
The Top 10 Most Epic Sailing Races in the World

Jacob Collier

January 26, 2024

‍ Key Takeaways

  • The world's most epic sailing races challenge competitors with extreme conditions.
  • These top 10 sailing events attract participants from experienced professionals.
  • The races are not only thrilling for participants but also create memorable experiences.

‍ Are you looking for the top-most epic sailing races in the world? Let’s walk you through races that might strike your fancy and make you want to try.

The best epic sailing races are the Volvo Ocean Race, America's Cup, Barcolana Regatta, Fastnet Race, Vendée Globe, Transpac Race, Rolex Middle Sea Race, Around the Island Race, Cowes Week, and Cape2Rio Yacht Race. These races define sailing's pinnacle of challenge and adventure.

As an avid sailor with decades of firsthand experience and a deep passion for the sport, I've navigated the world's most challenging waters. My expertise and insights into these epic sailing races are rooted in a genuine love for the sea.

Table of contents

‍ The Top Most Epic Sailing Races in World Racing

Sailing races have long captured the imagination of sailors and enthusiasts alike, showcasing the skill, endurance, and prowess of competitors as they navigate some of the world's most challenging waters. Uniting past and present, these epic sailing events not only pay homage to the golden age of sailing but also push the boundaries of modern technology and tactics with breathtaking competition.

As the world's top sailors and vessels gather to partake in these races , fans and spectators are treated to memorable performances on the open seas. These events draw sailors of all levels, from experienced professionals to amateur weekend warriors, all dreaming of triumph in the ultimate tests of skill, strategy, and courage.

Here's a table comparing the key features of the top epic sailing races in the world:

Race Location Distance (Approx.) Race Type Notable Challenge
Global 45,000+ Nautical Miles Around-the-World Extreme conditions, Southern Ocean leg
Varies N/A Match Racing Cutting-edge yacht technology, historic rivalry
Gulf of Trieste, Italy 16 nautical miles Round-the buoys race The mass race starts with over 5000 boats at the starting
Cowes, England 605 Nautical Miles Offshore Fast-changing weather, rocky Irish west coast
Global 24,000+ Nautical Miles Solo, Non-stop Solo circumnavigation, extreme isolation
Los Angeles to Honolulu 2,225 Nautical Miles Offshore Tradewind sailing, Pacific crossing
Malta ~606 Nautical Miles Offshore Mediterranean winds, scenic course
Isle of Wight, England ~50 Nautical Miles Inshore Challenging tidal currents, iconic coastline
Cowes, Isle of Wight, England N/A Multi-class regatta Large fleet sizes with over 2000 boats participating
Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro ~3,600 Nautical Miles Offshore Atlantic crossing, diverse conditions

1. The Volvo Ocean Race

Volvo Ocean Race

The Volvo Ocean Race is one of the most epic sailing races in the world. Spanning nearly 45,000 nautical miles, it tests the stamina and skill of the world's best sailors. With its route incorporating the planet's most challenging waters, this race has a rich history and significance in the realm of sailboat racing.

Race Distance

The Volvo Ocean Race, previously known as the Whitbread Round the World Race, covers a staggering 45,000 nautical miles, making it a sailing marathon on the water. The race is held every three to four years and attracts professional sailors who aim to tackle this grueling course.

Route Challenges

The race route poses a multitude of challenges to participants. From navigating the chilly Southern Ocean to maneuvering around treacherous Cape Horn, sailors face diverse and unforgiving conditions continuously.

Some of the route challenges include:

  • Dodging icebergs in the Southern Ocean
  • Tackling strong winds and rough seas at Cape Horn
  • Enduring the doldrums near the Equator
  • Managing tight and tactical routes through the Mediterranean

Historical Significance

The Volvo Ocean Race was initially started in 1973 as the Whitbread Round the World Race and has been held every few years since then. The race is a prestigious event attracting Olympic champions, record-breakers, and pioneers from the sailing world.

The Ocean Race is currently the world's longest and toughest professional sporting event, and winning the race is the ultimate dream for any professional sailor.

One of the most significant aspects of this race is that it pushes endurance and technology to new heights. Innovations in areas like set sail design, navigation, and boat construction are often stimulated by the demands of the race.

2. America's Cup

America's Cup

One of the biggest races on the international sailing calendar, the America's Cup is a test of skill and endurance for sailors. It also showcases technological advancements and human achievement, especially in maritime technology. The race's historical significance and the unique challenges it presents make it one of the most epic sailing races in the world, attracting the best talent and capturing the imagination of sailing enthusiasts worldwide.

The America's Cup is one of the most prestigious sailing races in the world, attracting top talent and showcasing fascinating innovations in yacht design. The race distance varies depending on the specific competition and location, but regardless of the length, it's always a test of skill and endurance for both the defending champion and the challengers.

The America's Cup race route presents numerous challenges for sailors. Changing weather conditions, difficult currents, demanding tactics and maneuvers, as well as the complexity of operating high-performance sailing yachts make this race very demanding.

Each edition offers unique challenges due to the specific venue, but all of them push sailors to their limits, showcasing their expertise and adaptability.

The America's Cup has a rich history dating back to 1851, when it was originally known as the "R.Y.S. £100 Cup." It was first awarded by the Royal Yacht Squadron for a race around the Isle of Wight in the United Kingdom, won by a schooner named "America."

As the oldest international sporting trophy, the America's Cup holds a special place in the world of sailing and attracts the best of the best, including notable sailors like Sir Ben Ainslie. As for other sailing events on a global scale, races like the Kiel Week and SailGP Series have their own unique characteristics and challenges.

Each race contributes to the rich tapestry of competitive sailing, but the King’s Cup stands out as the pinnacle of the sport, showcasing the epitome of human achievement and ingenuity in the world of sailboat racing.

Some key facts about the America's Cup and other sailing races include:

  • Defender: The current holder of the America's Cup.
  • Challenger: The teams contesting the current holder of the America's Cup.
  • Kiel Week: A prestigious annual sailing event in Germany that is considered the largest sailing event in the world.
  • SailGP Series: A high-speed, global sailing championship featuring cutting-edge technology and intense competition.

3. Barcolana Regatta, Italy

Barcolana Regatta

The Barcolana Regatta is a mass start sailing race held annually in early October in the Gulf of Trieste, Italy, since 1969. Over 5000 boats of various sizes participate in the 16-nautical mile course around weather marks and inflatable buoys. What makes Barcelona unique is its record-breaking mass start, where all boats cross the starting line simultaneously, creating a spectacular sight. It is the largest sailboat race in the world by number of participants.

The main race of the Barcolana Regatta is held over a set distance of 16 nautical miles. All boats sail around a rectangular course in the Gulf of Trieste, rounding six weather marks and navigating through a narrow channel in the middle of the race. With over 5000 boats racing simultaneously over this distance, coordination of the mass start and finish is a major logistical challenge for organizers.

The 16-nautical mile course contains several navigational obstacles that add difficulty. Boats must round six designated weather marks in the Gulf while avoiding other vessels in the massive starting fleet. Navigating the narrow channel that splits the course is especially tricky with thousands of boats around.

Historic Significant

The Barcolana Regatta holds the world record for the largest sailing race by number of participants, with over 5000 boats taking part in the mass start each year. When it began in 1969 in Trieste, Italy, its innovative format of a mass simultaneous start for such a huge fleet racing was truly pioneering and helped make the event iconic. Over the past 50+ years, the Barcolana has grown exponentially in scale and popularity, leaving its indelible mark on the sailing calendar.

4. Fastnet Race

The Fastnet Race, also known as the Rolex Fastnet Race , is one of the most iconic and challenging sailing races in the world. This prestigious event, which takes place every two years, attracts sailors from around the globe who dream of tackling its challenging route and making their mark in sailing history.

The Fastnet Race covers a distance of approximately 608 nautical miles, making it a demanding and thrilling experience for participants. Competing yachts must navigate a complex route that includes several strategic waypoints and natural obstacles.

The Fastnet Race is known for its distinctive route, which begins in Cowes on the Isle of Wight and travels along the southern coast of England towards Land's End. It then heads out to the Irish Sea, where competitors must round the legendary Fastnet Rock before heading back towards the finish line in Plymouth.

Some of the key challenges along the route include:

  • Navigating the Solent: A notoriously tricky stretch of water, the Solent is filled with strong currents and heavy shipping traffic that can be difficult to maneuver through.
  • Tackling Land's End: Rounding this famous headland often presents unpredictable wind and sea conditions that can test even the most experienced sailors.
  • Rounding Fastnet Rock: Located 12 miles off the coast of Ireland, Fastnet Rock is both a breathtaking sight and a formidable navigational challenge. Known as the "Teardrop of Ireland," it marks the halfway point of the race and is a notorious spot for strong tides and rough seas.

The Fastnet Race has a rich history dating back to 1925, when it was first organized by the Royal Ocean Racing Club and the New York Yacht Club. Since then, it has grown in popularity and prestige, attracting an increasingly diverse fleet of boats and participants. Today, it is considered one of the most significant offshore races in the world, with sailors from various backgrounds and skill levels taking part in the event.

Notable moments in Fastnet Race history include:

  • 1979 Disaster: The 1979 race is remembered for a tragic storm that claimed the lives of 15 sailors . This event led to numerous safety improvements within the sport of sailing, ultimately making offshore races safer for future participants.
  • Record-breaking Races: The Rolex Fastnet Race 2023 saw exceptional competition and remarkable performances, with several records being broken throughout the event.

Here’s a table showing the Fastest Finishing Times in Recent Fastnet Races:

Year Yacht Time (DD:HH: MM)
2019 Maxi Edmond de Rothschild 1:04:02:26
2021 Skorpios 1:18:55:20
2023 Caro 1:07:55:50

5. Vendée Globe

Vendée Globe

The Vendée Globe is a prestigious single-handed, round-the-world yacht race that takes place every four years. It is known for being one of the most grueling, most challenging sailing races, attracting the best sailors from around the world.

The Vendée Globe covers approximately 24,000 nautical miles, making it one of the longest sailboat races in the world, according to the Guinness World Record. Sailors typically spend about nine months at sea navigating a demanding course that takes them through multiple climate zones and oceans. The race’s solitary nature adds to the challenge, as sailors must rely on their own sailing skills and resilience to endure long periods of isolation and danger.

This table shows the Vendée Globe Race Distance

Distance Unit
24,000 Nautical Miles

The Vendée Globe is known for its treacherous route that poses a variety of challenges along the way. Competitors must face the unpredictable weather and treacherous seas of the Southern Ocean, which circles the three capes of Good Hope, Leeuwin, and Horn.

They also sail through the notoriously dangerous waters of the North and South Atlantic Oceans, often dealing with intense storms and rapidly challenging conditions.

The Vendée Globe race was first held in 1989-1990, inspired by the 1968 Golden Globe race. The race has since grown in popularity, with each edition drawing more competitors and spectators. With its challenging course and demanding conditions, the Vendée Globe has earned the title of the "world's toughest sailing race" .

Competitors in the race have reached remarkable milestones and set new records for sailing accomplishments, such as the fastest circumnavigation or the highest number of consecutive race completions.

In the race's history, there have been numerous stories of heroism and camaraderie among the sailors. For instance, in the 2020 race, the eventual winner Yannick Bestaven was awarded time redress for his role in the rescue of fellow competitor Kevin Escoffier , demonstrating that even in the harshest of conditions, human connections and shared experiences remain at the heart of the sailing community.

6. Transpac Race

The Transpac Race is a prestigious and challenging sailing season event in the world. It offers participants a chance to test their skills and resolve against the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean.

The Transpacific Yacht Race, commonly known as the Transpac, covers an impressive distance of approximately 2,225 nautical miles. This long journey begins from San Pedro near Los Angeles, California, and ends at Diamond Head, just off the coast of Honolulu, Hawaii. Sailing across the Pacific Ocean is a true test of endurance and strategy for all participants.

The Transpac presents a variety of daunting challenges for sailors, including:

  • Trade Winds: Competitors must navigate through the North Pacific High, a region of high atmospheric pressure that results in light and variable winds. This can be a significant barrier to progress as finding optimum wind conditions becomes crucial.
  • Weather Systems: Sailors may encounter unpredictable shifts in weather conditions. Tropical storms or Pacific cyclones can develop, and participants have to be prepared to adapt their strategies accordingly.
  • Ocean Currents: Ocean currents, such as the California Current and North Equatorial Current, can either aid or hinder progress. It is essential for sailors to understand these currents and their effects on the race.

Since its inception in 1906, the Transpac has showcased the resilience and determination of sailors from around the world. Among its notable achievements are:

  • Fastest Finishes: In 2017, two records were broken. The ORMA 60 trimaran, Mighty Merloe, set the fully crewed multi-hull elapsed time record at four days, 6 hours, 32 minutes, and 30 seconds . Additionally, the monohull yacht Comanche established a new fully crewed monohull elapsed time record of 5 days, 1 hour, 55 minutes, and 26 seconds.
  • Long-Standing Participants: Certain individuals have exhibited remarkable dedication to the race. Roy P. Disney and Gary Weisman each participated in 25 Transpac match races between 1969 and 2021.
  • Youthful Vigor: The youngest crew members to participate in the Transpac were Larry Folsom Jr. (11 years and 35 days old) in 1975 and Virginia Munsey (11 years and 42 days old) in 1957.

