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sailboat mast crutch

Mast Crutch- Rear

$ 89.40


Pintle Mounted Mast Crutch.  Mono Hull Sailboats. 


Aluminum with rubber padded mast holder

Length from Lower pintle pin to mast cradle is 19″ 

Pintle max height spread is 14-7/8 ”

Pintle pin thickness 3/8″- (Interchangeable)

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sailboat mast crutch

sailboat mast crutch

The $tingy Sailor

Diy trailerable sailboat restoration and improvement without throwing your budget overboard.

sailboat mast crutch

How to Step a Mast Single-Handed With or Without Using the Boom as a Gin Pole

How do you step the mast on your trailerable sailboat? With a gin pole? With the trailer winch? With the help of friends or family? With your fingers crossed? No single system works for every sailboat or for every skipper. If you’re new to mast stepping, you don’t like your current method, or you just want to simplify or speed up the process, this post is for you. I must warn you though, this is a long post, even for me. To make it as short as possible, I’ve included five YouTube videos that show how this system works. By the end of this post, you’ll know everything about how I step the mast on Summer Dance single-handed in minutes, even on the water.

I’ll describe two ways that I step the mast, including one way that doesn’t use a gin pole at all. Both are fast and mostly use the boat’s own rigging and very little extra gear.

I’ll also explain some topics that lead up to and follow mast stepping, like how I:

  • Use a DIY telescoping mast crutch for easier stepping and secure trailering.
  • Tie down the mast and rigging for trailering.
  • Keep my mast in tune without having to loosen and re-tighten the shroud turnbuckles to step the mast.

What do you really need?

When I started trailering Summer Dance years ago, I researched a lot about mast stepping. The Catalina 22 Owner’s Manual and General Handbook is pretty brief on the subject.

Walk the mast aft and drop the mast foot into the mast step on top of the deck, keeping the mast in center line of boat, insert the pivot bolt and locking nut. One crew member should pull on a line tied securely to the forestay while another pushes up on the mast and walks from the cockpit forward. With the mast erect, attach the forestay and forward lower shrouds.

Poorly written but pretty simple, huh? One crew member pulls on the forestay while another pushes on the mast. That’s how the mast was designed to be stepped and it works well if you’re young, strong, and there are two or more of you to do the job.

But what if you don’t normally have a second able crew member? What if you need to step the mast on the water? What if you want to lower the mast to go under a bridge? What if you or your crew have a physical impairment that prevents them from performing one of the tasks? That system may not work for you and you need an alternative. If you believe in the rule that you should have a backup for every critical part and system, then you also need a backup mast stepping plan even if you normally step the mast with the factory recommended method.

I’ve read about lots of different systems. Maybe you have too:

  • Factory-built gin poles, braces, guy wires, and mast-ups
  • DIY wooden gin poles with winches, bridles, and brace poles
  • Blocks attached to the pulpit to reuse the trailer winch cable
  • Electric winches on the trailer or in the tow vehicle
  • Jumbo bungee cord connected to the forestay
  • Assorted Rube Goldberg variations on all the above

They all struck me as overkill for the real problem. What do you really need once you have the mast bolted to the step? What do all of these system have in common? Some mechanical advantage to raise the mast and a way to keep it from swinging too far sideways until the shrouds tighten.

If you’ve read this blog for very long at all, you know that I’m really big on reusing or repurposing things for other uses. It’s something of a prerequisite to be a stingy sailor. If you’re lucky, it’s in your DNA and it comes easily to you. Being an armchair engineer qualifies too.

Let’s see — sailboat design is all about capturing, multiplying, and redirecting forces for mechanical advantage: the hull, keel, rudder, mast, sails, rigging, almost everything. What’s the most compact, portable piece of gear on a sailboat that creates mechanical advantage? The main sheet or the boom vang typically multiplies the force applied to it by three or four times. What are all gin poles in their most basic form? A big stick. Is there already a long, stiff, portable, stick onboard? The boom. Can we raise and lower the mast single-handed with the main sheet and the boom?

As it turns out, it’s really pretty easy to do. But it’s not very easy to describe in words, so rather than write an entire book about it, I’ve made a series of short videos that each show a different aspect of my mast stepping system. I’ll give you an overview of each aspect in the text below but to really get it, you should watch the videos.

Getting it to the water

Besides being simpler, one of the basic principles of this system is to make launching and retrieving the boat as quick as possible while also being safe. That starts with securing the mast and rigging for trailering. For me, it has to be secure enough to tow for a hundred miles over bumpy state highways and county backroads to my favorite cruising spots. This is in north Idaho, mind you, which is relatively remote compared to the Florida coast or southern California.

I use a combination of DIY mast supports, motorcycle straps, and inexpensive ball cords to secure the rig. The mast is supported on both ends and in the middle. This follows closely the Catalina 22 Owner’s Manual and General Handbook  recommendation.

Tie the mast and boom securely to the bow and stern pulpits. The spars should also be supported in the middle by the cabin top. Pad the mast at all contact points to prevent damage.

No tools or knot tying are needed for my system and any one of them works in seconds and stows easily either onboard or in my pickup.

Here’s a tour of the rig tied down just before I step the mast.

