LUN-VEN 09-19H SAM 09-18H

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MSC Yacht club gold and white logo | MSC Cruises



MSC Yacht Club | MSC Cruises


     luxe, intimité et exclusivité.

Laissez-vous séduire par l'élégance des croisières de luxe avec l'espace MSC Yacht Club , un havre de privilèges exclusifs. Bénéficiez d'un confort sans pareil et d'un service personnalisé en embarquant pour un voyage d'exception à bord de nos magnifiques navires. Découvrez un monde où l'intimité se mêle au luxe, où chaque détail est soigneusement pensé afin de surpasser vos moindres attentes. Savourez le raffinement et l'élégance des croisières de luxe dès votre premier pas à bord. Notre personnel dédié saura répondre à tous vos besoins et s’assurera que votre voyage soit tout simplement unique et mémorable. Bienvenue au MSC Yacht Club , où chaque instant est conçu pour satisfaire tous vos désirs et créer les souvenirs d'une vie .

MSC Yacht Club Butler service 24/7 | MSC Cruises


Le MSC Yacht Club est un authentique navire dans le navire : chaque espace du MSC Yacht Club a été méticuleusement conçu pour offrir à nos hôtes les plus hauts standards de confort et d'intimité . Laissez-vous inspirer par notre sélection d’espaces privés.


Top Sail Lounge

Le Top Sail Lounge, situé dans le MSC Yacht Club à l'avant du navire, offre une vue imprenable ainsi qu'une cuisine et un service exceptionnels. Dans le cadre d'une expérience de croisière de luxe, ce salon exclusif est accessible 24h/24 et 7j/7 aux hôtes du MSC Yacht Club. Un bar gratuit vous attend, avec des boissons premium, ainsi que de délicieux amuse-bouches gastronomiques, disponibles toute la journée. Vous pouvez profiter de la musique live tous les soirs et participer à des événements organisés comme le « tea time » - thé & collations et le cocktail* de bienvenue à bord.

Les images sont uniquement représentatives.

*L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération.

Restaurant MSC Yacht Club

Le restaurant du MSC Yacht Club est un lieu exclusif et privé qui vous est réservé et qui offre une vue spectaculaire sur la mer.

Embarquez pour un voyage culinaire sans précédent, savourez des créations gastronomiques et un service cinq étoiles. Des menus à la carte proposant une cuisine méditerranéenne et internationale de qualité supérieure à une équipe dévouée de chefs internationaux à la recherche de produits locaux haut de gamme, tout est pensé pour émoustiller vos papilles. Notre sommelier dédié se fera un plaisir de vous conseiller sur une expérience d'accord mets et vins* et de vous présenter notre large sélection de vins*.

MSC Yacht Club Grill & Bar

Le MSC Yacht Club Grill & Bar est une terrasse extérieure dédiée où les hôtes peuvent savourer des repas et des boissons tout au long de la journée. Commencez tôt le matin avec une large sélection d'options de petit-déjeuner avec des céréales, des omelettes, du pain perdu et des œufs au plat. Nos serveurs s'occuperont de tous vos besoins au bar de la piscine : régalez-vous avec une variété de boissons telles que des cocktails artisanaux, des bières, des vins*, et pour une touche haut de gamme à votre expérience nocturne, savourez une coupe de Champagne* bien fraîche.

Le MSC Yacht Club Grill est disponible sur les navires des classes Meraviglia, Seaside et World.

MSC Yacht Club Sundeck & Pool

Le MSC Yacht Club Sundeck & Pool est un espace extérieur luxueux exclusif avec une piscine captivante, une terrasse spacieuse et de grands bains à remous relaxants pour une expérience de croisière de luxe remarquable. Au MSC Yacht Club, vous bénéficiez d'un service exceptionnel, notamment de serviettes fraîches et de lunettes de soleil pendant que vous profitez de la piscine One Pool. D'élégants lits balinais privés sont également disponibles sur certains navires.


Vivez l'expérience d'un séjour de luxe pendant votre croisière à bord du MSC Yacht Club . Découvrez nos suites somptueuses, entièrement conçues pour satisfaire les moindres désirs de nos hôtes. Plongez dans la quintessence du confort avec des équipements somptueux et des touches raffinées . Découvrez ci-dessous toutes nos suites MSC Yacht Club disponibles à la réservation.

MSC Yacht Club Owner’s Suite With Whirlpool Bath| MSC Cruises

  • Superficie : env. 104 m², terrasse 48 m², pont 16
  • Cabine avec un lit queen size
  • Salle à manger/salon séparé avec un canapé-lit convertible en lit double
  • Baies vitrées et portes vitrées
  • Terrasse privée spacieuse avec bain à remous, table et chaises d’extérieur
  • Salle de bain en marbre avec baignoire, douche et produits de toilette bio « Med »
  • Serviettes et linge de lit brodés sur mesure de qualité supérieure 100% coton
  • Chaussons en peluche et peignoirs 100 % coton à utiliser à bord
  • Dressing spacieux
  • Bar aménagé, réfrigérateur, machine Nespresso, panier de fruits frais de bienvenue et chocolats Venchi offerts quotidiennement
  • TV interactive, téléphone, coffre-fort et climatisation

Les images sont uniquement représentatives de la suite de MSC World Europa. La taille, l’agencement et le mobilier peuvent varier et différer de l’illustration (au sein de la même catégorie de cabine).

MSC Yacht club Royal suite | MSC Cruises

  • Superficie : env. 51-58 m², terrasse 42-51 m², pont 16-18
  • Salon séparé avec un canapé-lit convertible en lit double
  • Salle de bain en marbre avec une grande douche et une baignoire et des produits de toilette biologiques « Med » (certaines suites disposent d'une grande baignoire uniquement)
  • Bar aménagé, réfrigérateur, machine Nespresso et panier de fruits frais de bienvenue
  • Chocolats Venchi offerts quotidiennement

MSC Yacht Club Duplex Suite with whirlpool| MSC Cruises

  • Superficie : env. 46 m², terrasse 28- 31 m², pont 16 Suite sur deux ponts située à l'avant du navire

Niveau principal (entrée de la suite)

  • Salon/salle à manger ouvert avec une table à manger et un canapé-lit convertible en lit double
  • Salle de bain en marbre avec douche et produits de toilette bio « Med »

Deuxième niveau

  • Chambre principale avec un lit queen size pouvant être converti en 2 lits simples (sur demande)
  • Salle de bain en marbre avec baignoire et produits d'accueil bio « Med »
  • Terrasse privée avec chaises longues, accessible depuis les escaliers extérieurs
  • Armoire spacieuse

Chaque suite est équipée de :

  • Minibar et machine Nespresso
  • Panier de fruits frais de bienvenue
  • TV interactive et téléphone disponibles à chaque niveau
  • Coffre-fort et climatisation

MSC Yacht Club Grand Suite| MSC Cruises

  • Superficie : environ 46 m², balcon 6 m², pont 16 Suite à deux ponts située à l'avant du navire

Niveau principal (entrée de la suite) :

  • Balcon avec table et chaises d’extérieur

Deuxième niveau :

MSC Yacht Club Executive & Family Suite | MSC Cruises

  • Superficie : environ 40-53 m², pont 12
  • Lit queen size convertible en 2 lits simples (sur demande) avec une fenêtre panoramique scellée sur le côté (pas d'accès à l'extérieur)
  • Salon séparé avec canapés et fauteuils avec une fenêtre panoramique scellée (pas d'accès à l'extérieur)
  • Salle de bain en marbre avec baignoire et produits de toilette bio « Med »
  • Minibar, bouilloire et panier de fruits frais de bienvenue

Les images sont uniquement représentatives de la suite de MSC Fantasia. La taille, l’agencement et le mobilier peuvent varier et différer de l’illustration (au sein de la même catégorie de cabine).


MSC Yacht Club Grand Suite | MSC Cruises

  • Superficie : environ 31-43 m², balcon 8-21 m², pont 16-19
  • Lit queen size pouvant être converti en 2 lits simples (sur demande)
  • Minibar, machine Nespresso et panier de fruits frais de bienvenue

Les images sont uniquement représentatives de la suite de MSC Seashore. La taille, l’agencement et le mobilier peuvent varier et différer de l’illustration (au sein de la même catégorie de cabine). NB : Certaines Grandes Suites MSC Yacht Club sont adaptées aux personnes handicapées ou à mobilité réduite.

MSC Yacht club deluxe suite | MSC Cruises

  • Superficie : environ 25 m², balcon 5 m², pont 15-21

Les images sont uniquement représentatives de la suite de MSC World Europa. La taille, l’agencement et le mobilier peuvent varier et différer de l’illustration (au sein de la même catégorie de cabine). NB : Certaines Suites Deluxe MSC Yacht Club sont adaptées aux personnes handicapées ou à mobilité réduite.

MSC Yacht Club Interior Suite| MSC Cruises

  • Superficie : environ 15 m², pont 15-16
  • Salle de bain avec douche et produits de toilette bio « Med »


De ses élégantes suites à son service de majordome 24h/24 , le MSC Yacht Club offre une expérience de croisière de luxe tout compris, intimiste et exclusive , vous permettant également de profiter de toutes les autres activités passionantes présentes à bord de nos navires.

En savoir plus :

MSC Yacht Club priviledges | MSC Cruises

Profitez d’une croisière de luxe au MSC Yacht Club. Bénéficiez d’un confort inégalé et d'un service personnalisé pour un voyage exceptionnel à bord de nos magnifiques navires et de lieux dédiés, tels qu’un restaurant, un salon, une piscine et un solarium privés, proposant tous un service de boissons tout compris.

