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Gen Z Trends. Piaţa de influencer marketing depăşeşte 100 mil. euro. În România sunt circa 150 de influenceri cu peste 500.000 de urmăritori, iar în rest, piaţa se împarte între nano-influenceri (1.000-10.000 followers), micro-influenceri (10.000-50.000 followers) şi middle-influenceri (50.000-500.000 followers).

Florin Grozea, CEO al MOCAPP: Lucrăm cu micro-influenceri, care iau şi câte 1.000-1.500 de euro pe o campanie. Pot fi influenceri care nu sunt extrem de cunoscuţi, dar care sunt nişaţi pe anumite domenii şi pot ajunge şi la 4.000 de euro pe lună.

Florin Grozea, CEO al MOCAPP: Lucrăm cu micro-influenceri, care iau şi câte 1.000-1.500 de euro pe o campanie. Pot fi influenceri care nu sunt extrem de cunoscuţi, dar care sunt nişaţi pe anumite domenii şi pot ajunge şi la 4.000 de euro pe lună.

Autor: Alexandra Matei

♦ În 2024, piaţa de influencer marketing a ajuns la circa 100 mil. euro ♦ Spre comparaţie, în 2020, piaţa de influencer marketing din România se situa undeva între 18 mil. eur şi 23 mil. euro

Să postezi pe Instagram sau TikTok foto­grafii sau videoclipuri din viaţa de zi cu zi, cu diferite activităţi, din vacanţe sau de la anu­mite evenimente a devenit un lucru aproape natural, cu menţiunea că unii au re­uşit să îşi câştige şi existenţa din postările făc­ute în social media. Cum? Prin carismă şi prin prezenţa lor constantă pe aceste reţele.

Piaţa de influencer marketing este în continuă creştere în ultimii ani, atât în România, cât şi în lume, iar tot mai mulţi tineri au reuşit să îşi facă loc în acest domeniu al creatorilor de conţinut şi să ajungă să câştige lunar chiar şi câteva mii de euro din prezenţa lor pe social media şi din campaniile pe care le au cu brandurile. „Influencer marketing este o parte a publicităţii online care se ocupă cu colaborările cu influencerii. Influencerii sunt consideraţi creatori de conţinut sau vedete online. Un influencer este în general o vedetă. Poate fi o persoană care are experienţă, care are o meserie, dar dincolo de aceste lucruri, e o persoană interesantă, şarmantă, care adună o comunitate pentru informaţiile pe care le oferă şi pentru felul în care le împachetează. Piaţa de influencer marketing a crescut de cinci ori în cinci ani de zile. În ultimii trei ani de zile, creşterea este mai accelerată decât în perioada pandemiei. Bugetele de influencer marketing din România sunt spre 20-25% din bugetele de publicitate ale companiilor“, a explicat Florin Grozea, CEO al MOCAPP, o platformă de soluţii digitale pentru influencer marketing, la emisiunea ZF Live.

Recent, platforma MOCAPP a făcut un studiu privind piaţa de influencer marketing din România, prin care întrebări legate de câţi influenceri activi există în ţară sau câte campanii se desfăşoară pe reţelele sociale şi care sunt industriile care colaborează cu influenceri şi-au găsit răspuns.

Rezultatele studiului au oferit, de asemenea, şi o cifră concretă cu privire la dimensiunea pieţei de influencer marketing, piaţă care a ajuns anul acesta la circa 100 mil. euro. Spre comparaţie, în 2020, potrivit studiului MOCAPP, piaţa de influencer marketing din România se situa undeva într 18 mil. eur şi 23 mil. euro.

„Sunt 47.973 de influenceri activi din România incluşi în studiu, cu conturi de social media care au minim o campanie publicitară pe lună. Am identificat 27 nişe şi industrii în care activează aceşti influenceri şi 5.400 de companii care investesc în colaborări cu influenceri“, a adăugat CEO-ul MOCAPP.

Percepţia generală a multora este că influencer înseamnă doar acea persoană care are deja o comunitate cu sute de mii de followers, pe care deja toată lumea o cunoaşte şi care promovează doar produse de fashion, skin care sau vacanţe exotice.

500.000 euro yacht

Ce-i drept, extravaganţa aceasta este o parte pe care unii influenceri o arată pe conturile lor de Instagram sau TikTok, însă piaţa este mult mai nişată şi aici îşi găsesc loc şi tinerii care au anumite pasiuni pe care aleg să le arate în social media.

Un alt lucru important de ştiut este că influencerii se împart în mai multe categorii, în funcţie de mărimea comunităţii lor. Dacă eşti un tânăr care are între 1.000 şi 10.000 de followers pe Instagram sau TikTok şi ai început să câştigi bani din social media, eşti deja un nano-influencer la început de drum.