The previous video mentions my DIY mast stepper, also called a Mastup by a popular online Catalina parts retailer. I haven’t yet devoted a blog post to it but it was pretty easy to make. If you’re interested in a fabrication drawing and materials list, keep reading to the end of this post and a special offer.

I bought the steel myself from the cutoff pile at a local metal distributor. I took the metal and my drawing to a local welder who advertised on craigslist.com. I painted and assembled it myself. The total cost was half the price of the commercial version and in some ways, works even better. I especially like the D rings, which make it simple to secure the top of the mast stepper to the aft mooring cleats while trailering. It holds the mast very solid that way. And because the pintles are welded in place instead of adjustable, they can’t accidentally loosen and drop the mast.

Following is a close-up video of just the mast stepper. You can see it in action in the last two videos.

Setting up the boom as a gin pole

The  basic theory of a gin pole is to lift a heavy object below one end while it remains stationary at the other end. Support lines called guys position the lifting end over the object that is raised. A mast raising gin pole has one end stationary near the base of the mast, uses the forestay to support the lifting end, and uses a winch or a block and tackle to theoretically raise the bow of the sailboat to the end of the gin pole. In reality, the bow stays stationary and the entire gin pole system including its base (the mast) are raised towards the bow.

Most C-22 gin poles use one of two methods to attach the gin pole to the mast:

  • A peg on one end of the pole that fits in a hole in the mast (the factory system for 2nd generation C-22s)
  • A saddle on the end of the gin pole that fits around and is strapped to the mast (most DIY systems)

Neither of those gin poles serve any purpose after the mast is raised. They’re useless extra weight that takes extra storage space.

The system I use attaches using a small right angle bracket. I fabricated it out of a piece of scrap aluminum I already had. One side of the bracket is bolted through the mast step and the cabin top in front of the mast. The other side the bracket points upward and has a 1/4″ hole through it to act as a hinge for the gooseneck (stationary lower) end of the boom. If you’re a follower of this blog and have the password, you can find a scale drawing of this bracket on the Downloads page.

sailboat mast crutch

I connect the gooseneck fitting to the bracket with the same quick pin (drop cam or toggling bimini type) that I use to connect the gooseneck fitting to the mast slide while sailing. The pin is tethered to the boom with a stainless steel lanyard so it can’t get lost and it’s always near at hand.

I connect the forestay to a shackle on the top side of the (upper) end of the boom. On the opposite (bottom) side of the boom from the forestay, I connect the end of my main sheet tackle that doesn’t have the cam cleat. This is the same configuration as when the main sheet is attached for sailing. I connect the other end of the main sheet (that’s normally attached to the traveler car) to the stem plate where the forestay is normally attached.

To hold the boom vertical during raising, I sometimes use two pieces of pre-tied accessory cord. They connect to the sides of the boom with clips through the eye straps where my boom topping lift and jiffy reefing lines attach. The other ends of the cords have loops tied into them that I tie to the upper ends of the midship lifeline stanchions with girth (cow) hitches. The mast step is nearly in-line with the tops of the stanchions, so the cords rotate around the same pivot point as the mast and the boom.

If your sailboat doesn’t have the same style of gooseneck fitting as a Catalina 22 or you can’t use your boom for some other reason but you do have a spinnaker pole, you might be able to use it instead as this picture from a Westerly 21 owner shows. This picture also shows that a gin pole can be a great help with lifting the extra weight added by a furler.

sailboat mast crutch

That’s kind of hard to visualize, so here’s a short video that takes you on a tour of the setup.

This is a stickup with a boom!

After I rig the boom like shown above, the hard part is over. The rest is just pulling the main sheet with one hand while I steady the mast with my other hand. I also watch the stays and shrouds to be sure they don’t catch on anything as they raise off the deck.

With the main sheet cam cleat at the stem plate, I can easily stop raising the mast at any point, cleat the line with a sharp tug, and then clear snags or move to a better lifting position. Then I uncleat the main sheet at the stem plate first and hold light tension on the main sheet while I get into position to resume raising the mast.

The mast only needs to be held centered until it reaches about a 45° angle. Then the upper shrouds begin to tighten and they hold it centered the rest of the way up.

When the mast is vertical, I reconnect the forestay and forward lower shrouds using quick release levers . The mast is back in tune and requires no further adjustment. I disconnect the boom from the system and attach it in its normal place between the mast slide and the topping lift or backstay pendant. I disconnect the main sheet and attach it to the traveler car. All I need to put away are the two accessory cords if I used them, which I typically only do when it’s windy, when I’m setting up in a unlevel area, or on the water when its choppy.

Here’s a video showing the entire process completed in about 4 and a half leisurely minutes.

Single-handed speed stepping

In good conditions (light breeze, level area, or calm water), I skip over using the boom as a gin pole entirely and just use the main sheet to pull the mast up by the forestay. It saves several minutes and is nearly as easy to do but you should be fitter than average to attempt it. It’s the single-handed equivalent of having a crew member in front of the boat pull a line attached to the forestay. Bystanders seem to enjoy watching me raise the mast by myself in seconds.

Here’s what it looks like when it’s done on the water.

Back to the beginning

At the end of a road trip, I never look forward to tearing down  Summer Dance , pulling her out of the water, and tying her down for the ride home. I’ve had a great time but I’m tired and there’s many miles to go before I sleep. I don’t want to spend an hour lowering the mast and tying the rig down. I want it to be quick and simple.