  • Service de majordome disponible 24h/24
  • Conciergerie dédiée 24 heures 24h/24
  • Boissons Premium incluses : Forfait boissons Premium Extra dans toutes les zones du navire
  • Forfait Internet inclus : Forfait Internet Browse - 2 appareils par personne avec forfait Internet illimité
  • Enregistrement et départ prioritaires dédiés
  • Room service disponible 24h/24
  • Accès gratuit à la suite thermale du MSC Aurea SPA
  • Produits de détente dans chaque suite (y compris peignoir et pantoufles) et choix d'oreillers
  • Autres attentions personnelles telles que service d'emballage/déballage des bagages, service de journaux
  • Cumulez encore plus de points MSC Voyagers Club
  • Un changement de croisière gratuit** (veuillez consulter les conditions générales)

MSC Yacht Club exclusivity | MSC Cruises

Découvrez un monde où l'intimité se mêle au luxe, où chaque détail est soigneusement pensé pour surpasser vos moindres attentes. Bienvenue dans un navire dans un navire, un espace isolé et élégant vous attend.

  • Suites somptueusement aménagées, au confort exceptionnel, situées sur le pont avant du navire
  • Terrasse exclusive dédiée avec piscine, bain à remous, solarium et grill et bar
  • Dîner gastronomique dans le restaurant privé du MSC Yacht Club. Libre choix de l'heure du dîner pendant les horaires d'ouverture du restaurant
  • Top Sail Lounge, salon panoramique avec bar, service de thé l'après-midi, sélection de plats légers 20 heures par jour
  • Spectacles de musique live disponible tous les soirs dans le Top Sail Lounge
  • Excursions sur mesure et séances de shopping privé sur demande (non incluses dans le tarif de la croisière)

MSC Yacht Club a world of choice | MSC Cruises

Selon vos envies, laissez-vous tenter par l'intimité et le luxe du MSC Yacht Club ou sortez de votre espace isolé et profitez de nombreuses activités de loisirs, de détente et de divertissement proposées dans tout le navire.

  • Accès à toutes les installations du navire (bars et salons, restaurants de spécialités, piscines, etc.)
  • Forfaits à prix réduits
  • Buffet haut de gamme
  • 10% de réduction sur tous les soins MSC AUREA SPA achetés à bord
  • Programme varié de spectacles dignes de Broadway et Las Vegas
  • Divertissements pour adultes, bébés et enfants
  • Activités récréatives pour les enfants
  • Installations sportives en plein air
  • Salle de sport entièrement équipée avec vue panoramique


Explorez de merveilleuses destinations dans le monde entier avec le MSC Yacht Club, tout en profitant d'un service unique, d'un confort inégalé et d'un luxe exceptionnel. Les privilèges du MSC Yacht Club s'étendent au-delà du navire, découvrez nos destinations balnéaires exclusives avec leur propre zone réservée au MSC Yacht Club .

Choisissez les excursions MSC Yacht Club et découvrez d'incroyables joyaux cachés en participant à des activités uniques avec des guides locaux experts. Spécialement conçues pour nos précieux hôtes du MSC Yacht Club, elles offrent un large éventail d'expériences et d'avantages soigneusement organisés.

MSC Yacht Club, Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve | MSC Cruises


sir bani yas island, Yas Island, Sir Bani Yas, Dubai


Un navire dans le navire.

MSC Yacht Club a ship within a ship |MSC Cruises

MSC Yacht Club FAQ

Qu'est-ce que le msc yacht club .

Le MSC Yacht Club est un espace exclusif et privé entièrement dédié au luxe, à l'intimité et au confort, un authentique « navire dans le navire » équipé de suites élégantes, d'un service de majordome 24h/24 et 7j/7 et d'une conciergerie dédiée pour vous faire vivre une expérience de croisière de luxe extraordinaire.

Au MSC Yacht Club, vous aurez un accès exclusif à des lieux privés raffinés , notamment un restaurant, un salon, une piscine et une terrasse, ainsi qu'un service de boissons premium tout compris . Un accès Internet illimité et une vaste sélection d'activités de loisirs et de divertissement , telles que l'espace thermal du spa MSC Aurea et des spectacles de théâtre de style Broadway, agrémentent votre croisière de luxe. Pour vos vacances en famille, un monde d'émotions et de divertissements sans fin attend les jeunes voyageurs à bord des croisières MSC, des clubs pour enfants au parc aquatique .

Quels types de suites sont disponibles au MSC Yacht Club ?

Tous les hébergements du MSC Yacht Club sont des suites élégantes spécialement conçues pour vous assurer le plus grand confort et la plus grande intimité. Le MSC Yacht Club propose une gamme de 8 types de suites distinctes , chacune avec sa propre touche de luxe et de confort. Bien que tous les types de suites ne soient pas disponibles sur tous les navires, vous pourrez toujours choisir parmi une sélection d'hébergements élégants et confortables selon vos propres préférences.

Tous les MSC Yacht Clubs de nos navires proposent des suites de luxe raffinées avec balcon et armoires spacieuses, ainsi que des suites royales avec accès direct au balcon depuis la chambre et une terrasse privée. Sur les navires de la classe Fantasia, vous pouvez également choisir entre les grandes suites avec un grand espace de vie ou les suites exécutives et familiales avec une fenêtre panoramique scellée et un salon séparé. Choisissez un hébergement haut de gamme sur nos navires les plus récents, offrant des choix de suites innovants. Les navires de classe Meraviglia disposent de suites duplex avec bain à remous , situées à l'avant du navire pour une vue à couper le souffle. Sur les navires de classe Seaside, le MSC Seashore et le MSC Seascape proposent également des suites présidentielles avec des terrasses spacieuses et un bain à remous privé et de grandes suites. Des suites présidentielles sont également disponibles sur nos navires de classe World, y compris des suites duplex, qui peuvent être choisies avec ou sans bain à remous. Tous nos navires les plus récents comprennent également des suites intérieures raffinées .

Des matelas à mémoire de forme Myform à la literie en coton égyptien en passant par un choix d'oreillers Dorelan, des salles de bains en marbre et des minibars gratuits, tous vos besoins sont satisfaits pour une croisière de luxe vraiment exceptionnelle .

Que comprend le MSC Yacht Club ?

Au MSC Yacht Club, vous pouvez profiter de l’expérience de croisière de luxe tout compris avec un large éventail de privilèges exclusifs, à commencer par un service de majordome 24h/24 , un enregistrement et un départ prioritaires dédiés et une conciergerie dédiée 24h/24. Les boissons sont également incluses dans le forfait boissons Premium Extra , non seulement au MSC Yacht Club, mais aussi dans tout le navire. Cela vous permet de déguster vos boissons préférées à divers endroits tels que le buffet, le restaurant principal, les restaurants de spécialités et les bars à bord. La connexion Wi-Fi est disponible pendant toute la durée de la croisière avec le forfait Internet Browse pour deux appareils par personne.

Un dîner gastronomique vous attend au restaurant privé MSC Yacht Club , avec des horaires flexibles. Le Top Sail Lounge propose de la musique live tous les soirs, ainsi qu'un bar panoramique, un service de thé l'après-midi et une sélection de plats légers pendant 20 heures par jour. Toutes les suites du MSC Yacht Club sont situées sur le pont avant du navire pour vous assurer un confort exceptionnel avec un service d'étage disponible 24h/24 et 7j/7 . Vous pouvez bénéficier d'un accès illimité à l'espace thermal du MSC Aurea SPA pour vous détendre. Vous pouvez également profiter de réductions sur le spa, de forfaits pour les restaurants de spécialités, d'installations sportives en plein air , de clubs pour enfants, d'un parc aquatique et de divers programmes de spectacles dignes de Broadway et Las Vegas.

Les boissons sont-elles incluses dans le MSC Yacht Club ?

Oui, le MSC Yacht Club inclut le forfait boissons Premium Extra . Ce forfait comprend toutes les boissons dont le prix est inférieur à 14 €/16 USD et est disponible dans tous les bars à bord, au buffet, au restaurant principal et aux restaurants de spécialités, ainsi qu’à Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve et d'autres destinations MSC exclusives, en fonction de ce qui est proposé dans chaque lieu. Dans chaque suite MSC Yacht Club, vous trouverez un charmant minibar réapprovisionné quotidiennement. Servez-vous des boissons gratuites au minibar et détendez-vous avec votre boisson préférée dans l'ambiance luxueuse de votre suite. Vous pourrez choisir parmi une large sélection de boissons, des boissons non alcoolisées telles que des jus de fruits, des sodas ou du thé glacé, de l'eau en bouteille et des bières*.

Quel forfait Internet est inclus dans le MSC Yacht Club ?

Les hôtes du MSC Yacht Club bénéficient du forfait Internet Browse , avec des données illimitées valables pour deux appareils par personne pendant toute la durée de la croisière. Ce forfait vous permet de :

  • Naviguer sur le web.
  • Envoyer et recevoir des e-mails et des images.
  • Utiliser des applications de messagerie (par exemple WhatsApp).

Une fois à bord, vous pouvez également améliorer le forfait Internet Browse vers le forfait Browse & Stream , avec des frais supplémentaires.

Que sont les excursions MSC Yacht Club ? Comment puis-je les réserver ?

