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Us flagged vessel, health insurance costs per crew, uniform cost per crew, training cost per crew, food cost per crew, crew turnover, hires using a professional crew agency.

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Costs of food provisions will vary dependent upon how eloborate food Preferenaces are

Location will play huge factor in food provisons and thing may have to be folws into remorte locations.

Crew is one of the largest expenses on a superyacht and critical to the owner’s enjoyment of their vessel. As the largest crew agency in the world, we know crew. Our cost calculator contains customized crew lists for yachts ranging from 80ft to 600ft with salary information based on our reference verified salary data.

Our users also have the ability to completely tailor the crew list to the specific needs, schedule and requirements of their vessel. Each yacht is unique and may have specific owner requests in addition to the yacht’s safe manning requirements.

Management of the supplemental crew costs and strategic budgeting can help avoid significant overspend on categories such as food and uniform. This tool contains default values based on our industry expertise and recommended budget for an efficiently and safely run superyacht.

To learn more about each crew position in detail, including salary ranges, please visit our yacht department directory .

Drag the sliders to modify your results. These are not linear scales and we expect most yachts to operate within the 20-80% window. Above 80% and below 20% costs increase or decrease at exaggerated levels and we only see numbers in these levels in very rare circumstances.

This sunburst diagram is interactive. You can click into each block to see the expense break down and mouse over each block for more details.

Our chart of accounts displays seven major categories, 20 sub-categories plus a further 80 detail categories for a total of 107.

Our yacht operating cost calculator is now on it’s third major revision. We start with actual yacht expense data from our yacht management accountants and then generate formulas to extrapolate out the budget for a wide range of yachts. We have been providing accounting services to large yachts for the past 18 years.

Our operating cost calculator is tuned for yachts from 80 to 600 feet. We find operating variables create the largest variances for yachts smaller than 100 feet and larger than 250 feet. We have tested the numbers the most in the range from 100 to 250 feet.

Our budget calculator factors in the fuel burn for a range of engine sizes typically seen installed on yachts by length. By dragging the green “fuel dockage” slider to the right you will increase the projected fuel burn rate and therefore the budget cost for fuel. Our default position would be for a typical displacement fuel burn. Position the slider in the 60-80% range for fuel projections for planning hulls.

Our default values produce a budget number that we believe is generous to run a yacht to a high standard. Perfect is a very expensive word to use in the yachting industry where standards are already high. Moving the crew and maintenance sliders to 80% will provide an “industry best” quality of crew and give them the maintenance budget to operate to a very high standard. If you need to go over the 80% area then you may have unusually labor intensive equipment on the yacht.

Yes, our yacht operating cost calculator can output a budget suitable for this situation. Adjust the owner use to 2 (minimum value), owner slider to 0, crew slider to 10%, Administration to 10%, Fuel and Dockage to 0, Maintenance to 10% and then Capital Repairs to 0. This will remove all of the large charges associated with owner use and vessel movement but leave the essential base maintenance and insurance in place.

Lift on and float in yacht transport is a popular way to transport yachts across large ocean passage. The yachts that this service certainly applies to are ones that may not have the motoring range or structural integrity for blue ocean cruising. The cost of transporting a yacht twice per year is put into our budget once the “Fuel Dockage” slider hits 75%. If your yacht has the range we recommend self-sufficient ocean passages whenever possible. Whilst the transport companies sell their services based upon reportedly well oiled operated schedules the reality is that your yacht may stay waiting for pickup for a week or more with no compensation due. When factoring in all secondary factors of self-sufficient passages (increased fuel, maintenance, potential storm damage, crew time off, extra delivery crew) compared with transporting your yacht (insurance, potential loading / unloading damage, loss of schedule control, no work whilst underway, crew flights, crew accommodation) we believe that there is a 100% premium associated with float in transport and a 75% premium with lift on transport compared with self-powered.

Abandoned yachts crash in value. We recommend that even if you are trying to sell your yacht that you use the yacht for a minimum of two weeks per year so that systems are tested and working every six months. There is nothing worse for a yacht than not being used. If you truly are not going to use the yacht then you should sell it immediately for the first genuine offer as every dollar you put into maintenance will not be recovered at the time of the sale.

We did not build this version with sailing yachts in mind. Early in our development of this version we decided to exclude sailing yachts as a few of the major cost drivers scale very differently for sailing yachts compared with motor yachts. For example: To calculate paint costs we reviewed the surface area of over 100 large yachts and created a formula for painted surface area to length. Sailing yachts just don’t scale in a consistent way. Similarly crew numbers don’t scale in the same manner that they do for motor yachts. If there is sufficient demand we may build a sailing selector switch into a future version of this tool.

We hate to hear when yacht owners were told by their broker to factor in 10% of the purchase price to operate the yacht. This over used saying is sadly right occasionally (particularly for newer yachts in the $20-30M range)… but just because a broken watch tells the right time twice a day you shouldn’t rely upon it to tell the time. As yachts get older their capital value decreases but their maintenance costs increase. There is no way that a fixed 10% of purchase cost rule can be true… if your broker told you this rule then you need a new yacht broker… we know some good ones. 😊

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Windward Yachts

How Much Does it (Really) Cost to Own a Yacht?

cost of running a motor yacht

The true cost to own a yacht is an area of concern for many prospects of yacht ownership. And it should be.

Maintenance costs, exploitation costs, total cost compared to yacht charter, we detail in this article the expenses (especially the hidden ones) you have to consider before buying your first yacht !

We also provide you several solutions to lighten your investment and reduce the cost to own your yacht. 

If you are looking for the price of a yacht charter (rental), please read this article instead .

How much is a yacht?

Before diving into the expenses that comes monthly, yearly or every decades once you own a yacht, let’s answer the elephant in the room: How much is a yacht (alone) in the first place? The short answer is… it depends, of course. But in most cases, the longer the yacht, the higher is her selling price.

Generally speaking, you can expect to find yachts for sale in the following price ranges:

  • Below 50ft (15m): between 500K – 2,500,000 € / USD
  • Between 50-70ft (15-21m): between 2 millions and 6 millions € / USD ( See our 9 catamarans for sale under 6 millions here )
  • Between 70-100ft (20-30m): between 6 millions and 20 millions € / USD
  • Superyachts over 100ft (30m): minimum 10 millions € / USD

You can always find exceptions to the rule and find cheaper or more expensive yachts for sale outside of these price brackets.

A lot of factors come into the selling price of a yacht: supply and demand, brand / model reputation, age and condition of the vessel, urgency or lack of for the sale and so on.

What are the main hidden costs that come with yacht ownership?

You probably already guessed it, the cost of owning a yacht doesn’t stop at its purchase price . In some cases, the price you bought your yacht at can seem like a bargain, but it really isn’t once you start adding all the hidden costs, and many of them come yearly.

Here are the main ones you should be wary of.

cost of running a motor yacht

Yacht exploitation and running costs : always calculate them carefully before buying your yacht

It always cost you money to exploit your yacht.

When you are chartering a yacht, a part of these operation costs is included in your APA (Advanced Provisionning Allowance) .

When you own a yacht, these costs still apply , but you will have to pay directly for them.

Among the main operation costs, the most important are usually the following:

  • The fuel: its cost will depend on the type of boat, her fuel consumption, the region, and the distances traveled;
  • The mooring fees which depends on the area but also on the boat size;
  • The crew, if you need it. The cost will depend on the frequency and the crew’s size;
  • The communication fees;
  • The food and beverages supplies;
  • All the expenses related to your leisure activities.

Yachts maintenance: a cost that you should definitely not overlook

cost of running a motor yacht

Even outside of its operating period, it still costs you money to own your yacht!

Maintenance of your boat isn’t an option and must be done on an ongoing basis. The price vary depending on the type of yacht you are owning (motor, sail, etc…), the size of the vessel, but also how old she is.

The maintenance costs include :

  • The regular maintenance of certain equipment, like engines, thrusters, sails, rigging, safety equipment, hull(s) (fairing)…;
  • The occasional maintenance operations in case of breakdown or damage;
  • The painting;
  • The cleaning and the specialized maintenance products (for teak, leather, …). 

The costs of maintenance and upkeep will obviously not be the same if you do it yourself or if you call in specialists. But regardless, you should have a budget buffer dedicated to maintenance costs when you plan on buying a yacht, especially if she already had a long sailing life.

The taxes and insurance premiums of a yacht: a cost that most forget

Consider the different taxes (at the purchase and annual) and the yearly yacht insurance that you have to pay. A specialized insurance policy is generally estimated at between 0.8% and 1.2% of the boat’s purchase price per year.

Must Read : Yacht Insurance : The Definitive Owner’s Guide

Yearly harbor fees : a very important hidden cost of yacht ownership

cost of running a motor yacht

The port and/or winterization fees are also a big part of yacht ownership costs that you should carefuly estimate.

Depending on your region, you may need to consider “dry-docking” your boat, which involves handling, transport, and storage which can be really expensive. 

If you can leave your yacht in the water all year round, you will need to go for a harbor ring concession.

Depending on the marina and its infrastructure, the region, and your boat’s size, the costs may considerably vary from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars a month . However, it is easy to obtain this information from marinas once you have chosen which yacht to purchase.

The depreciation’s price of a yacht

A yacht, like a car, will depreciate . It is difficult to estimate the depreciation, as it depends on economic conditions, exchange rates, price inflation when new, the type of boat, and the shipyard. 

However, it is reasonable to estimate a minimum depreciation of 10% in the first year, then 7% in the following years. From the fifth year on, the depreciation tends to slow down. On the other hand, the operating costs increase.

Summary of the main operating and maintenance costs of owning a yacht

So, to sum up, how much does it cost to own a yacht? It largely depends on your type of yacht and your location.

But in general, owning a yacht will cost you between 10-25% of its value annualy . The longer the yacht, the likelier you are to be at the end of the spectrum.

Here are the reasonable costs you could consider:

  • 10% of its value annually for a 60ft (18m) / 1 million USD yacht and below (=max 100K / year)
  • 20% of its value annually for a 100ft (30m) / 10 millions USD yacht and above (=min 2 millions / year)

These brackets of total costs include everything: usual yacht maintenance, upkeep and operating costs that will be distribued as follow:

  • Communication
  • Maintenance
  • Insurance premiums
  • Harbour fees
  • Cost of depreciation

Are you worried? Do not. Luckily, there are numerous ways to decrease the overall cost of yacht ownership and still enjoy yachting as it should be. Read the next paragraphs to know these valuable tricks.

If you liked this article you will also like : HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO CHARTER A YACHT?

How to reduce the cost of yacht ownership?

cost of running a motor yacht

A yacht keeps on costing money even when not in use, so the best way to make it a more profitable investment is to increase its exploitation.

Renting your own yacht : a good way to reduce the costs of owning a boat

When you are not using the boat, you can earn income by renting it out. The rental price depends on the type and size of the boat, but also its location. While making money from renting is possible, don’t expect to pay back all your expenses. Nevertheless, it will help you in avoiding your yacht becoming a financial burden. 

The easiest way to do this is to hire a professional charter company to help you. If you go for a reputable and experienced company, you will benefit from their expertise and contacts. It will also save you from legal, insurance, and withdrawal issues and avoid red tape.

On the topic : Yacht to Charter : Can It Be Profitable?

Fractional yacht ownership: share the cost of owning a yacht with co-owners

Another solution to own a yacht at lower cost is fractional ownership of a boat , which means that you own a fraction of it. It can be half, a quarter, or even less. For a long time, boaters have been opting for this option of partial ownership with friends or family. These days some companies create formalized fractional ownership arrangements for more guarantees. 

For example, in partnership with the Windward Islands, SAILING RESORT proposes fractional boat ownership on the fabulous trimaran, the LEEN 72’. So you can become a co-owner of the new hybrid-powered multihull which can accommodate up to 10 passengers and 4 crew members. You will enjoy private use of the trimaran (depending on the period) from 6 to 12 weeks during the first 5 years.

