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wir machen Kurzurlaub vom 22.-26.8.2024

Der Laden ist in dieser Zeit geschlossen und es erfolgt kein Warenversand.

Die telefonische Beratung ist stark eingeschränkt, Bestellungen können aber weiterhin gerne über den Webshop platziert werden.

  • Grotamar 82 Dieselkonservierung   in der 1L-Flasche ist ab sofort wieder ab Lager lieferbar !
  • Cactus Lidbag  sind ab sofort wieder ab Lager lieferbar.
  • Die Alternative zu VC17m:   Yachtcare Thin Film Antifouling graphit 750ml  im Angebot und ab Lager lieferbar !
  • LeFant TF biozidfrei nicht mehr lieferbar - wir haben die voll kompatible Alternative:   Epifanes Foul-Away
  • ... und ab sofort auch das direkte Nachfolgeprodukt vom LeFant TF:   LeFant Nautica Hard Eco Antifouling - biozidfrei -
  • Der Profi Intensivreiniger:  The Cleaner Power Cleaner 1L Sprühflasche
  • Wilckens AC/S Antifouling-Primer - Qualität aus dem Schiffbau ! ab Lager lieferbar
  • 2-K Bootsleim / Holzleim BINDAN-CIN für gewerbliche Anwender ab Lager lieferbar
  • Owatrol CIP Rostschutz  2,5L ab Lager
(Inhalt: 1 L)

Einkomponenten-Polyurethanharz für den speziellen Einsatz an Booten als Haftgrund und Holzlack.

26,90 / Dose(n) *
Lieferzeit 5 Tage **
Artikel-Nr.: LF350x

Der Nachfolger des bekannten biozidfreien Antifoulings LeFant TF

(weitere Größen erhältlich) 54,90 *

58,30 €

Lieferzeit 5 Tage **
Artikel-Nr.: 156.216

Dünnschichtiges, sehr schnell trocknendes Hartantifouling - Alternative zu VC17m

42,90 / Dose(n) *

49,90 €

Lieferzeit 5 Tage **
Artikel-Nr.: 24.1690.1828

Dreiteilige Segment - Zinkanode - Ersetzt Volvo OEM 3858399

22,90 / Set(s) *

39,90 €

Lieferzeit 5 Tage **
(Inhalt: 2,5 L)

Seit Jahren der Standardlack der französischen Marine - für Holz und Metall

59,90 / Dose(n) *

64,90 €

Lieferzeit 5 Tage **
(Inhalt: 500 ml)

ACRYL harter-Schutz - reinigt und pflegt ohne Polierarbeit Autos, Boote, Caravans, Helme

13,90 / Dose(n) *
Lieferzeit 5 Tage **
(Inhalt: 1 L)

Dieselreiniger für bis zu 4000 Liter Kraftstoff vorbeugend gegen die Bildung von Bioschlamm.

57,95 / Flasche(n) *
Lieferzeit 5 Tage **
Artikel-Nr.: PF-7105001

Sehr kompakter, kugelgelagerter Drehwirbel für Fockroller und Rollfocksysteme mit 1 to Bruchlast

109,90 *

119,90 €

Lieferzeit 5 Tage **
Artikel-Nr.: TC01

Der Intensivreiniger für Boot, Caravan, Garten, Haushalt und Industrie

(weitere Größen erhältlich) 26,50 / Flasche(n) *
Lieferzeit 5 Tage **
(Inhalt: 1 L)

Das Universal-Kriechöl von Owatrol - bewährt als Farbadditiv, Rostschutz, Rostversiegelung und Holzschutz.

27,50 / Dose(n) *
Lieferzeit 5 Tage **
Artikel-Nr.: LI-VU375

Die ultimative Reinigung und Versiegelung für glatte Flächen und Kunststoffteile !

29,90 / Dose(n) *
Lieferzeit 5 Tage **
Artikel-Nr.: 15.461.80

Selbstansaugende, manuelle Kompakt-Fußpumpe für Trinkwasser oder als Bilgepumpe (8L/min)

57,90 *
Lieferzeit 5 Tage **

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MEER-SEEN Wassersport

Ladengeschäft, boots- und yachtzubehör ladengeschäft.

Herzlich willkommen im Ladengeschäft von MEER-SEEN Wassersport.

Im Wassersportzentrum Berlin, Müggelseedamm 70, direkt im Hafen gelegen, bietet Ihnen unser kompetentes Team alle Produkte rund um den Wassersport. Parken Sie 90 min kostenlos auf unserem riesigen Parkplatz oder besuchen Sie uns über den Wasserweg und legen direkt im Hafen am Laden an.

Unsere MEER-SEEN Crew besteht aus erfahrenen Bootsbauern, Technikern und Yachtausrüstern. Wir beraten Sie individuell ohne jegliche Lieferanten- oder Katalogbindung. Das bedeutet für den Kunden größtmögliche Flexibilität bei geringem Preis. Das MEER-SEEN Motto lautet: "geht nicht - gibt´s nicht und teuer schon gar nicht!" Lassen Sie sich nicht von vermeintlichen Discountern an der Nase herum führen, die nur ein begrenztes Katalogsortiment anbieten können.

Der MEER-SEEN Shop umfasst Angebote für:

  • komplette Yachtausrüstung mit Einbauberatung
  • Bootszubehör für Segel- und Motorboote
  • Yachtelektrik, Elektronik, Navigationstechnik der Marken GARMIN & NEXUS, Raymarine, B&G, Navico, SILVA, TACTIC und viele mehr...
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MEER-SEEN Ladengeschäft

Ladengeschäft im Hafen mit direkter Anlegemöglichkeit für Boote und 90 Min. frei PKW Parkplatz Müggelseedamm 66-70 im Wassersportzentrum Berlin 12587 Berlin - Köpenick Straßenbahnhaltestelle "Wassersportzentrum" Kommunikation & Kontakt fon: +49 (0)30. 65 70 92 88 fax: +49 (0)30. 65 70 92 87 mail: shop(@)meer-seen.de www.meer-seen.de


 Kontakt Ladengeschäft: Telefon 030 65709288‬ E-Mail: [email protected]

Unser Ladengeschäft ist zu folgenden Zeiten für Sie geöffnet:

März-August Montag: 09.00 Uhr - 12.00 Uhr (Ausrüstungstag nur nach Voranmeldung*) Montag: 12.00 Uhr - 19.00 Uhr Dienstag-Freitag: 9.00 Uhr - 19.00 Uhr Samstag: 9.00 Uhr - 15.00 Uhr

September-Februar Montag-Freitag: 9.00 Uhr - 18.00 Uhr Samstag: 9.00 Uhr - 14.00 Uhr

* an unserem Ausrüstungstag haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich zu einem umfassenden Beratungsgespräch über die Ausstattung Ihres Bootes, Installationsberatung, Vorführungen etc. anzumelden. Wir haben dann deutlich mehr Zeit für Ihre Wünsche und Fragen als im laufenden Ladenbetrieb.

Schulungszeiten: Dienstag 18.30 Uhr Sportbootführerschein Binnen, Einstieg jede Woche möglich. Kompaktkurse am Wochenende und Praxis- und Theorie nach individueller Vereinbarung und aktuelle Termine/Wochenendkurse: Informationen

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yacht shop berlin


yacht shop berlin

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Boat & Catamaran charter in Berlin  - Yacht Rental

Boat & Catamaran charter in Berlin - Yacht Rental

Berlin yacht rental.

Welcome to Yachting.Rent, the leading provider of yacht rental services in the dynamic city of Berlin. We specialize in delivering exceptional nautical experiences, bringing together the thrill of sailing with the unique charm of Berlin’s waterways.

