Top Sail Italy

Top Sail Italy è un centro di addestramento nautico riconosciuto e certificato dalla RYA (Royal Yachting Association) . Ad  oggi conta quattro centri in Italia con istruttori certificati proponendo una vasta gamma di corsi per conseguire certificati dal Component Crew al Master 500, riconosciuti in tutto il mondo.  Il nostro obiettivo è di formare personale marittimo con alti standard qualitativi senza lasciare nessuno indietro proponendo anche corsi personalizzati per ogni livello.

rya yachtmaster italy

Lo Yachtmaster Offshore è un titolo approvato commercialmente dalle bandiere UK, RED FLAGS e altre come MALTESE, SAN MARINO, TURCA, OLANDESE, BELGA ma non ITALIANA. Ti consentirà di lavorare come comandante di imbarcazioni commerciali fino a 200 GT e 150 miglia da un porto sicuro. Questo certificato è prerequisito per la qualifica di Master 200 GT e primo ufficiale fino a 500 GT anche su imbarcazioni con bandiera ITALIANA.


Il corso RYA Coastal Skipper è progettato per i velisti che hanno già una conoscenza di base della navigazione, delle maree e delle abilità di navigazione di base acquisite con il completamento del corso RYA Day Skipper.  Il corso è progettato per soddisfare i requisiti per la partecipazione al corso pratico RYA Coastal Skipper e agli esami di competenza RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal e Yachtmaster Offshore.


rya yachtmaster italy

Il certificato “Day Skipper” è ormai divenuto la patente nautica internazionale più accreditata. Il titolo è utilizzabile a fini commerciali se abbinato ai corsi STCW e certificato medico. Il corso ha l’obiettivo di sviluppare e definire le conoscenze per navigare in acque conosciute, fino a 20 miglia da un porto sicuro, assumendosi la responsabilità dell’unità e dell’equipaggio.

Livello: BASE

Il Master 200 GT permette l’imbarco in capitaneria anche su navi battenti bandiera italiana. Il titolo di MASTER 200 GT è rivolto a chi ha già conseguito almeno il titolo di Yachtmaster Offshore RYA/MCA con commercial endorsement da almeno 6 mesi. Permette il comando di unità fino a 200 GT e come primo ufficiale a bordo di unità fino a 500 GT.

rya yachtmaster italy

ll titolo di Yachtmaster Ocean è rivolto ai candidati che abbiano già conseguito il titolo di Yachtmaster Offshore, di cui è l’estensione ad una navigazione senza limiti dalla costa. Il corso Ocean è un corso esclusivamente teorico di 6 giorni, con istruttori certificati e prevede l’apprendimento dell’uso del sestante, della meteorologia oceanica, del carteggio con rotte ortodromiche e lossodromiche.

rya yachtmaster italy

Con il corso Powerboat level 2 si acquisiscono nozioni di base e competenze sull’utilizzo e la guida in sicurezza di un’imbarcazione a motore non superiore ai 10 metri di lunghezza, senza limiti di potenza e con un limite di distanza dalla costa di 3 miglia. Ottima certificazione per l’utilizzo di tender dei maxi-yachts battenti bandiere straniere. Al termine del corso verrà rilasciato un certificato di competenza.

Il corso PERSONAL WATERCRAFT prepara a guidare in modo sicuro e responsabile un Jet Ski ed è pensato sia per chi si avvicina per la prima volta sia per chi ha già esperienza. A fine corso viene acquisita autosufficienza in buone condizioni e consapevolezza dei limiti di sé e del proprio mezzo. Al termine del corso verrà rilasciato un Certificato di competenza. Il corso può essere svolto con una moto d’acqua propria o con una messa a disposizione da Top Sail Italy.

rya yachtmaster italy

Il corso STEWARD E STEWARDESS dura 7 giorni, di cui 2 a bordo di una barca per simulazioni reali con esperti del settore Yachting Industry. Possono partecipare persone che vogliono ricevere una formazione altamente qualificata e professionalizzante per migliorare le proprie soft skill e acquisire informazioni tecniche per lavorare a bordo.

Il certificato “Competent crew” è il punto di partenza per le tue ambizioni a vela. E’ il modo migliore per cominciare se non si è mai stati in barca a vela o eventualmente solo come passeggero.

Il corso si svolge interamente in barca affiancando il corso “Day Skipper” cosi da creare una sinergia Skipper – Crew.

rya yachtmaster italy

[email protected]

+39 3518318387

Via Roma, 130 07026 Olbia

I corsi Yachtmaster vengono organizzati con cadenza mensile.

Consulta il calendario per vedere i corsi in partenza o contattaci per avere maggiori informazioni!

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Live your passion sail the seven seas

Sailing courses in procida.

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RYA Practical

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RYA Shorebased

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ASC Courses

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Get trained with our expert navigators

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Asc courses, +41 79 562 48 54, [email protected], © sailing pro 2023. all rights reserved..

Genoa Superyacht Hub


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RYA Yachtmaster Offshore theory in the classroom

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Theory, advanced training for more experienced skippers building on the Day Skipper course. This course equips you to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages.

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Theory Classroom will take your theory knowledge to the standard required for the Yachtmaster Coastal and Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams, concentrating on advanced navigation and meteorology skills.

Notes: 5 day course + 2 day exam

Operated by:

rya yachtmaster italy

Just Sailing

Just Sailing offers the gold standard of sailing courses, both RYA and bespoke. Just Sailing operates out of the wonderful Marina Calata Ovest in Chiavari on the Ligurian Coast in Northern Italy.  

Date Supplier
Just Sailing
November 3rd – 9th Just Sailing
December 1st – 7th Just Sailing

Practical Yachtmaster Sail - preparation course

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Prep Sail is not an exam in itself, but it is the best way in which to prepare for it and the vast majority of successful candidates choose a reputable RYA course provider such as Just Sailing to undertake such preparation before they launch into the exam itself.