This program proposes a profitable commercial operation with 24/7 premium service. It is a tailor-made solution for all those who want to feel like owners of a prestigious yacht for a few days a year while limiting their investment and responsibilities. WI manages the operation of the yacht for you out of your personal use, like the charter’s organization, maintenance, insurance, annual mooring, and all other administrative tasks.

Once you have weighed the pros and cons and have the means to finance both the purchase and the annual costs (maintenance, operation, …) of your yacht, you should go for it! Indeed, if you can evaluate the hidden costs and expenses of owning a boat, the freedom and unforgettable memories are priceless. 

Yacht Charter remains a cheaper alternative than yacht ownership in many cases

cost of running a motor yacht

If you can’t enjoy your yacht frequently or are still unsure about whether it’s worth the cost or not to own a yacht, you might consider chartering instead. This will allow you to try out different models , from various shipyards, and see which ones you prefer.

Therefore, the cost of renting a yacht will save you from having to worry about all those hidden costs of owning one. All you have to do is pay for your charter, your cancellation insurance and set your APA during your stay. This way, you only pay money, time, and effort when you use the boat.

What is the (true) cost of chartering the yacht you've seen? 💰⛵

The advertised prices of all charter companies do not include APA, VAT & other variable costs. 

Use our calculator to get a 100% FREE estimate of the REAL total cost of your next yacht charter! ⬇


cost of running a motor yacht

Frequently asked question

For a 60-foot or million-dollar yacht, the cost per year will be about 10% of its value or $100,000 per year.

You should expect to pay about 20% or more of the original price of your boat to run it annually. So, for a $10 million yacht, the cost to operate will be about $2 million per year, including fuel, insurance, dock fees, maintenance and repairs, crew, etc.

A 180-foot superyacht and/or mega yacht costs a minimum of $4.75 million per year to operate and maintain. Kitty McGowan of the US Superyacht Association estimates an annual budget of $1 million for maintenance and repairs, $350,000 for dockage, $240,000 for insurance, $400,000 for fuel, and $1.4 million for the crew. Add another 15-25% of the vessel’s value for V.A.T.

Once you have weighed the pro and cons, if you can afford the purchase and all the hidden annual expenses, have found your dreamed yacht, and have time to enjoy it, you should go for yacht ownership!

It is not the best way to make money, but you can minimize your annual expenses by renting it or opting for fractional boat ownership.

It’s hard to tell. As long as you have the money and enough time to enjoy it, it is worth owning a yacht! Everything cannot be estimated. For example, it will bring you invaluable freedom and happiness.

One of the easiest way to reduce the maintenance cost of a yacht is to fractional yacht ownership. That way, the maintenance expenses are spread among co-owners according to their shares.

It varies greatly depending on the size of the yacht. For a yacht of 60ft (18m), you will likely spend around 10% of its purchase value each year in maintenance and exploitation costs.

Luxury yachts have maintenance and operation costs that are around 10% of their value yearly. So if a yacht value is 2 millions USD, its maintenance and operations costs should be around 200K / year.

Operating a sailboat is usually 20-40% cheaper than the same size motoryacht. Motoryachts tend to be more expensive to operate than sailboats as the fuel consumption can become an important expenditure fast.

A small yacht below 50ft is usually for sale between 500K and 2,5 millions USD / €. A mid-size yacht between 50ft and 100ft is usually for sale between 2-15 millions USD / €. Above 100ft, the selling price is rarely below 10 millions USD / €.

cost of running a motor yacht

What is a Yacht Club? Benefits & Features Explained

Buying a yacht : the frequently asked questions, you might also like.

cost of running a motor yacht

What differentiates a yacht from a superyacht or a mega yacht?

cost of running a motor yacht

Chartering Requirements and Regulations: A Guide for Boat Owners

cost of running a motor yacht

What are the Fastest Cruising Catamaran on the Market?

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  • Carver Motoryachts
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The Real Costs of Owning a Superyacht [Complete Guide]

The Real Costs of Owning a Superyacht [Complete Guide]

November 25, 2019 1:00 pm

Owning a  superyacht  is a status symbol available only to the world’s wealthiest individuals and corporations. Although there is no strict definition, the Red Ensign Group Yacht Code is applicable to “motor or sailing vessels of 24 meters in load line length and over…and which, at the time, is in commercial use for sport or pleasure and carries no cargo and no more than 12 passengers 1 .” There are currently just over 10,000 superyachts in the world with around 200-250 new builds delivered each year. The vast majority are  motor yachts , with sailing yachts counting for less than 20% of the total. The world’s largest private vessel, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s 180m (590-foot) AZZAM,  cost $600 million to build when it was delivered in 2013. Eight of the ten most expensive luxury acquisitions of all time were superyachts.

cost of running a motor yacht

Purchase Cost

Buying a new or used superyacht will most likely cost the buyer several million dollars. Pricing varies widely based on the yacht size, age, and other factors such as builder, guest capacity, speed, range, and more. The market is worldwide and extensive. Any potential buyer would be well-advised to engage a professional, certified broker to guide them in the selection of their dream yacht and through the myriad of complications in making the purchase.

  • • Financing the Purchase
  • • Immediate Post Purchase Costs

cost of running a motor yacht

Operating Costs

In years past, owners and their brokers would work on 10% of the purchase price as an estimate of annual operating costs, but the vast range of yacht size, operating location, and usage profile makes this approach less useful without giving the question more thought. Building a budget for a yacht requires consideration of the following elements:

Crew – Salary, payroll taxes, recruitment fees, uniform, health insurance, food, and travel for vacation and repatriation are all crew-related costs. A good guide for salary costs is published by Dockwalk magazine every year based on an extensive survey of the crew and placement agents. Using their most recent article as a guide, a crew of eight full-time crew on a 150-foot yacht will cost over $650,000 per year in salary alone. Get a complete crew cost breakdown.

Dockage – Unless the owner plans to spend the year at anchor, then keeping the yacht in a marina incurs a significant cost. Dockage is normally sold per foot of the yacht’s full length and per night, although contract rates for longer periods may be available. High-quality marinas in peak seasons are currently running in the $6-8 per foot per night range. Electricity, fresh water, and waste removal are all additional costs to be considered.

Fuel – The captain or engineer should be able to provide the fuel consumption per hour at any given speed, so if a yacht owner knows roughly how much he wants the boat to travel, then he can estimate the total fuel consumption and budget the fuel cost. There is also the fuel cost for generators, particularly at anchor. A typical 150-foot motor yacht cruising at 12 knots will consume in the region of 150 U.S. gallons per hour. At today’s fuel prices, that’s going to be close to $500 per hour. 500 hours per year will give us the main engine fuel budget of around $250,000. To this, we must also add the generators’ fuel consumption at anchor plus any additional cost for tenders.

Communications – Everyone onboard, crew and guests, want to remain connected to their social media, streaming services, and email. The technology available in this area moves fast and with 5G coming online, near-shore costs will likely come down. For those who want broadband speed while offshore, costs are high and depend on the upload/download speeds required. Start with an estimate of $4-5,000 per month and work from there. Additional communications costs include satellite TV subscriptions, crew cell phone costs, mail, freight, and more. Get a complete communication cost breakdown.

Maintenance, Consumables, and Other Operating Costs – Having considered crew payroll, marina costs, fuel, and internet, the budget will start to materialize. One must take all other costs into account, such as hull insurance, liability insurance, maintenance and consumables, warehousing, safety and survey costs, upkeep of the navigation outfit, computing support, car rental, and more.   

Looking for more details?

Receive the complete Cost of Yacht Ownership Guide including:

  • • Offsetting Expenses With Charter
  • • Superyacht Financing
  • • Budget Development + More

cost of running a motor yacht

This should not be considered a financial guide. For a more accurate estimate, contact Clive McCartney .

1 Red Ensign Group Yacht Code Section A 1.2(1) 

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cost of running a motor yacht

Yacht Operations Calculator How Much Does it Cost to Own a Superyacht?

Owning a superyacht is a dream for many, but understanding the costs involved is essential to making that dream a reality. Our cost calculator helps you estimate the annual running costs of a yacht based on its length, type, age, value, and number of crew. While the calculator provides valuable estimates, for a more accurate and personalised quote , we recommend contacting our Team to speak with one of our yachting experts. Explore the details below and use our tool to make informed decisions.

Yacht Operations Calculator

Select a length and yacht type to see crew recommendations.

Our recommended number of crew based on LOA would be Crew Members.

Total Operational Costs

Fill in the form and click the button to see the calculations.

Initial Purchase Price

The cost of purchasing a yacht can vary widely based on several key factors. Size is a primary determinant, with larger yachts commanding higher prices due to increased materials, engineering complexity, and luxury features. For instance, a 20-30m yacht might cost between USD 2 million and USD 5 million, while a 70m+ superyacht can exceed USD 100 million.

Yacht Type: Motor or Sail

The type of yacht also plays a significant role in pricing. Motor yachts, known for their speed and range, tend to be more expensive than sailing yachts of similar size due to the complexity of their engines and systems. Additionally, custom new builds, tailored to an Owner’s exact specifications, typically cost more than semi-custom or series yachts, which follow pre-designed platforms. If you can’t decide whether a motor or sailing yacht is right for you, check out our motor yacht vs sailing yacht guide to find out more.

Age and Builder

Age is also crucial. Newer yachts often have the latest technology and require less immediate maintenance, reflecting higher prices. In contrast, pre-owned yachts can offer significant savings but might come with higher maintenance costs and require costly updates. The reputation and craftsmanship of the builder are also important; yachts from Northern European shipyards like Feadship or Lürssen often command premium prices due to their quality and brand prestige.

Furthermore, the condition of the yacht, including its maintenance history and any refits or upgrades, can significantly affect its price. Well-maintained yachts with recent overhauls or modern amenities will generally cost more than those needing refurbishment.

Leverage Our Team’s Exceptional Commercial Expertise

That’s where we come in. We support you in the valuation of your current yacht or one you are considering purchasing. With their expertise and current market knowledge, our sales & purchase consultants and yacht managers can confidently value a yacht, considering a plethora of factors including everything from the recent sales of similar yachts (both on and off market),to external market pressures and detailed yacht surveys.

How Much Does It Cost To Run A Yacht?

Operating a yacht requires a skilled crew. Below, we present the basic crew you can expect on board a superyacht, but the number of crew members and their salaries will generally depend on the yacht’s size. For a 40m yacht, expect to have around 8 to 10 crew members, costing approximately USD 500,000 to USD 600,000 annually.

Various positions on board, such as ETO/AV/IT specialists, sous chefs, pursers, masseuses, nurses, and personal trainers, can be required based on the Owner’s preferences as well as the yacht’s size with the industry standard Safe Manning Document outlining the appropriate numbers of crew relating to the size of the vessel.

Crew on board superyacht

Crew Roles, Responsibilities, and Average Salaries:

  • Captain: Manages the yacht, ensures safety, and oversees all operations. Average salary: USD 80,000 – USD 200,000 annually.
  • First Officer: Assists the Captain and manages deck crew. Average salary: USD 70,000 – USD 120,000 annually.
  • Chief Engineer: Maintains the yacht’s mechanical and electrical systems. Average salary: USD 84,000 – USD 144,000 annually.
  • Engineers: Support chief engineer to maintain the yacht’s mechanical and electrical systems. Average salary: USD 40,000 to USD 70,000 annually.
  • Chef: Prepares meals for guests and crew. Average salary: USD 70,000 – USD 150,000 annually.
  • Chief Steward: Responsible for maintaining the interior and managing the team that supports it, they are also the first point of contact for guests on board. Average salary: USD 60,000 – USD 84,000 annually.
  • Deckhands and Stewards: Perform maintenance, assist with navigation, and ensure guest comfort. Average salary: USD 30,000 – USD 60,000 annually.