Les excursions MSC Yacht Club sont exclusivement organisées pour nos hôtes du MSC Yacht Club. Ils permettent d'explorer des merveilles cachées, de participer à des activités uniques avec des experts locaux assurant aux hôtes du MSC Yacht Club une immersion totale mêlant luxe, exclusivité et privilèges. Les excursions MSC Yacht Club couvrent un large éventail d'expériences soigneusement organisées pour répondre aux préférences des hôtes . Préparez-vous à explorer des endroits prisés, à vivre des aventures haut de gamme, à déguster une cuisine authentique pleines de saveurs traditionnelles, à faire des escapades paradisiaques à la plage dans des stations balnéaires haut de gamme, à réaliser des ateliers d'art et d'artisanat instructifs remplis de connaissances locales et à visiter des lieux riches d’histoires pour stimuler l'esprit. Les excursions MSC Yacht Club peuvent être réservées en ligne dans la rubrique « Mon espace MSC » avant la croisière , par téléphone auprès de notre équipe du centre de Contact Clients ou par l'intermédiaire de votre agent de voyages habituel. À bord, votre majordome et le concierge seront spécialement formés pour vous aider dans le processus de réservation en vous donnant les meilleurs conseils en fonction de vos attentes.

Quel est le code vestimentaire du MSC Yacht Club ? Y a-t-il des fêtes à thème pour lesquelles je devrais prévoir des vêtements spécifiques ?

Le code vestimentaire peut varier selon le lieu et l'heure de la journée.

Top Sail Lounge - Code vestimentaire

Pour apprécier pleinement l'ambiance exclusive du Top Sail Lounge, il est fortement recommandé de s'habiller de manière appropriée dans le salon.

  • Le jour : Les vêtements décontractés, y compris les t-shirts et les hauts, sont parfaitement acceptables, mais nous vous demandons aimablement de ne pas porter de maillots de bain.
  • Le soir : Une tenue de style casual chic est requise pour accéder au Top Sail Lounge. N'hésitez pas à porter des robes, des jupes, des pantalons longs, des jeans et des chemises. Cependant, évitez de porter des shorts et des tongs.

Restaurant MSC Yacht Club - Code vestimentaire

Pour préserver l'atmosphère exceptionnelle de ce restaurant privé, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir vous habiller d'une manière qui reflète son exclusivité.

  • Le jour : Sentez-vous à l'aise dans une tenue décontractée, y compris les t-shirts et les hauts, mais pour maintenir une atmosphère respectueuse, nous vous demandons aimablement de ne pas porter de maillots de bain.
  • Le soir : Nous vous demandons aimablement de vous habiller de manière décontractée et élégante. Cela inclut des options telles que des robes, des jupes, des pantalons longs, des jeans et des chemises. Cependant, évitez les shorts et les tongs.
  • Pour les soirées de gala : Habillez-vous avec élégance et glamour pour votre photo à bord avec des tenues sophistiquées comme des robes de cocktail, des jupes, des pantalons, des jeans de créateur, des hauts élégants, des blazers ou même des costumes et robes de soirée.

MSC Yacht Club Grill & Bar - Code vestimentaire

Portez vos maillots de bain, t-shirts, débardeurs, chapeaux et lunettes de soleil à votre guise. Rappelez-vous simplement que le bronzage topless n'est pas autorisé dans cette zone familiale.

Est-il possible d'inviter des hôtes extérieurs, tels que des parents ou des amis séjournant sur le navire principal, dans la zone du MSC Yacht Club ?

La limite de bagages du msc yacht club est-elle plus élevée que celle des hôtes ordinaires , les enfants et les bébés sont-ils autorisés au msc yacht club , comment rejoindre le msc yacht club faut-il s'inscrire au msc yacht club , en tant que hôte du msc yacht club, cumule-t-on plus de points msc voyagers club qu'avec d'autres expériences .

Oui, le MSC Yacht Club est l'expérience la plus enrichissante de MSC Croisières :

  • Pour les croisières de moins de 5 nuits ou 6 jours , vous gagnerez 800 points MSC Voyagers Club.
  • Si votre croisière dure de 5 à 9 nuits ou de 6 à 10 jours , vous gagnerez 1 500 points MSC Voyagers Club .
  • Si votre croisière dure plus de 10 nuits ou 11 jours , vous gagnerez 2 000 points MSC Voyagers Club .

Comment bénéficier d'un surclassement au MSC Yacht Club ?

Si vous n'avez pas encore réservé votre croisière , vous avez encore le temps d'améliorer votre expérience de croisière avec le MSC Yacht Club et d'entrer dans un monde de luxe, en sélectionnant simplement votre suite préférée du MSC Yacht Club sur notre site internet lors de la confirmation de votre réservation.

Si vous avez déjà réservé votre croisière , vous pouvez obtenir un surclassement grâce au programme MSC Upgrade . Une fois votre paiement effectué, vous pouvez recevoir un e-mail de notre part vous indiquant comment surclasser votre hébergement dans une suite MSC Yacht Club.

Les hôtes surclassés au MSC Yacht Club peuvent-ils collecter des points MSC Voyagers Club de la même manière que les autres hôtes du MSC Yacht Club ?

Conditions :.

  • **Les hôtes du MSC Yacht Club ont droit à un changement de croisière gratuit, applicable soit aux dates de la croisière, soit à la destination. Ce changement doit être effectué jusqu'à 30 jours calendaires avant le départ, pour qu'une nouvelle croisière parte dans les 90 jours calendaires suivant le départ initial. Tout changement de croisière doit être demandé auprès de votre agence de voyages habituelle ou de notre centre de Contact Clients.
  • Possibilité d'organiser des excursions sur mesure en fonction des itinéraires.
  • Pour plus d'informations sur le forfait boissons Premium Extra, veuillez cliquer ici .

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MSC Cruises


Mon-Fri 9am - 7pm EST Sat-Sun 9am - 6pm EST

Experience yacht club luxury like this couple who is relaxing in the solarium pool area, attended by a dedicated butler serving refreshing drinks and ensuring a premium level of comfort and service.


Step into the MSC Yacht Club, an exclusive private sanctuary onboard only accessible by key card. Here, you can discover elegance with luxury suites offering a 24/7 butler service. Enjoy curated menus in a private restaurant and unwind on the secluded pool deck. An elevated experience awaits you on a vacation that’s a step above.

msc yacht club fr


A MSC Yacht Club butler in white gloves serves cruises guests tea and coffee with delicious pastries on a tiered.

Experience unparalleled service from the moment you check in. Gain access to priority embarkation and disembarkation, your own concierge team, a dedicated butler available 24/7, and premier room service delivered to you at any hour.

This is the private Yacht Club pool onboard MSC, featuring a spacious pool with easy-access stairs set against a vibrant blue sky with intriguing elements like a dinosaur figure, horses, and more, creating a unique and leisurely atmosphere.

Enjoy access to areas that are exclusive for MSC Yacht Club guests during your cruise vacation. Delight in fine dining at our dedicated restaurant, unwind on a private sun deck, and admire captivating sunsets from the Top Sail Lounge.

A man and woman each hold a glass of complementary champagne as they relax in their luxurious stateroom and enjoy their ocean cruise views through their balcony window.

When you choose MSC Yacht Club, you unlock unique exclusives, all-inclusive packages, and VIP access available only to you including entry to Ocean House Beach on Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve, our private island in the Bahamas.

Allow us to indulge you

Step into a world where your suite is just the beginning and where every detail is meticulously attended to.


Our butlers are prepared to meet your needs, whether that be bringing a late-night treat-or turning down your room. From the minute you step on board, your dedicated butler will be by your side for a memorable experience.

Ask your MSC Yacht Club concierge to secure the best reservations at all our incredible venues, including specialty restaurants, and consider it done. Revel in VIP seating for entertainment, partake in private shopping trips, and enjoy curated excursions.

Your journey with us is tailored to perfection, guaranteeing every moment is marked by exceptional comfort and convenience.

A MSC Yacht Club Butler in a distinguished black suit and white gloves serves tea with finger foods to a couple in a private yacht club area. They relax on a couch, savoring the moment while enjoying breathtaking ocean views.


Allow our dedicated MSC Yacht Club team to bring your ultimate cruise vacation to life. We prioritize every detail, from the perfect pillow selection from our exclusive Dorelan® menu to a fully stocked personalized mini bar at your fingertips.

Any questions you may have can always be answered by our 24-hour concierge service, available to you from the moment you step on board.

Young couple entering the Yacht Club's front lobby, where they enjoy the perks of luggage delivery and personalized service from the butler, catering to their cruise needs.


Immerse yourself in elegant spaces and experience elevated design in a beautiful setting.

In the private Yacht Club lounge, a couple enjoys cocktails, while in the background, a woman sips her drink while listening to a man play the piano on an MSC cruises.


The Top Sail Lounge is the ultimate place to rest and relax after shore excursions or days at sea. Throughout the day, take in crystal-clear panoramic views of the ocean while enjoying crafted drinks, gourmet finger foods, and desserts. At night, relish in exclusive access to live music and after-dinner drinks.   

When you visit the Top Sail Lounge, you'll have the time to unwind and watch the world sail by.

Experience luxury in the exclusive Top Sail Lounge, a private retreat for Yacht Club members on MSC Cruises. The lounge features plush white leather sofas, abundant natural light, and stunning panoramic views.


Recharge on a sundeck featuring dipping pools and whirlpool baths where you can cool off and lounge for total relaxation. Take in the sun and the ocean breeze with your preferred poolside beverage delivered right to your chair.

Indulge in the Yacht Club's exclusive Private Solarium on MSC Cruises, where a couple is pampered by a butler, offering personalized service for drinks, food, towels, and more. The image features a crystal-clear, elevated hot tub, epitomizing luxury and relaxation.