To attain the RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore candidates must pass a practical examination of their ability to skipper a yacht. A Yachtmaster is capable of skippering the yacht on extended offshore passages by day or night.

Date Supplier
Just Sailing
November 11 - 15 proposed exams 28/29 Just Sailing
December 9 - 13 proposed exams 16/17 Just Sailing

Practical Yachtmaster Motor - preparation course 4 days

To attain the RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Motor candidates must pass a practical examination of their skippering ability. A Yachtmaster is capable of skippering the motor boat on extended offshore passages by day or night.

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore motor course is not an exam in itself. It is the best way in which to prepare and the vast majority of successful candidates choose a reputable RYA course provider such as Just Sailing to undertake such preparation before they launch into the exam itself.

Date Supplier
Just Sailing
November 11 - 14 proposed exams 25 / 26 Just Sailing
November 18 - 21 proposed exams 23 / 24 Just Sailing
December 9 - 12 proposed exams 14 / 15 Just Sailing

RYA Powerboat - Instructor Course

Become a RYA Powerboat Instructor to be able to teach Level 1, Level. A great way to share your passion for boating with others.

Date Supplier
Just Sailing

RYA Personal Watercraft - Proficiency Course

The Personal Watercraft one day course develops riding confidence and a good understanding of all aspects of using a PW.

RYA Personal Watercraft - Instructor Course

A PW Instructor can teach the RYA Personal Watercraft Proficiency course and the RYA Introduction to Personal Watercraft Safety course.

Powerboat School RYA - Level 2

This is the course vessel specific for those keen to get a really good grounding in close quarter boat handling plus the ability to use charts, tidal information and understand buoyage so you can undertake short inshore passages. Level 1 is not required.

We strongly believe in the continuous specialisation of crews on board the superyacht fleet. Request information today!

Are you interested in more information about our courses? You can write us a message or hear directly from Valentina via WhatsApp.

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  • WhatsApp Valentina

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RYA Competent Crew Course, Genoa Italy

Course offered by claire.

  • Plan Our RYA Competent Crew Practical course will begin by spending the first day making you feel relaxed and ready to learn, your instructor will begin to explain sea terms and parts of a boat to you, taking one step at a time. We cover the RYA Competent Crew course syllabus, but we also introduce you to more advanced skills in order to enhance your confidence. In addition, you will receive basic instruction on how to use the VHF radio, the procedures to follow should someone fall over the side, what to do if your skipper is incapacitated, a brief introduction on traditional and electronic navigation, basic engine maintenance and mechanical checks and much more. We do our best to create a relaxed learning environment where learning becomes fun. We all make mistakes and sailing is one of those activities where no matter how experienced you are, you never ever stop learning. Read more


Additional Information

  • Professional skipper
  • Diving equipment
  • Certificates
  • Costs of mooring and anchoring
  • Meals on board
  • Food and drink on land
  • Airport transfer
  • Travel to the boat
  • Credit/debit card
  • Wire transfer

5 · 3 reviews


  • 22 Sep · 6 days Last 2 vacancies Full 1050 € /person 4200 € /boat Book now Book now
  • 6 Oct · 6 days Full Full 1050 € /person 4200 € /boat Book now Book now
  • 21 Oct · 6 days Last 2 vacancies Full 1050 € /person 4200 € /boat Book now Book now

Other activities published by Claire

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It may interest you

  • RYA courses 21 courses
  • Competent Crew Course 5 courses
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Sailing courses in Italy

  • General Description
  • Important details
  • Enrolment Form

Sailing in Italy – Pisa, Tuscany.

Come sail with us in italy – visit the italian school website to book your course.

During the courses, we ensure the same syllabus and same level of teaching, as we provide in our Caribbean base. To learn more about what to expect on the course and how to prepare for taking courses in Italy, please download Joining Instructions  (in Important Details section).

At our base in Italy the training centre supports the entire RYA Sail Cruising Scheme courses on all levels, we teach the following courses in Pisa: 

RYA Competent Crew Practical 

RYA Day Skipper Practical

RYA Coastal Skipper Practical

RYA Yachtmaster Prep Week

Yachtmaster Fast Track Xpress

RYA Day Skipper Theory

RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore theory

RYA First Aid


In Pisa we also offer day cruises, sunset sails, as well as vacations for singles, families and friends, yoga & sail retreats, and a spectacular sail, bike, and vineyard tour as well as special events.

Women at the Helm was created in Italy and we continue to focus on it in our programs.

We participate in many Regattas, including the 151 Miglia, the Giraglia, and the RORC Middle Sea Race.  We start our Atlantic journey with deliveries to Mallorca and to Gibraltar on the way to the Canaries before the Atlantic Crossing back to the Caribbean.

From our base in Pisa, Italy, we sail along the Tuscan coast and either explore the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago or the picturesque coastline and small towns of Liguria.  We navigate north all the way up to Portofino via Cinqueterre and the Gulf of Poets and in the south and west we sail to Elba, Capraia, and Corsica with occasional jaunts to beautiful Sardinia on our mileage builder courses.  

Included Safety equipment

Docking fees

Fuel, water

Didactic materials

Not included Food provisioning to share with other students

Transport to and from the school


Duration Depending on the selected course
Bring along Please download “Joining Instructions” below



Minimum rate of 3 Students – Maximum of 5

Depending on the selected course

Marina di Pisa, Italy

  • Jolly Harbour Marina,
  • Sorrento Building
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • +1 268 723 9343
  • [email protected]

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rya yachtmaster italy

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore is one of the most highly respected and prestigious sailing qualifications in the world and we pride ourselves on training many high calibre Yachtmaster Candidates. Exam Preparation Courses are delivered by one of our fully qualified and extremely experienced RYA Yachtmaster Instructors.