7. Rolex Middle Sea Race

Rolex Middle Sea Race

The Rolex Middle Sea Race is undoubtedly one of the most epic sailing races in the world. This prestigious, classic yacht race features a diverse range of sailing conditions, presenting unique challenges for participating sailors and their high-tech racing yachts. The race has a prestigious history and is considered a favorite among sailing enthusiasts.

The Rolex Middle Sea Race consists of a 606-nautical mile (1,122 km) course, testing sailors' abilities, endurance, and navigational skills. The race, therefore, stands out as a rigorous test of sailing prowess and a true adventure for those daring enough to join the challenge.

One of the most captivating aspects of the Rolex Middle Sea Race is its diverse and challenging route. The race starts and finishes in the historic Grand Harbour of Malta and navigates around the world's beautiful Mediterranean Sea, featuring some of the most stunning vistas this region has to offer.

The race takes sailors around Sicily, through the Strait of Messina, around the volcanic Aeolian Islands, past Pantelleria and Lampedusa before the final stretch back to Malta. Sailors in this race encounter numerous navigational challenges, such as unpredictable weather patterns, narrow passages, and strong currents.

The Rolex Middle Sea Race was first established in 1968 by a group of passionate yachtsmen residing in Malta. Over the years, the race has grown in stature and now enjoys international recognition for its unique course and testing nature. Today, it attracts elite sailors from around the globe, contributing to Malta's rich sailing heritage.

8. Around the Island Race (Isle of Wight)

Around the Island Race

The Around the Island Race is an epic sailing race that captivates participants and spectators alike. The Isle of Wight's multifaceted coastline offers thrilling challenges to sailors while also showcasing the beautiful scenery and rich history of the region.

The annual Round the Island Race is a popular one-day sailing event, taking place around the beautiful Isle of Wight, located off the south coast of England. This thrilling competition tests over 1,200 boats and around 10,000 sailors on a course that spans approximately 50 nautical miles (93 km). It stands as one of the largest yacht races globally, as well as the fourth largest participation biennial event in the UK.

As competitors make their way around the island, they encounter a range of route challenges:

  • Tide: Knowledge of tidal currents is crucial for a successful performance, as they can either positively or negatively impact a boat's speed.
  • Wind: The Isle of Wight's varying coastline requires elite and amateur sailors to master quick changes in wind direction and strength.
  • Navigation: Keeping a safe distance from other boats and hazards, like hidden rocks, is essential to avoid collisions or damage.

The first race, Round the Island Race, took place in 1931, and since then, it has grown in popularity and prestige. Held annually in Cowes, the race is organized by the well-respected Island Sailing Club. Cowes Week, an iconic sailing event in the UK, combines tradition with modernity and welcomes all levels of sailors to take part.

9. Cowes Week

The Cowes Week is a prestigious annual sailing regatta held in Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, since 1826. It is one of the oldest and largest yachting events in the world, featuring races over seven days for around 1000 boats of various classes. Cowes Week is known for its lively social scene and the opportunity to watch top-level sailing from the shore.

The races held during Cowes Week cover various distances depending on the boat class, ranging from short windward-leeward courses up to 50 nautical miles. The exact distances change each year depending on weather and tide conditions.

The narrow tidal channels between the Isle of Wight's mainland and surrounding islands present a navigation challenge for sailors. Strong currents, shallow waters, and numerous hazards require precise boat handling and route planning to complete the courses safely within the tidal windows.

Historic Significance

As one of the oldest regattas still held today, Cowes Week has historical significance as the forerunner of modern yacht racing. It helped establish Cowes and the Isle of Wight as a global hub for sailing and yachting in the 19th century. Many famous races and innovations occurred here that shaped the sport.

10. Cape2Rio Yacht Race

The Cape2Rio Yacht Race is a prestigious and challenging sailing event that has attracted participants and spectators worldwide over the past 50 years. This race tests the sailors' endurance and navigational skills as they face unpredictable weather conditions and rough seas on their journey from Cape Town, South Africa, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The Cape2Rio Yacht Race covers a total distance of approximately 3,600 nautical miles, making it one of the longest yacht races in the Southern Atlantic. This race is a true testament to the abilities of the sailors and the seaworthiness of their vessels, taking roughly 14 to 21 days to complete, depending on the weather conditions and boat performance.

The race route presents several challenges for the sailors, who must navigate their way through various obstacles, including

  • The unpredictable and powerful South Atlantic High is a high-pressure system that generates strong winds and heavy swells.
  • The infamous Cape of Good Hope is known for its treacherous waters, strong currents, and rapidly changing weather conditions.
  • The Benguella Current is a cold water current running from Antarctica that can cause hazardous sea states when it encounters opposing winds.
  • The doldrums are an equatorial region characterized by light winds and intense heat, which can test the sailors' patience and stamina.

Since its inception in 1971, the Cape2Rio Yacht Race has a rich history and has seen the participation of some of the world’s most renowned sailors. The race has witnessed remarkable moments and evolved over time as new vessels, innovations, and navigation techniques have taken center stage.

Some notable historical achievements in the race include

  • The all-female team aboard Maiden made history in 1989 by proving that women sailors compete at the highest level of yacht racing in different styles, paving the way for future female sailors
  • The victory of the development crew from the Royal Cape Yacht Club Sailing Academy, who were sponsored by Alexforbes, made a significant impact on the race and yacht racing community in South Africa.
  • It has also surpassed the Hobart Yacht race as one of the most popular sailing races in the southern hemisphere.

Stories that Define Epic Sailing Races

Sailing races are not just about navigating the open sea; they are also about the incredible stories and moments that unfold during these epic adventures.

1. A Race Against Nature

One of the most heart-pounding aspects of sailing races is the unpredictability of the open ocean. We'll share stories of high-stakes rescues where sailors found themselves in dire straits, battling ferocious storms and treacherous conditions. Discover how the camaraderie among competitors often transcends rivalry when lives are on the line.

2. Pushing the Limits

Sailing races have a rich history of record-breaking performances that leave us in awe. We'll explore the jaw-dropping achievements of sailors who pushed the limits of what's possible. From circumnavigating the globe in record time to achieving mind-boggling speeds, these moments of triumph remind us of the boundless human spirit.

3. Legendary Comebacks

In the world of sailing, setbacks are common, but it's the comebacks that truly inspire. We'll recount stories of sailors who faced seemingly insurmountable challenges only to rally and make epic comebacks. These tales of resilience and determination serve as powerful reminders that in sailing, as in life, you should never give up.

4. Photo Finishes

Sailing races often culminate in thrilling photo finishes that keep spectators on the edge of their seats. We'll take you through heart-pounding moments when victory was decided by mere seconds or inches. These races are a testament to the skill, strategy, and nerve required to compete at the highest level.

5. Plot Twists at Sea

No sailing race is complete without a few unexpected plot twists. We'll recount stories of races where unforeseen events turned the tide of sailing competition. Whether it's a sudden shift in the wind, a collision with marine life, or a strategic gamble paying off, these twists add technical elements of suspense and excitement to the races.

Jacob Collier

Born into a family of sailing enthusiasts, words like “ballast” and “jibing” were often a part of dinner conversations. These days Jacob sails a Hallberg-Rassy 44, having covered almost 6000 NM. While he’s made several voyages, his favorite one is the trip from California to Hawaii as it was his first fully independent voyage.

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7 Global Sailing Races to Follow

By: Zeke Quezada, ASA Destinations , Event , Inside Sailing , Sailing Fun

As American Sailing evolves our curriculum to offer more racing options through North U, I am attempting to learn more about sailboat racing. If you are following along with my journey to become a racer, you know that I am a neophyte when it comes to racing. I am a cruiser. I am a self-described “lazy sailor” that does not focus on trimming my sails and instead works on not dropping my chips and salsa while sailing.

You can get an idea of my journey in my last two pieces on sailing and racing:



I plan to find out more about the serious and not-so-serious side of sailboat racing. Many people, even non-sailors, know what the America’s Cup is, and may have even turned on a sports network to catch a SailGP race. But there is far more to sailing races than those two.

Here’s an overview of seven of the big races, regattas, and race series that occur regularly around the world. These are iconic events, both old and new, that shape the world of racing and have inspired sailors for generations to challenge themselves to new heights, both on and off the water.

Cowes Week is one of the oldest and most prestigious sailing regattas in the world, held every August in the Solent waters off Cowes, UK. The event has been around since 1826, and it’s known for attracting some of the best sailors from around the globe. It’s the largest sailing regatta of its kind in the world, with up to 1,000 boats and 8,000 competitors taking part in the 40 daily sailing races.

Whether you’re an Olympic or world-class pro, or just a weekend sailor, Cowes Week is an event that has something for everyone. And even if you’re not into sailing, the regatta is still a spectacle to behold – with stunning views of the coastline and plenty of festivities both on and off the water. 

Once you discover the allure of racing it appears that Cowes Week might be worthy of a sailing vacation that includes either participating in a race or just being involved as a spectator. I am not there yet, but it could happen.

Next Race Date: July 29 – Aug 4, 2023 Cowes Week Website

The Ocean Race

I do know about The Ocean Race only because prior to the new owner taking over, it was the Volvo Ocean Race for twenty years and that is how they got me to buy a Volvo. I walked into the dealership and saw some mesmerizing sailboat pictures and I signed the contract and drove away.  I am a sucker.

The Ocean Race is a round-the-world yacht race that occurs every three years. It’s known as one of the most challenging sailing races globally, spanning over 45,000 nautical miles. The race consists of multiple legs and lasts about nine months. The race starts in Europe and ends in Asia or Oceania. The exact route changes with each edition of the race.

Both professional sailors and amateur sailors can participate in this race. The teams are composed of eight sailors, all racing on the same boats. These boats are specially designed to be fast and robust, capable of enduring the tough conditions of the open ocean.

This race used to be known as the Whitbread Round the World Race until it was renamed the Volvo Ocean Race and now is known as The Ocean Race.

Next Race Date: Currently in progress at the time of the post! The Ocean Race Website

America’s Cup 

My first foray into sailing racing was when Dennis Conner won the America’s Cup.  I was a kid watching the news and learned about sailing through this huge event on the vessel, Stars and Stripes. Years later I took a ride on what I was told was the same boat. I was skeptical about the origin of the vessel I was on but that day I learned a lot about how much I loved the idea of sailing. A couple of years later I bought a boat.

The America’s Cup is held every few years on dates agreed between the defender and the challenger. There is no fixed schedule, but the races have generally been held every three to four years. The most recent America’s Cup match took place in March 2021. 

The 37th America’s Cup Official Opening Ceremony will be held in Barcelona on 22 August 2024. The Final Preliminary Event and the Challenger Selection Series will follow, leading up to the America’s Cup Match that will start on 12 October 2024. During 2023/early 2024, there is potential for up to three preliminary events. By June 2023, all the teams will have their base set up and be training in Barcelona.

The competition takes place between teams representing different countries or yacht clubs. The event involves a series of races where high-tech racing yachts, known as America’s Cup Class boats, compete in head-to-head races that test their speed, agility, and teamwork.

The competition dates back to 1851 when a schooner called America won a race around the Isle of Wight. The trophy, now known as the America’s Cup, was donated to the New York Yacht Club and has since become one of the most prestigious prizes in sailing.

Next Race Date: October 12, 2024 The America’s Cup Website

Vendée Globe

If I was a racer I am sure that The Vendée Globe would be the race that would inspire me to go hard into this type of adventure. The Vendée Globe is a single-handed (solo) non-stop yacht race around the world without assistance. It takes place every four years and is an extreme form of sailing.  It is said that more people have been into space than have finished the Vendee Globe. First held in 1989, the race starts and ends in Les Sables-d’Olonne, a small town on the west coast of France, and covers a distance of approximately 45,000 km.

Sailors must navigate their way through some of the most treacherous waters on the planet, including the Southern Ocean and the Cape Horn. Sailors must rely solely on their own skills, knowledge, and experience to complete the race. They face extreme weather conditions, sleep deprivation, and the constant threat of danger as they navigate their way around the world. 

The boats are designed specifically for the event and are some of the most advanced sailing vessels in the world, capable of speeds of up to 30 knots.

Next Race Date: November 10, 2024 The Vend é e Globe Website

St. Maarten Heineken Regatta

I must confess that I had a very nice t-shirt from this regatta that I purchased at the St. Maarten airport. I was leaving the country and realized that I had not bought any souvenirs so I found this shirt in the terminal and wore it like a proud sailboat racer. I was an imposter, I had never even seen any of the race and I did not know it existed.

The St. Maarten Heineken Regatta is a massive sailing event that takes place on the island of Sint Maarten in the Caribbean. It’s actually the biggest regatta in the Caribbean and the largest warm water regatta in the world.

The event attracts top sailors from 37 countries, who compete in a series of races over four days. The competition draws in sailors that are both professionals and passionate amateurs who just love to sail.

Next Race Date: Feb 29 – Mar 3, 2024 St. Maarten Regatta Website

Transpacific Yacht Race (Transpac)

If you live and sail in Southern California, you will hear about Transpac. I have heard about it, and I did not realize it was a race. I always figured it was a group of sailors who sailed across the Pacific to Hawaii in a large caravan, like a large flotilla, without any daily stops. I will confess that when I sailed my Catalina 27 five times a week, I had a few fantasies about tagging along in my boat and stopping over in Hawaii with the Transpac crowd. But, unfortunately, I was misguided.

The Transpacific Yacht Race (Transpac) is a biennial offshore yacht race held in odd-numbered years starting off the Pt. Fermin buoy in San Pedro, California, and ending off Diamond Head in Hawaii, a distance of around 2,225 nautical miles (2,560 mi; 4,121 km). It is one of the world’s oldest major ocean races for sailing yachts. The race was first held in 1906 and made a biennial event in 1939 to alternate with the Bermuda Race.