With a dedicated restaurant on each ship, the MSC Yacht Club offers an elevated menu. Enjoy fine dining served with five-star service and a selection of beverages and wines from around the world.  

You can savor the finest flavors in a space meant for you—no reservations needed.

An elegant moment at the Yacht Club restaurant on your luxury cruise, as a delighted woman smiles while being served a gourmet dinner with a red and white wine pairing by the attentive Yacht Club staff, epitomizing the essence of dining and indulgence in luxury.


The MSC Yacht Club experience continues on land at the private Ocean House Beach on Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve. A serene space with ocean views, beachfront cabanas, and complimentary amenities.


MSC Yacht Club offers guests luxurious onboard accommodations for the ultimate in comfort. Explore our wide range of staterooms to enhance your MSC Cruises luxury experience.

The Owner's Suite on World Europa offers opulent luxury with a spacious balcony featuring a sofa, hot tub, and breathtaking ocean and sunset views, providing the ultimate in privacy and indulgence aboard MSC Yachts

The Owner's Suites feature a spacious living area, a walk-in closet, a large balcony with a private whirlpool, and a panoramic glass wall. 

Step into the luxurious Royal Suite on Seascape within the Yacht Club, featuring an inviting living room adorned with green couches and a TV, offering an exclusive and opulent experience.

Every Royal Suite has a separate living area and all the comforts you would expect in first-class accommodations. 

The Deluxe Suite on Euribia, is a well-lit and stylish indoor space in varying shades of grey exudes a modern and minimalist vibe. Notable features include a staircase hinting at spaciousness, a versatile table with chairs, and ample natural light through a window, creating an inviting atmosphere for your cruise vacation.

These two-deck suites offer a separate living space with a double sofa bed, walk-in closet, and a balcony with a private whirlpool. 

This inviting indoor living room is part of the Executive Family Suite on MSC Divina. It features a warm brown color theme with two comfortable couches surrounding a central coffee table with a television for everyone to enjoy on your family cruise vacation.

These suites are ideal for families with children. They come with a separate sitting area and a bathroom with a bathtub.

The Deluxe Suite on Seashore, is a well-lit and stylish indoor space in varying shades of grey exudes a modern and minimalist vibe. Notable features include a staircase hinting at spaciousness, a versatile table with chairs, and ample natural light through a window, creating an inviting atmosphere for your cruise vacation.

These suites have also their own private balcony and all the comforts you expect in first-class accommodations. 

An interior stateroom on MSC Europa, featuring a room with a bed and a mirror, a mattress, pillows, and a grey floor with white lines, with no faces or objects detected.

Guests on our newest ships can enjoy all the comforts of the MSC Yacht Club with an interior suite.


An elegant moment at the Yacht Club restaurant on your luxury cruise, as a delighted woman smiles while being served a gourmet dinner with a red and white wine pairing by the attentive Yacht Club staff, epitomizing the essence of dining and indulgence in luxury.


Our Premium Extra Package is included as an MSC Yacht Club benefit. Delight in a wide selection of beers, cocktails, wines, top-shelf liquor, and an array of non-alcoholic beverages.

Stay connected while cruising with MSC as a passenger surfs their cell phone using an onboard internet package, ensuring seamless connectivity and convenience during the voyage.


Stay connected with a premium internet package from anywhere on board, an exclusive benefit for guests. Unlimited Wi-Fi allows you to browse on up to two devices.

Indulge in serene spa moments on MSC Cruises, as a woman in a plush spa robe sits by a window, savoring ocean views and relaxation in the tranquil spa setting.


Experience ultimate pampering at the MSC Aurea Spa, where you can enjoy complimentary access to the serene Thermal Suite, enhanced further by an exclusive 10% discount on all treatments.

explore further

Discover the best of both worlds as a guest of MSC Yacht Club. Enjoy VIP access to amenities throughout

your journey, from dining to captivating entertainment, while experiencing the personalized touch that

extends from your suite to every corner of the ship.


Savor the flavors of exquisite specialty restaurants such as Butcher's Cut, Kaito Sushi & Teppanyaki, HOLA Tacos, and Ocean Cay.

Elevate your dining experience with exclusive perks like priority reservation times, premium seating, and the luxury of a personal butler escort if you choose.

An image of a couple delighting in an a la carte sushi dining experience at the premium dining venue in the MSC Yacht Club, savoring a delectable selection of sushi dishes.


As an MSC Yacht Club guest, there’s always more to discover. Get priority access to our show-stopping Broadway and Vegas-style shows brought to you by Carousel Productions at Sea.

Plus, you can always explore the myriad of entertainment areas on board, from thrilling water parks to trying your luck at the state-of-the-art MSC Casino.

Captivating top-tier entertainment in the MSC Yacht Club, featuring an acrobatic performer executing mid-air splits while suspended by fabric, delivering a mesmerizing experience.


Unleash your active side by checking out our sports facilities, including outdoor walking tracks, basketball courts, and a fully-equipped gym boasting Technogym® equipment.  

For those seeking an even more tailored experience, indulge in specialty classes and personal training sessions, reserved by your MSC Yacht Club concierge team.

Enjoy a premium fitness experience on MSC Cruises as two individuals work out on treadmills in the well-appointed gym, offering scenic views of the ship and the expansive ocean beyond.

discover more

Journey to the ultimate destinations on board the MSC Yacht Club, whether it’s crossing places off your bucket list or delighting in quick weekend getaways.




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Lun-Dim : 9h - 18h

MSC Yacht Club All Inclusive Cruises

If you are looking to be pampered and to have a worry-free vacation, let us take care of you. It's intimate. Private. All-Inclusive. Who could ask for more? The MSC Yacht Club  is an exclusive onboard sanctuary designed with the highest standard of elegance.  This all-inclusive experience includes:

  •       UNLIMITED DRINKS in all bars and restaurants of the ship
  •       24-hour butler and concierge service
  •       Private restaurant with all-inclusive dining at flexible times
  •       Priority check-in and check-out in a dedicated area
  •       Exclusive Top Sail Lounge offering finger foods, desserts, afternoon and midnight snacks
  •       Private swimming pool and bar
  •       Luxury suites with Egyptian cotton linens
  •       Dorelan pillow menu
  •        And more!

Terms and Conditions

*Rates are cruise only per person based on double occupancy (with the exception of FLA category as noted above) and quoted in USD. Offer valid for new bookings only for U.S. & Canadian residents. Lead rate shown is for YIN. Government Fees, Taxes and Port Charges are additional for each guest. COMBINABLE DISCOUNTS: One (1) of the following discounts may be applied as applicable per stateroom: MSC Voyagers Club Discount; Military Discount; Interline Discount. Applicable to active and retired U.S. and Canadian military, civil service and interline personnel and their spouses, dependent children, parents, and parents-in-law. Qualifying guests must present an I.D.badge from their respective organization at the time of booking. Offer is capacity-controlled, subject to availability, cannot be combined with any other discount or promotion and may be withdrawn without notice. MSC Cruises reserves the right to pass on any fuel surcharge without prior notice to all guests. MSC Cruises reserves the right to refuse to honor any prices/sailings that are erroneously printed or quoted.   **MSC Yacht Club bookings made from Dec. 16, 2018 and forward, for travel on/after January 1, 2019, will have the new Yacht Club cancellations in effect: 120-90 days prior to departure: Deposit Non-Refundable; 89-60 days prior to departure: 50% penalty; 59-30 days prior to departure: 75% penalty; 29-0 days prior to departure: 100% penalty.    Other restrictions may apply. Ship's registry: Panama & Malta.

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I tried a ship-within-a-ship cruise experience and it was worth it for the endless perks—here’s why

The MSC Yacht Club affords travelers a totally different cruising experience, but you’ll have to splurge.

Erica Lamberg

I heard tales of luxury from people about the ritzy MSC Yacht Club , the ship-within-a-ship concept where discerning passengers enjoy their own area of the cruise ship that includes a dedicated restaurant, private lounge, separate pool and sundeck as well as private butlers and concierges to take of any whim while cruising. The elevated Yacht Club boasts priority everything while sailing MSC.

I sailed on a four-night cruise on the new MSC Seashore, a glitzy ship with Italian flair intermingled with references to New York City at every turn. Although the ship was well-appointed and had amazing dining, drinking and entertainment venues, and a bountiful Top Sail main buffet, thousands of passengers made the ship feel crowded at times, elevators were slow, and as I strolled through the general pools, they were boisterous and crowded.

RECOMMENDED: 10 things about cruising on an adults-only ship that might surprise you

Switch gears to MSC Seashore’s Yacht Club, passkey-protected for lucky guests, and is a 180 from the ship’s general spaces. Once you scan your handy Yacht Club wrist badge, or your room key, you’re instantly given entrance to a breathtaking retreat of 131 staterooms and suites. All this luxury does come at a price. Cruise fares will vary based on destination, time of year, and cabin category, but generally speaking you can expect to pay double for the Yacht Club. And from my experience, it’s worth it. Read more about why you should splurge.

You’re fast-tracked through everything

The Yacht Club’s exclusivity and impeccable service standard started from the moment I got dropped off at the Port Canaveral cruise terminal. There were hundreds of people waiting to board at 1pm on embarkation day. I saw in the distance a canopy that said MSC Yacht Club. My husband and I wheeled our carry-on luggage to the representative under the canopy. I gave her my name and within two seconds, she gave me a sticker to wear and up we ascended on the escalator to check in. Just five minutes later, I was directed to the dedicated check-in area for Yacht Club guests. To my right, I saw about 1,000 people serpentine through ropes to do general check-in. I felt a sense of relief; who wants to wait in that line? Five minutes later, a butler from the Yacht Club insisted on wheeling my luggage to board the ship and I was in my room in a total on 12 minutes from the time I stepped foot out of the car to my stateroom in the Yacht Club.