„Lucrăm cu micro-influenceri, care iau şi câte 1.000-1.500 de euro pe o campanie. Pot fi influenceri care nu sunt extrem de cunoscuţi, dar care sunt nişaţi pe anumite domenii şi pot ajunge şi la 4.000 de euro pe lună“, a mai spus Florin Grozea.

Pe lângă nano-influenceri, mai există micro-influenceri, care au între 10.000 şi 50.000 de followers, middle-influenceri, cu comunităţi cuprinse între 50.000 şi 500.000 followers şi macro-influenceri, care au comunităţi de peste 500.000 de followers.

În România, în prezent, potrivit datelor din studiul MOCAPP, sunt circa 150 de influenceri cu peste 500.000 de urmăritori, iar în rest, piaţa se împarte între nano-influenceri, micro-influenceri şi middle-influenceri.

Piaţa a crescut vizibil în ultimii ani, iar astăzi, dincolo de vedetele foarte mari din România, apar influenceri noi, pe nişe cum ar fi chef vegan sau experţi în grădinărit. Sunt zeci sau chiar sute de creatori de conţinut micro care pot să câştige bani din campanii, dar majoritatea au şi o meserie pe lângă. „În România sunt în total 2.500 de influenceri dedicaţi 100% acestei meserii. Acum cinci ani erau mai puţin de 1.000.“

Întrebarea firească pe care şi-o pun tinerii care vor să intre în acest domeniu este cum îmi plătesc taxele şi impozitele aferente câştigurilor dacă sunt influencer. În linii mari, a fi influencer înseamnă să ai un business, doar că acel business eşti tu şi imaginea ta.

În prezent, spune Florin Grozea, 99% dintre influencerii care fac campanii în mod constant au un SRL sau PFA. Andreea Bostanica, Delia Matache, Andreea Mantea, Adelina Pestriţu, Iuliana Beregoi sau Cristina Ştefania, câteva dintre numele sonore de pe social media din acest moment, îşi desfăşoară activitatea având în spate fie un SRL, fie un PFA, după cum spune acesta.

Sectoarele de activitate care sunt astăzi cel mai apropiate de influenceri, mai adaugă CEO-ul MOCAPP, sunt retail, fashion, beauty sau make-up, iar brandurile cu cele mai multe menţionări de către influenceri sunt DM, Sephora, Lidl, Beach Please, La Roche Posai, Bonprix, Kaufland şi H&M. În plus, şi în zona de finance s-a investit foarte mult în ceea ce priveşte partea de influencer marketing, astfel că bănci precum Banca Transilvania, BCR sau ING s-au promovat cu ajutorul tinerilor influenceri din social media.

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Verkehr: Ein umgekippter Autotransporter sorgt in Trier für Verkehrsbehinderungen. (Archivbild)

Bei einem Unfall mit einem Autotransporter auf der B51 in Trier ist nach Schätzung der Polizei ein Schaden von 500.000 bis 600.000 Euro entstanden. Das Fahrzeug war auf abschüssiger Strecke in einer Rechtskurve umgekippt, teilte die Polizei in Trier mit. Dabei hätten sich alle vier auf der oberen Plattform geladenen Neufahrzeuge gelöst und seien auf einen Gehweg und gegen ein Brückengeländer gefallen. Ein Auto, das neben dem Autotransporter fuhr, wurde zudem beschädigt. 

Die B51 in Fahrtrichtung Trier war stundenlang komplett gesperrt. Umleitungen seien eingerichtet. Eine Prüfung eines Statikers habe keine statischen Mängel an der Brücke ergeben, teilte die Stadt Trier am Nachmittag mit. Allerdings sei das Brückengeländer, das mit einer speziellen Rückhalteeinrichtung versehen ist, beschädigt worden. Das müsste nun repariert werden. 

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2021 | €8.950.000, - VAT paid

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2023 | €11.350.000, - VAT not paid

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2022 | €12.975.000, - VAT not paid

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2024 | €6.900.000, - VAT not paid

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2023 | €8.850.280, - VAT not paid

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2017 | €5.900.000, - VAT not paid

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2019 | €3.595.000, - VAT paid

Sanlorenzo SX76 #72

2022 | €4.470.000, - VAT not paid

Sanlorenzo SX88 #85

2022 | €6.750.000, - VAT not paid

Prestige 420 Flybridge #130

2023 | €799.000, - VAT paid

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2019 | €725.000, - VAT paid

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2023 | €1.313.711, - VAT not paid

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2024 | €1.795.000, - VAT not paid

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2021 | €1.375.000, - VAT paid

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2024 | €1.295.000, - VAT not paid

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2023 | €2.195.000, - VAT not paid