Please click here to see the progression of RYA Sailing Practical Courses and the recommended path for both theory and practical courses.

We have also put together some details notes on The Yachtmaster exam here.

The week starts with an assessment day, when the instructor will gauge your strengths and weaknesses. The rest of the time will be spent improving weak areas in order to prepare you for the exam. You will take command of the yacht on short passages, by day and night. You will be required to navigate in a seamanlike manner, with both efficiency and safety. Your instructor will give you guidance and coaching on boat handling techniques both at sea and in a confined space.

Examiners expect a high level of expertise, particularly in safety critical exercises such as man overboard, or sailing down wind. Your instructor will also ensure that the theory subjects, in particular meteorology, IRPCS, buoyage and passage planning are not new to you.  At the end of the week, you will be given an honest debrief, leaving you confident in your own ability, taking the exam if you feel ready to do so.

At the end of the preparation course, the instructor will leave the process and an Independent RYA Examiner will come aboard to conduct the exam. Every student will be examined on how they skipper the yacht on short passages and complete various other tasks.

Although this is a sailing exam, you will be expected to be familiar with all the vessels systems which includes knowledge of engines to at least the level of the one-day RYA Diesel Engine Maintenance course .

A knowledge of the operation of radar and GPS is also expected.

The examiner will want to see you dock the boat under engine in a variety of circumstances possibly alongside and stern-to. He/she may set you a challenge to dock in a particular place or ask you to choose. He/she will also expect you to be able to handle and turn the vessel in a confined space with awareness of the effects of the prevailing conditions. You will also be expected to be able to handle the vessel under sail in a confined space and this may include sailing on and/or off a mooring, your anchor or a dock. The examiner is looking for good boat control, use of crew, wind awareness and a good lookout for other vessels in the area. Once at sea it is a legal requirement to keep a log. This doesn’t have to be detailed but the examiner will want to see that you know where you are at all times. Don’t be afraid to reef, we are cruising not racing, but at the same time make sure you have enough sail up to keep the vessel going. Also make sure you have practiced your classic navigation as fixing your position, CTS and EP may all come into the exam. Also be comfortable with tidal problems and operation of the GPS, specifically the one on the exam vessel.

Cost is $1695 plus RYA Exam fee of around $300 [depends on exchange rate]. Please click on the ' Training Dates & Booking ' button on the right to check available dates.

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Chieftain Training

RYA & STCW Courses – Sail, Power, Super-Yacht & Workboat

Route to RYA Yachtmaster (Power or Sail)

The Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence Exam can be taken in a powered or sail craft (i.e. there are two separate disciplines). Much of the route (the shorebased courses) is identical for both disciplines.

There are actually three levels of Yachtmaster ( Coastal, Offshore and Ocean). When people refer to “Yachtmaster” they are generally referring to Yachtmaster Offshore. This article focuses on Coastal and Offshore, our separate article, “ What is an Ocean Yachtmaster ” deals with the higher level of the three.


The route to Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore is similar, candidates for both will have followed a similar pathway, but the offshore candidate will have logged considerably more experience prior to exam and will be pushed harder during the exam. Visit our helpful RYA Advanced and Yachtmaster Qualifying mileage page for more information.

The route to Yachtmaster has several stepping stones, most students work through Day Skipper Shorebased and Day Skipper Practical and then Coastal Skipper , however if you already have relevant experience and skills you can consider skipping these courses.

Before considering embarking on a Yachtmaster practical week , you must arm yourself with;

  • Qualifying mileage (power or sail as appropriate)
  • RYA SRC (1 day) or
  • Higher level GMDSS Radio Certificate of Competence  (3-8 day)
  • RYA First Aid (1 day) or
  • STCW Elementary First Aid (1 day) or
  • STCW Medical First Aid (4 day) or
  • Seafish First Aid
  • RYA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased (6 days or online)
  • Knowledge level to RYA Radar (1 day)
  • Knowledge level to RYA Diesel (1 day)

You are also strongly advised to take the RYA Sea Survival or STW PST Course (1 day), which is required if you intend to operate as a commercial Yachtmaster (most candidates take the exam for commercial reasons and add the RYA Commercial Endorsement however some are leisure boaters and do it for themselves).

Sea Survival PST

Our Yachtmaster practical (preparation and exam) week is 5 days, it takes place on board our motorboat and results in the Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore (Power) Certificates of Competence . If you prefer to take the sail exam we can put you in touch with a sail school once you have all of the above shorebased courses. During the prep week our Instructor will take you through many of the exercises the examiner is likely to throw at you on the final day. We operate the prep week with a maximum of 3 students.

fast track yachtmaster power

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  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Exam

National Yachting School  » RYA Sail Crusing Courses  » RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Exam

Yachtmaster Offshore is competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage during where astronavigation is not necessary.

An RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper.

To attain the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore candidates must pass a practical examination of their skippering ability. A Yachtmaster Offshore is capable of skippering the yacht on extended offshore passages by day or night. He or she will essentially be a much more experienced Yachtmaster Coastal and can do the same things more smoothly, for longer periods and in more arduous conditions. The theory knowledge required for the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence is the same as that for Yachtmaster Coastal, but considerably more practical experience and skill is required.

The 4 days prior to the exam is run along the same lines as the Yachtmaster Coastal preparation. Your instructor will asses your skills and address any areas over weakness. A high level of boat handling under various conditions of wind and tide is required. Navigation skills should be at the level of Yachtmaster/Coastal Skipper theory and a thorough knowledge of collision regulations is expected. Your instructor will tailor the course to suit your individual needs in order to prepare you for when the examiner steps on board.

After 4 days your instructor will give you a thorough debrief and you should feel confident in your ability to take the exam should you feel ready to do so.