Relaxing and streamlined

In addition, Yacht Club guests have the freedom to get off the ship first for excursions. Your butler will happily escort you off the ship with a smile. Guests also can disembark on the last morning first, which is a big convenience. Your butler walks you right to the place you disembark, bypassing crowds and hassles. Port Canaveral is about an hour away from Orlando International Airport, and we took a 10 am flight home. We didn’t have to linger around until the afternoon for our flight home.

Another perk is that there’s a special seating area in the theater for shows. All the shows were excellent during my voyage. All other ship passengers have to make reservations in advance for shows but that’s not the case for the privileged Yacht Club passengers. As long as you arrive about 10 minutes before any show you choose, a crew member from the Club will allow you entry into a special roped-off section. Again, no rushing through dinner—you have the flexibility to plan your evenings your way.

MSC Seashore

Your Yacht Club package is packed with remarkable value

The price tag may sound daunting, but there’s lots of value there. All Yacht Club cabins and suites include a premium drink package that covers beverages up to $15. You can use this perk both in the Yacht Club and throughout the ship. In addition, your package includes a two-device Wi-Fi package, which worked well during my sailing. Finally, you get access to the thermal spa suite, which is a place to indulge after a day in port or a sea day. Commonly, there’s a taboo regarding mini-bars, but not in the Yacht Club. It’s stocked each day with the beverages you want; just tell your butler and consider it done.

You get perks ashore too

If your sailing includes a call to Ocean Cay, MSC’s private island, Yacht Club guests get an elevated experience there too. Yacht Club guests enjoy a private area, and a dedicated restaurant called the Ocean House. While other ship guests were hosted to a buffet of predictable fare, I enjoyed a lobster roll, and my husband chose carne asada. In my opinion, one thing that could be improved was the tram service to the Yacht Club’s private area. We were told the last tram back was 3:30pm if we didn’t want to trek a 15-minute walk in the heat. Since we were docked in Ocean Cay for the evening and weren’t sailing, I was a bit dismayed by this logistical quirk. I felt like I was keeping an eye on my phone to make sure I didn’t miss the last tram.

You have private areas with curated food and drink and outdoor spaces

Within the Yacht Club complex, there’s the Yacht Club Restaurant, Top Sail Lounge and the One Pool Buffet, which are all exclusive to Yacht Club guests. Obviously, the food and service are steps above other dining venues of the ship, I can vouch for that. Although the food is delicious, if you don’t want to pay extra to dine at the specialty restaurants or fuss in the main buffet, eating three meals a day in the Yacht Club restaurant can get a bit monotonous. The breakfast is the same daily, and lunch and dinner offer a menu with daily specials plus a few standby selections like a hamburger or pasta each day. Although the Yacht Club Restaurant concept is desirable, I would strongly suggest dining in other venues on board, especially for dinner. I thoroughly enjoyed specialty dining in Ocean Cay Restaurant, Butcher’s Cut, and Kaito Teppanyaki. I also want to mention that late afternoon high tea is offered daily at the Yacht Club Restaurant. It was one of the nicest I have experienced at sea.

MSC Seashore

Also available exclusively to Yacht Club passengers is the Top Sail Lounge, which offers panoramic water views and has chef-curated selections from morning through late night. We enjoyed popping into the lounge at all hours to try finger foods and sweets. The One Pool Buffet offers a more casual option for breakfast and lunch by the pool. The buffet has grilled fish, sandwiches and lots of delicious options if you want to dine outside.

There’s also an exclusive area with a private pool and two whirlpools for Yacht Club guests only. The sun deck loungers are very comfortable and I never had to worry about finding a lounger, there are ample. One issue I had was that there was almost no shade on the sun deck; there were shaded day beds for Royal Suite and Owners Suite guests, but beyond those, I couldn’t find any shade, which was disappointing.

You can justify the price at the end of your cruise

Overall, the best way to explain my enthusiasm for my MSC Yacht Club experience is this: it’s better to book an interior stateroom in the Yacht Club than a luxe cabin outside the Yacht Club. It’s worth the splurge and you return home feeling truly pampered and it’s money well-spent. And I make this prediction: Once you try a ship-within-a-ship concept like the MSC Yacht Club, you won’t want cruise any other way. Bon Voyage!

Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

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What is the MSC Yacht Club? Take a look at MSC Cruises’ luxury suite area

Ashley Kosciolek

MSC Cruises sails nearly two dozen beautiful ships from home ports around the world, but their inviting sun decks can be crowded, and you're likely to encounter queues for dinner, shows and guest services.

The trick to creating a more luxurious experience on this big-ship cruise line is to book a stay in the line's Yacht Club. This upscale enclave within MSC Cruises ' larger ships offers guests more spacious accommodations, butler service and dedicated restaurants and lounges — even coffee delivered to your room each morning, just the way you like it.

Because of the Yacht Club , MSC can offer an inviting experience for cruisers who like big-ship cruising but crave more elevated accommodations, dining and amenities. MSC Cruises was one of the first lines to introduce this ship-within-a-ship concept, along with Norwegian Cruise Line . Now other popular cruise lines, such as Royal Caribbean , also have adopted it.

The Yacht Club section on several of MSC Cruises' ships offers gated access to semi-private dining, butler service and more, but it comes at a price. Find out how much you can expect to pay and what you'll get for your money.

For more cruise news, guides and tips, sign up for TPG's cruise newsletter .

What are the MSC Yacht Club perks?

msc yacht club fr

All stays in the Yacht Club include priority check-in and checkout; priority disembarkation and boarding on shore excursions days; free premium alcohol and Wi-Fi packages; a bathrobe and slippers; complimentary access to the Aurea Spa thermal suite; 24-hour concierge and butler services (dining and spa reservations, unpacking and repacking, morning coffee delivery, etc.); a free daily in-cabin newspaper of your choice, delivered; and the ability to change your cruise one time without penalty.

Yacht Club cruisers are also entitled to discounts of 10% on spa treatments, 20% on specialty dining packages and 40% on spa packages.

msc yacht club fr

In addition, passengers booked in the Yacht Club have access to their own dedicated bar, lounge and restaurant, as well as a semi-private outdoor bar, pool and hot tubs, all on an exclusive sun deck. When ships dock at the line's private island, Ocean Cay Marine Reserve , Yacht Club passengers have private beach and restaurant access .

In their cabins, Yacht Club cruisers will find a pillow menu, memory foam mattresses, high-quality linens, bathrooms with marble floors, a specialty coffee maker, complimentary open minibar access, one gratis bottle of spirits (choose from a list of available options), free one-time snacks, 24-hour room service and nightly turn-down chocolates from Venchi, an Italian chocolatier that partners with the cruise line.

Which MSC cruise ships have the Yacht Club?

msc yacht club fr

Thirteen ships in the MSC Cruises fleet have the Yacht Club on board:

  • MSC Bellissima
  • MSC Euribia
  • MSC Fantasia
  • MSC Grandiosa
  • MSC Meraviglia
  • MSC Preziosa
  • MSC Seascape.
  • MSC Seashore.
  • MSC Seaside
  • MSC Seaview
  • MSC Splendida
  • MSC Virtuosa
  • MSC World Europa

Upcoming vessel MSC World America (2025) also will have the Yacht Club.

The largest Yacht Club in the fleet is on MSC World Europa, offering 152 suites. The second-largest is found on the line's two Seaside EVO Class ships, MSC Seashore and MSC Seascape, which each have 131 suites.

MSC Yacht Club cabins

msc yacht club fr

All accommodations in the Yacht Club are labeled as suites, even though they comprise some standard cabin types. The specific stateroom types offered will vary by ship, but in general, they range from windowless interior cabins and deluxe balcony rooms to Executive and Royal Suites with more space, walk-in closets and bathrooms with both showers and bathtubs.

msc yacht club fr

New to the fleet with the line's World Class are 1,600-square-foot Owner Suites, which include multi-room layouts, walk-in closets, bathtubs and balconies, each with a whirlpool and alfresco dining area.

Also new are Duplex Suites, offering two decks of space, with the bedroom and bathroom upstairs and a dining area, living room and guest bath downstairs. These also include two private sun decks with loungers, one of which boasts a whirlpool.

How much does it cost to stay in the MSC Yacht Club?

msc yacht club fr

As you might expect, the cost to stay in the Yacht Club depends on several factors, including cabin type, the length of the sailing and where you're going and when. However, in line with the rest of the brand's pricing, a stay in the Yacht Club is an excellent value when you compare it to stays in other lines' dedicated suite areas or to luxury cruise prices.

I priced out several sailings departing over the next two years on some of the line's newest and largest ships. This is what was available at press time. (Note: MSC Cruises' website will only allow me to choose a general Yacht Club designation when booking. That means a guaranteed suite within the Yacht Club, but you won't know what type it is until closer to sailing.)

  • 7-night Caribbean and Bahamas cruise on MSC Seascape: $6,538 (including taxes) for two adults, round trip from Miami, March 16-23, 2024
  • 11-night Bermuda, Canada and New England cruise on MSC Meraviglia: $9,958 (including taxes) for two adults, round trip from Brooklyn, New York, Sept. 25-Oct. 6, 2024
  • 7-night Mediterranean cruise on MSC World Europa: $5,118 (including taxes) for two adults, round trip from Barcelona, May 2-9, 2025
  • 7-night Mediterranean on MSC Divina: $5,858 (including taxes) for two adults, round trip from Kusadasi, Turkey, June 5-12, 2025

Check out the MSC Cruises website to learn more about the MSC Yacht Club .