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2007 | €645.000, - VAT paid

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2024 | €1.149.500, - VAT not paid

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2023 | €995.000, - VAT not paid

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2019 | €169.000, - VAT not paid

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2020 | €295.000, - VAT paid

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2015 | €195.000, - VAT paid

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2021 | €359.000, - VAT paid

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2016 | €295.000, - VAT paid

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2022 | €129.000, - VAT not paid

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2023 | €134.500, - VAT not paid

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2009 | €2.395.000, - VAT not paid

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1999 | €249.000, - VAT paid

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1995 | €87.500, - VAT paid

Asterie 35 Day Cruiser

2007 | €129.000, - VAT paid

Aston Martin AM37 #02

2017 | €535.000, - VAT paid

Axopar 28 Cabin

2018 | €109.500, - VAT paid

Azimut 75 Flybridge, first launched 2013, fin stabilized

2008 | €1.050.000, - VAT paid

Azimut Grande 35 M/Y HEED

2019 | €9.850.000, - VAT not paid


2020 | €795.000, - VAT paid

Bluegame BG54

2022 | €1.795.000, - VAT not paid

Bluegame BG62

2020 | €1.985.000, - VAT paid

Bluegame BG62 #10

2019 | €1.585.000, - VAT paid

Bluegame BG72/BG74

2024 | €4.505.364, - VAT not paid

Bluegame BGX60 #04

2021 | €3.200.000, - VAT paid

Bluegame BGX60 #26

2024 | €3.455.860, - VAT not paid

Bluegame BGX70 Blueprint

2019 | €3.395.000, - VAT paid

Boston Whaler 330 Outrage #159

2019 | €269.500, - VAT paid

Brandaris Barkas 8.45 Limited Edition

2007 | €149.500, - VAT paid

Canados Gladiator 493 Grand

2021 | €865.000, - VAT not paid

Capelli Tempest 750 Sport

2022 | €99.500, - VAT paid

Cara M/Y Kara

2002 | €199.500, - VAT paid

Crownline 320 bowrider black

2006 | €79.500, - VAT paid

Custom Line Navetta 30 #08

2022 | €8.500.000, - VAT not paid

2016 | €3.595.000, - VAT not paid

2019 | €198.000, - VAT not paid

Fairline Squadron 58

2024 | €2.495.000, - VAT not paid

Fairways Marine Fisher 30 Pilothouse Ketch

1975 | €129.000, - VAT paid

Ferretti 530

2003 | €395.000, - VAT paid

Ferretti 550 #07

2005 | €545.000, - VAT paid

Fjord 40 Open

2016 | €380.000, - VAT paid

Frauscher 1414 Demon #26

2019 | €718.000, - VAT paid

Globemaster 50 LRX

2023 | €1.795.000, - VAT paid

Horizon Elegance 85

2006 | €1.395.000, - VAT paid

ISA 120 M/Y Whispering Angel

2008 | €3.850.000, - VAT paid

Jeanneau NC11

2010 | €180.000, - VAT paid

Jeanneau NC9

2019 | €195.000, - VAT paid

Lengers Lounge 60

2015 | €1.200.000, - VAT paid

Lillebror LB700 Hybride Sport

2022 | €79.500, - VAT paid

Marex 310 SC

2017 | €269.000, - VAT paid

Nimbus 405 Coupe

2021 | €575.000, - VAT paid

Oceanline ONE BLUE

2008 | €6.000.000, - VAT paid

2019 | €595.000, - VAT paid

Pascoe Custom 9.6 tender

2013 | €395.000, - VAT not paid

Pershing 56

2007 | €750.000, - VAT paid

Power Cruiser 1250

2007 | €319.000, - VAT paid

Princess 58 #47

2008 | €695.000, - VAT paid

Princess 64

2015 | €1.385.000, - VAT paid

Princess 85 #12

2009 | €1.995.000, - VAT paid

Princess R35

2020 | €545.000, - VAT not paid

Princess V45

2009 | €345.000, - VAT paid

Princess V50

2005 | €265.000, - VAT paid

Princess V52

2012 | €575.000, - VAT paid

2015 | €749.000, - VAT paid

Princess V58

2004 | €390.000, - VAT paid

Riva 44 Rivarama #60

2007 | €475.000, - VAT paid

Riva 48 Dolceriva #03

2020 | €1.595.000, - VAT paid

Riva 52 Rivale

2009 | €690.000, - VAT paid

Riva 52 Rivale # Blumarine

2008 | €599.000, - VAT paid

Riva 60 Bahamas

1993 | €225.000, - VAT paid

Riva 63 Vertigo #27