The crew plays a crucial role in ensuring a positive onboard experience, so it’s important to find the right fit for the yacht. This means offering a well-balanced work-life environment with competitive salary and leave packages to attract experienced crew members who can make the experience truly memorable.

2 Maintenance and Repairs

Regular maintenance is crucial to keep your yacht in prime condition.

  • Routine Maintenance: Scheduled checks and services, such as hull cleaning, engine servicing, and electronic system checks, costing about USD 100,000 – USD 500,000 per year. This ensures the yacht remains in excellent working condition and complies with safety standards.
  • Unexpected Repairs: Unplanned issues can arise, such as engine faults or cosmetic damage, leading to additional costs. Budgeting an extra 10-20% of the maintenance budget for these can be wise. For example, a major engine overhaul can cost upwards of USD 200,000.

Businessmen on board yacht

3 Insurance

Yacht insurance covers a range of potential risks, from accidents to natural disasters.

Types of Coverage:

  • Hull Insurance: Protects against physical damage to the yacht.
  • Liability Insurance: Covers legal liabilities, including injury to guests or crew.
  • Crew Insurance: Ensures crew members are covered for medical expenses and accidents.

Cost Factors:

Premiums vary based on the yacht’s value, size, age, and cruising areas. A larger, older yacht cruising in high-risk areas will have higher premiums. For instance, annual premiums for a 40 to 50 metre yacht can range from USD 70,000 to USD 120,000 but depends on factors such as hull value and cruising area which could increase the costs further.

SMILE exterior deck

Ocean Independence Insurance Services

While we don’t directly offer insurance for your yacht, our in-house operational yacht managers offer insurance management services to take the stress out of your yacht ownership experience. Our services include:

  • Policy Selection / Insurance Coverage Assessment: Advising on the best insurance policies tailored to your yacht’s operations and cruising area.
  • Claims Management: Handling all aspects of insurance claims, from filing to settlement, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

4 Berthing Fees

Berthing fees are one of the highest expenditures for yacht owners. Generally, berthing is priced by the length of the yacht and per night, although long-term contracts are also an option for those looking to acquire a home berth with most marinas offering the option to purchase a dedicated berth for a year.

It is also worth considering how much you will use your yacht and where you intend to go. Marinas vary significantly in price, with the most sought-after locations incurring the highest costs. For instance, visiting the most exclusive berths in destinations with limited space like Portofino can cost north of USD 10,000 per night during the high season (not including additional services like electricity, water, and waste removal), and these spots are often booked well in advance.

Berths at marina

Purchasing A Home Berth

If you plan to return to the same marina regularly and to own your yacht for several years, purchasing a long-term lease for a berth can offer a range of benefits. While the initial purchase is often significant, it guarantees a comfortable berth in a prime location, even during the busy high season. A strategically located berth can also help reduce other costs by mitigating crew turnover, thereby reducing recruitment, training, and inefficiency expenses.

Additionally, long-term leases present diverse revenue streams. Even though these won’t cover ownership costs, they significantly offset financial burdens. Typically, owners utilise their fixed moorings as a secure homeport during the off-season, ensuring maintenance, crew satisfaction, and peace of mind. While, during peak cruising season, your berth can be leased out, further countering ownership costs.

5 Fuel Costs

Fuel costs are also a significant portion of the annual operating expenses for a superyacht. Fuel consumption varies depending on the yacht’s size, engines, and hull design. As a general guide, a 50m displacement yacht can burn about 500 litres of fuel per hour at cruising speed. Thus, a yacht that is used regularly or is used for long-distance cruising can incur substantial annual fuel costs.

Fuel prices vary globally, and even within the Mediterranean , owners can make significant savings with strategic refuelling. It’s advisable to fill up in regions with lower fuel prices and avoid high-cost areas.


6 Brokerage and Management Fees

Electing to hire a professional yacht manager with Ocean independence offers numerous benefits, including operational efficiency, cost savings, and peace of mind.

We assign a dedicated yacht manager to your vessel, serving as your personal point of reference and delivering regular reports on all aspects of your yacht’s operation, including onboard inspections. Our comprehensive operational management package ensures your yacht is always operated safely and smoothly.

We also uphold a strict non-commission policy for services rendered to our clients under a management agreement. Additionally, all discounts we obtain from suppliers are fully credited to the owners, with no mark-up on our services.

cost of running a motor yacht

Our Operational Yacht Management Services

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Specialist yacht operations.

If you feel ready to purchase your dream yacht, or still have some unanswered questions, contact our Team for personalised guidance and professional consultation.

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The yachting journey can be complex with many decisions to be made. Get in touch with Ocean Independence, and one of our specialist consultants will help you make the right choices.

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cost of running a motor yacht

Motorboat running costs: What you need to know

Explore the financial aspects of owning a motorboat, from upkeep to storage and insurance, and learn 9 cost-saving tips to curb your expenditures.

Owning a motorboat is indeed an enticing dream. The thrill of the sea spray on your face, the calming rhythm of the waves, and the endless horizon stretching out before you — it's a lifestyle that promises unmatched freedom and adventure. However, the journey to this point often begins with the less glamorous phase of budgeting.

In this guide, we'll voyage through the financial aspects of motorboat ownership , illuminate the less obvious costs, and offer a practical perspective on the overall investment, which typically corresponds to 10-20% of the purchase price as annual expenses. Moreover, we've curated a list of 9 cost-saving strategies, drawing from a wealth of industry insights and hands-on experience. 

Owning a yacht: the effects of upfront costs

Embracing the joys of motor yacht ownership begins with understanding the initial costs. The choices made at this stage are an exciting stepping stone for prospective buyers and contribute to shaping ongoing expenses. 

The market offers an incredible array of choices, from economical pre-owned motorboats that have already proven their worth in the waters to the elite, brand-new yachts complete with the latest maritime technology and luxurious amenities.

cost of running a motor yacht

To ensure cost-effectiveness, prioritise a pre-purchase survey for used boats. An expert evaluation can unearth potential issues, giving you a realistic picture of the boat's condition and any possible maintenance or repair costs. An informed choice today can save significant expenses down the line.

The ongoing cost of boat ownership 

By now, you've likely established a plan to tackle the initial purchase costs - either by paying the full price upfront or setting up a loan scheme with manageable monthly payments. But the financial planning doesn't stop there. In return for endless sunsets and exciting sea adventures, one should account for the ongoing running costs critical in keeping your boat's propeller spinning smoothly.

Maintenance + boat motor service costs

Maintaining your motorboat in top shape involves a spectrum of activities that ensure its longevity and operational safety. Regularly scheduled engine checks and services, hull cleanings, propeller inspections, and electronic equipment tests are just a few examples of the routine maintenance required.

Typically, a boat engine service cost in the UK can vary between £100 and £500+ and is recommended at least once a year or after every 100 hours of operation, whichever comes first. Professional services often conduct a comprehensive inspection, including fluid and filter changes, spark plug checks, and belt adjustments, among others.

Proactive maintenance is the secret to cost-effective boat ownership. Regular checks and servicing can help identify potential issues early, preventing costly breakdowns and prolonging the life of your motorboat.

Motorboat berthing and storage

Berthing and storage fees are regular aspects of boat ownership that are worthwhile to consider. The expense can vary based on your location, the marina's amenities, and the season. For instance, harbouring your motorboat in a premier spot during the peak season might have a different price tag compared to off-peak storage in a less frequented area.

Investigate seasonal storage rates and consider using marinas during off-peak periods.

Motorboat insurance cost

Motorboat insurance is a non-negotiable expenditure. The cost is influenced by factors such as the boat's value, type, size and your experience as a boat owner. Other variables include the intended use, navigational area, and storage location.

Bundle your boat insurance with your other policies. Some insurance providers offer discounts for multiple policies.

Operational costs of owning a yacht 

These include expenses for fuel, engine oil, and general maintenance. The figures can vary widely depending on the engine size, the frequency of use, and the average speed at which you cruise. If these numbers are on the higher side, it's a good sign you're traversing the globe , indulging in the real heart of the sailing experience

Avoid long periods of inactivity. Regular use helps maintain the health of the engine and other onboard systems, potentially preventing expensive repairs down the line.

Motorboat training and licensing 

Securing the required boating qualifications and licences is an essential part of the process for safe operation. Plus, it could potentially impact your insurance premiums and help you meet fellow sailors along the way.  

Seek out recognised training institutions that offer bundle deals or group classes - both of which are more economical.

Cleaning and safety equipment onboard the boat

Maintaining a clean motorboat goes beyond mere aesthetics; it's vital for longevity by protecting against saltwater corrosion and the harmful effects of dirt and marine growth. Regular DIY cleaning (done monthly) or professional hull cleaning (recommended bi-annually) can effectively address these issues. On the safety front, investing in essential equipment such as life jackets, first aid kits, and fire extinguishers is equally crucial. Not only is it required by maritime regulations, but it also safeguards passengers against unforeseen circumstances, enhancing onboard safety and peace of mind.

Invest in high-quality, durable safety and cleaning equipment. While the upfront cost might be higher, it can save you money in the long run by not needing to replace these items frequently.

Regulatory motorboat running costs

Regulatory boat running costs include the expenses related to permits, licences, and fees associated with owning and operating a motorboat. These could be annual registration fees, marina fees, or environmental management charges.

Familiarise yourself with all potential fees and permits associated with boat ownership in your area to avoid surprise charges.

Boat transportation costs  

The costs for transporting your motorboat over land, whether for storage, repairs or changing cruising locations, are primarily influenced by the boat's size, weight, and distance travelled. It's also crucial to consider the necessary permits for oversized loads, as well as potential insurance premiums for the transportation period.

Try combining boat transport with other necessary activities, such as scheduled maintenance or storage.

Summing up: Sailboat running cost saving tips

Pre-purchase surveys: Seek professional assessments to identify potential issues before buying a used boat, avoiding unexpected repair or maintenance costs in the future.

Proactive   maintenance: Regularly service your boat to detect potential problems early, helping to avoid breakdowns and extend the life of your motorboat.

Smart berthing and storage choices: Research seasonal storage rates and consider opting for marinas during off-peak periods. 

Insurance bundles: Consider bundling your boat insurance with other policies, as many providers offer discounts which can lead to considerable savings.

Regular boat use: Avoid lengthy periods of inactivity by using your boat regularly, which helps keep the engine and other systems healthy and can prevent repair costs.

Training and licensing bundles: Opt for training institutions offering bundle deals or group classes for boating qualifications and licences.

Invest in durable safety and cleaning equipment: Choose high-quality, long-lasting safety and cleaning gear for your boat. While the upfront costs may be higher, frequent replacements can be avoided, saving money in the long run.

Understand regulatory costs: Stay informed about all potential fees and permits related to boat ownership in your region.

Combine boat transportation: Schedule your boat transportation in line with other necessary activities like maintenance or storage.

Extra and unexpected boat running costs

Beyond the usual running costs, you might opt for a special upgrade or need to manage an unexpected circumstance. In view of this, here are some possible situations to consider:



Range (GBP)

Boat customisation

Includes interior redesigns, exterior modifications, and engine upgrades.

£500 - £10,000+

High-end electronics

Advanced navigation systems, marine radars, and high-end entertainment systems.

£100 - £10,000+

Fishing equipment

High-quality rods, reels, fishing tackle, and bait.

£50 - £1,000+

Performance maintenance

Upgrades for maintaining/improving boat speed and handling.

£100 - £5,000+

Emergency repairs

Immediate boat motor service, systems, or damage costs against propellers, hull breaches, etc.

£200 - £10,000+

Weather-related damages

Repair costs due to storms, hurricanes, etc.

£200 - £20,000+

Towing and salvage costs

Costs of towing a broken-down boat or salvage after sinking/grounding.

£150 - £5,000+

Travel and transportation expenses

Costs related to overland transportation of your motorboat.

£100 - £2,000+

Luxury upgrades

Aesthetic upgrades like high-quality upholstery, teak decking, etc.