Next Race Date: June 27, 2023 TransPac Website

Now in its 4th season, SailGP is a newer series race held as a competition between nations on identical F50 catamarans. Currently the nations competing include Australia, New Zealand, Emirates Great Britain, France, Canada, Denmark, United States, Switzerland, and Spain. The race is held on weekends in iconic locations around the world modeled in a grand prix format similar to Formula 1 in which points accumulate throughout the season based on winnings from each race and contribute toward a championship. 

The race series has a really great app you can use to follow along and watch live, or on YouTube, and they are doing wonderful work expanding the sport’s impact initiatives through their second championship leaderboard that tracks the positive actions the teams make to reduce their overall carbon footprint and help accelerate inclusivity in sailing. The coverage of this series is great to watch – it has a high production value including live mics on the sailors and post race interviews with the sailors. The commentators do a good job educating the audience as to the basics of sailboat racing as well as explaining the racing rules.

Season 4 Opening Race: June 16-17, 2023 Chicago Sail GP Website

So which race strikes your fancy? Here’s hoping you enjoy some of these and find some new inspiration in your sailing journey!

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Latest News: €213 Million Golden Globe Race 2022 Media Value

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GGR winner Kirsten Neuschäfer named female 2023 Rolex World Sailor of the Year

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The Race Returns.

6 september 2026, sailing like it's 1968, follow the race.

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GGR 2026 Trailer

The Golden Globe Race remains totally unique in the world of sailing and stands alone as the longest, loneliest, slowest, most daring challenge for an individual in any sport.

2026 Skippers

Pat Lawless

Pat Lawless

  • Nationality: Irish
  • Country of Entry: IRELAND
  • Boat: Saltram Saga 36

Mike Smith

  • Nationality: Australian / South African
  • Country of Entry: AUSTRALIA
  • Boat: Atkins Eric 32 Suhaili Replica

Matthew Wright

Matthew Wright

  • Nationality: Australian
  • Boat: Rustler 36 Masthead Sloop

sailboat races around the world

Guido Cantini

  • Nationality: Italian
  • Country of Entry: ITALY
  • Boat: Vancouver 34 Classic

Edward Walentynowicz

Edward Walentynowicz

  • Nationality: Canadian
  • Country of Entry: CANADA

Josh Axler

  • Nationality:
  • Country of Entry: USA
  • Boat: Endurance 35

sailboat races around the world

Alan Lillywhite

  • Nationality: British
  • Country of Entry: UNITED KINGDOM
  • Boat: Biscay 36 Sloop

Stephen Wraith

Stephen Wraith

  • Boat: Cape George 36 (Proposed)

Erden Eruc

  • Country of Entry: TURKEY
  • Boat: Biscay 36

Javier Lapresa Rodríguez

Javier Lapresa

  • Country of Entry: SPAIN
  • Boat: Endurance 35 (proposed)

Olivia Wyatt

Olivia Wyatt

  • Boat: Ta Shing Panda 34

Isa Rosli

  • Boat: OE 32

Craig Matt Woodside

Matt Woodside

  • Boat: Cape George 36

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Andrea Lodolo

  • Boat: Rustler 36

sailboat races around the world

Daniel Alfredsson

  • Nationality: Swedish
  • Country of Entry: NORWAY

Andrew Ritchie

Andrew Ritchie

sailboat races around the world

  • Nationality: German
  • Country of Entry: GERMANY

sailboat races around the world

Joel Harkimo

  • Nationality: Finnish
  • Country of Entry: FINLAND

sailboat races around the world

Henry Wootton

  • Boat: Cutter-rigged Cape George 36

Gunnar Christensen

Gunnar Christensen

  • Nationality: USA
  • Boat: Hans Christian 34

Oleg Schmidt

Oleg Schmidt

  • Nationality: Russian

Louis Kerdelhue

Louis Kerdelhué

  • Nationality: French
  • Country of Entry: FRANCE
  • Boat: Biscay 36 Masthead Ketch

sailboat races around the world

Mathys Delmere

  • Nationality: Swiss
  • Boat: Elizabethan 35

sailboat races around the world

Colm Walker

sailboat races around the world

Larry Schmid

  • Nationality: American
  • Boat: Union 36 Cutter

sailboat races around the world

Special Invitation Entry

Confidential entry, the race in numbers.

"When I first heard about the 2018 GGR I thought it was a great idea, why not do it, reach out to people who have the ambition to do something special with their lives." Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Patron of the Golden Globe Race


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Sodebo, vandb: partnering a boat and the vendée globe, how do they complement each other, damien seguin: "feeding off the energy of the olympics".

Text : One globe one ocean, with a texture of sea, and a pinguin

One globe, one ocean

The Vendée Globe aims to use the media impact of the event to raise public awareness of ocean conservation throughout the round-the-world race. By sailing around the world, the Vendée Globe sailors are highlighting the fragility of our oceans faced with global warming. They are direct witnesses to the changes underway, particularly around Antarctica, a region that is under particular threat.

text: mobility. Texture with a seaside landscape and a bicycle

Soft mobility

The Vendée Globe adventure doesn't start in Les Sables d'Olonne! It starts from home, by using a low-carbon mode of transport to get to the race village. The organisers have set up a mobility committee to bring together all the public and private players involved and propose soft mobility solutions for getting to the village.

40 skippers

IMOCA Nexans-Wewise

Fabrice Amedeo

Imoca Fortinet - Best Western

Romain Attanasio

Imoca Stand as one

Éric Bellion

Imoca Maitre Coq 5

Yannick Bestaven

Imoca Charal

Jérémie Beyou

Arnaud Boissières

Arnaud Boissières

Imoca Bureau Vallée

Louis Burton

Imoca Imagine

Conrad Colman


Antoine Cornic

Imoca de Manuel Cousin

Manuel Cousin

Imoca l'Occitane

Clarisse Crémer

Imoca Macif Santé prévoyance

Charlie Dalin

Imoca Initiative Cœur

Samantha Davies


Violette Dorange

Imoca Fives

Benjamin Dutreux


Benjamin Ferré


Sam Goodchild

Imoca Medallia

Oliver Heer


Boris Herrmann


Isabelle Joschke

Imoca Jean le Cam

Jean Le Cam


Tanguy Le Turquais

Imoca Holcim-PRB

Nicolas Lunven

Sébastien Marsset

Sébastien Marsset

Imoca Biotherm en navigation

Paul Meilhat

TeamWork - Team Snef

Justine Mettraux

Imoca Prysman de GianCarlo Pedote

Giancarlo Pedote

Imoca Paprec Arkea

Yoann Richomme

Imoca Hublot

Thomas Ruyant

Damien Seguin

Damien Seguin

Imoca DMG Mori Global One

Kojiro Shiraishi

Imoca Groupe Dubreuil

Sébastien Simon


Maxime Sorel


Guirec Soudée

Imoca D'Ieteren Group

Denis Van Weynbergh

Imoca New Europe

Szabolcs Weöres

Imoca Singchain Team Haikou

What is the Vendée Globe?

The Vendée Globe is a single-handed, non-stop, non-assisted round-the-world sailing race that takes place every four years. It is contested on IMOCA monohulls, which are 18 metres long. The skippers set off from Les Sables-d'Olonne in Vendée and sail around 45,000 kilometres around the globe, rounding the three legendary capes (Good Hope, Leeuwin and finally Cape Horn) before returning to Les Sables d'Olonne. The race has acquired an international reputation, attracting skippers from all over the world. Beyond the competition, it is above all an incredible human adventure.

Stay tuned #VG2024

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The Austrian sailor Lisa Berger from Innsbruck, a former Mini 6.50 sailor, has announced the purchase of an Akilaria RC2 Class40 #93 and has opened up to her round-the world ambitions. “The plan is to do the Globe 40 race with my Co-Skipper Jade, which starts end of August 2025 already! The Globe 40 is a doublehanded race around the world with stopovers, on Class 40s. Lots of work to be done in that short period of time until the start. A big part of it will also be finding sponsors and partners for this Globe 40 project, but we love being busy and focused since everything is possible. After this, my ultimate goal with Wilson is to do the Global Solo Challenge in 2027, which is a solo and nonstop race around the world. That’s the plan!” Lisa Berger. Photo @Lisa Berger.

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At 16:32 local time, July 3rd, after over 277 days from his departure on September 30th last year, Louis Robein has crossed the finish line of the 2023-2024 Global Solo Challenge taking 7th place. A beautiful early summer day with clear skies and a pleasant afternoon breeze created a beautiful backdrop to celebrate Louis’ incredible achievement. Sporting a t-shirt reading “Never underestimate an old man who likes sailing” it was a very proud moment for family, friend, supporters and for the French skipper who has conquered the hearts of a vast public with perseverance and determination through a multitude of setbacks. He once again thanked the generosity of those who helped him after his grounding in the Tierra del Fuego which nearly put an end to his circumnavigation. Louis managed to make essential repairs and restart from Ushuaia whist spring was already giving way to Autumn and it was already showing. He continued his journey north and patiently dealt with tropical calms, light winds around the azores, torn sails and diminishing rations and too little fuel left to produce enough electricity to use the autopilot in light airs when slow speeds had rendered the hydrogenerator inefficient. He arrived in A

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The wind went from strong to very light, giving Louis the chance to deal with his torn headsail, he changed from his genoa to his staysail, the smaller sail he had used in the southern seas. The sail change took place in the midst of the shipping traffic off the coast of Portugal which required extra caution and for a few hours Louis opted to sail back on himself in safe waters whilst tending to the sails. He also had to deal with some problems with a mainsail slug getting stuck in the mast. Now he’s finally ready to take on the last stretch to the finish and with just 130 miles to go his arrival is imminent, although it will all be upwind. I think an arrival on the morning of the 2nd of July is the most likely scenario but we will post updates if this will change. We will be welcoming Louis into the bay of A Coruna live streaming both on our Facebook channel as well as Instagram. Please join us online to give Louis a hero’s welcome.

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Milestone after milestone, mile after mile, Louis Robein is closer to completing his extraordinary circumnavigation with now less than 2000 miles to go. Louis will soon be sailing out of the North East trade winds and will have to deal with the light winds associated with the Azores high although the overall picture does not look too bad for Louis who hopefully will be able to press on without too much time lost in windless calms. We follow Louis daily and are so happy to see him closing in towards the finish.

News Articles

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Professional mariner Fraser Flight enters the Global Solo Challenge 2027-2028

Fraser Light @fraserflight   We’re excited to announce that Fraser Flight, an experienced professional mariner, has officially joined the lineup for the Global Solo Challenge (GSC) 2027-2028, becoming the 8th

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Galician authorities officially welcome the Global Solo Challenge 2027-2028 in Vigo

Real Club Náutico de Vigo – GSC Presentation @Juan Caballero   The presentation held at the Real Club Náutico de Vigo of the Global Solo Challenge 2027/2028 marked a significant

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Inspiring and unstoppable: Louis Robein’s humble triumph wins hearts in the Global Solo Challenge

Louis Robein – Le Souffle de la Mer III @globalsolochallenge   When Louis Robein sailed into A Coruna, clean-shaven and relaxed, it was easy to mistake him for a sailor

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Announcing the 6th Entry for the 2027-2028 Global Solo Challenge

The Global Solo Challenge (GSC) is proud to announce the 6th official entry for the 2027-2028 edition: Belgian sailor Jérôme Delire. With over 100,000 nautical miles sailed and a deep-seated

Skippers' Blogs

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Global Solo Challenge and Cofradía Europea de la Vela in strategic partnership

Francisco Quiroga, president of the Cofradía Europea de la Vela (CEV) and Marco Nannini, organiser of the Global Solo Challenge (GSC)   Following a productive

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Brian Gray enters the Global Solo Challenge 2027-2028

Brian Gray – USA – Pogo 44 Humble Pi   We’re thrilled to introduce the latest entrant in the Global Solo Challenge 2027-2028, which will

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Vigo, July 23rd 12:30 – GSC 2027 Presentation and Press Conference at the RCNV

Tuesday July 23rd at 12:30 I am excited to invite you to the Real Club Náutico de Vigo for the presentation of the 2027-2028 edition

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Night on watch

Hello, The past night was a night on watch. After the cargo ships early in the night, came the fishermen. To make everything even more


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A Deep Dive into the World's Most Exciting Sailboat Races

A Deep Dive into the World's Most Exciting Sailboat Races

10 Must-See Sailboat Races around the World

The america's cup.

 Known as the oldest international sporting trophy, the America's Cup is an iconic yacht race and a gem in the sailing crown. It started back in 1851 and has held onto its reputation ever since. This race involves an intense competition between two sailing yachts – one defending the title and the other challenging it. A blend of history, tradition, and fierce competition, the America's Cup never fails to enthrall.

The Vendée Globe

If there ever was a race that tested the limits of human endurance, it's the Vendée Globe. Known as the 'Everest of the Seas', this single-handed (solo), non-stop yacht race takes sailors around the world without any assistance. It's a testament to the tenacity of the human spirit and a must-see for anyone intrigued by extreme sailing feats.

Volvo Ocean Race

Taking place every three years, the Volvo Ocean Race is a round-the-world yacht race that pushes sailors to their limits. Over the course of nine months, competitors battle it out across some of the most treacherous seas on the planet. This race is not only a test of sailing expertise but also of resilience, endurance, and team spirit.

The Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race

Hosted by the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race is a highlight of the yachting calendar. It starts in Sydney on Boxing Day and finishes in Hobart, Tasmania. The race is known for its challenging weather conditions and fiercely competitive field, attracting yachtsmen and women from all over the world.

The Fastnet Race

The Fastnet Race is a classic offshore yacht race that offers a thrilling combination of inshore and offshore racing. Starting in Cowes on the Isle of Wight, England, the race takes competitors around the Fastnet Rock off the southwest coast of Ireland before finishing in Plymouth, England. The race is renowned for its tough conditions and strategic challenges.

The Newport Bermuda Race

Established in 1906, the Newport Bermuda Race is a 635-mile ocean race that runs from Newport, Rhode Island to Bermuda. Known for its tactical demands and changeable conditions, it's a race that tests sailors' skills, perseverance, and navigational prowess to the maximum.

The Transpacific Yacht Race (Transpac)

Held every two years, the Transpacific Yacht Race is an offshore yacht race from Los Angeles to Honolulu, spanning a distance of around 2,225 nautical miles. The race is a test of navigation and sailing skills, with competitors having to contend with a range of conditions as they cross the Pacific Ocean.

Clipper Round the World Race

Unique in its concept, the Clipper Round the World Race is a two-year event that offers amateur sailors the chance to experience the thrill of circumnavigating the globe. Led by professional skippers, the participants are ordinary people who have undergone training to take on the challenge of the high seas.

Rolex Middle Sea Race

Beginning and ending in Malta, the Rolex Middle Sea Race is a 606 nautical mile adventure that takes competitors around Sicily and the surrounding islands. The race is known for its stunning scenery, tactical challenges, and warm Mediterranean hospitality.

The Barcelona World Race

The Barcelona World Race is a non-stop, round-the-world yacht race designed for sailing duos. It starts and ends in the vibrant city of Barcelona, Spain. This race not only tests the sailing prowess of the participants but also their ability to work seamlessly as a two-person team. It's a thrilling spectacle of teamwork, strategy, and sailing skill.

The Final Buoy: 

A swift journey through the top sailboat races in the world. Each race, with its unique challenges and historical significance, contributes to the vibrant tapestry of the sailing world. From solo voyages like the Vendée Globe that push the limits of human endurance to the test of tactics and teamwork found in the Barcelona World Race, the diversity of these races is a testament to the myriad forms of courage and skill found among sailors.

The races we've discussed span the globe, crossing different seas and oceans. From the Pacific's vast expanse in the Transpacific Yacht Race to the treacherous, unpredictable nature of the Bass Strait in the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. Yet, despite the diverse locales and sailing conditions, they all share an undercurrent of passion for sailing, adventure, and a desire to push the boundaries of what's possible on the open sea.

Sailboat racing is not just about getting from point A to B the fastest. It's about mastering the elements, navigating by the stars, and becoming one with the wind and sea. It's about the moments of calm when it's just you, your boat, and the endless blue. It's about the rush of adrenaline as you surge with the waves, racing neck-and-neck towards the finish line. But above all, it's about the sailing community, a band of individuals who share a profound respect for the sea and a love for the thrill of sailing.

So, whether you're an experienced sailor feeling the pull of the open sea or a landlubber dreaming of hoisting the sails, remember, there's a whole world of sailboat races out there. Each one offers a unique adventure and a chance to be a part of the rich history and thrilling future of sailing. Until our next nautical journey, may you have fair winds and following seas!

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Six solo skippers ready to race 100ft foiling multihulls around the world

James Boyd

  • January 4, 2024

Is this the most audacious race ever? Six skippers are getting ready to race 100ft foiling maxi trimarans solo around the world – James Boyd looks forward to the Arkea Ultim Challenge Brest

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There are very few ‘firsts’ left in the world of sailing, but one such remaining barrier could be smashed when the Arkea Ultim Challenge Brest sets off from north-west France on 7 January 2024.

Since the Sunday Times Golden Globe in 1968/69 – the ‘impossible feat’ – there have been all manner of non-stop laps of the planet, from fully crewed Jules Verne Trophy and solo records, to races such as the single-handed Vendée Globe , and The Race in 2000 for fully crewed maxi-multihulls. This January sees a new pinnacle-of-pinnacles event: the first solo, non-stop, round the world race in Ultim trimarans. Six brave French skippers on their 100ft multihulls are entered.

The advancement in human endeavour and technology in this cutting edge area of sailing has been extraordinary. Thirty years ago we were in Brest for the first tentative Jules Verne Trophy attempts. Back then no one knew if sailing around the world in under 80 days was even possible: three boats set off and only one made it – Bruno Peyron’s maxi-catamaran Commodore Explorer in 79 days 6 hours.

Since then the record has been reduced by titans such as Peter Blake/Robin Knox-Johnston, Olivier de Kersauson, Loïck Peyron, Franck Cammas and, ultimately, Francis Joyon . In a quarter of a century, the record has halved with Joyon’s 105ft IDEC Sport setting the present benchmark of 40d 23h 30m 30s (at 26.85 knots average) five years ago.

You might assume that a solo around the world would be much slower, but Joyon destroyed this notion. In 2004, when the Jules Verne Trophy record was 63 days, he completed a lap in just under 73 days alone on his 90ft trimaran IDEC (also the first successful solo non-stop circumnavigation by a trimaran). The following year the UK ground to a halt for an afternoon, television dominated by live coverage of Ellen MacArthur’s arrival into Falmouth after she’d taken more than a day off Joyon’s time.

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Gabart on his previous Macif Ultime. Photo: Rolex/Carlo Borlenghi

Thomas Coville took the time below 50 days in 2016 with 49d 3h, broken the following year by François Gabart ’s 100ft Macif , establishing the present solo non-stop record: 42d 16h 40m 3s (just 4% slower than Joyon’s fully crewed).

While these times are impressive, they are records set in optimum, carefully selected conditions (for the first two weeks at least), whereas the Arkea Ultim Challenge Brest is a race. The solo sailors will have onshore routers, but their departure day is set, and pace likely dictated by their opponents. It’s a very different test of man and machine.

“It is something new,” says Gitana’s Charles Caudrelier . “The first time racing around the world with these big flying boats. It is a bit like the first Vendée Globe – not quite the same because we know where we are going! But it is a bit of an adventure, and I’m happy about that.”

sailboat races around the world

Armel le Cléac’h in solo mode on Maxi Banque Populaire XI. Photo: Benoît Stichelbaut

The contenders

Surprisingly, skippers at all stages of their careers are competing. Amiable sea-dog Thomas Coville will be 55 when the race sets off. There is almost no major event Coville hasn’t done, from the America’s Cup to winning the Volvo Ocean Race.

Having sailed ORMA 60s, Coville moved into the record breaking business on maxi trimarans and is now on his third, Sodebo having backed him continuously. Of the six skippers Coville is the most experienced racing Ultims single-handed and is laudable for his sheer tenacity – he finally set a solo round the world record on his fifth attempt, after 11 years of trying.

At the other end of the scale, it was a surprise to learn that SVR-Lazartigue will not be raced by François Gabart, the single-handed round the world record holder and the blue trimaran’s initial skipper. Instead, taking over for solo races will be 26-year-old Tom Laperche. An engineer and highly talented sailor, Laperche is a graduate of the classic French offshore racing pathway; and has been involved with SVR-Lazartigue since its launch, racing as Gabart’s co-skipper in the last two Transat Jacques Vabre .

Anthony Marchand, 38, has also newly taken on a campaign, replacing Yves le Blevec on Actual Ultim 3 (ex-Macif) in early 2023. Meanwhile an 11th hour entry is Eric Péron on Adagio , the previous Sodebo Ultim. The boat is something of a ‘Frankenstein’ creation – recycling the 2001 maxi-tri Geronimo with appendages from 2010 America’s Cup winner USA17 – but a fast one.

sailboat races around the world

Thomas Coville, on Sodebo Ultime 3. Photo: Vincent Curutchet/Team Sodebo

“I’ve been preparing for this kind of thing for years now,” said Péron. I haven’t done much preparation on the boat, but for everything else, the boxes are ticked. So, in the short time I’ve got left before the start, I hope to become at one with the machine. What motivates me most of all is the fact that it’s an extreme race, and that’s why I want to take up the challenge. Obviously, I’m not leaving totally confident. But I’m not going to give up.”

In the absence of Gabart, the two favourites are likely to be Armel le Cléac’h on Maxi Banque Populaire XI and Charles Caudrelier on Maxi Edmond de Rothschild (Gitana 17) . Theirs are two of the best funded and oldest teams.

Banque Populaire first sponsored Joyon’s ORMA 60 in 1989 and has campaigned seven trimarans since, including building two Ultims. The team’s first Ultim had a disastrous 2018, before a final crash left it utterly destroyed during the Route du Rhum . Undeterred, the French bank set about building a replacement. Now, alongside SVR-Lazartigue, their two-year-old Maxi Banque Populaire XI is one of the newest Ultims.

SVR-Lazartigue and Banque Populaire XI are essentially VPLP designs (Ultim teams have their own in-house designers, engineers, aero- and hydrodynamists, foil and hydraulics experts), while Maxi Edmond de Rothschild is from Guillaume Verdier – Emirates Team New Zealand’s long term naval architect who has applied much of his Cup experience to the offshore trimaran .

sailboat races around the world

Adagio, the previous Sodebo Ultim. Photo: Yvan Zedda

Impressive statistics

An Ultim’s length can be anything from 24-32m (78ft 8in-105ft) with a maximum beam of 23m (75ft), though in practice all six are trimarans built to, or near to the rule’s maximum. Overall mast height is less than 120% of length of the longest hull, so 38.4m (126ft). Additional rules cover minimum air draught below the beams and float volume. Water ballast, autopilots and automatic anti-capsize systems are permitted, but stored energy (produced by the crew) or the creation of inertial energy and computer or electromechanical assistance for adjusting any of the appendages is forbidden.

As with all things yachting, their quantum performance leap has come since going airborne. Today all six use a similar, complex foil configuration: on each hull is a rudder with an elevator where lift can be adjusted via a flap on its trailing edge. Midships in each float is a giant J-foil, which can be raised, lowered and its rake adjusted. Unique to the Ultims (apart from Adagio) is the daggerboard, which is fitted not only with a trim tab on its trailing edge to prevent leeway, but an elevator.

sailboat races around the world

Maxi Edmond de Rothschild (Gitana 17). Photo: Yann Riou/Gitana

The foils and elevators are adjusted hydraulically in combination to alter, for example, fore and aft trim and ride height, depending upon the point of sail and sea state. Generally the aim is for the platform to have zero heel/pitch. Thanks to the rudder elevators the ride is very stable in pitch (unlike IMOCA 60s ), the foils effectively ‘locking’ the boat to the water.

Just as America’s Cup catamarans that raked their windward rudder elevator to produce downforce (like crew on the rail), so Ultims can produce downforce with their daggerboard elevator. According to Gabart this is vital: racing an Ultim solo is about maximising efficiency so, when a gust hits, the rake on the daggerboard elevator is increased, sucking the trimaran’s main hull down. “If you release the hydraulic main sheet, it takes five minutes to pump it in again,” explains Gabart. “With this, when you are sailing at 40 knots you can add two tonnes [of down force] in one second using minimal energy.”

With their latest substantially larger foils, Ultims can fly in less wind. Originally it required 15-20 knots of wind or 26-27 knots boat speed for Macif to fly, this is now down to 12-14 knots of wind and 21-23 boat speed for SVR-Lazartigue – remarkable considering an Ultim’s 15-17 tonne displacement.

It’s similar on Banque Populaire XI, says Armel le Cléac’h. “We fly in 12-13 knots of wind or 22-23 knots of boat speed. In 15-17 knots of wind we fly upwind at 27-30 knots – that is the big step. Compared to older Ultims like IDEC in the last Route du Rhum, it’s an 8-9 knot improvement.”

sailboat races around the world

Actual Ultim 3, formerly Gabart’s Macif. Photo: Thierry Martinez

Such speeds permit Ultims to become ‘masters of the weather’ – to some extent at least – often travelling so fast that their skippers can choose the weather system they can sail in. Optimum conditions for an Ultim are 15-25 knots (more than this and the sea state becomes too choppy for foiling), so they aim at the sweet spot of weather systems (flat water ahead of a warm front), which they then ride, like a surfer on a wave.

Le Cléac’h says their top speed has been 47 knots, “But that is not an objective. We want to have a good average speed: 40-42 knots for one or two hours is very good. 35-37 knots for 24 hours is very good too.”

Riding a rocketship

So how can skippers handle such a monster-sized boat that is foiling single-handed? Autopilot technology has improved to extraordinary levels of accuracy. According to Gabart, once set up, speed sailing in a straight line is not much different between solo and crewed. “Upwind or downwind VMG you are a little bit better if you are steering and others are trimming. At 65-70° TWA it is no different.”

Naturally manoeuvres are slower alone. Gabart says that going from reefed to full main might take two minutes fully crewed, but at least 10 solo. Some technology helps, like Harken’s latest generation Air 900 winches and pedestal grinders with bespoke gearing for single-person operation.

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The newest of the Ultims, SVR-Lazartigue is perhaps the most advanced design. Photo: Guillaume Gatefait

While foils and many sail controls are hydraulic (SVR-Lazartigue has 23 rams), the pedestals are able to drive twin hydraulic pumps – though it requires serious manpower: “80% of the grinding is for the hydraulics,” says Gabart. SVR-Lazartigue will race with just five sails, including main and J0-J3, two permanently rigged on furlers.