2007 | €875.000, - VAT paid

Riva 92 Duchessa

2010 | €2.950.000, - VAT paid

Riva Corsaro 100

2018 | €7.500.000, - VAT paid

Riva Ego Super 68

2008 | €1.000.000, - VAT not paid

Riva Rivarama 44 #116

2014 | €695.000, - VAT paid

Sunseeker 115 Sport Yacht

2013 | €6.900.000, - VAT paid

Sunseeker 28 # Ray

2010 | €3.750.000, - VAT not paid

Sunseeker Manhattan 56

2002 | €395.000, - VAT paid

Sunseeker Predator 57

2016 | €1.075.000, - VAT paid

Van der Heijden 58

2010 | €595.000, - VAT paid

Vanquish VQ45 T TOP

2022 | €1.395.000, - VAT not paid

Vripack Trawler #12 Braveheart

2011 | €1.000.000, - VAT not paid

2017 | €595.000, - VAT paid

Wajer 55 #12

2018 | €2.195.000, - VAT paid

Wally POWER 55

2010 | €995.000, - VAT paid

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Benetti 52m

  • Size 0m - 10m 10m - 20m 20m - 30m 30m - 40m 40m - 50m 50m - 60m 60m - 70m 70m - 80m 80m - 90m 90m - 100m 100m - 110m
  • Year 1900 - 1910 1910 - 1920 1920 - 1930 1930 - 1940 1940 - 1950 1950 - 1960 1960 - 1970 1970 - 1980 1980 - 1990 1990 - 2000 2000 - 2010 2010 - 2020 2020 - 2030
  • All Types Commercial vessels Motor Sailers Motor Yachts Multihull Sailing Yachts

Benetti 52m one of the finest custom and iconic yachts available with a very unique general arrangement. Benetti 56m offers the largest volume of any yachts in her class (over 800GT) and boasts features and options that one would only expect from a 60M/197′ yacht. She is a truly one of a kind and a must see. Accommodation for 12 Guests in 6 staterooms.

Asking price : 22.500.000 euro

  • Larger tonnage (812) than any other 170’
  • Super quiet operation throughout
  • Updated Tender garage/beach club
  • Incredible sundeck with multiple sunning areas and hot tub
  • Extended main aft deck seating
  • Three deck elevator
  • Recent $5M refit with full paint and class updates summer 2022


  • Type Displacement Motor Yacht
  • Builder Benetti
  • Refit Year 2013, 2018, 2022
  • LOA (M/FT) 52 M 170’07”
  • LWL (M/FT) 43.40 M 142’05”
  • Length COR 46.38 M 152’02”
  • Beam Overall (M/FT) 10.40 M 34’01”
  • Draft (Full Load) (M/FT) 3.50 M 11’05”
  • Gross Tonnage 812
  • Net Tonnage 243
  • Displacement (Fully Loaded) 775 tons
  • Displacement (Half Loaded) 695 tons
  • Displacement (Light Ship) 588 tons
  • Hull Material Steel
  • Hull Configuration Displacement
  • Superstructure Aluminium
  • Classification Lloyd’s
  • Main Engines 2X Caterpillar 3512B 1850 Hp
  • 13 Cruising
  • 10 Economical
  • Range 4,500 nm
  • Guest Accommodation 12
  • Crew Accommodation 12

Benetti 52m for sale

Enquiry Form: Benetti 52m



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Used Yachts For Sale From $400,000 – $600,000

Listed below are used yachts for sale worldwide from $400,000 – $600,000. Use the search tools to narrow your exploration. SYS Yacht Sales offers a wide range of used yachts for sale, including motor yachts, trawlers, express cruisers, center consoles, sailboats and everything in between. Search top brands like Azimut, Sunseeker, Princess, Sea Ray, Carver, Grand Banks, Ocean, Tiara and much more. Need assistance? Contact our experienced yacht brokers. We look forward to helping you find the yacht that's right for you.

1999 120' Eastern-Swath Amelia, LA, US

Eastern Swath


Commercial LCU

2024 114' 10'' Van De Stadt-Van de Stadt 110 Gdansk, PL

Van De Stadt Van de Stadt 110

1983 112' Chesapeake-112 San Pedro, CA, US

Chesapeake 112

1980 105' Swiftships-105 Key West, FL, US

Swiftships 105

1985 105' Heesen-Aqua Virgin Bar, ME

Heesen Aqua Virgin

1983 103' Broward-103 Raised Pilot House Fort Lauderdale, FL, US

Broward 103 Raised Pilot House

Caribbean soul.

2014 100' Custom-Maxi 100 San Pedro, CA, US

Custom Maxi 100

2000 100' AlumaCat-100 Jacksonville, FL, US

AlumaCat 100

2001 97' Broward-Raised Pilothouse MY Portland, OR, US

Broward Raised Pilothouse MY

My lady alaska.

