François Vivier Naval Architect Stock plans : Classic and traditional sail boats

You will find on this page my "classic yachts and traditional sail boats" designs for amateur builders. Most of them are trailerable. They are also available as kit or "ready to sail" from authorised builders. See page " sail and oars boats " for other small boats designs. I am progressively translating my building plans into English. If a plan is not said "available", please ask for a delivery date. My translation schedule will be adapted to demand.

Beg-Meil | Ebihen 15 | Ebihen 16 | Bounty | Lilou | Ebihen 18 | Jewell | Beniguet | Stir-Ven | Meaban | Koalen 22 | Norzh 22 | Pen-Hir | Koalen 26 | Toulinguet

Hull/Waterline length: 4.46/4.06 m Breadth: 1.68 m ISO Light weight clinker/strip:
350 /390 kg
Sail area: 14.3 m²
EU category:  C

Beg-Meil is a traditional day-boat, gaff sloop rigged, just like many that existed in the old days. It is elegant and seaworthy with its half-deck and varnished wood coamings. A steel pivoting centreboard (40 kg) provides stability and performance. She could be used as a day boat, in the style of old dinghies. You can sail alone, or with a crew of 3 and even 4. She is planked over plywood bulkheads, either with wooden strips or marine plywood lapstrakes. The lapstrake or clinker-built version is easier to build.
Launching and recovering from a trailer is effortless.
Hull shapes are the same as Ilur. Ilur is a reference sail and oars boat, with nearly 1000 plans already sold. The first Beg-Meil, named Pepito, was launched in Carnac in July 2005. She was built by the amateur builder Benoit Brabant using a kit supplied by Icarai. See our photo album. Many others are sailing or under construction.

is marketed in Western Europe by Icarai which sells also for the both wooden version. Please refer to the boatyard Icarai.

in the USA. Ask them for quotations.

Product Version Ref
EU (VAT incl.)
Other countries
Availability in English
Study plan All
BEG-E 15 €  15 €
Building plan All BEG-D 190 € 160 € Available
Full size patterns Strip planks BEG-TL 150 € 125 € Available
Full size patterns Clinker BEG-TC 220 € 185 € Available
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Ebihen 15
Hull/Waterline length: 4.50/4.24 m Breadth:
1.85 m ISO light weight: 480 kg
Sail area (standing lug: 14 m²
EU category:  C

Ebihen 15 (previously named Ebihen) is a seaworthy, stable boat with good carrying capacity, it is suitable for family sailing, as well as fishing. Despite its length of 4.50 m, it offers a big and pleasant cockpit. She was inspired both by the fishing boats of Northern Brittany, especially Saint Jacut (the Ebihens are the islands in front of that port), and by the boats of Basse-Normandie, which were clinker built.
Many different rigs may be chosen according to your specific needs, from the very simple lug sail to the well canvassed gaff cutter (see drawings). Ebihen 15 is fitted with a heavy metal centerboard that allows excellent stability and good windward ability.
A well for the outboard motor is built aft of cockpit, with the motor handle at helmsman reach. The propeller is just ahead of rudder for good manoeuvrability. A 4 strokes - 3 to 6 hp - motor may be installed.
Ebihen 15 can be built and stored during winter time in a common garage. It is of course trailerable. The first boat of the series was strip-planked (upper picture), with laminated frames and backbone, and almost no plywood. It is a beautiful wooden construction. The clinker version (lower picture) is mainly made of plywood, for planking but also backbone and transverse bulkheads, then much more easy to build by a first time amateur.
I invite you to visit the (California) describing the construction of an Ebihen 15 (clinker)

A longer version (4.8 m), with same breadth and depth, is also available. She is named Ebihen 16 (see below).
Ebihen 15 plans are also available for a traditional carvel construction. Ask the designer.

is selling:
, strip planked or clinker. NC cutting of plywood for the clinker kit. Strip planked version is to be built with full size patterns sold by the architect.
, strip planked or clinker.

in the USA. Ask them for quotations.

Product Version Ref
EU (VAT incl.)
Other countries
Availability in English
Study plan All
EBI-E 20 € 20 €
Building plan Strip planks EB15-DL 240 € 200 € Available
Building plan Clinker EB15-DC 240 € 200 € Available
Full size patterns Strip planks EB15-TL 160 € 130 € Available
Full size patterns Clinker EB15-TC 250 € 210 € Available
Attention : full size polyester patterns or kit are necessary to build this boat
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Ebihen 16
Hull/Waterline length: 4.80/4.54 m Breadth:
1.85 m ISO light weight: 520 kg
Sail area (standing lug): 15.5 m²
EU category:  C

Ebihen 16 is a lengthened version of , with same breadth and depth. This gives more space for the crew and also more sail area. This last aspect is very fruitful for the standing lug version, the sail area being limited by the boat length. Ebihen 16 is also fitted with a water ballast (same principle as Ebihen 18) improving stability and trim. This is very valuable when sailing with a small crew.
Several units are already under construction. The plan package is partly the same as Ebihen 15.
If you have not any length constraint, I strongly recommend to choose Ebihen 16 instead of Ebihen 15.
is selling:
Kit for Ebihen 16, strip planked or clinker. NC cutting of plywood for the clinker kit. Strip planked version is to be built with full size patterns sold by the architect.
Ebihen 16 ready to sail, strip planked or clinker.

in the USA. Ask them for quotations.

Product Version Ref
EU (VAT incl.)
Other countries
Availability in English
Study plan All
EBI-E 20 € 20 €
Building plan Strip planks EB16-DL 240 € 200 € Available
Building plan Clinker EB16-DC 240 € 200 € Available
Full size patterns Strip planks EB16-TL 180 € 150 € Available
Full size patterns Clinker EB16-TC 270 € 225 € Available
Attention : full size polyester patterns or kit are necessary to build this boat
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Hull/Waterline length: 4.70/4.38 m Breadth: 1.75 m ISO Light weight
200 kg Sail area: 12.5 m² EU category:  C

With its appearance of a traditional wooden boat, the Bounty is a boat made of polyester inspired from the boats used during the boating’s "belle époque". This boat is the reflect of the , a sail and oar boats built at about forty units by the Grand-Largue boatbuilder.
The Bounty offers to everyone the privilege to sail "a different way", a nautical pleasure reserved for too long to initiates.The boat is easy to rig and its use with a sail is really accessible to amateur sailors who are not aware of the traditional rigs.
Bounty is two boats in one: either a dinghy with an outboard motor, or a sailing boat with the possibility to fit an outboard engine to its transom. The oars are available as an option in both cases for another way of navigation: rowing.

See the for more

Grand-Largue is interested to have dealers in Europe. If interested, see contact on the Bounty web site.
Hull/Waterline length: 5.20/4.50 m Breadth: 1.85 m ISO Light weight /Ballast:
370/40 kg
Sail area: 17 m²
EU category:  C

Lilou design is based on a fact: day sailing amateurs are mainly supplied with inflatable boats with big outboard motors, motor-boats inspired by the automobile fashion, plastic boats so simplified that you don't know where to turn the mooring line or high tech sail boats with carbon mast and expensive fittings. With Lilou, we intend to supply the demand for a simple but seaworthy boat, with a nice profile inherited from the tradition, but above all adapted to its intended use, offering a large room to its crew (the centerboard case is mostly under the floorboard). We as well intend to provide ease of construction and economy, both for the home builder and the professional, through the use of epoxy resins and NC cut plywood.
Lilou construction use the stitch & tape method. In short, cut the bulkheads and strakes according to the templates, fix them temporarily with metal wires, « weld » the joints with epoxy seams, and cover the whole assembly with epoxy sheathing. This gives a strong and durable hull, which may be trailered behing an ordinary car and handled without special care.
For the rig, we suggest the high peaked gaff sloop, giving excellent performances. Mast is easily stood up and rig quickly fitted. It offers the efficiency of a modern rig and the simplicity of a traditional rig. But a lug rig is also possible, very practical for fishing, being boomless. A  bermudian version with an aluminium mast may also be studied upon request.
A well for the outboard motor is built aft of cockpit, with the motor handle at helmsman reach. The propeller is just ahead of rudder for good manoeuvrability. A 4 strokes - 3 to 6 hp - motor may be installed.
Lilou is a trailerable boat that can be launched and recovered easily. She is light enough and requires a simple trailer without any brake system.

is selling kit as well as ready to sail boat. Very detailed and complete set of plans, as well as full size patterns on polyester film, are available from the designer. The plans are presently not translated into English but I will do it on demand. Several Lilou are built abroad, UK, Australia, the Nederland...

Product Version Ref
EU (VAT incl.)
Other countries
Availability in English
Study plan N/A
LIL-E 15 €  15 €
To be agreed
Building plan Stitch and tape LIL-D 210 € 175 € To be agreed
Full size patterns Stitch and tape LIL-TB 250 € 210 € Available
Attention : full size polyester patterns or kit are necessary to build this boat
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Ebihen 18
Hull/Waterline length: 5.50/4.94 m Breadth: 2.10 m ISO light weight /Ballast: 830/150 kg
Sail area: 24 à 28 m²
EU category:  C

Following the success of Ebihen, a beautiful hull, stable and seaworthy, I have been asked to design the same boat one metre longer, as most owners wish it to be. Then, Ebihen 18 came out of my computer. She is half decked for safety, with a wide space to spend a full day wandering or fishing. It is also possible to spend a night on-board under a tent. Boat and personal equipement are stored in large lockers. Even the long sculling oar is stowed on the floorboards.
To resolve the required heavy displacement (about 1 500 kg loaded) of such a traditional hull and the possibility for it to be trailered behind a car, I have fitted a water ballast tank and a steel centreboard. The tank arrangement is quite simple : a drain plug in the hull and a dinghy type inspection hatch cover just over. After launching, open the plug. When the tank is full, lock the plug and shut the cover. After recovering, just open both to empty. It is also possible to drain into the bilges and to pump the water out before recovering the boat.
The hull is strip planked over a criss-crossed structure made of a plywood backbone, including centreboard case, and plywood transverse bulkheads. The planking is sheathed for better resistance to chafe and to reduce maintenance. The erection of all numerically cut parts is extremely simple, without any measurement and marking, and assure a perfect result for the amateur builder and shortens significantly the labour time for the professional boat-builder. Have a look on the .
Ebihen 18 is offered with several rig versions, in particular the gaff cutter and the two masted lug rig named flambart in northern Brittany. Both are superb, efficient, and well suited to this powerful hull. I can also draw other rigs on demand.
A well for an outboard motor, up to 10 hp, is fitted aft. The propeller is just in front of rudder for easy manoeuvering, and the handle is at helmsman reach. The motor is fully hidden under deck. A flush hatch cover allows access for its installation and start up.
A clinker version may be drawn on demand.

is selling as well as boat.