Sailing at such high speeds has several effects. With apparent wind factored in, on deck there is constantly storm force, or at best gale force, winds. Human beings cannot operate for long in this and so cockpit protection has drastically increased with some Ultims now fully enclosed.

On the latest Sodebo and SVR-Lazartigue these have moved forward. On the former, the ‘bridge’ is forward of the mast, USS Enterprise-style, while on the latter it is just aft of the mast, with jet fighter-style steering cockpits each side, complete with sliding canopies. The end result is that an Ultim’s crew rarely ventures outside, viewing the world via CCTV.

While foiling reduces hydrodynamic drag, all the teams have been focussed on reducing aero-drag. Crossbeams now have trailing edge fairings made from robust vinyl, while on SVR-Lazartigue, moving their ‘cockpit’ forward has enabled them to have an AC-style ‘deck sweeper’ boom where the deck creates an endplate for the foot of the mainsail (improving efficiency).

sailboat races around the world

Tom Laperche steering, jet fighter-style, on SVR-Lazartigue. Photo: Guillaume Gatefait

To finish first…

For the teams, the principal hurdle of the Arkea Ultim Challenge Brest will be finishing. The major worry on such a long race is reliability. To prevent structural failures Ultims have load cells, the output from which is monitored in real time. Otherwise teams have simply been racing and sea trialling as often as possible in all conditions.

This year’s Transat Jacques Vabre’s heavier conditions were ideal, enabling the double-handed teams to really push the boats harder. While all the Ultims finished, some were in better shape than others, Maxi Edmond de Rothschild suffering rudder and foil issues while Sodebo Ultim’s starboard rudder sheared off after a collision with an underwater object.

“The main problem will be to have all of the boats finishing the race in good shape,” says Caudrelier, who says it will take a new approach from his previous crewed around the world races. “Always you push to the maximum, but this time you can’t do that and we will have to find a good balance between performance and safety for the boat. That is quite an interesting exercise and also managing a boat like this alone for 45 days.”

Éric Péron explains: “On these boats, a small incident can immediately put us out of the race, because nothing can be replaced on our own. The boat is so big that there’s not much we can do to fix it with what we’ve got on board.”

Antoine Gautier, head of the design office at Mer Concept (behind SVR-Lazartigue) adds that their enormously complex boat will be simplified: “We are going to have less systems on board to make it simpler and more reliable. There are some things which won’t make much difference on a round the world race.”

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Armel le Cléac’h at Banque Populaire’s mission control/protected pod. Photo: Vincent Curutchet/ Hublot Sailing team

Capsize was once a major concern, but for Ultims today is – apparently – almost a non-issue. The multihulls are simply huge, and their rigs are now stepped almost two thirds of the way back from the bow, to prevent pitchpoling. As Gautier explains: “The boats are definitely safer than any multihulls before. There are no more pitchpoling issues and in terms of heel stability, you almost can’t heel because the leeward foil is pushing up so much. That is why they are able to sail so fast, even short-handed – because the boats are very safe and you don’t feel in danger.”

Nonetheless they do still have inclinometers which can automatically dump hydraulics (eg mainsheet) or mechanically release headsail sheets if heel is excessive.

Of greater concern are elements beyond the skipper’s control: collision. AIS and radar target alarms substantially reduce the chance of an Ultim hitting another vessel, but the threat of a ‘UFO’ (unidentified floating object) remains. As Gautier says: “Collision is the biggest fear for all of us. If you hit something at 30-plus knots it is the end of your race. The boat which is going to win will be the one which has all its appendages at the finish. It is Russian roulette and you can’t do anything about it. This is not a fun part of the sport, but it is the same for any race like this.”

To help prevent such collisions Ultims are all fitted with SEA.AI (previously known as OSCAR) a camera mounted at the masthead that can ‘see’ ahead both in daylight and at night, using infra-red. Images are compared in real time with a giant database to establish whether something ahead represents a collision threat.

sailboat races around the world

Ultims raced each other double-handed in the November 2023 Transat Jacques Vabre – won by Armel le Cléac’h/Sébastien Josse in Banque Populaire XI. Photo: Jean-Marie Liot/Alea

There are other factors too that will come into play: a good deal of luck, undoubtedly, but also the skill, experience and motivation of the skippers. Caudrelier has perhaps the most experience in his boat and over the last three years has won most races, but he has never raced solo around the world. “This is my Vendée Globe” he acknowledges.

By contrast Le Cléac’h has completed three Vendées, on the podium every time. However his recent victory in the Transat Jacques Vabre was his first in an Ultim. For Coville, this might be his last lap? While for Laperche this will be his first big Ultim event and proving himself is a key objective.

What is certain is that this will be the ultimate contest between some of the world’s most talented offshore sailors. How many will make it round? And for those that do, it could be the fastest ever round the world race, so all the action will unfold quickly. Follow at

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This race is a nonstop sail around the world. Cassette tapes are allowed, but no GPS

Scott Neuman

sailboat races around the world

South African sailor Kirsten Neuschafer, the only woman in the 2022 Golden Globe Race. All but three of her 15 competitors in the grueling months-long competition have been forced to drop out. Aida Valceanu/GGR/2022 hide caption

South African sailor Kirsten Neuschafer, the only woman in the 2022 Golden Globe Race. All but three of her 15 competitors in the grueling months-long competition have been forced to drop out.

Somewhere in the Southern Pacific Ocean, Kirsten Neuschafer is alone on her boat, Minnehaha, as she tries to outmaneuver the latest storm to cross her path as she approaches Cape Horn.

Instead of sailing directly for the tip of South America, she's spent the past day heading north in an effort to skirt the worst of the oncoming weather. The storm is threatening wind gusts up to 55 miles per hour and seas building to 25 feet.

Her plan, she explains over a scratchy satellite phone connection, is to get away from the eye of the storm. "The closer I get to the Horn," she says, "the more serious things become, the windier it becomes."

But there's no turning back. That's because Neuschafer is battling to win what is possibly the most challenging competition the sailing world has to offer — the Golden Globe Race. Since setting off from the coast of France in September, Neuschafer, the only woman competing, has left all rivals in her wake. Of the 16 entrants who departed five months ago, only four are still in the race, and for the moment at least, she's leading.

The race is a solo, nonstop, unassisted circumnavigation, a feat first accomplished in 1969, the same year that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the moon. Since then, more people have traveled to space than have done what Neuschafer is hoping to accomplish.

The race is a throwback in most every way. Unlike its more famous cousin, the Vendée Globe solo nonstop race with its purpose-built vessels made for speed, Golden Globe entrants sail low-tech boats that wouldn't look out of place in any coastal marina. And they do so without modern electronic aids — no laptops or electronic charts, radar or sophisticated weather routing. To find their position at sea, participants instead rely on navigating by the sun and stars and simple speed calculations.

Racers don't do it for the money. The prize of 5,000 pounds (about $6,045) is the same as it was in the 1960s and is not even enough to cover entry fees. The real lure is the challenge.

"The single-handed aspect was the one that drew me," Neuschafer, who is from South Africa, says of her decision to enter.

"I really like the aspect of sailing by celestial navigation, sailing old school," she says, adding that she's always wanted to know "what it would have been like back then when you didn't have all the modern technology at your fingertips."

Satellite phones are allowed, but only for communication with race officials and the occasional media interview. Each boat has collision-avoidance alarms and a GPS tracker, but entrants can't view their position data. There's a separate GPS for navigation, but it's sealed and only for emergencies. Its use can lead to disqualification. Entrants are permitted to use radios to communicate with each other and with passing ships. They're allowed to briefly anchor, but not get off the boat nor have anyone aboard. And no one is allowed to give them supplies or assistance.

The race motto, "Sailing like it's 1968," alludes to the fact that it's essentially a reboot of a competition first put on that year by the British Sunday Times newspaper. In it, nine sailors started, and only one, Britain's Robin Knox-Johnston , managed to complete the first-ever nonstop, solo circumnavigation, finishing in 312 days. Despite leading at one point, French sailor Bernard Moitessier elected to abandon the race in an effort, he said, to "save my soul." Yet another, British sailor Donald Crowhurst , died by suicide after apparently stepping off his boat.

Bringing the race back in 2018 for its 50th anniversary was the brainchild of Australian sailor and adventurer Don McIntyre, who describes the competition as "an absolute extreme mind game that entails total isolation, physical effort ... skill, experience and sheer guts."

"That sets it apart from everything," he says.

For sailors, it's the Mount Everest of the sea

Neuschafer, 40, is a veteran of the stormy waters she's presently sailing, having worked as a charter skipper in Patagonia, the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and Antarctica. Although she's been around Cape Horn before, this time is different, she says.

Previously she's been around "the Horn" when she could choose the conditions. But nonstop from the Pacific, with limited weather information, "I'd say, it's a notch up on anxiety. It's almost like ... trying to reach the peak of Everest," she says.

sailboat races around the world

Finnish sailor Tapio Lehtinen's boat sank in November off the southern tip of Africa. He was rescued with the help of fellow racer Kirsten Neuschafer. Aida Valceanu/GGR2022 hide caption

Finnish sailor Tapio Lehtinen's boat sank in November off the southern tip of Africa. He was rescued with the help of fellow racer Kirsten Neuschafer.

Probably the most harrowing moment so far in this year's race came in November, when Neuschafer sailed 100 miles, staying at Minnehaha's helm through the night to rescue Finland's Tapio Lehtinen — one of the finishers in the 2018 race. She plucked him from a life raft some 24 hours after his boat, Asteria, sank in the southern Indian Ocean.

For the rescue, race officials broke protocol and allowed her to use GPS and gave her a time credit on the race. "I basically sailed throughout the night and by morning I got within range of him," she says.

Spotting Lehtinen's tiny life raft amid 10-foot waves was far from easy, Neuschafer says. "He could see ... my sail [but] I couldn't see him, not for the life of me." She later managed to transfer him to a freighter.

That incident reinforced for her how things could change at any moment. In the Golden Globe, she says, "a large proponent of it is luck."

The days can be serene, but also isolating

The drama of such days at sea is offset by others spent in relative peace. A typical day, if there is such a thing, starts just before sunrise, she says, "a good time to get the time signal on the radio so that I can synchronize my watches," which she needs for accurate celestial navigation.

"Then ... I'll have a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal, and then I'll wait for the sun to be high enough that I can take a reasonable [sextant] sight." A walk around the deck to see if anything is amiss and perhaps a bit of reading — currently it's The Bookseller of Kabul by Norwegian journalist and author Asne Seierstad — before another sight at noon to check her position.

Or perhaps some music. It's all on cassette, since competitors aren't allowed a computer of any kind. As a result, she's listening to a lot of '80s artists, "good music that I ordinarily wouldn't listen to," she says.

The isolation was more difficult for American Elliott Smith, who at 27 was the youngest entrant in this year's race. He dropped out in Australia due to rigging failure.

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Elliott Smith, a 27-year-old originally from Tampa, Fla. A rigging failure forced him to quit in Australia. Simon McDonnell/FBYC hide caption

Elliott Smith, a 27-year-old originally from Tampa, Fla. A rigging failure forced him to quit in Australia.

Reached in the Australian port city of Fremantle, the surfer-turned-sailor from Florida says he doesn't entirely rule out another try at the race in four years. But for now, he's put his boat, Second Wind, up for sale. He seems circumspect about the future.

"It was really obvious that I stopped enjoying the sailing at some point," he confides about the rigors of the race. "There were moments ... where I found myself never going outside unless I had to. I was like, 'I'm just staying in the cabin. I'm just reading. I'm miserable.' "

Smith says there were days when he would see an albatross, but was too mentally exhausted to appreciate the beauty of it. "I was like, 'This is so sad, you know?' Like, I've become complacent [about] something that most people would never even try, you know?"

Neuschafer, too, has had her share of frustrations. The latest was a broken spinnaker pole, which keeps her from setting twin forward sails on the 36-foot-long Minnehaha — her preferred setup for running downwind.

She's looking forward to finishing in early spring. But first, she still has to traverse the entire Atlantic Ocean from south to north.

"I'll get off and enjoy feeling the land beneath my feet." After that, she says, "the first thing I'd like to do is eat ice cream."

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Full circumnavigation.

To complete the Clipper Race you will need to stay mentally focused and competitive, keep in top physical shape and cope with living on a 70-foot stripped down ocean racing yacht for eleven months. Nothing can fully prepare you for a circumnavigation of the globe; the range of emotions you’ll go through while racing and the sense of achievement when you cross the finish line after 40,000 nautical miles of gut wrenching, energy sapping ocean racing.

You might start as a sailing novice but by the end of eleven months at sea you will have more than 40,000 racing miles in your log book. You will have sailed in all conditions from warm trade winds, through winter storms and the tropical heat of the Doldrums, crossing the Equator twice.

You will have been becalmed, battled through 65-knot gales, struggled through squalls of stinging rain, snow flurries, sleet and fog. You will have experienced the emotions of untying your lines and saying goodbye to loved ones as you head into the drama of your first Race Start in front of the world’s media and tens of thousands of spectators.

Typically, you will have visited more than 13-15 ports and been welcomed ashore with all the fervour deserved for long distance sporting champions. You will have celebrated at prize givings, shaken hands with the great and good, made friendships that will last a lifetime and realised you can achieve more than you ever thought possible.