1987 91' 10'' Azimut-28m 5 cabins - VAT Paid Athens, GR

Azimut 28m 5 cabins - VAT Paid

2002 90' Skipperliner-150 Pax Dinner Cruise Sausalito, CA, US

Skipperliner 150 Pax Dinner Cruise

1962 90' Schooner-HARVEY GAMAGE COASTAL Camden, ME, US


2006 88' Ferretti Yachts-881 Fort Lauderdale, FL, US

Ferretti Yachts 881

1986 88' Stephens-Deck Saloon Waterford, CT, US

Stephens Deck Saloon

1978 87' 11'' CHANTIER DE L'ESTEREL-Yacht Acajou Dauville, 14, FR


2002 86' McConaghy-Maxi 86 Bridgeport, CT, US

McConaghy Maxi 86

2003 82' Mangusta-80 Milano, IT

Mangusta 80

2002 82' Catana-82 Marigot, MF

Burger Flybridge

1995 80' 5'' Horizon-Elegance 82 ., GR

Horizon Elegance 82

1993 80' Palmer Johnson-80 Cancun, MX

Palmer Johnson 80

2005 80' Fantasy-18 x 80 Monticello, KY, US

Fantasy 18 x 80

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Top 5 Best Sailing Catamarans under 500.000 Euro in 2024

Catamarans are deservedly praised for their safety, lack of pitching, high level of comfort and amenities on board. They provide much more usable areas and personal space for each of the passengers, so it is not surprising that this way of sea recreation has so many fans.

We present to your attention an overview of the catamaran models that have caused the greatest demand, pre-orders and interest from private owners and charter companies in their price category of vessels. Some of the boats already have their own success story. Others don’t even have a prototype built, yet the shipyard was already flooded with orders nevertheless. We will try to figure out why skippers, passengers and shipowners liked them so much, and what manufacturers pay special attention to design and development.

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Ok, let's go. List of top 5 Best Sailing Catamarans under 500.000 Euro

  • Brand: Excess
  • Hull type: Catamaran
  • Overall length, m: 11.8
  • Width, m: 6.73
  • Draft, m: 1.35
  • Displacement, t: 10.1
  • Air draft, m: 18.27
  • Water tanks, l: 300
  • Exterior design (Architect): VPLP design
  • CE Certification: A: 10 - B: 12 - C: 16 - D: 20
  • Mainsail type: Square top
  • Jib type: Self-tacking
  • Mainsail area, m²: 50
  • Jib area, m²: 32
  • Code 0 area, m²: 67
  • Engines, hp: 2x29 / 2x45
  • Fuel tanks, l: 2 x 200

In 2020, Beneteau Group's Excess 12 won the 2020 Boat of the Year according to the American Cruising World, and since then the brand’s goal was to maintain its reputation as a sporty cruising boat. This is greatly facilitated by the fact that the sail area to displacement ratio of this shipyard’s cats is higher than that of standard cruising double-hulls. Model 12 is a fast-sailing cruising catamaran with a length of up to 11.89 m (36.1 feet) and a draft of 1.3 m (3.3 feet).

Excess 12

At the time Excess appeared at Beneteau's exhibitions, the order table for Lagoon catamarans was packed for several years in advance, and therefore many paid attention and decided to purchase a boat from then little-known line.

The brand was created taking into account trends and changes in the market. The age of potential customers is now getting younger, and for many of them the need for a more dynamic and active holiday, including one spent on a yacht, comes first.

According to dealers and manufacturers, the hull and floats are traced from Lagoon 40 . Everything else has been extensively reworked as a result of the collaboration between VPLP design, who designed the naval architecture, Patrick le Quement, who was responsible for the exterior styling, and Nauta Design, who took over the cruiser’s interior design.

And we see that these are not cosmetic changes at all, because the first serious difference from most catamarans is two full-fledged control stations on the stern, where the features of starting, stopping and controlling both engines are duplicated. The absence of a flybridge for cruiser cats is also atypical.

Excess 12

But such a design and arrangement of the helms provide the skipper with an excellent view of the entire length of the float’s cheekbone and greatly simplifies the mooring of the vessel side-to, makes it possible to observe the mainsail and control it from the helmsman's position. The cabin windows are also designed with an emphasis on ease of control, allowing to observe the front edge of the float on the opposite side.

The cockpit area is spacious and free space is not inferior to other catamarans, where 6-7 people can easily accommodate at the dining table with a nice freezer for drinks or ice cream next to it. But the places for storing things and aft lockers were occupied by folding double chairs for the skipper, an electric winch and davits with a load of 120 kg. This will allow you to carry an inflatable dinghy with a good engine and fuel supply.