Almost always, I lower the mast without using the boom as a gin pole even if I raised it that way. A gin pole is just not usually necessary so long as the mast comes down slow enough and lands in the crutch. You might not want to do it that way your first few times, so here’s what it looks like using the boom as a gin pole.

Then I tie it all down in a few minutes like shown in the first video.

Special offer for blog followers

Whew! That’s a lot of info. If you stuck with me through it, I really appreciate it. I want to thank you by offering not one, but two free bonuses to my blog followers.

The first is the launch checklist that I use to prepare and launch Summer Dance . It’s two pages of items that can help make sure you don’t forget something important for your next cruise — everything from an umbrella for the first mate while she waits for you to step the mast, to step-by-step instructions that you can have on deck for the gin pole method described above. Use it as a starting point to add and remove items to make your own checklist.

The second bonus is a dimensioned drawing and materials list for my DIY mast crutch that is described at the beginning of this post. Use it to build your own and save some money for something else.

If you’re already a subscriber to this blog, you can download both of the free bonuses from my Downloads page using the password that you received when you subscribed. If you’re not already a subscribed to this blog, sign up and you’ll join the thousands of other stingy sailors. Just enter your email address in the box at the bottom of this page and then click the Subscribe  button. You can unsubscribe at any time and I won’t share your address with anyone, ever.

I hope you’ve picked up some tips from this post that you can use to optimize your mast stepping system and spend more time on the water.

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58 thoughts on “ how to step a mast single-handed with or without using the boom as a gin pole ”.

Love your vids on raising mast. Could you send a pic of quick release on forward shrouds and forstay and the pin you spoke of in vid.

Stay tuned here for a separate post on the quick releases and maintaining mast tune that’s coming soon!

I like the idea of using PVC tube & fence to make mast supports.

Just some scraps I had on hand; lightweight, strong, and they don’t look too ghetto.

Hey $tingy,

Thanks for another great post.

You mention the newsletter. I am definitely a long time blog follower, and look forward to every post, but I have never gotten a newsletter. Could you add me to whatever email list you use? I don’t want to miss any more.

Hi, CapnRehab

You weren’t receiving the newsletter initially because you’re a WordPress user so if you follow, my posts should show up in your Reader list instead of by email. But I added your email address to the newsletter recipient list back on May 11. The last newsletter went out on May 21 titled What’s Your Favorite DIY Project? Did you get that one? I’ll probably shoot out the next one at the end of the month. If you don’t get it, I don’t know what more I can do on my end.

Brilliant repurpose of mainsheet. I’ve struggled with this procedure for years, just man-handling it up there. Can’t wait to try this!

I hope it works for you. Let me know how it goes!

For mast raising and lowering, I have it a little easier with a 16ft boat, and can raise the mast single handed juat by manually lifting and walking forward in the cockpit and onto the keel case with the hatch slid forward, although I usually have my wife tension the forestay for some extra assurance.

I like your use of the “ball ties” for securing the rigging on the trailer. I usually use the halyards to tie everything up, but that takes more time than it should. I use some “sail ties” which are very similar to your ball ties to secure the sail on the boom and the boom is stowed inside the cabin. I think I will either get some more sail ties for securing the rigging on the trailer, or make up some velcro webbing straps. At the bow, my mast is tied down using my bowline and the DIY timber A frame mast crutch tied down at the rear with a rope tied to cleats on either side of the transom. The boat is held to the trailer using a stern ratchet strap and a turnbuckle on the bow, and the winch cable attached.

I really like the idea of using the boom as a gin pole. Brilliant. I wonder if you could post a picture of the L-shaped aluminum bracket that you fabricated and how it is attached to the boom? Making that may be the tricky part for me to get this thing. I could not really see a clear picture of it in your videos. Thanks!

I’ll add a close-up shot of it soon.

I added a close-up picture of the hinge bracket about midway through the post.

Excellent blog and report. I struggle with the mast raising and have an assistant. I will give your system a try. I finally understand the function of a gin pole and how to use it.

That’s awesome, Richie. I’m really glad it helped. In the case of a sailboat, it’s just a long, temporary lever. Aha moments are great!

Excellent report and diagram on the mast stepper. What would you think about using aluminum to build it instead of steel?

I think aluminum would work great so long as the wall thickness of the tubes is adequate. You wouldn’t need to be concerned about painting or rust. The critical area is where the outer tube overlaps the inner tube when the crutch is extended. Depending on how close the fit is and how much overlap, when you’re rolling the mast back to set it in the step, there can be considerable strain on that “joint.” A thin wall or soft aluminum might deform so make it beefy there.

Thanks for your comment, Michael!

I spoke to my fabricator friend about using aluminum and, him not knowing about the stepping process was most concerned about the hinges holding weight while trailering over the road. He also suggested using a beefier thickness if choosing aluminum just like your suggestion.

thanks for all you do!!!

The gudgeons can easily handle the weight so long as the pintles on the crutch are sturdy.

Send us a good picture of the final product and I’ll add it at the end of the post as an example!

