 3000 in Jump to Lightspeed is approximately 90 meters long and has 8 Rooms including a Bridge, Stateroom, Meditation room, Armory, Engineering, Bar and two Observation decks. Its Three stories high and has 2 elevators and 26 windows. You may not be able to fight in the Sorosuub 3000, but I bet you will have a good time!

SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 Images

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Luxury 3000 Yacht

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Craft : SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Type : Private space yacht Scale : Starfighter Length : 50 meters Skill : Space transports: Luxury 3000 yacht Crew : 1 Crew Skill : Varies widely Passengers : 10 Cargo Capacity : 100 metric tons Consumables : 1 month Cost : 250,000 (new), 150,000 (used) Hyperdrive Multiplier : x2 Hyperdrive Backup : x14 Nav Computer : Yes Maneuverability : 1D Space : 5 Atmosphere : 295; 850 kmh Hull : 2D+2 Shields : 1D Sensors : Passive: 25/1D Scan: 50/2D Search: 75/2D+2 Focus: 3/3D

Background:  The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was a yacht starship, similar to a transport, only more suited to travelers rather than cargo, and far more luxurious.

The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was 50 meters long, with a pair of engine pods that extended from the main hull. Each pod housed a sublight engine and a hyperdrive engine. It also had an observational level with an exterior deck near the aft of the ship, while the interior compartment had a small jet-stream meditation pool and several conform-couches. The main deck offered a dining area, a large private suite, and five visitor cabins, as well as the escape pods, the bridge and the main control systems. In addition, the viewports on the side of the ship were retractable. Above the bridge was a docking coupling. It also housed a retractable laser cannon on the ventral side of the ship in the event of emergencies. It sometimes also utilized ion engines. The power couplings and sensor arrays were at the front of the ship, and in some cases jutted out.

Before the Clone Wars, they were typically associated with diplomats for meetings and travel. They quickly fell out of favor as the war began as they were seen as targets for pirates and Separatists. During the Clone Wars, they were concealed with weapons to better protect themselves against Separatist attacks. Pirate captain Hondo Ohnaka piloted a Luxury 3000 space yacht dubbed Fortune and Glory.

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Luxury Yacht 3000

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SoroSuub 3000

The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht starship, similar to a transport only more suited to travellers rather than cargo and far more luxurious.

Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

Hyperspeed 5.0
Sublight Speed 50 MGLT
Max Speed 500 km/h
Maneuverability 5.00
Sensors 8
Escape Pods 2
Docking Bay n/a
Hangar Bay n/a
Landing Capacity Yes
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts Yes
Graviton Generators n/a
Docking Port n/a
Medical Room n/a
Storage Room {{{storageroom}}}
Recycling n/a
Weapons/Utilities Heavy Laser: 1
Weight 500 T
Volume 3,250 m³
Weight Capacity 25 T
Volume Capacity 160 m³
Max Passengers 15
Party Slot Size 4.00
Length 50 m
Hull 150
Shield 80
Ionic Capacity 100
Raw Material Price 355,352
Quantum 45
Meleenium 458
Ardanium 66
Rudic 144
Rockivory 59
Tibannagas 6
Varmigio 228
Lommite 38
Durelium 76
Bacta n/a
Hibridium n/a
Varium n/a

Personnel transport has always been important to any company and government, but not everyone has the money to spare on large, excessively roomy capital ships. Additionally, smaller ships rarely have the room to transport a significant number of personnel at a time. The Personal Luxury Yacht (PLY) 3000 was designed with personnel transport in mind. Capable of transporting fifteen passengers at a time, the 3000 sports moderate shields and hull to protect itself from enemy attacks. Light armament was also installed to allow the ship a very small amount of defense, but an escort is always preferred to solo travel. Still the PLY-3000 is a perfect transport for important dignitaries and leaders.

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01 : 12 : 54


Personnel transport has always been important to any company and government, but not everyone has the money to spare on large, excessively roomy capital ships. Additionally, smaller ships rarely have the room to transport a significant number of personnel at a time. The Personal Luxury Yacht (PLY) 3000 was designed with personnel transport in mind. Capable of transporting thirteen passengers at a time, the 3000 sports moderate shields and hull to protect itself from enemy attacks. Light armament was also installed to allow the ship a very small amount of defense, but an escort is always preferred to solo travel. Still, the PLY-3000 is a perfect transport for important dignitaries and leaders.

  • Quantum : 45
  • Meleenium : 458
  • Ardanium : 66
  • Rudic : 144
  • Rockivory : 59
  • Tibannagas : 6
  • Varmigio : 228
  • Lommite : 38
  • Durelium : 76
  • FreiTek Inc.
  • Incom Corporation
  • Hyperspeed: 5
  • Sublight Speed: 50 MGLT
  • Max Speed: 500 km/h
  • Manoeuvrability: 5
  • Weight: 500 T
  • Volume: 3,250 m³
  • Length: 50 m
  • Party Slot: 4.00
  • Weight Cap: 100 T
  • Volume Cap: 160 m³
  • Max Passengers: 13
  • Heavy Laser : 1
  • Deflectors: 80
  • Ionic Capacity: 100
  • Raw Value: 355,352 CR
  • Recommended Workers: 10
  • Recycling XP : 20 XP
  • Production Mod: 75
  • Produced by: Manufacturing
  • Produced in: Factory , Shipyard I , Shipyard II , Shipyard III , Shipyard IV , X7 Factory Station
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Luxury Yacht 3000

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The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht starship, similar to a transport only more suited to travellers rather than cargo and far more luxurious.


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The world’s best luxury cruise lines, according to globe travel awards.