Our collection of yachts is as diverse and vibrant as the city itself. We offer everything from elegant sailboats perfect for leisurely river cruises to luxurious motor yachts ideal for extended stays or special occasions. Each yacht in our fleet is carefully maintained to the highest standards by our professional team, ensuring a safe and comfortable journey.

Choosing Yachting.Rent means choosing more than just a yacht. It means choosing a gateway to an unforgettable Berlin experience. The city’s Spree and Havel rivers, as well as its numerous lakes, offer unique perspectives on the cityscape and allow for a serene escape right in the heart of urban hustle and bustle.

We offer customized packages that cater to a variety of needs. Whether you’re planning a romantic sunset cruise, a fun-filled family adventure, a sightseeing tour with a difference, or an exclusive corporate event, we have the perfect yacht and package for you.

At the heart of our service is our professional, highly trained crew. They are dedicated to ensuring that your voyage is nothing less than extraordinary. If you wish to indulge in Berlin’s diverse culinary scene, our onboard catering services offer a range of gourmet meals prepared by experienced chefs. These can be customized to suit various dietary preferences and requirements.

For those seeking a dash of adrenaline, our yachts come equipped with a range of water sports equipment. Enjoy jet skiing, stand-up paddleboarding, or even a refreshing swim in Berlin’s clean, inviting waters. Our yachts also feature state-of-the-art entertainment systems, Wi-Fi connectivity, and a variety of onboard games to keep everyone entertained.

Renting a yacht with Yachting.Rent is a breeze. Our intuitive online booking system and dedicated customer service team ensure a seamless booking process. Choose your yacht, specify the duration of your rental, and customize your package – all with a few simple clicks.

At Yachting.Rent, customer satisfaction is our number one priority. We’re committed to providing top-tier yachts and unrivaled service, making your Berlin yachting experience truly unforgettable. Our team is available 24/7 to cater to your needs, answer your questions, and turn your dream yachting adventure into a reality.

Experience Berlin like never before with Yachting.Rent. Embark on a voyage filled with striking city views, thrilling adventures, and luxurious relaxation. We’re here to help you create unforgettable memories, one journey at a time. Discover the magic of Berlin from its waterways – sail with Yachting.Rent.

Daniel Goldman

CEO of Yachting.Rent

Boat & Catamaran charter in Berlin

Bali 4.4 - 3 + 1 cab. - Apollo - 2022

Bali 4.5 – 4 + 2 cab. – Adria Chicha – 2017

Lagoon 450 F - 4 + 2 cab. - Shiva - 2018

Lagoon 450 F – 4 + 2 cab. – Shiva – 2018

Lagoon 42 - 4 + 2 cab. - Eleni - 2023.

Lagoon 42 – 4 + 2 cab. – Hanselli – 2024

Lagoon 42 – 4 + 1 cab. – pirelli – 2024.

Saxdor 320 GTO - Kali - 2022

Saxdor 320 GTC – Olivia – 2022

Saxdor 320 gto – kali – 2022.

yacht shop berlin

Why Choose Us

Yacht charter in Berlin

At Yachting.Rent, we are more than just a charter service. We provide a bespoke yachting experience that perfectly encapsulates your desires, giving you the freedom and luxury to explore Berlin’s scenic landscapes and iconic landmarks from the comfort of your privately chartered yacht.

Our extensive fleet of sophisticated yachts caters to every kind of traveler. Whether you prefer the elegant intimacy of a classic sailing boat, the stability and space of a catamaran, or the opulence of a state-of-the-art motor yacht, our vessels are designed to meet your every need. Each yacht is equipped with the latest technology, plush accommodations, and modern amenities to ensure your voyage is comfortable, safe, and utterly delightful.

One of the core values at Yachting.Rent is our commitment to providing a tailored experience for each of our guests. We work closely with you to curate a personalized itinerary that captures the essence of Berlin, from its bustling cityscape to its tranquil, hidden waterways. Our dedicated crew, trained to international standards, is always ready to cater to your needs, be it guiding you to the best sights, arranging on-board entertainment, or creating a fine dining experience with local flavors.

Our staff is not only expertly trained in sailing and customer service, but also has a deep knowledge of Berlin and its waterways. Whether you’re interested in historical tours, food and wine experiences, water sports, or simply want to soak in the natural beauty of Berlin’s river landscapes, our crew is equipped to provide you with an exceptional yachting experience that goes beyond the ordinary.

At Yachting.Rent, we also deeply value the environment. In line with our commitment to sustainable tourism, we utilize eco-friendly practices in our operations, from waste management and energy efficiency on board to the promotion of local conservation projects. This means that you can enjoy your Berlin yacht charter experience with the peace of mind that your journey is also contributing to the well-being of the city’s precious water ecosystems.

Yachting.Rent promises more than a yacht charter; we deliver a complete Berlin experience that is luxurious, personalized, and deeply immersive. Whether you’re a first-time visitor to the city or a long-time admirer, a journey with us provides a unique perspective that allows you to see, hear, and feel Berlin like never before.

Come aboard and let Yachting.Rent guide you through an extraordinary nautical journey through the heart of Berlin. Contact us today to turn your dream Berlin yacht charter into a reality.

Satisfield Clients

Experiented Crew

Luxurious Boats

Premium Facilities

Featured Boats & Catamarans in Berlin

yacht shop berlin

Philippinen (1)


Fill out the form to rent the perfect boat for your needs

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Destination (required) Argentina Australia Bahamas Bali Belgium Belize Brazil British Virgin Islands Bulgaria Canada Cambodia Cape Verde Caribbean Chile Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus Denmark Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Fiji Finland France French Polynesia Greece Grenada Guatemala Germany Hawaii Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Madagascar Maldives Malaysia Malta Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Monaco Montenegro Mozambique Nicaragua Netherlands New Caledonia New Zealand North Macedonia Norway Oman Panama Paraguay Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Saint Lucia Samoa San Marino Senegal Seychelles Singapore Slovenia South Africa Sri Lanka Spain Sweeden Switzerland Tanzania Thailand Turkey United Kingdom United States United Arab Emirates Venezuela US Virgin Islands Vietnam

Boat type Sailboat Catamaran Motorboat Power catamaran Gulet

About Berlin

Why is Berlin a good sailing destination?

Sailing in Berlin with Yachting.Rent is an extraordinary experience that combines the thrill of navigation with the captivating allure of Germany’s capital. Known for its vibrant culture, rich history, and remarkable waterways, Berlin offers a unique sailing experience that transcends the traditional sightseeing trip.

Berlin’s distinctive geographic feature is its extensive network of waterways. The city is crisscrossed by the Spree and Havel rivers, and it houses numerous lakes and canals. These waterways offer sailors an entirely new perspective on the city. Whether you’re cruising along the urban Spree, with views of iconic landmarks like the Berliner Dom and Museum Island, or you’re navigating the tranquil waters of Lake Wannsee, Berlin’s waterways promise a varied and thrilling sailing adventure.

Berlin’s climate is another factor contributing to its appeal as a sailing destination. Mild summers and the gentle, steady breeze blowing over the water create ideal conditions for a comfortable sailing experience, whether you’re a novice or an experienced sailor.

Sailing in Berlin is also an opportunity to engage with the city’s rich history and cultural diversity. You can dock your yacht and explore everything from historic sites, like the Berlin Wall and the Brandenburg Gate, to the city’s thriving arts scene and eclectic neighborhoods. Berlin’s culinary offerings are as varied as its culture, with a myriad of restaurants and food markets offering both local and international cuisine.

With Yachting.Rent, your Berlin sailing experience is further enhanced. Our fleet of high-quality, well-maintained yachts ensures a comfortable and safe voyage. We offer personalized services and 24/7 support from our dedicated team, enriching your journey from the moment you book your yacht until you return to dock.