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  • More banned items: What not to pack for a cruise
  • Man overboard: Why do people fall off cruise ships?
  • What is baked Alaska, and why is it paraded around cruise ships?
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  • MSC Cruises

MSC Preziosa - Comprehensive Yacht Club Review

Solent Richard

By Solent Richard , March 26, 2020 in MSC Cruises

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3,000+ Club

Solent Richard

Three weeks ago my wife disembarked from our first MSC cruise, 14 nights Yacht Club onboard MSC Preziosa around the Caribbean.

I have now written what I consider a full, frank and comprehensive review on our experience. Here is the link...


I'd be delighted to answer any questions.


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Thank you for your great review and photos!


Thanks Richard and Barbara. Very comprehensive and useful.


WOW!!  Great review.  Very thorough and insightful.  Loved all the pictures. We were to do YC Prezioza this June but, had to cancel until next year. Still looking forward to doing our cruise. Now, we are more excited for next year.  Thank you so much for taking the time to post such a wonderful review.

1 hour ago, phissy said: WOW!!  Great review.  Very thorough and insightful.  Loved all the pictures. We were to do YC Prezioza this June but, had to cancel until next year. Still looking forward to doing our cruise. Now, we are more excited for next year.  Thank you so much for taking the time to post such a wonderful review.

So pleased I could give you a glimpse of 'the light at the end of the tunnel'.


48 minutes ago, Solent Richard said:   Good morning Pete (as in Skier).   Long time no speak and hope you are well.   Now for the confession. It was your review, all those years ago, that gave me the original inspiration and idea to take my wife to Guadeloupe: I'd filed it in the memory bank.   Had you not appeared here I would have asked Wansbrough to pass on the link and thank you.   And as you probably noted from my review, we've already booked another MSC cruise.   Keep safe.   Richard      

That's an endorsement for MSC if ever I saw one.

it is heartening to see and  partly makes up for all the bashing i got on for flag waving for MSC .


Wonderful review...wished I was there. 😀

On 3/27/2020 at 9:02 AM, Skier52 said:   That's an endorsement for MSC if ever I saw one.   it is heartening to see and  partly makes up for all the bashing i got on for flag waving for MSC . Pete

A yacht Club experience would have been out of their depths Pete.

Thank you so much for your wonderful review.  Feeling kind of low these days, what a pleasure it was.  I shared it with my husband and he also enjoyed it.

We have our first Yacht Club experience coming up in October and are looking forward.  Thanks again!

Hi Solent your review with interest as we were aboard the Preziosa a month before you , 21st January.  Our reflections were somewhat different although I would agree that  Marie-Pierre and Summit were excellent, they were our butler and restaurant waiter as well.  We were fortunate to stay in 15031 just up the corridor from you, next time try to get one of these large square cabins as they are 50% bigger than the one you had, we even had a sun lounger on the balcony as it is so much bigger.

I would double check that your Virgin flight from Gatwick to Barbados was a charter.  Our MSC / Virgin Flight was a Scheduled flight (VS029/VS30) as MSC this year were taking a block of seats not the full allocation.  It is important as you will be able to claim Virgin Flying Club Air miles which we did, Premier gave us 8432 air miles (worth about £125).

We cruised Preziosa last year as well and the difference was astonishing, for the worse. The quality of the meat in La Palmeriae was extremely poor and like yourselves we dined in Butcher's Cut where the meat was superb but boy-o-boy did we all suffer in the YC restaurant, even 'Summit' advised us not to have many dishes as the complaints were endless.  

The Gazebo you mentioned was erected due to the complaint about the food on offer at the One Pool during our cruise. You benefited from the change of YC Directors, the new YC who change midway though our cruise (Thierry Fnu) made many changes which improved the situation.  The problem is you don't know which YC Director you are going to get, some are a disgrace to MSC.  

We also booked for Yacht Club 2021 and have subsequently cancelled, just not worth the money anymore.  

Cool Cruiser

Just thought I would add some feedback from our recent cruise.

My better half and I were on the cruise following Solent Richard, 3rd – 17th March in the YC. Flew VS29 ex-Gatwick – I will agree with Mickey89 that the flight is part MSC booked, but not completely as I noted several Virgin Holidays tags on baggage. We were heat tested before we entered the terminal at Barbados airport. No issue, quick and first of several such tests during the next fortnight.

Our view of the cruise was it was overall fantastic and we would both book it again in a flash. The itinerary leapt out of the page when we spotted it over a year in advance; so nice to see smaller islands and not the run of the mill ex-Miami mainstream ports.

We sailed Divina in YC in 2018 (Med 7 day cruise) and felt that the YC restaurant on Preziosa exceeded comfortably that we experienced on Divina. Sumit was out waiter too and a credit to MSC. Food taste is subjective, but when I read Mickey89's feedback I thought I was on the wrong ship. Maybe the change in TC Director impacted the food standard too, as it was pretty faultless.

We have travelled quite often in the Haven and our experience on Divina clearly awarded the restaurant medal to NCL, but on Preziosa we felt it was materially improved and at least equivalent to Haven, but with a far better choice as each day offers a new selection. Preziosa also offered three “everyday” options not listed including spaghetti bolognaise and filet.

One Pool chef always had a gazebo erected. We always breakfasted either at One Pool or TSL, never the restaurant. Lunch was normally at One Pool when not ashore. Always a good choice and always chef specials.

We too are Death in Paradise fans and took a tour with Merva, as mentioned by Richard in his report. An excellent day and one of our favourite private tour experiences without a doubt.

St, Kitts, Dominica, St. Vincent (Bequia) and St. Maarten we really enjoyed too.

The cruise had no Italians on board when we joined (some 550 would typically have been on board), but MSC had already reacted to the CORid-19 outbreak it seems. The first 11 days went as planned, but on the second weekend both Martinique and Guadeloupe only permitted disembarking guests to leave the ship at the end of their cruises. No new guest’s joined that second weekend. Transit guests were not permitted to leave the ship. Each day there were less remaining guests St. Lucia was cancelled and we had a slow sail to Barbados sea day on the last Monday. We have no issue with this, what else can MSC/ports do in such circumstances. My only issue would be the lack of communication from the captain – being more familiar with NCL we are used to daily dialogue from the captain, even in normal circumstances. It was notable the captain never delivered such daily updates, either during the normal phase of the cruise nor during the latter agenda impacted phase. Strange.

As I stated above we would rebook the YC without a doubt – we would book the same cruise again and same ship. The YC versus Haven is an interesting debate often seen on CC; we like both and both have pro’s and con’s we feel. I like the TSL, my wife less so; we both like the One Pool bar/eating area; Haven has more room options and is more family focussed (family suites), but generally is a lot more expensive; champagne included in the YC is a nice bonus. First world problem, but both being nice to experience.

  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/30/2020 at 4:34 PM, mickey89 said: Hi Solent your review with interest as we were aboard the Preziosa a month before you , 21st January.  Our reflections were somewhat different although I would agree that  Marie-Pierre and Summit were excellent, they were our butler and restaurant waiter as well.  We were fortunate to stay in 15031 just up the corridor from you, next time try to get one of these large square cabins as they are 50% bigger than the one you had, we even had a sun lounger on the balcony as it is so much bigger. I would double check that your Virgin flight from Gatwick to Barbados was a charter.  Our MSC / Virgin Flight was a Scheduled flight (VS029/VS30) as MSC this year were taking a block of seats not the full allocation.  It is important as you will be able to claim Virgin Flying Club Air miles which we did, Premier gave us 8432 air miles (worth about £125).   We cruised Preziosa last year as well and the difference was astonishing, for the worse. The quality of the meat in La Palmeriae was extremely poor and like yourselves we dined in Butcher's Cut where the meat was superb but boy-o-boy did we all suffer in the YC restaurant, even 'Summit' advised us not to have many dishes as the complaints were endless.     The Gazebo you mentioned was erected due to the complaint about the food on offer at the One Pool during our cruise. You benefited from the change of YC Directors, the new YC who change midway though our cruise (Thierry Fnu) made many changes which improved the situation.  The problem is you don't know which YC Director you are going to get, some are a disgrace to MSC.     We also booked for Yacht Club 2021 and have subsequently cancelled, just not worth the money anymore.  

Thanks for your input Mickey. Much appreciated.

I hear what you say about Thierry Fun, the YC Director, I got on with him like a house on fire.