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Seabourn Sojourn

From poolside mini-massages to Picasso artworks, personal butlers, private access to historic sites, and grand 4,443 square-foot suites, here are five of the world’s best luxury cruise lines shortlisted in the 2024 Globe Travel Awards .

1. Regent Seven Seas Cruises

Regent Seven Seas Grandeur

Often dubbed the world’s most luxurious fleet, Regent Seven Seas Cruises offers stylish, ultra-luxury cruising, with complimentary shore excursions in over 550 destinations from Arabia to the South Pacific , carrying fewer than 750 guests on its six sumptuous ships, adorned with Picasso artworks, 40-foot tapestries, and bronze Bonsai Cherry Trees .

Onboard its newest ship , Regent Seven Seas Grandeur , you’ll find a $6 million art collection (including the first Fabergé egg at sea), 503 crystal chandeliers, unlimited high-speed WiFi, gourmet dining from modern French to Pan-Asian (serving more than 130 dishes), specialist lectures from war history to winemaking and ancestry; a state-of-the-art cooking school, the Culinary Arts Kitchen; and a high-tech spa boasting a zero-gravity wellness massage on quartz crystal bed.

Its palatial $11,000-a-night Regent Suite is set across 4,443 square feet, overlooking the bow of the ship, with two lavish bedrooms (one with a four-poster bed), a marble-wrapped bathroom, a full-size dining room and living room with a personalized bar, three walk-in wardrobes, and a sweeping wraparound balcony with a heated whirlpool.

You’ll also receive daily canapés, access to The Study, a private dining room for up to 12 guests; a personal butler, and a personal car and guide to explore ashore.

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Hoka labor day sale: 14 deals you don’t want to miss, ‘strap in’—fed suddenly braced for a u.s. dollar ‘crisis’ that’s predicted to spark ‘total collapse’ and a ‘critical’ bitcoin price ‘tipping point’, 2. seabourn cruise line.

Seabourn Encore

Seabourn is a leader in small-ship ultra-luxury cruising, boasting an elegant fleet of six ships designed for suave travelers who demand the very best–bearing a private yacht-like atmosphere onboard with all ocean-front suites.

Service is at the heart of Seabourn with complimentary fine wines and premium spirits, mini-massages at the poolside, wine tastings, and fine dining from lobster to quail. While its shore excursions often include private access to historic sites when they’re closed to the general public, as well as sailings into secluded coves and champagne and caviar beach picnics.

The newest of Seabourn’s two purpose-built expedition ships– Seabourn Pursuit , was designed to reach some of the most coveted, remote destinations in the world, carrying just 264 guests with two custom-built submarines, 24 zodiacs, kayaks, and a 24-person expedition team.

Onboard, you can whiz up and down its ten passenger decks boasting an Expedition Lounge , eight dining venues, an infinity pool, and a Discovery Center hosting enthralling lectures–or retire to your Owner’s Suite, set across 1,023 square feet, with a private veranda, sweeping walk-in wardrobe, and a lavish bathroom with a deep soaking tub and plush robes.

At sunset, sip a glass of Montaudon or order gourmet in-room dining, served course by course.

3. Silversea Cruises

A pioneer in ultra-luxury cruising since 1994, Silversea Cruises offers exceptional service standards across its 12 a ll-suite ships, with 24-hour butler service, a Venetian Society loyalty program (earning complimentary 14-day sailings), and some of the highest space-to-guest ratios at sea.

Launched in 2024, its newest ship– Silver Ray –sails with 728 passengers, swanning across its 11 decks with a two-story Venetian Lounge hosting musical performances, film screenings, and guest lectures; a cozy 32-guest cocktail bar, The Shelter ; a sexy cigar lounge, The Connoisseur’s Corner, with floor-to-ceiling windows and Chesterfield armchairs; a panoramic 270-degree observation lounge, The Panorama Lounge; a culinary test kitchen S.A.L.T. Lab, and the Otium Spa inspired by Ancient Roman baths.

Guests staying in the one-bedroom Otium Suite will have 1,324 square feet of space to spread out across with a commodious living room, dining area, a decadent bathroom with a whirlpool bath, walk-in wardrobes, and floor-to-ceiling glass doors opening onto a vast veranda with a private hot tub.

4. Explora Journeys

Private veranda.

A passion project by the Aponte family, Explora Journeys launched its first ship, EXPLORA I , in August 2023, offering 461 ‘ Homes at Sea.’ At the top of the tree, its Owner’s Residence is set across 3,000 square feet, bearing a private steam room and panoramic ocean-front terrace with a swirling whirlpool where your butler will service you a chilled glass of Dom Pérignon .

Onboard restaurants range from Mediterranean to Pan-Asian , plus a fine-dining restaurant , Anthology , curated by Franck Garanger , serving fine Italian regional dishes like Mediterranean seabass with Arabica coffee and scallop cannelloni with black truffle.

You’ll also find four heated swimming pools, a spacious thermal area, 64 private cabanas, two VIP double spa suites, a Technogym fitness area, Luminaries –hosting expert-led talks, and the first Rolex at Sea boutique.

Sustainability is a focus area for Explora Journeys , and from EXPLORA III onwards, it will use LNG fuel, allowing engines to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 25%.

5. Scenic Luxury Cruises and Tours

Scenic Eclipse

With a focus on exclusive experiences from private concerts to gourmet feasts and after-hours access to historical sites, Scenic offers six-star cruising using ground-breaking technology to access some of the most remote environments in the world, from Vanuatu to Snow Hill Island –while protecting the wildlife’s natural habitat and sensitive underwater ecosystems

While cruising with Scenic , you can make use of state-of-the-art helicopters, next-generation submersibles for eight passengers (diving up to 200 meters below sea level), and 20-member expedition teams made up of naturalists, marine biologists, and glaciologists.