Choose Yachting.Rent for your Berlin sailing adventure. We’re not just offering a yacht; we’re offering an unforgettable journey filled with discovery, excitement, and relaxation. Experience Berlin from its waterways and create lasting memories with Yachting.Rent. Your journey begins here.

yacht shop berlin


yacht shop berlin

What Choose

Sailing boat or Catamaran, what to sail in Berlin

Yachting.Rent invites you to explore the vibrant heart of Germany’s capital from the unique perspective of its scenic waterways. With our extensive fleet of sailing boats and catamarans, you can experience the luxury of choice and the freedom to sail Berlin’s rivers and lakes in a style that perfectly suits you. Let’s delve into the two main options you can select for your next Berlin adventure:

Sailing Boats

If you’re longing for a more traditional and intimate connection with Berlin’s aquatic landscapes, a sailing boat may be the ideal choice for you. Our sailing boats offer an elegant and authentic way to explore the city’s waterways, allowing you to navigate through historical landmarks, modern skyscrapers, and lush greenery with the grace and charm of classic sailing. Perfect for solo travelers, couples, or small groups, a sailing boat from Yachting.Rent promises a serene and personalized journey that’s rich in character.

For those seeking a more spacious and stable experience, our catamarans provide a luxurious and comfortable platform for larger groups or family gatherings. With wide-open decks and panoramic views, you can fully immerse yourself in Berlin’s dynamic skyline while enjoying the stability and comfort that catamarans offer. Whether you wish to host a festive gathering, a corporate retreat, or simply enjoy an ample space to unwind and relax, our catamarans are designed to cater to your specific needs and preferences.

Why Choose Yachting.Rent in Berlin?

With Yachting.Rent, the choice between a sailing boat and a catamaran doesn’t just depend on the type of vessel but extends to the experience we craft around it. Our expert crew is dedicated to ensuring that every detail of your journey is tailored to your desires, from customized itineraries that reflect Berlin’s rich culture and history to on-board services that accentuate luxury and comfort.

We maintain our fleet to the highest standards of quality and safety. Each sailing boat and catamaran is equipped with modern amenities, navigation equipment, and plush furnishings to guarantee an experience that’s both enjoyable and secure.

Furthermore, Yachting.Rent is committed to responsible yachting. Our eco-friendly practices ensure that you can explore Berlin’s waterways with a clear conscience, knowing that your adventure aligns with our values of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Embark on an unforgettable voyage through Berlin with Yachting.Rent, and let us guide you in choosing the perfect vessel for your adventure. Whether it’s the timeless elegance of a sailing boat or the expansive luxury of a catamaran, we promise a journey that resonates with your soul and offers a fresh perspective on the city’s enchanting allure. Contact us today to learn how Yachting.Rent can make your Berlin sailing experience a memory to cherish.

Find inspiration for your next holiday


Sailing on the Baltic Sea: Discovering Germany's Northern Maritime Heritage and Seaside Resorts


Lake Constance Adventures: Exploring the Border Waters of Germany, Switzerland, and Austria


Sailing through History on the Elbe River: From Hamburg to Dresden – Cultural Treasures Along the Way


River Cruises on the Rhine: From Castles to Vineyards – A Journey through Germany's Heartland

Check out sailing destinations by regions.

  • Baden-Württemberg
  • Brandenburg
  • Lower-Saxony
  • Mecklenburg Lake District
  • Mecklenburg-Pomerania
  • Saxony-Anhalt
  • Schleswig-Holstein

Check out our favourite sailing destinations

  • British Virgin Islands
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • French Polynesia
  • Netherlands
  • New Caledonia
  • New Zealand
  • North Macedonia
  • Philippines
  • Saint Lucia
  • South Africa
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • United Arab Emirates
  • US Virgin Islands

Our Offices

Miami Beach Marina 300 Alton Road Miami Beach, Florida 33139

Ground Floor 8-9 Marino Mart Fairview Clontarf, D03 X589 Dublin

Ground Floor 8-9 Marino Mart Fairview Clontarf, D03 X589 Dublin, Ireland

(+1) 786 673 6820

  • Motor yachts
  • Sailing yachts
  • Sport fishing
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Boat rental in Berlin

Motorboats & party boats.

Berlin boat rental

In our boat rental you can compare over 100 boats in Berlin and book them directly with the provider. Do you want to rent a party boat and explore Berlin? Or would you rather rent a raft and sail across the lakes? Or do you fancy a swim with a barbecue boat ?


Berlin raft rental | grill | toilet


pool boat | hot tub with wood stove | heated


electric | sustainable | BBQ | toilet

Sport Tender (with toilet)

Boat rental | license free | toilet


rent a raft | BBQ | toilet


noble party ship | cocktailbar | catering

Boat types and categories

raft rental

Raft rental in Berlin

Rent a barbecue raft or party raft in our boat rental nearby. The equipment of the rafts includes a grill and a swimming ladder. Many rafts have a walk-on sun deck and a toilet.

rent a houseboat

Rent a houseboat in Berlin

Compare all Berlin houseboats for overnight stays on the water. Houseboats have a minimum booking time of 2 nights and offer sleeping accommodation for a maximum of 8 people.

partyboat Berlin

Partyboat rental in Berlin

Rent the right party boat for your event in Berlin. Compare boats for groups of up to 150 people. Celebrate a boat party in Berlin or drop anchor on a lake and fire up the grill.

boat no license

Boat without license

Hire a boat without a license. All rafts and motorboats with less than 15 hp engine power may be chartered without a license.

barbecue boat Berlin

Rent a barbecue boat in Berlin

Hire a barbecue boat and sail across the lakes. All boats also have a bathing ladder.

Assandra F.

We rented out a boat for a group of friends on a Sunday afternoon and everything about the experience was very fun and very professional. Our skipper picked us up and even though we were a bit delayed with finding parking and getting everyone together he was more than patient. He took us a very scenic route around the Spree and found some great swimming places to stop off at. We had forgotten some supplies such as cups for drinks but he managed to find a boat that could give us some. All in all a very memorable experience. Thank you!

We were on the Mathilda with our team and had the best day of the year so far. The weather was fantastic and we were able to round off the day on the large upper deck. The bathing ladder is huge and makes it really easy to get back on board. It was just perfect all round.

We had a great team outing for 3 hours with the barge Mathilda. All the arrangements in advance went smoothly. The drinks package was super extensive and sufficient. The barbecue on board was also great (delicious). One of the two skippers even took on the role of barbecue master. Always happy to return!

We had a incredible time on the boat during the easter holidays. Me and Aylin (my dear) and the other guests had some joyfull and wonderful moments with the scenic view from the boat. We really appreaciate the crew for the courteous and warm atmosphere during that tour. We give you a very warm recommendation. Thank you!

The best boat rental service in Berlin! Really really happy with everything: the service, the ease for booking, the boat... We had an amazing boat party as a team event and we highly recommend it!

Fantastic! Celebrated my 30th birthday with friends on Goldelse, we made barbecue, swam and had a great time. Everyone was very nice and helpful, booking was easy, all the info was on the website, very nice and detailed.

Very friendly crew, great boat and service. Everything was absolutely amazing, thank you! Highly recommended!

boat tour Berlin

Boat tour Berlin

There are endless possibilities to explore the capital and its sights on a boat tour in Berlin . On our homepage, we provide tips on specific cruising areas and recommend boats and rafts for certain events. The categories are divided by purpose and sailing area. Are you planning a team event in Berlin ? Then you will find on the corresponding subpage all party boats that are suitable for company parties and in which area of Berlin they sail. You want to rent a motorboat ? Then we explain to you which boats you can rent even without a boating license. For houseboats we recommend a look at the number of beds on board. Learn everything you need to know for a vacation of several days on the water. Maybe you want to rent a raft and go on an adventure trip for a day? With us you will find the right barbecue raft with your dream configuration of price, equipment and sailing area. We also offer a guided Spree trip with skipper or boats for bachelor parties in Berlin . Renting a boat has never been so easy. We give you all the important information about boat rental in Berlin. You can access the boat tours here.