£200 - £10,000+

Extended warranties and service plans

Cover parts and labour for specific system/component repairs.

£100 - £3,000+

What is motor yacht shared ownership? 

Shared ownership, also known as fractional ownership, offers an attractive alternative to financing a motorboat without bearing the full costs. This model involves multiple individuals jointly purchasing a vessel and sharing the usage and maintenance costs. Each owner is allotted a specific amount of time aboard the yacht annually, and the fees are split evenly.  

Does shared boat ownership work?

Well, it really depends on the parties involved. The success of shared ownership relies on clear communication, trust among owners, and well-defined terms of use and maintenance responsibilities.

cost of running a motor yacht

The price of a yacht varies greatly depending on factors such as size, brand, age, and features. Understanding these factors will help potential buyers make informed decisions.

Smaller yachts often start at a few hundred thousand dollars , while larger or more luxurious models may cost millions. Meanwhile, superyachts and mega yachts can carry price tags in the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars.

It is important to remember that additional ownership costs, like annual operating expenses , must be considered when calculating the true cost of yacht ownership.

Key Takeaways

  • Yacht costs vary greatly based on size, brand, age, and features
  • Additional expenses such as maintenance, insurance, and crew should be factored in
  • Assessing all costs involved helps gain a clearer picture of the true cost of yacht ownership

Types and Sizes of Yachts

When considering the cost of a yacht, it's important to understand the various types and sizes available in the market.

In this section, we will explore some of the main categories of yachts, including sailing yachts vs. motor yachts and the range of sizes from small to superyachts.

Sailing Yacht Vs. Motor Yacht

There are two main types of yachts: sailing yachts and motor yachts.

Sailing yachts rely on wind power and sails for propulsion, making them more eco-friendly and fuel-efficient. They come in a variety of sizes and styles, with smaller sailboats starting around 23 feet in length. Some popular designs include sloops, cutters, and ketches.

Meanwhile, motor yachts use engines for propulsion, offering more speed, power, and maneuverability. These yachts typically range from around 30 to 100 feet, although larger motor yachts can also be classified as superyachts. Motor yachts are often equipped with a luxurious interior, offering the utmost comfort and entertainment for guests.

Small Yachts to Superyachts

Small Yachts (10,000-$100,000):

Small yachts generally range from 23 to 40 feet in length. These yachts are more affordable and easier to maintain, making them attractive to first-time buyers. They can be both sailing yachts and small motor yachts. Examples of small yachts include sportfishing boats, family cruisers, and day sailers.

Midsize Yachts ($100,000-$1,000,000):

Midsize yachts typically range from 40 to 60 feet in length. The price of a midsize yacht can vary greatly, with used models going around $200,000 while new ones can go up to a million dollars. They offer more space, better amenities, and improved performance compared to small yachts. Midsize yachts can also be classified as sailing yachts or motor yachts.

cost of running a motor yacht

Large Yachts ($1,000,000 and up):

Large yachts typically range from 60 to 100 feet in length. These luxurious vessels come with a higher price tag, often costing multiple millions of dollars. Large yachts offer plenty of space for entertaining, as well as state-of-the-art technology and amenities. They come in both sailing and motor yacht varieties.

Superyachts ($10,000,000 and up):

Superyachts are the pinnacle of luxury and sophistication, typically measuring over 100 feet in length. They feature extravagant amenities, such as helipads, swimming pools, and even movie theaters. The price of a superyacht can be astronomical, at times exceeding $10 million or more.

Cost Factors for New and Used Yachts

When determining the cost of a yacht, whether new or used, several factors come into play. These include the age and condition , size and style, brand and model, and location and availability of the yacht.

Each of these factors plays a significant role in the overall cost, so understanding them can help buyers make an informed decision.

Age and Condition

The age of a yacht naturally impacts its price. A brand-new yacht typically commands a higher price than a used one. However, the condition of a used yacht can also greatly influence its value. A well-maintained, used yacht in excellent condition may be more expensive than a newer model with issues or wear and tear.

Size and Style

The size and style of the yacht also play a crucial role in determining the cost.

Generally, larger yachts come with a higher price tag. For example, the average price of a yacht in the United States for vessels 46 to 55 feet was $467,899, while the average price for yachts in the 56 to 79 foot category was $1.18 million.

The style of the yacht, such as a sailboat, power catamaran, or luxury yacht, can have a significant effect on the price as well.

Brand and Model

The yacht's brand and model also contribute to its price. Some yacht brands are known for their luxury, craftsmanship, and performance, which can lead to a higher cost.

On the other hand, more affordable brands may offer similar amenities and functionality at a more budget-friendly price.

It's essential to research different yacht brands and models to find the one that best suits your preferences and budget.

Location and Availability

The location of the yacht, along with its availability in the market, can influence the overall cost.

In some regions, yacht prices may be higher due to factors such as demand, local taxes, or shipping costs. Additionally, if a specific model is in high demand or limited supply, its price may be elevated due to scarcity.

Initial Purchase Price

Buying New Vs. Pre-Owned

When considering the initial purchase price of a yacht, one of the first decisions a buyer faces is whether to buy a new or pre-owned yacht.

New yachts typically come with the latest technology, design, and customization options, but they also come at a higher price.

On the other hand, pre-owned yachts can be significantly more budget-friendly, but may require more maintenance and lack the latest features.

The average price of a yacht in the United States for vessels 46 to 55 feet was $467,899, while the average price for yachts in the 56 to 79-foot category was $1.18 million. These prices can vary depending on whether the yacht is new or used.

The Buying Process

The process of buying a yacht typically involves researching the market, selecting the right size and type of yacht, identifying suitable yachts, negotiating the price, and completing the purchase.

Working with a professional yacht broker can be beneficial in streamlining this process for the buyer as they can provide expert guidance in selecting the right yacht to fit the buyer's needs and budget.

Costs to Consider

In addition to the initial purchase price, there are various other costs that should be taken into account when buying a yacht. These include:

  • Insurance : Buyers should consider the cost of insuring the yacht. Insurance fees, among other factors, are influenced by the size and value of the yacht.
  • Marina fees : Docking the yacht at a marina will incur fees, which can range from a few thousand dollars for smaller yachts to tens of thousands for larger ones.
  • Maintenance : Maintenance costs can make up around 10% of the initial purchase price. For used yachts, be prepared to spend on essential repairs and upgrades as needed.
  • Fuel : The cost of fuel is influenced by the yacht's size, engine type, and cruising frequency.

Operational and Maintenance Costs

Crew Expenses

One of the significant expenses associated with owning a yacht is paying the crew salaries .

The number of crew members and their respective positions will vary depending on the size and complexity of the yacht. For example, a 180-foot superyacht may have an annual crew expense of around $1.4 million.

It is essential to account for additional crew-related costs such as insurance, training, and uniforms.

Fuel and Propulsion

Another considerable aspect of yacht ownership is fuel costs. The amount of fuel consumption will largely depend on the yacht's size, propulsion system, and usage patterns.

For instance, a larger yacht may incur around $400,000 for fuel annually.

It is also worth considering the potential expenses for any necessary upgrades or maintenance of the propulsion systems to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

Repairs and Upkeep

Maintaining the yacht's appearance and condition requires regular maintenance and repairs . These expenses can quickly add up. Annual maintenance costs for a superyacht could reach up to $1 million.

This includes expenses for cleaning, teak oils, wax, and polish to keep the yacht looking immaculate. It is often recommended to allocate around 10% of the yacht's value to cover annual maintenance costs.

Dockage and Storage

Mooring fees, marina fees, and storage are additional factors to consider when estimating the operational costs of a yacht. Dockage costs typically depend on the yacht’s size and the chosen location.

On average, a superyacht may have an annual dockage expense of around $350,000 .

Additional Ownership Costs

Yacht insurance is a significant cost that should be factored into your decision to buy a yacht. The cost of insurance can vary based on the size, type, and value of the yacht.

For example, a 180-foot superyacht may have insurance costs upwards of $240,000 per year .

Obtaining quotes from various providers is essential. Remember that rates can fluctuate based on factors such as the yacht's condition and the owner's boating experience.

Taxes and Registration

Owning a yacht also comes with local and federal taxes and registration fees. Tax rates can vary depending on the state or country where the boat is registered.

In the United States, some states have a sales tax for yacht purchase, while others have an annual personal property tax. Make sure to research the applicable taxes and registration fees in your area to include them in the overall cost of ownership.


Another factor to consider when purchasing a yacht is depreciation. Over time, the value of most yachts will decrease, much like automobiles.

The rate of depreciation may differ based on the yacht's make, model, and age. To account for this potential decrease in value, make sure to have a proper maintenance plan in place and be prepared for the potential resale-value drop.

Extra Amenities and Upgrades

Finally, extra amenities and upgrades can significantly impact the cost of owning a yacht. Additional features such as upgraded electronics, specialized navigation systems, enhanced entertainment systems, or custom interior finishes can add considerably to the base cost of ownership.

Also, consider ongoing costs associated with these amenities, such as maintenance, repairs, and replacements. Budgeting for these additional expenses is critical to ensure your enjoyment of the yacht without financial strain.

Real Cost of Yacht Ownership

Owning a yacht is a luxury many people dream of, but it comes with significant costs. This section will discuss the real cost of yacht ownership , looking at the rule of thumb for annual costs and investment considerations.

Rule of Thumb for Annual Costs

When estimating the cost of owning a yacht, a general rule of thumb is that annual costs will be around 10% of the initial purchase price. This includes expenses such as maintenance, fuel, insurance, and crew salaries.

For example, a 180-foot superyacht could have an annual budget of $1 million for maintenance, $400,000 for fuel, $240,000 for insurance, and $1.4 million for the crew.

Another example is a 50-foot yacht , which may have ongoing costs between $35,000 and $85,000 per year.

  • Maintenance and Repairs: The cost of maintaining a yacht can range from $1,000 to over $1 million per year, depending on the size and complexity of the vessel.
  • Dockage: Yacht owners should budget around $350,000 annually for marina fees.
  • Fuel: Depending on the size and type of yacht, fuel expenses can be substantial, averaging around $400,000 per year for a large vessel.
  • Insurance: Insurance premiums for yachts can range from a few thousand dollars to upwards of $240,000 per year.
  • Crew Salaries: Crew salaries can account for the largest portion of yacht ownership costs. A large yacht may require a crew with an annual budget of $1.4 million.

Investment Considerations

When thinking of purchasing a yacht as an investment, potential owners should consider several factors.

Yachts depreciate in value over time, making them a less attractive investment compared to traditional assets such as stocks and real estate.

Additionally, the high cost of ownership may make yacht investment less viable for some individuals.

Keep in mind that while some owners charter their yachts to offset costs, this strategy may not fully cover annual expenses. Moreover, chartering exposes the yacht to additional wear and tear, which can result in higher maintenance costs.

Life on Board

Amenities and Comfort

Life on a yacht offers a unique blend of luxury and comfort. Yachts often come equipped with a variety of amenities to make living on board as enjoyable as possible.

One common feature is the cabin , which provides comfortable sleeping quarters and private spaces for relaxation. Some yacht cabins even have their own ensuite bathrooms for added convenience.

A well-designed galley is essential on a yacht, providing the space and facilities needed to prepare meals and store provisions.

Modern yacht galleys often come equipped with high-quality appliances and ample storage space to ensure a pleasant dining experience.

On larger yachts, additional amenities may include swimming pools , outdoor lounges, and spacious deck areas for sunbathing and relaxation. Some superyachts also feature helipads , allowing for easy access to transport and travel to and from the yacht.

Entertaining and Lifestyle

A yacht is not just a floating home, but also a platform for entertaining and socializing. The deck space on a yacht offers a fantastic setting for outdoor gatherings, while a well-appointed cabin cruiser can serve as an ideal venue for more intimate events.