You will be fitter, healthier and more alive than you dared to believe. You will have joined an elite club and, as you return to the point of departure and crossed your outward track in the world’s longest yacht race, you’ll head home with a set of experiences that will live with you forever. You have just become a circumnavigator.

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is the only event of its type. Anyone, even if they have never stepped on a boat before, can join the adventure.

Weeks at Sea

Whether a marathon tactical battle across the world’s oceans or a drag-race sprint from start to finish, this is the number of days you can expect to be racing.

Countries Visited

A drag race sprint from start to finish line or a marathon tactical battle across the world’s largest oceans enduring weeks at sea; each of the 14 races provides a unique challenge to each and every crew member.

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A sail boat with a large dark sail is tipping slightly to the left while all by itself in the ocean.

Alone on the Ocean, With 400,000 Friends

As Cole Brauer sped to the finish of a solo race around the world, she used Instagram to blow up sailing’s elitist image.

Before she could begin the Global Solo Challenge, a nonstop solo race around the world, Cole Brauer had to sail First Light, a 40-foot yacht, from Rhode Island to Spain. Credit... Samuel Hodges

Supported by

By Chris Museler

  • Published Feb. 29, 2024 Updated March 7, 2024

Video dinner parties, spa days, stuffed animals, favorite hoodies and cozy, colorful fleece blankets. Cole Brauer’s Instagram feed hardly feels like the work of someone racing a 40-foot sailboat around the world in the Global Solo Challenge. But Ms. Brauer, 29, is not an average ocean racer.

In 2022, Ms. Brauer had tried out for another competition, the Ocean Race, which is considered the pinnacle of professional ocean racing. Sailors in that race are highly trained, wear matching foul weather gear and have corporate sponsors. And most of them are men. Ms. Brauer, who had sailed thousands of miles on high performance ocean racing boats, felt she was ready to join their ranks.

But after competing in trials in France, Ms. Brauer was told she was “too short for the Southern Ocean” and was sent on her way.

A woman in a red sleeveless jumpsuit holds a railing with her left hand and a piece of a sail with her right hand.

In spite of her small stature — she stands 5 feet 1 inch — Ms. Brauer rounded Cape Horn, Chile, on Jan. 26, the last of the three great capes of her journey to finish the Global Solo Challenge. It is a feat most of the Ocean Race sailors picked instead of her have never even attempted. And despite being the youngest competitor in the race, she is ranked second overall, just days away from reaching the finish line in A Coruña, Spain.

Along the way, her tearful reports of breakages and failures, awe-struck moments during fiery sunrises, dance parties and “shakas” signs at the end of each video have garnered her a following that has eclipsed any sailor’s or sailing event’s online, even the Ocean Race and the America’s Cup, a prestigious race that is more well known by mainstream audiences.

“I’m so happy to have rounded the Horn,” Ms. Brauer said in a video call from her boat, First Light, after a morning spent sponging out endless condensation and mildew from its bilges. “It feels like Day 1. I feel reborn knowing I’ll be in warmer weather. The depression you feel that no one in the world can fix that. Your house is trying to sink and you can’t stop it.”

Shifting gears, she added, “It’s all getting better.”

Ms. Brauer’s rise in popularity — she has more than 400,000 followers on Instagram — has come as a surprise to her, but her achievements, combined with her bright personality, have struck a chord. And she has set a goal of using her platform to change the image of professional ocean sailing.

“Cole wants to prove you can go around the world and watch Netflix every once in a while and wear your pajamas,” said Lydia Mullan, Ms. Brauer’s media manager. “As for her mental health, she’s really creating a space in her routine for herself, to create that joy she hasn’t seen in other sailors.”

Four months after she began the Global Solo Challenge, a solo, nonstop race around the world featuring sailboats of different sizes, Ms. Brauer is holding strong. Sixteen sailors began the journey and only eight remain on the ocean, with the Frenchman Philippe Delamare having finished first on Feb. 24 after 147 days at sea.

Ms. Brauer, who was more than a week ahead of her next closest competitor as of Thursday morning, is on track to set a speed record for her boat class, and to be the first American woman to complete a solo, nonstop sailing race around the world.

sailboat races around the world

Her Authentic Self

Ms. Brauer has been happy to turn the image of a professional sailor on its head. Competitors in the Ocean Race and the America’s Cup tend to pose for static social media posts with their arms crossed high on their chests, throwing stern glares. Ms. Brauer would rather be more comfortable.

She brought objects like fleece blankets on her journey, despite the additional weight, and said solo sailing has helped give her the freedom to be herself.

“Without those things I would be homesick and miserable,” she said of her supply list. “We need comfort to be human. Doing my nails. Flossing. It’s hard for the general public to reach pro sailors. People stop watching. If you treat people below you, people stop watching.”

Other female sailors have noticed the same disconnect. “The year I did the Vendée Globe, Michel Desjoyeaux didn’t mention that anything went wrong,” Dee Caffari, a mentor of Ms. Brauer’s who has sailed around the world six times, said of that race’s winner. “Then we saw his jobs list after the finish and we realized he was human.”

Ms. Brauer, as her social media followers can attest, is decidedly human.

They have gotten used to her “hangout” clothes and rock-out sessions. Her team produces “Tracker Tuesdays,” where a weather forecaster explains the routes Ms. Brauer chooses and why she uses different sails, and “Shore Team Sunday,” where team members are introduced.

“In the beginning I looked at what she was doing, posting about washing her knickers in bucket and I was like, ‘No! What are you doing?’” Ms. Caffari said. “I’ve been so professional and corporate in my career. She’s been so authentic and taken everyone around the world with her. Cole is that next generation of sailor. They tell their story in a different way and it’s working.”

Finding a Purpose

Ms. Brauer was introduced to sailing at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Those days of casual racing on the turquoise waters of Kaneohe Bay informed her vision of an inclusive sailing community. That image was shattered when she came to the mainland to try her hand at professional sailing.

“When I came to the East Coast it was so closed off,” she said of those early experiences. “I couldn’t get a job in the industry. Pro sailors were jaded. They didn’t want anyone to take their job. It’s a gig-based economy. Competition, we’re pinned against each other, especially women in high-performance sailing since there are fewer of us.”

“This whole process of being a pro sailor over the past five years, I feel mentally punched in the face and my legs kicked out from under me,” she added. “I screamed and I cried. Without those experiences I wouldn’t be as mentally tough. It made me callused.”

A big break happened when she landed a gig as boat captain for Michael Hennessy’s successful Class40 Dragon. The boat was a perfect platform to hone her ocean sailing skills as she ripped up and down the East Coast delivering it to races, often alone, pushing Dragon to its limits. Her Instagram posts of those adventures drew attention, and she was invited to tryout for the Ocean Race, a fully crewed race around the world in powerful 65-footers.

“I was crushed,” Ms. Brauer said of being rejected after the trials.

Ms. Brauer, though, found a new purpose. After months of living in her van and working on Dragon, she found a benefactor in F.K. Day, the president of World Bicycle Relief and the executive vice president of SRAM Corporation, who, along with his brother Lincoln, agreed to buy a boat and fund a massive refit for the Global Solo Challenge, which was only three months away.

Conducting the hurricane of activity last summer in Newport, R.I., Ms. Brauer knew this was her moment to shine. But representatives for her new sponsors had reservations about her bold social media experiment.

“I got a massive pushback: ‘How can you be so vain. This isn’t important. We don’t want to pay for this,’” she said. “I said none of this is going to matter if the world can’t see it.”

Her boat was covered with cameras her shore team could monitor, with technology allowing for constant recording that could be used to capture unexpected twists. Ms. Brauer got some immediate traction, but nothing prepared her for the numbers she would hit once the race began.

“We were taking bets in Spain,” said Ms. Brauer, who had to sail First Light nearly 3,000 miles from Newport to Spain as a qualifier for the race. “There was a photo of me excited we hit 10,000 followers. Ten thousand for a little race? That’s massive.”

A few months later she has 40 times that count.

A Dangerous Journey

Only a handful of solo ocean racers have been American, all of whom being male. Now Ms. Brauer has a larger following than any of them, pushing far beyond the typical reach of her sport.

“This is a really good case study,” says Marcus Hutchinson, a project manager for ocean racing teams. “For me she’s an influencer. She’s a Kardashian. People will be looking for her to promote a product. She doesn’t need to worry about what the American sailors think. That’s parochial. She has to split with the American environment.”

Unlike her peers, Ms. Brauer is happy to do some extracurricular work along the way toward goals like competing in the prestigious Vendée Globe. “I’m part of the social media generation,” she said. “It’s not a burden to me.”

The playful videos and colorful backdrop, though, can make it easy for her followers to forget that she is in the middle of a dangerous race. Half her competitors in the Global Solo Challenge have pulled out, and ocean races still claim lives, particularly in the violent, frigid storms of the Southern Ocean.

“She was apprehensive,” Ms. Caffari said of Ms. Brauer’s rounding Cape Horn. “I told her: ‘You were devastated that you didn’t get on the Ocean Race. Now look at you. Those sailors didn’t even get to go to the Southern Ocean.’”

The question now is how Ms. Brauer will retain her followers’ desire for content after the race is over.

“She will be unaware of the transition she went through,” Mr. Hutchinson said. “She’s become a celebrity and hasn’t really realized it.”

Ms. Brauer, however, said she received as much from her followers as she gave them.

“They are so loving,” she said. “I send a photo of a sunset, and they paint watercolors of the scene to sell and raise money for the campaign. When I start to feel down, they let me stand on their shoulders.”

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Maine's Cole Brauer becomes first American woman to race sailboat alone and nonstop around world

The 29-year-old boothbay resident and new york native was one of more than a dozen sailors competing in the global solo challenge, published march 8, 2024 • updated on march 8, 2024 at 10:33 am.

Alone, Cole Brauer braved three oceans and the elements as she navigated her sailboat for months.

When she and her 40-foot sailboat arrived Thursday in A Coruna, Spain, the 29-year-old Boothbay, Maine, resident and New York native became the first American woman to race nonstop around the world by herself, traveling across about 30,000 miles.

Brauer, all 5-foot-2 and 100 pounds of her, is one of more than a dozen sailors competing in the Global Solo Challenge. Brauer was the youngest and only woman in the group that set sail in October from A Coruna.

The starts were staggered. Brauer took off Oct. 29. As of Thursday, some in the field had dropped out of the race.

The race took Brauer south along the west coast of Africa, around the Cape of Good Hope and then eastward toward Australia. From there, she continued east where Brauer faced the unpredictable, treacherous and deadly Cape Horn at the southern tip of South America before continuing northeast across the Atlantic Ocean toward Spain.

The race took her 130 days to complete.

“This is really cool and so overwhelming in every sense of the word,”  NBC News reported  Brauer saying before drinking Champagne from her trophy Thursday while being celebrated by family and fans.

While Brauer is the first American woman to circumnavigate the globe alone by sea, she is not first woman to do so. Polish sailor Krystina Chojnowska-Liskiewicz finished her 401-day voyage around the globe on April 21, 1978, according to  online sailing sites .

Kay Cottee of Australia was the first woman to achieve the feat nonstop, sailing off from Sydney Harbor in Australia in November 1987 and returning 189 days later.

The global voyage is not an easy one, even on a vessel with a full crew.

“Solo sailors, you have to be able to do everything,” Brauer  told the NBC “Today” show  Thursday. “You need to be able to take care of yourself. You need to be able to get up, even when you’re so exhausted. And you have to be able to fix everything on the boat.”

Satellite communications allowed Brauer to stay in touch with her racing team and connect with fans on social media, where she posted videos from the race and her boat, “First Light.”

Along the way she encountered 30-foot waves that tossed her about the boat, according to NBC News.

She injured a rib and even gave herself an IV to fend off dehydration.

Sailing solo means not just being a skipper but a project manager, said Marco Nannini, the race’s organizer. That means steering the vessel, making repairs, knowing the weather and keeping yourself healthy, he said.

“The biggest asset is your mental strength, not the physical one,” Nannini said. “Cole is showing everyone that.”

One of Brauer’s social media posts from Dec. 8 showed her frustration.

“I haven’t really had the bandwidth to get into everything that’s been going on the past 48 hours, but the short version is the autopilot has been acting up again and I needed to replace some parts and do a rudder recalibration,” she wrote. “For once the light air is actually helping, but it’s been exhausting, and I’m sore and tired.”

“It’s all part of the journey, and I’m sure I’ll be feeling better once the work is done and I’ve gotten some sleep,” Brauer added. “But right now things are tough.”

But she’s handled the tough, even though some in the sport believed it wouldn’t be possible due to her gender and small frame.

“I push so much harder when someone’s like, ‘no, you can’t do that,’ or ‘you’re too small,’” Brauer said.

“It would be amazing if there was just one other girl that saw me and said ‘Oh, I can do that, too,’” she added.

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America’s Cup : Sailing Virtually at Baffling Speed

To gear up for three months of sailing excitement, the America’s Cup has set up an experience exhibition at Barcelona’s port. Large screens both inside and outside the exhibition show footage of the high-speed race boats.

In Barcelona, everything will revolve around sailing in the coming three months with the America’s Cup, the world’s oldest sporting event, taking place here. After New Zealand, the defending champion, won the pre-regatta last week, the main event of the 2024 Cup, known as the Louis Vuitton Cup , begins tomorrow.

Since its beginnings in 1851, “the race with no second place” has turned into a high-tech battle at sea: The boats used are the pinnacle of foiling yachts and able to race up at 100 kilometers per hour. And also on screen, the race has evolved: The television footage is captured using live cameras, drones, helicopters, and chase boats, and surround sound, all transmitted wirelessly.

