Britannia Pond Yachts Logo.png


Sailing pond yachts is a very absorbing hobby, there are in fact many different manufacturers to choose from or collect, here are some of the most important and most desirable British model yachts that have ever been made.

Skipper Yachts.

Skipper Yachts are the most recent British manufacturer of traditional model yachts, Skipper developed a superb range of beautiful contemporary boats that were made using modern materials they certainly appealed to young and old alike and sold very well. Skipper Yachts was conceived by John Foster in 1991, using basic construction methods, at the Milton works on the River Deben estuary in Woodbridge, Suffolk.

John had originally looked at the possibilities of purchasing the Star of Birkenhead name and any useful assets, however negotiations fell through. It was decided to create a completely new range of model yachts and so initially production was a family affair, until sales increased resulting in a need for larger premises these were found in Rendlesham not far from Woodbridge, here upto 12 people were employed and became Skipper Yachts Ltd.

Skipper Yachts were carved from a solid piece of Jelutong an Asian timber then later Obeche an African hardwood carved out on an Edwardian Dutch Clog making machine. Skipper also branched out into making a range of other wooden toys like Star had done in the past.

The earliest yachts can be identified by a circular logo printed on the sail fabric and by a paper sticker placed just in front of the mast, other early features are screw eye fittings instead of the later nylon Gooseneck, and a drilled hole in the deck instead of the later nylon mast foot. The original sails were not hemmed and can fray, reinforcements were bonded in the corners to receive the eyelets. Early keel shapes also vary as designs were improved. The transom on the earliest yachts sloped aft this was changed to slope forward. The hull also changed shape they became slightly deeper. Yacht designs were tested by the Woodbridge Model Yacht Club at the Woodbridge model yacht pond.

                          Skipper Shrimp and Jumbo Shrimp

The Skipper yacht range originally included a 5 inch Shrimp and a 6 inch Jumbo shrimp, these had no keels fitted and these were toys for the bath.

                                       Skipper Baby Sailer

The original line up also included a 6 inch baby sailor this was fitted with a simple Star SY0 type keel.

                                           Skipper Chubby

However the range was simplified and an 8 inch Chubby was introduced and featured a pronounced rounded bow and came in various colours and printed sewn sail combinations.

                                        Skipper Contender

A ten inch contender with a sleeker hull was introduced and probably proved to be the most popular in the range.

                                     Skipper Deben Estuary

The 12 inch Deben Estuary yacht was next in the range, various hull and keel shapes are known exist for this model. These were also marketed in a self build model kit form, including a rare version for Marks and Spencers.

                                          Skipper Coastal

Another yacht in the range is the 15 inch Coastal, this also has undergone a few changes to the shape of the keel and hull. 

                             Skipper C13 and C18 Catamaran

The C13 and C18 Catamaran are a beautifully designed and crafted yacht, these are sought after by collectors their production run was very brief and are difficult to find. Made in two sizes of 13 inch and 18 inch these yachts were made using the early sleek hull shapes with aft facing transoms.

                                      Skipper T18 Trimaran

Another collectors item is the 18 inch Trimaran this was developed using the sleek early hull shape fitted with two pontoons created by using the hulls from the Baby Sailor. Although a beautiful design these were produced in low numbers and are now very rare.

                                        Skipper Coastal 20

A 20 inch Skipper Coastal was also manufactured this yacht sports a lined deck and indications of deck cabins and hatches.

                                      Skipper Blue Water 21

The flagship of the skipper fleet was the 21 inch Blue Water Ketch sporting a yawl set up with two masts and along shallow hull, the deck was lined and fitted with with a cabin and hatches. This yacht is very popular with collectors and sails well.

                                          Skipper Lightning

Little is known about this yacht it was developed in the late 1990's as a 25 inch radio control yacht with a GRP hull and an aluminium mast. Lightning was sold only in kit form, it is said that only 36 were manufactured. 

                                    Skipper Ocean Racer 32

The largest wooden yacht that skipper produced was the stunning 32 inch Ocean Racer this was fitted with a keel shape unlike any of the other in the range, along with a lined deck, hatches a cabin and a footwell. Its size makes this the best sailing yacht in the range, these yachts are famous for their appearance in the stunning window displays of Ralph Lauren's high couture shops in the USA.

                                     Skipper Ocean Bound

Marketed in 1996 for the launch of the first BT Challenge race as a yacht for the enthusiast the 34 inch Skipper Ocean Bound featured a GRP hull and aluminium mast, this yacht was marketed as a kit and was designed for radio control. It is believed that only 400 of these kits were produced. 

Skipper Yachts Limited was purchased by Susan Mariani in 2007, then in 2009 production was transferred from Suffolk to China and marketed by a UK toy wholesaler. The yacht range continued to be sold under the Skipper name, but the packaging changed and MDF stands were provided instead of the hardwood types previously used. Unfortunately the original high standard of craftsmanship was lost and hull shapes and paint finish was not as good as the Suffolk made yachts but they continued to sell well. Skipper Yachts unfortunately could not compete with another cheap yacht manufacturer and eventually stocks were run down and the Skipper brand that we used to love is now no longer available. A buoyant second hand market keeps these little yachts in circulation, it is still possible to find unsailed boxed examples on various auctions sites, and are occasionally sold by Britannia Pond Yachts.

Skipper C13 Catamaran, Britannia Pond Ya

Star Yachts of Birkenhead.

Star yachts originated shortly after WW1, Franz-Marie Den ye sold his hand made yachts in a local shop after a short time carving his pond yachts he was able to purchase his own factory building in Marion Street, Birkenhead. From here a wide range of different yachts were manufactured. We are probably most familiar with the SY range of solid yachts and the MK Endeavour range of metal keel yachts, however a beautiful range of larger BR and SB yachts were also made including racing yachts. Some Stars are now collectable as over the years different designs and badging were manufactured. I have listed some of the more commonly found yachts below.

Star SY Solid Yacht Series available from 1932

Having a solid hull all of the yachts in the SY range were finished using various attractive enamel paint colours, they were turned on a lathe from 1939 and they were all fitted with quality hardened Sheffield Steel keels, the decks were fitted with. The Cotton sails were stamped with a black star emblem and numbered according the yachts size, they were all rigged using braided cotton cord which was adjustable using first brass bowsies then later white plastic. The masts and bowsprits were all hinged to allow the sails to be folded down when not in use a removable pin is fitted to the bowsprit bracket . A triangular display stand was also available. From around 1939 the SY series carried a square stern. The last SY yachts were fitted with coloured sails

SY00                                   5 inch                             Cat boat 

SY0                                      8 inch                             Bermuda rigged 

SY1                                       11 inch                             Bermuda rigged 

SY2                                      12 inch                            Bermuda rigged 

SY3                                      14 inch                            Bermuda rigged 

SY4                                      16 inch                            Bermuda rigged 

SY5                                      18 inch                            Gunter rigged 

SY6                                      21 inch                            Gunter rigged 

SY7                                      24 inch                           Gunter rigged

Star MK Endeavour Series

The MK Endeavour Series were all hollowed out to provide a lighter more responsive yacht and were made to a slightly higher specification than the SY series. The prefix MK refers to metal Keel. They were painted in white enamel with varnished lined decks. The mast, boom and bowsprit were originally fitted with brass ferrules but later with white plastic, instead of staples used to anchor the sheeting brass screw eyes were used. These yachts were also fitted with Luff rings to the leading edge and foot of the mainsail.  The sails were made from white cotton and carried a red printed Star emblem. From 1939 Star MK yachts carried the name Endeavour in honour of the Americas cup winner. A coloured stripe was painted both sides of the hull to indicate the yacht type. Later yachts were fitted with colour coordinated adjustable rudders. From around 1939 the MK series was made with a square stern. The last MK yachts were fitted with coloured sails