Entertaining on a yacht often involves a range of activities, from casual get-togethers to formal dinners with friends, family, or business associates.

A key factor in this lifestyle is the yacht's finish – the quality of the materials, furnishings, and décor that contribute to an atmosphere of luxury and sophistication.

With such an array of amenities and entertainment options, life on a yacht combines the best aspects of comfort, luxury, and a captivating lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price range for a small yacht?

Small yachts can cost anywhere from $100,000 to several hundred thousand dollars, depending on factors such as size, brand, age, and amenities.

On average, a new, small yacht may cost around $200,000, but prices can vary significantly based on the specific yacht .

What are typical rental costs for yachts of various sizes?

Rental costs for yachts can vary greatly depending on factors like size, type, and location.

Typically, smaller yachts can be rented for a few thousand dollars per day, while larger, luxury yachts may command tens of thousands of dollars per day.

Some yachts may also require a minimum rental period and may charge additional fees for things like fuel and crew.

What is the purchasing price for a luxury yacht?

Luxury yachts generally fall within the multi-million-dollar price range, with some costing tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

The exact price of a luxury yacht depends on several factors, such as the yacht's features, size, customizations, and brand.

What is the cost associated with owning a 50-foot yacht?

The cost of owning a 50-foot yacht includes the purchase price, maintenance, insurance, docking fees, and fuel costs.

While the purchase price can vary greatly, annual costs can be estimated at approximately 10% of the yacht's value, which may include maintenance, repairs, insurance, docking fees, and other related expenses.

What are the expenses involved in buying a 100-foot yacht?

In addition to the purchase price, which can range from a few million to tens of millions of dollars, owning a 100-foot yacht incurs several ongoing costs.

These expenses include insurance, crew salaries, maintenance, docking fees, fuel, and provisions. It is important to budget for these costs, as they can add up to a significant amount each year.

What can one expect to pay for a 70-foot yacht?

The purchase price of a 70-foot yacht can range from several million dollars to well over $10 million, depending on factors such as age, brand, and features.

In addition to the initial purchase price, there will be ongoing costs such as insurance, maintenance, crew salaries, docking fees, and fuel, which need to be considered when budgeting for yacht ownership.

cost of running a motor yacht

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  • Articles and Guides

How Much Does a Yacht Cost?

11th jul 2023 by samantha wilson.

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We hear the question, “How much does a yacht cost?” on a regular basis, and it’s a difficult one to answer. Much the same as with houses, the prices vary in a surprising way depending on size, style, age, and finish (not to mention location). We’re talking millions of dollars in price difference for yachts, as well, because there are yachts of many different sizes with all the same variations. But first, let’s tackle the more fundamental question, “What is a yacht?’

What Classifies as a Yacht?

To begin with, a yacht can be a sailing yacht or a motor-powered yacht. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it as “any of various recreational watercraft: such as a) a sailboat used for racing; b) a large usually motor-drive craft used for pleasure cruising.” Size is not technically part of the definition, but in modern practice, size has a whole lot to do with it.

Many in the industry classify a boat as a ‘yacht’ from 40 feet up to 70 feet, although there are others who will include vessels as short as 33 feet. Not too many years ago, yachts as small as 80 feet (24 meters) were considered superyachts, but with the proliferation of much larger yachts, 130 feet (40 meters) is a more common yardstick. Beyond that are megayachts, variously defined as beginning at 165 feet (50 meters) or 200 feet (60 meters). 

The point is, there are no hard-and-fast rules, and what may be one person’s pretty little 20-foot sailboat may be another’s luxury sailing yacht. And any shiny, private vessel 40 feet and up will be called a yacht by almost everyone.

While size is the main determining factor in labeling boats as yachts, amenities aboard also play a role. For example, yachts frequently have cabins and heads below allowing for overnight stays, as well as a galley, and plenty of deck space for leisure. 

The term ‘yacht’ has become synonymous with luxury, especially with the boom in huge superyachts across the world. But a yacht doesn’t have to be fancy. A sprightly 30-foot trawler yacht might look to some like a luxury palace, but Jeff Bezos and the guests aboard his brand new $500 million sailing yacht Koru would probably see it differently. 

Cost of Buying a Yacht

Looking for an average price across all types of yachts isn’t helpful either, with sizes of yachts varying from 30 to 300 feet. And that doesn’t take into account whether a boat is new or used.  Broadly speaking, in the United States you can often buy a small used sailing yacht for $15,000 or less, and you can expect that figure to go up to $50,000 or $100,000 for a small motor yacht. A larger motor yacht, or even a new 40-foot day boat, can easily run up to $1 million or more. Superyachts, of course, will cost multiple millions of dollars. 

Cost of Owning a Yacht

The cost of owning a yacht goes far beyond the initial purchase price, and even if you’re in the market for a small yacht, you’ll need to factor in the annual costs which include:

  • Marina fees: These will vary depending on your location and the size of the boat. Expect to pay from $5,000 for a yacht at the smallest end of the scale up to tens of thousands for larger yachts.
  • Insurance: As a general rule, you can expect to pay around 0.5 percent of the value of the boat annually. Check out our guide to boat insurance for more information. 
  • Maintenance and repairs: As a rough estimation you can expect to spend around 10 percent of the value of the boat on upkeep each year. This might be lower if it’s a new yacht.
  • Fuel: This will vary depending on how far you cruise and how large the yacht is.
  • Crew: Yachts up to 70 or 80 feet often don’t require a crew, but the larger the yacht, the more crew it will need. Crew salaries range from $3,200 per month for junior crew to $10,500 per month for captains and chief engineers. In general, a yacht of 80 to 100 feet in size will require a crew of between two and eight, while yachts between 100 to 200 feet will require between 8 and 20 crew members.
  • Depreciation: Brand new boats depreciate the most and the quickest, with most depreciating by 40 to 50 percent of their initial price over the first 8 to 10 years.

Read more about the Real Costs of Boat Ownership as well as Top Tips to Lower the Costs . 

yacht marina

Types of Yachts per Cost

When we talk about yachts and their values, we usually refer mostly to the length of the yacht as that tends to be the identifying factor, but the style, engine size, and finish also play a huge role in determining how much they cost. Here we take a look at the average price differences between new and used yachts in the United States at varying sizes. 

How much is a small yacht? (25 to 40 feet)

A small yacht around 40 feet (often referred to as a cabin cruiser) is often considered an entry-level yacht, but a big step up from much smaller day boats. These are likely to have cabins, heads, and a small galley, and most offer the chance to spend weekends onboard. Prices will vary widely depending on whether it’s a used or new boat, and depending on the model, finish, and engines. New and recent-model yachts around 38 to 40 feet may cost anywhere from $250,000 to over $1 million, while the price of older models is often substantially lower. The average price in the United States for all new and used yachts sold between 36 feet to 45 feet was $238,000 according to the Boats Group Market Index of 2022.

When we’re looking at smaller yachts around 25 to 30 feet, these are unlikely to have cabins and so are considered day cruisers. Motor cruisers between 25 and 30 feet range from $70,000 for an almost-new model to well over $100,000 for a brand new one. Of course, yachts with smaller engines and simpler layouts will have considerably lower price tags, but those with premium finish and accommodations may cost much more—for example, a new Ranger 29 (pocket trawler) starts at over $350,000. See our guide to the different types of boats for a better understanding of what is available and what might be right for you. 

How much is a medium-sized yacht? (40 to 70 feet)

Mid-sized yachts that fall within the 40- to 70-foot category vary in price from around $250,000 to well beyond $4 million, a figure that depends on the size, model, finish, engines, and extras, as well as whether it’s a brand new boat or used. According to the Boats Group Market Index of 2022, the average yacht price in the United States of vessels 46 to 55 feet was $467,899 with 2,273 boats sold, while the average price for yachts in the 56 to 79 foot category was $1.18m with 997 sold in 2022. 

Yacht prices vary a lot depending on whether the yacht is new or used. As an example, the base price for a new Viking 58 is $4.1 million, a three-year-old model can be purchased for $3.5 million for, and a 10-year-old model for $600,000. Check out our new and used luxury yachts for sale on Rightboat for more comparisons. 

woman on a yacht

How much is a sailing yacht?

Long before the combustion engine was invented, yachts (or sailboats) graced our oceans for centuries. While these days we tend to think of yachts as the luxurious motor vessels that far outnumber their sailing counterparts, sailing yachts have their own class. As we’ve seen with motor yachts, the size, age, and finish of a sailing yacht will determine the price tag, with prices ranging from $5,000 to several million dollars—and much more for superyachts. The largest sailing yacht in the world is Sailing Yacht A , which cost an estimated $600 million and measures 470 feet in overall length. 

When referring to larger sailing yachts—and by larger we are talking about 100-foot yacht prices—there is a “rule of thumb” estimate of $1 million per 3 feet in length. So a 100-foot yacht may cost in the region of $30 million. But sliding back down the length ladder, it’s possible to pick up a small, used sailing yacht for a fraction of that. A 55-foot yacht that has been sailing for a few years may sell for around $700,000, whereas a new one could easily retail for $2 million or more. An older (30 to 40 years) sailing yacht of 30 to 35 feet might cost only about $25,000 while a brand new one might cost $250,000 and more. See what you can get for your money with our sailing yachts for sale on Rightboat. 

How much is a luxury yacht or superyacht?

Superyachts are some of the most luxurious vessels on the sea, and they don’t come cheap. As mentioned, yachts above 78 feet (24 meters) are accepted by many as superyachts; when they range up over 165 or 200 feet, some in the industry refer to them as megayachts. This term is still debated in some quarters, so you may hear yachts over 300 feet referred to as superyachts too.

Superyachts require a full time crew to manage them, and this adds considerably to the overall cost of running such a large vessel. Given that, how much does a superyacht cost? The costs vary, with some estimates of up to $1 million per foot of length to build a new top-of-the-line custom superyacht. Used superyachts will cost less than a new build, and you may be able to buy a 10-year-old, 90-foot superyacht for around $2.5 million—although most owners will engage in a significant and costly refit every 10 years. Models less than five years old will be closer to the $4 million mark, while a brand new one will cost around $9 million. Check out our listings for superyachts for sale all across the world. 

luxury yachts

How much is a megayacht?

When we reach megayacht status, prices skyrocket along with the length of the vessels and the volume of the interiors. The largest megayacht in the world is currently Azzam, 590 feet long at a cost of $600 million to build. Yachts in this class are the most luxurious in the world, and feature large swimming pools, helicopter pads, huge guest and crew accommodations, beach clubs, and much more. The upkeep of vessels of this size can run to $20 million or more for the crew fees, fuel, mooring fees, insurance, food, and maintenance. If you want to set eyes on the world’s most astounding superyachts and megayachts check out our superyacht travel guide to where you might find them, or use our search to discover megayachts for sale . 

Written By: Samantha Wilson

Samantha Wilson has spent her entire life on and around boats, from tiny sailing dinghies all the way up to superyachts. She writes for many boating and yachting publications, top charter agencies, and some of the largest travel businesses in the industry, combining her knowledge and passion of boating, travel and writing to create topical, useful and engaging content.

cost of running a motor yacht

More from: Samantha Wilson

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How Much Does It Cost to Run a Superyacht?

cost of running a motor yacht

Superyachts range in size starting from around 24m with the largest in the world reaching nearly 200m; they are the definition of opulence and luxury. But, what are the running costs of a Superyacht like?

This piece aims to educate you on what aspects of yachting collectively contribute to the overall running cost of a Superyacht. Many people have the perception that the world of superyachts is reserved for the rich and famous. And, when it comes to owning a yacht and fitting the bill for the annual running costs, they just might be right. 

There are many variables to consider when looking into the running costs of a Superyacht. And, each yacht will vary due to different factors. For example engine size, maximum speed, size of the crew, and size of the yacht. 

The average amount of running a Superyacht annually is 10% of the yacht’s value. In a 2015 report by Towergate insurance, on average, a 100-meter Superyacht with a top speed of 25 knots and 50 crew members should cost around $274 million per annum. 