Product Version Ref
EU (VAT incl.)
Other countries
Availability in English
Study plan N/A
EB18-E 20 €  20 €
Building plan Strip planked EB18-D 380 € 320 € Available
Full size patterns Strip planked EB18-TL 480 € 400 € Available
Attention : full size polyester patterns or kit are necessary to build this boat
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Hull/Waterline length: 5.98/5.30 m Breadth: 2.20 m ISO light weight /Ballast: 650/150 kg
Sail area: 19.1 m²
EU category:  C

Jewell came from discussion with Clint Chase, my boat-building partner in North America. As a family friendly day boat, she has to meet the following main requirements:
We also made the choice of a yawl rig, firstly because it is beautiful, and also because Americans are fond of yawls. I was happy to make something different than the gaff sloop I generally prefer on such a day-boat (Stir-Ven, Beniguet, Lilou...). The yawl rig is very versatile, allowing one to sail under main only, or under mizzen and jib. The mizzen also allows the boat to safely point into the wind, tending itself while the skipper starts the motor, puts in a reef, or entertains the kids. In Jewell, the main mast is shorter and lighter, so easier to step. In addition, we intend to make the masts hollow-birdsmouth construction and use Dyneema shrouds, both light and easier to handle.
The jib has overlap in order to improve pointing ability. It is always a mania for me to design fast boats, especially to windward, as it is also the best for safety. The jib is small, so can be easily tacked even if single-handed. The mizzen is a simple standing lug (stores in the cabin) improved with a foot flexible batten. The long boomkin crosses the transom, under deck, and is easily pulled into the boat for trailering.
Jewell is designed to be made both by home builders or professionals. She is plywood lapstrake-built, over plywood bulkheads. Even the backbone, incorporating the centre-board case, is made of several layers of plywood. A CNC pre-cut kit is available for home builders and is also used, of course, by professionals as it save a lot of working time. The kit includes all moulds and supports, allowing one to erect the hull without the need of a yardstick! All planking features an interlocking zigzag scarf to accurately align the pre-cut planks.
Hull construction is kept light: 9 or 12 mm thick Okoume (Gaboon) plywood in order to have a lightweight boat but a sturdy one able to withstand trailering and the hazards of any adventurous sailing along the coast.
The cockpit is made of two parts, a classic cockpit aft and an open full width cockpit forward. The cockpit is watertight and self draining. Recesses are fitted on sides to collect water and have it drained through Elvström type bailers in order to allow draining when the boat is heeled under sail. It will be possible to leave out the false cockpit floor in the case an owner did not need the self draining cockpit or wanted the extra cockpit depth and stowage under floorboards.
There is an elegant, low and rounded coaming around the cockpit making it is possible to sit comfortably on the side decks. You may also sit on the aft side lockers, on the bridge-deck and also on the cockpit floorboard: very comfortable and well protected! Children and an adult can sit in the fore cockpit area out of the way of the mainsheet.
A 3 to 4 hp motor long shaft motor mounts in a cut-out in the transom. When the motor is stowed into the dedicated locker, a removable shutter (filler piece) drops into place. There is no visible cut-out into the transom and the boat looks unaffected. A Torqeedo 1003 electric motor is an excellent alternative to a gasoline motor.
As usual on my designs, there is a scull notch into the transom head and 3 m long oars may be stowed inside. It is possible to row from the bridge deck (two rowers side by side) as on Stir-Ven.
The cabin has been drawn to give a enough comfort for short overnight jaunts and day-long excursions. In particular, there is sitting headroom, including the porta-potti toilet which is located at the deepest place. The berths are very long for comfort. The galley corner may be arranged as you like with a small stove. As there is no water ballast, you will find a lot of stowage space, including space for a cooler under the bridge-deck.
Jewell is designed according to the EC and ISO safety rules in design category C (coastal sailing). She is unsinkable and complies with the wind stiffness test.

is selling kit (in particular set of NC cut plywood) as well as finished boat. Ask for a quotation.

in the USA. Ask them for quotations.

Product Version Ref
EU (VAT incl.)
Other countries
Study plan N/A JEW-E 20 €
20 €
Building plan N/A JEW-D 480 € 400 € Available 
Attention : kit is necessary to build this boat
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Hull/Waterline length: 5.85/5.25 m Breadth: 2.10 m ISO light weight /Ballast: 850/180 kg
Sail area: 20.3 m²
EU category:  C

Beniguet is either a pocket cruiser or a day boat. As a cruiser, she offers a cabin with two quarter berths and a third one forward at child size. It is even possible to sleep three adults with a fore berth extension. As a day boat, she welcomes her crew is a two meters long cockpit which offers an exceptional comfort and let you wandering along the coast. A lowered space on both sides of motor well allows to stow a bucket or your fishing equipment.
The cabin gives possibility to take a meal or a cup of tea inside, to find a shelter if raining or some shade on a sunny day. Madam will find a chemical or marine toilet.
The steel centerboard rotates under the cockpit, and does not obstruct the cabin. It gives Beniguet much higher performances than most of the small cruisers inspired by tradition. As usual, I gave a lot of importance to the pleasure of steering a good sail-boat.
The small keel, discontinued aft, makes the boat very easy to launch. It also protects the outboard motor installed in a well which is perfectly within reach of the helmsman, and placed in line of the rudder for easy maneuvers. The purists will be able to dismount the motor under sail, by placing it either in a cockpit locker, or simply place it transversally at the back. Nothing is omitted for a demanding sailor : anchor locker on foredeck, stowage facilities, opening portlight on the coach-roof face etc...
Beniguet is clinker built in plywood-epoxy. A very modern solution which is also in the spirit of a pure classic boat. By limiting the number of varnished pieces or by replacing them with oiled teak, maintenance will be equivalent to that of a polyester hull. The cockpit is water-tight and self draining. The ballast is approximately 170 kg, half of which is placed within the centerboard, and therefore quite low in navigation. All this makes Beniguet a very dependable boat.

which also proposes a complete kit including all plywood parts cut on NC machines, most of which not requiring any adjustment.
Product Version Ref
EU (VAT incl.)
Other countries
Availability in English
Study plan N/A
BEN-E 20 € 20 €
Building plan N/A BEN-D 480 € 400 € Available
Full size patterns N/A BEN-TC 580 € 485 € Available
Attention : full size polyester patterns or kit are necessary to build this boat
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Stir Ven
Hull/Waterline length: 6.70/5.80 m Breadth: 2.2 m ISO light weight /Ballast: 860/180 kg
Sail area: 25.9 m²
EU category:  C

Being the winner of the design competition "a boat to go to the islands" organised by Chasse-Marée, in the "revisited tradition" category, Stir-Ven combines classicism and modernity. It gets from classicism the elegance of its clinker built hull, the friendliness of its long and deep cockpit, the aesthetics of a gunter rig with high performances in all weather conditions, the beauty of varnished wood and bronze fittings, the possibility to row when wind is falling (oars are placed under the lateral decks). It gets from the modernity, the plywood epoxy technology, the reduced maintenance requirements, the ease of trailing and launching, the heavy (180 kg) cast iron streamlined centerboard which makes Stir-Ven to sail as a keel boat, both for sailing to windward and safety. Stir-Ven is intended for fast day sailing. It is also suitable for coastal cruising. She has two berths in its small cuddy, two others on the cockpit floor under a tent which even allows you to stand up! You can live a few days on board freely, having access to most moorings forbidden to larger cruisers.
For all that, Stir Ven is one of my very prefered design. She is a trailerable boat but not limited to a frustrating one day only sailing.

Today, 45 Stir-Ven have been built, nearly half of them by amateur boat builders. The class is under continuous development. Stir-Ven are now able to race together on occasions of classic boats gatherings on the coasts of France. Their exceptional performances are always remarked.

An Australian builder, Michael Randall, is running a blog on the Stir Ven construction :

There is also an owner association :

which also proposes a complete kit including all plywood parts cut on NC machines, most of which not requiring any adjustment, and the templates necessary for construction.

Note : I am interested having other builders of Stir Ven, or representatives, in foreign countries and in particular in North America. This applies also to other designs.
Product Version Ref
EU (VAT incl.)
Other countries
Availability in English
Study plan N/A
STV-E 20 € 20 €
Building plan N/A STV-D 480 € 400 € Available
Full size patterns N/A STV-TC 480 € 400 € Available
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Hull/Waterline length: 6.80/6.33 m Breadth: 2.3 m ISO light weight /Ballast: 1175/315 kg
Sail area: 28 m²
EU category:  C

Meaban is a trailerable classic cruiser, with accommodation for 3 or 4. The centerboard is designed in order to pivot under the cockpit sole, avoiding a cumbersome centerboard case in the middle of the cabin. This allows both a large cockpit for day cruising as well as minimum but very practical accommodations with a small galley, many lockers, a toilet between fore berths, a sliding chart table and a foldable dinner table.
A well for the outboard engine is built aft of cockpit, with the motor handle at helmsman reach. The propeller is just ahead of rudder for good manoeuvrability. A 4 strokes - 4 to 6 HP - motor may be installed and is completely hidden under the aft deck.
The cockpit is self-draining for safety.
To be trailerable, the boat needs to be light, keeping a minimum ballast for stability. That why Meaban is built on an  "egg box" structure, with longitudinal and transverse bulkheads made of 10 mm marine grade plywood. The bottom planking is a developed plywood panel. The side planking is cold molded with 4 mm vertical strips of plywood over longitudinal stringers. The planking is lightly sheathed. Alternatively, Meaban may be strip planked.
Meaban is proposed with a gaff sloop rig but a rig is also possible if preferred.
The first Meaban, made by home builder Thierry Fouchier, was launched in the Basque country in April 2006. The boat performs very well and gives full satisfaction to his owner, both in term of speed and sea-keeping.
Meaban is a modern boat, considering construction techniques and ability to be trailered. But, as for all my designs, I wanted to draw a true classic, beautiful and suited to another way of sailing, away from modern marinas. For instance, the low draught makes Meaban an excellent boat for visiting small drying harbours. Legs are provided to that purpose and a stowage place is arranged under the cockpit.
Several Meaban are presently under construction in France, Germany, The Nederland, Australia, Philippines and Poland. See the blog of .