Star MK1 Endeavour         12 inch          Bermuda rigged, red stripe

Star MK2 Endeavour        14 inch          Bermuda rigged, blue stripe

Star MK3 Endeavour        16 inch          Bermuda rigged, yellow stripe

Star MK4 Endeavour.       18 inch          Bermuda rigged, green stripe

Star BR  Series

Listed in the Star catalogue as a fast all weather yacht the Star BR is a pretty looking well proportioned yacht made using hollowed out pine, the deck fittings are the same as those used on the MK range but the hulls were either painted all white underside with a deep coloured band to the water line or had varnished undersides. The deck was varnished and lined. The Star BR series sails were made using white cotton and stamped using a Star emblem and number in black to denote the yacht type, they were made to have a higher aspect ratio than those in the MK series. The boom and mast were tapered and varnished, whilst the smaller yachts had collapsible rigging for ease of storage and carrying. The larger yacht had 

 removable sails and mast. A lead counterbalance weight was fitted to a wooden keel. These yachts were also named.

Star BR/2             Meteorite                          Bermuda rigged 21 inch

Star BR/3             Planet                                Bermuda rigged 24 inch

Star BR/4             Comet                               Bermuda rigged 30 inch

Star SB Series

The beautiful Star SB is listed as the Super edition of the Bermuda type yacht. The hollowed out hull was made of specially selected timber and was well designed possessing excellent sailing qualities. SB yachts were all painted in white enamel and fitted with a rubbing strip that was painted red. SB series yachts were fitted with rudders and a tiller the shape of the rudder changed in later years. The sails were made from white Union Silk (no longer available) with taped hemmed sails which were fitted with eyelets via Luff rings and were originally fitted with brass ferrules to the mast, boom and stay boom. The shaped wooden keel was also weighted using lead, the yachts were named using black and gold lettering. These yachts are very graceful on the water and perhaps the most widely sought after of all Birkenhead made Stars yachts

Star SB/2              Pacific Star                       Bermuda rigged 21 inch

Star SB/3              Arctic Star                        Bermuda rigged 24 inch

Star SB/4             Baltic Star                         Bermuda rigged 27 inch

Star SB/5             Western Star                     Bermuda rigged 30 inch

A suffolk made Skipper C13 Catamaran

Star SY6 Britannia Pond Yachts.jpeg

Star SY6 Southern Star, pond yacht.

Bowman are a fascinating and complicated company to collect, having started out just before the start of WW1, they manufactured a great range of toys including clockwork, rubber band powered, and live steam. From locomotives, and stationary engines through to speedboats and sailing yachts. Their first boat was in fact a 25 inch a rubber band powered speedboat produced in London. Soon their famous highly collectable clockwork and steam powered speed boats were produced. In 1923 production was moved to Norfolk in collaboration with Hobbies Ltd.

The first Bowman made yachts produced were named Peewit and Ace both being made around 1926, these were marketed by Hobbies Ltd. The superb range of rubber powered Aeroboats and steam launches including the famous Miss America continued to be made until Geoffrey Jenkins had decided he could no longer take directions from the Hobbies board and parted company. He again started making his models now based in Luton but with greater detail than before. Unfortunately the company was dissolved in 1948. 

The Jenkins family moved to Ridlington in Norfolk, and in 1950 Geoffrey Jenkins again turned his mind to model boats, especially yachts. A large range of designs and changes were made to these yachts so it is common place for these yachts to be quite different even in the same range. The first new yacht to be named was a mid sized yacht called Dragonfly, various sizes of this design were produced in the early 1950's, until the solid hulled aquaplane was introduced. The Dragonfly series was followed in succession by the solid hulled swift and Admiral yachts. The hollow hulled 18 inch Gull and Heron were also available in the late 1950's, the Heron featured a cabin and rudder, (although variations have been found) kits were also available to make at home. Geoffrey died in 1959 and his son Max continued on with the business, in the late 1960's a vacuum formed plastic hull was introduced and was named the Olympic series. The last yacht in Bowman range was the Lively Lady, sadly Bowman closed its doors for the final time in 1982.

                               The Bowman Yacht Series

Unnamed with automatic steering              20 inches 1951

Dragonfly                                                     various from 1951

Aquaplane                                                    14-24 inches 1953-1968

Swift                                                             9-15 inches 1955-66

B18 Gull and Heron                                     18 inches 1958

Keil Kraft Gull Kit                                        18 inches 1955-60

B26 Heron                                                   26 inches 1966

Catamaran                                                   15 inches 1962

Admiral                                                         9-24 inches 1966-68

Olympic                                                        6-22 inches 1968-70

Olympic De Luxe                                         6-22 inches 1970-75

Lively Lady                                                   14 and 18 inches 1970

To complicate matters further Swift and Aquaplane yachts have upto 3 different design changes or series to look out for. There may even be more Bowman yachts out there that have yet to be discovered.

Bowman B18 Gull, Britannia Pond Yachts.j

A 1958 Bowman B18 Gull

Lines Brothers and Tri-ang.

Lines Bros Ltd did not start out in the toy boat market until 1933, introducing 3 ranges of 20 new wooden hulled yacht designs, by 1934 they had reduced the range by marketing only 8 of the quality S range. Tri angs inexperience as a yacht designer showed in the performance of their yachts. Their boats at best can only be described as cruisers the hulls were heavy and sat low in the water, however they were well-made, good-looking cutters. In 1934 it was decided to enlist the services of an experienced manufacturer and because Kellner were already selling a range of quality boats through Hamleys now owned by the Lines Brothers so Kellner became an ideal partner to work with. A range of Composite and Steel yachts was developed by Kellner.

Kellner held the patent for a resin-impregnated silk hull design (The forerunner to GRP). This, however, was only listed as weatherproof and if the paint was cracked or scuffed in any way water would seep into the material and soak up water and then the yacht would be ruined. Three very attractive racing yachts were produced called the K Yacht series, they were fitted with cedar decks, braine gear and a quality Bermuda rig. The light weight of the design resulted in very high performance. These yachts were manufactured until 1940 and are extremely rare today. The smaller Kellner-designed tin plate yachts continued to be made at Merton until 1953.

After WW2 had ended the Penguin brand appeared this was to market the now cheaper-to-produce plastic models that Tri-ang had been working on. However, the larger metal-bodied yachts continued in production until the late 1950's. By 1963 the Scalex brand had been introduced for the plastic-bodied yachts, the largest plastic yachts produced were the attractive Commodore and Osprey at 24 inches overall, these yachts sailed well and some were fitted with automatic steering. Tri-ang was absorbed by Hornby in 1971.