Berlin water map

Berlin Water Map

The water map covers all Berlin waters and contains a lot of useful information. Popular boating areas are Lake Müggelsee in the east of Berlin and Lake Tege l, Lake Wannsee and the Havel River in the west. By the way, you can anchor and swim almost everywhere. Most boats also have a grill on board. The River Spree flows through the middle of the capital and offers numerous sights that can be viewed from the water. For boat trips through the Berlin city center, we advise to rent boats with skipper. Due to the high volume of traffic in this area (between the Charlottenburg lock and the Mühlendamm lock), a skipper's license is required, as well as a radio license during the day (see FAQ ). Discover excursion destinations, water filling stations, lock information, piers and shopping. There are supermarkets with their own boat docks. Just dock and stock up on food and drinks. Check the lock opening times to avoid being faced with closed gates in the evening. The map also includes the respective radio channels and phone numbers. Our promise: Berlin's water world will take your breath away! Hardly any other city combines urban charm and nature in such a harmonious way as Berlin. Whether you are an experienced skipper or a newly qualified sailor - here you will find the right route for your next boat trip. You can access the water map here.

boat rental company

Rent out your own boat

You want to rent your own boats on our platform and generate customers for your own company? The process is very easy. Please use our contact form or send us an email to [email protected]. First we need information about your boats (pictures, prices and the link to your homepage). We will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss further details and conditions. The entry itself is free of charge. Through our platform you can reach a wide audience of potential guests in Berlin. We place your boats in the appropriate categories and provide your customers with an optimal overview of your boats and services. Save precious time and resources for advertising campaigns. We do it for you. It is important that you already have the necessary infrastructure of a boat rental company (boat certificate, commercial mooring and staff on site to hand over the boats to your customers). And of course your boat rental should be near Berlin. You can access the contact form here.

Rent a boat in Berlin with or without a licence

  • Yacht charter
  • Rent a boat in Germany

Charter Houseboat Solaryacht 50er Berlin

Wave-Lounge Hausboot  (2020)

From €643 per day.

Charter Houseboat Flexdesign AG Flexmobil 10.0 Berlin

Rent this houseboat and discover the area of Berli  (2022)

Charter Motorboat Elektroboot Sloep Berlin

Sloep Elektroboat ( max. 8 persons)  (2022)

From €436 per day.

Charter Motorboat Hausboot 15m Berlin

Hausboot 15m  (2015)

Charter Sailboat Performance Sailcraft Laser Berlin

Laser olympische Einmann-Rennjolle  (1996)

From €20 per day.

Charter Catamaran eventboote de Partyboot Berlin

Grillboat Partyboat Sunshine Berlin  (2022)

Charter Houseboat Flexdesign AG Flexmobil 9.0 Berlin

Have an unforgettable holiday on board this Floss  (2021)

Charter Houseboat Flexdesign AG Flexmobil 9.0 Berlin

Enjoy gliding on the water with this house boat of  (2019)

Charter Houseboat Delphia Yacht Nautika 800 Berlin

Discover the coast of Berlin in your Delphia 800 E  (2014)

From €179 per day.

Charter Houseboat Flexdesign AG Flexmobil 10.0 Berlin

Houseboat of 10.3 meters for rent in Hennigsdorf,  (2022)

Charter Houseboat Jetten 38AC Berlin

Jetten 38 AC  (2012)

From €419 per day.

Charter Houseboat Flexdesign AG Flexmobil 10.0 Berlin

Enjoy an original experience with this Floss house  (2022)

Charter Houseboat Flexdesign AG Flexmobil 9.0 Berlin

Enjoy gliding on the water with this house boat of  (2021)

Charter Houseboat Flexdesign AG Flexmobil 8.0 Berlin

Rent this houseboat and get to know Berlin  (2021)

Charter Houseboat Gruno 37 Subliem Classic Berlin

Houseboat Gruno 37 Subliem Classic 94hp  (2015)

Charter Houseboat Gruno Hollandia 1100 Classic Berlin

Houseboat Gruno Hollandia 1100 Classic 100hp  (2010)

Charter Houseboat Rollyboot Hausboote Rollyboot Max Berlin

Houseboat Rollyboot Hausboote Rollyboot Max 15hp  (2021)

From €242 per day.

Charter Houseboat Desidus Loungeboot - BAR Berlin

Houseboat Desidus Loungeboot - BAR  (2023)

From €2,286 per day, with click& boat on germany's inland waters.

Germany is located in Central Europe and therefore borders many different countries, such as Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Denmark, and a few others. However, Germany also has direct access to the North and Baltic Seas. There are many lakes and rivers within the country, which are used for idyllic hikes, but are also a beautiful destination for boat trips. This means you can rent a wide variety of boats along Germany's inland waterways. The Mecklenburg Lake District is particularly popular because boats can be driven here without a license. However, as soon as there is a lot of traffic on the inland waters, at least the official recreational boat license is mandatory. At Click&Boat you will find various boats, such as motorboats, sailing yachts, catamarans or RIBs.

But not only are the Brandenburg water landscapes even closer than the Mecklenburg lake world. Crossed by lakes, rivers and canals, the area around Berlin attracts more and more tourists every year. Many people choose to rent a houseboat and completely immerse themselves in nature. You can also rent motorboats in Berlin itself or go on a short sailing trip just outside.

How much does it cost to rent a boat in Berlin?

The prices for renting a boat in Berlin can vary greatly. Basically, a boat in Berlin costs an average of around €260 per day.

Factors that influence the price include the type of boat, the age of the boat, the model and the size to be named. It is also important which season you want to rent the boat! In the low season you can often find cheaper offers and of course the booking period also plays a role. In spring you can benefit from great discounts.

HouseboatYou can rent a houseboat in Berlin for just €129 per day! For a week's holiday on the water, prices start at €901 in the low season and €1,807 in the high season.

You can have fun with water sports on a small motorboat! Whether it's water skiing or wakeboarding, there's a lot to try out. Boat rental in Berlin offers you all of these options and many more.

What is there to see in Berlin?

But what can you visit once you've tied up your boat and are ready for a walk? Make sure that you don't dock far from the center and then the most important sights of Berlin are actually not far away.

• Are you hungry? Then just get yourself a portion (or two) of the famous Berliner Currywurst at one of the numerous snack bars! Afterwards you are strengthened and can begin your tour full of energy.• The TV tower at Alexanderplatz - Two birds with one stone. Enjoy the hustle and bustle in one of Berlin's most famous and lively squares or climb high up the television tower and marvel at the 360 ​​degree view of the capital from the top of the television tower.< br>• Let's move on to the postcard motifs par excellence! The Reichstag and the Brandenburg Gate. You can either take funny photos or get information during a 90-minute tour of the Reichstag.• Then stroll through the Nikolaiviertel and past the red town hall . Narrow streets, cozy houses and idyll. Leave the noisy capital and visit Berlin's oldest residential district. A hotspot for history and culture.

• Are you hungry? Then just get yourself a portion (or two) of the famous Berliner Currywurst at one of the numerous snack bars! Afterwards you are strengthened and can begin your tour full of energy.

• Are you hungry? Then just get yourself a portion (or two) of the famous

at one of the numerous snack bars! Afterwards you are strengthened and can begin your tour full of energy.