Its ultra-luxury yacht Scenic Eclipse II launched in 2023 with a maximum of just 228 guests–bearing 114 luxury suites, a Senses Spa , and a Sky Deck boasting a Vitality pool, private cabanas, and a Sky Bar .

Stay in its Owner’s Penthouse Suite stretching across 1,990 square feet with a sweeping 110 square foot terrace adorned with sun loungers and a private Jacuzzi, a therapeutic spa bath, dual steam showers, a personalized mini-bar, and a Spa Day Bed transforming for in-suite spa treatments where you can indulge in hot stone massages and eye lift facials as you sail by Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands .

Lewis Nunn

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Inside insane $2 billion mega yacht ‘Goliath’ with hangar for four aircraft & its own submarine

It’s a mega yacht unlike any other with the $2 billion vessel boasting its own submarine and five-star amenities like a beach club.

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An incredible mega yacht so large that has its own submarine could double as a billionaires playground and a research lab.

Plans for the 700ft Goliath yacht includes research equipment, jet skis, helicopters and three heated pools.

The vessel is touted to cost a whopping £1 billion - $A2 billion.

Part of the Goliath series, the Q-quest yacht designed by California based yacht designer Steve Kozloff.

The £1 billion - $2 billion - vessel has it’s own submarine. Picture: Steve Kozloff

The massive research floater has been described as an expedition dream, providing plenty of lab space for research, experimentation, and medical intervention.

The mega-yacht is also loaded with plenty of exploration vehicles, including six hydrofoil tenders, two seaplanes, three jet skies, two helicopters, a U-Worx Research submarine, and a garage for two overland SUVs.

The Q-quest is 700ft long.. Picture: Steve Kozloff

A separate hangar at midship stores two Cessna Caravan Seaplanes, selected for their ability to transport resupply across long distances.

The three upper decks are reserved for the owner and guests, offering 18 VIP cabins and a primary suite with a private balcony and pool.

It also boasts five-star amenities like a beach club, Turkish bath, three heated pools, yoga studio, and a 20-person theatre.

The mega yacht also has an impressive 3,000-square-foot owner’s suite with panoramic views at the bow, a large spa and pool, a basketball court.

The massive yacht has a helipad on board. Picture: Steve Kozloff

There’s another pool with a shaded lounge area above the hangar, a dining room at the stern, and a solarium with a second dining area, plus a beach club with a full bar.

A total of 26 owner’s guests will reside on the three upper decks, while an operating crew of 150 including doctors, scientists, pilots, nurses, research engineers will reside in unspecified quarters.

Luxury aside, the predominantly research vessel would carry a complete oceanographic laboratory, a medical laboratory with MRI and X-ray imaging.

It could even hold as many as 20 hospital beds with 5G-connected robotic surgery facilities.

It also boasts five-star amenities like a beach club, Turkish bath, three heated pools, yoga studio, and a 20-person theatre. Picture: Steve Kozloff

Propelled by thrusters powered by batteries, the vessel can reach a top speed of 20 knots with a range of 20,000 nautical miles.

Kozloff told autoevolution : “The mission of G-Quest, a 705-foot yacht, allows its owner to oversee their philanthropic efforts while living in luxury at sea.

“It is designed for both humanitarian and research objectives.”

The G-quest isn’t the only luxury yacht to boast a helipad.

Plans for the “Floating Dubai” vessel include an enormous pool deck , a relaxing spa and not one, but two enormous helipads on board.

The vessel also has a research laboratory on board. Picture: Steve Kozloff

Christened UAE One, the superboat was designed by Milan-based Enzo Manca, who collaborated with a sheikh to make it the flagship of the United Arab Emirates.

In a statement, Manca said: “The idea of UAE One was born in 2020, during a very special meeting between me and a sheikh of the United Arab Emirates on vacation in Italy.

“The sultan was very clear and categorical, he wanted something really special and unique.”

The mega-yacht is also loaded with plenty of exploration vehicles two seaplanes, three jet skies, two helicopters, and a U-Worx Research submarine. Picture: Steve Kozloff

UAE One is inspired by historic defence ships, yet its curving lines distinguishes it from other vessels on the high seas.

It also stands over 130 feet tall and has tinted windows for extra privacy in true military style.

With nine decks and a total area of slightly over 30,000 square feet, the monster yacht is designed to give guests, diplomats, and kings the finest experience possible.

There is an owner’s suite, eight cabins, and 14 mini suites within.

The staff has 35 cabins as well.

The main deck, meanwhile, has a beautiful 18-metre geometric swimming pool.

There are also several outdoor lounges for sundowners, a platform for ocean swims, and a wellness centre with a spa on board.

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Due to the necessity of quick and simple transportation to and from a flagship, UAE One is able to maintain an extensive fleet of land, air, and sea vehicles.

The yacht features one hangar, two helipads ideal for foreign delegates, and a “mini-internal port” for tenders and submarines.

This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission

An ultra-luxury megayacht designed like a military-style aircraft carrier promises to be a sheikh’s paradise at sea as it boasts some insane features.

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The head chef of a luxurious restaurant in Dubai, loved by the rich and famous, has revealed the extreme rules they follow to achieve perfection.

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Sunken Superyacht Likely to Cost Insurers at Least $150 Million, Experts Say

luxury yacht 3000

Insurers of the Bayesian superyacht that sank this month, killing tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch and six others, could be on the hook for at least $150 million, according to the first estimates by industry experts.

The British-flagged 56-meter-long (184-foot-long) yacht, which the experts estimated cost around $40 million, capsized and went down on Aug. 19 within minutes of being hit by a pre-dawn storm while anchored off northern Sicily.