The Tri-ang yachts series

A12-18  Wood            Lugger rigged             2-18 inches long 1932

A21-24 Wood            Bermuda rigged          21-24 inches long 1932-35

B12-18  Wood.           Lugger rigged             12-18 inches long 1932

B21-24  Wood           Bermuda rigged          21-24 inches long 1932

S12-S18 Wood.          Lugger rigged             12-18 inches long 1932-35

000-4  Steel             Bermuda rigged         8.5-31.5 inches long 1934-51

K2 Elizabeth               Bermuda rigged         21 inches long 1935-40

K3 Margaret               Bermuda rigged         26 inches long 1935-40

K4 Rosemary.             Bermuda rigged         32 inches long 1935-40

X and Y series.            Bermuda rigged         18.5-21 inches long 1935-40

K10-K16                      Bermuda rigged         10-16 inches long 1936-39

14-20 Wood,              Bermuda rigged         14-16 inches long 1937-38

C16 Aluminium.          Bermuda rigged         16 inches long 1947-53

C18 Steel.                   Bermuda rigged         18 inches long 1937-40

C20-24 Steel             Bermuda rigged         20-24 inches long 1939-53

T24-69 Steel              Bermuda rigged         24-69 inches long 1937-38

No 1-2 Star made       Fishing Smack            14-17 inches long 1937-40

K12-20 Steel.             Bermuda rigged          12-20 inches long 1938-40

K24 Steel.                   Bermuda rigged          24 inches long 1938-51

000-0 Steel               Bermuda rigged         8-14 inches long 1947-53

W16-W18 Wood          Bermuda rigged         16-18 inches long 1947

C16-24 series 2 Steel Bermuda rigged         16-24 inches long 1954-59

404Y Ocean plastic    Bermuda rigged         24 inches long 1960

405Y plastic                Bermuda rigged         24 inches long 1961

410Y  plastic                Bermuda rigged         10 inches long 1960

411Y Catamaran           Bermuda rigged         13 inches long 1961

412Y plastic                  Bermuda rigged         12 inches 1953-54

430Y Neptune             Bermuda rigged         16 inches 1958-60

Penguin Yachts

410Y plastic.                 Bermuda rigged           10  inches long 1953-54

412Y plastic                  Bermuda rigged            12 inches 1953-54

430Y Neptune              Bermuda rigged            16  inches 1951-54

Scalex Yachts

H211 Gull plastic           Bermuda rigged            11 inches long 1964-67

H212 Swift                    Bermuda rigged            12 inches long 1964-72

H216 Diana                   Bermuda rigged            16 inches long 1964-72

H224 commodore        Bermuda rigged            24 inches long 1971

H312 Swift 2                 Bermuda rigged            12 inches long 1968-69

H316 Seahawk              Bermuda rigged            16 inches long 1964-66

H316 Seahawk 2            Bermuda rigged            16 inches long 1968 -69

410Y plastic                  Bermuda rigged            10 inches long 1963

412Y plastic                  Bermuda rigged             12 inches 1963

430Y Neptune             Bermuda rigged             16 inches 1955-63

Tri ang Junior Series, Britannia Pond Ya

A pre 1953 tin plate 12 inch Tri-ang Junior 0 series

All Suggs yachts were hand carved the company first started before WW1 and very few have have survived today. They were produced by the Frank Sugg company of Liverpool and sold in Gamages stores, Stevens's Model Dockyard and also probably other stores, elsewhere. Made in various sizes and designs, including Schooners and Yawls Suggs cutters were either spoon or clipper bowed and always gaff rigged, painted with black topsides and red oxide below the waterline, the larger yachts were fitted with a topsail using a jackyard, but these are often lost. Little is known about the company, but an example exists with a deck transfer reading 'Sugg. Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds and London'. The Suggs company also made sports goods and traded selling sports appareil until the 1980's.

Suggs Cutters are difficult to identify but do have the following characteristics, the original set up often featured double head sails as on a full size cutter that were overlapped and loose footed. Deck fittings known as Bugg Pins were hammered in and bent over to form a loop. The deck was curved (Turtle back) to provide run off and was set into the hull which was completed with a finely made toe rail all round that tapered off to the stern. A typical feature of Suggs made yachts is the distinctively shaped adjustable raked rudder and rudder post, which was fitted with a brass tiller and sprung beneath a narrow brass horse which was given three indentations providing a center, Starboard and Port position for the helm. These rudders can also be found on early Hamleys, Lines brothers (Tri ang) wooden cutters and yachts, which does make you wonder if these yachts were in fact made by the Suggs company as well.

All Suggs Cutters were originally painted the same way, with black topsides and a red oxide below the water line. Nearly all have a very fine painted cove line around the the bilge. The decks were also lined out before varnishing except for some of the smallest yachts. The larger examples, and those with 'non standard' hulls have a light moulding fitted to act as a rubbing strake.

Suggs yachts are highly sought after rare and are delightful, well made models, they do take some getting used to when sailing, it is advised to keep the top sail taught to keep it off wind, the yacht will not self tack due to the overlapping for-sails these will need to be reset each time that you need to go about.

Suggs Cutter, Britannia Pond Yachts.jpeg

A typical larger 1920's 25 inch spoon bowed Suggs Cutter.

Albatross, by Games Industries.

The first Albatross yachts were manufactured by Games Industries of London during the 1950's and were marketed by the prestigious department store Gamages. They were well made quality yachts manufactured with hollow hulls and were offered in 3 ranges. The Q series with a fixed rudder and a keel similar to a Star MK, and then the R range fitted with a manually operated rudder.

The high specification De Lux series were fitted with a simple but effective form of Braine steering quadrant with a forward mounted horse for beating and reaching, the sheets led through eyelets to the tiller quadrant for running. It is interesting to note that the jib stay and boom were originally made from shaped flat sided timber as were the full size racing yachts of the day. The foot of both the jib and main sail were lashed to the stay and boom to help make the sail as efficient as possible. The main sail was attached to the mast using Luff rings. The largest yachts had fold down masts for ease of stowage. There is little known about Games Industries and their range of Albatross yachts .

The Games Industries, Albatross Yacht Series

Q14                   Bermuda rigged                    14 inches long 1952-57

Q16                   Bermuda rigged                    16 inches long 1952-57

R14                    Bermuda rigged                    14 inches long 1952-57

R16                    Bermuda rigged                    16 inches long 1952-57

R21                    Bermuda rigged                    21 inches long 1952-57

J16                     Bermuda rigged                    16 inches long 1952-57

J20                    Bermuda rigged                    20 inches long 1952-57

J25                    Bermuda rigged                    25 inches long  1952-57

J30                    Bermuda rigged                   30 inches long  1952-57

J36                    Bermuda rigged                    36 inches long  1952-57

Albatross J25 Pond Yacht, Britannia Pond

An Albatross J25 awaiting restoration in an original stand.

Albatross, by G Cornish, Paignton.

The second Albatross Yachts were manufactured by Mr G Cornish in King Ash, Road Paignton, in Devon. between 1988 and 1996  with the invaluable help of his wife Freda, who made the sails and carried out the bookwork. The first yachts were made in the garden shed at 170 Kings Ash Road, but as production increased operations were moved to an industrial unit to the rear of 36 Palace Avenue, Paignton.

The Paignton Albatross yacht series

Kathleen, wooden             Gaff rigged                          24 inch 

Kathleen, GRP                  Gaff rigged                          24 inch

Kathleen GRP                   Yawl                                     24 inch

Sloop, wooden                  Bermuda rigged                   20 inch

Tonnage Class, wooden    Gaff rigged                            26 inch

Nisha, Brixham Trawler     Gaff rigged                          22 inch

Valentine, wooden            Gaff rigged                           30 inch

Neptune Schooner           Gaff rigged                           18 inch  

Schooner, wooden            Gaff rigged                           20 inch

1890, wooden,                  Gaff rigged                           18 inch

Jolie Breeze, wooden        gaff rigged                            22 inch

Barge, wooden                  Gaff rigged                            6 and 11 inch

Solid Sloop, wooden         Bermuda rigged                    12 and 14 inch

Hollow Sloop, wooden      Bermuda rigged                    14 and 16 inch

Hollow Sloop                    Gaff rigged                            15 and 18 inch

Hollow Sloop                    Double head Gaff rigged      18 inch

Yawl.                                Lugger rigged                         17 and 20 inch

Some of the above yachts were made in very small numbers

Albatross Kathleen Yawl, Britannia Pond

24 inch Albatross Kathleen yawl.