Great post. Just started following your site. You have a lot of good projects on here. Where did you find such thin-walled square tubing for your mast stepper? All I can find is telescoping 1-3/4 & 1″ tubing. I don’t think I need that much strength or weight. Also, I receive the posts by e-mail but I never received the password for the download section. Thanks

There are a couple of industrial metal suppliers in my area that sell their cut-offs retail to the public by the pound. One of them also sells small quantities of standard sizes. I found all the sizes I needed with very little cutting. You definitely don’t need much strength and as little weight as possible. Aluminum would be even better if you can get it welded.

I’ll send you the password by email.

Thanks for your question.

I really like the simplicity of raising the mast without a gin pole. I use a gin pole now but prefer a simpler approach. How to you lower your mast? Do you use your mainsheet tackle when lowering? Thanks for the great video.. Jim Mathews

That’s right, Jim. I lower the mast by the same method but in reverse, which helps to remember the steps in both directions.

Thanks for your question!

Hi. I’m making the mast crutch and downloaded the drawing. How far down is the second hole in the 1″ tubing? ie. the hole where I would put the lock pin when the crutch is raised. Thanks.

That’s an excellent question, Jim, since it wasn’t shown on the drawing. I’ve since revised the drawing to show the hole 2″ up from the bottom of the inner tube.

The distance isn’t critical but depending on how tight the fit is between the inner and the outer tube, the hole might work better even farther up the inner tube. Try it at 2″ and if the top tube is too loose for you and it wobbles around, drill another hole farther up the inner tube, say at 4″ and try that. The mast will sit 2″ lower but it shouldn’t affect how you step the mast other than by making the crutch sturdier. Then you will have two holes to choose from. You can even drill more holes at different heights for different purposes.

Hi Thanks for the blog. Some pretty interesting ideas here, I’m borrowing some, especially related to the sails… Seeing your “system” to step the mast, I’m trying to adapt it to my boat, a ’82 French Rocca Super Chausey. The mast step has no pin to lock to the mast foot, it just falls into place between two pins that limit its longitudinal travel. Hence, nothing for the mast to pivot on. Any thoughts on how I could achieve that effect? Thanks.

If you have the tools and the ambition, you could replace your existing tabernacle with a custom made pivoting one. Find a piece of heavy gauge aluminum channel that you can cut into a shape similar to the C-22 tabernacle shown in the picture above. The channel should be just wide enough for the mast to sit into and the height a couple of inches. Cut slots in the sides for the through bolt to slide up and down. Cut the channel long enough and drill holes in the bottom of the channel to fit your existing deck bolts.

Then drill a hole through the base of the mast to accept the through bolt. It should be close to the bottom of the mast, 1/4″-1/2″ from the bottom. Angle the aft edge of the end of the mast so that it will rotate without binding in both directions. As it rotates backward during unstepping, the bottom end of the mast and the through bolt should ride up in the slots. Put a wingnut on the end of the through bolt for easy removal and you’ve got a pivoting mast.

If you don’t have the resources to make one yourself, maybe you can find a friend or a metal fabricator to help.

Good luck with your projects and thanks for your question! $tingy

When installing the gin pole hinge bracket you drill through the cabin roof. Have you experienced any water penetration through this hole?

I sealed the plate and hole perimeters with butyl tape, so no problems.

Wow! Love the post and videos!! So clear and easy to follow. I’m going to try this for my Columbia 8.3. I tried to follow you but got an error code. Can you manually add me, please?

Please try following again and if the error repeats, send me the text or a screenshot of the error so I can investigate.

My Venture 21 tabernacle and mast look like yours (sans the plate for your swivel blocks) and I have often wondered if there is wear on the trailing edge of the mast foot after repeated raising/lowering? Or does yours have some reinforcement?

Also, have you ever noticed the boom baby stays pulling too much on the stantions? I wonder if mounting the ropes at the base would be less apt to damage them if the mast were to go somewhat off-center (to the exrent the upper shrouds allowed)?

Love your site. I shared the 2017 DIY competition on Small Craft Advisor Magazine’s Facebook page and I noticed the 10 most popular projects link…most of which are on my to-do list!

There is a tiny bit of wear after 36 years but not enough to matter. Tying the baby stays to the stanchion bases would be more solid but then their pivot points would be too low. The reason that I tie them up at the top of the stanchions is so that the baby stays keep in relatively constant tension throughout the range of motion of the mast/boom. They’re almost perfectly aligned with the tabernacle. The stanchions aren’t in much danger because the boom doesn’t weight much and it can’t wander very far at all since it’s held in tension between the forestay (running aft) and the main sheet (running forward). They really just help to hold the boom vertical while you’re setting the system up until you begin to raise the mast. The mast can wander side to side some until its raised about halfway, then the upper shrouds come taught and keep it centered.

Thanks for the share!

Your site has been a tremendous help and inspiration for me and my 1988 Cat 22. My mast step has welded loops fore and aft. Can you suggest a structurally sound way to secure the boom to the loop for lifting/lowering?

Link showing the step: http://www.catalinadirect.com/index.cfm/product/345_18/mast-step-c-22-cp-22brcp-18-wwelded-vang-loop.cfm

Hello, KGUNN

Since the loop is perpendicular to the line of the mast/boom rotation, it won’t work well using only off the shelf parts. I suggest you consider mounting a tang like the Garhauer BT-1 to the bottom of the mast instead. You can pin the boom to it similar to how I do it to my bracket. The boom will then rotate with the mast as it raises and lowers.

Great suggestion. Thanks!