During the exam, your RYA examiner will meet you onboard and talk you through the plan for the day. They understand that you could be nervous and will do their best to allay your fears and make sure you are clear about what they want you to do. They are there to find out what you can do, rather than pick holes. You will be asked to undertake a short passage, but you may have to plan a longer one. In general, you should skipper the yacht in your normal style. If this means putting the kettle on every half hour, then do it!

Your examiner isn’t looking for first-time-every-time success, but you will need to demonstrate competence and a good understanding of how the boat reacts at various situations. Don’t hesitate to change sails or reef, if you think it is necessary for the task.

Whether you are fully in command of the yacht is the most important assessment that your examiner will make. Especially with Yachtmaster Offshore the examiner will be looking for high level of proficiency based on broad experience.

Course Duration: 4 days for the course and 2 days for the exam. Most courses start on Saturday evening and finish on Wednesday afternoon, the exam starts the same evening or the next morning after the end of the course.

Previous Experience Required: 50 days aboard, 5 days as skipper, 2500 miles logged (min. half of it MUST be in tidal waters!), 5 passages of over 60 miles including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper. VHF radio operators certificate (SRC or higher) and a valid First Aid Certificate recognised by the RYA. click here for the list of acceptable first aid certificates

Course Overview: Preparation and brush up for the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence. Revision of advanced skippering techniques, close quarters handling under power and sail, navigation and pilotage by day and night, man overboard recovery and overall yacht management skills.

Minimum age: 18

Course price DOES NOT INCLUDE:

  • exam fee paid directly to the RYA (205 GBP for YM Offshore, 177 GBP for YM Coastal)
  • examiner's travel expenses from/to th UK (estimated approx. 300 Euro, shared between exam participants)
  • food, harbour fees and diesel used for the boat

RYA Yachtmaster

Date fromDate toPlacePriceStatus
02. 11. 2024 09. 11. 2024 Kaštela (Croatia 1190 € open

Due to the coronavirus crisis, we are canceling all practical courses in Croatia until further notice. For new course dates, please keep an eye on our website.

Winter courses on Canaries

In NYS we believe that there’s no such a thing as winter in sailing and you can always find a good place to enjoy your hobby any time throught the year. So we offer popular winter courses again, this time on Canary Islands, starting from Tenerife because of the best flight connections.

RYA Sailing Accreditation Rated as the World’s Best

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) sailing qualifications have been voted the premiere sailing accreditation for excellence and global reputation following a recent survey targeting 200 professional yacht and motorboat charter companies. The professional charter companies that were surveyed own and manage in excess of 6,000 charter boats across the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Asia.

  • Sail Cruising courses
  • Commercial Endorsment
  • Rent a boat
  • Sailing equipment
  • Yachting publications

National Yachting School Liptov - RYA Training Centre

National Yachting School Skola jachtingu s.r.o. Makovskeho namesti 3147/2, Brno, Czech Republic

Phone: +420 731 745 273 Phone: +421 902 896 099

Web: E-mail: [email protected]

(c) 2011-2024 National Yachting School - Sailing Courses, Skipper Licences

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Online Courses

  • What is RYA?
  • NYS Instructors
  • RYA Training Centre
  • Terms and Conditions
  • RYA Sail Training Ladder
  • RYA Competent Crew
  • RYA Day Skipper
  • RYA Coastal Skipper
  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal Preparation & Exam
  • Shorebased Theory Courses
  • RYA Basic Sea Survival / World Sailing Personal Offshore Survival course
  • Short Range Certificate

Sailing Courses

Contact Us:      tel: 0039 366 997 4127           email: [email protected]

Just Sailing

  • Course and Events Calendar
  • RYA Start Yachting
  • RYA Competent Crew
  • RYA Day Skipper
  • RYA Coastal Skipper

RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Prep Sail

  • RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Prep Motor
  • Family Sail Training and Confidence Builder
  • International Certificate of Competence (ICC)
  • Mile Builders
  • Weekend Sailing Experience
  • Have A Go Sailing
  • Master Class Own Boat Training
  • RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship Online
  • RYA Day Skipper Theory Online
  • RYA Coastal Skipper & RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Theory Classroom
  • RYA Coastal Skipper & RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Theory Online
  • RYA Yachtmaster™ Ocean Theory Classroom
  • RYA Professional Practices and Responsibilities (PPR) Online
  • RYA First Aid
  • RYA Marine Radio (SRC)
  • RYA Diesel Engine Course
  • MCA Master 200 Oral Prep
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Our Yacht Maud Ellen
  • Our Yacht Armilla
  • Our Yacht Jua Kali
  • Our Motor Boat Cavatina
  • MCA Master 200gt
  • Skippered Holidays
  • Race Training
  • Team Building

rya yachtmaster italy

Course Price.

This includes 4.5 days instruction and the hire of the boat for the 2 day exam.

€2150 per person

Whats included:

Your RYA Yachtmaster Instructor coaching

Hire of yacht for exam

Not included:


Mooring / Marina fees away from Chiavari Marina (split between course attendees)

Examiners travelling expenses

Cost of exam

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Prep Sail is not an exam in itself, but it is the best way in which to prepare for it and the vast majority of successful candidates choose a reputable RYA course provider such as Just Sailing to undertake such preparation before they launch into the exam itself.

To attain the RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore candidates must pass a practical examination of their  ability to skipper a yacht. A Yachtmaster is capable of skippering the yacht on extended offshore passages by day or night.

Previous Experience Required:

50 days aboard, 5 days as skipper, 2500 miles logged, 5 passages of over 60 miles including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper (Half the qualifying seatime must have been conducted in tidal waters). VHF radio operator’s certificate and a valid first aid certificate.