The superyacht’s hull was insured against physical damage by yacht insurance provider OMAC and a consortium of insurers including Travelers Cos. Inc., Navium Marine, and Convex, Reuters reported last week.

Yacht Insurer OMAC Is Hull Carrier for Yacht Sunk Off Sicily, Sources Say

Its protection and indemnity (P&I) insurance, which typically covers third-party liability claims including for environmental damage, injury and death, was provided by British Marine.

The hull was likely insured for around $40 million, while the P&I cover would be larger, insurance sources said.

“Our understanding is that the cost of the boat was between $40 and $50 million, so the limit of the hull & machinery policy was probably around those values,” said Marcos Alvarez, managing director, global financial institution ratings at Morningstar DBRS.

The P&I policy would likely be “several multiples” of the hull policy, or $200-300 million, Alvarez added, noting it would also likely cover liability payments even if the captain or crew are found to be negligent.

Prosecutors in the town of Termini Imerese, near Palermo, are investigating the captain and two other crew members. An investigation does not imply guilt or mean formal charges will follow. Prosecutors have said the probe would take time and require salvaging the wreck.

Oscar Seikaly, CEO of broker NSI Insurance Group, that provides yacht insurance, estimated the hull value at $40-70 million, but said P&I cover might not total more than $100 million.

P&I insurance would also cover recovery of the Bayesian, said Francesco Dubbioso, country manager for Italy for insurer Alta Signa Europe, who estimated the superyacht’s value at $30 million to $40 million.

Reuters is the first to report the potential insurance costs. OMAC, Travelers and Navium Marine did not immediately respond to Reuters’ for comment. Convex declined to comment.

The Bayesian disaster, which has puzzled experts who said the boat would have been built to withstand a severe storm, adds to recent woes for yacht insurers, who have faced a raft of hurricane losses in the past few years.

Premium rates have risen by four to five times in the past couple of years in parts of the U.S. and the Caribbean, and yacht insurers have cut the amount of cover they provide because of the risks, Seikaly said.

As a result, insurers have increased rates and re-evaluated their guidelines and risk appetite, according to industry experts.

As well as hurricanes, insured losses have mostly stemmed from severe storms, floods, and other weather events in North America, the Caribbean, and Europe, according to a report by broker Marsh.

Seikaly said four clients had last week been ready to buy boats but changed their minds because of the high cost of insurance.

Climate change was also likely to add to yacht insurers’ worries, Seikaly added, as it throws up more unexpected events.

“Whoever thought a storm in the Mediterranean in the month of August is going to sink a ship?”

(Additional reporting by Sinead Cruise; editing by Michelle Price and Sandra Maler)

Photograph: Italian Firefighters scuba divers bring ashore in a blue bag the body of one of the victims of the UK flag vessel Bayesian, on Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024. (AP Photo/Salvatore Cavalli)

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Five bodies found inside superyacht that sank off Sicily

PORTICELLO, Sicily — Divers recovered four bodies Wednesday from inside a superyacht that sank in a sudden storm off Sicily , Salvatore Cocina, director of the island's Civil Protection Agency, confirmed to NBC News.

Cocina later confirmed to Sky News that a fifth body had been found and was being brought to shore. One passenger remains missing.

The identities of the bodies were not immediately released. Their recovery follows a dayslong search in the deep waters off Italy where British tech tycoon Mike Lynch  and several others were believed to be trapped in the hull. Fifteen of the 22 people aboard survived.

The rest had been missing since early Monday, when the Bayesian was caught in the storm anchored off the coast of Porticello, a village near the Sicilian capital city, Palermo.

The body of the ship’s cook, identified as Recaldo Thomas, a Canadian Antiguan national, was recovered Monday. 

On Wednesday, NBC News witnessed what appeared to be at least three body bags being lifted from fire department boats after they pulled into port at Porticello. It was unclear whose bodies they were. Some were later transferred to ambulances and driven away from the dock.

Lynch’s 18-year-old daughter, Hannah; Morgan Stanley International Chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife, Judy; and Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife, Neda, are also missing. 

Bayesian yacht accident in Sicily

The Bayesian is owned by a firm linked to Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, who was among the survivors rescued by a nearby vessel after they got into a lifeboat.

Built by the Italian shipbuilder Perini Navi in 2008, the U.K.-registered yacht could carry 12 guests and a crew of up to 10, according to online specialist boating sites. Its nearly 250-foot mast is the tallest aluminum sailing mast in the world, according to CharterWorld Luxury Yacht Charters.  

Regularly described in U.K. media as “Britain’s Bill Gates,” Lynch was  acquitted of fraud by a San Francisco jury this year, stemming from the sale of his software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion in 2011.

The Mediterranean sailing vacation was designed to be a celebration for Lynch, who brought Bloomer, who testified in his defense, and Morvillo, one of his U.S. lawyers, on the trip.

Lynch's co-defendant Stephen Chamberlain was not aboard the Bayesian, but in what appears to be a tragic coincidence, a  car struck and killed  him Saturday as he was jogging in a village about 68 miles north of London, local police said.

Claudio Lavanga and Claudia Rizzo reported from Porticello. Henry Austin reported from London.

Claudio Lavanga is Rome-based foreign correspondent for NBC News.

Claudia Rizzo is an Italy based journalist.

luxury yacht 3000

Henry Austin is a senior editor for NBC News Digital based in London.

Sun Sentinel

Business | Revamped Pier Sixty-Six Resort now taking…

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Business | Revamped Pier Sixty-Six Resort now taking bookings for new levels of luxury

New year’s presidential suite going for just under $10k a night.