(near Saint Malo). The boatyard is also selling a kit, including a full set of plywood parts cut on NC machine.

Product Version Ref
EU (VAT incl.)
Other countries
Availability in English
Study plan All
MEA-E 20 € 20 €
Building plan Plywood cold molded MEA-DP 630 € 530 € Available
Building plan Strip planks MEA-DL 630 € 530 € Available
Full size patterns Plywood cold molded MEA-TP 580 € 485 € Available
Full size patterns Strip planks MEA-TC 580 € 485 € Available
Attention : full size polyester patterns or kit are necessary to build this boat
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Koalen 22
Hull/Waterline length: 6.50/5.80 m Breadth: 2.45 m Light weight /Ballast: 1 800/700 kg
Sail area: 32 m²
EU category:  C

In the bloodline of Ebihen 15 and Ebihen 18, Koalen 22 is also inspired by the traditional crabbers of Brittany. The 6.5 m length allows accomodations for 3, still keeping a spacious cockpit. The toilets located under the coachroof, the galley close to companionway, the wide cockpit suited for fishing, will be appreciated for day sailing. The accomodations allow to extend the sailing range, and make a few days cruising along the coast with ability to enter the smallest moorings.

The hull is strip planked or plywood cold molded over a structure made of crisscrossed plywood bulkheads. As on my other designs, the home builder as well as the professional will benefit from an exceptional ease of construction. The displacement, as well as the 700 kg ballast, gives this small bat an excellent stability and comfortable movement in a seaway. Koalen 22 is also able to sail efficiently to windward without need of the motor.
A 10 hp about diesel engine is suggested. The propeller does not need any notch into rudder in order not to impair steering efficiency.
Koalen 22 is a gaff cutter, a rig perfectly right for this hull. The moderate area of sails, the small bulwark, make the boat easily manoeuvrable even by one man only. The mast is stepped in a tabernacle to allow un-rigging without external aid.

Koalen 22 is a "design project". This means that construction plans will be established on demand only and may take in account customer requests.

, a boatbuilder located in Cherbourg, markets Koalen 22 in western Europe. Please get in touch with the designer for buying building plan.
Product EU (VAT incl.)
Other countries
Building plan 3000 € 2500 € To be agreed
Full size patterns 600 € 500 € To be agreed
NC cutting files 300 € 250 € To be agreed
Attention : full size polyester patterns or kit are necessary to build this boat
Norzh 22
Hull/Waterline length: 6.60/5.80 m Breadth: 2.40 m Light weight /Ballast: 1 600/500 kg
Sail area: 24.5 m²
EU category:  C


Of course, it is also possible to design a smaller open version, about 18' long, as well as a larger version gaff cutter rigged, from 25 to 35'.

Norzh 22 is a "design project". This means that construction plans will be established on demand only and may take in account customer requests.

Picture of Sjogin by courtesy of Russ Manheimer

, a boatbuilder located in Cherbourg, markets Norzh 22 in western Europe. Please get in touch with the designer for buying building plan.

Hull/Waterline length: 7.49/6.85 m Breadth: 2.5 m Light weight /Ballast: 1 800/600 kg
Sail area: 33.8 m²
EU category:  C

After many years on « sail and oars » boats, and some others on a raid boat (Stir-Ven), I wanted for my own use a keel boat able to sail the same coastal cruising I sailed when I was young. I also wanted to propose a new boat in my catalogue between the centreboarder Méaban and the 8.5 m Toulinguet. A boat big enough to allow a fortnight cruise. But I wanted it very easy to handle, even single-handed, and not requiring a diesel engine, an electrical windlass and all those items now so common but which result in a large and expensive yacht. A small boat gives more pleasure and less trouble. Pen-Hir is the result of 4 years of thinking. My goal was to draw something in the same spirit as the American knockabouts designed by Alden and Crowninshield, very simple, fast and handy sloops. Similar boats were sailing in the Morbihan Gulf (8.5 m SI class), designed by Louis Dyèvre and Gaston Grenier. I was also very fond of Herreshoff designs with their extreme pureness. All those boats were in use during the first third of the 20th century, but I needed a boat suitable for modern use. The cabin had to be larger and the boat wider. Finally Pen-Hir has the looks of traditional yachts of Brest and Carantec areas, with a plumbed stem and a short counter, but keeps the gaff sloop rig with a small bowsprit. I like the gaff sloop with a high peaked yard which is efficient and allows to step the mast in the tabernacle without external aid. A modern bermudian rig is also available on buyer's request.
The size of Pen-Hir, 7.5 m hull length, and its weight allow to trail it. She is fitted with two strong eyebolts allowing to handle the boat with a crane as for Dragon class boats.
The accommodation is similar to Méaban, but with more room, a larger galley and a semi-separated  toilet. The mast is set on a strong but open bulkhead, just at coachroof fore end, thus non obstructing access to fore berth.

The classic lateral plane
All traditional yachts have a classic keel with the rudder attached at the aft. On modern boats, we always try to reduce the wet area and therefore to have a fin keel and a separated rudder. On Pen-Hir, I was very concerned about both performances and the ability to dry out on legs, which makes it possible to avoid calling in modern marinas. I made drag calculations and these show that the number of appendages is a major factor. In other words, a classic keel-rudder is one appendage only, whereas many modern sailing boats have 3 (keel and 2 rudders). A classic keel also gives a more effective lateral resistance, in particular at slow speed, thus being ideal for manoeuvring under sail in confined waters. Finally, the short classic keel, with the tiller at mid-cockpit, combined with a well canvassed rig, appears to be an excellent compromise for a boat requiring easy drying out. In addition, it reduces dramatically the risk of rudder damage. At owner's request, the draught may be modified to cope with local mooring conditions.

The NC cut plywood structure
As many others of my designs, the structure of Pen-Hir is made of criss-crossed plywood bulkheads, including the vertical keel. This allows Icarai boatbuilder in Cherbourg (my own son) to have the boat ready for planking, including most of her accommodation parts, two weeks after receiving the NC cut plywood panels. The bottom planking is made of one single developed plywood panel. The bilge and sides are made of two layers of cold moulded 6 mm plywood. See here the  and the .

Sustainable developement
The boatbuilder and I have decided that the first Pen-Hir will be built respecting sustainable development, as much as possible, and we have launched a research and development program with several laboratories. We chose to exclude all tropical woods and in particular okume or mahogany plywood. The boat is made of first class Finnish birch plywood which is extremely resistant and stiff. The only drawback is that birch, as okume, is not a durable wood. Therefore the hull and deck are epoxy sheathed and all edges properly protected. All main timber parts are made of oak, in particular the coachroof coamings. Pine is also used in the accommodations. The mast and spars are made of Douglas fir.
Of course, Pen-Hir may also be built with common marine plywood and red wood as timber.

Electric propulsion
In the same ecological spirit, I have decided to use an electric propulsion. It is based on a new 2 kW Torqeedo Cruise R outboard motor giving a thrust equivalent to a 6 hp petrol outboard. A remote throttle control is located in the cockpit at helmsman's hand. The motor is tilted in the aft well, so there is not any speed loss when under sail. Four gel type batteries (100 AH), located under fore berths, allow a range of about 20 nautical miles at 4 knots on a quiet sea. The motor is mainly intended for harbour access and manoeuvering but may also be used to come back to shore if the wind falls down. Batteries can be charged either by the means of a vertical axis windcharger or from harbour electric power.
The aft motor well may also receive a petrol outboard at owner's choice.

, a boatbuilder located in Cherbourg, markets in western Europe. Plan for amateur builders is foreseen. Please get in touch with the designer.

Product Version Ref
EU (VAT incl.)
Other countries
Availability in English
Study plan Plywood cold molded PHI-E 20 € 20 €
About 2 months
Building plan Plywood cold molded PHI-DP 1 180 € 990 € About 2 months
Attention : a NC cut plywood kit is necessary to build this boat
- - 
Koalen 26
Hull/Waterline length: 7.95/7.23 m Breadth: 2.8 m Light weight /Ballast: 3000/1200 kg
Sail area: 53 m²
EU category:  B

Last year, I received the visit of Laurent Pilon. He lives on the Mediterranean coast, near Sète. He has already built a beautiful Beg-Meil, a 15' traditional gaff sloop on my design. Laurent was looking for a bigger boat, allowing coastal cruising in the spirit of a traditional working boat. He was interested in my Pen-Hir and we had an afternoon sailing together. But Pen-Hir is a sloop. He desired a true gaff cutter with a topsail. The boat has to be under 8 m in length, to cope with the available budget, allow home building, be easy to handle by a crew of 2, and find a berth in a local marina.
I propose Laurent a new plan. As my previous design Pen-Hir, Koalen 26 keeps the spirit of Northern Brittany cutters and in particular mythic boats of Carantec with their short counter stern. Carantec bay was both a fishing and yachting area and gave birth to beautiful and outstanding boats taking the best of both worlds.
The first Koalen 26 is to be build by Laurent himself. He knows wood, but is not a marine carpenter. He want not to spend too much time building the boat. Therefore, we use the same technique as on Pen-Hir: an extensive use of 3D design and plywood cut on a NC machine. This helps reduce drastically both the working time and cost on a “one off” yacht. In particular, the keel itself is made of vertical panels of plywood with a bulb type lead ballast transversally bolted. This simplifies construction, but also improves stability and windward ability without requiring too much ballast weight. Pen-Hir has prodigious sailing abilities and I look forward to get the same with Koalen 26. Well canvassed in light air and able to haul up in a strong breeze, the yacht needs only a small diesel engine (2 cylinder 14 hp for instance) and I strongly advise to fit a feathering propeller.
The rig has to be simple to use: hollow mast stepped on deck; pivoting bowsprit (used to raise the mast); no running backstays; gallow frame for boom support. Jib and staysail are small enough to have double sheets (with light modern blocks) allowing the helmsman to sheet in without any winch. Roller furling at owner option.
Accommodations give sleeping facilities for 4 with a classic arrangement. The foc'sle, with sitting headroom and no mast pillar, is designed to be used as the “owner cabin”. The head is isolated from the main cabin by a curtain or a door. 2 quarter berths may be used at sea to take a rest or to stow bags under cockpit seats. A chart table allows comfortable seated position and chart storage and provide an extension to the galley. Plywood construction incorporate many lockers and shelves. Standing headroom up to 1.8 m at owner option: the coach-roof may be raised with more camber if required.
Koalen 26 is designed for both home builders and professionals. Detailed drawings and building instructions are already available in French for the hull as the first unit is to start by April 2012. Full plan package will be ready in 2012 and English version will be provided on demand.