Hmmm, this asks more questions for than answers. I don’t have the lower stays, nor do I have any of the attachment point on the mast that I can see. The thing is the boat is smaller 20′ vs 22′ I have no lifelines nor a rear rail, walking down the side of the boat would be a challange, never mind running lines while doing so. The mini stays have no place to attach to. Not sure how to go about raising the mast without help…even with this setup…

A smaller sailboat could indeed be trickier to step the mast single-handed since it has less rigging to aid the process. If you’re not committed to perfecting a single-handed technique, I’d suggest you consider a two-handed process with one crew member in the cockpit to steady the mast laterally while the second crew member pulls the mast up by the forestay or foresail halyard from the bow or on the ground in front of the bow. A mast crutch would also help in that case. Otherwise, you might be looking at extensive fabrications or commercial mast stepping hardware with a winch.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

How could your system be used with a furling 150 genoa on a Catalina 25?

Hello, Thomas

It could be used in a similar way on your C-25 with a couple of adjustments. First, your mast is longer and heavier than a C-22 so I would always use the boom as a gin pole. You’ll need the leverage for the extra weight, especially with the addition of the furler. Second and more importantly, you’d need to lift the furler as well as the mast somehow. I’d suggest using a main or spinnaker halyard to hold the mast and furler together. Wrap it around them from top to bottom before you lower the mast, then handle them as one unit until after you raise the mast again and unwrap the halyard to reconnect the forestay/furler. Use the jib halyard with its working end securely tied off instead of the forestay to connect the masthead to the boom/gin pole. The rest of the process would work the same.

Stay tuned because I’ll be publishing a post soon about choosing and using a furler with a trailerable sailboat.

Appreciate your reply Stingy. I need to carefully review your technique but it seems one’s boom would remain upward; although I’m sure you lower it when finished? Sorry for my ignorance. I’m also looking at the idea from the clever MacGregor 26 mast raising pole that uses a winch on the pole with baby stays with a special one to automatically keep the lowered furler up off the deck. I read about it on TropicalBoating ( https://www.tropicalboating.com/2010/04/the-perfect-solo-mast-raising-system-for-small-sailboats ). I’ll have a look at your mast crutch but I can’t use the gudgeons for the rudder as I’ll need to motor over to the Cave Run Lake (KY) boat launch for the haul out. Thanks!!

Winch-powered mast raising systems are a good choice for owners with impaired physical abilities. I might have to resort to one as I get older and am not able to do everything I once could. Beats giving up sailing!

One needs to attach a mast bail with the MacGregor 26 solo mast stepping system. I’m reluctant to drill into the mast though. This is my first cruiser (purchased in July) and I’ve much to learn from your blog. I was only introduced to sailing two years ago when I bought a Sunfish.

My C-25 teak companionway/hatchboards need replacement after 20 years, probably all standing rigging needs replacement even though it all looks fine at deck level (in the Lake continuously since ‘08), etc., etc. I pulled two through hull Airmar transducers out to check them and found only thin layer of algae on them – tells me the lake water has been very clean. The old KVH display is dead so I’ll switch it out (plugging holes with marine plastic and epoxy) with a new RayMarine i40.

I see that the boom is removed of course in your video. I also see the stress on the mast crutch essentially dictates one use the transom gudgeons for support. I had thought I could use 1” pipe secured to the stanchions but then there would not be enough telescoping height available either. You’ve devised a very clever approach- I’ve never remounted my boom so will need how I can attach it to the fore ring on the step plate.

You might consider modifying my crutch design so that the bottom end rests in the cockpit sole forward of the transom instead of on the rudder gudgeons. It would probably need additional support or to be fastened to the mast to keep it from falling over. Offset to one side a little, you should still be able to use your rudder to steer. That, or use the outboard tiller instead of the rudder to get to the ramp if you can. I do that sometimes.

Just what I have been looking for to give me some information to guide me in raising and lowering the mast for maintenance on my 26 foot Grampian without the expensive use of a crane this spring.

Hi, I like your idea of the mast raising system without a gin pole. Does your block & tackle include a ratchet or brake? Thanks!

Hello, Laura

Since I use my mainsheet tackle, no, but if you want to use a separate tackle, that would be a good idea.

Thanks, $tingy

Sure beats my system of using 2 sons to help out, they’re never around when you need them !

Thanks for the video on the no pole lift, that’s pretty much how I need to do it though I usually am working on the hard before getting a lift in.

I have tried raising the mast as you show in the video. I have the same quick release. But when I try to lift the mast with the forstay can’t do. I’m wondering maybe your mast is lighter or do I have the wrong set up to raise mast. I have the mast step which I can raise for a better angle…but it’s not happening.

Hello, Mark

Are you using a gin pole or trying to lift it only by the forestay? Either way, it takes quite a bit of strength to get the mast up that first few feet since you’re not pulling directly vertically on the masthead. If you’re not able to do it by yourself, you might need a helper for at least that part of the setup.