J Alexander and Sons of Preston

Alexander racing yachts really are in a class of their own for their astounding quality of finish and sailing qualities they are now highly sought after with each example offered for sale commanding high prices.  John Alexander trained to be a carpenter and was employed by Browns Shipyard in Glasgow, during WW1 he was involved in building early flying boats for the Royal Navy, possibly Saunders Roe. John was a keen model yachtsman and in 1925 he made the decision to convert his hobby into a business. His range of quality hand crafted yachts were made in the sprawling upstairs rooms of his house in Ashton on Ribble. The house was ideally situated for testing and sailing near Fleetwood International boating lake. His sons successfully raced their own boats which provided excellent PR for their range of yachts. The enviable quality of the yachts was assisted by entire family who helped with assembly and sail making.

After WW2 demand decreased due to Britain's period of Austerity,

and the demand for their expensive range of yachts was no more. John retired from the business around 1950, his sons carried on producing the yachts and introduced an electric powered speed boat.  J Alexander and sons sadly ceased production in around 1960. It is not known how many models were actually produced.

J Alexander yachts were sold by mail order and in Gamages, and Hamleys with the advertising slogan of British Boats for British Boys!

The J. Alexander yacht series

White Flyer

Heather Elf                                            18 inch

White Heather                             20-34 inch

Heather Dew                               22-25 inch

Heather Bells                               26 inch

Heather Isle                                 30 inch

Heather Glen                               36 inch

White Elf                                      22 inch

White Spray                                 30 inch

It is believed that all J Alexander yachts were Bermuda rigged. There was also a tie-up with Bassett-Lowke who marketed the White Heather series known as R1-R4

J.  Alexander, Heather Dew, Britannia Po

J Alexander White Heather, Pond Yacht.

Ailsa Yachts

It is not known when Ailsa yachts first started making model yachts but an early advertisement is dated 1936, it is now accepted that the earliest wooden yachts date from the late 1920's. Sadly it is not known how many different models that were made and it is assumed that they were first produced by Turner of Largs, and the very first model yachts were carved from bread and butter pine board construction, and fitted with a wooden lead weighted keel and sometimes with a metal fin. However they were initially designed to be used without a moveable rudder and provide excellent performance in the hands of beginners they were made to a high standard, with extensive prototype testing carried out by Turner on the yacht pond at Largs. These earliest yachts were referred to as Clyde built Stevie boats and were originally fitted with striped cotton sails. At the time the dockyards of the River Clyde had an enviable reputation and built more ships and boats than anywhere else in the world. The later name Ailsa refers to an Island called Ailsa Craig off the coast of Largs.

Initially they were sold by the Clyde Model Dockyard in Glasgow, it is possible that only those yachts sold by the Clyde Model Dockyard were named Iona. They became widely sold throughout the UK and were even exported throughout the Commonwealth. Production ceased during WW2 but after the war manufacturing commenced and at one stage upto 12 people were employed. Milbro a toy and sports equipment wholesaler began marketing the yachts these were fitted with an ivorine name plate bearing the name Milbro. An aluminium hull with a Cedar deck was introduced soon after the war which enabled the yacht to be slightly lighter and therefore faster than those yachts with wooden hulls, speed of production was also increased. The very last of the yachts were fitted with hot rolled terylene sails, this was the go to racing sail material used at the time. The very last yachts were made with a GRP hull and the last Ailsa yacht off the line was made in the early 1960's. Today Ailsa yachts are still very popular they are elegant in design and provide outstanding performance, something that has still to be bettered today, perhaps this is why Ailsa yachts are rarely seen for sale and command such high prices when they do.

                                   The Ailsa yacht series

12  inches long

14  inches long

16 inches Long

17  inches long

18  inches long

20 inches long

21  inches long

28 inches long

30 inches long

These are the only sizes  known at the time of writing

16 inch Milbro Ailsa, Britannia Pond Yac

A late 16 inch Aluminium hulled Milbro Ailsa.

B-Boats, British Yacht and Model Company

The first listing for B-Boats was in the 1932 Meccano Magazine, they were manufactured at 459 Fulham road in London. Very little else is known about the company and how long it stayed in business, however the hulls were made from a quality aluminium pressing like later Ailsa yachts, it is interesting to note that B-Boats power boat pressings were also used on the Scottish Marine Companies, Mermaid power boat. B-Boats were a high quality product with beautifully sewn double stitched double hemmed sails that were provided with a curved foot, sheeting was attached using Lanyard clips like other quality yacht manufacturers at the time a free swinging rudder was also fitted. All B-Boats were supplied in a green felt lined wooden box. The advertising slogan for B-Boats was unsurpassed for Grace and speed. (Once my B-Boat has been restored I will set it against a similar Ailsa to see which is the quickest across the pond).

The British Yacht and Model Company, B-Boat range.

S1016                     Bermuda rigged                             16 inches Long

S1020                    Bermuda rigged                             20 inches long

S1026                    Bermuda rigged                             26 inches long

S1033                    Bermuda rigged                             33 inches long

Britannia Pond Yachts B Boats restoratio

The remains of a once beautiful 16 inch B-Boat.

Bassett-Lowke Ltd

The trading name of Bassett- Lowke was Founded in 1899 and has a long and complicated history, based in Northampton they were originally known for their large scale exhibition standard models made for boat and ship manufacturers including military vehicles, model steam locomotives and rolling stock. They also retailed quality model yachts and boats including the Alexander White Heather range. It is not known how many model boats that Bassett-Lowke actually made but it is certain that they manufactured a range of four beautiful power boats and a range of model boat fittings themselves.

Basset Lowke Deerhound, Britannia Pond Y

A Bassett-Lowke Deerhound

                           Bonds of Euston Road

Bonds O Euston Road as they called themselves were a very popular model engineering supplier, selling model kits, tools, parts, stationary engines, plans and castings, established in 1887 known simply as Bonds, they moved to Euston Road in 1929,  Bonds also had their own range of quality racing yachts and boats sourced from a variety of suppliers. The decline in interest of their core products meant that they had to move to new premises in Sussex and changed direction becoming a hardware store, they closed in 2010.

                         Bonds of Euston, Endeavour range

17 inch                             automatic rudder

21 inch                             automatic rudder

28 inch                            Braine type steerin g

36 inch                            Braine type steering


A 1935 Bonds of Euston, Endeavour Yacht

AW Gamage Ltd

Gamages were a quality London department store that started trading in 1878 selling clothes, they were very successful and were soon selling all manner of goods including toys and model yachts. Little is known about the range of yachts sold as the company closed in 1972, and the records were destroyed. It is thought that because Gamages were able to sell high volumes of goods they were able to acquire exclusive deals with existing manufacturers, the types of yachts sold it seems was very varied and some were possibly made in Germany. Difficulty in identifying Gamages type yachts exists because few yachts had any identification marks on them.

Britannia Pond Yachts Gamages Gaff Rigge

A  superbly made 1920's Gaff rigged Gamages yacht

Hobbies of Dereham Ltd.

Hobbies of Dereham Ltd was established by John Skinner in around 1880, and sold specialist woodworking tools, patterns and materials. They produced the popular Hobbies magazine which included their ever growing range of items and how to do articles. Hobbies Ltd was formed in 1902 and was now operating from many shops around the country. It was in 1922 that the association with Geoffrey Bowman Jenkins was formed, and a range of steam powered motor boats was introduced. Bowman designed and built a variety of yachts and boats, the company became known as Hobbies Bowman.