Let’s start with the crew. The crew live onboard, some during the busy summer months. Or, some year-round. It all depends on the itinerary and requirements of the yacht. Crew costs include salaries, training, living expenses whilst crew are on board, travel expenses, and insurance. 

More experienced crew members will demand higher salaries and the bigger the yacht, the more crew it will require. Some of the larger yachts have multiple chefs, which contributes towards the running cost of Superyacht As well as a whole team of interior staff managing service housekeeping and laundry. And, an engineering team keeping the yacht running. Not forgetting a deck team to ensure the yacht’s exterior is always in pristine condition as well as driving the tenders. And, being navigational experts. 

It is not unusual for crew salaries on larger yachts to reach €100,000 per month. Whereas, a smaller yacht with 3 crew would be closer to €16,000.

The crew will also need uniforms. They will be embroidered with the yachts’ name and logo and be supplied by yachting uniform companies. Crew often have various outfits for day and night. A well as for water sports, casual and formal and several accessories to match. 

Water Toy running costs

Superyacht owners love to have the latest and greatest water sports toys and equipment on board. And surely, they all cost a pretty penny. Most yachts will be equipped with paddleboards and snorkeling equipment. As well as kayaks, jet skis, sea bobs, a tender and a variety of inflatables. As an example, one jet ski can range between $5000 – $20,000 depending on the make, model, and spec. While the cost for a luxury tender can be in the millions. 

Berthing and cruising

Where you plan to keep the yacht is another major factor when looking at the running costs of a Superyacht. The fees charged for a berth in a marina are based on the size and demand of the yacht for the marina. As well as the amenities available for your yacht. For example, a berth in St Tropez in the summer months will cost a lot more than a winter berth. This is due to the high demand in the summer. Ports can charge between €2000 and €3000 per night. And VAT, the use of electricity, water, and garbage disposal will be chargeable on top of that. 

Keeping the yacht stocked is very important. Spare parts, filters, pumps, cleaning supplies, and equipment need to be factored into the running costs of the yacht. These costs can vary. It depends on the equipment on board. Also, it depends on the itinerary of the yacht. As onboard stores will need to be well-stocked if the yacht is cruising in remote areas. 

Insurance, Medical & Maintenance

The 2015 Towergate Insurance report averages insurance costs at +- $240,000 per annum. This would include hull insurance, crew medical insurance, and PNI. 

The report also states that repairs and maintenance can result in running costs being millions per annum. It all depends on the age and usage of the yacht, Maintenance includes regular servicing of the generators and engines. Maintenance on all interior and exterior finishing’s, paintwork, woodwork, and equipment needs to be carried out regularly. This is to keep the Superyacht at a high standard. 

Yachts need hull inspections and surveys. This can be every year, two years, or five years. It needs to be done in a shipyard with the facilities to lift the yacht out of the water- these are called periodic surveys. Each yacht will need to comply with the regulations specific to that yacht depending on its gross tonnage and hull material. The costs will be based on the size of the yacht.

Fuel running costs

Fuel is a huge part of the running costs of a Superyacht! Not only does the yacht need fuel for cruising; the generators require fuel to keep the vessel running while at anchor and underway as well as many of the water sports toys requiring fuel. As an estimation, a 70-meter yacht will consume 500 litres of fuel per hour when the engines are running but the yacht is not moving so this would be an example of when the yacht is at anchor. 

The fuel consumption would be significantly higher when the yacht is cruising and could cost up to €24,000 for an overnight cruise of 12 hours at 18 knots. 

Safety equipment

Yachts, by law, need to comply with certain safety and security regulations and this requires specific equipment to be on board. Each yacht, depending on size, design, and the maximum number of crew and guests on board, will have unique requirements. This equipment will include firefighting equipment, life jackets, immersion suits, life rafts, and medical supplies. All of this needs to be regularly updated and serviced as requirements and maritime regulations change. 

Shore personnel 

The last expense is onshore personnel. This includes the services of a management company, or charter brokerage if the yacht is commercially registered. The management company will manage items such as expenses, crew payroll, and crew holidays, as well as any booking of refits or maintenance works. A charter management company will market the yacht to reserve charters for the yacht in the months it is available. 

Management fees will depend on each company as well as the services you procure.

Visit West Nautical for more information on yacht management services.

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The Real Cost of Buying & Owning a 50-Foot Yacht

A 50-foot yacht can be difficult to maneuver, especially in tight spaces and harsh weather, so you need to invest in proper training for yourself and your crew. You may also need to apply for special permits and licenses to operate in certain areas. These factors can add up quickly to the overall costs, so if you are determined to own a 50-foot yacht, here's the real cost of buying and owning one.

The total estimated upfront costs of buying a 50-foot yacht range from $458,000 to $692,000 and include the initial purchase price and other fees. There are also hidden costs that total $70,000–$300,000+ per year. For ongoing costs, the total estimated annual costs are $35,000–$85,000 per year.

Although costly, with proper budgeting, maintenance, and strategic planning, you can manage the costs of owning a yacht and still enjoy the lifestyle that comes with it. Let's look at some practical tips to help you manage the costs of owning a 50-foot yacht.

  • A high-end luxury yacht may cost significantly more than a basic production yacht with standard features and finishes.
  • A new yacht with low engine hours and minimal wear and tear may command a higher price than an older yacht.
  • Hiring a surveyor can help you save money in the long run by identifying any potential problems before you purchase the yacht.
  • Fuel costs can add up quickly, since a 50-foot yacht with twin diesel engines uses almost 20–30 gallons of fuel per hour.
  • Winter storage can protect your yacht from the elements, and it can also add up to the overall cost of owning a yacht.

cost of running a motor yacht

On this page:

Cost of buying & owning a 50-foot yacht, upfront costs of buying a 50-foot yacht, hidden costs of owning a 50-foot yacht, ongoing costs of owning a 50-foot yacht, tips for managing the costs of owning a 50-foot yacht.

When buying a 50-foot yacht, there are several costs to consider, such as upfront costs, hidden costs, and ongoing costs per year. Here's a rundown on the all-in cost:

$458,000 - $692,000
$70,000 - $300,000+ per year
$35,000 - $85,000 per year

In this section, we will break down these costs into sub-sections to give you a better idea of what you can expect.

$400,000 - $600,000
$40,000 - $60,000
$3,000 - $7,000
$15,000 - $25,000

The purchase price of a 50-foot yacht varies depending on the model

Different models of yachts may have different features, amenities, and capabilities, which can affect their value and appeal to buyers . A high-end luxury yacht with state-of-the-art technology, custom finishes, and top-of-the-line appliances may cost significantly more than a basic production yacht with standard features and finishes.

Similarly, a newer yacht with low engine hours and minimal wear and tear may command a higher price than an older yacht with more use and maintenance requirements. Yachts located in popular boating destinations or areas with high demand may be priced higher than those in less desirable locations.

Here are some examples of different yacht models, their amenities, and estimated prices:

Spacious cockpit, large swim platform, modern interior, air conditioning, generator
Comfortable saloon, large galley, spacious cabins, teak decks, bow thruster
Dual helms, spacious cockpit, large swim platform, modern interior, air conditioning
Sleek design, large windows, spacious cabins, modern interior, self-tacking jib
Spacious flybridge, large cockpit, modern interior, generator, air conditioning

Sales tax and registration fees

When you purchase a yacht, you will need to pay sales tax and registration fees. In some states, you may be able to avoid paying sales tax if you purchase the yacht in a different state and keep it there.

In Florida, the sales tax rate is 6% , but there is a cap of $18,000 on the amount of tax you will pay. So if you purchase a yacht for $500,000, you will only pay $18,000 in sales tax.

On the other hand, registration fees are the fees you need to pay to register your yacht with the state where you plan to operate it. The fees are typically used to fund marine programs, such as boating safety education, law enforcement, and conservation efforts.

cost of running a motor yacht

Some states charge a flat fee, while others charge based on the length of the yacht. In some cases, the registration fees may also be based on the age or value of the yacht. These fees are typically renewed annually, and failure to renew your registration can result in penalties or fines.

Registration fees in Florida for a yacht over 110 feet in length can be as high as $4,000 per year. However, for a yacht under 16 feet in length, the registration fee is only $5 per year.

Survey and inspection costs

A survey and inspection is essentially a thorough examination of the yacht by a professional surveyor. The surveyor will inspect the vessel from top to bottom, looking for any issues or potential problems that could affect the yacht's seaworthiness or value. This includes checking the hull, deck, rigging, electrical systems, plumbing, and more.

For smaller yachts, the cost may be a few hundred dollars, while larger and more complex yachts could cost several thousand dollars.

By identifying any potential problems before you purchase the yacht, you can negotiate with the seller or even decide not to purchase the yacht altogether. In the long run, this can save you money and help ensure that you're making a sound investment.

Insurance and financing costs

Insurance rates can vary widely, but you can expect to pay a premium for coverage. The higher the value of the yacht, the higher the insurance premium will be.

As for financing, the interest rates for yacht loans are typically higher than those for home or car loans. This is because yachts are considered luxury items and are often seen as a higher-risk investment. The interest rate you'll be offered will depend on your credit score, income, and the amount of the loan you're seeking.

cost of running a motor yacht

Aside from the upfront costs, there are also hidden costs beyond the initial purchase price. Here are some hidden costs you should be aware of:

$10,000 - $50,000
$50,000 - $150,000
$10,000 - $100,000+

Environmental and regulatory compliance

Owning a yacht also comes with environmental and regulatory compliance costs. You may need to pay for permits to dock your yacht in certain areas, or you may need to invest in equipment to comply with environmental regulations. These costs can add up quickly and may not be immediately apparent when you're considering purchasing a yacht.

Crew and staffing costs

If you plan to use your yacht frequently, you'll likely need to hire a crew to help you maintain and operate it. Crew and staffing costs can include salaries, benefits, and insurance, and can be a significant expense over time. Additionally, you may need to pay for crew training and certification , which can add to the overall cost of owning a yacht.

If you're looking for paid courses for your crew, here are 9 best sailing courses you might want to check out.

Costs of upgrades and customizations

While a 50-foot yacht may come equipped with many standard features, you may want to add additional amenities or customize the interior to your liking. These upgrades can be expensive and may not be covered by your initial purchase price.

Upgrades and customizations can range from relatively minor changes such as adding a new sound system or upgrading the navigation equipment, to more extensive modifications such as adding a new deck or completely redesigning the interior of the yacht. The cost of these upgrades will be based on the extent of the modifications and the materials and labor involved.

cost of running a motor yacht

In this section, we will discuss the ongoing costs of owning a 50-foot yacht.

$10,000 - $30,000
$5,000 - $15,000
$10,000 - $20,000
$5,000 - $10,000
$5,000 - $10,000

Maintenance and repair costs

Regular maintenance helps keep your yacht in good condition and prevents costly repairs. Some common maintenance and repair costs include:

  • Engine maintenance
  • Hull cleaning and painting
  • Electrical and plumbing repairs
  • Sail and rigging repairs: ( Here's an article on the cost of replacing a standing rigging )
  • Interior and exterior cleaning

Docking and storage fees

Some common docking and storage fees include:

  • Monthly slip rental fees: These fees cover the cost of renting a slip at a marina or dock for your yacht to be moored. Slip rental fees can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month.
  • Winter storage fees: During the off-season, many yacht owners choose to store their vessels on land to protect them from the elements. The cost of winter storage can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per season.
  • Launch and haul-out fees: These fees cover the cost of launching your yacht into the water and hauling it out for maintenance or storage, and vary based on the location and the size of your yacht.
  • Electricity and water fees: Many marinas charge additional fees for the use of electricity and water while your yacht is in the slip.