Dear sir My name is Mark Monteverdi. I have followed your web site for a while…and always turned out good. I have looked at the mast rising video countless times. I have the quick release for the shrouds. I’m guessing you are using a basic vang ? Well either I’m very weak or i have the vang set up incorrect or my mast is made of different material …when i go to raise my mast it will fall off to one side it just feels as though I’m pulling a truck up a hill. If you would be kind enough to send a pic of what ever type of pulley system i would greatly appreciate that very much. It’s hard to get any one to go sailing with me and that’s more just so i have some one to push and one work the winch. Thank you Mark

I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble. When raising or lowering my mast, it too will tend to swing to one side or the other until it’s about half way up and the upper shrouds tighten and hold it centered the rest of the way up. That’s why I always have at least one hand on the mast to keep it centered during the lower half of the lift. I use the standard C-22 main sheet tackle which has a 3:1 mechanical advantage. You could use a stronger tackle (try 4:1) if you need the additional lifting power. You can see the whole main sheet in the video in Quit Spending Setup Time on Turnbuckles .

Hope that helps, $tingy

Hi Stingy Sailor, First of all, thanks for all your tips, tricks, and videos. Your site is awesome and very helpful! I have a C-25 with swing keel so most of all your tips are applicable, very nice, and handy. I really like your mast securing device located at the bow for trailering; easy and simple. I was wondering if you do have the drawings available for it so I could use it to build my own? Thanks! Alex

I did not make a fabrication drawing for the pulpit saddle because of the complex angles of the railing cutouts. Most readers wouldn’t be able to cut them accurate enough, so it’s a trial and error fit. Lay your material centered across the top of the pulpit, trace the railing edges onto the underside of the material, then cut a little at a time until the saddle sits down securely over the rails. Do the same with the mast on top of your material and you’re done.

Good morning, what a beautiful boat you have there ! that is an ingenious way to raise a mast,nice work ! I am curious about what the black,plastic/rubber item is that looks like it’s attached to the stern rail by the mast crutch @ 2:45 of the first video Please respond because my curiosity is killing me because I don’t get it. Thanks, Mick

You can read all about it in Add a Solar-Powered Flood Light in Your Cockpit .

Hi! I just subscribed to your blog, and I’d like the instructions for building a mast crutch like yours. Wasn’t sure whether that would be sent out automatically, or whether I needed to specifically ask for them. Thanks!

Lenny, You can find a dimensioned drawing of the mast crutch on my Downloads page if you’re a subscriber. The password to open that page was sent to you when you subscribed. $tingy

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Topaz & Topper Sailboats

Mast Crutch- Rear

$ 129.99


Pintle Mounted Mast Crutch.  Mono Hull Sailboats. 


Aluminum with rubber padded mast holder

Length from Lower pintle pin to mast cradle is 19″ 

Pintle max height spread is 14-7/8 ”

Pintle pin thickness 3/8″- (Interchangeable)

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Mac 26S mast crutch

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This mast crutch is a great compliment to your kick up rudder assembly (kick up rudder assembly is required).

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By David "Shorty" Routh - Phoenix, Arizona - USA

Typical Mast Support

(click images to enlarge)

There are many different types of mast supports that people use to hold their mast while trailering. This photo is a very typical support that I have seen on many boats, it is just a piece of square steel with a Y at the top, and a couple of bolts welded on that fit in the gudgeons. It apears to work adequately, but has one major problem: when trailing down the road, all of the road bumps & jarring are transmitted from the weight of the mast, onto the gudgeons. I know they are very strong, but they are one of the key pieces in the steering system and I wanted to make effort to stress them a little less.

This is the mast crutch I prefer

This is the mast crutch I prefer (and made for my Oday). The first thing you will notice is that I attached a foot onto the shaft, so the weight of the mast is actually resting on the gunnel, so the gudgeons get less abuse.

A cotter pin in the pintle prevents the crutch from jumping out, incase I hit a big pot hole.

Instead of being made of steel which will rust quickly, I made mine from wood. It probably won't last as long, but during it's life it won't leave rust stains everywhere.

Also since the shaft is 4" wide, I use it as my backup emergency rudder. I have a couple of holes drilled in the lower part which mate up with holes drilled in one of my berth covers. I bolt them together, lash on a makeshift tiller and I have a backup rudder.

When making the crutch, you need to figure how high you want it to be. Some people like very tall ones so they can drape a cover over their boat, and the angle is steep enough to prevent snow from building up. Others make theirs as short as possible so they can roll their boat into their garage. I set mine at the height just high enough so I could open my hatch and get in the cabin, while the mast is lowered.

On the forward end of the boat, many people just rest their mast on top of their bow pulpit and bungee it on.

On the forward end of the boat, many people just rest their mast on top of their bow pulpit and bungee it on. On my Newport 17, I was storing her in the garage and wanted to keep the mast as low as possible, so I made this simple support which attached to the pulpit with U bolts.

My ODay didn't come with a pulpit, so I had to make a crutch for the forward end.

My ODay didn't come with a pulpit, so I had to make a crutch for the forward end. My winch post is a fairly large steel tube, so I made one which fits down in there. I drilled a hole at the bottom of the winch post so that if any water gets in there, it will drain out instead of pooling in there & rusting it away.

I made a simple little crutch that fits on top of the mast step.

One last issue, when trailering down the road, the middle of the mast bounced up and down a LOT!!! To support it, I made a simple little crutch that fits on top of the mast step. I even use the masts step bolt & cotter pin to keep it from falling off.