Pier Sixty-Six, with its iconic Pier Top Lounge, is nearing the completion of its sweeping redevelopment with a gradual opening starting before the end of this year. (Amy Beth Bennett / South Florida Sun Sentinel)

As 2024 draws to a close, Tavistock Development Company of Orlando, owner-developer of the historic Pier Sixty-Six resort in Fort Lauderdale, is on the cusp of reopening its landmark property after a dramatic $1 billion redevelopment project that started in 2020.

The 32-acre destination, located at 2301 SE 17th St., on the east end of the high-arching 17th Street Causeway bridge, will boast a revamped version of its iconic 17-story tower with Pier Top Lounge, a 10-story hotel addition, two condominium projects called Azul and Indigo, residential resort units, as well as 30,000 square feet of commercial office and retail space. Condo prices start at $3.85 million.

Rendering of the Pier Sixty-Six Hotel project located at 2301 SE 17th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316.

A Tavistock spokeswoman has confirmed the resort is now booking hotel rooms for occupancy starting on Jan. 1, 2025. But the room price list is eye-popping, analysts say, suitable for a business model designed to chase big-spending travelers who are willing to pay hundreds of dollars per night for premium service

“Grand opening” rates start at $854 a night, according to a spokeswoman. By the time mid-January rolls around, the lowest rates will dip to around $630.

And then there’s the newly added 3,000-square-foot presidential suite on the 15th floor of the iconic tower building. Guests who reserve the suite will start the New Year at a discounted $9,855 a night. The suite, with a wrap-around balcony on the original tower’s 15th floor, has two bedrooms, two baths, a media room, private workout space, and a dining area for eight. The suite normally goes for more than $10,000 a night, according to the hotel’s online price listings.

“They’re coming in hard and strong,” said Peter Ricci, director of the hospitality and tourism management program at Florida Atlantic University. “The industry people all wonder how they’re going to pull it off.”

Ricci equates the remake with the aspirations of The Boca Raton (formerly known as The Boca Raton Hotel & Resort), which reinvented itself in a similar manner under the ownership of technology titan Michael Dell.

“I hope Pier Sixty-Six is in that sweet spot between Miami and Boca where they can accommodate those rates,” Ricci said. “They’re going after that super-high-end traveler. The hotel is 350 plus rooms. It’s doable. But the Presidential Suite suite at $10,000 night is high.”

The Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood can pull off $800- to $1,000-a-night rates, he added, but largely because of its casino clientele.

Prices aside, signs of the property’s old allure in the community appears to be taking hold, according to management.

“We are seeing so much excitement from the local communities,” said Jessi Blakley, Tavistock’s vice president of marketing and communications. She affirmed that would-be vacationers and other short-term visitors are not the only ones booking rooms. Organizations are signing up to stage events within the resort’s 40,000 square feet of ballrooms and other meeting spaces well into 2027.

The resort’s famous revolving Pier Top lounge is coming back. The preservation of the tower itself was actually a demand put forth by some city officials.

A decades-old destination

Founded in 1957 as a fueling dock and gas station for Phillips 66 Petroleum, the resort is being redeveloped as a luxury destination that bears little resemblance to what vacationers in the immediate post World War II period experienced through multiple decades. Two years later, a marina with 100 berths was added as well as a motel called, “Waterway Wonderland.”

The 17-story hotel tower with its rotating Pier Top lounge was added in 1965. It sported 66 spires; the lounge rotated every 66 minutes.

The revamped Pier Sixty-Six will open with 325 rooms and suites, a 13,000-square-foot fitness and spa, and 12 culinary venues including restaurants along the waterfront promenade. The tower’s 17th-floor observation deck is back offering 360-degree views of Fort Lauderdale and the Atlantic Ocean.

The marina, which remained open during the construction project, will again be a host to “superyachts” during the forthcoming Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show in late October. The marina contains 164 deep water slips for yachts up to 400 feet, 5,000 linear feet of dockage. It is a launch point for fishing charters, diving excursions and kayaking.

Upping the game

All of this speaks to an evolving luxury tourism renaissance for the section of the city bordered by Port Everglades, which is adjacent to the Broward County convention center expansion project on the west bank of the Intracoastal and on the southern edge of the causeway.

There, an 800-room Omni Hotel is on the rise with aspirations for a 2025 opening. A major international travel convention is booked there for 2026.

“With the reopening of Pier Sixty-Six Resort and the grand opening of the Omni Hotel, Greater Fort Lauderdale is entering an exciting new chapter,” Stacy Ritter, president and CEO of Visit Lauderdale, the county’s tourism promotion agency, told  the South Florida Sun Sentinel.

“These premier properties not only elevate our luxury accommodations but also significantly enhance our ability to attract and host world-class conferences and events,” she said. “This investment in our hospitality landscape is a testament to Greater Fort Lauderdale’s growing reputation as a top-tier destination for both leisure and business travelers, further boosting our convention and conference business and driving economic growth throughout the region.”

The top of the iconic Pier Sixty-Six tower sports a fresh look as the resort's sweeping redevelopment nears completion. (Amy Beth Bennett/South Florida Sun Sentinel)

Besides Pier Sixty-Six and the Omni, the Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina on the Intracoastal has undergone a major remake, while the waterfront Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa is engaged in a renovation project scheduled to be completed before the end of this year.

Fort Lauderdale Vice Mayor Steve Glassman said Friday he likes what is unfolding at Pier Sixty-Six.

“I think this is a whole new level for Fort Lauderdale,” he said in an interview. “I’ve been there, I’ve seen it. It’s really taking us to that next level.”

Glassman was an advocate for the property receiving a designation as an historic site, which was declared earlier this year.