Boat rental in BrandenburgA boat rental in Brandenburg offers a wide selection of boats for Adventure on the picturesque waters of the region.

Rent a boat on Lake ConstanceIf you want to explore Lake Constance, you can easily rent a boat and enjoy the breathtaking landscape from the water.

Rent a boat on Lake Constance

  • Boote mieten in Potsdam In Potsdam stehen zahlreiche Boote zur Miete bereit, um die historischen Kanäle und Seen der Stadt und ihrer Umgebung zu erkunden.

Urlaub auf den Berliner Gewässern mit Click&Boat

Bei Click&Boat finden Sie das exakt passende Angebot für diesen Ausflug und können somit dem Berliner Großstadtleben für eine Weile entkommen und auf ruhigen Wegen die Stadt betrachten. Dafür müssen Sie sich lediglich ein Profil anlegen und können anschließend alle Vorteile der Plattform nutzen. So können Sie beispielsweise die Bootsvermieter Ihres Traumbootes direkt im integrierten Nachrichtendienst kontaktieren und alle Fragen dort klären. Das Angebot wird erst nach Annahme bindend, sodass genügend Zeit bleibt, erst alle wichtigen Dinge zu besprechen. Boot mieten in Berlin geht am besten mit Click&Boat!

Frequently Asked Questions about Berlin

How much does it cost to rent a boat in berlin for a day.

The average cost of renting a boat in Berlin is around €260 per day. Various factors can influence the cost of a boat charter, such as the season, the year the boat was built, and the equipment. The prices can vary between €50 and €2,700 per day.

Is it possible to rent a boat with skipper in Berlin?

It is possible to rent a boat with skipper in Berlin. On Click&Boat, there are 5 boats in Berlin where a skipper is available. However, please note that this comes at an additional cost, which is on average €219 per day.

Can I add equipment like snorkel gear, SUP boards or a wakeboard to my boat rental in Berlin?

Many owners offer various extras that you can add to your booking in Berlin. This can be for example Bathing, Cockpit table or Bimini.

How many cabins does a boat have in Berlin?

Boats in Berlin have an average of 2 cabins. If you travel with a large group, you can book boats with up to 4 cabins.

Can you rent a boat in Berlin without a license?

In Berlin there are 21 boats that you can rent without a license. You can also rent many boats with a skipper.

Good to know

Number of boats:67 boats available
Types of boats:Motorboat, Houseboat, Catamaran
Average price: €260 per day
Minimum price: €50 per day
Maximum price: €2,700 per day
Manufacturers:Marinello, Bavaria, and more

Charter a boat near Berlin

In Berlin, privately owned yachts are available for charter. See other yachts in the area.

Charter another yacht type in Berlin

Are you interested in other yachts besides boat in Berlin? Look up at other yachts to charter on our website

yacht shop berlin

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Boat on Landwehrkanal in Kreuzberg Berlin

Ship ahoy! Boat tours and boat rental

A Berlin city tour with a difference: explore the capital in a new way on a boat trip in Berlin on the Spree, Havel or Müggelsee. The boat tour on the Spree is a good start for a sightseeing tour. On the daily boat trips in the city center you will see the Museum Island, the TV Tower and the government district. Out into the countryside goes the Spree cruise to the Müggelsee and the Havel. For romantics, the moonlight cruise by boat is recommended. Or you can take a Hop On Hop Off bus tour including a boat tour, where you can hop on and off at any time.

You can book tickets for boat tours comfortably with us.

The Peacock Island at Wannsee

7 Lakes Boat Tour from Wannsee

Tickets & dates

Badefahrt Seminarschiff

Boat and swimming trip to Liebesinsel island in Berlin

Exclusiv Yachtcharter

Berlin city boat trips 1 to 2 1/4 hours

Location Berlin-Cityschiffsfahrten Holsteiner Ufer 42 10557 Berlin Berlin-Cityschiffsfahrten Holsteiner Ufer 42 10557 Berlin

Details & booking

Catamaran of the shipping company Stern und Kreisschiffahrt

2 hours with the solar catamaran along the East Side Gallery in the green east of Berlin

Moonlight cruise with Seminarschiff

2,5 hour romantic moonlight cruise on the river Spree

AHOI Yachting Winkler

AHOI Yachting Günther Winkler

Location AHOI Yachting Günther Winkler Stubenrauchstrasse 12161 Berlin AHOI Yachting Günther Winkler Stubenrauchstrasse 12161 Berlin

The boat BärLiner in Berlin-Mitte

2.5-hour boat trip through the east of Berlin inclusive government district

Berlin Spree Cruise by night

2.5h from Friedrichstraße: Evening boat tour through Berlin

Spree & Havelschiffahrt. Berlin

Experience Berlin in a unique way with a boat trip on the Spree

Bustour Berlin

24h ticket - Hop-On/Hop-Off bus tour including 1-hour boat trip on the Spree river

Rübezahl jetty for boat trip or boat tour

3.5-hour trip on the Spree river to Müggelsee lake

Ship of the Reederei Winkler in the government district in Berlin

3.75 hours long bridge trip over Spree & Landwehrkanal

Spree cruise on the solar catamaran in Berlin

Climate neutral with the Solar Yacht through Berlin

The ship Havel Queen at the Tegel Lake

Discovery Tour along the Havel lakes

Sightseeing Point Berlin

Really close: Guided walking city tours

 A couple on a boat trip with Reederei Winkler in Berlin

The classic: 1-hour boat tour in the central city center

Boats on the Spree at the Oberbaumbrücke in Berlin Kreuzberg

Top 11 boat trips in Berlin

Potzdamer Platz vom Bus

Watch all highlights: Sightseeing tours by bus through Berlin

yacht shop berlin

Charter boats - search

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Berlin yacht charter - boat rental - boats for rent

Linssen GS 35.0 AC Intero

Linssen GS 35.0 AC Intero

Add to watchlist

Tom Sawyer Floß TS 550

Add to watchlist

Galeon 425 HTS


Haines 1070

Linssen Yachts 35 SL AC

Linssen Yachts 35 SL AC


Linssen Yachts Grand Sturdy 40.0 AC Intero


Flexmobil 9.0

Proficiat Retro 1025

Proficiat Retro 1025

Keser-Hollandia 40 C

Keser-Hollandia 40 C

Stillo 30

Delphia Bluescape 1200 Fly

* berlin yacht charter * boats for rent * boat rental berlin *, yacht charter and boat rental - berlin and other - boats for rent, * berlin yacht charter * boat rental berlin * boats for rent *.


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yacht shop berlin

Designed as a private yacht, the Fitzgerald presents itself with a stylish and refined setting of leather, panelled mahogany and brass. The motor yacht, built in the style of a classic wooden yacht, has space for up to 35 day guests. In addition to the large saloon there are 3 cabins with a total of 6 beds, 2 bathrooms and a large teak sundeck. The quarterdeck is covered and heated as are the inner areas.

Length: 17m / Width: 5m / Draught: 1,3m Steel hull with mahogany superstructure and decks Capacity depending on usage: max. 35 people 6-cylinder-diesel / 6 liter cubic capacity / 210 HP

Master-Cabin: Bed 1,60m x 2,00m with bath en suite / TV / Entertainment Cabin 2: Bed 1,40m x 2,00m Cabin 3: Bed 0,70m x 2,00m and Bed 0,70m x 2,00m


  • Boats for Sale

New and used boats for sale in Berlin, Germany

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Pedro (NL) Pedro Stahlyacht

Find your dream on TheYachtMarket today. Berlin, We have brokers and sellers in Germany at great prices.

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How to find and apply the right antifouling for your boat.

How to find and apply the right antifouling for your boat.

Antifouling basics, how to paint correctly, videos and much more.