To feel the thrill of these high speeds on water, there is no better place than the official America’s Cup Experience exhibition . Here, visitors can explore both historical races and the current Cup in various interactive spaces. In addition to several smaller rooms with display installations and projection mappings, the main attraction is 10-minute film, described as capturing “the essence of the America’s Cup in the most spectacular and special way possible”. Located in the IMAX building at Barcelona’s port, the exhibition features this film on what is claimed to be Spain’s largest cinema screen.

America's Cup Experience exhibition in Barcelona (Photo: America's Cup Experience)

During its stay, the America’s Cup Experience has also set up a 200-square-meter LED wall on the exterior of the IMAX building. This digital display aims to connect the competition with Barcelona’s residents by showcasing race highlights and cultural content about the city. The installation was carried out by local integrator LED Dream Group, using LG LED panels supplied by Ingram Micro.

Outside LED wall at the America's Cup Experience (Photo: LEDDREAM Group)

The race content is managed by a large production team led by Stephen Nuttall, the head of Television for the America’s Cup and former Senior Director at YouTube. In a video interview last year, invidis spoke with Nuttall about the challenges of producing and broadcasting exciting live coverage of the races across all media channels. You can re-watch the interview here:


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Maine veteran to set sail on trip of a lifetime

A veteran is preparing to sail around the world and he’s launching from Portland. (CBS 13)

PORTLAND, Maine (CBS 13) — A veteran is preparing to sail around the world and he’s launching from Portland.

Ronnie Simpson is an Iraq war veteran. He was injured in 2004.

This October he’s taking part in a new race called the Global Solo Challenge.

It starts and ends in Coruna, Spain.

Simpson says he was in a rough spot after returning from the war and sailing became a new inspiration.

The boat he is sailing on is owned by US Patriot Sailing, a non-profit that helps veterans through sailboat racing.

Shipyard Brewing is sponsoring Simpson, so the boat, which was originally named Sparrow, is now named The Shipyard Brewing.

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12 epic around-the-world cruises that will check off all your bucket list travel destinations

Janice Wald Henderson

Imagine the joys of traveling seamlessly from one bucket list country to another without packing and unpacking, switching hotels, boarding countless flights, or even doing laundry.

Think it's a fantasy? It's actually a world cruise, the nirvana of many oceangoing devotees. As a bonus, most of these around-the-world voyages include enviable perks, like precruise hotel stays, alcohol, shipboard credit, exclusive-access shore excursions — and, yes, laundry service.

Retired, taking a job hiatus or working remotely? A world cruise is a safe, easy and exhilarating way to score a global adventure beyond compare. You might even make new lifelong friends sharing similar interests.

So, pull out your travel wish list and find an itinerary for those coveted destinations.

Here, you can learn more about what's involved in an around-the-world cruise and drool over 12 terrific choices across a range of fares for an incredible monthslong voyage at sea.

What is a world cruise?

Never mind the moniker, a world cruise might visit several continents but not circumnavigate the globe. Cruise lines usually designate one ship (a few offer two) to sail about 100 days or longer — some even sail more than 200 days — without repeating ports.

World cruises traditionally start in January and end around April or May. They sail round-trip from one American city, such as San Francisco or Miami, or offer a choice of starting points on both coasts, making access easy.

What to know about world cruises

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With so few world cruises available, book far in advance. Bookings open roughly two years in advance, and some small-ship cruises sell out within hours. You'll need the extra time to make arrangements to leave your home for months. For that reason, this story will focus on 2026 world cruises.

Related: Hot cruises you'll need to book at least 1 year in advance — maybe even 2!

Around-the-world cruise cost

Such lengthy sailings cost plenty. The lines with bigger ships offer the lowest fares, although extra fees for what's not included (such as shore excursions and alcohol) can add up quickly. If contemplating a big-ship voyage, read the inclusions carefully, as they vary among lines.

Luxury vessels bundle many costly amenities into the fare, like business- or first-class plane tickets and luxury hotel stays, and charge the most. They also deliver fine dining, pampering service, glam surroundings and impressive special events. (Silversea Cruises has previously rented out an entire island to entertain its world-cruise guests.)

Thus, expect considerable price differences. Count on spending about $20,000 per person minimum to score an entry-level accommodation on the bigger ships and approximately $80,000 to $90,000 per person for an ultraluxury vessel.

Note that for the poshest lines, "entry-level" might mean a spacious, elegant suite with a veranda. For other lines, the most basic cabin is a small, windowless room.

Read on to discover where you can sail to in 2026 on a world cruise.

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World Voyage

Thanks to an overwhelming response to its previous world cruises (2025 is currently sold out), Azamara announced the itinerary for 2026 aboard the 684-passenger Azamara Onward.

Azamara Onward is the newest ship to join the Miami-based line's four-vessel fleet. The ship's size provides an intimate experience and allows it to call on small towns bigger ships can't access.

For 2026, the 155-night, 36-country voyage begins in Miami and ends in Barcelona, with visits to exciting locales in Ecuador, Chile, French Polynesia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Dubai, Greece and others.

Along the way, world cruisers can sample authentic Ecuadorian cuisine; explore the unspoiled beaches and lush parks of Tauranga, New Zealand; and take in the diverse landscape and wildlife of the Galapagos Islands.

The itinerary will include a presailing welcome party, exclusive cultural events, concierge service and other upscale perks.

The 2026 world cruise departs Jan. 6, 2026. Prices start at $85,822 per person for an inside cabin.

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World Cruise

If luxury and unparalleled personal service are important to you, consider Crystal 's 2026 world cruise aboard Crystal Serenity .

The beloved upscale line went bankrupt and stopped sailing in 2022. However, luxury tour operator Abercrombie & Kent acquired it and brought it back to life with a $150 million glow-up, starting with 740-passenger Crystal Serenity.

With renovated expansive suites, an array of social areas and nearly one staff member per guest, Crystal Serenity offers ultimate comfort, quality and personalization. Every cabin comes with a butler ready to assist with reservations, laundry and any other needs you have during your global odyssey.

Beginning in Los Angeles and concluding in Civitavecchia, Italy (the port for Rome), the world cruise spans 135 nights with visits to 27 countries. The cruise kicks off with a welcome celebration, and guests can enjoy themed onboard and shoreside events and gala dinners throughout the sailing.

Exciting destinations along the way include Fiji, New Zealand, Indonesia, China, Sri Lanka, Egypt and Greece. Passengers can savor the unspoiled beaches of Fiji, enjoy street food in Sri Lanka's capital city and celebrate like a Greek god on Mount Olympus, among other events.

Custom excursions and pre- and post-cruise tours organized by Abercrombie & Kent are available along the way (for an additional cost).

Departs Jan. 11, 2026. Prices start at $69,120 per person for an ocean-view cabin.

Cunard Line

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Explore the world aboard Queen Anne, Cunard's first new ship in 12 years. The 2,996-passenger vessel debuted in May 2024 and will host one of two Cunard world cruise sailings in January 2026. (Queen Mary 2 will also carry travelers across the globe in 2026.)

Queen Anne's 2026 World Voyage will span 116 nights and begin and end in Hamburg, Germany. Along the way, guests can explore historic churches in the Old Town of Lubeck, Germany, a UNESCO World Heritage site; visit traditional Thai and Buddhist temples in Penang, Malaysia; and spy leopards, rhinos and lions at a wildlife reserve in Durban, South Africa.

Passengers will enjoy spectacular new elements on this ship. The vessel's main pool area, The Pavilion, is topped with a gorgeous retractable glass roof that's not just a showpiece. The functional structure will keep poolgoers dry on rainy days.

The 2,691-passenger Queen Mary 2 sails round-trip from Southampton, England, on a 108-night world cruise . During the journey, passengers can witness firsthand the maritime marvel of the Panama Canal, explore the pristine Bay of Islands in New Zealand and tour the tombs of Egypt's ancient kings, among other memorable experiences.

If you're seeking the most luxurious accommodations and exclusive experiences on board either ship, book Princess Grill or Queens Grill suites. Fares include outstanding amenities such as private dining rooms, coffee and specialty tea service, priority boarding, and a private outdoor lounge area.

Queens Grill suite passengers receive butler service, too. However, many lovely inclusions, such as white-gloved servers presenting complimentary daily tea, are available for all guests.

The world cruise aboard Queen Anne departs Jan. 6, 2026. Prices start at $17,999 per person for an inside cabin.

The world cruise aboard Queen Mary 2 departs Jan. 11, 2026. Prices start at $18,789 per person for an inside cabin.

Holland America

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Grand World Voyage

Holland America 's 132-night Grand World Voyage on the 1,432-passenger Volendam cruises round-trip from Fort Lauderdale. The enticing itinerary ventures far from Florida to must-visit cities such as Tokyo, Mumbai, Singapore and Istanbul. The ship will also traverse the Panama Canal.

Many included overnights allow opportunities to dive deep into local cultures and experiences. Spend extra time in Rio de Janeiro; Papeete, French Polynesia; Sydney; Safaga, Egypt; and Singapore.

On board, relish music venues like BBC Earth in Concert, where a live orchestra plays before a huge backdrop of spectacular wildlife footage. Step One Dance Company presents works by noted choreographers. Count on a buzzy casino, fine dining at specialty restaurants and a professionally staffed fitness center.

Departs Jan. 4, 2026. Prices start at $30,354 per person for an inside cabin.

Related: A beginners guide to picking a cruise line

MSC Cruises

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MSC Cruises offers something a little different with its 2026 World Cruise — a choice of three embarkation ports. Passengers can board in Genoa, Italy; Marseille, France; or Barcelona. They will return to the same port they left from. The 2,550-passenger MSC Magnifica is the home base for the 118-night journey.

The itinerary features port calls at 47 destinations across 33 countries in Europe, South America, the South Pacific, Australia and Asia. Among the cities you'll explore are Barcelona; Cartagena, Colombia; Cabo San Lucas, Mexico; Auckland; Tokyo; Penang, Malaysia; and Aqaba, Jordan (the port for Petra).

Spend your port days exploring New Zealand's Waitomo Caves, ogling at Jordan's ancient site of Petra, and wandering through the historic streets of Melaka and George Town's central old quarter in Penang, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Departs Jan. 5, 6 and 7, 2026 (depending on your embarkation port). Prices start at $17,922 per person for an interior cabin.

Oceania Cruises

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Around the World Cruise

Travelers can explore the world in style on Oceania Cruises ' newest vessel, the lovely 1,200-passenger Vista . It will sail a whopping 179 nights round-trip from Miami for the line's 2026 world cruise , calling at 101 ports in 43 countries.

Cruisers will also have additional world cruise options for shorter and longer versions of this sailing. You can choose a 119-night cruise departing from San Diego or a 196-night voyage departing from Los Angeles. (The latter technically begins in late 2025.)

Prepare to tear up any bucket list on a cruise this long. You'll start off sailing to a handful of ports in Mexico and the Caribbean, venture to the Brazilian Amazon, explore more of South America, and then head off to Africa and Asia. Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Latin America and Europe round out the itinerary before Vista returns to Miami.

Oceania Cruises is renowned for fine dining. Expect to eat and drink exceptionally well on board.

Departs Jan. 6, 2026. Prices start at $63,099 per person for a veranda cabin.

Princess Cruises

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Princess Cruises promises an unforgettable journey on its 113-night world cruise sailing from Fort Lauderdale (or Los Angeles, as an alternative embarkation port) on the 2,000-passenger Coral Princess.

World cruisers can visit 28 countries with 52 destinations across six continents. Exciting ports of call include Lisbon; Fiji; Naples, Italy; Hong Kong; and Split and Dubrovnik in Croatia. With late-night stays in 13 ports of call and a Hong Kong overnight, you can relish multiple opportunities to wine, dine and enjoy the nightlife ashore.

Beyond onboard activities typical of a Princess sailing (cooking and dance classes, enrichment programs, and musical productions), passengers can enjoy special activities unique to this voyage. Among them are themed deck parties and special entertainment reflecting the history and folklore of the countries you visit.

You can also expect outdoor movies and onboard wellness features such as a spa and fitness center.

From Fort Lauderdale: Departs Jan. 5, 2026. Prices start at $26,959 per person for an interior cabin.

From Los Angeles: Departs Jan. 21, 2026. Prices start at $27,389 per person for an interior cabin.

Related: Big vs. small cruise ships: Which will I like better?

Regent Seven Seas Cruises

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Navigate the World

World cruises prove perpetually popular on this ultraluxe line. They often sell out in the blink of an eye.

For 2026, Regent Seven Seas Cruises ' 154-night world cruise on the 700-passenger Seven Seas Mariner will sail round-trip from Miami. This journey will be the line's longest sailing, visiting 77 ports in 41 countries across six continents. The itinerary includes port calls in Guatemala, French Polynesia, Indonesia, India, Mozambique and South Africa. Count on visiting 47 UNESCO World Heritage sites, including Australia's Great Barrier Reef and Robben Island in South Africa.

For all its around-the-world cruises, Regent piles on primo inclusions. First-class flights, unlimited shore excursions, luggage service, an open bar and a visa package are among countless amenities.

If you want to plan beyond 2026, Regent is one of the first cruise lines to announce its 2027 world voyage aboard Seven Seas Splendor . The 127-night sailing departs from Miami and ends in Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy.

The 2026 world cruise departs Jan. 10, 2026. Prices start at $94,999 per person for a veranda suite.