, a boatbuilder located in Cherbourg, markets Koalen 26 as well as the kit in western Europe.  Please get in touch with the designer for buying building plan.
Product Version Ref
EU (VAT incl.)
Other countries
Availability in English
Study plan N/A
KO26-E 20 € 20 €
Building plan N/A KO26-D 1480 € 1240 € To be agreed
NC cutting files N/A KO26-CNC 420 € 350 € Available
Attention : kit is necessary to build this boat
- - 
Hull/Waterline length: 8.45/6.80 m Breadth: 2.75 m Light weight /Ballast: 2.8 / 1 t
Sail area: 39 m²
EU category:  B

Toulinguet is a project I have in mind for a long time. Classic wooden yachts, as designed in the past by Cornu in France, Alden in the US, and many others, are becoming very old and more and more difficult to maintain in sailing condition. So I feel necessary to propose designs in the same spirit but built with modern wood technique.
Toulinguet has been designed for both professional and amateur construction.
She is a yacht of the 30's, with the classic hull forms, the old style rigs, the long keel, the discreet coachroof, the large cockpit. She is also a boat of the 60's with the modern wooden construction and practical accommodation well suited to coastal cruising.
The rig, with a large mainsail, a masthead jumper and a moderately sized genoa allows the crew to tack easily and gives a lot of pleasure when sailing close to the coast. It also gives excellent windward abilities. A roller reefing system may be fitted for the genoa. Mast and spars are anodised aluminium standard profiles
My aim is to find on Toulinguet the sailing behavior which distinguishes classic yachts : sensible steering, good course keeping, ability to manoeuvre under sail, soft motion at sea... The long keel, with a lead ballast, contribute to that and allows Toulinguet to dry out easily on its legs.
A diesel engine takes place under cockpit, but it is also possible to have an electric propulsion or an outboard motor in a well.
Accomodations for 4, with a double berth in the fo'c'sle and a 1.7 m headroom.
Construction is made on an « egg box » structure ( ), with longitudinal and transverse bulkheads made of marine grade plywood. The bottom planking is a single plywood panel and the bilges and sides are cold molded with plywood. This makes a simple construction based either on a full set of plywood parts cut on NC machine or on full size patterns printed on polyester film sheets.
A fist unit has been built by a home builder. It takes about 3000 hours. Two other unit are under construction by home builders.

Toulinguet is built by . The boatyard  is also selling the boat as a customable kit.
Product Version Ref
EU (VAT incl.)
Other countries
Availability in English
Study plan N/A
TOU-E 20 € 20 €
Building plan N/A TOU-DP 1480 € 1240 € Available
Full size patterns N/A TOU-TC 750 € 630 € Available
Attention : full size polyester patterns or kit are necessary to build this boat
- - 


The designs where there is a YELLOW BACKGROUND are the designs for which CUTTING FILES are available.







 Several versions. 



 Several versions in one set of BOAT PLANS. or



















Fast cruising





if you are interested in this design.













Several versions. or  







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Sailboat Plans

Free Sailboat Plans

A selection of some of the Free Sailboat Plans (pdf) that were published in magazines such as “Popular Mechanics”, "Popular Science" and the "Boat Builder Handbook".

If you need help with lofting out the plans click here for an article here which should help.

  • Open Dayboats/Dinghys
  • Rowing Boats

Open/Dayboat, Free Sailboat Plans

Everyone who digs boating has heard of the Hobie Cat, the sleek little catamaran that burst on the scene and captured the attention of all the fast-action sailors.

hobby kat free boat plans

Marked by asymmetrical hulls and special trampoline supports, the Hobie can reach speeds above 20 mph and perform with a rare agility.

But it has one drawback.

It costs mucho dinero.

Thus, we introduce the Hobby Kat, sailboat plans, a build-it-yourself version of the “Hobie” that should cost from half to a third of the commercial version. If you have the moola, of course, go for a Hobie and have the time of your life on the water.

If not, try our Hobby

The homebuilt is not quite the same.

But she sails sweetly and fast—qualities which have made the “Hobie” popular

Even in a light air she’ll slip through the water at a fast clip.

She has no centreboards, leeboards or keel, and needs none.

The inside of each hull has built-in lift, like an airplane wing, so that as the boat heels and one hull digs in the boat is pulled back to windward.

Click Here for the Plans

She can run in very shallow water and the rudders kick up for beaching.

You can carry her on a trailer or even disassemble her.

tern free boat plan

Many a “stink pot” addict will take a second look at Tern because she planes in modest breezes, is easy to handle, and her streamlined prow arid pod-shaped, “inland scow” type hull offer slight water resistance. Then too, there’s a charm about the tiller of a sailer that’s not matched by the wheel of a motor-powered boat. Part of it is the challenge of making the most of nature’s free-wheeling breezes. Even with her 72sq.ft of sail, this Free Sailboat Plan is remarkably stable, and packs as many as four persons aboard

For thousands of inland lakes, Tern is the answer to sailing water sport, she is rugged and easy to launch

And she’s remarkably easy to build.

sailboat plans

Falcon is a small, speedy, sporty sailboat which handles well. Tests on the original Falcon showed that she could easily out-distance boats of comparable size such as the one design class Snipe and Comet sailers.

And she will pace neck and neck with 18 footers with considerably greater sail spread.


This strong, beamy, eight-foot pram may be sailed either cat-rigged or sloop-rigged.

The dagger-board may be adjusted forward to balance the helm when sailing with the addition of a jib sail.

Oars or a small outboard motor may also be used to power this versatile Free Sailboat Plans.


Dart” is a small two or three person sailing craft, designed for use on protected waters such as bays. lakes, rivers or wherever sheltered waters are found. Its construction will repay the builder handsomely and provide a fast sailing craft, light in weight, easily transportable and cheap to construct with all difficult joinery eliminated

It provides thrilling and economical sport.


The 'Crescent', designed by C. T. Allen, is the ideal sailboat for day sailing on a small lake, river, or protected waters of a bay.

Centreboard design (Fig. 2) reduces Crescent's draft, so Shallow is not a problem.

Its broad beam of over 5½ft. makes it an ideal family boat because there is room for a cockpit large enough to accommodate four adults or two adults and three kids, and side and forward decks big enough to stretch out on when sun bathing.

"Jewel" is a 16' Crescent Sailboat being built by Mike Allen from the free sailboat plans by C.T .Allen in the 1958 "Boat Builders Handbook". And what a superb job Mike is doing check out his photos here .

Click Here for the Free version of the Plans


Sailing enthusiasts and backyard boat builders are not likely to find free boat plans for a sailing pram that can be built faster, lighter, stronger, or less expensively than Graefin-10. Two men can begin work on a Friday evening and have a smart, lively 10-ft. 85-pound sailboat in the water by Sunday evening (it’s been done).


Zephyr Is a refinement of a type of boat developed by the English for use in the rough open waters of the English Channel. Not only is it fast under sail, but it can stand up under punishment. And it’s light enough to be easily loaded atop an auto or light trailer.


breeze baby

Skimming off a brisk wind or with the wind abeam, Breeze-Baby actually planes with one person aboard. Despite her rowboat lines that make her easy to build, she handles easily under her simple sail, an ideal first boat. Simple lines are adapted to plywood construction that’s strong, light and that keeps Breeze-Baby’s bilges dry

You can take her with you atop your car or on a lightweight trailer for summer fun wherever you vacation or get in a week-end’s sailing.

cats paw

Cat’s Paw is easy to build because of the straight-sided hulls. The sheer line is flat and that simplifies building the form. Bow and stern are straight, so there’s no cockeyed bevel to fit and fuss with

She Is an Ideal boat to learn or practice sailing in because she will forgive so many mistakes.

Cabin Cruiser, Free Sailboat Plans

free sailboat plans

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Boat Winches

Jun 21, 24 04:18 AM

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  • Stitch and Glue
  • Strip Plank

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classic sailboat plans

I am perfectly aware that the majority of Wooden Boat aficionados are sensible folk. However, I need to point out that I am an amateur wooden boat enthusiast simply writing in order to try to help other amateur wooden boat enthusiasts. And while I take every care to ensure that the information in DIY Wood is correct, anyone acting on the information on this website does so at their own risk.


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classic sailboat plans

Build your own boat

With our tried and tested plans.

The oldest business of it's kind. Since our first plans were sold for home construction in 1938, more than 100,000 Hartley boats have been built.

Hartley Boats has the widest range of boat plans for sail boats, power boats, catamarans and trimarans, dinghys and small craft, canoes and kayaks, surfboards and surf skis, vintage power boats, self steering capabilities and trailers.

Established in 1938, more than 100,000 boats have now been built by enthusiasts from our plans. All Hartley Boat Plan sets come with full size frame patterns.

classic sailboat plans

Power Boats

classic sailboat plans

Catamarans and Trimarans

classic sailboat plans

Dinghys and Small Craft

classic sailboat plans

Vintage and Classic Boats

classic sailboat plans

Windvane Self-Steering

classic sailboat plans

Canoes and Kayaks

classic sailboat plans

Surf Boards and Surf Skis

classic sailboat plans

Boat Trailers and Other Drawings

Help and guidance on construction.

We offer a range of books and study packs to help you build your boat. Each project is unique, so you are welcome to contact us with questions.

classic sailboat plans

Books and Guides

classic sailboat plans

Construction Methods

classic sailboat plans

About Hartley Boats

Hartley Boats is the first business of its kind. We have been providing build-it-yourself boat plans since 1938. Based in New Zealand, we send our boat designs all around the world.

Read our story >

How to order

Each item on our site has a product page where you can add the item to your cart. All payments are securely processed online using the Stripe payment gateway. All plans are sent by airmail.