Fuel and operating costs

A 50-foot yacht typically has twin engines, which can be either gasoline or diesel. Diesel engines are generally more fuel-efficient and have a longer lifespan than gasoline engines, but they are also more expensive to purchase and maintain.

On average, a 50-foot yacht with twin diesel engines will use about 20-30 gallons of fuel per hour, while a gasoline-powered yacht will use about 40-50 gallons per hour.

Routine maintenance such as oil changes, filter replacements, and hull cleaning is part of the overall operating costs and will cost several thousand dollars per year. More significant repairs or upgrades, such as engine overhauls or electronics replacements, can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Costs for insurance and maintenance reserves

Insurance can protect you from liability and damage to your yacht, while maintenance reserves can help cover unexpected repairs. Some common insurance and maintenance reserve costs include:

  • Liability insurance
  • Hull and machinery insurance
  • Personal property insurance
  • Emergency repairs and reserves

cost of running a motor yacht

Here are some tips to help you manage the costs of owning a 50-foot yacht:

Create a budget and stick to it

Your budget should include all of the costs associated with owning and maintaining your yacht, including mooring fees, insurance, fuel, maintenance, and repairs. Try to plan for unexpected costs, such as emergency repairs or unexpected upgrades.

You should also plan ahead for seasonal expenses, such as winterizing your yacht when the boating season is over . By creating a budget and planning ahead, you can avoid surprises and ensure that you have the funds necessary to keep your yacht in top condition.

Do the basic maintenance and repairs by yourself

While there are some tasks that require a professional, such as engine repairs or electrical work, there are many things you can do yourself with a little knowledge and the right tools.

By doing your own maintenance and repairs, you can save money on labor costs and ensure that your yacht is always in top condition. You can also take pride in knowing that you are taking care of your investment and keeping it in great shape.

Consider sharing and chartering options

If you don't use your yacht all the time, you may want to consider sharing or chartering options as a way to offset the costs of ownership. Sharing your yacht with friends or family members can help split the costs of maintenance and repairs while chartering your yacht to others can help generate income.

There are many websites and companies that specialize in yacht sharing and chartering where you can find an option that works best for you. Just be sure to carefully vet anyone who will be using your yacht to ensure that they are responsible and will take good care of your investment.

Learn some selling and trading strategies

If you find that the costs of owning a 50-foot yacht are too high or you are ready to move on to something else, you may want to consider selling or trading your yacht. There are many strategies you can use to get the best price for your yacht, including working with a broker, advertising online, or attending boat shows.

If you are interested in trading your yacht for something else, perhaps carefully consider your options and work with a reputable dealer. By using these strategies, you can ensure that you get the best value for your investment and can move on to your next adventure with confidence.

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Hamilton Marine International

How Much Does A Yacht Cost to R un?

“Owning a yacht is like tearing up 100 dollar bills under the shower”

I prefer the quote above to another one I wanted to use “If you have to ask, you can’t afford It” which is attributed to J.P. Morgan, a rich American financier who was famous for his business prowess. Allegedly, he said this to another banker who was enquiring about the cost of his yacht.

The most common indication given is that a yacht costs about 10% of its value per year to run. However, this is somewhat misleading as a recently delivered yacht will cost less to maintain than an older one in its first few years.  So which value do you consider? The new construction value when built or value at present, insured or market value? I think that reality is more likely to be somewhere between 7% and 20% per year of a yachts current market value. Large cost items such as painting, engine and machinery overhauls, laying new teak decks etc. will come up every few years and will distort annual spending patterns. Some older or classic yachts will be spending a lot more than newer ones to keep them in pristine condition, and their values may be very hard to ascertain.

Crewing normally makes up the highest regular spending on larger yachts and can easily absorb half of the annual budget. Crew expect to be paid according to their professional qualifications and experience or job roles, regardless of the type, value or the age of the yacht! Good crew are very mobile and low wages may not attract the quality of crew expected.

What is really important, when considering the purchase of a yacht is that a prospective buyer knows what it is realistically likely to cost to maintain the type of yacht they want and that they can research and verify the information in advance of purchasing. It is probably preferable to buy a smaller or different type of yacht, charter or purchase a share in a yacht if the costs seem unbearable or out of reach.  What does not work is to think that crew and running costs can be dramatically reduced without the value of a yacht diminishing over time or ending up with an unhappy yacht.

Below is a YouTube video from a former colleague, David Seal, who has put together some useful cost indications.

cost of running a motor yacht

Average Yacht Prices | 40, 50, 60, 70, 100 feet + Helpful Examples

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How much do yachts cost? Let’s look at yacht prices per size.


Note: We will look at yachts that are a few years old. Very few people buy brand-new yachts as the price comes down a lot after only a few years.

How much is a small yacht? Let’s start at 40 feet length.

40 Foot Yacht Cost

A 40-foot yacht can be found used for around $200,000 and new models can cost as much as a million dollars. There are always lots of used yachts for sale around 40 feet in length, which makes them more attractive to first-time buyers.

Technically, a yacht begins at 23 feet. However, yachts that size will more often be referred to as boats.

A 40-foot yacht is a great option for looking for relative simplicity and plenty of comfort and capability. This size is great for day trips in the Caribbean dedicated to speed boating or simple cruising.

The size remains manageable, but the vessel can be updated with extra living spaces and amenities as desired, with a more affordable price than larger options.

The maintenance prices will remain lower as well.

Make sure you are considering the age of your yacht. Even if it is on the smaller end, it will be more expensive if it is new and custom-built to your wants.

Even if you think a 40-foot yacht is the cheapest option, these small factors make for a sliding price scale.

You might find that a smaller, new, custom yacht is more expensive than an older, simpler, larger yacht. One benefit of an older yacht is that it should have the improvements and equipment that make it comfortable to operate and will not have those additional costs.

For  sailboat prices specifically, check out this article .

Our Pick: Viking 42 Convertible: Cruise and Fish (2014)

Price: $895,000

cost of running a motor yacht

  • Cushioned seats
  • Underwater lights
  • Flybridge fiberglass hard-top
  • Recent engine and service
  • Joystick control
  • Cockpit shade with poles, freezer, and step-up box
  • Custom chairs
  • Coach roof overhang to provide shade
  • home theater setup
  • Freshwater wash area
  • Cockpit freezer and drink box
  • Forward-facing viewing windows in deckhouse

Here’s a great example of a yacht with differing ages and year models. It has twin diesel engines, 600 hp each, and cruise at 35 mph (pretty fast!).

Yacht Price Examples for Three Other 40-50 Foot

  • 42-foot Grand Banks 42 Classic; trawler-cruiser style yacht; twin diesel, 350 hp each, cruising speed is 13 mph. Price: $370,000 for 2004; $124,500 for 1986; older ones for less
  • 45-foot Sea Ray 450 Sundancer or Sedan Bridge; single or twin diesel, about 1,000 hp total; cruising speed about 26 mph Price: $472,000 for 2012 twin-engine
  • 41-foot Back Cove Downeast; single diesel 715 hp; cruising speed is 26 mph Price: $619,000 for 2016

50 Foot Yacht Cost

50-foot yachts are  normally owner-operated, so you wouldn’t need to pay for a crew. Now we are around the size of 2-bedroom yachts.

They can provide more living space giving the owner flexibility for more guests and making it a more permanent residential option. With more space comes the opportunity to install more amenities as well.

The biggest difference between the 40-foot vessel and the 50-foot is the accommodations.

Expect three-cabin layouts, which give plenty of space for rest. The opportunity to create guest rooms, owners’ suite, and entertainment spaces are better with these yachts.

Our Pick: Hatteras GT54 Convertible Sportfish

cost of running a motor yacht

The price for the 2017 model of this used yacht starts at $2,249,000. 

This yacht is 53′ 10″ long and weighs 75,000 pounds! It has twin diesel engines, 1,300 hp each, cruising speed of 35 mph.

It has a 1200-gallon fuel capacity with three staterooms. It sleeps up to 6 people, so it is perfect for entertaining without being so large to the point where maintenance becomes very difficult. It is known for its great propulsion rates and is very smooth and agile.

It specializes as a fishing boat but allows plenty of room for guests. In addition to the three staterooms, it has a large salon deck, a spacious galley, and plenty of indoor and outdoor seating.

Yacht Price Examples for Two Other 50 Foot

  • 51-foot Azimut Magellano 50; express cruiser; twin diesel engines, 425 hp each, cruising speed 16 mph Price: $670,760 for 2013
  • 52-foot Carver C52 Command Bridge; twin diesel engines, 600 hp each; cruising speed 18- 26 mph Price: $1,149,000 for 2017; $1,750,00 for 2021 with bow thrusters, gyro-stabilizer

How much is a large yacht? Let’s  step up to 60 foot.

60 Foot Yacht Cost

Now we’re looking at 2-bedroom yacht prices. A yacht in this range approaches the upper end of the owner/operator criteria.

This means that owners need to decide whether they can handle this size yacht on their own or if they need to hire outside help from a crew.

If you’re thinking of buying a boat this size, the cost may not be an issue, but understand that adding crew members adds substantial extra expenses! Crew salaries start at around $3K /mth for junior members and $10K for captains and experienced crew members.

This size is great for longer travels beyond day trips and adds more and more space for extra amenities. Hosting guests becomes easier.

Here are some examples:

Our Pick: Hatteras M60

cost of running a motor yacht

The average base price for this model is around $2,995,000.

The Hatteras M60 is great for someone who wants the luxury of a larger yacht but still wants to be an owner-operator. The deck’s layout below and above is spacious, with a large salon and a full master suite. It can be customized to order with hardwood floors or specific carpeting and amenities like TVs, a bar, a full kitchen, etc. It is a motor yacht, meant for pleasure cruising.

It has twin diesel engines, 1135 hp each; cruising speed is 28 mph.

Yacht Price Examples for Two Other 60 Foot

  • 64-foot Schaefer 640; express cruiser; twin diesel engines, 625 hp each; cruising speed 25 mph Price: $1,299,000 for 2017
  • 60-foot Sunreef 62 Sailing Catamaran; twin diesel engines 110 hp each; cruising speed 10 mph Price: $990,000 for 2009

70 Foot Yacht Cost

We’re now looking at 3-bedroom yachts. Once you reach this size yacht, it is almost guaranteed you will need a crew to help operate it. A crewed yacht is very different from an owner-operated yacht.

This is just shy of the superyacht category, so if you settle on this size, know you are almost there!

As previously mentioned, as the yacht size gets larger, so do the number of factors that make the purchase more layered and complex.

When yachts reach this size, the interior layout begins to change more drastically. They often have a spacious main deck perfect for dining and entertaining guests, whereas below, the yacht would likely have four or more cabins and crew quarters.

With more rooms comes more cost and more opportunity to customize the space to make it your own.

Here are some great options for this size:

Our Pick: Hatteras GT70 Convertible Sportfish

cost of running a motor yacht

The 2017 GT70 model runs around $4,500,000, but keep in mind the extra costs of maintenance, furnishing, and a cabin crew to help it run. It’s great for a long vacation and far-away destinations.

The GT70 convertible sportfish is known for its speed and agility, and high propulsion power. It has twin diesel engines, 1900 hp each; cruising speed over 30 mph.

It is 70′ 6″ with 2,140-gallon fuel capacity. The inside is lavish, with a galley, a huge salon, and five staterooms.

Yacht Price Examples for Two Other 70 Foot

  • 75-foot Hatteras Motor Yacht; sport cruiser; twin diesel, 1800 hp each; cruising speed 28 mph. Price: $4,375,000 for 2017
  • 74-foot Ocean Alexander Motoryacht; twin diesel, 1150 hp each; cruising speed 24 mph. Price: $1,895,000 for 2011

100 Foot Yacht Costs (and up):

You are officially in the superyacht range.

These yachts come in all styles and shapes, allowing for cruising along coastlines or focusing on watercraft and speed boating.

Since this is likely the peak size boat for practical use, you can expect a lot of additional costs for hiring a crew, maintenance, docking, as well as stocking your boat full of amenities. 