Unfortunately the Bowman section of the company failed in 1935. It is interesting to note that from this failure the creation of Mammod came about from the early steam engine designs made by Geoffrey-Malin's co-operation with Hobbies Ltd. By 1968  Hobbies Ltd was liquidated, however a previous employee managed to purchase the brand name and Hobbies Ltd was relaunched and is still trading today with a strong online presence selling plans, materials tools and spares as it had originally done when Hobbies first started.

The Hobbies Bowman range

The Ace                    14.5 inches Gaff rigged                         1925-28

Peewit                      14.5 inches Bermuda rigged                  1925-29

Whitewings              20 inches Gaff rigged

Seagull                     23 inches Gaff rigged

Britannia Pond Yachts Hobbies Yachts The

An early Hobbies "Peewit" pond yacht.

Winford Model Yachts

Winford made a stylish and unusual range of pond yachts, they were a quality product and expensively priced, and were marketed as an any weather yacht. They featured innovative pressed steel hulls fitted with wooden decks and  remov able/adjustable  lead weighted wooden keels of different weights and sizes. These yachts were also fitted with steering gear and a stern mounted rudder, all models featured a bowsprit and as far as we know all were fitted with a Bermuda rig. They were produced at the Kingswinford Forge in Staffordshire during the 1920's. Very little more is known about the company it is likely that very few yachts were sold and even fewer have survived even though world wide sales were claimed.

The Winford yacht range

12 inch ‘Ordinary’, fixed keel, one suit of sails.

12 inch ‘Special’ with two suits of sails and spars, removable keel and ballast, a carrying box and weighted rudder.

15 inch ‘Ordinary’, fixed single keel, one suit of sails.

15 inch ‘Special’ with three suits of sails and spars, removable keel and ballast, a carrying box and simple tiller steering gear.

20 inch ‘Racing’ model with three suits of sails, removable keel and ballast, a carrying box and a sheet to tiller steering gear.

27 inch model with three suits of sails, removable keel and ballast, a carrying box and a sheet to tiller steering gear.

36 inch model with three suits of sails, removable keel and ballast, a carrying box and a simple sheet to tiller steering gear. 

36 inch schooner rigged with two suits of sails, removable keel and ballast, with steering gear.

Winford Racing Yacht diagram.png

Winford racing yacht diagram.

Kylecraft Model Yachts

Kylecraft Pond Yachts were made in Largs on the river Clyde just after the Second World War. Largs was also the home of the Ailsa yacht brand, on inspection the two types are very similar, with the Kylecraft yacht having a slightly deeper hull and keel than an Ailsa. It is not known if there was any collaboration between the two companies. Kylecraft continued to use carved wooden hulls whereas Ailsa were using a pressed aluminium hull. Overall Ailsa yachts were produced in far greater quantities and therefore easier to find than Kylecraft yachts and because of their rarity they have now become highly collectable. It is thought that Hobbies of Dereham Ltd marketed Kylecraft yachts. Once Kylecraft had ceased trading 300 nearly completed yachts were acquired by a gentleman who ran a market stall in Portobello Market, he completed the yachts and sold them as display pieces.

The Kylecraft yacht range

12 inch                                Bermuda rigged

16 inch                                Bermuda rigged

18 inch                                Bermuda rigged

22 Inch                               Bermuda rigged

24 inch                               Bermuda rigged

12 inch Kylecraft yacht.jpg

A 12 inch Kylecraft yacht sailing in Cumbria.

Redwing Model Yachts

Very little indeed is known about Redwing  Pond Yachts, it seems that they were manufactured in the 1920's as a surviving catalogue although undated refers to the 1921 Cowes yacht races. They made both yachts and powerboats, Redwing models were hardly toys with some of the yachts being 50 inches long and made to a very high specification which included steering gear on some models. The company was based at 150 Kingston Road, in New Malden, Surrey.

The Redwing yacht range

Model No 1   The Redwing Sloop               36 inch Gaff rigged

Model No 2  The Redwing                          24 inch Gaff rigged

Model No 3  Bluebird                                 36 inch Bermuda rigged

Model No 4  Bluebird                                 24 inch Bermuda rigged

Model No 5  Ten-rater Schooner              50 inch Bermuda rigged

Model No 6  6m International                   (size unknown)

Redwing 10 rater, Britannia pond yachts.

A 50 inch Redwing Ten-rater Schooner.

Britannia Pond Yachts Polaris























All boats are built to order 

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Something different a Z scale train layout in a briefcase

11/30/2010      Long Beach CA.

Jack Malone

Today we lost a very good friend, Love you Jack  "Godspeed"

Jack and his winning Newport 12 #701

A project in the shop now under construction.

15 ft. Chester Yawl boat

   Contact us for more information about our boats  E- MAIL Mailing Address:  5264 N. Ventura Ave. Ventura CA. 93001 Want more information about model sailing? look at our links page .

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a class pond yacht

Build Your Own Plank Constructed Pond Yacht

A vintage marblehead-class pond yacht designed for radio control..

While growing up in western Pennsylvania, Bruce Richter spent countless hours in his dad’s workshop learning the ropes, building models, and making sawdust before getting sidetracked with garage bands, sports, and college. The urge to build returned around the time he and his wife Jan moved to New York City, although he quickly realized apartment living wasn’t exactly conducive to woodworking. The planets aligned when he discovered WoodenBoat School and Kerbs Boathouse in Central Park, home to over one hundred radio-control sailboats. Since then, Bruce took WoodenBoat School’s pond yacht construction course six times and served as former instructor Thom McLaughlin’s assistant before taking over as lead instructor a few years ago. Bruce has earned several national craftsmanship awards for the Vintage Marblehead RC sailboats he built at WBS. He is former Commodore of the 100-plus-year-old Central Park Model Yacht Club, has served as Class Coordinator of the US VMYG Vintage Marblehead fleet, is designer/art director of the vintage group’s publication The Model Yacht, and occasionally builds guitars. Following a career as a writer/creative director in major New York City advertising agencies and as president/executive creative director of his own marketing services firm, Bruce and wife Jan are beginning their next chapter in life as Blue Hill, Maine transplants.

This course is appropriate for students with some knowledge and experience. Basic knowledge and use of hand tools is required for most shop courses. Basic knowledge and ability to sail is required for most waterfront courses.

This course involves a low level of activity throughout the week including: occasional standing and working, seating is usually available, working on your own project at your own pace is common.

This is a six-day course ending Saturday

Other Sessions: September 1-7

Pond Yacht I: $385 (Includes CNC cut molds, strongback, keelson, planking, fin, and rudder.) Pond Yacht II: $169 (Includes materials to finish the boat other than sails, fittings and electronics.) Pond Yacht III:  $35 (Shop supplies to help you continue your project.)

In this course each student will begin the construction of his/her own pond sailboat using the plank on frame process. This practice is similar to those used in building full-sized boats and allows for a flowing hull form that is beautiful on display and swift on the water. The course boat NORUMBEGA was designed by former instructor Thom McLaughlin. The class of this boat is known as Vintage Marblehead (VM) and is still actively sailed today under the guidance of the U.S. Vintage Model Yacht Group. The Marblehead class of small boat originated in 1932 using minimal design requirements of 50″ LOA and 800 square inches of sail. When fully rigged the boat is over 7′ tall, which makes it quite impressive from shore. The boat can be easily dismantled for transport. Construction of this pond yacht will pleasantly challenge and inform the builder. While group and one-on-one instruction will take place daily, students will also make decisions based on blueprints and developing an eye for form. During this week, the boat will be planked, faired, and the fin and rudder will be fabricated. Bruce will also discuss the steps that follow to complete the boat—decking, rigging, electronic installation, and painting.