Visit the Ordering and Shipping page >

classic sailboat plans

  • Aluminum & Steel Powerboats
  • Aluminum & Steel Work Boats
  • Classic Dinghy - Cedar Strip
  • Classic Mahogany Runabouts
  • Classic Runabouts
  • Hydroplanes - Inboard
  • Hydroplanes - Outboard
  • Kayaks - Fabric Covered
  • Kayaks - Plywood
  • Powerboats 10'-16'
  • Powerboats 18'-26'
  • Sailboats - Monohull
  • Sailboats - Multihull
  • Sport Runabouts
  • Tunnelhulls

Fine Line Boat Plans and Designs

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Sailboat Plans 30-40ft

Sailboat Plans 30-40ft

Bruce Roberts sailboat designs

Boat plans 30 - 40 ft  .

This section of Bruce Roberts sailboat designs and boat plans cover the following vessels in the range of 30 to 40 foot. The Roberts, Classic, Henry Morgan, Offshore, Power Cat, PCF 36/40, and Canoe Stern designs. Boat building plans using steel, aluminium, fiberglass wood/epoxy, dependant on the design, are available. Information and prices are on each individual design page.

Study Plan Packages contain all the sheets #1 from the actual plans. Sail Plans and the various accommodation layouts pertaining to the design are shown on these sheets. There may be anywhere from two to eight #1 sheets which are all to scale and which measure between one meter and two and a half meters long each. They are intended as a more in-depth overview of the design in which you are interested.

Material Lists for the basic materials required to build the hull, deck and superstructure are included in the study plan package to help you with your budgeting. Where Fibreglass is mentioned as a material this means Balsa sandwich / Foam sandwich, Single skin or C-Flex. Most steel plans can be adapted to aluminium construction. Both moulded ply and strip plank can be used in conjunction with the wood epoxy saturation method. Sail and rig details are also shown on the study plan sets.

As the Study Plan Packages include the basic measurements in scale for the accommodation layouts, you can customize the layouts to suit your needs if what is presented is not exactly to your liking.

The link to download the Study Plan Packages is emailed to your email address and generally within 24 hours, The link to the Full Plan Sets is also generally emailed within 24. All study plans and full plan sets are downloadable in .pdf format for you to have printed at a nearby print shop. The study and full plan sets are available on CD's on request with postage cost depends on country.

To View drawings , photos, information and prices of the design that interests you just click on that design.

Payments:  We only accept payments through PayPal. This method of payment protects both of us. Please be aware that there is no obligation or need to be a member of PayPal to use them to pay us using the normal various methods of payment.

Pram Dinghy Boat Plan

Pram Dinghy Boat Plan

Roberts Pram Dinghy This Pram dinghy can be built in fiberglass or plywood. The pictures sho..

Classic 31 Boat Plan

Classic 31 Boat Plan

Roberts Classic 31 This is an earlier design that some traditionalists may find appealing. It may..

Roberts 310 Boat Plan

Roberts 310 Boat Plan

Roberts 310 This design may be built with either a regular trunk cabin or a pilot house. It is al..

Henry Morgan 32 Boat Plan

Henry Morgan 32 Boat Plan

Roberts Henry Morgan 32 This is an earlier design that traditionalists may find appealing. It is ..

Roberts 34 Boat Plan

Roberts 34 Boat Plan

Roberts 34 This is an earlier design that still enjoys a great amount of popularity. It has been ..

Canoe Stern 341 Boat Plan

Canoe Stern 341 Boat Plan

Roberts Canoe Stern 341 Designed by Graham Shannon this is for those of you that are looking for ..

Roberts 345 Boat Plan

Roberts 345 Boat Plan

Roberts 345 Originally this was designed for lightweight frameless multi-chine steel construction..

Roberts 35 Boat Plan

Roberts 35 Boat Plan

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PCF 36-40 (Pacific Coast Fisherman) Boat Plan

PCF 36-40 (Pacific Coast Fisherman) Boat Plan

Roberts PCF 36-40 (Pacific Coast Fisherman) This design may be built as a motor sailer for family..

Roberts 36 Boat Plan

Roberts 36 Boat Plan

Roberts 36 This design is a well proven world cruiser as many are currently sailing in different ..

Roberts 370 Boat Plan

Roberts 370 Boat Plan

Roberts 370 Such has been the response to this design that plans for it's construction are availa..

Offshore 38 Boat Plan

Offshore 38 Boat Plan

Roberts Offshore 38 Full plans for this design are available for building in round bilge Fibergla..

Power Catamaran 39 Boat Plan

Power Catamaran 39 Boat Plan

Roberts Power Catamaran 39 These catamarans were designed to be built using the fibreglass panel ..

Roberts 39 Boat Plan

Roberts 39 Boat Plan

Roberts 39 This design is available only in multi-chine hull form, sloop or, with the addition of..

Roberts 392 Boat Plan

Roberts 392 Boat Plan

Roberts 392 This design is a companion to the Roberts 39 which until now had only been available ..

Roberts 40 Boat Plan

Roberts 40 Boat Plan

Roberts 40 This design comes with either a centre cockpit or a pilot house layout. There is adequ..


If you would like to own one of these lovely little boats, but don't have the time or ability to build one yourself, you can order a finished boat. The base price for a rowing version is $6,175.00, with a choice of sailing rigs available as optional extras. You can also order a bare hull to finish yourself. Give me a call at , or send me an e-mail at


       I’m Arch Davis – I learned boatbuilding and design in New Zealand in the 1970s. I have been helping people to build beautiful wooden boats since 1988. You can see a few of them by clicking on Picture Gallery . My approach to design is to put into your hands the means to use modern materials – marine plywood and epoxy resin – to build a truly lovely boat with classic lines.

      I believe that a boat should be beautiful, not just by virtue of her lines, but also in her construction. No material makes this possible like wood. My aim is to take advantage of wood’s unique strengths, in a structure that captivates the eye. I want you to feel that you are always doing good work in building one of these boats.

classic sailboat plans

       You’ll see that I have a small collection of designs. That is because I understand your need for clear, comprehensible, detailed plans and instructions. I put a lot of time into my drawings, building manuals and DVDs. I also spend a lot of time helping people through their projects, on the phone or by e-mail. I really am here to help!

classic sailboat plans

      If you see something that you like in my collection, please feel free to contact me with any questions. I am available on the phone at 207-930-9873, or email me at [email protected] .

Wooden Boat Plans and Boat Kits by Arch Davis

classic sailboat plans

Grace's Tender - More than just a tender, this little dinghy is a fine vessel in her own right. She is a pleasure to row, and sprightly under her simple sailing rig - a great boat for youngsters to mess about in. Bay Pilot 18 - an 18 ft pilothouse cruiser for outboard power. Laughing Gull - 16 ft self-bailing sailing/rowing skiff. Ace 14 - 14 ft performance daysailer Penobscot 13 - 13 ft little sister to Penobscot 14. Penobscot 14 - 14 ft glued lapstrake sailing/rowing skiff. Penobscot 17 - big sister to the Penobscot 14 Sand Dollar - 11 ft sailing/rowing skiff. Jack Tar - 26 ft plywood lobster boat design Jiffy 9-7 - suitable for rowing or a small outboard motor Jiffy 22 - outboard powered cabin skiff Jiffv V-22 - vee-bottom sister of the Jiffy 22

About My Boat Kits

       I also have epoxy kits and plywood packages for all my designs, plus sails, rigging, and numerous other items. Here's my daughter, Grace, setting up the frames for a Grace's Tender kit.

classic sailboat plans


My two week class “Building the Penobscot 13” at the WoodenBoat School in Brooklin, Maine, is one of the highlights of my summer, and has been very well reviewed by students. The school on beautiful Eggemoggin Reach is a great place to spend some time. You get the chance to see a variety of activities, there is a fleet of small wooden boats that are available to students in the evenings and on weekends, and the food is great!

If you would like to take my class, call me at or send an e-mail to

You can see what the school has to offer here:  

Please call or write to me at: Arch Davis Design 37 Doak Road Belfast, Maine 04915 Tel:207-930-9873  

If you would like to receive a newsletter from Arch Davis Design, send me an e-mail at [email protected]

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Plans for Boats, oars and paddles. Many free plans

As I was looking through my boat plan links I realized that they were scattered here and there. I decided to compile the links all in one page to make it easier to navigate.

Email me if a link is broken. I try to update everything often but the internet is a fast paced place. (and I'm not so quick), I've also included free oar and paddle plans and books with plans in them.

I offer a few plans but most of these boat designs are links. I have not built most of these and cannot endorse them. Some plans are good, others not so much.

Many plans are now available, particularly those that offer hundreds of plans for very cheap, which are reprints from old Popular Mechanics and other magazine. The building methods are somewhat dated and the plans often not very detailed. Of more concern materials such as lead paint are sometimes recommended. Do your homework before building these. Often buying a good set of plans from a recognized designer will save you time and money in the end.

The following plan links may have duplicate because they may fit in different categories. A kayak plan might also be a free stitch and glue plan. Enjoy and go build a boat.

Links to All kinds of boat plans, oars, some free plans

  • Miscellaneous Boat Plans many of them free. It's my largest plan page. Whenever I find a new plan I try and add it to this list.
  • Motorboats Everything from simple skiffs to elaborate speedboats, classic wooden boats and fishing vessels.
  • Dory Boat Plans Various plans some of which are free. Wide range of dory styles, usually characterized by a pointy front, relatively flat sides and toumbstone transom.
  • Skiff Plans By skiff I mean a simple shaped pointy boat with a wide transom. Often used as a fishing boat. Capable of planing and carrying a motor.
  • Strip Building Plans Often cedar strips are used. Often results in lovely rounded shapes with glorious wood finish. A favourite for canoes and kayaks but often seen in sailboats and multihulls.
  • Ultra-Light Boat plans Imagine building a boat that weights less than 30 pounds and even less.
  • Canoe and Kayak plans Many free plans included.
  • Tenders Selection of boats suitable as tenders, some free. Many methods of building including stitch and glue, ultralight and strip building.

Free Boat Plans

  • Free Skiff Plans Skiffs are fast easily built boats.
  • Free Canoe and Kayak Plans There are some nice free designs out there. They vary in amount of detail offered.
  • Free Stitch and Glue Plans Also plans that could be built using stitch and glue method.
  • Free Rowboat Plans
  • One Sheet Plans Boats can be built using only one sheet of plywood. Here are a few.