You’re likely to spend the bulk of your costs furnishing this size boat as bigger yachts typically are sold without furniture. The previous owner will want to hold on to designer furniture and other expensive interior.

Check out these great  examples of 100-foot yachts .

Our Pick: 143′ 04″ Virtus 44

cost of running a motor yacht

This model cost around $20,189,000.

This mega yacht is anyone’s dream.

It is home to a fully integrated beach club with room for a pool deck, floor-to-ceiling windows in the main salon, a hot tub on the top deck, five staterooms, an 8-person crew, and room to sleep ten guests.

It has room for water toys and other gadgets, with a layout that keeps them purposefully hidden from the outside world. It has a 12-knot cruising speed and 16-knot max speed,

Other 100+ Feet Yachts Price Examples

  • 98′ 5″ AB 100 Price: $8,843,260 for 2018
  • 161′ 04″ Acico Nassima Price: $17,933,000 for 2012

How Much is Yacht Insurance?

Insurance on a yacht is around 1% of the purchase price per year. It can go higher if you have lots of expensive designer furniture. This can add up over the years. It’s often cheaper to insure a sailing yacht but the price range is still within the 0.7-1.3%.

What Other Expenses Do Yacht Owners Face?

Harbor fees is another expense for yacht owners. It’s also a yearly fee that varies but as a rule of thumb, you can expect to pay around $100 per foot per year, depending on how popular the marina is. You will also have to be on a waitlist if you want a good location.

How Much Does a Luxury Yacht Cost?

A super yacht fall under the category of “luxury yachts” or “mega-yachts”.

The world’s largest private vessel belongs to the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s Azzam. It is 590 feet long and costs $600 million to build!

It is outliers like these that increase the price average for yacht owners, perhaps scaring potential owners when they start their research.

As a luxury yacht price guide, however, we need to look at averages.

Currently, the average superyacht costs $275 million. This does not even account for maintenance costs, either.

Superyachts are large and luxurious, needing a professional crew to help them run. They are designed to emphasize comfort, speed, and longer expeditions – depending on the yacht builders.

They might have:

  • swimming pools,
  • water toys,
  • diving and fishing poles,
  • fully furnished rooms,
  • helicopter landing pads,
  • and smaller support vessels

Just to name a few amenities. They are truly the epitome of the elite.

What Size Boat is Considered a Yacht?

The normal yacht length starts at around 23 feet, and can extend hundreds of feet.  If the boat meets 23 feet, it can be considered a yacht.

A boat does not need luxury features to be considered a yacht.

It can be minimal and stripped of the “extra” stuff to fall into the yacht category, so long as it meets the size and length criteria.

11 Things to Consider Before You Purchase

When making this purchase, the yacht size you buy needs to reflect what you hope to get out of the vessel.

Some important questions to ask yourself before you buy are:

  • What does your perfect day on the water look like?
  • How long will your average day on the water be?
  • Will it be more boating/watercraft focused or long cruise focused?
  • Will you use the yacht for fishing?
  • Will you be on the yacht every day of the week or just on weekends?
  • How many people do you hope to fit on the yacht?
  • Do you plan to stay on the yacht overnight?
  • Where will you dock the yacht?
  • How much boating experience do you have?
  • How fast do you want the yacht to go?
  • How important is it to have extra amenities like furnished rooms, water toys, electronics, etc.?

These questions will guide you to understand the size you really need and will be able to realistically maintain versus what your most ideal yacht would look like.

When Do You Need a Full-Time Crew?

At length over 50 or 60 feet, you may need a full-time captain or crew. 

A full-time crew person will be needed to keep all the varnished woodwork looking good and all the little things maintained.

Sometimes, you must be honest with yourself about what you want and what you actually need. Be self-aware about your abilities (or lack thereof) in taking care of a specific size yacht.

If you don’t know much about boats and navigation, you will need more help to use your vessel.

Hopefully, this comprehensive guide gives you a good starting point as you begin your yacht price research process.

Important Things to Consider As Well

Although there are many factors to consider when understanding a yacht’s prices, it is an exciting purchase nonetheless and should be enjoyed as much as possible.

At the end of your research, you’ll be the owner of a beautiful yacht you can use for leisure, cruising, sports craft, fishing, or all of the above.

Although this article is a good starting point, we would also recommend getting in touch with a  yacht broker who can help you find your best fit , model, year, and the price is given your personal budget. 

They are great sources of knowledge in addition to personal research.

Make sure you are as patient as possible in this process to make sure you are covering all your bases, but most importantly, enjoy the process!

Here’s How Much Yachts Cost on Average:

Yachts start around $300,000 for smaller 40-foot models and can go as high as several hundred million dollars for superyachts.

These are the main contributing factors to the price of a yacht:

  • The size of the yacht
  • The age of the yacht
  • The brand and  type of yacht

In general, the larger the yacht is, the more important the quality of the build becomes.

Also, potential owners need to understand the cruising speed and propulsion of different yachts.

The yacht type is also broken down into two categories:

  • Mediterranean Style Open style expresses yacht with maximum space for sun, little-to-no shade on the deck.
  • Hard-top express Semi-enclosed or fully-enclosed space on deck for the operator
  • Flybridge yachts

An express yacht is often referred to interchangeably as an  express cruiser  or  sports cruiser .

It has a single deck above the hull with a living space below.

They are much sleeker, too.

A flybridge yacht is often referred to as a sedan bridge or sport bridge, and it is typically used for fishing. It has additional space above the main deck.

Since the flybridge area has more space on the second deck, the main deck is normally made up of enclosed spaces and rooms.

It can have an open-air layout but can also have a hard-top.

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Motor Yacht/Power Cruiser

Motor yachts, as indicative in the name, are sizeable recreational vessels with one, or more likely two engines for primary propulsion. There’s no definitive line between what is a boat and a yacht but generally, yachts run 40 to 90 feet, are more expensive and offer an element of luxury as well as the ability to cruise farther for longer periods of time. 

Yachts to 60 feet are usually operated by the owner, while yachts 60-90 feet may have a professional captain. Yachts over 90 feet fall into the realm of superyachts where both crew needs and the maintenance dollars rise sharply.

Yachts typically have several staterooms or cabins and at least one “head” or bathroom. A “galley” or kitchen is included and some larger yachts with a “flybridge” or an open upper deck, may have an optional outside galley with a grill and a sink. A salon or living room is usually the main social space and some larger yachts include a walk-in utility space and engine room. On deck, a yacht may have amenities like outdoor dining areas, an outside steering station or “helm” and sunpads or settees on the bow or aft deck for lounging. 

Many motor yachts today are highly stylized and offer an impressive level of privacy and luxury for the owners. Designer accommodations, high-end appliances and plenty of space to entertain multiple small groups are mostly standard.   

cost of running a motor yacht

with local dealers to explore models and pricing in your area.

Explore Boat Brands

Motor Yachts/Power Cruisers

  • Back Cove Yachts
  • Chaparral Boats
  • Cruisers Yachts
  • Cutwater Boats
  • Fleming Yachts
  • Formula Boats
  • Prestige Yachts
  • Ranger Tugs
  • Regal Boats
  • SAY Carbon Yachts
  • Sabre Yachts
  • Sea Ray Boats
  • Tiara Yachts
  • Yamaha Boats

Use our Boat Loan Calculator to get a better idea of your own budget.

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Activities with Motor Yachts/Power Cruisers

GREAT FOR Overnight Cruising  • Day Cruising

Depending on the brand and design of the motor yacht, you can do pretty much anything with one including island hopping, dock-to-dock coastal cruising or ocean crossing. You can cruise a day, a week, a month or even several years on a motor yacht and venture anywhere from the Great Lakes to the Caribbean and beyond. You can entertain a crowd for an afternoon happy hour cruise, venture farther on family weekends with the kids or explore remote waterways during retirement.

Ownership Costs of Motor Yachts/Power Cruisers

The purchase price of a motor yacht or power cruiser varies with size, age, brand and onboard amenities and gear like the number of engines, etc. Most new yachts will be at least $100,000 and some will run into the millions of dollars. In addition to the initial price, you’ll need to estimate the cost of additional gear like electronics that are often priced separately as well as the cost of a “berth” or dock space, insurance and state registration or U.S. Coast Guard documentation.

To see if a motor yacht or power cruiser fits within your budget, be sure to utilize our Boat Loan Calculator .

Even new motor yachts need maintenance including interior and exterior cleaning, bottom scraping, hull polishing and waxing, engine tune-ups, and so on. The more engines, generators, and gear like refrigerators, electronic displays and battery banks, the more maintenance you will need and the higher the expense.

At the very least, your operation costs will include fuel (gas or diesel) and dockage. When professional crew like a captain and/or a chef is involved, costs can soar.

Motor Yacht/ Power Cruiser Boat Technology/Materials/Features

Because these vessels are designed to cruise long distances, they typically have fairly sophisticated electronic navigation and communication systems. They will also have significant ground tackle (anchor, chain and a windlass ) and they’ll have sizable engines, generators to charge batteries and other equipment. Some may have stabilization systems like gyroscopes or protruding underwater fins to help the vessel stay upright and avoid rolling and that helps minimize seasickness.

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trawler ranger tugs

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    For others a £20,000 deposit, plus monthly costs of less than £1,000 would happily suffice. Similarly, I know people who run well maintained 35ft boats for less than £100 per month. And others who spend 10 times that amount. Nevertheless, prospective boat owners are right to investigate the potential costs of their purchase.

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  11. The real cost of owning a yacht

    Sample 10 million Dollar yacht running costs: Annual Operating Expenses $1,250,000. Capital Repairs & Reserves $150,000. Total Expenses $1,400,000. Share it, charter it, or both. An alternative option would be splitting the cost of this hypothetical yacht in half to pay $5 million for your yacht initially, and pay $750,000 a year in running costs.

  12. How Much Does a Superyacht Cost?

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    For example engine size, maximum speed, size of the crew, and size of the yacht. The average amount of running a Superyacht annually is 10% of the yacht's value. In a 2015 report by Towergate insurance, on average, a 100-meter Superyacht with a top speed of 25 knots and 50 crew members should cost around $274 million per annum.

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    Slips can range from a couple hundred dollars a month for a runabout kept in a municipal marina, to a thousand or more dollars a month for a large boat kept in a yacht club. Most marinas charge a bit less for long-term leasing as opposed to going month-to-month, and in cooler climates, you may also get a price break if you agree to winter ...

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    At the lower end of the market, it's possible to get third-party-only cover from under £100 per year, while a standard fully comprehensive policy for a yacht worth £100,000 can be as little as 0.5 per cent of its value. Moorings are often the biggest annual cost of boat ownership. The more convenient the location and facilities, the more ...

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    The total estimated upfront costs of buying a 50-foot yacht range from $458,000 to $692,000 and include the initial purchase price and other fees. There are also hidden costs that total $70,000-$300,000+ per year. For ongoing costs, the total estimated annual costs are $35,000-$85,000 per year. Although costly, with proper budgeting ...

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    This depends on what type of vessel you're looking at and how long you'll need it for. The average weekly cost of a 100-foot sailing yacht is between $50,000-100,000. A weekly 80-foot catamaran charter runs around $40,000-100,000, and a week-long 100-foot motor yacht rental is anywhere between $50,000-80,000.

  21. How much does a yacht cost to run?

    The most common indication given is that a yacht costs about 10% of its value per year to run. However, this is somewhat misleading as a recently delivered yacht will cost less to maintain than an older one in its first few years. ... What does not work is to think that crew and running costs can be dramatically reduced without the value of a ...

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  23. Motor Yachts

    The purchase price of a motor yacht or power cruiser varies with size, age, brand and onboard amenities and gear like the number of engines, etc. Most new yachts will be at least $100,000 and some will run into the millions of dollars. In addition to the initial price, you'll need to estimate the cost of additional gear like electronics that ...