The designers also protected the helmsman from the sun and rain with two side biminis, one above each helm station. As an option, a folding canopy can be installed over the cockpit instead of the standard roof. This makes it possible to soak up the sun, for example, during a spring charter, when it is quite cool, and gives a better view of the sails and their condition. In this case, some parts of the roof will be inaccessible, and in order to fix something, you will have to go along narrow guides, but this does not look like a difficult task.

The absence of a flybridge and a low boom allowed the developers to significantly increase the sailing area and the sailing characteristics of the vessel, but now during sailing, the recreation area on the roof becomes very unsafe and it is worth sunbathing there only during docking - it is better to lie on bow sunbeds or on a trampoline during a voyage.

The saloon on the Excess 12 is designed with the same goal - to increase visibility and facilitate visual control of what is happening in any part of the surface of the yacht. A large number of portholes offer excellent visibility, but even here it was necessary to sacrifice the possible dimensions of kitchen cabinets and shelves.

Excess 12

Together with the cockpit, we get a large and comfortable unified space for relaxation for a large, easy-going group, for those who value mobility, speed, new places and travel more than the ability to fill up all lockers and mezzanines with different clothes and accessories.

We notice the same approach in the interior of the cabins - large and comfortable beds that will allow you to sleep sweetly without hitting your elbows, yet with a certain lack of wardrobes.

Excess 12

In the layout, when there is one bathroom for each cabin, we get rather cramped shower rooms. Perhaps, the option when you have to share one bathroom with passengers in other cabins will seem more preferable. This way, you will get one bathroom for two rooms, but it is large, bright and comfortable.

The interior of the Excess 12 sailing catamaran is distinguished by excellent natural lighting, elegant simplicity and convenience of layout, a fairly large selection of interior finishes, including those using natural wood. Speed, freedom and comfort have become the hallmark of this brand in many ways, and the shipyard continues to maintain this image.

  • Brand: Lagoon
  • Overall length, m: 12.8
  • Width, m: 7.7
  • Draft, m: 1.25
  • Displacement, t: 12
  • Air draft, m: 20.65
  • Water tanks, l: 300 (+300 opt.)
  • CE Certification: A:12 - B:14 - C:20 - D:30
  • Mainsail type: Fully battened
  • Mainsail area, m²: 55
  • Jib area, m²: 35
  • Code 0 area, m²: 68
  • Engines: 2x45 hp YANMAR 4JH45
  • Fuel tanks, l: 300 (+300 opt.)

A spacious and versatile 2016 catamaran, especially popular with charter companies thanks to the living space, ease of handling and comfort it can provide to passengers for its price. The 42 became the sweet spot between 2 popular models - the Lagoon 450 and Lagoon 400, with the dimensions of is 12.8 (42 feet) in length and 7.6 m (25.3 feet) in width.

Lagoon 42

Now, after the update, Lagoon 42 has become even more comfortable and approached the comfort level of the model 45. The designers of the catamaran gave it a modern design, in particular, the shape of the front part of the hulls changed - they became more chopped off and visually more aggressive. A large trampoline net is stretched between the bow floats, which has long become a hallmark of this brand, where you can relax and sunbathe both during the course and while at anchor.

Lagoon 42

The helmsman's station is located on the left side of the vessel and is elevated, which offers a good view of the left float and the entire stern, greatly simplifying the mooring in the Mediterranean. Large and convenient tools panel made it possible to place a lot of additional electronic equipment there. The view at the side of the right float is rather problematic and not very convenient. Also, the skipper's post in case of rain or high solar activity is protected by a canopy, which has a hatch for monitoring the mast and the sails.

The model is equipped with an automatic staysail and is largely designed to be controlled by one person - the shipyard is trying to help the skipper to the max. The skipper always has manual and electric winches at hand, as well as organizers, through the clamps of which all sheets pass and allow you to quickly switch between halyards, boom sheet, reefs. Standard equipment includes two Yanmar 45 horsepower engines that put a folding three-bladed propeller in motion, and the manufacturer provides the option of replacing engines with more powerful ones.

Lagoon 42

The cockpit has an impressive width, several sofas and seating, a comfortable lounger and a dining table for 6-7 people, where the family can dine outdoors, if the weather allows. Next to the table there is a refrigerator for drinks, ice and ice cream, as well as a branded davit for launching an inflatable boat or raft. You release the halyard, and the structure tilts, lowering the dinghy into the water, it is also possible to control the davit from the navigator's post in the cabin of the catamaran. The stern is very spacious, there is enough free space both for moving and even dancing, and the lockers under the seats are roomy also.

The galley is located in the saloon, which is accessed by a large sliding door from the cockpit, and when open creates a single space with the aft part of the catamaran. The kitchen is equipped with everything you need: there is a gas stove, sink, large refrigerator, oven and a microwave. Within walking distance there is another dining table for 5-6 people and a navigational post with communication equipment.