Free Canoe and Paddle Plans some links some actual plans

  • Free Plans for Simple Oars by Spark Geissler Nice easy to build oars.
  • Links to many Free Oar, kayak and Canoe Paddles. Some nice designs including traditional kayak paddles.
  • Free Paddle Plan From an old boy's book.

Surf Boards and Paddle Boards

  • Surf Boards and Paddle Board Plans

Multihulls and Proas

  • Multihulls including catamarans, trimarans and proas.

House Boats

I have a few free actual boat plans, some in pdf format.

These are mostly from old sources. Check before building.

  • Folding Boat Plan from Boy Mechanic Book Turn of the century design for a folding boat. Link to a video of someone who actually built it. It's quite good. I think the builder had to fiddle the dimensions some before it would fold properly, but it's a fun boat.
  • Old Plan for Plywood Tender Actual plans, seems like a nice pram dinghy.
  • Old Plan for Punt Actual plans, from old book. Substitute plywood for solid wood.
  • Old Plan for Take Apart Skiff Actual plans, in PDF format. Boat is in 3 clip-together sections.
  • Old Plan for folding boat in PDF format. Plywood with canvas hinges folding skiff.
  • Take apart Jonboat come in 3 sections and has a built in cooler.
  • Building a Skerry from plans
  • Boatbuilding Links & Resources from my Website

I try to be accurate and check my information, but mistakes happen. ALSO keep in mind that not all free boats are good designs. Some are but others are worth exactly what you pay. Also keep in mind while I'm in a preachy mood, that a good set of plans will save you lots of time and if you've paid for them you can actually often contact the designer and get help.

I built a skerry from plans

Atkin & Co - Individualized Designs for Unregimented Yachtmen. Established 1906

  • Little Boats
  • Rowboats & Outboards
  • Under 20 feet
  • Over 20 feet
  • Under 27 feet
  • Over 27 feet
  • Under 18 feet
  • 18 feet to 22 feet
  • 22 feet to 30 feet
  • Over 30 feet
  • Miscellaneous Designs
  • Index of Design by Name
  • The Sea Remains the Same - The Atkin Design Legacy
  • Pat Atkin's Art

classic sailboat plans

It is with a heavy heart that I have to pass along the news that Pat Atkin passed away peacefully yesterday (May 15, 2022). As I get more information, I'll pass it along. It has long been the plan to ensure the legacy of John and William Atkin's plans. All the plans are now in the expert care of Mystic Seaport. She will be greatly missed by the wooden boat community.

Here is a link to her Obituary

Boat plans are now offered through

Mystic Seaport Museum!



[email protected]

+1 (860) 572 5360

The name Atkin has long been associated with the best in basic boats. If you are looking for "the right little boat" to build -- or have built -- or if you just like to dream over boat plans -- you'll be delighted with the wooden boat design collections of John (1918-1999) and William (1882-1962) Atkin, which are now being sold by John's widow, Pat.

classic sailboat plans

Having provided three generations with practical, well-proven wooden boat designs, our site offers more than 300 designs including famed Atkin double-enders, traditional offshore and coastal cruising yachts, rowing/sailing dinghies, utilities and houseboats. Many of the designs represent great simplicity and make excellent projects for amateur builders. Superbly drawn study plans, usually copies of the original "how-to-build" magazine articles by William or John Atkin, will help you choose the boat best suited to your level of boatbuilding skill.

Complete designs include the lines; table of offsets; construction plan elevation and sections; arrangement plan elevation and sections; sail plan (or outboard profile); deck plan and numerous details as required. Scantlings are lettered on the working drawings. Also included are Xerox prints of the original "how-to-build" text as it appeared in the MoToR BoatinG magazine articles written by Billy and John Atkin. All designs require lofting before building.

These plans contain all the information necessary for an amateur to successfully build a boat, but the older plans assume the builder has some familiarity with boat construction and the use of tools. Please Do Not stray from the plans and modify your Atkin boat. If you cannot resist the urge to second guess John or William Atkin you do so at your own risk; the resulting boat will no longer be an Atkin design and Atkin & Co. will take no responsibility for its performance! Just follow Billy Atkin's advice: "Now do not be tempted to pull the ends out, raise the sheer heights, swoop up the bow or stern, or do the many things a boat plan always impels one to do. Just put this... boat together and see how well she performs."

Unless otherwise specified, construction is traditional plank on frame. Most of the flat-bottom boats can easily be converted to plywood planking. V-bottoms with straight sections may look like plywood will wrap easily around them, but but in reality, V-bottoms not specifically designed for sheet plywood may be very difficult, or impossible, to plank with plywood sheets.

We are in a state of transition. No new orders are being accepted at this time.

Join the ATKIN BOATS group on Groups.IO to discuss Atkin designs and boats built from them.

Atkin & Co.

Below are illustrated descriptions of the boats in the Atkin catalog

  • Little Boats (10 Feet and Under)
  • Inboard Utilities & Runabouts
  • Inboard Cruisers
  • Sailboats & Auxiliaries
  • Index of Designs by Name
  • The Sea Remains the Same The Atkin Design Legacy
  • Pat Atkin's Art In addition to selling boat plans, Pat has achieved fame as a potter and sculptress

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Site's original design by  John Kohnen

50th Anniversary Collectors Issue - September/October Issue No. 300 Preview Now

Plans and Kits

Plans & Kits

If you’re in the market for a boat to build, this directory of Boat Plans & Kits is a fine place to start. And if your company sells plans or kits, we invite you to list your offerings here. There is no charge for listing, but the featured boats must be built of wood. To refine your search of this directory, use quotation marks. If you search Nutshell Pram Kit, you’ll receive all the listings that include the words Nutshell, Pram, and Kit. To refine your search, enter “Nutshell Pram Kit”; you’ll then see only the results for Nutshell Pram kits.

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To refine your search, add quote marks. If you search Nutshell Pram Kit, you will get all the listings which include Nutshell, Pram, and Kit. To refine, search “Nutshell Pram Kit” and you’ll see just Nutshell Pram Kit results.

717 Results

Yankee Tender profile

Oar / Paddle

Yankee tender.

Capacious, seaworthy, flat-bottomed skiff weighing less than 150 lbs. Construction: Cross-planked bottom, lapstrake sides. No lofting is required. Plans include 5 sheets.

Fisherman 23

Fisherman 23

The design of the Fisherman 23′ came from the request of a customer to build a sport fishing boat, fast, trailerable and also comfortable for family trips. It’s a boat of modern design that is inspired by the American fisherman, with forms less pronounced.

CLC Cradle Boat

CLC Cradle Boat

A perfect gift for the family's newest little boatbuilder, the CLC Cradle Boat is an ideal first stitch-and-glue project.

Hird Island Electric Skiff

Hird Island Electric Skiff

An inshore skiff for sails, oars, or electric propulsion.

Peace Canoe

Peace Canoe

A great family boatbuilding project! Build it in a weekend from a kit, or build it from plans using local materials.

Shearwater 16 Hybrid

Shearwater 16 Hybrid

The Shearwater Hybrid combines the best qualities of stitch-and-glue plywood kayaks with the beauty of a cedar strip deck.

16 foot Perfect Skiff –Weld profile

Sailboats - Daysailers

16' perfect skiff –weld.

The flat-bottomed skiff can be both the most and least refined craft afloat.Popular by their ease of construction.Construction: Plywood planking over bulkhead frames.Alternative construction: Cross-planked bottom, planked sides (details included).Lofting is required.Plans include 5 sheets, and in

PT Watercraft 's PT 11 nesting dinghy assembles in or out of the water

PT Eleven nesting dinghy

The PT 11 is a very versatile boat. It rows, sails, and motors and it does all those things exceptionally well. It also nests for carrying on the deck of your sailboat or in the back of a vehicle.

Olga 28 trailerable trawler

Motorboats - Outboard

The Olga 28 is a trailerable power cruiser constructed with plywood and epoxy. The design was inspired by the classic power boats of the Pacific Northwest, while her construction takes advantage of modern materials to produce a lightweight, easily maintained boat.

Fast Skiff 12

Fast Skiff 12

The Fast Skiff 12, a simple, economical, easy to build and fast small planing boat.

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From the Community

Whitehall 16 ft. Sailing & Rowing Boat

Whitehall 16 ft. Sailing & Rowing Boat

16 foot Whitehall rowing and sailing boat. Maine built 1985.

Pre 1905 Warren Cole Adirondack Guideboat

Pre 1905 Warren Cole Adirondack Guideboat LOA 16′, 42″ beam

Restored in ME by Jonathan Minott (seen in WB "Launchings" July/Aug 2009).

Learning Curve

Learning Curve is for sale!

Learning Curve, a 24 foot cat ketch sharpie drawn by Karl Stambaugh.

Boat Launchings

Wherry tied up. Overs Cove, Petit Manan, Maine.

Begun in 2020 blissfully ignorant of rabbets, rabbet planes, and most things nautical, she took m

From Online Exclusives

Extended content.

The Battle of Trollfjord, painted by Gunnar Berg

Of Færings and Fembørings

Jon Wilson

WoodenBoat Live with Jon Wilson

The snekke.

Sakonnet One Designs

Glen-L Boat Plans

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Boat Plans Catalog – 300 Boats You Can Build!

“Building boats from Glen-L plans is simple and straight forward…I honestly have never run into a problem, unless it was of my own making. Follow Glen-L’s plans and you can’t go wrong.” Dr. Norman Cove, Bahamas

“Boat building is one of the few pursuits where utilization of the end product is as rewarding as its construction.” Marc Bourassa, Wilmington, MA (built the Power Skiff and 2 Kidyaks)

With Glen-L proven plans & kits, building your own boat can be a reality. Choose one of the categories below, click on a boat for the listing of items available plus more info and photos. Simple as that… get started today!

If you know the boat design name, use our Alphabetical Design Index

Design Characteristics – Boat drawing with all parts listed.

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One Response to Boat Plans Catalog – 300 Boats You Can Build!

[…] am building a 16′ wooden bass boat using the Glen-L design and it is about 80% complete. I am now getting ready to outfit the interior, build the helm, […]

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Affordable Sailboats You Can Build at Home

Affordable Sailboats You Can Build at Home | Life of Sailing

‍ Key Takeaways

  • There are many sailboats that anyone can build from home depending on tastes
  • Budget will be the biggest deciding factor on a majority of the process
  • Consider kits that come with most of what you need or choose ones that are all-inclusive
  • Design complexities and new materials may make the building time process longer
  • Plan the best you can ahead of time to save money and your working hours

‍ Buying a sailboat can be expensive, but building your own can save you money. So what are sailboats you can build from home?

Sailboats that you can build from home will likely be a small boat under 20 feet. These could be from many different boat suppliers such as B&B Yachts, Brooks Boat Designs, and Chase Small Craft. Boat plans will vary based on your budget and how much time you have on your hands.

Based on my previous experience, building your own boat will take much longer than if a professional were to do it. You also have to be able to study plans, consider various sailboat designs, and have tons of supplies such as fiberglass tape or fiberglass cloth. On top of that, you will also have to be good with your hands.

Table of contents

‍ Top 10 Affordable Sailboats Anyone Can Build at Home

Building your own pocket cruiser or other styles from boat plans is an impressive feat, as this will need dedicated time and money to assure your boat sails safely. Boat building takes a lot of patience as well, especially since this will not be completed in a fast manner.

Finding boat plans and materials that fit your budget will be key to being able to complete the project. The time it takes to complete these projects will vary on your overall experience and needs. Below are 10 of the most affordable sailboats that you can build in the comfort of your home.

B&B Yachts

B&B Yacht

B&B Yachts have 14 different boat plans you can choose from to find the boat of your desires. Their shop is located along the Bay River in North Carolina where they construct all of the kits and have a 100 foot dock to show off your project once you complete it.

One popular model to check out is their Core Sound 15, as it is the perfect size for those wanting to build a modest size boat for a handful of people on board. Their website features some videos of completed projects and the plans or kits for purchase.

  • 14 different models to choose from plus some dinghies
  • Various monohull and multihull options
  • Friendly customer service with attractive prices
  • Might be too many options for some that are indecisive
  • Not ideal for those wanting to have a motor sailer

Brooks Boat Designs

Brooks Boat Designs

Brooks Boat Designs has a handful of options to consider for your next sailboat building project. They are located in Brookline, Maine and give the option to buy the kits or have them build one from scratch for you. They have plenty of knowledge, so do not be shy to ask about modifications or custom features you are looking for.

Depending on your specifics, they can attempt to accommodate some of their plans to help fit your desired outcome. By checking out their site, you can see many examples of their construction in progress and what the boats will look like when completed.

  • Offers a variety of kits
  • Plans vary around $50 and up, while materials will obviously add more costs
  • Some plans can be rowing boats that can convert to sailboats
  • Might take a while to hear back from them, as their contact section is a little outdated
  • Their plans may not accommodate a ton of extras for your taste

Chase Small Craft

Chase Small Craft

Chase Small Craft offers a simple process for building boats. Their kits are equipped with everything you need and will help save you time than just buying the materials outright and other parts you could need. This is arguably one of the best bang for buck instances if you want to save time and money searching for pieces to your boat.

They are located in Saco, Maine and will ship everything to your home from there. All the necessary materials are included and all you need are the proper tools and working space.

  • All-inclusive kits with what you need
  • Tons of knowledge on their site for boat building
  • Easy process to order and customize
  • Complete kits can range over $20,000 for larger boats
  • Kits may take up to eight weeks to ship out

Chesapeake Light Craft

Chesapeake Light Craft

You can expect high-quality boat kits from Chesapeake Light Craft . They feature 18 different sailboat kits that vary from eight to 20 feet in length. This should be more than enough to find one for you if you are newer to boat building.

They also have a wide variety of other kits in addition to the sailboat, in the event that you wanted to order a small kayak or paddleboard in addition to your sailboat. The prices vary considerably when considering a small or larger boat, so check the complete list of options to in order to potentially fit your needs.

  • Plenty of sailboat offerings to choose from
  • Different beautiful hull form options to consider
  • Easy to build and perfect for sailing
  • Only has basic materials needed for kit, so you may need to purchase other items
  • Has epoxy shipping fee no matter if you pick up item

Dudley Dix Yacht Design

Dudley Dix Yacht Design has an extensive list of plywood and single skin sailing boat options. They have plenty of sail plans and kits to consider depending on your goals. These follow a classic look for sailboats, which are aesthetically pleasing.

If you are wanting one to accommodate a small family, they have more than plenty to look through. The cost is not as bad compared to others, but keep in mind that you may need to throw in your own supplies or specific tools to get the job done.

  • Plans start at $30 and range up to $7,500 or more for kits
  • More than enough of options to consider
  • Affordable variety of sailboat offerings
  • Might be too many options for those new to sailing
  • Most are wood without the use of aluminum or steel

Farrier Marine

Farrier Marine

If you are in search of a multihull to build, then Farrier Marine is what you need. They offer a unique folding catamaran that is trailerable and give you the option to build it yourself. This not only makes it an appealing option, but anyone can take this multihull boat wherever they want with ease.

It features a thorough construction guide once you receive all of the materials. These also come with stainless steel fasteners and an aluminum mast for high-quality materials. Pricing will vary since you must request which model type you are considering.

  • Ability to build a unique catamaran
  • In-depth construction guide to help
  • Easily handled and trailerable
  • Price may be too high
  • Limited offerings since only a few multihull options

Glen-L Marine Designs

Glen-L Marine Designs

Building a boat from Glen-L Marine Designs can save you time and money. They feature an easy system to order and receive the kits, as well as an in-depth guide to building them. This is an appealing option compared to most boat kit sellers.

The beauty about Glen-L is that anyone can build these from scratch, so you do not have to be the best boat builder in the world to get it done. They offer guides and helpful insights from their team to point you in the right direction. Plans vary around $15, while kits can range well over $1,000 depending on boat size.

  • Nearly 50 designs to choose from
  • Complete guide to help anyone build it
  • Plenty of price points depending on size
  • Might be overwhelming with the amount of options
  • Could take a while to get parts since they are popular

John Welsford Boat Designs

John Welsford Boat Designs

John Welsford Boat Designs invites new and veteran boat builders that want a taste of quality small wooden boats. The boat plans are designed to meet your specifications and are catered to your desires.

There are seven sailboat designs to choose from so you do not feel overwhelmed in the process. However, they do not sell kits all the time, so you would need to have the materials or be on the lookout for the best prices when they are available.

  • Seven sailboat plans with different sizes
  • Quality boat builder and supporting community
  • In-depth knowledge provided to you when you order
  • Might be too small of boat size
  • Kits are not always available

Iain Oughtred

There are plenty of options on the wooden boat store, but you should narrow down your search for Iain Oughtred’s line of sailboat kits and plans. There are 25 different plans to choose from, which should accommodate most everyone looking to build their own boat.

While they do offer some kits, they do not routinely offer sailboat kits. You would need to purchase all of the materials if you are considering one of their sail plans. Keep this in mind if you are considering, as you would need to hunt down the parts yourself.

  • 25 different sailboat plans to look through
  • Various sizes to contemplate for you sailing needs
  • Prices will vary but are not bad compared to market
  • No sailboat kits, only plans
  • Newer boat builders might find too many options unappealing

Paul Gartside Boat Builder and Designer

Gartside Boats is a boat builder company based in Long Island, New York that showcases a variety of boats from traditional and newer methods of boat building. Within that variety, they have boat plans meant for six to 50 feet in length.

With an abundance of options, you will need to contact them regarding prices and any customizable options. Kits may vary as well, as they typically design in-house and build for you.

  • Experienced boat designer that can accommodate with custom plans
  • Many options are trailerable
  • Can have plans for up to a 50 foot boat
  • You will need to contact them for prices
  • Customized options may make process more complicated for new boat builders

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Sailboat at Home?

As you have likely already done so, the math between building your own boat and buying one may be a huge difference. Likewise, you may even enjoy the challenge of taking an older boat that is gutted and restoring with parts from a kit to build one new again.

But how much does it cost exactly to build a boat from the comfort of your own garage or workshop? The prices are going to vary dramatically depending on your situation and material needed to get the job done. In addition, the time that it takes to complete this will also vary.

Sail plans are rather inexpensive if you are aiming to build a small boat. These plans allow you to see the workings of the boat design and what you need to build the boat.

Without these plans, you will not know the exact details of the design and it can cause major issues with the boat’s hull or other areas of the boat. Think of these as the backbone or instructions of the boat’s infancy before being built.

Price Per Square Foot

You should assume to pay anywhere between $300 to $600 per square foot if you are interested in building a boat. Buying a kit outright can be a good way to save time, but oftentimes these do not come with everything you need.

Instead, you should try to source as much of the materials at the best price as possible. Thinking ahead is part of the process and you might be able to score a deal at a lumber yard or hardware store for parts.

Boat Designs Matter

The design of the boat will be much different from one boat to the next, regardless if they are the same size in length. If you are pondering boats that range anywhere between 16 and 20 feet, you should factor in the shape of the hull, any rigging, and various appendages.

Prices tend to increase when there are more complexities within the designs. If you are considering a kit with more details than others, you will also have to pay more for the designs on that as well.

Kits Can Differ

It is important to understand that all kits are not going to be the same. As you gander at sailboat kits online to stitch together, you need to thoroughly look over to see if you have everything you need before buying.

It would also be at your advantage to ask the seller if any additional parts or supplies are needed. This may change your dynamic on the kit buying process and you may pass up one for another if it has everything you need. An all-inclusive kit may cost several hundred, if not thousands, of dollars more to have the convenience of everything in the bundle.

Construction Approaches

Some boat plans may require you to have certain tools to get the job done. This means special saws or planers, which the average person simply does not have.

Purchasing specialty tools might be expensive upfront and hard to find depending on what it is. Your best bet would be to check locally for others trying to sell their tools or consider a boat plan that does not require extensive tools to finish the job.

How Long Does it Take to Build a Sailboat?

An easy to build sailboat could take a while to build from scratch. Many different variances come into play that are difficult to pinpoint for everyone. But how long is that exactly and how will your experience play into this?

A fun project to sail in the wind could take you several months to well over a year depending on the boat plan and how big your boat is going to be. In addition, the materials all need to be accounted for prior to starting in the event a hardware store does not have them in stock.