There is a minimum age of 18 to take the exam

For personnel with less experience they may undertake the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal Examination:

30 days aboard, 2 days as skipper, 800 miles logged, 12 night hours (Half the qualifying seatime must have been conducted in tidal waters). VHF operators certificate, valid first aid certificate*.  If an RYA Coastal Skipper completion certificate is held only 400 miles required.

*STCW Elementary First Aid the course must have been completed within 5 years, the STCW Basic refresher does not include this.

Course Overview: 

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Prep Sail includes revision of advanced skippering techniques, close quarters handling under power and sail, navigation and pilotage by day and night, man overboard recovery and overall yacht management skills.

Early in the week the instructor will assess your strengths and weaknesses and coach you in the areas required to pass the examination.  We are likely to concentrate on the following areas: passage planning, man overboard recovery, close quarters handling, skippering techniques, navigation in restricted visibility, pilotage and knowledge of the International Collision Regulations. The instructor will debrief you fully as the week progresses and ensure that you get time to ask about and practise on any weaker areas. Before joining the course, students should have the pre-requisite experience outlined above, navigation theory to  RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster theory  level and a thorough knowledge of the Collision Regulations.

The examiner will ask each candidate to skipper the yacht on several short passages and complete various demonstrations of their skippering and sailing ability.

The Just Sailing Yachtmaster Prep course lasts for 4.5 days at the end of which you are able to complete the exam itself, which takes two further days.

The exam is arranged following the course and will require the engagement of an RYA Yachtmaster examiner who will join the boat for those two days. Each candidate will pay 200€ for the travelling expenses of the examiner.  The cost of the exam is £241 paid direct online to the RYA.

We will supply navigational books, training charts and equipment for the preparation and exam, 50€ deposit (refundable after the exam) will be required from each candidate for these.

Note: Commercial Endorsement of Yachtmaster Offshore can be completed with your initial application form upon passing the exam or at any time after receiving your qualification.

If you want to apply with your initial application please ensure you bring to your exam all the required documentation as per the RYA website.

Course Dates

Date/Time Event Book

Fully Booked
11/11/2024 - 15/11/2024
All Day

09/12/2024 - 13/12/2024
All Day

14/01/2025 - 18/01/2025
All Day

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Check what you need before going abroad. Use the links below to navigate around the page:

Validity of RYA certificates abroad

When a UK ICC issued by the RYA or any other RYA certificate is acceptable is determined by:

  • The legislation of the flag state (country of registration) of the boat
  • If different, the legislation of the country in which the boat is being used

Within the applicable legislation acceptance may differ due to the size and type of boat, the nationality of the owner, where the boat is being used, how the boat is being used (e.g. by somebody other than the owner or for financial gain or to carry passengers).

You must refer to the flag and coastal state legislation to determine whether your certificate(s) will be acceptable.

Information for UK flagged Pleasure Vessels which arrive in the waters of another country by water can be found in the Where might the ICC be accepted? section of this page.

Applicable Legislation

The requirement for evidence of competence varies from country to country. Sometimes it is required for coastal waters, sometimes for inland waters, sometimes for neither and sometimes for both.

The law of the sea is frequently misunderstood, with many boaters believing that they can go wherever they wish abiding only by the rules of the country in which the boat is registered (the Flag State). 

When you visit another country, in most circumstances (as detailed in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea ) you can be required to comply with the maritime legislation of the visited country (the Coastal State) in addition to that of your vessel’s Flag State.

You will need to have acceptable evidence of your competence if either the Flag State or the Coastal State legislation stipulates it (requirements may vary depending on the size and type of vessel and how it is used). 

Experiences differ greatly. Inconsistency from province to province and port to port means many boaters are never asked to provide evidence of their competence abroad. However, those that are asked and do not have a suitable document can find themselves in an uncomfortable situation.

Whether this is stipulated in the national legislation, required under local rules or the local port authority making unilateral decisions is often not clear. Querying the validity of such requests can make matters worse and to challenge the legality of a fine or other penalty would, in most cases, mean going to court abroad.

What do I need?

Whether evidence of competence is required and what form that should take will be determined by the Flag State of the boat you are operating and, if different, additionally by the Coastal State. You must comply with the legislation of both the vessel’s Flag State and the Coastal State. 

If your Flag State is the UK see our information on what is required for a Pleasure Vessel in the UK .

The onus is on you to determine what is acceptable. 

Using your ICC  is sent with every ICC issued by the RYA. Together the with information later on this page, it will help you to understand how to determine whether a UK ICC issued by the RYA is likely to be acceptable for your intended activity.

Scope of RYA advice

The RYA's advice on where evidence of competence is necessary is intended for British recreational boaters operating UK registered Pleasure Vessels and is based both on what we understand the law to say and boaters' experiences in the country. The RYA generally recommends carrying the ICC as evidence of competence in other European countries, but you may find that other certificates are also acceptable.

What is the ICC?

The ICC (or to give it its full title International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft ) is a certificate which is intended to provide evidence of competence when requested by officials in foreign countries. It was historically known as the International Certificate of Competence.

It is issued under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Inland Transport Committee Working Party on Inland Water Transport Resolution No. 40. The Resolution details how and to whom the ICC may be issued, the syllabus requirements and the layout of the certificate. The Resolution also lists the countries which have notified the UNECE Secretariat that they have accepted the resolution.

The UK Government has accepted Resolution No. 40 and has authorised the RYA to issue a UK ICC on its behalf. 

The origin and history of the ICC

The ICC was originally created to facilitate pleasure navigation along the length of the rivers Rhine and Danube.

The evidence of competence required, differed for each of the countries the rivers pass through, which caused difficulties. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Inland Transport Committee Working Party on Inland Water Transport sought to find a solution.

The rules surrounding the issue of the ICC were initially detailed in Resolutions 13 and 14, but it is Resolution No. 40, which was first adopted in October 1998, which now regulates the ICC.