The 2027 world cruise departs Jan. 11, 2027. Prices start at $81,799 per person for a veranda suite.

Related: The best luxury cruise lines for elegance and exclusivity

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Ring of Fire

While most world cruises circumnavigate the globe, this itinerary sails around the Pacific. You can explore Busan, South Korea's Beomeosa Temple, with a rich heritage that dates back over 1,300 years. Snorkel the sapphire waters of Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Ogle at the dichotomy of Hong Kong's modern buildings and historic communities.

You'll find many pinch-me moments on Seabourn 's 128-night, 14-country Ring of Fire world cruise in 2026. It takes place on board the 450-passenger all-suite Seabourn Sojourn and sails the long way from Los Angeles to Vancouver, British Columbia. You'll visit 63 destinations, including seven overnights at Auckland; Melbourne, Australia; Hong Kong; and other exciting cities.

On the ultraluxurious vessel, you can expect exclusive VIP celebrations, like a Caviar in the Surf party. (Note that complimentary Champagne and caviar flow freely on board, too, adding to the happy vibe.)

There's much to love about Seabourn Sojourn. Its intimate size allows truly personalized service from a polished, attentive crew. Seabourn Square, a living room-like venue, is a magnet for affable passengers who quickly make new friends. Count on superb dining and 24-hour room service among a slew of upscale amenities.

Departs Jan. 6, 2026. Prices start at $86,999 per person for an ocean-view cabin.

Related: Extremely decadent things you can do on a luxury cruise vacation

Silversea Cruises

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Silversea Cruises ' 2026 world cruise aboard the ultraluxurious, 596-passenger Silver Dawn takes a different approach. It's designed to visit far-flung and remote ports, often out of season, to avoid the touristy crowds.

This 139-night around-the-world cruise sails from Fort Lauderdale to Lisbon and explores 70 ports in 37 countries. Count on visiting enchanting medieval cities, including Dubrovnik and Hvar in Croatia and Kotor in Montenegro. Wonderfully remote port calls to rarely visited destinations such as Easter Island, with its mysterious moai statues, and Nukualofa, Atuona and Fakarava (a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve) in French Polynesia tempt travelers to come aboard for the long haul.

Silver Dawn is a wowser with a game-changer spa , all-suite accommodations, tux-clad butlers for all passengers and complimentary caviar service anytime, anywhere. Expect many fare inclusions, such as business-class flights, shore excursions and private transfers.

Departs Jan. 6, 2026. Prices start at $87,900 per person.

The Three Oceans

Silversea also offers an 80-destination world cruise for 2027, also aboard Silver Dawn.

Departing from Los Angeles for a 148-night voyage , the ship will visit 35 countries and five continents before ending in Copenhagen. The itinerary features 80 port calls, more than any sailing in Silversea's history, and it will also include 20 new destinations for the line.

Passengers can enjoy extended time in select ports with 11 overnight calls in Honolulu; Cairns, Australia; Colombo, Sri Lanka; Cape Town; and Bordeaux, France, among others.

The Three Oceans cruise departs Jan. 8, 2027. Prices start at $78,900 per person.

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Viking World Journeys

Imagine the joy of ticking many bucket list boxes on Viking World Journeys, Viking 's 120-night world cruise on board the 930-passenger Viking Sky in 2026. Book quickly; availability is extremely limited, with many suites and penthouses already sold out.

The Los Angeles-to-London voyage visits 25 countries and 53 ports. The cruise takes a southerly route around Africa, across the Indian Ocean to Southeast Asia and through the Pacific islands (including several stops in Australia and New Zealand) before it swoops up to Hawaii and terminates in California.

Palm-tree ports are plentiful, including Moorea, French Polynesia; Bay of Islands, New Zealand; and Ho Chi Minh City. You'll cross many seas, such as the Tasman, Arafura and Timor, and take your pick of a plethora of possible excursions, including a visit to a Balinese Hindu temple in Indonesia and a tour of the ancient Elephanta Caves in India.

Departs Jan. 5, 2026. Prices start at $54,995 per person for a veranda cabin.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • 15 ways cruisers waste money
  • The ultimate guide to choosing a cruise ship cabin



World's largest sailing cargo ship makes first transatlantic voyage.

The largest sailing cargo ship in existence is on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, demonstrating a carbon footprint 10 times smaller than that of a container ship

By Jeremy Hsu

29 August 2024

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The cargo sailing ship Anemos is crossing the Atlantic Ocean

Ronan Gladu/TOWT

The world’s largest sailing cargo ship is making its maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. It left a port in France in early August, and it is on track to deliver 1000 tonnes of cognac and champagne to New York City by 3 September. Its shipments have a carbon footprint one tenth that of a standard container ship.

“For centuries we knew wind was abundant [over] the deep sea, and we had the pilot charts,” says Guillaume Le Grand , CEO of TOWT, the French company that commissioned…

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  6. Wednesday Night Sailboat Races in Duluth


  1. Clipper Round The World Race

    Instant reactions to the closing of the Clipper 2023-24 Race. And just like that... 326 days, 40,000nm, six oceans and six continents later... Race 14, and the Clipper 2023-24 Race is complete. What an incredible eleven months. Here's what our….

  2. The Top 10 Most Epic Sailing Races in the World

    The best epic sailing races are the Volvo Ocean Race, America's Cup, Barcolana Regatta, Fastnet Race, Vendée Globe, Transpac Race, Rolex Middle Sea Race, Around the Island Race, Cowes Week, and Cape2Rio Yacht Race. These races define sailing's pinnacle of challenge and adventure. As an avid sailor with decades of firsthand experience and a ...

  3. 7 Global Sailing Races to Follow

    The Vendée Globe is a single-handed (solo) non-stop yacht race around the world without assistance. It takes place every four years and is an extreme form of sailing. It is said that more people have been into space than have finished the Vendee Globe. First held in 1989, the race starts and ends in Les Sables-d'Olonne, a small town on the ...

  4. About the Clipper Round The World Yacht Race

    The Clipper Race is one of the biggest challenges of the natural world and an endurance test like no other. With no previous sailing experience necessary, before signing up for the intensive training programme, it's a record-breaking 40,000 nautical mile race around the world on a 70-foot ocean racing yacht. The next edition will be the ...

  5. Golden Globe Race

    The Return of the 1968 Sunday Times Golden Globe Yacht Race. Retro, Solo, Non Stop, Around the World. Latest News: €213 Million Golden Globe Race 2022 Media Value. Time Until Race Start: ... The Golden Globe Race remains totally unique in the world of sailing and stands alone as the longest, loneliest, slowest, most daring challenge for an ...

  6. The Ocean Race

    The Ocean Race. The Ocean Race is a yacht race around the world, held every three or four years since 1973. Originally named the Whitbread Round the World Race after its initiating sponsor, British brewing company Whitbread, [ 1] in 2001 it became the Volvo Ocean Race after Swedish automobile manufacturer Volvo took up the sponsorship, [ 1] and ...

  7. Home

    The Vendée Globe is a single-handed, non-stop, non-assisted round-the-world sailing race that takes place every four years. It is contested on IMOCA monohulls, which are 18 metres long. The skippers set off from Les Sables-d'Olonne in Vendée and sail around 45,000 kilometres around the globe, rounding the three legendary capes (Good Hope ...

  8. Global Solo Challenge: around the world, single-handed, by the 3 capes

    The Global Solo Challenge (GSC) is proud to announce the 6th official entry for the 2027-2028 edition: Belgian sailor Jérôme Delire. With over 100,000 nautical miles sailed and a deep-seated. Global Solo Challenge and Cofradía Europea de la Vela in strategic partnership. Francisco Quiroga, president of the Cofradía Europea de la Vela (CEV ...

  9. Route Map

    Clipper 2025-26 Race ports, race route, estimated days racing and additional information will be confirmed at a future date. Explore the Legs Full Circumnavigation 1 The Atlantic Trade Winds Legg 32 2 The South Atlantic Challenge Leg

  10. South Africa's Kirsten Neuschafer wins the Golden Globe sailing race

    South African sailor Kirsten Neuschafer beat 15 rivals in the 2022 Golden Globe Race, a grueling, nonstop, round-the-world sailing competition. She is the first woman in the race's history to have ...

  11. 10 Must-See Sailboat Races around the World

    The Fastnet Race. The Fastnet Race is a classic offshore yacht race that offers a thrilling combination of inshore and offshore racing. Starting in Cowes on the Isle of Wight, England, the race takes competitors around the Fastnet Rock off the southwest coast of Ireland before finishing in Plymouth, England. The race is renowned for its tough ...

  12. Vendée Globe: Two-month solo sailboat race around the world ...

    And... ready for the off! We're on board one of the yachts competing in the Vendee Globe - The solo circum-navigation - dubbed the Everest of the Seas.Subsc...

  13. Clipper Round the World Yacht Race

    Having raced across the iconic mighty North Pacific, the fleet of eleven 70-foot stripped-down Clipper Race sailing yachts arrived in Seattle after nearly a month at sea and a 5,580 nautical mile sprint from China. Race supporters welcomed these extraordinary crews to the Emerald City and Bell Harbor Marina with opportunities to tour the iconic ...

  14. 3 Months And 24,000 Miles Later, Vendée Globe Competitors Complete Race

    After sailing 24,000 miles nonstop in a nearly three-month journey, competitors in the Vendée Globe — an around-the-world solo yacht race — are expected to finish at a French port on Wednesday.

  15. Arkéa Ultim Challenge

    Join six of the Worlds top trans-oceanic sailors and record holders as they race in a non-stop single handed around the World Race in 105ft Ultim trimarans. An organised race of this duration and challenge has never been attempted before. Here's the Competitor Standings - all still racing. As at 2145hrs UTC on January 7, 2024.

  16. Six solo skippers ready to race 100ft foiling multihulls around the world

    Six skippers are getting ready to race 100ft foiling maxi trimarans solo around the world - James Boyd looks forward to the Arkea Ultim Challenge Brest. There are very few 'firsts' left in ...

  17. Sailor races around the world in 235 days, becomes first woman to win

    The Golden Globe Race required sailors to leave France on Sept. 4, 2022 and sail around the world. Kirsten Neuschäfer, from South Africa, won the 2022 race once she crossed the finish line on ...

  18. This race is a nonstop sail around the world. Cassette tapes are

    Sports. This race is a nonstop sail around the world. Cassette tapes are allowed, but no GPS. South African sailor Kirsten Neuschafer, the only woman in the 2022 Golden Globe Race. All but three ...

  19. Around the world sailing record

    The Golden Globe Race has returned since 2018 as a retro sailing race without the use of modern technology for navigation. Former races including: The Sunday Times Golden Globe Race, held in 1968-1969, the first round-the-world yacht race. The BT Global Challenge, was a race held every four years and followed the westward route. The Race, was a ...

  20. Full Circumnavigation

    Full Circumnavigation. To complete the Clipper Race you will need to stay mentally focused and competitive, keep in top physical shape and cope with living on a 70-foot stripped down ocean racing yacht for eleven months. Nothing can fully prepare you for a circumnavigation of the globe; the range of emotions you'll go through while racing and ...

  21. This Is The Coolest Sailboat Race That You've Probably Never ...

    Global Solo Challenge. But now you do. The truth is, the Global Solo Challenge is way more than "just" another long-distance sailboat race. And the 29-year-old American woman Cole Brauer (who ...

  22. The Toughest Sailing Race in the World

    See the Volvo Ocean 70s and their crews slamming through some of the roughest, most terrifying, and dangerous conditions on the planet while competing in the...

  23. Cole Brauer Takes Followers on Solo Sailing Race Around the World

    Cole Brauer's Instagram feed hardly feels like the work of someone racing a 40-foot sailboat around the world in the Global Solo Challenge. But Ms. Brauer, 29, is not an average ocean racer. In ...

  24. Maine's Cole Brauer becomes first American woman to race sailboat alone

    When she and her 40-foot sailboat arrived Thursday in A Coruna, Spain, the 29-year-old Boothbay, Maine, resident and New York native became the first American woman to race nonstop around the ...

  25. AC Sailing E-Series Qualifier sees young Kiwi take stunning win

    As racing on the water during the Louis Vuitton Preliminary Regatta came to a close on Saturday, the action was just starting in the thrilling and tightly contested America's Cup Sailing e-Series Regatta qualifier where 14-year-old Liam Dimock from New Zealand won a convincing final race and secured a trip-of-a-lifetime to Barcelona for the Grand e-Series Final.

  26. America's Cup Experience : Sailing Virtually at Baffling Speed

    To gear up for three months of sailing excitement, the America's Cup has set up an experience exhibition at Barcelona's port. Large screens both inside and outside the exhibition show footage of the high-speed race boats. In Barcelona, everything will revolve around sailing in the coming three months with the America's Cup, the world's oldest

  27. Maine veteran to set sail on trip of a lifetime

    A veteran is preparing to sail around the world and he’s launching from Portland.Ronnie Simpson is an Iraq war veteran. He was injured in 2004.This October he’s

  28. 12 epic around-the-world cruises for 2026

    Around the World Cruise. Travelers can explore the world in style on Oceania Cruises' newest vessel, the lovely 1,200-passenger Vista. It will sail a whopping 179 nights round-trip from Miami for the line's 2026 world cruise, calling at 101 ports in 43 countries.

  29. World's largest sailing cargo ship makes first transatlantic voyage

    The world's largest sailing cargo ship is making its maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. It left a port in France in early August, and it is on track to deliver 1000 tonnes of cognac and ...