Other articles by David "Shorty" Routh:

  • Tough Breaks
  • Making Stays/Shrouds
  • The "Other" Harbor Freight Trailers
  • My Simple Hovercraft
  • Pirate Race
  • First Time/Newbie Sailor Advice
  • My Love Affair with Small Boat Trailers
  • Stupid Outboard Tricks
  • Making a Polytarp Sail
  • My favorite sail, the Leg-o-Mutton Sprit
  • How To Sell A Board Boat
  • Control Problems In Heavy Winds

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Mast crutch for 14' trailer sailer

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Nice Vanguard, looks like she'll be a lot of fun ! I have seen crutches going either way, up from the bow or up from the stern. Going up from the bow over the tow vehicle the mast only needs to clear by a foot or so. Should keep the mast below 14 feet for most bridges. The crutch on my 22 uses a gudgeon and the stern rail for support. ( I'll attach pictures ) Might help with ideas. I saw a coronado recently that had one made out of plywood and hung over the transom. Sorry, no pics.  


Vehicle Automotive exterior Trailer Boat Car

Thanks for the pics. I think I can work something similar - something that rests on the transom but uses the gudgeon as a locator. Do you rely on the mast weight to keep the crutch in place, or is it strapped or bolted down in some way?  

sailboat mast crutch

I do have a strap that goes over the mast and under the stern rail with just enough tension to keep things in place. The mast is also strapped to the bow pulpit.  

Excellent info guys, thanks. I've drawn up a couple designs that sit on the transom and lock into the gudgeons, but I also drew up one that's much simpler to build that rests on a foot in the bilge and the transom gunwale, then hooks under the gunwale on the outside. I do love a good, complexly engineered soultion as much as the next guy, but I think I'll try the simple one first. I'd like to get it built before I take her out Saturday morning. I'll post pics when I get it built.  

sailboat mast crutch

you want the mast high on the bow end over your truck. you will not be too high for a bridge with a 20' mast. I tow my prindle 18 (28' foot mast ) behind a motorhome and it is not even close to a bridge or power lines. if the angle is to steep then raise the rear of the mast higher. you can mount it to the trailer tongue or in the mast step on the boat. The gudgeons work fine for the aft end. do not raise the rear and hang it out past the boat. even if it is raised up on that end it still could be hit by someone like a big truck or bus and be driven into your back window. or you will back into something. what ever you do make sure the mast is higher then your back window.  

Shame you're not in the UK : Rooster Sailing: Road Trailer Mast Crutch  

For more than a few reasons!  

Yeah, another 3 feet between the winch jack and the hitch would be ideal, but that's not happening anytime soon. I hear what you're saying about the danger of having the forward point low, even with raising the tail. I think I need to play around with it and see if I can get the height I need on the front without it being too tall. I forgot to mention earlier that I need to be able to open at least the rear glass and preferably the rear hatch on the truck with everything in place. As short as the trailer is, that complicates things. I guess I need to go fiddle around with it some more...maybe I can work something out. I've got plenty of steel square tube and 2x4s to work with...  

How about carrying it on your luggage rack? A couple pieces of foam insulation on the transverse bars and a couple of bungees and you'd eliminate the mast overhanging the stern of the boat. Have fun with your pretty boat.  

Good job ! Looks like that should work nicely!  

I thought about the roof rack, even to the point of fabbing bolt on side mounts like I use for my bikes. The rack is only 5' front to back, though, leaving over 7' on each end unsupported on the 20' mast. Also, mounting the crap to the trailer means I can tow it with other vehicles and still mount the mast. Thanks Daydreamer! I think it's gonna be great.  

sailboat mast crutch

Nice drawing though!  

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sailboat mast crutch

Homemade mast stepper

  • Thread starter G0ri11@
  • Start date Aug 6, 2019
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Hmmmm.... the file lying on the desk without a handle.... hmmmmm!  

Leeward Rail

Leeward Rail

You will find that shrouds and lines will have a tendency to hang up on those ears at the top. Especially being so big.  

Looks good. I've had an issue with shrouds hanging up on the snap connectors for my pop-top tent, which are mounted on the side of the cabin, by the head of the cockpit. One thing that has helped is pre-cutting and tying together the ends of a loop of shock cord, and stretching it between the top of the life line stanchion and the halyard cleat on the top of the cabin, adjacent to the head of the cockpit, and companionway. I stretch 2 of these shock cord loops tight, looping one end of the loop around the top of the stanchion, and the other end of the loop on the cleat - so the shock cord is stretched tight - 1 on each side. When the mast is down, the shrouds rest on this stretched shock cord, and can't get down low to hang up on anything on deck, or the snap connectors for my pop-top tent. If you are raising your mast, and it seems like it does not want to come up, be sure to carefully check that none of the shrouds are hanging up - that is usually the root of the problem. If you try to force it, it's possible to kink the shrouds on the mast crutch, or part of the boat, so it's a good habit to visually follow the length of each shroud before raising, and make sure there is nothing they can catch on as they are raised up. If you have any problem with the ears of the mast crutch, it will just be a simple matter of shortening them up a bit. Those long exposed bolt ends connecting the ears to the post might also be a hang-up point. If it's a problem, just shorten them up with a hacksaw. Basically, the shrouds generally want to hang up on anything available to them - in a big way. Good luck-  


My experience with several crutches used in mast raising has been that any “ears” used to keep the mast in line are sure to catch stays, shrouds, and halyards. I have found that a wider roller works better than having any ears at all. My current crutch has no ears and a very wide roller, and it works well without getting involved with rigging.  