“It’s a beautiful site,” he said. “I’m not surprised bookings are into 2027. People want to be here. people want to come to Fort Lauderdale.”

The road to progress, though, has been uneven. The project was delayed shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic broke out; more recently, fire alarm testing among the buildings caused a racket that rattled neighbors in nearby multimillion dollar residences. The developer refined the hours of testing.

South Side again a boat show venue

It remains unclear what will be in store for the land Tavistock owns on the south side of the 17th Street causeway, site of the old Sails Marina. It has served previously as a construction staging area for the redevelopment project and as a host site for boat show superyachts.

In 2021, Tavistock retained the global architectural firm Arquitectonica to design three 480-foot residential towers for a future phase of the redevelopment project. Two were to be placed on the causeway’s south side while another would rise on the north side. But the idea was dropped as impractical given height restrictions related to the nearby airport.

Top of the line service

At  the moment, Tavistock is focusing on ramping up the operations of the initial redevelopment phase. The resort is loaded with amenities, including a la carte concierge services, “priority restaurant reservations and marina arrangements, as well as in-residence services including catering, entertaining, and housekeeping,” according to a brochure.

A sampling of its extensive list of offerings: a Club Room for entertaining and socializing, three pools with lounges and dining, an exclusive VIP pool with private cabanas and chaise lounge service, and a “rejuvenating spa.”

An adult pool contains “a refreshing water oasis with an outdoor dining pavilion overlooking the marina.” A resort pool contains a three-story slide and splash fountain, “plus a dedicated café, bar, and kids club.”

The options go on and on. But the key to success is to maintain a high level of services that luxury travelers and upper-income residents come to expect for the money they’ll pay, Ricci said.

To do that, Tavistock has retained a respected, top-of-the-line management firm called CoralTree, which is based in Colorado.

“They’re trying to do it by the combination of service and a unique project,” Ricci said. “I’m super positive, but I do think it is going to be a tremendous challenge.”

Timeline to redevelopment

  • 2016 : Tavistock Development Co. acquires the 32-acre property.
  • 2017: Hurricane Irma damages the property, including rooms in the tower building.
  • 2018: Fort Lauderdale commissioners approve 15-year development agreement with Tavistock.
  • 2019 : Company lays off 213 workers in preparation for the project. Pier South property (formerly Sails Marina) transformed into Superyacht Village for the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show.
  • 2020 : Ground is broken for redevelopment project. As work crews move in, the longtime Grille 66 and Bar steakhouse closes.
  • 2021: Project delayed largely due to COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 2024: Reopening set before year’s end as future visitors book rooms for 2025 and organizations schedule dates for conferences and other events.

Pier Sixty-Six, with its iconic Pier Top Lounge, is nearing the completion of its sweeping redevelopment with a gradual opening starting before the end of this year. (Amy Beth Bennett / South Florida Sun Sentinel)

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luxury yacht 3000

Hush-Hush Luxuries: 9 Coveted Luxury Brands of the Super-Rich

B eyond the usual household names like Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Cartier lies a world of discreet ultra-luxury reserved for those at the very pinnacle of wealth and taste .

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This is the rarefied realm where six-figure price tags are merely the barrier to entry. Their clientele spans oligarchs and royalty, titans of industry and chief executives paid in eight to nine figures annually. Shopping here is strictly by appointment or referral, with little, if any, public presence. 

For the select few granted access, the rewards are matchless: access to the absolute best in materials, craftsmanship and design, elevated to the level of art. Join us as we unveil some of the most coveted and exclusive luxury brands that even most of the super-rich have never heard of, but which represent the ne plus ultra for those who can afford it.

Here are 9 luxury brands flying under the radar of the super-rich.

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The ultra rich know all about Sunseeker — the luxury brand known for being a global leader in yachts. The website doesn’t list prices, and you’re encouraged to find your local yacht dealer for additional information. One could only imagine how much a typical luxury yacht would go for. If you’re ever interested in browsing the various options, you can check out YachtWorld , where you can pick out your sports yacht for a few million dollars.

If you’re wondering if you’ve ever seen this luxury brand, chances are that you may have caught a glimpse of a Sunseeker luxury yacht in a James Bond film. Sunseeker yachts are in as many Bond films, like Aston Martin cars, so you may have spotted one in the past without realizing what you were looking at.

Brunello Cucinelli

You may have seen pictures of celebrities dressed in this luxury fashion brand, but chances are that you weren’t aware of the brand name. The Brunello Cucinelli brand is called after the Italian fashion designer who started the company in 1978 and has since gone on to dress celebrities and Silicon Valley giants. Despite dressing many famous celebrities, the luxury brand doesn’t rely on celebrity endorsements in advertisements, as it prefers to be more subtle. 

You may not have noticed from the casual appearance, but many tech moguls have appeared in interviews in luxury clothing from the Cucinelli line. On top of the $5,000 blazers, the rich have purchased high-end casual clothing pieces, like $2,500 sweatpants or $800 sneakers. You may be surprised by how many notable celebrities have been spotted in this luxury brand.

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Despite being around since 1766, chances are you haven’t heard about this luxury brand, since it’s a huge auction house for those looking to buy and sell expensive art pieces. The price points at Christie’s auctions range from $500 to over $100 million, with work available from 80 art and luxury categories.

Christie’s also has a network of specialists who can assist clients with various services ranging from art appraisal to art financing. The company also offers art education for those new to the space. Even though their wares are mainly on the radar of the ultra-wealthy, there may be an auction house near you — Christie’s has a flagship location in New York City and a presence in 46 countries globally.