On 3/31/2020 at 6:00 PM, Had01 said: Just thought I would add some feedback from our recent cruise.   My better half and I were on the cruise following Solent Richard, 3rd – 17th March in the YC. Flew VS29 ex-Gatwick – I will agree with Mickey89 that the flight is part MSC booked, but not completely as I noted several Virgin Holidays tags on baggage. We were heat tested before we entered the terminal at Barbados airport. No issue, quick and first of several such tests during the next fortnight. Our view of the cruise was it was overall fantastic and we would both book it again in a flash. The itinerary leapt out of the page when we spotted it over a year in advance; so nice to see smaller islands and not the run of the mill ex-Miami mainstream ports. We sailed Divina in YC in 2018 (Med 7 day cruise) and felt that the YC restaurant on Preziosa exceeded comfortably that we experienced on Divina. Sumit was out waiter too and a credit to MSC. Food taste is subjective, but when I read Mickey89's feedback I thought I was on the wrong ship. Maybe the change in TC Director impacted the food standard too, as it was pretty faultless. We have travelled quite often in the Haven and our experience on Divina clearly awarded the restaurant medal to NCL, but on Preziosa we felt it was materially improved and at least equivalent to Haven, but with a far better choice as each day offers a new selection. Preziosa also offered three “everyday” options not listed including spaghetti bolognaise and filet. One Pool chef always had a gazebo erected. We always breakfasted either at One Pool or TSL, never the restaurant. Lunch was normally at One Pool when not ashore. Always a good choice and always chef specials. We too are Death in Paradise fans and took a tour with Merva, as mentioned by Richard in his report. An excellent day and one of our favourite private tour experiences without a doubt. St, Kitts, Dominica, St. Vincent (Bequia) and St. Maarten we really enjoyed too. The cruise had no Italians on board when we joined (some 550 would typically have been on board), but MSC had already reacted to the CORid-19 outbreak it seems. The first 11 days went as planned, but on the second weekend both Martinique and Guadeloupe only permitted disembarking guests to leave the ship at the end of their cruises. No new guest’s joined that second weekend. Transit guests were not permitted to leave the ship. Each day there were less remaining guests St. Lucia was cancelled and we had a slow sail to Barbados sea day on the last Monday. We have no issue with this, what else can MSC/ports do in such circumstances. My only issue would be the lack of communication from the captain – being more familiar with NCL we are used to daily dialogue from the captain, even in normal circumstances. It was notable the captain never delivered such daily updates, either during the normal phase of the cruise nor during the latter agenda impacted phase. Strange. As I stated above we would rebook the YC without a doubt – we would book the same cruise again and same ship. The YC versus Haven is an interesting debate often seen on CC; we like both and both have pro’s and con’s we feel. I like the TSL, my wife less so; we both like the One Pool bar/eating area; Haven has more room options and is more family focussed (family suites), but generally is a lot more expensive; champagne included in the YC is a nice bonus. First world problem, but both being nice to experience. Stay safe.

Good afternoon HAD.

Humble apologies for not responding sooner and many thanks for your comprehensive addendum: it made very interesting reading, particularly the comparison with NCL's Haven.

Up till this cruise we were ardent Cunard Grills fans and while I'd never abandon them entirely we thoroughly enjoyed our 'Maiden' MSC. The real advantage for us is the wider itineraries on offer with MSC.

So pleased you gave Mirva some business and I trust you enjoyed Sainte Honore as much as we did: You'll never believe the 'brownie' points I received from my wife.

Funnily enough we were due to fly to Split this morning to join an Emerald Waterways cruise along the Dalmatian Coast. Just so pleased we made the full Preziosa when we did.

Take care and thanks again for your input. 

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Is MSC Cruises' Yacht Club Worth It?

Dive into the indulgent world of exclusivity and amenities to decide if the premium experience justifies the cost.

Book MSC Cruise

MSC Cruises Yacht Club is a place of luxury among luxury cruising worldwide. The yacht club was introduced on MSC Fantasia in 2008, and later on, all the subsequent ships, including the latest addition to the fleet, MSC Seashore , are premium experiences that have become a staple. Yacht Club is a refuge within a mega-ship, featuring high-class treatment and many privileges for its customers interested in an exquisite cruise.

Does MSC Cruises Provide Value for Money?

The yacht club experience.

The exclusive amenities of the Yacht Club form its heart, along with a separate section of the ship. Passengers have deluxe rooms, including a private lounge, pool, and restaurant. The yacht club concept was first introduced on MSC Fantasia and later extended to newer ships such as MSC Seashore, a place of tranquility amid mega-ship activities.

Yacht Club Across the Fleet

Over the years, the concept of the Yacht Club has been extended to numerous ships such as MSC Splendida , MSC Divina , MSC Preziosa , MSC Seaside , MSC Meraviglia , MSC Seaview , MSC Bellissima . This premium offering continues to be added consistently across the fleet to endorse its popularity and success.

Yacht Club Fares

It is undoubtedly expensive to stay in a Yacht Club, and in most cases, it costs twice as much as a cabin. Prices also differ, with an interior cabin being around $2,800 for two passengers, whereas a balcony can cost up to $4,100 . But the Yacht Club is worth every penny owing to its high-class amenities and ultimate luxury.

Yacht Club Perks

The Yacht Club attracts people because it has many unique privileges. For example, among others, one of the remarkable advantages is the premium drink package, which is added to all Yacht Club suites. The $15 package covers a variety of beverages that are either alcoholic or non-alcoholic. To ensure complete relaxation, there is an extra two-device WiFi package and access to the thermal spa suite.

Embarkation and Disembarkation

VIP treatment from the time the customers arrive at the port is one of the most fascinating characteristics of the yacht club. There is a separate check-in zone, quicker security checks, and priority embarking to make this process smooth. Priority disembarkation is also reserved for the Yacht Club guests who thus skip the crowds.

No Membership Fee

Unlike loyalty programs, the Yacht Club does not charge a membership fee. Instead, they can book a suite within the Yacht Club and become part of this exclusive enclave. This premium cruise experience is trendy, so planning is a must since the suites tend to sell out pretty early.

Yacht Club Design and Atmosphere

The Yacht Club's design philosophy is focused on building a calm and sophisticated setting. It is an enclave that exudes elite sophistication and classiness with neutral tones. Expansive balconies, soft loungers, and chic sun deck cushions help create a luxurious atmosphere inside and outside.


The Yacht Club is not restricted to adults. Families get the best of both worlds. The ship provides unique places and facilities for kids to be entertained and have distractions. The Yacht Club maintains its sophisticated atmosphere, with disruptions from younger guests being infrequent.

Yacht Club Restaurant Excellence

The most outstanding feature of the Yacht Club is its particular restaurant, which provides a more elaborate selection than the other main dining rooms. Yacht Club restaurant offers a high-quality dining experience using quality ingredients and a personal approach. The culinary journey in the Yacht Club goes beyond the recommendations to accommodate the dietary restrictions.

The Ultimate Luxury

A personal butler, which takes the Yacht Club experience to another level. The butler sees everything, from making dinner reservations to ensuring your bed on the Top Sail sundeck is ready. The VIP treatment goes beyond the line's ship, including priority access to shows, shore excursions, and Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve.

Also Read:   Top reasons to cruise with MSC Cruises

The answer to whether the Yacht Club is worth the splurge is evident as we evaluate its pros and cons. The Yacht club is a category of cabins, but it's much more than that; it is an experience where luxury, convenience, and exclusivity are combined. Yacht Club provides this level of indulgence from embarkation and through the butler's personalized service. The Yacht Club is a fitting purchase for those seeking to unwind in a plush setting amidst the luxury of a mega-ship. A cruise on board will be a lavish holiday of life on the sea. For more information about the Yacht Club, visit .

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This Cruise Life

Msc yacht club 2024 on board msc meraviglia.

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To say we were pampered is the understatement of the year (although, considering it’s only January, fingers crossed there’s more pampering ahead)! We had the opportunity to sail MSC Meraviglia out of New York earlier this month; we were excited to check out the new-to-us cruise line. But what we didn’t expect: an upgrade to MSC’s exclusive Yacht Club!

What is the Yacht Club?

The Yacht Club is MSC’s “ship within a ship” concept that promises both privacy and exclusivity. The experience includes amenities most could only dream about: white-glove butler service, 24×7 concierge, an exclusive restaurant on the ship and on MSC’s private island, Ocean Cay, unlimited drinks anywhere on the ship, a private pool, hot tub, lounge deck, and so much more.

MSC Yacht Club 2024 On Board MSC Meraviglia

Upgrade Offer

In early December, just over a month from our sailing date, we received an email inviting us to bid on an upgrade . We were already in a balcony cabin, so it seemed odd bidding on an interior cabin – but that’s just what we did! We maxed out our bid on an interior Yacht Club stateroom in hopes that the upgrade fairies would grant our wish.

On December 13, 2023, that’s exactly what happened!

Thank you Twitterverse!!! You made our MSC Yacht Club dreams come true. Our upgrade was accepted this morning. Full review of the MSC Yacht Club Deluxe Suite and experience coming January! 💙💙💙 #thankyou #msc #yachtclub — This Cruise Life (@thiscruiselife) December 13, 2023

Yacht Club Check-In

Fast-forward a month to January 9, 2024 when we checked in to board MSC Meraviglia. Again, to say this check-in process was different would be a huge understatement. Unlike your typical check-in with long queues, growling stomachs, and throngs of people, we waited in our own lounge with champagne and canapés away from the crowds. We made sure to document the entire experience so that we could share it with you:

First Impressions

So what is it like to sail on a ship within a ship? Is the Butler actually a real person, or is it just a glorified room steward? And what exactly is a canapé? The first 24 hours on board was a whirlwind. There were so many new experiences – and so much food! Considering this was our first-ever MSC cruise, it was a GREAT first impression! You can check out our detailed review of that first 24 hours, along with what we thought about MSC Meraviglia:

Full Review to Come!

Now that we’re back on solid ground, we’re working on our full review of our 9-day sailing on board MSC Meraviglia in the Yacht Club. We’re going to cover the things that we loved, didn’t love, and a couple things that we hated about the ship and experience.

As always, thanks for joining this cruise life of ours and following our adventures! -Mark and Rocky

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MSC UpGrade | MSC Cruises

TAKE your cruise to the next level

Bid for a cabin upgrade in a few clicks, how does the msc upgrades programme work, 1. find out if you are eligible for a cabin upgrade.

If you already have a booking number and have paid for your cruise, we will contact you by email to propose a cabin upgrade. If you don’t receive our e-mail, you can still check if you are eligible for this offer by filling out the eligibility form, and then making a bid to upgrade your cabin to a higher category. If you booked through a travel agent, they will be able to guide you through the process if necessary.