Students who have started construction of their VM model in previous years at WoodenBoat School are also welcome to participate in this course to finish their boat. This week will be an excellent opportunity for further guidance. It will also provide inspiration to those individuals just beginning their boat and to view firsthand the final steps in construction.

a class pond yacht

This course is appropriate for students with some knowledge and experience.  Basic knowledge and use of hand tools is required for most shop courses.

“Bruce Richter was an excellent instructor. He taught the pond yacht course in a knowledgeable, caring, and professional manner.”

T.S., Wilbraham, Massachusetts

“Bruce Richter taught a great course. I liked that he checked our work each evening and made note of our mistakes to correct the next day. He pulled together regular meetings to discuss theory. I especially enjoyed the pond yacht history lesson! Great teaching skills. Great personality and a sense of humor.”

J.J., Phoenix, Maryland


Register For This Course

Courses fill quickly, so don't delay if this is a course you want to take.

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a class pond yacht

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July / August Issue No. 299  Preview Now

a class pond yacht

50/800 Marblehead Pond Yacht

After taking Thom McLaughlin’s class on building pond yachts at the WoodenBoat School in 2009, John Stoudt spent the rest of that year into the early winter of 2010 working on this model. It is a 50/800 Marblehead Vintage class design that John built with very thin planks, tacked to wood frames. John also planked the deck. All of the fittings are solid brass.

Design Specifications

a class pond yacht


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Rooster #750, YANKEE DOODLE


a class pond yacht

AMAZON (Ex. Emalu)

a class pond yacht


From the community.

1929 Hacker Craft Runabout 18'

1929 Hacker Craft Runabout 18'

Jimmy Steele Peapod

Jimmy Steele Peapod

Good Vintage Boat - Hull Number 66 - Completed In 1989.

1967 Crosby Striper #86

1967 Crosby Striper #86

Short cabin version. Restored in 2020 new lower frames, knees, floors and cockpit.

Boats Plans and Kits

Bullet flyer

Switzer Bullet 136

  • Vanquish 65
  • Mini Maniac
  • RG65 Appendages
  • Maniac MK II
  • IOM Appendages
  • Marblehead Class
  • Marblehead Appendages
  • RT65 Ragnarok
  • RT65R Armageddon
  • RC65 Adrenaline
  • ST65 Sowelu
  • Mini40 / F48 Class
  • Nightmare X
  • Nightmare MK VIII
  • MultiOne Class
  • FireDragon 1000
  • DIY Sail Winch
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Bentleys London

Alexander Pond Yacht

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A stunning pond yacht by Alexander, in excellent condition with aluminium covered mast and boom and lead keel. Mounted on a newly made wooden stand. Circa 1935.

Alexander of Preston started producing Pond Yachts just after the First World War. The company was started by John Alexander who, in the early years of the 20th century, had worked in the famous Fairlie boatyard of William Fife building some the finest yachts of all time. In the next 40 years he, with his sons, made what are considered some of the most iconic and collectable yacht models of the 20th century. An Alexander pond yacht was not sold as a toy, instead it was an expensive competition model, made in the manner of a full sized racing yacht. Alexander had a successful carpentry business. He brought-up his sons to be as skilled as he was, working with both wood and metal, and so began a model yacht making business that became internationally renowned. The lengthy attic of a rambling old house that John bought on Victoria Parade in Preston was used to establish the model yacht business. Most of the ten members of the Alexander family were involved in making the models. Sons Alan, Eric, William, Ernest and eldest son James. William and James had full time jobs elsewhere, but helped out with the yachts in the evenings. One of John's daughters, Mary, along with Alan's wife Barbara looked after the sail-making side of the business. Alexanders are now accepted to have some of the best hull shapes of any commercially produced pond yachts.

Dimensions: 81.5 cm/32 inches (length) x 140 cm/55 inches (height).

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Classic Pond Yachts

[email protected].

I will be back, honest. Let me tell you a story, when we had the 'Covid' shutdown I wound up at home with all the time in the world, just not allowed out. So I picked up a model yacht that had been around for years. I started to restore it, I had a great time, got it finished and started another boat. As we came out of Covid, I bought some more models, and some more, and some more, I was living the dream. Then we got back into the real world, I started going to work again, well sort of, my son is now running our yacht maintenance company, so I go in a couple of days a week to do ?? then we started RC yacht racing again, then I had to start keeping them working. Then we thought it would be a good idea to get a Ceccarelli design for IOM model yachts, and lets build 9 of them in red cedar !! then I had work to do on my full size boat. Basically the world came back with a vengeance and I did not have time for the Classics. That is going to change, I will start updating the site next week and get back into showing you the new boats and what has happened to some of the others.

Stan Witty WASP

I have got my Stan Witty Wasp sailing. She is my first Marblehead Vane steered boat, that I have actually  raced, now called WaZp. I originally  bought her to do the Vintage open event at Fleetwood, as I did not want to risk damaging my Kittywake on the bank, more info on the bottom of the Stan Witty Wasp page. She sailed really well, but we, the Skipper and Mate, took a while longer to get going, she now needs a repaint! Our first sail was a VMYG meeting at Gosport, pictures below of Gosport and Fleetwood, with a link to the page. 

Just found this Video!!

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WaZp at the vintage day in Gosport, I took a few boats that day, nice light winds and sunshine  with friends, a lovely day.

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'Wazp' sailing at Fleetwood in the Classic and Vintage Marblehead Regatta 21 & 22 May. A great weekend, as I put these words together a couple of weeks later, I can almost walk again, they made us walk over 13 km on Saturday  alone. As mentioned above 'WaZp' sailed very well, hindered by us learning how to set her up, our first Vane meeting, we are really Radio guys, but we will be back next year, a great experience, a few more words on the Stan Witty Wasp page.

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Gosport VMYG day, I took Wazp my Stan Witty Marblehead, Laura my 5 Tonner, XPDNC and a couple of Toy models for the grandsons, a lovely day.

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As always with VMYG meetings a lot of fascinating  boats and interesting people.

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A model Ship was spotted and recovered from the bottom of the lake, looks like she was set fire to and sunk! but a welcome new model for a young  lads bedroom, now called the 'Titanic', his mum will be so pleased!!

5 Tonner Laura sailing at the VMYG day on the lake at Gosport M.Y.C. Keen grandsons on turning pole duty! Spot the Bowman sailing by.

Duck boat crew rescues father and son from Charles River

CAMBRIDGE, MASS. (WHDH) - A duck boat crew rescued a father and son from the Charles River Monday after the young child fell into the river and the father jumped in to help, officials said. 

Boston Duck Tours officials said duck boats were in the river practicing safety routines when an operator spotted people in distress. 

Boston Duck Tours said the father and son were not associated with any duck boats and said there were no public tours happening at the time of the rescue. Officials said staff helped pull the pair from the water, though, and soon brought them to shore.

State police said the incident happened near 9:30 a.m. near the back side of the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Cambridge. State police said preliminary information indicated the child squeezed through a railing before falling into the river.

Once back on dry land, police said, emergency crews brought the child to a local hospital as a precaution.

Cambridge Fire Department trucks were still parked near the river near 10:30 a.m. A Cambridge fire rescue boat was also spotted in the area.

Moments before 10:30 a.m., crews were seen pulling a stuffed animal from the water.

One woman who saw the rescue said she heard a woman screaming before the duck boat crew arrived at the scene. 

“I went out on the balcony and she said ‘Save him! Save him!” she said. 

Dominic Demasi, who took photos of the rescue, said he saw the father holding his son in one arm and grabbing onto a wall on the side of the river with his other arm. 