Lagoon 42

Large windows provide plenty of natural light, the ability to enjoy the views and overview what is happening on the bow and sides.

The layout of the interior is available in two versions: a charter version with 4 cabins and a three-cabin version with one large master cabin occupying the entire float. In the latter case, the owner gets a large spacious room with a huge bed in the stern, a comfortable shower room with a high ceiling and good lighting, a spacious wardrobe and a sofa with a small dressing table.

Lagoon 42

Not much inferior in terms of bed size is the aft cabin from the opposite float with a nearby comfortable shower and toilet. The remaining cabin in the bow, which is perfect for children or teenagers, got a smaller bed and a much more modest bathroom than the aft one.

As a result, loaded with furniture, baggage, generators, desalination plants, air conditioning and many more things for a more pleasant pastime, the yacht turns out to be a little heavy, but all this interior and equipment makes it into a comfortable country cottage on the water. Therefore, the catamaran deservedly received four prestigious awards just by the end of 2016, including the “Boat of the Year” in its category.

Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42

  • Brand: Fountaine Pajot
  • Overall length, m: 12.58
  • Width, m: 7.2
  • Displacement, t: 12.7
  • Air draft, m: 20.6
  • Water tanks, l: 2 x 350
  • Exterior design (Architect): Berret Racoupeau Yacht Design
  • Interior design: Racoupeau Design
  • CE Certification: A
  • Jib type: Furling genoa
  • Mainsail area, m²: 70
  • Jib area, m²: 41
  • Engines: 2x30 (2x50 opt.) Volvo Penta

Astrea 42 by Fountaine Pajot was first presented at the end of April 2018 at the Grande Motte Multihull Boat Show in France.

The new model from the famous French company immediately won two regional awards, and in January 2019 the yacht was recognized as the catamaran of the year in Düsseldorf. In a very short time, the Astrea 42 gained great popularity, and the shipyard received orders for two years in advance in a few months.

Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42

The width of the catamaran is 7.2 meters (23.6 feet), which made it possible to find a balance between free space on board and avoid making it bloated – this way, vessel retained the good sailing characteristics of a sailing yacht.

One of the most interesting and winning decisions was the location of the control post, where you can instantly get directly from the cockpit. Now the helmsman doesn't get bored alone and can be joined in the double seat or by allowing friends to relax side by side on the spacious overhead platform with sunbeds. The skipper's post is shifted to the starboard side, and the helm is about a meter away from the winches and organizers. Therefore, in order to correct something, remove the sails or tighten the halyard, you need to put the ship on autopilot and take one step forward.

Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42

The plan to spread the dashboard and winches at such a distance at first seemed ambiguous to many, but over time everyone became convinced that it was much more convenient than constantly unraveling the cables, getting tangled in the ends of the sheets yourself, untying them from the helm, and the like. And this inevitably happens when many ropes lead to one place. Now everything is in neat bags, not mixed up and very convenient.

A mainsheet traveler fitted to the cockpit roof just aft of the helm station helps to bring the mainsail into optimal shape. And one of the best options for sail control is the boom, which is at a relatively low level. With such an extended deckhouse roof, it is easy to stow the mainsail in a bag. On many catamarans equipped with lazy jacks, you need to be a gymnast to lay the sails. It is possible that such maneuvers are easy for young people, but with age, you definitely don’t want to deal with this. It can be said that the entire ship control system was developed taking into account the convenience of the skipper and the ability to handle the catamaran by one person.

Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42

Another Astrea 42 find is the optional swimming platform aft. With the help of hydraulics, it lowers smoothly and quietly and can be completely submerged in water. It significantly increases the space for recreation when docked, helps to move between the floats outside the cockpit, and also allowed to get rid of the davit - now the inflatable dinghy can be located on this platform when sailing.

Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42

Illuminated by panoramic windows, the saloon is conducive to communication and relaxation. On the port side there is a navigation station with a seat, the galley itself has a comfortable layout with a three-burner stove, a double sink, two refrigerators and a freezer. Above the galley there is a long hatch that illuminates the ship's kitchen until dark and provides a view of the mast and sails. In general, the saloon came out very cozy and homely.

Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42

A large sliding glass and aluminum door leads from the saloon to the cockpit, which provides a single social space with the aft part of the catamaran and the skipper's station, allowing for influx of fresh air. The cockpit itself is replete with armchairs, sofas, lockers and looks spacious and comfortable, and as one of the options, a grill is offered at the stern.