If you’ve ever looked into experiencing luxury travel (and are super rich), you’ve likely heard of Virtuoso. Everyone else likely hasn’t heard about this global network of luxury travel advisors. The Virtuoso platform offers luxury experiences, ranging from private yacht adventures to trips based around sporting events. The platform, with over 20,000 luxury travel advisors, has seen tourists spending up to $50,000 per trip.

With many rich folks adding wellness into their travel routine, the demand for unique private experiences has increased. If you’re looking for inspiration, you can create a “Wanderlist” on the Virtuoso website.

While everyone has likely heard of a Rolex watch, another luxury watch brand that isn’t a household name is Omega. The luxury Swiss watch brand has been around since 1848, and the company hired Zoë Kravitz and Zhou Dongyu as brand ambassadors this year to promote the Aqua Terra Shades campaign.

The Omega brand recently partnered with the more affordable watch company Swatch to bring the collaborative effort into the market with a surprising disruption. The MoonSwatch Collection was a viral sensation and the limited edition project was challenging to find in stores.

Farfetch was launched by José Neves in 2008 as an online marketplace for luxury boutiques worldwide — and it’s beloved by the mega rich. The official website touts that the company is the top global online luxury fashion platform. With over 1,400 luxury retailers and 3.9 million active consumers, the platform is growing globally, so you may start hearing about them more often.

The Farfetch platform is known for connecting creators, curators and consumers of luxury brands. You’ll likely discover new luxury brands on the platform, since Farfetch sells various products from men’s, kids’, beauty and women’s styles.

This luxury fashion retailer was founded in Germany in 2006, and the company has expanded to offer luxury children’s wear and home goods. The luxury platform has a simple user interface with a white background and basic black text. With almost two million followers on Instagram, this luxury brand has long been beloved by the ultra-wealthy and is starting to gain traction worldwide.

Mytheresa executives recently announced that it expected to increase net sales by anywhere from 8% to 13% in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Most of the top spenders with this luxury brand are high-powered business leaders with limited time and don’t want to look for the perfect outfit.

Exclusive Resorts

For the jet-setting elite who crave privacy and luxury above all else, there exists a secretive high-end travel club that provides access to the world’s most exclusive destinations. Known only to those who travel at the highest stratospheres of wealth, Exclusive Resorts offers a level of luxury, convenience, and exclusivity that puts even Four Seasons and Aman resorts to shame. 

This members-only utopia comes at an appropriately elite price — with membership initiation fees starting at a cool $100,000 and reaching up to $250,000. But for those who can afford it, what they get in return is the key to unlocking the world’s most coveted locales precisely when they want them. We’re talking finish-line villas in Monaco for the Grand Prix, ski-in cabins beside the Waltons’ own in Aspen for Christmas and penthouses overlooking the Champs Elysees during Paris Fashion Week.

With a $600 million portfolio of owned homes and villas globally, Exclusive Resorts can accommodate virtually any whim or wish of its select 3,000 members. Don’t expect to browse listings on their website — privacy and exclusivity are paramount. Membership is by invitation and referral only. But for those privileged few granted access to this gilded world of luxury travel, no dream is unattainable. One call to their personal travel advisors sets even the loftiest vacation desires in motion — after all, they have Jeff Bezos on speed dial. Exclusive Resorts makes the fantasy vacations of billionaires and titans of industry an everyday reality.

Frette Linens

For those who crave the ultimate indulgence between their Italian percale sheets, there is one iconic luxury name that promises unparalleled comfort and extravagance: Frette. This storied Italian linen company has been clothing the beds of royalty, dignitaries, and the wealthy elite since 1860. 

One touch of their exquisite bed sheets, with a 280-thread count woven from the world’s finest long-staple Egyptian cotton, and you’ll be hooked. But be prepared to pay for the privilege. Their sheet sets start at around $4,000, while their prized Belgian linen duvet covers can fetch up to $25,000. They offer over 20 choices of fabric, including the softest cottons and silkiest linens, in the industry’s highest thread counts. 

Laura Beck contributed to the reporting for this article.

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com : Hush-Hush Luxuries: 9 Coveted Luxury Brands of the Super-Rich

Sunset at Fort Lauderdale canals. Luxury yachts in Las Olas Boulevard, Florida, USA


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A yacht of SoroSuub design

A Yacht , [1] or Star Yacht , [2] was a generalized term for any type of vessel whose primary purpose was that of recreation and leisure, as well for the personal vessels of certain individuals. The Luxury 3000 space yacht [1] and the Petite Opu-Yacht were examples of this type of vessel, [3] as was the Mellcrawler [4] and the Stinger Mantis . [5]

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Non-canon appearances [ ]


Sources [ ]

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Notes and references [ ]


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  8. Luxury Yacht 3000

    The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht starship, similar to a transport only more suited to travellers rather than cargo and far more luxurious. Craft ..... SoroSuub Personal Luxury 3000 Yacht Type ..... Private Space Yacht Cargo Capacity ..... 100 metric tons Scale...

  9. Ships: SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

    The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht starship, similar to a transport only more suited to travelers rather than cargo and far more luxurious. Designed for use by the Galaxy's rich and powerful, the Sorosuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is made to please. The vessels feature a private suite in the bow, a main deck with an ...

  10. Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

    The Personal Luxury Yacht (PLY) 3000 was designed with personnel transport in mind. Capable of transporting fifteen passengers at a time, the 3000 sports moderate shields and hull to protect itself from enemy attacks. Light armament was also installed to allow the ship a very small amount of defense, but an escort is always preferred to solo ...

  11. ::Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 (Light Freighters)

    The Personal Luxury Yacht (PLY) 3000 was designed with personnel transport in mind. Capable of transporting thirteen passengers at a time, the 3000 sports moderate shields and hull to protect itself from enemy attacks. Light armament was also installed to allow the ship a very small amount of defense, but an escort is always preferred to solo ...