If you're eligible, discover the best cabins available for an upgrade and insert the amount you are willing to pay. Each bid is per person and will automatically be replicated for the second guest in the cabin with you (3rd and 4th guests will benefit from the category upgrade free of charge). Remember to provide us with a valid credit card, even though in this phase you will not be charged.

Bidding on multiple rooms will increase your chances of getting an upgrade, but you will only be charged for one upgrade. Remember to provide us with a valid credit card, even though you will not be charged at this point.



We will inform you of the outcome of your bid by e-mail , so keep an eye on it!

If your bid is accepted, your credit card will automatically be charged the corresponding amount. Otherwise, you will keep the cabin you originally booked without paying any additional amount.


How much do I bid through MSC UpGrade if my reservation includes more than two guests?

How will i be charged for msc upgrade if i travel alone.

You will be charged based on double occupancy. For example, if you originally booked a single occupancy cabin and bid £  100 for an MSC UpGrade, you will be charged £   200 should the upgrade be accepted.

How do MSC UpGrade offers work if I’m part of a group or if my bookings is linked with another reservation?

If i’m travelling with another cabin, can i bid only once through msc upgrade and, if accepted, cancel the second reservation and move the guests into the upgraded cabin, can i modify or cancel the msc upgrade offer after it has been submitted.

You may modify or cancel the offer up until 48 hours prior to the closing of the bidding window, as long as the offer has not already been accepted by MSC or your credit card has not already been charged.

Can I cancel the MSC UpGrade offer after it has been accepted?

What will happen with the promotions i already have if i’m upgraded through msc upgrade.

You get to keep the promotions you already have based on the cabin category initially booked. However,  no additional promotions will be added to your reservation.

What will happen with my cabin experience if I win an MSC UpGrade?

If i win an upgrade to an aurea experience or msc yacht club cabin, do i get all the related benefits.

Yes, if a guest wins an upgrade to an Aurea experience or MSC Yacht Club cabin, the originally booked Bella or Fantastica experience will be changed to the new Aurea or MSC Yacht Club cabin experience. We will guarantee all the related benefits associated with the upgraded experience. In case of an upgrade to MSC Yacht Club, there will be no refund for pre-purchased drinks packages.

Can I choose the location or specific features of the cabin?

What will happen if the upgrade category includes a higher amount of hotel service charge, when will i know if my msc upgrade offer got accepted, why did i or someone “travelling with” me not receive an invite to bid for an msc upgrade, terms & conditions, msc upgrade programme, thank you for visiting msc cruises.

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  2. MSC Yacht Club: Leistungen, Suiten und Restaurants

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  4. MSC Yacht Club: Is It Really Worth It?

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  5. MSC Yacht Club: An overview of what’s included

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  6. MSC Cruises

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  1. Croisières de luxe MSC Yacht Club

    Laissez-vous séduire par l'élégance des croisières de luxe avec l'espace MSC Yacht Club, un havre de privilèges exclusifs.Bénéficiez d'un confort sans pareil et d'un service personnalisé en embarquant pour un voyage d'exception à bord de nos magnifiques navires. Découvrez un monde où l'intimité se mêle au luxe, où chaque détail est soigneusement pensé afin de surpasser vos ...

  2. Luxury cruises MSC Yacht Club: exclusive cruises

    MSC Yacht Club Sundeck & Pool. The MSC Yacht Club Sundeck & Pool is an exclusive luxurious outdoor area with captivating swimming pool, spacious sundeck, and relaxing large hot tubs for an remarkable luxury cruise experience. In the MSC Yacht Club you are provided with exceptional service, including fresh towels and cleaning sunglasses while ...

  3. MSC Yacht Club Perks: 10 Amenities Worth the Splurge

    2. All Inclusive: So Much Comes With Your Yacht Club Fare -- Including Your Drink Package. There's no question that the Yacht Club is a splurge. Interior cabins start at around $2,800 for two ...

  4. MSC Yacht Club Luxury Cruises

    Explore our wide range of staterooms to enhance your MSC Cruises luxury experience. MSC World America. The Owner's Suite. The Owner's Suites feature a spacious living area, a walk-in closet, a large balcony with a private whirlpool, and a panoramic glass wall. Approx Sq. Ft.*: 840-1,119 interior / 517-670 balcony. 4. LEARN MORE.

  5. MSC Yacht Club

    Discover MSC Yacht Club, an all-inclusive sanctuary with 24-hour butler and concierge service, unlimited drinks, food and more. Visit our website and check out our luxury cruises. ... Language: EN | FR | S'identifier Bonjour, {0} Sign out. Language: EN | FR | 1-833-253-9978. Lun-Dim : 9h - 18h. Nous contacter. Home; Nos Offres; MSC Yacht Club ...

  6. I Tried the MSC Yacht Club and it Was Worth it for the Endless Perks

    The MSC Yacht Club affords travelers a totally different cruising experience, but you'll have to splurge. Written by Erica Lamberg. Friday January 26 2024. Share. Copy Link.

  7. I tried the cheapest MSC Cruises Yacht Club suite. Here's what to know

    A repurposed industrial site, it has become a Bahamian oasis with pristine waters and 8 beaches. MSC Yacht Club guests get special access while visiting the island, which I think is one of the significant differences from other cruise line suite programs. At the far end of the island, Yacht Club has its own dedicated area featuring the Ocean House.

  8. MSC Yacht Club: Is It Really Worth It?

    The MSC Yacht Club duplex suites are humongous, with more than 600 square feet of interior space and nearly 250 square feet of exterior space, with a whirlpool-boasting balcony. There are two ...

  9. 25 ways to take advantage of staying in MSC Cruises Yacht Club

    11. Visit Ocean House at Ocean Cay. One of the major perks of staying in the Yacht Club is access to the suite-only area at Ocean Cay. MSC has gone to great lengths to reinvigorate these islands, planting thousands of bushes and trees, along with recolonizing coral reefs.

  10. What is the MSC Yacht Club, MSC Cruises' luxury suite area?

    MSC Cruises was one of the first lines to introduce this ship-within-a-ship concept, along with Norwegian Cruise Line. Now other popular cruise lines, such as Royal Caribbean, also have adopted it. The Yacht Club section on several of MSC Cruises' ships offers gated access to semi-private dining, butler service and more, but it comes at a price.

  11. MSC Yacht Club Excursions

    Explore marvelous destinations all over the world with MSC Yacht Club by immersing you in luxury, exclusivity, and premium privilege, . such as private transportation, smaller excursion groups, all-inclusive benefits. From paradisiacal beach getaways and upscale adventures to authentic cuisine, enlightening arts and craft workshops, storied architectural visits,

  12. MSC Yacht Club Cruise Fans

    MSC's Yacht Club is a place where you can indulge in the luxury of a private club while enjoying access to the recreation and entertainment possibilities that the rest of the ship offers. Please note : There is no soliciting allowed in the group publicly or by private message to members.

  13. Comprehensive Yacht Club Review

    March 20, 2008. Hampshire, England. #1. Posted March 26, 2020. Three weeks ago my wife disembarked from our first MSC cruise, 14 nights Yacht Club onboard MSC Preziosa around the Caribbean. I have now written what I consider a full, frank and comprehensive review on our experience.

  14. Is MSC Cruises' Yacht Club Worth It?

    Book MSC Cruise. MSC Cruises Yacht Club is a place of luxury among luxury cruising worldwide. The yacht club was introduced on MSC Fantasia in 2008, and later on, all the subsequent ships, including the latest addition to the fleet, MSC Seashore, are premium experiences that have become a staple. Yacht Club is a refuge within a mega-ship, featuring high-class treatment and many privileges for ...

  15. MSC Yacht Club Forum

    Discover a ship within a ship. A place where you can savour exclusivity and privacy in a world of choice. Where you can indulge in the luxury of a...

  16. MSC Yacht Club 2024 On Board MSC Meraviglia › This Cruise Life

    The Yacht Club is MSC's "ship within a ship" concept that promises both privacy and exclusivity. The experience includes amenities most could only dream about: white-glove butler service, 24×7 concierge, an exclusive restaurant on the ship and on MSC's private island, Ocean Cay, unlimited drinks anywhere on the ship, a private pool ...

  17. MSC Yacht Club

    MSC Yacht Club. 481 likes · 3 talking about this. Avec des tarifs toujours plus abordables, partagez vos photos, vidéos et votre expérience des serv

  18. MSC Cabin Upgrade Programme

    Yes, if a guest wins an upgrade to an Aurea experience or MSC Yacht Club cabin, the originally booked Bella or Fantastica experience will be changed to the new Aurea or MSC Yacht Club cabin experience. We will guarantee all the related benefits associated with the upgraded experience. In case of an upgrade to MSC Yacht Club, there will be no ...

  19. Leslie Iacopi

    Medical Staff And Professionalism Programs and Commodore, Golden Gate Yacht Club · Experience: Golden Gate Yacht Club · Education: Santa Clara University · Location: San Francisco · 132 ...

  20. Mediterranean Shipping Company

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  21. Aeolian Yacht Club

    Aeolian Yacht Club, Alameda, California. 799 likes · 2 talking about this · 1,301 were here. Established in 1906, Aeolian Yacht Club is a neighborhood harbor on tranquil San Leandro Bay

  22. Search a schedule

    Working with MSC will plug you into a network of experts across 675 offices, planning 300 global routes to 520 ports in over 155 countries, and we're committed to offering competitive rates and transit times. Inland Transportation & Logistics Solutions.