What is the roller for? Are you 'pushing' the mast up instead of 'pulling' it?  

Justin_NSA said: What is the roller for? Are you 'pushing' the mast up instead of 'pulling' it? Click to expand

When you are pushing the mast down the roller, it can help if you support the mast crutch by tying a non-stretch line in a "V," connecting the top of the mast crutch with 2 line ends tied tight to the jib cleats, by the winches. This can help counter-act the natural force of the mast trying to bend the mast crutch backward, toward the stern, as the mast is pushed along it. It should also help to take some of the stress off the rudder gudgeons as well. It's not needed, but a lot of backward force is put on the top of the crutch, and it's not unknown to have problems with the mast crutch bending in the middle, due to the lever effect of the long mast crutch.  


Justin_NSA said: I adapted the M version to my S. Click to expand
Cowpokee said: Justin, does one not need the baby stays using the "M" method? Click to expand

A C22 mast is light enough that you can guide it by hand. I used to step mine by hand, just pin the base, extend the crutch, and walk the mast vertical. Then I take the forestay to the forestay chainplate. I am 5’8” and 160 lbs. It is easier with a ginpole and even easier with baby shrouds to keep it in line.  

You use a gin pole with the c22 also. Baby stays are a nice addition. Using a mast crutch makes it easier to lift, and, at least on my new design, you cannot install the pin to attach the mast to the mast step with the mast sitting flat. In my experience the macgregor mast (and rigging) is MUCH more lightweight than a c22, but this really has little to do with NEEDING a mast crutch. But that roller makes it much easier to push thr mast to the stern to attach it to the step. The c22 mk2 comes with raising setup that has a hole cut in the base of the mast.  

agprice22 said: A C22 mast is light enough that you can guide it by hand. Click to expand
Leeward Rail said: If you have a new design (which has a more robust mast extrusion) that has a headsail furler... It can by touch and go. If you aren't reasonably strong. I have done it solo but if things go bad halfway up, it goes bad quickly. Eapecially on a windy day. Click to expand

Took the collective advice and cut down the ears and the excess length of the bolts to hopefully prevent hang-ups. Thanks to everyone. I'm a little concerned about the "wet noodle" effect of the furled jib. I'm planning to attach the main sheet to the forestay and have my wife assist with the lowering by keeping some tension on that while I manhandle the mast. As far as baby stays: I hadn't planned to use them, unless that seems like a big mistake.  

I would attach a block to the forestay chainplate, attach a line from the toggle on the base of the furler drum forward through the block for your wife to haul. A 4:1 with a cam cleat (I use a boom vang setup) would help. Attach your upper, lower, and aft shrouds, and your backstay. Only stays and shrouds forward of the mast are unattached. All attached turnbuckles are adjusted out to their loose settings. Make sure your stays and shrouds are uninvolved, untangled. Haul and lift together. Trust the backstay and aft shrouds. Move it with determination if you do not use a ginpole. Using a ginpole means you can easily stop and untangle the rigging. It can be harrowing if you tangle something and have no ginpole.  


greg_m said: Hmmmm.... the file lying on the desk without a handle.... hmmmmm! Click to expand
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  1. Mast Crutch- Rear

    Pintle Mounted Mast Crutch. Mono Hull Sailboats. Specifications: Aluminum with rubber padded mast holder. Length from Lower pintle pin to mast cradle is 19″ Pintle max height spread is 14-7/8 " Pintle pin thickness 3/8″- (Interchangeable)

  2. How to Build an ADJUSTABLE TELESCOPING MAST CRUTCH !! For a Sailboat

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    Dec 23, 2008. 771. Catalina 22 Central Penna. Apr 7, 2012. #7. A mast crutch doesn't have to be that strong, it's only carrying 1/2 the weight of the mast which only weighs about 60 to 80 lbs. total. Also, it only needs to be high enough to place the mast above the sliding hatch cover.

  4. yet another Mast crutch thread....

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  7. Mast Crutch- Rear

    Pintle Mounted Mast Crutch. Mono Hull Sailboats. Specifications: Aluminum with rubber padded mast holder Length from Lower pintle pin to mast cradle is 19″ Pintle max height spread is 14-7/8 " Pintle pin thickness 3/8″- (Interchangeable)

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    Rudder Craft. Description. Reviews (0) Our mast crutch is a great compliment to your kick up rudder assembly. The high quality, heavy duty construction allows for easy use while trailering without having to remove your rudder. The head of the mast crutch is made out of HDPE, high-density polyethylene, with a roller that smoothly rolls and ...

  22. Homemade mast stepper

    Using a mast crutch makes it easier to lift, and, at least on my new design, you cannot install the pin to attach the mast to the mast step with the mast sitting flat. In my experience the macgregor mast (and rigging) is MUCH more lightweight than a c22, but this really has little to do with NEEDING a mast crutch.

  23. Transporting Sunfish mast

    Make yourself a mast/boom crutch out of 2 inch pvc and the biggest T-Joint you can. find to fit on top of the 2 inch pvc. Cut off the top of the T-Joint to make a U Shaped. saddle. Insert in mast hole. If you're going down the highway a bit a Spar Bag will greatly. increase the life of you Sail.