  12. Star Wars Ships and Vehicles: SoroSuub

    Personal Luxury Yacht 3000: The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is one of SoroSuub's civilian designs, equipped to ferry government officials, business executives, and other important individuals from star system to star system. The statistics listed here are derived from those of the Lady Luck. ...

  13. Luxury Yacht 3000

    The SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is a luxury yacht starship, similar to a transport only more suited to travellers rather than cargo and far more luxurious. Craft ..... SoroSuub Personal Luxury 3000 Yacht Type ..... Private Space Yacht Cargo Capacity ..... 100 metric tons Scale...

  14. Lando's Yacht

    Lando's Yacht - Luxury Yacht 3000 IN-DEPTH Breakdown - Star Wars Ships Lore by: Easy Branches Team - Guest Posting Services DA 66. Come take a look inside the luxury bachelor pad that was the Luxury Yacht 3000, Lando Calrissians' longest used ship. See how it compares to the Khetanna, ...

  15. Obi-Wan Kenobi's Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

    This Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 was purchased by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, disguised as Rako Hardeen, from a Bith starship dealer on Nal Hutta around 21 BBY during the time of the Clone Wars. The yacht was purchased as part of an undercover mission to uncover a kidnapping plot spearheaded by the bounty hunter Moralo Eval.

  16. Luxury 3000 Space Yacht

    Luxury 3000 Space Yacht. Luxury 3000 Space Yacht is a Vehicle in the Star Wars universe. Now, click EDIT to start adding more details!

  17. The World's Best Luxury Cruise Lines, According To Globe ...

    Its ultra-luxury yacht Scenic Eclipse II launched in 2023 with a maximum of just 228 guests-bearing 114 luxury suites, a Senses Spa, and a Sky Deck boasting a Vitality pool, private cabanas, and ...

  18. $2b 'goliath mega yacht' unlike any other

    The mega yacht also has an impressive 3,000-square-foot owner's suite with panoramic views at the bow, a large spa and pool, a basketball court. ... The G-quest isn't the only luxury yacht to ...

  19. Sunken Superyacht Likely to Cost Insurers at Least $150 Million

    The British-flagged 56-meter-long (184-foot-long) yacht, which the experts estimated cost around $40 million, capsized and went down on Aug. 19 within minutes of being hit by a pre-dawn storm ...

  20. Lady Luck

    The Lady Luck—a SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000—was the personal starship of gambler and Rebel Alliance/New Republic hero Lando Calrissian. The ship was named after Ymile, the girlfriend of Dominic Raynor, who secretly helped Lando win Cloud City from Raynor, and whom Lando nicknamed his "Lady Luck" for her assistance. Lando owned numerous starships throughout his long career, but the ...

  21. How safe are luxury yachts? What to know after Mike Lynch yacht

    The 19th largest yacht designed by luxury Italian manufacturer Perini, it boasted a sleek interior design by French designer Remi Tessier, a double engine, and one of the tallest aluminum masts in ...

  22. Voronezh Oceanarium (Solnechny)

    Voronezh Oceanarium, Solnechny: See 295 reviews, articles, and 222 photos of Voronezh Oceanarium, ranked No.1 on Tripadvisor among 3 attractions in Solnechny.

  23. ORBITA

    Orbita, Voronezh: See traveler reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Orbita, ranked #57 of 64 specialty lodging in Voronezh and rated 1 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  24. Bodies found inside luxury yacht that sank off Sicily

    Divers recovered four bodies Wednesday from inside a superyacht that sank in a sudden storm off Sicily, Salvatore Cocina, director of the island's Civil Protection Agency, confirmed to NBC News.

  25. Glorious Chariot

    The Glorious Chariot was a Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 designed by the SoroSuub Corporation. This particular vessel was customized for the Hutt Darga Jiramma Mionne. The interior of the ship was once very nice, but like the inside of Darga's palace, it has been used as a den of iniquity for far too long. Much of the interior is in severe disrepair, and some parts of the ship can only be ...


    Hotel Shibari Tulum LABRANDA Riviera Hotel & Spa Aruba Beach Club Resort Rubi Hotel All Inclusive Sol Guadalupe The Beekman, A Thompson Hotel The Cromwell Diamonds Malindi The Panari Hotel Okaukuejo Camp Hofn Camping Hilton Vienna Park Drury Plaza Hotel Orlando - Disney Springs Area Atelier Playa Mujeres Granada Luxury Okurcalar

  27. Pier Sixty-Six Resort revamped for new levels of luxury

    And then there's the newly added 3,000-square-foot presidential suite on the 15th floor of the iconic tower building. ... The marina contains 164 deep water slips for yachts up to 400 feet ...

  28. Hush-Hush Luxuries: 9 Coveted Luxury Brands of the Super-Rich

    The Virtuoso platform offers luxury experiences, ranging from private yacht adventures to trips based around sporting events. The platform, with over 20,000 luxury travel advisors, has seen ...

  29. Yacht

    A yacht of SoroSuub design. A Yacht, [1] or Star Yacht, [2] was a generalized term for any type of vessel whose primary purpose was that of recreation and leisure, as well for the personal vessels of certain individuals. The Luxury 3000 space yacht [1] and the Petite Opu-Yacht were examples of this type of vessel, [3] as was the Mellcrawler [4 ...

  30. Clinical Sanatorium Named After Gorkiy

    Clinical Sanatorium named after Gorkiy, Voronezh: See 7 traveler reviews, 18 candid photos, and great deals for Clinical Sanatorium named after Gorkiy, ranked #48 of 64 specialty lodging in Voronezh and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor.