
LIVE: 44e Ronde om Texel (2023)

Start Ronde om Texel

Vandaag wordt de 44e Ronde om Texel (2023) gezeild, de grootste catamaran en regatta race ter wereld met maar liefst 563 deelnemers op de Noordzee en de Waddenzee. ClubRacer zal je vandaag voorzien van real-time updates en indrukwekkend beeldmateriaal vanop het water. Dit is een unieke kans om deel uit te maken van dit legendarische zeilevenement alsof je er zelf bij bent.

Liveverslag van de 44e Ronde om Texel

Hieronder vind je in chronologische volgorde het liveverslag van de Ronde om Texel in 2023

23:30 VIDEO: Ronde om Texel 2023 hoogtepunten

21:30 overall winnaars Ronde om Texel komen op het podium

De spanning van de Ronde om Texel, het grootste catamaran zeilevenement ter wereld, bereikt zijn hoogtepunt! Nu worden de overall winnaars aangekondigd: namelijk de zeilers, die niet alleen supersnel rond het eiland zijn gezeild, maar die ook het best hebben gepresteerd volgens de Texel Rating.

Het Texel Rating systeem is een handicap systeem dat speciaal ontwikkeld is om verschillende klassen en types catamarans tegen elkaar te laten racen op een eerlijke en gebalanceerde manier. Het houdt rekening met verschillende factoren, zoals de grootte van de boot, het zeiloppervlak en vele andere eigenschappen, om te verzekeren dat het niet alleen de snelste boot is die wint, maar ook de beste zeilers.

De overall winnaars van de Ronde om Texel zijn: Hans en Marius van Dam (volledige uitslagen volgen later vandaag).

Overall winnaars Ronde om Texel 2023

Op zondag 11 komen we met een volledig overzicht van alle Ronde Om Texel winnaars. Stay Tuned.

20:30 het Wave feest komt op gang

Het lijkt erop dat heel Texel feestviert tijdens de Ronde Om Texel. Dit wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door het gelijktijdige Wave muziekfestival. Niet alleen wordt het podium gedeeld door zeilers en niet-zeilers, het feest wordt eveneens verder opgeluisterd door evenementen zoals Het Foute Strandfeest door Qmusic en een optreden van DJ Trappetoni. Deze muziekactiviteiten voegen extra levendigheid toe aan dit uniek zeilevenement op het eiland.

ronde texel catamaran 2023

13:56 de First finisher zijn vader en zoon Steenman

Met hun foiling Nacra F20 catamaran, hebben Albert Steenman en Mitchel Steenman de eer van First Finisher behaald bij de catamaranzeilers tijdens de ronde van Texel. Ze hebben deze prestatie geleverd met een indrukwekkende tijd van slechts 2 uur 25 minuten en 16 seconden! Het was een verbazingwekkende vertoning van snelheid en uithoudingsvermogen. Ondertussen heeft Max Castelijn zich onderscheiden als de snelste windsurfer. Hij voltooide de uitdagende race in slechts 2 uur, 1 minuut en 42 seconden. Gefeliciteerd aan deze buitengewone zeilers met hun geweldige prestaties! Blijf bij ons voor meer live updates van de 44e Ronde om Texel.

Albert Steenman en Mitchel Steenman

13:08 Video: koplopers passeren gate

De koplopers passeren de verplichte de gate voor jachthaven Oudeschild.

11:30 VIDEO: start Ronde om Texel

Stipt om 11:30 gaan 241 catamarans van start.

11:00 Honderden toeschouwers verzamelen zich op het strand

Terwijl de boten zich aan het voorbereiden zijn voor de start van de 44e Ronde om Texel verzamelen honderden toeschouwers zich op het strand.

Toeschouwers Ronde om Texel

10:30 Meer dan 240 catamarans gaan te water

Boten gaan te water voor de start Ronde om Texel

9:45 Zeilers maken hun boten klaar

Ronde om Texel, zeilers maken hun boten klaar

9:00 VIDEO: briefing voor de zeilers

De Ronde om Texel briefing (2023) voor de zeilers gaat van start om klokslag 9:00.

Ronde om Texel briefing door Roel Swijnenburg

Deze wordt ingeleid door de voorzitter van de Ronde om Texel, Jan Schouwstra, die vervolgens het woord overdraagt aan de Texelse burgemeester, Rob van der Zwaag. Tijdens de briefing betreedt ook Dorian van Rijsselberghe het podium. Na hun gezamenlijke optreden verzorgt Roel Swijnenburg de schippersbriefing waarin hij uitgebreid uitleg geeft over veiligheid, potentiële gevaren en de weersverwachting. De starttijd wordt ook medegedeeld en deze wordt 11:30.

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Eddy Lekens

Eddy Lekens speelt sinds 2002 een prominente rol in het vormgeven van het zeilsportnieuws in België en Nederland. Zijn offshore zeilcarrière begon in 1984 en zijn expertise leidde tot vele podiumplaatsen in ORC- en IRC-zeilwedstrijden. In 2004 riep het Watersportverbond hem uit tot beste zeezeiler, een erkenning voor zijn uitzonderlijke prestaties met het Audi-zeilteam, waarmee hij bijna alle wedstrijden in Nederland domineerde. Naast zijn passie voor het wedstrijdzeilen, is Eddy eigenaar van het E-commerce bureau Lucky Cookie, dat gespecialiseerd is in SEO , e-commerce consulting en e-commerce project management .

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ronde texel catamaran 2023

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Mariska Wildenberg

Mariska Wildenberg

Kitefoiler, Wingfoiler, Kitesurfer & Snowkiter

Wingfoil, Ronde Om Texel

Round of Texel 2023: Beaten by technology or proud?

Wingfoil, Ronde Om Texel, Texel, wingfoil

Let me tell you about the round of Texel 2023 last June. 

The round of Texel is a Dutch competition, for the last 45 years and growing. Originally it is a catamaran competition, one of the biggest in the world and if you participate you will know why. I have never seen so many catamarans  entering a starting line at the same time. This year the wingfoilers could participate for the first time next to the windsurfers and windfoilers. The goal is to complete one round around Texel as fast as possible.  On the date given, so whatever the weather, the tide gives you, you gotta deal with it. Sounds fun right?! I never did it before.. so I think I can do it.

From an  8 th place in the Wingfoil Worlds , to a  windless Wingfoil Europeans at Garda, to a qualification of the Netherlands into the 2 nd  ANOC WORLD BEACH GAMES – my second beach games after representing the Netherlands in kitefoilin g – into a round around texel 2023 with an unfair DNF (While I was the first girl with quite some time in lead to the other girls.. ) .  Where for the first time in my life I experienced something like this: beaten by technology. The technology which should also be your safety device………………Yeaah right. It is all a bit frustrating, but on the other hand I learned something way more important.

After an eventful view months. Moving form event to event into freestyle, big air, twintip race on the other side of the world, into kitefoiling and wingfoiling in Europe. The last months all my focus (besides training for the worlds in kitefoiling) went into learning to wingfoil race properly. Read: using a harness, hooking in my wingfoil, using a bigger board and a smaller wingfoil – the kitefoil. Learn to gybe and tack….. crash and get back up, quite a mission if you are hooked in I can tell you… Just like starting, pumping and knocking the cord against your head, please…tell me I am not the only one. Taking the cord to hook the wing in from the old windsurf gear, it has to do the job. I know I had two days left to struggle before I had to make the round. Ready or … not, I could use all practise there is these days to prepare for the Beach Games and represent the Dutch.

Last minute I checked the wind on the island of Texel for the weekend and made the decision to participate, we will see. Drove the van down to the island, ready to  learn some more into this world of wingfoiling – and to see if I really like it, if I can do it. If I can manage the expectations to actually make it around.


Practice Races

The event is like all the kite events, starting from “Paal 17”. The first day we had a practice race to the  south part of the island, paal 9. First downwind and upwind back.  The second day we did an upwind and downwind race to the north part of the island, paal 31. With the wind slightly offshore, so no big shore break (here I was so scared off!!), strong enough to wing effortless and nice weather. Well, and no discussion which wing to pump since I only have one, a 5m. I was still too in-experienced to go on my small wingfoil/kitefoil (read: I only did this in storms, to know I would foil away for sure). So I took out the bigger front wing, to make it easier for myself. You make sacrifices upwind, but since I have a short mast anyway I will not win anything on that. Better to stay above the water and avoid getting stuck or in trouble. That made me take the “bigger” board too. This is what I am using the day of the competition, so better get used to it while I can. The weather conditions will be the same so easy choices for a change.

During this little competition rides, you could find out the best way to go upwind – where to ride and where not. In combination with the current, the tide and the waves. Same story downwind. Still feeling like a snail compared with my kitefoil – I got a lot of time to think about that, watch the others and learn . With a kitefoil its already done before you realise it influences your ride or the wind shift is already shifted another time before you can react. The little races felt forever and a little lonely – it did bored me – no surprises there. The upwind parts I was almost regretting my life choices, my arms were falling off. Note to self: use the harnas when you do wear it. Hooked in it feels so much slower than with the wing in your hands. But I do think you go more upwind hooked in, but I can’t go fast that way – yet.  More than enough time to find that out tomorrow.  The first race I was just looking at my watch,  thinking how long it will take the whole round……

I know I just wanted /needed to finish, I know it would take “forever”,  I know the weather and what to do, where to ride. So I took all equipment safe, big wing (duuh), big board, big frontwing. It was all about learning and not rushing it (trying to be  a little less competitive as usual, to not overdo it – to 100 % finish safe, manage the expectations). Keep foiling and not getting stuck because of stupid crashes or make myself tired by chasing people. I made the decision already to only do gybes.  So that I can keep the board flying above the water in shallow parts, the waves and hit the jellyfish, seaweeds without crashing (with a small wingfoil or kitefoil I do crash). And a board I know I can start in super light wind. Prepared for it all, no doubts – only not the high speed. But “ slow and steady wins the race “; so they told me. There my competitive mind already goes, no they said:  “ slow but steady will finish the race safe “.

One minute before the start I squeezed myself into the starting square. My mind said run start and be the fastest away, but my brain said it’s a long race, its not kitefoiling, let them start and fight whoever starts first. Go behind and ride away – as simply as that. So that’s what I did, remember my goal.  Then I just shut down my brain, enjoy the views, watch the catamarans, search the water for seals, think about my upcoming exam, reproduced what was on the sheets (crazy – I know),  saw the buggy riders having a competition at the light house, all on the go upwind.  I know it would take “feel” forever, and my arms will hurt anyway.  I made myself accept that fact tehy day before already, and made myself thinking about other things. This time I really did enjoy the upwind!

It took me around one hour till the first gate.

Than we entered the shallow part area, jellyfish, seaweeds. The reason I took the bigger wing. It was actually a really fun and quick part. Flat water, no turns -because of the perfect wind direction.

O ne straight line through the second gate that was only around 10 minutes from the first gate .

Behind and in between so many catamarans. They were al really supporting, never got so many (air) high fives. Well, I know where the shallow parts were, I kited that part a multiple times from texel to vlieland (sssssssst). When I came to the end of the nature area, the guy on the boat told me I could go downwind into the deep water. So I skipped the walking part, check.

Than we had a super looooong downwind till Oudeschild, the third gate. It felt like there was no wind, but I guess it was my lack of skills because a few minutes ago I was powered for two. The gate was situated close to the shore, we could wave to the people watching from shore. I did made some new friends, got something to drink and a few snacks for on the way. The boats followed me already a long time. They were quiet impressed by the wingfoilers joining and recognized me. It made the loooong downwind a bit more fun. Also at this point I know already that the organisations GPS was not working. They asked me how I managed to ride through the sand? (- they actually already reported this to the organisers). And more people lost me on the organisations tracker. But I had my own and that was my safety device, and tracking for my own team so I continued.  

2 hours and 30minutes it took me to the third gate .  

Well, and here I also had to cross the big ferry. It just passed so, I was lucky and could pass the port easy.  Enjoying the boats around and show off with some jumps to make the ride a bit more exciting for them and myself. Onto the next gate before going upwind.

3 hours from the start to the fourth gate .

Here I did some swimming and crashed for the first time. The whole downwind I didn`t switched feed, I was scared to crash, and enjoyed the jumping to one side too much. Now I had to because a long upwind was on the schedule. Time to switch off my brain again. I know close to shore was the best place to be, also I know it would be shallow, but I also know I prepared for that – and I learned the past days. Close to shore it is way easier to get upwind, nice and flat because of the offshore wind.  And I did only turn in gusts, so I would stay flying high. I had to pump sometimes because of the gusty wind ( a few days ago I couldn`t pump), and it was hard to not crash or touch the water.  In the distance you could spot the finish line, so close, yet so far away.  Here I hated every moment of my short mast. But it was fun to see the catamarans, the gusts and have time to think instead of the kitefoil scene where is a split second to do that.  A seagull got stuck between my board and the water, he kept on  flying there and hitting my board.  Until the catamaran guys throw him something to eat, and I was free again.

It took me (only) 15 gybes (tacks next year) to get to the finish line. The fifth gate: Overall 91 km 4 hours 08 minutes   – actually the time of my average session in summer. 

He said; “We can be proud on ourselves, by making it” . 


I finished safe, and in a good time, as first girl and also still a good position in between the guys. Until, a lot of us got a DNF (I am not the only one). Long story short, a lot of GPS trackers from the organisation lost the signal. So, actually a lot of participants didn`t got a score. Which is not fair in my opinion – I had three trackers from myself, the coach and the organisation. It is two finishes against one not.  

It was not the only mistake made. I almost got a second DNF (if that was even possible 😛 ) because I finished. I crashed far behind the line to stop all the tracking – say goodbye to the boats. Floated downwind and had to go upwind again, now I didn`t pass the line, because I already finished once, so my competition is over. When I came  to the shore they told me I never finished…….I actually had to defend myself, and my not working tracker …. Even after reporting this to the organization they still accused me from sailing through the beach, nature and missing gates.  I did got verification from the trackers organisation that a lot of trackers lost the way at that point  – and the data is useless, so are the rankings of 2023 (- oke after the first 5 I guess).  At this point I know enough: beaten by technology! – you cant do anything about.

Oké I have to admit it was my first time using a harnas, I might got distracted by the seals and the hundreds of catamaran boats..but I didn’t ride that bad and straight… . And yes I missed a loooooot of marks and gates in my career but I always take the responsibility, this one I simply not.

Thats life: Sometimes you learn and sometimes you do everything right and still got beaten by the power of technology, something you cannot train for…. Or..??


The score a bit more explained:

For the ones tracking me and wondering where my score went (-including myself) and if I found a nice shortcut… no, I didn’t. But my organizations tracker did for some reason.

During the race we have to pass some gates in order to get a score at the finish line. 4  gates in this case. You can see the gates on the map. Knowing that I am a champion in missing gates, blame my brain – I did made pretty sure I couldn’t miss one and did exactly know where the are – even had the points on land in my head. I also made the deal not to do different lines than the catamarans (they raced this race a million times).  For  me it was not the case of not making it, but more lets not miss any gates and get lost.

Bringing the organizations tracker and off course my own, the coaches for the home fans and the close follow and data. You will see the difference in the pictures. Blue line is the organizations trackers line and the green line my own.  My own gps would have given me a score at the finish line, because that one tracked me passing the gates. See the nicely curved line.  While my organizations tracker gave me a DNF – no score. Because that tracker tracked me in weird places, lines and corners I cannot even make with my wingfoil, including riding over the beach, in a way too shallow area and even worse accused me of riding in a forbidden place – nature. Just how…?  And because of the line that tracker made for me I missed a gate..number 2. See the perfectly straight line on top of the Island. While my own tracker did the real tracking, a curved line over the top of the Island through the gates and above the forbidden area – as it should be.  In the end I asked the owner of the trackers and he tod me my ( and a lot of other GPSes) lost signal at that part of the trip.

Unfortunately for me/us the rankings are 100% based on the trackers of the organisation.  And useless in my opinion. In Formula 1. Any other world cup they would redress the results and not give out any titles. Before the end of protest time etc. Side note: tehy never use GPS as a ranking system, only as help – they still write and film teh onces passing the gates.


We can be proud on ourselves, by making it.

While I was still wondering why the organizations tracker listed signal, being confused. I did what I had to do,  finished, be faster than the other girls, no walking, going through all gates. Easier than I thought it would be – enjoyed the whole ride! And still got a DNF, waste of time – my first thought. And with that I was on to the next event, the next competition, the kitefoiling worlds and the World Beach Games.  

Then, I got interviewed and was thinking what/how to tell them about this disaster and stupid tracker – I didn`t match the expectations? Did what I had to do  (actually won), to trackers against one and still lost?  But when I scrolled back through the messages waiting for them,  I saw the quote from a friend again that sticked to me.  “We can be proud on ourselves, by making it” .  That kept me thinking for a while. And he is right, it made me forget my athlete mind and competitive way of seeing things a little. We should all think like this a lot more often. Why did I do the round of Texel? To prepare for the beach games, to learn, for myself. Not for others or a podium place. And what did I end up with, a great experience, a lot of things learned and a great time around the island (- safe).  And what I like the most the long distance around islands, on tropical destinations or the Netherlands. Not everybody made it, and we can say we did. It was a long trip, I should be grateful that I actually get to participate. 

So indeed I am proud!   Some days I just need that little reminder of a friend. Thank you!

2024 I will come back to beat my own time, just for myself and not anyone else. Enjoy the ride even more and have fun – even if I don’t make it this time. Send the tracker of the organisation with the seals around. They can actually “ride “the sand.  


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  • Pingback: Year of 2023: Life is  a one-time offer live life to your fullest. – Mariska Wildenberg
  • Pingback: A race win / 5th place overall: The Wingfoiling Marathon World Cup & Round Texel 2024 – Mariska Wildenberg

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Radio Texel Het beste van het eiland!

Ronde om Texel 2023

today 08 juni 2023 my_location Texel


De Ronde om Texel is in ruim 40 jaar tijd uitgegroeid tot ’s werelds grootste catamaran-zeilrace. Dit jaar strijden er weer veel catamarans op de wateren rondom Texel om de eer met als doel zo snel mogelijk om het eiland Texel te varen.

Afgelopen jaren is de Ronde om Texel uitgegroeid tot een groots publieksevenement met circa 10.000 mensen op het strand en nog eens duizenden bij de Vuurtoren en in Oudeschild. Voor het publiek is het schitterend om te zien hoe de boten gereed gemaakt worden en via de vaak heftige branding het water op gaan. En dan de massale start waarbij de catamarans tegelijk vertrekken. De startlijn ligt vlak voor de kust en wordt gemarkeerd door twee grote startschepen en een helikopter met rooksignalen in de lucht. Vlak voor de start is de spanning op het strand voelbaar.

In 2023 zal de Ronde om Texel plaatsvinden in het weekend van 8 t/m 10 juni. Afhankelijk van het getij en de wind zal de start op zaterdag 10 juni tussen 10:00 en 13:00 uur zijn.

Naast het rondje zelf laat de Ronde om Texel in 2022 voor de tweede editie gelijktijdig WAVES Festival plaatsvinden: Hét sport en muziekfestival bedacht door echte Texelaar en tweevoudig Olympisch wereldkampioen windsurfen Dorian van Rijsselberghe. Van donderdag tot en met zaterdag kunt u overdag genieten van nog meer verschillende soorten (water)sport, lekker eten en drinken & optredens van diverse artiesten.

Op zaterdag (de dag van de Ronde) komen de eerste boten na circa 3 uur zeilen weer in het zicht van de finish. De first-finishers zullen bij aankomst feestelijk worden binnengehaald. Aan het einde van de middag gaat het dak eraf tijdens de huldiging van de zeilers. Onder begeleiding van coverband The Originals zullen de verschillende sporters hun welverdiende feest en applaus krijgen!

Beginnen 08 juni 2023 H09:00
Tot 10 juni 2023 H14:00
Locatie Texel
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Dit vind je misschien ook leuk

ronde texel catamaran 2023

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Hoorzorg Bakker

Round of Texel 2025


Texel is really the place to be for catamaran sailors. To join the Round of Texel they arrive with hundreds to the island . Every year this biggest catamaran race takes place around the island , which has started out as a small one.

The beach at pole 17 is the traditional starting and finishing point. In the week before the round there are surfing and catamaran races and party nights in the big tent. Many well-known Dutch artists and DJ’s perform there.

The catamaran race can be viewed from many places. One of them is the pathway along the sea at pole 20 ( De Koog ), near the lighthouse and further ahead at pole 33 ( De Cocksdorp ), where the catamarans sail along the coast. You also have a good view from the dyke at Oosterend , the harbor of Oudeschild , the dyke near the NIOZ and the ferry port on the ’t Horntje.

Round Texel Race

Other events on Texel

  • Texel Half marathon; Sunday 29 September 2024
  • Inflatable Obstacle Course; Thursday 24 – Sunday 27 October 2024
  • Amuse Tour; 
  • Ouwe Sunderklaas; Thursday 12 December 2024
  • Beach Food Festival; 
  • Half Marathon De Waal; March

Coastal Cruises


Dolphin watching & shelling adventure, island sunset & skyway light show, sandbar parties.




St Pete Coastal Cruises


Dolphins spotted, years of local experience.

St Pete Coastal Cruises

Meet Escape! Our new 50’ custom built catamaran powered by two 350hp outboard motors that push us along at an average speed of 21mph! Escape was designed with an eye for luxury with her satellite TV, beer and wine bar, bluetooth sound system, fresh water showers, and restroom on board. Escape’s layout and features ensure that everyone has a great time on board! Safety was also a huge component in her design with USCG inspections during construction, annual USCG check ups, and 2 forms of night vision to ensure we can safely navigate after dark. Hop aboard for a day or night we promise you won’t forget!

SPCC - Boat Interior


Escape the crowded beaches and join us for the true island getaway! Our locals love Coastal Cruises because we take them to the more secluded islands of St. Pete where they can truly take a breath of fresh air. You deserve an escape, so take it with us!

ronde texel catamaran 2023


ronde texel catamaran 2023

St. Pete Born & Raised

Our USCG Certified Captains have over 20+ years navigating vessels in the local waters of St. Pete. On your adventure, they will be sure to show you the local dolphin hangouts and the hidden coastal gems St. Pete has to offer! Don’t miss out on our next adventure!

ronde texel catamaran 2023

Safety is our Top Priority

In addition to being inspected by the Coast Guard each year, Coastal Cruises is equipped with cutting-edge technology to ensure the safety of our passengers. Over and above Coast Guard requirements, we are equipped with state-of-the-art GPS Navigation equipment, and a FLIR night vision camera to ensure we are always able to navigate safely.

ronde texel catamaran 2023

Recent Reviews


Marine Max 6810 Gulfport Blvd. S. St. Pete, FL 33707

Wiley Pixie Logo



Looking for Adventure?

Icon One


Icon One



Come Sail with Us!

We’re so excited to share our boat with you! Enjoy your sailing or sunset charter aboard our brand new catamaran, with its modern design, ample lounge space, and plentiful amenities perfect for chilling out and enjoying the sea.

Wiley Pixie

ronde texel catamaran 2023

Schedule Your Custom Charter

Experienced captains.

Our experienced captains are knowledgeable in all the best areas of St. Petersburg and its beaches, ensuring you have a fun and safe sailing charter.

Luxury Amenities

Indulge in our many charter amenities, designed to provide the ultimate in fun, comfort, and style during your sailing adventure.

Icon Three

Lounge Space

Catamarans are the ultimate vibe. Relax in our spacious and comfortable lounge areas, perfect for enjoying the scenery and soaking up sun.

ronde texel catamaran 2023


Tampa Bay’s best sunset view.

Embark on a breathtaking sunset sailing cruise as you watch the sun dip below the horizon and enjoy the water at its finest. With plenty of space for you and your guests to relax and unwind, you’ll be treated to an unforgettable experience, complete with comfortable lounging areas, and all the amenities you need to enjoy a perfect evening on the water. Perfect for corporate events, birthday parties, families, groups, and proposals!


Day Sail Packages

Enjoy a full or half day charter out on the water with our custom sail packages, where you and your friends can soak up the sun, relax on the spacious lounging areas, and take in the breathtaking ocean views. With the flexibility to customize your itinerary, you can choose from a variety of St. Petersburg’s favorite beach and water destinations to anchor at, where you can enjoy swimming, snorkeling, and other water activities.

ronde texel catamaran 2023


Sail Under the Stars

Set sail on an unforgettable custom adventure with our overnight cruises, led by an experienced captain. Spend your nights under the stars on our 3BR/3BA catamaran, with all the amenities you need to enjoy a comfortable charter experience. From secluded anchorages to stunning sunsets and sunrises, discover the beauty of the sea and the freedom of sailing, as you explore a range of destinations from St. Petersburg to Clearwater, all the way down to Key West if you choose.

Adventure from your inbox


Top 5 Must-Visit Destinations on a Sailing Cruise from St. Petersburg, FL

Discover the best places to visit on a sailing cruise from Treasure Island, FL. Explore these breathtaking destinations, including John’s Pass Sandbar, and make your trip unforgettable!

Sunset Sailing Around Treasure Island: Your Guide to Choosing the Perfect Boat

Sunset Sailing Around Treasure Island: Your Guide to Choosing the Perfect Boat

There’s nothing quite like watching the sun dip below the horizon while out on the water. If you’re looking for a perfect way to spend an afternoon or evening in Treasure Island, sailing is an excellent option. With a number of different companies offering sunset sails, it can be tough to know which one to…

ronde texel catamaran 2023

Ronde om Texel

Zaterdag 14 juni 2025 ‘s Werelds grootste catamaran-evenement. Zo’n 300 catamarans, waaronder de internationale zeiltop, proberen zo snel mogelijk om het eiland heen te varen. De start bij Paal 17, is spectaculair. Tijden: van ca. 8.00 tot 18.00 uur. Tijdens de zeilersbriefing zal de exacte starttijd bekend gemaakt worden. Meer informatie over de starttijden op de website van het evenement:

Evenementen en Sportief

alle leeftijden en rolstoelvriendelijk



ronde texel catamaran 2023

Start ter hoogte van Paal 17, 1796 AZ De Koog.

Selecteer een datum

september ‘24

Oktober ‘24, november ‘24, december ‘24, januari ‘25, februari ‘25, augustus ‘25, september ‘25, oktober ‘25, november ‘25, december ‘25, januari ‘26, februari ‘26, augustus ‘26, september ‘26.

ronde texel catamaran 2023

Wil je persoonlijke tips voor je vakantie? Meld je dan aan voor de nieuwsbrief

  • World Championship
  • Round Texel
  • Waves festival
  • Ronde om Texel

Ronde om Texel  Info

Met deze klasse is de Ronde om Texel ooit in 1978 begonnen. Verschillende type catamaran strijden en varen mee op het water rond Texel. Door middel van Texel Rating krijgen boten een rating factor zodat de finishtijd vertaald kan worden naar een tijd gecorrigeerd voor de specifieke eigenschappen van de boot. Op deze manier ontstaat er een vergelijkbare uitslag ondanks de vele verschillende type catamarans

Op donderdag 6 juni en vrijdag 7 juni varen de catamarans twee mooie toertochten. Op zaterdag wordt de Ronde om Texel gevaren.

Titels 2024:

  • Nederlands Kampioen Texel Rating 2024

Windsurfen maakt de laatste jaren deel uit van de Ronde om Texel. Sinds 2019 is er ook eeen aanzielijke uitbreiding met windfoilen (waarvan het meest bekend de Olympische iQfoil klasse). De bezetting van het deelnemersveld is heel divers. Er varen gelouterde kampioenen en fanatieke recreanten samen om ons prachtige eiland. Aanvullend mag in samenwerking met de IFCA dit jaar ook een Europese Marathon titel worden uitgereikt. Vanaf woensdag 5 juni zal de strijd om deze titel losbarsten.

  • Nederlands Kampioenschap Formula Windsurfing Long Distance 2024
  • Nederlands Kampioen Formula Windsurfing Long Distance Dames 2024
  • 2024 IFCA Marathon European Championship

Wingfoil, overgewaaid vanuit Hawaii. De nieuwste klasse tijdens de Ronde en tevens een van de snelst groeiende watersport klasse. In 2023 heeft de wingfoil haar debuut gemaakt tijdens de 44e Ronde om Texel. De populariteit van het wingfoilen is groots en mede daardoor heeft de organisatie van de Ronde om Texel in 2024 de WK titel Marathon naar het eiland weten te halen met steun van de IWSA en World Sailing. Vanaf woensdag 5 juni zal de strijd om deze titel losbarsten.

Titels 2024

  • Nederlands Kampioen WingFoil Long Distance 2024
  • Nederlands Kampioen WingFoil Long Distance Dames 2024
  • 2024 IWSA Marathon World Championship

Zaterdag 8 juni

World championships, accommodatie.

Helaas hebben we dit jaar geen vergunning kunnen krijgen voor een deelnemerscamping in de buurt van de evenementlocatie (Paal17). Er zijn echter meerdere opties beschikbaar voor het boeken van accommodatie. We hebben verschillende partners en sponsors die accommodaties aanbieden.

  • VVV Texel:   Texel
  • De Krim Texel:   De Krim
  • Van der Valk Texel:   Van der Valk Texel
  • Grand Hotel Opduin:   Opduin
  • Texels Onderdak:   Texel
  • Landal Sluftervallei:   Landal

Onze partner De Krim heeft ook verschillende campings: Camping Met de camper naar Texel: Camper Als je vragen hebt over accommodatie of een aanbeveling nodig hebt, stuur ons dan een e-mail naar This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tijdens de Ronde om Texel gaan catamarans, windsurfers en wingfoilers met elkaar de strijd aan. De deelnemers verschillen van ervaren zeilers tot enthousiaste recreatieve zeilers. Zeilend vanaf Paal 17 zullen de deelnemers een Ronde om Texel vervolgen om uiteindelijk weer terug te komen bij Paal 17. De leeftijd van de deelnemers variëren aanzienlijk, waarbij zowel jongere als oudere deelnemers vertegenwoordigd zijn. De levendigheid en dynamiek van het evenement wordt mede gevormd door deze variëteit.

Uitslagen 2024


Volg ons op

Blijf op de hoogte.

ronde texel catamaran 2023


  1. Waves Festival

    Skip to main content. Wedstrijd info. World Championship; Round Texel

  2. Ronde om Texel

    Op donderdag 6 juni en vrijdag 7 juni varen de catamarans twee mooie toertochten. Op zaterdag wordt de Ronde om Texel gevaren. ... In 2023 heeft de wingfoil haar debuut gemaakt tijdens de 44e Ronde om Texel. De populariteit van het wingfoilen is groots en mede daardoor heeft de organisatie van de Ronde om Texel in 2024 de WK titel Marathon naar ...

  3. Round Texel 2023: Report by Wik Becker

    Report by Wik Becker. Texel Round 2023: Dominance of Family Teams. Ideal conditions for the 44 th. edition of the famous round the island race. During a warm and sunny day with 14-18 knots from N to NE, 240 cats left the beach for the relative calm North Sea waters and very little surf due to the wind coming over the island.

  4. Round Texel 2023: Photos by Laurens Morel

    Round Texel 2023 Edition was held this weekend at Texel Island in the Netherlands. Good sunny conditions judging by Laurens Morel shots (check entire gallery at his fb here) . Blue Ribbon for Albert & Mitchel Steenman on a Nacra F20 FCS. Corrected Time / Texel Rating for Hans & Marius van Dam racing a Goodall Akurra F18, second Wik & Rob Becker ...

  5. World's biggest catamaran race

    The Round Texel Race has become the world's largest catamaran sailing race. Every year, over 300 catamarans compete on the water with the aim of sailing around the island of Texel as fast as possible! Both amateur sailors and the international sailing elite participate in this race. In recent years, the race has grown into a major public event ...

  6. LIVE: 44e Ronde om Texel (2023)

    LIVE: 44e Ronde om Texel (2023) Door Eddy Lekens 10 juni 2023 7 minuten leestijd. Vandaag wordt de 44e Ronde om Texel (2023) gezeild, de grootste catamaran en regatta race ter wereld met maar liefst 563 deelnemers op de Noordzee en de Waddenzee. ClubRacer zal je vandaag voorzien van real-time updates en indrukwekkend beeldmateriaal vanop het water.

  7. Round Texel

    Round Texel. Saturday June 14, 2025 The world's largest catamaran event. About 300 catamarans, including the international sailing top, try to sail around the island as quickly as possible. The start at Paal 17 is spectacular. Times: from approx. 8.00 am to 6.00 pm.

  8. Ronde om Texel

    Ronde om Texel

  9. Round of Texel 2023: Beaten by technology or proud?

    Let me tell you about the round of Texel 2023 last June. The round of Texel is a Dutch competition, for the last 45 years and growing. Originally it is a catamaran competition, one of the biggest in the world and if you participate you will know why. I have never seen so many catamarans entering a starting line at the same time. This year the wingfoilers could participate for the first time ...

  10. Wedstrijd Info

    Met deze klasse is de Ronde om Texel ooit in 1978 begonnen. Verschillende type catamaran strijden en varen mee op het water rond Texel. ... In 2023 heeft de wingfoil haar debuut gemaakt tijdens de 44e Ronde om Texel. De populariteit van het wingfoilen is groots en mede daardoor heeft de organisatie van de Ronde om Texel in 2024 de WK titel ...

  11. Round Texel

    Round Texel (Dutch: Ronde om Texel) is the biggest catamaran race in the world, with an annual average of 600 participants.. The Ronde om Texel is a regatta for catamarans around the island of Texel in The Netherlands.Round Texel was first organized in 1978. In that year, Sigi Lach (from Germany) won in a Hobie 14 in a field of 84 participants. Since then the race grown into the biggest ...

  12. Ronde om Texel 2023

    Dit jaar strijden er weer veel catamarans op de wateren rondom Texel om de eer met als doel zo snel mogelijk om het eiland Texel te varen. ... In 2023 zal de Ronde om Texel plaatsvinden in het weekend van 8 t/m 10 juni. Afhankelijk van het getij en de wind zal de start op zaterdag 10 juni tussen 10:00 en 13:00 uur zijn.

  13. Round of Texel 2025

    Round of Texel 2025. Texel is really the place to be for catamaran sailors. To join the Round of Texel they arrive with hundreds to the island.Every year this biggest catamaran race takes place around the island, which has started out as a small one.. The beach at pole 17 is the traditional starting and finishing point. In the week before the round there are surfing and catamaran races and ...

  14. Grootste catamaranrace ter wereld

    De Ronde om Texel. De Ronde om Texel is uitgegroeid tot 's werelds grootste catamaran-zeilrace. Jaarlijks strijden ruim 300 catamarans op het water met als doel zo snel mogelijk om het eiland Texel te varen! Zowel amateurzeilers als de internationale zeiltop doen mee met deze race. De afgelopen jaren is de race uitgegroeid tot een groots ...

  15. Ronde om Texel (2023)

    Texel - 10 juni 2023Gisteren werd de 44e Ronde om Texel (2023) gezeild, de grootste catamaran en regatta race ter wereld met maar liefst 563 deelnemers op de...

  16. Island Sunset & Skyway Bridge Light Show

    Skyway Bridge Light Show & Island Sunset Boat Cruise

  17. St. Pete Coastal Cruises

    Over and above Coast Guard requirements, we are equipped with state-of-the-art GPS Navigation equipment, and a FLIR night vision camera to ensure we are always able to navigate safely. St. Pete Coastal Cruises is the locals' choice for guided boat tours, featuring the Skyway Bridge Light Show, Sunset Cruises, and Egmont Key private boat tours.

  18. Wiley Pixie Catamaran Charters

    Enjoy your sailing or sunset charter aboard our brand new catamaran, with its modern design, ample lounge space, and plentiful amenities perfect for chilling out and enjoying the sea. Wiley Pixie The galley features sea views, a convenient sink, and full size fridge with freezer, providing a comfortable and functional space for preparing ...

  19. World's biggest catamaran race

    Race around Texel. The Round Texel Race has become the world's largest catamaran sailing race. Every year, over 300 catamarans compete on the water with the aim of sailing around the island of Texel as fast as possible! Both amateur sailors and the international sailing elite participate in this race.

  20. Ronde om Texel

    Ronde om Texel. Zaterdag 14 juni 2025 's Werelds grootste catamaran-evenement. Zo'n 300 catamarans, waaronder de internationale zeiltop, proberen zo snel mogelijk om het eiland heen te varen. De start bij Paal 17, is spectaculair.

  21. Ronde om Texel Info

    In 2023 heeft de wingfoil haar debuut gemaakt tijdens de 44e Ronde om Texel. De populariteit van het wingfoilen is groots en mede daardoor heeft de organisatie van de Ronde om Texel in 2024 de WK titel Marathon naar het eiland weten te halen met steun van de IWSA en World Sailing. Vanaf woensdag 5 juni zal de strijd om deze titel losbarsten.

  22. St. Petersburg Power & Sailboat Show

    The St. Petersburg Power and Sailboat Show, Presented by Progressive is the largest boat show on the Gulf Coast! Explore an impressive lineup of powerboats and sailboats displayed in-water and on-land, along with a 40,000 sq. ft. tent housing an extensive selection of marine equipment and accessories. Other show attractions include seminars ...

  23. Ronde om Texel

    Met deze klasse is de Ronde om Texel ooit in 1978 begonnen. Verschillende type catamaran strijden en varen mee op het water rond Texel. ... In 2023 heeft de wingfoil haar debuut gemaakt tijdens de 44e Ronde om Texel. De populariteit van het wingfoilen is groots en mede daardoor heeft de organisatie van de Ronde om Texel in 2024 de WK titel ...