How to choose the right life jacket?

How to choose the right life jacket?

Find out all about life jackets here.

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The detailed photos and product videos in our online shop make it almost as if you were holding the items in your hand. The products are accompanied by comprehensive technical information, operating instructions, detailed drawings and instructions for installation and usage. With our spare parts finder you will quickly and easily find the right spare part. Thanks to our chart finder you can find out which electronic charts are compatible with your chart plotter and which paper chart is the right one for you. Get an idea of the quality of our products and services - with over 80,000 real product reviews from other water sports customers! Do you have a question about a specific item? Get answers and opinions from other sailors and motorboaters who have already purchased the same product with our Customers-Ask-Customers feature!

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Boat Rental and Yacht Charter in Berlin

Boats and Yacht Charter in Berlin

43 boats available

Hero image

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 8.0 · 2021

Marina stadthafen hennigsdorf, berlin hennigsdorf, germany.

  • 8.75 m long
  • No license required

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 9.0 · 2021 (0)

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 9.0 · 2021

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 10.0 · 2022 (0)

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 10.0 · 2022

  • 10.3 m long

Can't find what you want? Talk to our holiday planners today.

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 9.0 · 2020 (0)

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 9.0 · 2020

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 9.0 · 2020 (0)

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 11.0 · 2022

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 9.0 · 2019 (0)

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 9.0 · 2019

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 10.0 · 2022 (0)

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 11.0 · 2023

Motorboat Delphia Escape 800 · 2014 (0)

Motorboat Delphia Escape 800 · 2014

  • Captain optional
  • 30 hp engine

Houseboat Flexmarine Flexmobil 11.0 · 2022 (0)

Exclusive Deals

Take your boat holidays to the next level with exclusive boat deals featuring free and exciting add-ons!


Frequently asked questions

Once we receive your request, we will confirm the availability of the boat, as well as check for alternative ones. To ensure your experience is the best it can be, we may contact you to discuss your request in detail. Let us do the research for you - free of charge.

You can get in touch with the captain as soon as you’ve completed your booking. Our captains are highly qualified and knowledgeable about their locality.

The Charter Fee is an additional, obligatory cost, which typically includes the end cleaning of the boat, home port fees, and linen & towels. The details of the charter fee differ depending on the boat, location and charter partner.

There are marina fees and fuel costs which vary depending on the type, duration and location of your sailing holiday. Marina fees need to be paid at each marina you choose to dock overnight - the amount varies but you may be able to find this information in advance by contacting the marinas directly. Fuel costs depend on whether you’re sailing a motorboat or a sailboat. You can estimate fuel costs by double-checking your chosen boat’s engine, and the expected distance you aim to sail.

Sailing Guide Berlin

Rent a boat in Berlin if you want to experience a boating holiday that’s a little bit different to your regular sailing holiday. Unlike popular Mediterranean locations, the weather in Berlin can sometimes be unpredictable, even in summer. Rent a houseboat to make yourself feel at home even when you're on the move.

Things to do and see when sailing in Berlin

Berlin is not only THE party capital, but offers so much culture, art, entertainment and politics. As the capital of Germany and due to its size, this is definitely not surprising.

Activities in Berlin

Visit the Reichstag - this includes a tour of the dome, of course.

Discover street art at the East Side Gallery , an old part of the Berlin Wall placed on the north side of the river Spree

The Brandenburg Gate is a must-see on a holiday in Berlin. Take a photo in front of the city's famous landmark

The TV Tower at Alexanderplatz is Berlin's tallest building. Since the 1960s, visitors get to enjoy the panoramic view of the city

Time to go shopping! Browse through one of the many vintage shops Berlin has to offer. Of course, a visit to Humana is a must! This second-hand shop has cult status

On Museum Island you will find some interesting museums that will make the hearts of many art lovers and history nerds beat faster. The Alte Nationalgalerie (Old National Gallery) displays beautiful paintings, find admirable ancient treasures in the Pergamonmuseum and Byzantine art in the Bode Museum

Commemorate the murdered Jews when walking alongside the Holocaust memorial near the Brandenburg Gate . A quick tip: There is a museum in the basement that tells the story of the Shoah.

On a Sunday, you should definitely visit the flea market at Mauerpark . Shop handmade works of art while experiencing some amazing live music.

The Nowkoelln flea market on Maybachufer is also always worth a visit

The Charlottenburg Palace Gardens are not only worth a visit for history buffs. Stroll along small paths and special statues

If you need a break from shopping and strolling through the many museums, you can take a trip to Berlin's Zoological Garden

Rent a boat in Berlin and sail along the Spree. This way you will also pass the most important sights, such as the government district, Museum Island, Berlin Cathedral and the many different parts of the city.

Go to a show of the Gorillas at the Ratibortheater in Kreuzberg . Here you will experience impro-theatre at its best

At Checkpoint Charlie you will not only see remnants of the separation of East and West Berlin, but you will also learn more about the history of the division in the museum next door

If you don't feel like spending more time on your boat, you can easily rent bicycles and explore the parts of the city you can't otherwise reach by boat

Beaches in Berlin

Since Berlin is located on the Spree, but not directly on the sea, the beaches are rather meager. However, there are some beaches, especially in summer, that you can enjoy instead - apart from the lido at Wannsee or Lake Tegel , of course. Along the Havel there are some great sandy beaches that are worth visiting on hot summer days.

If you want to sunbathe away from the crowds on a sandy beach in Berlin, head to Hohenschönhausen . Here you can sunbathe on the beach at Lake Orankesee

The lido at Wannsee is probably one of the most popular beaches in all of Berlin - for good reason! The finest sandy beach, magnificent trees and plenty of space for nude bathers to let off steam

Plötzensee is also a great place to relax. You can even get there almost directly by boat. If you take the branch of the Spree that runs north and directly past the main railway station, you're already on the right track. Located on the other side of the Plötzensee sluise , you can take a break here before continuing your sailing adventure

Restaurants in Berlin

Best casual dining in Berlin:

On the way from underground stop Warschauer Straße to the river Spree you can find Scheers Schnitzel , a restaurant where you can enjoy hearty schnitzels and beer. What better way to end a full day on the water than with a hearty meal?

At Burgermeister Schlesisches Tor you can get extremely tasty burgers at extremely reasonable prices. The joint at the S-Bahn station already has cult status and thus attracts many tourists - don’t worry, it's still worth it

MAMMAM offers delicious Asian food. Try the highly praised Pho ga soup. Located opposite the Museum Island, you can travel back in time with a trip to the various museums before enjoying a delicious meal in the present day

Restaurants with rooftops in Berlin:

Hugo's restaurant does not only shine with a Michelin star, but also with an outstanding view of the whole of Berlin. Enjoy the view AND a delicious meal!

Take a seat on the rooftop terrace of NENI Berlin to enjoy the view of Berlin Zoo. Israeli cuisine brings the Middle Eastern sun straight to your stomach. Be sure to try the falafel here!

Best fine dining in Berlin:

Restaurant Tim Raue is an elegant restaurant located next to Checkpoint Charlie. The hummingbird logo is meant to symbolise freedom. This is reflected in the dishes you can try here

Restaurant Facil with its minimalist interior is just waiting for you to discover it. Simple but elegantly presented dishes make for an unforgettable taste experience.

Bars and Clubs in Berlin

Berlin is above all celebrated for its notorious nightlife. Those who adore techno will definitely have fun here. If you're into other genres of music, you'll have to look further afield in Berlin. Of course, we could just recommend Berghain or KitKat , but the chances of getting in are relatively slim.

Gallery Rooftop Bar at Mercedes Platz offers an excellent view of the Spree. Enjoy a cocktail or beer while enjoying the spectacular view over the city

Biererei Bar & Vintage Cellar is, as the name suggests, a rustic beer bar with modern charm. Enjoy selected beers or a glass of wine in the best atmosphere

An einem Sonntag im August , located in chic Prenzlauer Berg, offers comfortable sofas to relax on. Drop by for a warm cocoa or an elegant cocktail

The Floating Lounge is a bar located directly on the Spree. On Mondays you get to enjoy more than a refreshing drink or a delicious ice cream, you get to experience a fun comedy night

If you prefer a different kind of clubbing in Berlin, you should try to come to KitKat . The pool in the middle of the club is not the only highlight here. By the way, the dress code is always and everywhere black.

Discover historical Berlin

Berlin's eventful history began in the Middle Ages, when the city was first mentioned in 1244. The Julius Tower , which was built in the 13th century, is Berlin's oldest building that is still standing. It can still be visited today.

Frederick the Great, one of the most famous rulers of Prussia and thus also of Berlin, is immortalised in several places with a statue. They are generally located in spots you will pass by anyway. One of them is on Unter den Linden . An avenue that leads you from the Museum Island directly to the Brandenburg Gate . The Brandenburg Gate was completed in 1793 and has been the centre of various historical events throughout its history.

On your sailing trip along the Spree, you are sure to pass the Oberbaum Bridge , which connects Friedrichshain with Kreuzberg . It was built between 1894 and 1896 and was not only a bridge over which cars drove, but also the first Berlin underground line.

When you think of Berlin, you probably also think directly of the city's turbulent history in the 20th century. Many buildings that were still standing until the beginning of the Second World War either no longer exist or have been rebuilt. This is also reflected in the architecture of the city - especially if you simply sail along the Spree.

Discover mystical Berlin

At first glance, Berlin seems to be a city that shows itself exactly as it is - nothing hidden, nothing to hide, simple and direct. But even here there are some myths and legends that are told over and over again.

One of these legends talks about two witches who are said to have lived in the town in 1553. They are said to have been known to conjure up storms, snow and ice with crazy methods. One day they even kidnapped a baby, which they boiled in a soup. The mother found her dead baby in the broth, reported it and the two witches were punished by death and burned in front of everyone.

Sailing conditions in Berlin

When thinking of a sailing holiday in Europe, you probably imagine the North Sea or the Mediterranean , but not Berlin. We'll now reveal why it's still worth renting a boat in Berlin despite the northern European climate.

Sure, the winters are extremely cold and there can be ice on the rivers, but you can rent a boat in summer as well as in winter. In general, you should also be careful if you are not so familiar with Berlin's waters, because some places can suddenly become quite shallow. Therefore, make sure you have a brand-new map of the waters with you at all times. You will not only ensure the safety of the boat, but also the safety of everyone on board.

How much does it cost to rent a boat in Berlin?

Renting a boat in Berlin doesn't have to be expensive. On average, it only costs around 44 EUR per person per day to rent a houseboat in Germany . Renting a sailboat in Germany costs an average of EUR 36 per person per day. A motorboat is already available at an average price of 36 EUR per person and day. In other countries of the world, motorboats are often the most expensive option, but this is not necessarily the case here, as long as you do not choose the most luxurious option.

Do I need a boat licence to rent a boat in Berlin?

Normally, you don't need a boat licence to rent a houseboat in Germany. In Berlin, however, things are a little different. Here you must have a boat licence to steer a houseboat. If you don't have one, you can learn everything there is to learn to start your boating holiday within just a few hours with the help of the charter.

If you want to sail through Berlin's waters, you need a boat licence called Sportbootführerschein Binnen Segel .

In many places in the city you also need to be in possession of a VHF radiotelephone certificate , for example in the waters near the government quarter.

Which boat is best for sailing in Berlin?

Which boat you should go with on your boating holiday in Berlin depends on what kind of sailing holiday you have planned. If you simply want to enjoy a cruise around the city or the surrounding inland waters with the comfort of a small house, you should opt for a houseboat. If you like fast boats that offer lots of comfort, a motorboat is the right choice for you. If you enjoy the sailing experience more than anything else, then you should rent a sailboat .

Rent a houseboat in Berlin

Pros of renting a houseboat in Berlin

A houseboat is a great way to spend a boating holiday in Berlin . Houseboats are literally small houses that are located on the water. Many of them even have a fireplace to keep you warm in winter. In summer, you can sunbathe on the roof terrace instead. Because houseboats are very spacious, you can totally relax and enjoy even more comfortably than in many hotels.

Many houseboat charters also allow animals on board. Unlike many other countries and boats, your beloved four-legged friend will find a place on a boat in Germany and does not have to be left behind while you enjoy your well-deserved holiday.

Houseboats are also perfect for sailing in shallow waters, so you can either make excellent progress on the Spree or the Havel, or simply rent a boat on one of the many lakes. The Febomobil 1180 - 2016 houseboat is particularly popular and can be rented from Lake Zeuthen . It offers space for up to seven people and as a great feature you have a sun deck where you can sizzle in the sun all day.

Cons of renting a houseboat in Berlin

Unlike in other places in Germany, you need a boat licence to drive a houseboat in Berlin . At first, this may be a disadvantage for many, as in other places in Germany it is much easier to rent a houseboat and simply get going.

If you are planning a boating holiday with children , houseboats are probably not the best choice. Children can fall into the water quite easily - without you even noticing. Rather rent a houseboat with your friends or family members who are older.

Another disadvantage of renting a houseboat can be the rather bulky structure of houseboats. They can be more difficult to steer than other types of boats. Especially in waters that are a little narrower, it can sometimes be problematic.

Rent a sailboat in Berlin

Pros of renting a sailboat in Berlin

When you think about renting a sailboat in Berlin , you probably don't think of many good reasons straight away, because you don't associate the city with it. But Berlin is a great place to sail. Discover the city in a completely different way. However, sailing is mainly about the experience of sailing and not so much about relaxing and reaching a certain destination. That's why you should rent a sailing boat on one of the lakes rather than on one of the rivers. Lake Pichels is an excellent place for sailing.

One of the most popular sailing boats is the Delanta 80 - 2008 , which can accommodate a maximum of four guests. A special icing on the cake is the cooker on board, which you would not expect at first glance of the boat and its size.

Cons of renting a sailboat in Berlin

One of the disadvantages of hiring a sailboat is that there can always be shallow spots in the waters. There is a danger that the keel of a sailboat can reach too deep and not only damage the sailboat, but also put everyone on board in danger.

In addition, with a sailboat you are always dependent on the wind. If it suddenly stops blowing, you may suddenly be stuck on the water and have to wait until it starts blowing again.

Rent a motorboat in Berlin

Pros of renting a motorboat in Berlin

If you want to rent a motorboat in Berlin , you're probably more the type who likes to be relaxed and well-equipped, but still wants to cruise around at full throttle. Motorboats get you from A to B quickly and are generally more manoeuvrable than other types of boats. This makes them faithful companions, especially in more complex waters.

Another advantage of motorboats is that they are often more comfortable and luxuriously equipped than other types of boats. The motorboat named Motorboat Nautiner 40 - 2015 impresses with its inviting deck, where you can enjoy your meals in sunny weather. When you're done eating, stay right here to continue chatting with your friends or read a good book. There is room for up to six guests on the boat.

Cons of renting a motorboat in Berlin

One of the disadvantages of renting a motorboat in Berlin is the fact that this type of boat uses a lot of fuel. This can be expensive and you might be surprised by a big bill at the end of your trip - especially considering the ever-increasing fuel prices.

Chartern a luxury yacht in Berlin

Charter a luxury yacht in Berlin if you want to spend a holiday where you don't have to sacrifice anything. Sleep in comfortable rooms and dine in comfortable quarters. Of course, a luxurious boat should not be without a sun deck where you can simply switch off and bask in the sun.