“I saw him holding a baby in his hands,” Demasi said. “You can tell it was a one-year-old or less infant…He rescued the baby really quick.” 

Security video showed the child fall into the river, creating a splash. The child’s father was then seen jumping over a fence. 

Demasi’s photos showed emergency crews on scene, lowering a life raft to the father and child while the duck boat approached their location.

The duck boat driver and his co-captain spoke to reporters about their experience, saying they sprang into action after they saw a crowd of people trying to get their attention from the Cambridge side of river.

The pair said they used a life raft and a ladder to pull the father and child aboard their boat, dubbed “Olga Ironsides.” The driver and the co-captain said they then wrapped the child in a blanket because he was crying and cold. As they made their way to a nearby dock, they said, the child’s father thanked them profusely.

“He just said ‘Thank you, thank you so much,’” said co-captain Kevin O’Neill. “He was effusively thankful. We said ‘Of course. We’re so glad that you guys are OK.’”

“This was the first time I’ve ever had that experience,” said driver Michael Rosario. “The adrenaline is just now ticking down as we realize we rescued somebody and that they’re going to be alive for another day.”

Rosario said he clipped a dock in the frantic process of steering the duck boat toward the father and son. Hours after the rescue, a chunk of wood was still wedged against one of the vehicle’s headlights.

“The adrenaline was kicking at first,” Rosario said. “So I didn’t really realize what had happened. Once it settled down, it was a sense of joy. This person is able to bring their child [home] and they’re safe.”

Rosario said he and O’Neill would be treating the rest of the day as if it were a normal day, leading their normal tours through Boston’s streets and waterways.

(Copyright (c) 2024 Sunbeam Television. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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  • MassWildlife adds new bathemetric (depth) maps each season. These new maps provide 100 times more precision than the original maps. You can use Bathymetric maps to target different depths and habitats within a pond. For example, bass prefer steep drop-offs and plateaus, while trout spend time in deeper, colder water. Anglers who ice fish or fish from shore will find these maps useful when personal depth finders cannot be used.
  • If you can't find the pond you're looking for, contact the town recreation department or local conservation commission. In some cases,  MassWildlife District offices  may have information on ponds that aren't listed.

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  • Lewiston-Auburn
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Takeoff in 3, 2, 1: Lewiston-Auburn Balloon Festival begins Friday

Fourteen hot-air balloons will be soaring above the Twin Cities Friday through Sunday, with a lot more fun happening at the Simard-Payne Memorial Park in Lewiston.

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a class pond yacht

Tim Cavanaugh works on the electrical systems Wednesday for the Lewiston-Auburn Balloon Festival at Simard-Payne Memorial Park in Lewiston. The three-day festival starts Friday and features 15 hot air balloons, 14 nonprofit food vendors, and over 100 artisans. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal

LEWISTON — The Lewiston-Auburn Balloon Festival is finally here.

The fun begins early Friday morning, with the first launch scheduled for 6 a.m. from the Simard-Payne Memorial Park on Beech Street in Lewiston. The park is set to host festivalgoers until Sunday evening, with something for everyone.

The festival has come a long way in a short time. In May, the original organizers of the Great Falls Balloon Festival called it off due to a lack of resources . Soon after, the Twin Cities came together to run it instead.

In recognition of the shared effort between Lewiston and Auburn, the festival was renamed. In the time since, community support has poured in, with dozens of vendors and a variety of sponsors, as well as a $60,000 grant from the State Office of Tourism.

As of Wednesday afternoon, the festival is $2,340 short of its fundraising goal.

“We’ve secured $167,660 in pledges on a really short timeline,” Nate Libby, Lewiston’s assistant director of economic and community development, said Wednesday. “A few more sponsorships are trickling in. The original goal for sponsorships was $170,000. We are so proud of and grateful for all the businesses, organizations and individuals who’ve stepped up to support the festival with their time, effort, and financial support.” Advertisement

“We’ve secured 10 hot air balloons, five specialty shape balloons, 14 nonprofit food vendors, over 100 artisans and crafter booths, a parade, a family fun day, musical performances including Motor Booty Affair, Julia Gagnon, Taylor Hughes, among other musicians,” Libby added. “Lots of other special events, entertainment, and family friendly activities. And the weather looks good!”

Check out the Lewiston-Auburn Balloon Festival coverage

a class pond yacht

Jake Dostie, left, and Larry Mosher prepare a sign Wednesday for one of the 14 nonprofit food vendors serving at this weekend’s Lewiston-Auburn Balloon Festival at Simard-Payne Memorial Park in Lewiston. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal

The weather looks good, indeed.

“Friday morning looks pretty nice. The winds begin very light and then pick up,” Greg Cornwell, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service’s Forecast Office in Gray/Portland, said. “It’ll be an onshore wind, so (coming) from the southeast, as the day goes on. But winds are, especially in the morning, expected to be relatively calm.”

Friday afternoon might be a little more breezy, Cornwell added. “Nothing generally less than, I’d say, 15 miles per hour. So, probably still an OK condition for (balloons).”

The area could have some showers across the interior, but “those will be more towards the mountains versus treading into the Lewiston area,” Cornwell said.

Friday’s temperatures will be cool for this time of year, around 78 degrees for the day’s high. The day might be a “near-perfect day,” for a balloon festival, Cornwell said. Advertisement

a class pond yacht

Carnival workers set up rides Wednesday on Lincoln Street in Lewiston, outside Simard-Payne Memorial Park, in preparation for the Lewiston-Auburn Balloon Festival. Balloon launches will be livestreamed if the weather is favorable. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal

There’s a chance of rain on Saturday and Sunday, but the weekend forecast might change later in the week.

With over 80 volunteer sign-ups, the festival is no longer accepting volunteer applications. Lewiston Public Works is preparing the grounds at the Simard-Payne Memorial Park, Mayor Carl Sheline said Wednesday.

According to Sheline, the city expects over 100,000 visitors for the weekend. “While we are two cities, we are one community and I’m proud (Lewiston and Auburn) could come together to get this festival off the ground for our residents and tourists from around the world,” Sheline said.

Not fond of heights or crowds? The Sun Journal is bringing all the balloon action to people via livestreams.

All morning and evening launches will be livestreamed at Sun Journal’s YouTube channel . There will be a play-by-play live blog from the festival grounds as the balloons take flight.

a class pond yacht

Justin Verrill, left, and O’Neil Thorpe work on signs Wednesday in preparation for this weekend’s Lewiston-Auburn Balloon Festival at Simard-Payne Memorial Park in Lewiston. The festival kicks off Friday morning with a 6 a.m. launch. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal

For trivia enthusiasts, the balloon trivia quiz is still live . Ashley Ellsworth was the lucky winner of two balloon ride tickets. People only need an email address to test their knowledge of balloon trivia ahead of Friday. Advertisement

The Sun Journal will have a tent at the festival grounds to greet people.

For those who have a large driveway without any obstructions, like nearby utility poles, a balloon might land on the property. To signal your desire to host a balloon landing, lay out a white sheet to show it is somewhere safe to land. Road access is important because the chase team will need to park directly next to the balloon.

Check out the Lewiston-Auburn Balloon Festival coverage at

Admission is free. Only service animals are allowed on the festival grounds.

Related Headlines

Check out the 2024 Lewiston-Auburn Balloon Festival coverage

Complete schedule: Launches, live music and activities at the Lewiston-Auburn Balloon Festival

‘A Modern Miracle’ when a balloon ascended in Lewiston in 1893

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  1. MM1

    a class pond yacht

  2. A vintage pond yacht with aluminium hull and wooden decking with

    a class pond yacht

  3. MM1

    a class pond yacht

  4. An 'A' Class Pond Yacht

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  5. V36

    a class pond yacht

  6. A Marblehead pond yacht

    a class pond yacht


  1. Alexander's of Preston

    John Alexander started to design and build a series of A class boats called "Heather Glen" which in 1939 won the yachting Monthly cup (the model version of the Americas cup) with his Eldest son James being the skipper. Later in 1949 the boys won the British championship with "Scamp". Not everyone could afford an A class yacht and so ...

  2. History of the Marblehead Class

    History of the Marblehead Class. Young skippers on the rocks besides Redd's Pond, Marblehead, late 1890s. A flotilla of 450s on Redd's Pond in the late 1920s. The Marblehead club was always a bit of a maverick in model yachting circles because it was large enough (70 members in 1930) to support classes of its own.

  3. Vintage Marblehead

    Vintage Marblehead. In 1930 Roy Clough, then commodore of the Marblehead Model Yacht Club, proposed a new class of larger model sailboats. The first published reference we have is from Model Yachting for Oct-Nov 1930. These boats must be "50 inches on deck" (50 in LOA). The sail area was settled at 800 in 2, and the single most popular ...


    Sailing pond yachts is a very absorbing hobby, there are in fact many different manufacturers to choose from or collect, here are some of the most important and most desirable British model yachts that have ever been made. ... Tonnage Class, wooden Gaff rigged 26 inch. Nisha, Brixham Trawler Gaff rigged 22 inch. Valentine, wooden Gaff rigged 30 ...


    Details. A FINE 'A' CLASS POND YACHT. with mast, sails, some rigging, deck fittings, cork-backed hatch to internal carry handle and brane steering. The wooden hull with ink lined deck, rudder and lead-weighted keel is finished in red, black and varnish -- 87 x 60in. (221 x 152.5cm.) Stand.

  6. POND BOATS by Midlife Models, pond yachts, pondboat, model sailboats

    Our handmade radio controlled boats sail on the pond or in the harbor, and look great displayed in the home or office. Hulls are hand molded fiberglass, decks and trim of Mahogany, and Teak with hand rubbed varnished finishes. Professionally made Dacron sails, Spruce masts, chrome hardware, and electronics installed ready for sailing.


    THE 'A'-CLASS POND YACHT MUNIN, PENNANT NUMBER K784 modelled by W. Jupp with wooden hull, detachable keel, Brane steering, plated deck fittings, aluminium mast with three sets of waxed cotton sails -- 111½ x 80in.

  8. Build Your Own Plank Constructed Pond Yacht

    The class of this boat is known as Vintage Marblehead (VM) and is still actively sailed today under the guidance of the U.S. Vintage Model Yacht Group. The Marblehead class of small boat originated in 1932 using minimal design requirements of 50″ LOA and 800 square inches of sail. When fully rigged the boat is over 7′ tall, which makes it ...

  9. The G22

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    A 36" RESTRICTED CLASS POND YACHT: FIONA with mast, spreader, boom, original stitched linen sails with batons, rigging, brass deck fittings including horses, brane steering, blocks and hatch to carry handle. The hull of hard chine construction with lead-weighted keel and brass rudder is finished in green and white -- 55 x 36in. (140 X 91.5cm.)

  11. 50/800 Marblehead Pond Yacht

    After taking Thom McLaughlin's class on building pond yachts at the WoodenBoat School in 2009, John Stoudt spent the rest of that year into the early winter of 2010 working on this model. It is a 50/800 Marblehead Vintage class design that John built with very thin planks, tacked to wood frames. John also planked the deck. All of the fittings are solid brass.

  12. V36

    It came from the need for a medium sized yacht that could be used on shallow city lakes and easily transported on trains and trams for inter club racing. Mr Stansfeild Hicks proposed a very simple rule for a class that had to fit inside a box 36in X 11in X 9in and must not exceed 12 lb. The idea was accepted by the MYA and the 36R class was born.

  13. RCSails

    The M or Marblehead Class, sometimes called the "50/800", is a medium size high performance development class. It's original concept in the 1930's was to produce the largest model that would conveniently fit in the standard American car of the time. The class is a development class with the main restrictions being a hull length of 50 inches and ...

  14. Alexander Pond Yacht

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    Sail plans balanced to a 4″ mast rake. Center of effort of No. 2 suit 1″ ahead of that of No. 1 suit to balance heavier winds. Booms will clear water under average heeling of yacht in blows. Jib fore-stay is under 80 per cent height ruling. Spar lengths: mast 65.5, boom 21.5, jib-club, 12.2.

  16. Classic Pond Yachts

    [email protected]. Hello !!! I will be back, honest. Let me tell you a story, when we had the 'Covid' shutdown I wound up at home with all the time in the world, just not allowed out. So I picked up a model yacht that had been around for years. I started to restore it, I had a great time, got it finished and started another boat.

  17. pond yacht plans

    I took the class at WoodenBoat School and have a partially completed boat under my workbench. One evening after supper we took a number of completed boats out to a local pond and sailed them. It takes a little time to get used to the controls, and that they seem to work backwords when the boat is heading back toward you.

  18. IRSA Marblehead Class

    The IRSA Marblehead (M) class is probably the most exciting to sail with its moderate size and light weight combined with high manoevrability and stability. Essentially a box rule with minimal constraints. A modern M will usually be made almost entirely of carbon fibre - hull, foils, spars and fittings. The class was the first to adopt hi ...

  19. Help in restoring a "pond yacht?"

    An interesting fact concerning Pond Yachts is that the Ted Geary R class sloop "Pirate" was sent to Larchmont in 1929 to compete in the R Boat Nationals with famed West Coast skipper Matt Walsh at her helm. The fact is that much of the cost for funding "Pirates" expenses were raised by the selling of pond yacht kits of "Pirate" and donations ...

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    View Address. Contact. Call Now. 200 Beach Drive NE, St. Petersburg, Florida, 33701, United States. Tampa Bay's premier yacht brokerage and charter business for over 30 years offering services including yacht and boat sales, yacht charters, and marine service. Clear Filter Owner: broker-st-petersburg-yacht-sales-service-30654.

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  24. Go Fish MA!

    Find a place to fish near you. Use MassWildlife's digital fishing map to access pond maps and summaries, boat access, water depths, trout stocked waters, bait shops, and more. Narrow your search using the filter tool—try the "Featured Sites" filter to see staff recommendations with easy access to the water.

  25. New 2024 Sea Hunt Gamefish 25, 33708 Saint Petersburg

    View this Saltwater Fishing and other Power boats on Check out this New 2024 Sea Hunt Gamefish 25 for sale in Saint Petersburg, FL 33708. View this Saltwater Fishing and other Power boats on ... Class. Saltwater Fishing. Length. 26ft. Year. 2024. Model. Gamefish 25. Capacity-Get pre-qualified in minutes.

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    Find Beneteau boats for sale in Saint petersburg. Offering the best selection of Beneteau boats to choose from.

  27. 5966 Bayview Cir S, Saint Petersburg, FL 33707

    This nationally renowned club, where world-class golf courses meet a fabulous marina, offers prestigious amenities—executive chef's restaurants, yachts, boats, jet skis, sailing adventures, and golf competitions—a true luxury lifestyle by definition. ... Skip the line to the golf club and join within just 30 days. - Yacht and boat slips ...

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    A city's boat show has hired a hawk to protect visitors at the waterfront event from chip-stealing seagulls. Rufus, an American Harris hawk, is being brought in to deter the birds at the ...

  29. Lewiston-Auburn Balloon Festival begins Friday

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