Over time, the ICC has evolved into a document which enables boaters to evidence their competence when visiting both the inland waterways of Europe and European coastal waters.  

So what does the ICC do?

When you visit another country, in most circumstances (in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea ) you can be required to comply with the maritime legislation of the visited country (the Coastal State) in addition to that of your vessel’s country of registration (the Flag State).

The regulations for pleasure craft can vary considerably from one country to another and the regime for skipper training and licencing can be equally disparate; the ICC helps to overcome the difficulties these differences can cause.

An ICC issued by a contracting government to Resolution No. 40 indicates that the certificate holder has demonstrated the level of competence required by Resolution No. 40 for the certificate to be issued.

In other words it is an assurance from one government to another that the certificate holder is sufficiently competent to be operating a pleasure craft, despite not holding the visited country’s national certificate. 

Formal acceptance of the ICC

The ICC should be automatically accepted in countries which have adopted Resolution No. 40. However, of the 56 UNECE countries able to accept the resolution, the UK is one of only a handful which have fully adopted Resolution No. 40.

Many of the eligible countries have not accepted Resolution No. 40, some still apply Resolution 14 which Resolution No. 40 was intended to replace and others only apply Resolution No. 40 in part or with caveats attached.

Wider (informal) acceptance

The ICC is however a far more useful document than the Resolution’s formal acceptance would suggest.

Although acceptance of the ICC by the visited country should be because the visited country itself has adopted Resolution No. 40, the ICC is sometimes recognised as an acceptable certificate in the visited country’s national legislation and is quite often accepted on a purely informal basis. Spain, Greece and Portugal, for example, have not adopted Resolution No. 40 but are still likely to ask visitors for an ICC.

The ICC may be acceptable for visiting foreign flagged vessels, foreign flagged vessels being kept in the Coastal State and/or vessels flagged in the Coastal State. It should never be assumed that the ICC will be accepted as an alternative to the national qualification of the vessel's flag state. The onus is on ICC holders to determine its acceptability by foreign states , as the ICC was never intended to be an alternative to individual national qualification requirements.

What does the ICC not do?

The validity of the ICC is frequently misunderstood. The ICC is not the boating equivalent of the EU driving licence for road vehicles, which all EU member states are obliged to accept.

The ICC’s validity is in fact determined by the visited country, so it is not a truly international qualification. It is nevertheless a valuable document when boating abroad as the ICC is the only international evidence of competence that exists for pleasure boaters in Europe.

Some countries may accept the ICC as an alternative to their national qualification on their nationally flagged vessels, but this should never be assumed, as the ICC was never intended to be an alternative to Flag State qualification requirements.

With the exception of certificates where the power category is restricted to vessels up to 10m length overall, an ICC does not state the maximum size of vessel the certificate is valid for. Such limits vary from country to country and are determined by the country in which the certificate is being used.

The RYA is frequently asked how far offshore the ICC is valid. On the high seas or in UK territorial waters the applicable legislation for a UK flagged boat is the UK Merchant Shipping Regulations. This legislation does not require the skipper of a pleasure vessel to have an ICC , therefore the UK ICC issued by the RYA only becomes relevant within the territorial or internal waters of another country, and the visited country determines the ICC’s validity.

If the sail “including auxiliary engine” category is validated on an ICC this indicates that the certificate holder’s competence has been verified for a vessel where the primary means of propulsion is sail. Competence to use the sailing vessel under the power of its secondary means of propulsion, its engine, has also been verified. The intention is that the sail category alone demonstrates competence for a sailing yacht with an auxiliary engine. The RYA’s view is that if your competence for a sailing vessel with auxiliary engine has been demonstrated, and this remains the case even if the mast is down; accordingly the RYA doesn’t think it is necessary to have an ICC valid for power in order to take a sailing yacht with the mast down on the inland waterways of Europe. However, when doing so you will be under the jurisdiction of the visited country  and it is their interpretation of the ICC’s validity which prevails.

Restrictions imposed by the visited country on the validity of the ICC most commonly relate to the size of the boat. But the visited country could also restrict how far offshore you can venture, the type of boat you can use or could decline to accept the ICC altogether. Such restrictions are most likely to apply to smaller boats especially open boats and boats that are kept in a foreign port or are launched from foreign shores. Owners should check the local regulations before launching.

Restrictions may also apply when chartering abroad and charterers should consult the charter boat provider for advice.

The national legislation of a country provides a good indication of whether restrictions are likely (and together with local regulations would ultimately determine what restrictions can be imposed and the possible penalties for non-compliance).

The fact that you are eligible to receive a UK ICC issued by the RYA does not mean that it will be acceptable to the Flag State of the boat you own, use or hire and it does not mean that it will be accepted as evidence of competence in the country in which you plan to go boating.

It is up to you to make the necessary enquiries to ensure the UK ICC issued by the RYA is the correct document specific to your circumstances. 

The ICC cannot be commercially endorsed and should never be used as evidence of competence for commercial activities.

The ICC issued by the RYA is issued on behalf of the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA); it does not entitle you to any other certificate (in the UK or abroad).

Where might the ICC be accepted?

Acceptance of the ICC by the visited country should be because the visited country itself has accepted Resolution No. 40. However, as the UK is one of only a few countries which have fully accepted Resolution No. 40 this is quite often not the case. The ICC may also be recognised as acceptable evidence of competence in the visited country’s national legislation or it may be accepted on a purely informal basis.

Acceptance of the ICC is determined in accordance with both the vessel’s Flag State legislation and that of the visited country. It is essential that holders of the ICC check that no further evidence of competence is required either by the Flag State or by the country in which the boat is being used (the Coastal State).

The size of boat your ICC is acceptable for also varies from country to country and this is again determined by the authorities of the visited country.

The onus is on ICC holders to determine its acceptability.

In very general terms an ICC is recommended for the inland waterways of Europe and for inland and coastal waters of Mediterranean countries. For the coastal waters of Northern Europe the ICC is generally not required, however to all of these generalisations there are exceptions. 

The information in the table applies to UK flagged Pleasure Vessels which arrive in the waters of another country by water. There may also be regional or local requirements determined by the responsible authority (e.g. for a region, port, lake or river).  Additional or different requirements may apply to boats that are being launched from foreign shores - check the local regulations before launching as site specific rules may apply. Different rules apply when chartering abroad. 



Resolution 40

Evidence of competence?

Austria  Applied  Required. ICC recommended

Coastal: (from 1 January 2022) required for vessels over 15m in length or capable of more than 20km/h (approx. 11 knots), otherwise there is no specific requirement for evidence of competence other than that stipulated by the vessel's flag state.

Inland: ICC required for vessels over 15m in length or capable of more than 20km/h (approx. 11 knots), otherwise not required

Applied Essential. ICC recommended
The skipper should have the relevant UK national certificate
   Applied Not required

Visitors to France on foreign flagged boats are required to have the licence required by the vessel’s flag state.  .

Coastal: It is recommended (particularly in the Mediterranean) that you carry any certificates you have with you. 

Inland: ICC recommended as it demonstrates knowledge of the CEVNI regulations


Coastal Waters including Zone 1 and 2 waterways: there is no maximum length for which the German 'Sportbootführerschein' is valid for coastal waters therefore acceptance of the ICC should have no upper length limit. 

Inland Zone 3 and 4 waterways: required. ICC accepted for vessels of less than 20m in length except the River Rhine.

River Rhine: required. ICC accepted for vessels less than 15m in length. 

  Yes. ICC recommended
Applied  Not required

Coastal: Yes. ICC recommended

Inland: check locally

Malta    ICC recommended especially for motorised craft 

Coastal: not required

Inland: ICC required for vessels over 15m in length or capable of more than 20km/h (approx. 11 knots), otherwise not required*

Applied  Not required             
Poland Applied  Required. ICC recommended
     Required. ICC recommended
    Required. ICC recommended
    Not required
   Applied Essential. The ICC is only sufficient for visitors - Swiss residents require a Swiss licence  
    Required. ICC recommended

Explanatory notes to the table (above)

*Certificates must have been issued prior to 2011 to be valid for vessels over 25m in length.

Note: where evidence of competence is required under the Merchant Shipping Regulations (i.e. UK pleasure vessels exceeding both 80 GT and 24m (load line) length (see Merchant Shipping Notice (MSN) 1858)) and for any vessel which is used for commercial purposes, the ICC is insufficient and it must be supported by the requisite certificate of competence.  

If your vessel is registered under another Red Ensign Group Flag (e.g. in one of the Crown Dependencies) you will need to comply with the regulations applied by that Flag’s administration.

Impact of Brexit on acceptance of RYA certificates in EU Member States

A vessel must comply with the legislation of its country of registration (Flag State) wherever in the world it may be. When you visit another country, in most circumstances (as detailed in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea ) you may be required additionally to comply with the maritime legislation of the visited country (the Coastal State). Whether UK certificates issued by the RYA are acceptable in other countries continues to be determined by the legislation of the country in which the boat is registered and the country in which the boat is being used. Links to information by country can be found in the table above. In particular, we draw your attention to the following:

RYA Certificates of Competency, along with certain other UK issued ancillary certifications, are no longer valid for Commercial Endorsement in Ireland effective 1/1/21.

Until the end of 2020, the acceptance UK certificates for the operation of Spanish flagged pleasure boats was based on the UK being an EU Member State. Acceptance on that basis ceased from 1 January. Revised legislation has come into force and we have provided information on what we understand the new legislation to say on our page specific to Spain .

Professional use of RYA certificates abroad

RYA professional qualifications (e.g. commercially endorsed certificates of competence) are accepted by the UK Government for use on UK-flagged commercial yachts but such qualifications are not, and never have been, STCW-compliant certificates. As such, RYA professional qualifications are not subject to the mutual-recognition mechanism envisaged in the STCW convention and they no longer fall within the scope of the EU Directive on the mutual recognition of seafarers’ certificates issued by member states.

RYA professional qualifications are accepted by several non-UK national administrations for use on vessels flying their flags but this is a matter for each of those administrations individually and there is no obligation on them to do so. The UK leaving the EU has not necessarily changed such positions, and it has not altered the acceptability of RYA professional qualifications to the UK Government for use on UK-flagged commercial yachts.

However, if holders of commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Offshore or Ocean Certificates of Competence experience difficulties with overseas administrations, they may wish to explore the route from RYA Yachtmaster to MCA Master, II/2, code vessels less than 200 GT/Officer of the Watch yachts, less than 500 GT. Further details of what is required and the route to achieving this can be found in MSN 1858 .

Chartering Abroad

If you are chartering a vessel abroad, you will generally need evidence of your competence. As the vessel is unlikely to be UK flagged, it is necessary to ask the charter company for advice on what evidence of competence will be acceptable.

There is no international requirement for another country to accept a UK qualification in place of their own - except for under certain conditions full STCW qualifications (for working aboard large commercial vessels).

RYA certificates are widely accepted, but this is not always the case. The RYA can inform the authorities in other countries about its certificates but cannot control whether or not other countries accept them. 

When planning your overseas charter, it is prudent to obtain from the charter provider (preferably in writing) details of the evidence of competence they require. You should check:

  • what cruising area it is acceptable for;  
  • that it meets the requirements of the applicable legislation and will be acceptable to the relevant authorities; and 
  • that it meets any requirements of their insurance.

More about the UK ICC issued by the RYA including how to apply.