Charter a luxury yacht in Berlin

Sailing routes in Berlin

In and around Berlin there are many exciting routes you can take on your sailing trip. Sail along the Spree, discover the Havel or let yourself drift somewhere else entirely.

If you want to see the city from a different perspective, you should definitely plan your sailing route so that you sail from Spandau past the government district with the Chancellery and the Reichstag . From there, you'll sail past Museum Island and the Berlin Cathedral . Once you have left these narrow sections of the Spree behind you, you now have more space on your way to the east of Berlin . From the boat you have a magnificent view of the city and even sail under the Oberbaum Bridge . The view of the Molecule Man is a special highlight to see from onboard the boat. Then take the connecting canal to the Teltow Canal . From the Neukölln-Unterhafen , where you have to pass through a sluice, you end up on the Landwehrkanal . Enjoy the beautiful view you can admire here. From here you can easily get back to Spandau.

If you want a little more peace and quiet and would rather escape the city hustle and bustle than plunge into it completely, you can enjoy your sailing trip on the Havel from Potsdam or on one of Berlin's many lakes. The best place for sailing is Lake Pichelssee, for example.

Sailing locations in Berlin

Rent a boat in Berlin

Rent a boat in Berlin Müggelsee

Rent a boat in Berlin Zeuthen

Rent a boat in Berlin Hennigsdorf

Rent a boat in Berlin Spandau

Rent a boat in Berlin Grunewald

Rent a boat in Berlin Wannsee

Rent a boat in Berlin Spree

Rent a boat in Potsdam

Discover Borrow A Boat

  • Berlin Houseboat
  • Berlin Motorboat
  • Berlin Speedboat
  • Berlin Grunewald
  • Berlin Spandau
  • Berlin Spree
  • Henningsdorf Berlin
  • Mueggelsee Berlin
  • Wannsee Berlin
  • Zeutzen Berlin
  • Brandenburg

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Sailing in Germany - Charter a Boat on the North Sea, Baltic Sea or inland waters

Boat rental and yacht charter | Yachtico.com

Boats for rent in: Germany

Sailing yacht Cyclades 43 available for charter in Heiligenhafen

With coasts on the North Sea and Baltic Sea , countless inland rivers, and Lake Konstanz in the south, Germany is an excellent choice for a unique boating holiday.

A jewel in Western Europe

The country features a varied selection of lovely ancient towns through which to stroll and bustling cities with lots of nightclubs and even more history for an exciting break on land during your unforgettable sailing holiday.  Nestled in Western Europe between France to the southwest, Poland to the east, Denmark and Scandinavia in the north, and many smaller countries in the west, south, and southeast, Germany offers a wide variety of sailing opportunities to those who visit. There are more than 800 boats available to charter in the country, and each kind can lend itself to a different adventure. 

Houseboat charter is getting famous

For a tour of inland Germany, hiring a houseboat in the northeastern state of Brandenburg offers unique sailing opportunities and countless beautiful landscapes. Brandenburg has more water than any other state in the country, which makes for many possibilities for a sailing holiday there. The many lakes in the region provide stunning landscapes and breathtaking sunsets, and are places to relax and enjoy the quiet that water inspires. However, Brandenburg’s close proximity to Germany’s capital city, Berlin , means you can combine a relaxing vacation with a visit to an exciting, bustling, history-packed city. You don’t even need to leave your boat behind to do it: you can sail from Brandenburg’s waterways to the Spree and through the center of the nation’s capital. Have a look here for a suggested boating itinerary around Brandenburg and Berlin . 

Sailing in the Baltic Sea - A charter area for beginners and professionals alike

A motorboat charter from Buchholz by the Müritz in the Mecklenburg Lake District is a fantastic way to see the lovely lakes that litter the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern region. Located at the very southern tip of the Müritz, Buchholz is a great starting point to steer your motorboat up to the main part of the lake with a stop on Rechlin’s lovely beaches. Alternatively, you could stay in the immediate vicinity and use the waterways connecting the smaller Müritzsee to Im Langen Ort, Nebel, and Langhagensee and enjoy the tranquility of these breathtaking lakes and their idyllic surroundings. A sailing boat rental on the island of Fehmarn off the eastern coast of Schleswig-Holstein on the Baltic Sea is perhaps one of the best ways to see the beauty of the area and spend a summer holiday. An enchanting island and destination all by itself, Fehmarn also sets you up perfectly for a longer cruise along many countries’ coastlines. The shores of Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Poland are all excellent destination possibilities when Fehmarn serves as the starting point.

Habours and marinas

Marinas and Anchorages With so many lakes, rivers, and seas to choose from, Germany also has plenty of marinas to serve sailors’ needs. With marinas in more than 170 towns and cities in the country, you won’t be left hanging. For a stop on the resort island Rügen, you can dock at Marina Wiek for a well-equipped facility: the marina features electricity on the docksides, showers and bathrooms, places to eat, shop and do laundry, internet connections, a playground, and more. Marina Bensersiel on the North Sea features some of the same amenities, plus the ability to fuel your boat if it requires diesel. At Marina Brandenburg in Havel you will also find laundry, restaurants, Internet, and electricity, as well as a yacht shop should you need any repairs, and a WC waste tank. All of these marinas, as well as many more, are in truly beautiful regions of Germany. Havel, located in Brandenburg just southwest of Berlin, is a lovely place to have some relaxation but also to enjoy the excitement and history with which Berlin is positively bursting. 

Climate & Weather in Germany

Climate and Weather Due to its position in central Europe, the weather in Germany tends to vary from year to year. The dry air masses from the Continental side affect the country, as doe the maritime air masses coming from the Atlantic. The result tends to be a moderate climate with rain throughout the year, rather than one rainy season. The spring is usually the most unpredictable in Germany, as a beautiful, warm, sunny one can follow a rainy, cold, windy day. There is a saying that goes, “April, April, der macht, was er will!” which translates essentially as “April does what it wants”. May, however, tends to be beautiful and warmer, with less rain than in the month before. The summer months in Germany can get hot, but they also are the height of precipitation in the country. The temperatures are usually between about 22º and 30ºC (72º-86ºF), and humidity levels can be quite high, meaning afternoon thunderstorms are always a possibility. The Rhine and Moselle areas are particularly pleasant in the summer, and would be excellent regions to experience by chartered boat. The fall and winter in Germany go back to temperatures not as pleasant for outdoor activities. There are sometimes Indian Summers stretching into October, where people sit outside in the sunshine and enjoy a drink or meal, but in November the days become shorter again, paired with foggy, cold and wet weather. The winters can be mild or very cold, depending on the year, and feature varying amounts of snow, depending on the region. The best times for a sailing trip in Germany or along one of its coasts are late spring, summer, and early fall. Though precipitation is at its peak in the summer, it is less unpredictable than in early spring. The temperatures and calmer weather patterns in these seasons will make for a lovely sailing holiday in one of the finest destinations, which has a huge variety of cultural experiences to offer.

Sailing Germany

  • Sailing Germany Baltic Sea
  • Sailing Mueritz
  • Sailing Ruegen
  • Sailing Schleswig Holstein
  • Berlin City
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  • Heiligenhafen
  • Neustrelitz
  • Langenargen
  • Brandenburg an der Havel
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  5. Berlin boat rental

    Berlin Water Map. The water map covers all Berlin waters and contains a lot of useful information. Popular boating areas are Lake Müggelsee in the east of Berlin and Lake Tegel, Lake Wannsee and the Havel River in the west. By the way, you can anchor and swim almost everywhere. Most boats also have a grill on board.

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