Time Varies

The time that passes for simple boat designs on small sailing vessels can be done in a few weeks. This is assuming you have everything you need and work non-stop around the clock.

Certain complex situations may make the process long, such as the difficulty of working with some materials. If you are a skilled laborer, it may take you half the time compared to a novice. The amount of time it can take will vary on your availability and skill level.

Planning ahead will undoubtedly offer the most time-saving features. It also helps if you can tackle parts of the project at your own pace.

Complexity of Design

The design of the boat may make the construction process longer. For example, it may take you longer to build a catamaran compared to a similar lengthed monohull.

More complex designs might require more materials, therefore making the process a bit longer to complete. Furthermore, you will also need more experience working with difficult designs and that will affect you more as a newbie.

Be sure to manage your expectations well and do not allow yourself to become too stressed over this fun project. If you can, seek expert boat building advice from a local builder or the company you purchased sail plans through.

Quality Materials

The quality of the materials will matter significantly when building a boat and will greatly affect the time it takes to construct it. Handling fiberglass or carbon fiber might require specialty tools, while wood also demands a certain level of craftsmanship.

If you are not skilled at working with the material at hand, it might affect the quality of the build and you may have to go back to fix mistakes. This will definitely add more time to your project, because mistakes are bound to happen with your first project.

To save time, consider adding the tools and materials throughout the year or as often as your budget allows. You may want to try testing your skills on fiberglass or other materials to get a feel for how to work with it.

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Daniel Wade

I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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My specialty is custom yacht design, from concept to launch. 

Strength, safety, comfort, performance, style, grace... the essential attributes of a yacht.  Whether built in wood, steel, aluminum or composite, those qualities shape my design strategy. 

My mission is to combine an owner's wishes with graceful aesthetics, human-friendly design, competent analysis, maximum performance, robust structure, and classic form. I offer a high degree of creativity in pursuit of solutions to client requests.  I view this as the essence of good design.  See the article for more information.

See the for a complete index to over 250 web pages that include yacht designs and articles about boats and boating.

By using computer aided modeling a yacht design can be created with optimum aesthetics, structure, performance, stability and seakeeping. Using the same digital model, the structural parts of the vessel can be defined for CNC cutting. 

CNC cutting delivers a more accurate and higher quality structure at a more favorable cost than would be possible using manual lofting and cutting methods. 

See the article for a detailed outline of my design development process. 


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Classic Sailboat Designs

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/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/DarkHarbor20.jpg Dark Harbor 20

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  1. Classic Wooden Boat Plans

    Classic wooden boat plans is a collection of established wooden boat designs ranging from the early 1900's to about 1970. Some of our own designs are Banshee, Custom Barrelback 19 and the Deep V inspired by the Donzi Sweet 16, Bantam. Other plans include Chris Craft, Hacker, Gar Wood, Riva, Switzer, barrel back, Baby Bootlegger, Flyer, Teaser ...

  2. Classic yachts and traditional sailboats

    Find plans for trailerable and seaworthy classic yachts and traditional sailboats, such as Beg-Meil, Ebihen 15, Ebihen 16, Bounty and more. See prices, availability and building options for each design.

  3. Boat Plans, Bruce Roberts Boat Plans, Boat Kits, Founded 1966, Official

    NEW YORK 46 Cruising Sailboat plans CLASSIC 50 STEEL Sailboat plans ROBERTS 532 Sail boat plans NEW YORK 55 Sailboat plans VOYAGER DS 543 W/E boat plans VOYAGER 600 W/E Sail boat plans NEW NEW YORK 600 CUSTOM boat plans ROBERTS 58 Sail boat plans NEW YORK 65 Sailboat plans

  4. Scroll Down for 100 Sailboat Plans & Kits

    BOAT PLANS & FULL SIZE PATTERNS - Package Includes latest sail boat plans, SAILBOAT building plan updates & revisions, PLUS direct contact with the designer. Designed for those that prefer either steel or aluminum as their building material, the Roberts 28 is a well proven sailboat that you can build and later sail in confidence.

  5. Wooden Boat Plans

    Westhaven 32. $ 285.00 - $ 300.00 (USD) Build your own sail boat yatch from 9 feet to 63 feet in length. Fully featured wooden boat plans for home construction in Plywood, Steel and Fibre Glass.

  6. Free Sailboat Plans

    affiliate links Cabin Cruiser, Free Sailboat Plans Petrel You can build this 16ft boat as a day sailer or an overnighter with cabin. Petrel is a Free Sailboat Plan that fulfils the greatest possible variety of uses in one model, offering the builder either an open-cockpit racing craft with comfortable accommodation for day sailing or a snug cabin model with accommodation for overnight trips to ...

  7. Boat Plans

    Boat plans to help you build your dream. Since our first plans were sold for home construction in 1938, over 100,000 boats have been built from our plans. ... Vintage and Classic Boats. Windvane Self-Steering. Canoes and Kayaks. Surf Boards and Surf Skis. Boat Trailers and Other Drawings. Help and guidance on construction. We offer a range of ...

  8. Free Sample Plan

    Classic wooden boat plans is a collection of established wooden boat designs ranging from the early 1900's to about 1970. Some of our own designs are Banshee, Custom Barrelback 19 and the Deep V inspired by the Donzi Sweet 16, Bantam. Other plans include Chris Craft, Hacker, Gar Wood, Riva, Switzer,

  9. Boat Plans, Boat Supplies & Marine Epoxy

    Phone Tel: (716) 634-9481. Clark Craft offers hundreds of boat plans, design patterns, and a full line of boat building supplies and accessories for the amateur boatbuilder.

  10. Shop

    Classic wooden boat plans is a collection of established wooden boat designs ranging from the early 1900's to about 1970. Some of our own designs are Banshee, Custom Barrelback 19 and the Deep V inspired by the Donzi Sweet 16, Bantam. Other plans include Chris Craft, Hacker, Gar Wood, Riva, Switzer, barrel back, Baby Bootlegger, Flyer, Teaser

  11. Build DIY Roberts sailboats. Designs & boat plans 30-40ft

    Boat plans 30 - 40 ft. This section of Bruce Roberts sailboat designs and boat plans cover the following vessels in the range of 30 to 40 foot. The Roberts, Classic, Henry Morgan, Offshore, Power Cat, PCF 36/40, and Canoe Stern designs. Boat building plans using steel, aluminium, fiberglass wood/epoxy, dependant on the design, are available.

  12. Boat Plans and Boat Designs for powerboat and sailboat building

    Plans for sail, power, & rowboats - 8' to 62'. Especially for do-it-yourself builders. Build in wood, ply, stitch-&-glue, aluminum, steel, & fiberglass. [ view ] The official site of HH Payson, author of the Instant Boats series on inexpensive easily constructed boats for oar power and sail (the famous Phil Bolger designs.)

  13. Wood Boat Plans, Wooden Boat Kits and Boat Designs

    The base price for a rowing version is $6,175.00, with a choice of sailing rigs available as optional extras. You can also order a bare hull to finish yourself. Give me a call at 207 930 9873, or send me an e-mail at [email protected]. I'm Arch Davis - I learned boatbuilding and design in New Zealand in the 1970s.

  14. All the boat plans on this site. Many free plans

    Ultra-Light Boat plans. Imagine building a boat that weights less than 30 pounds and even less. Canoe and Kayak plans. Many free plans included. Tenders. Selection of boats suitable as tenders, some free. Many methods of building including stitch and glue, ultralight and strip building.

  15. Atkin & Co.

    [email protected]. +1 (860) 572 5360. The name Atkin has long been associated with the best in basic boats. If you are looking for "the right little boat" to build -- or have built -- or if you just like to dream over boat plans -- you'll be delighted with the wooden boat design collections of John (1918-1999) and William (1882 ...

  16. Plans & Kits Search

    Designer. Brian Dixon / Glacier Boats of Alaska. The Great Alaskan is a very versatile inshore/offshore powerboat with a seaworthy semi-dory style hull. These fiberglass/wood stitch-n-tape boat plans give the builder the freedom to adapt the cuddy, pilothouse, and cockpit layout to his preference. Oar / Paddle.

  17. 300 Boats You Can Build!

    Dr. Norman Cove, Bahamas. "Boat building is one of the few pursuits where utilization of the end product is as rewarding as its construction.". Marc Bourassa, Wilmington, MA (built the Power Skiff and 2 Kidyaks) With Glen-L proven plans & kits, building your own boat can be a reality. Choose one of the categories below, click on a boat for ...

  18. Sailboat Plans

    Sailboat plans for our earlier designs are on 24" x 36" paper; parts that fit within those dimensions are shown full size. ... with more than 800 built, is one of the most popular small dinghies in the world. Classic good looks, stand-out performance, and ease of construction are hallmarks of this John C. Harris design. Now in production for ten...

  19. Zephyr 16'

    Classic wooden boat plans is a collection of established wooden boat designs ranging from the early 1900's to about 1970. Some of our own designs are Banshee, Custom Barrelback 19 and the Deep V inspired by the Donzi Sweet 16, Bantam. Other plans include Chris Craft, Hacker, Gar Wood, Riva, Switzer, barrel back, Baby Bootlegger, Flyer, Teaser

  20. Affordable Sailboats You Can Build at Home

    Sailboats that you can build from home will likely be a small boat under 20 feet. These could be from many different boat suppliers such as B&B Yachts, Brooks Boat Designs, and Chase Small Craft. Boat plans will vary based on your budget and how much time you have on your hands. Based on my previous experience, building your own boat will take ...

  21. Kasten Marine Design

    Modern Classic Yacht Design. My specialty is custom yacht design, from concept to launch. Strength, safety, comfort, performance, style, grace... the essential attributes of a yacht. Whether built in wood, steel, aluminum or composite, those qualities shape my "Modern Classic" design strategy. My mission is to combine an owner's wishes with ...

  22. Chris Craft U22

    Classic wooden boat plans is a collection of established wooden boat designs ranging from the early 1900's to about 1970. Some of our own designs are Banshee, Custom Barrelback 19 and the Deep V inspired by the Donzi Sweet 16, Bantam. Other plans include Chris Craft, Hacker, Gar Wood, Riva, Switzer, barrel back, Baby Bootlegger, Flyer, Teaser.

  23. Classic Sailboat Designs

    Artisan Boatworks 416 Main Street Rockport, Maine 04856 207-236-4231 [email protected]