Certificate Translations

As Yachtsmen travel further afield, the acceptance and knowledge of RYA certification by port officials is of greater importance. The ICC often assists, but the countries to which RYA certified skippers now venture far exceed its scope.

RYA certificates are widely accepted, but this is not always the case.

The RYA can inform the authorities in other countries about its certificates but cannot control whether or not other countries accept them. 

The translations of the practical certificates provided here and on the reverse side of some newly issued certificates should make it easier for port officials to understand them and make an informed decision.

By selecting the dot that corresponds with the country and the certificate or syllabus you require, download the relevant translations for the certificate you hold and take them with you.

Arabic Chinese Croatian Dutch French German Greek Italian Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish Thai Turkish
International Certificate of Competence


Powerboat Level 2 certificate
Powerboat Advanced certificate of competence  
Day Skipper certificate
Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Coastal certificate of competence  
Coastal Skipper/ Yachtmaster Coastal /Powerboat Advanced exam syllabus
Yachtmaster Offshore certificate of competence
Yachtmaster Offshore exam syllabus  
Yachtmaster Ocean certificate of competence
Yachtmaster Ocean exam syllabus  




Arabic Chinese Croatian Dutch French German Greek Italian Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish Thai Turkish
Start Yachting course completion certificate 


Start Yachting course syllabus 


Competent Crew course completion certificate 


Competence Crew course syllabus


Day Skipper course completion certificate 


Day Skipper course syllabus 


Coastal Skipper  course completion certificate 


Coastal Skipper course syllabus





Arabic Chinese Croatian Dutch French German Greek Italian Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish Thai Turkish
Helmsmans course completion certificate


Helmsmans course syllabus


Day Skipper course completion certificate


Day Skipper course syllabus


Coastal Skipper course completion certificate


Coastal Skipper course syllabus




Arabic Chinese Croatian Dutch French German Greek Italian Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish Thai Turkish
Powerboat Level 2 course completion certificate


Powerboat Level 2 course syllabus


Powerboat Intermediate course completion certificate


Powerboat Intermediate course syllabus


Powerboat Advanced course completion certificate


Powerboat Advanced course syllabus


Personal Watercraft proficiency certificate


Personal Watercraft course syllabus


Queries regarding certificate translations should be directed to the Training Department email [email protected] or telephone 023 8060 4181.

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    VMByachts is a RYA/MCA Training Centre designed to provide tailored training in the Med. Established in Viareggio, Tuscany, by Capt. Vieri Mannucci as an aftermath to his years of substantial and worldwide sailing experience, the school's mission is to help you finding and drawing your own course in the RYA/MCA sailing universe, fulfilling ...

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  7. RYA Training Centre Italy Home Page

    Courses from RYA Competent Crew and Day Skipper to RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail and Motor. Contact Us: tel: 0039 366 997 4127 email: [email protected]. Navigation. RYA Courses. Course and Events Calendar ... RYA YACHTMASTER TRAINING CENTRE ITALY: TAKE YOUR SAILING TO THE NEXT LEVEL. BOOK A RYA COURSE WITH JUST SAILING .

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  13. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore. The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore is one of the most highly respected and prestigious sailing qualifications in the world and we pride ourselves on training many high calibre Yachtmaster Candidates. Exam Preparation Courses are delivered by one of our fully qualified and extremely experienced RYA Yachtmaster Instructors.

  14. What is an RYA Yachtmaster?

    The gold standard. The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Unlike other qualifications in the cruising programme, there is no formal training course to become an RYA Yachtmaster.

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    The Just Sailing RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor prep is instructed by a RYA Yachtmaster Instructor and lasts for 3 days. At the end of which you are able to complete the exam itself, which takes two further days. ... RYA YACHTMASTER™ OFFSHORE MOTOR PREP AND EXAM Just Sailing Italy, Banchina Molo Sottoflutto, Chiavari : Book Now: 11/11/2024 ...

  16. Route to RYA Yachtmaster (Power or Sail)

    Route to RYA Yachtmaster (Power or Sail) The Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence Exam can be taken in a powered or sail craft (i.e. there are two separate disciplines). Much of the route (the shorebased courses) is identical for both disciplines. There are actually three levels of Yachtmaster (Coastal, Offshore and Ocean).

  17. Special Courses

    An RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Unlike other courses in the cruising programme, there is no formal training to complete in order to become a Yachtmaster®. Instead, provided that you have sufficient experience and ...

  18. RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Exam

    An RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. To attain the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore candidates must pass a practical examination of their skippering ability.

  19. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites. 5 passages over 60 miles long, which must include 2 overnight passages and 2 as skipper, which may be reduced to 3 passages including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence 3. 1 At least half the qualifying sea time should be ...

  20. RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Prep Sail

    The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Prep Sail includes revision of advanced skippering techniques, close quarters handling under power and sail, navigation and pilotage by day and night, man overboard recovery and overall yacht management skills. Early in the week the instructor will assess your strengths and weaknesses and coach you in the areas ...

  21. RYA Interactive

    All new applications for a commercially endorsed RYA Certificate of Competence must first pass the PPR course. Anyone renewing a commercially endorsed RYA Certificate of Competence must pass the PPR Course prior to the next renewal date, if they haven't already doen so. The course is broken down into four modules: 1) Commercial environment - how you fit into the professional maritime world.

  22. Evidence of Competence Abroad

    Italy : Coastal: Yes. ICC recommended. Inland: check locally. Malta : ... if holders of commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Offshore or Ocean Certificates of Competence experience difficulties with overseas administrations, they may wish to explore the route from RYA Yachtmaster to MCA Master, II/2, code vessels less than 200 GT/Officer of the ...

  23. video

    RYA training centre sailing school in Italy | RYA sailing courses, lessons, sail training and sailing charters | From Start Yachting to RYA Yachtmaster®