The interior layout of the Astrea 42 floats is available in several configurations, including three- and four-cabin options. In the Maestro version, the entire hull on the starboard side is at the disposal of the owner. In the Quatuor design, on the starboard side, there are two cabins, mirroring the opposite float. Traditional double cabins have been turned into real hotel rooms, and here, unlike the deck, which is largely created for close communication and joint relaxation, on the contrary, privacy and comfort reign.

Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42

The owner's suite has a large double bed at the stern and a very spacious bathroom with a separate shower in the bow. They are separated by a wardrobe that also functions as an office.

Astrea 42 is a place to relax, to party with friends and cruise with family, it is a place to live. Fountaine Pajot says that we don't have to compromise between space and speed, that this is the next generation of cruising yachts that has everything that a person wants and expects from sea travel.

Aventura 45S

  • Brand: Aventura
  • Overall length, m: 13.5
  • Width, m: 7.5
  • Draft, m: 1.4
  • Air draft, m: 22
  • Water tanks, l: 2 x 400
  • Exterior design (Architect): Lasta Design Studio
  • CE: Certification A12
  • Mainsail area, m²: 74
  • Jib area, m²: 51/85
  • Engines, hp: 2x45
  • Fuel tanks l: 2x350

When STGI presented a new project of its sailing multihull at La Grande Motte, a large number of customers rushed to pre-order this not yet launched yacht. They haven't even released a prototype of this boat yet! The reason for the excitement, of course, was not the sudden mass hysteria among yachtsmen and charter companies, but the reputation of the shipyard, the Aventura Catamarans brand itself, the Lasta Design studio and the positive experience of previous models from this manufacturer.

Aventura 45S

The company's main shipyard is located in Tunisia, which allows STGI to significantly reduce costs and offer more for the same price - this sets them apart from many competitors. Mass production of the Aventura 45S is scheduled to begin in 2024.

The boat will be designed for longer cruises and longer sailing times than her predecessors. The company plans to install two fuel tanks, increased to 350 liters each, and a water supply of 800 liters. It is also planned to equip the catamaran with two 45 hp engines in the standard version with the optional ability to replace them with more powerful 57 hp. The weight of the new sailing flagship from Aventura Catamarans will be 12 tons in the lightest of its options.

Aventura 45S

The layout and interior design of the 45S has become more similar to their motor catamarans than previous sailing models, which means they will become even more sybaritic and comfortable. If the increase in the size of the vessel really allows you to create the same luxurious conditions as on the Aventura 14 , then this version of the sailing multihull has every chance of becoming a real hit.

A large choice of layouts for the interior of the hulls has been announced: options are offered from three cabins to a charter version with six cabins and a place for the skipper. The ship will easily accept a company of 8-10 guests, and they will not feel cramped - the deck, bow and flybridge are lined with sofas, sunbeds, armchairs.

Aventura 45S

The cabin promises a cozy corner, plenty of natural light, a comfortable kitchen equipped with everything you need and a 600-liter refrigerator. A transparent sliding door will lead to the spacious cockpit with a large dining table, and it will be possible to climb to the helmsman's position both from the side and by the stairs leading to the wheelhouse from the cockpit.

Well, if Aventura Catamarans can replicate its 2022 success and deliver the same impressive product in the 13.7 m (45 ft) multihull category, then buyers have made the right decision.

Following the success of their previous models, Excess decided to further focus on the niche of fast and mobile sailing catamarans for millennials, young couples and families. If in their first projects they used Lagoon hulls, now the shipyard began to design boats from scratch. The serial production of their new yacht Excess 14 begins in 2023.

Excess 14

The developers from VPLP design have kept all the features loved by yachtsmen, but also added a number of major changes and minor highlights. The vessel has retained its elegant style, sporty lines, low mast boom and double helm at the stern, but now, thanks to a lower freeboard, the shipyard has reduced sail area while maintaining the performance of the catamaran.

The Excess 14 also features an asymmetric hull with a platform that is as far back as possible, but also raised up to 70 cm above the water with a low center of gravity. All this is done to reduce the backlash, the influence of the wave on the speed and maneuverability. Unlike its predecessors, the boat has a standard genoa with an overlap for more power in front and a square top mainsail.

Depending on the type of bowsprit, the total length of the catamaran will be from 14 to 16 meters (46 to 19.7 feet), and the sailing area of the mainsail will be 79 m² (850.3 ft²). The company also offers the Pulse Line option with a longer mast and increased sail area, which gives a very high SA/D ratio, high even in the standard version. All ends are brought to the winches near the helmsman's station and allow you to quickly and conveniently manipulate them. The body design is enhanced with carbon-reinforced sandwich technology.

Excess 14

This yacht is largely designed for those who, in addition to the amenities on board, also want to get more thrill from sailing, speed and helm. The boat has two engines with a capacity of 45 hp each, with the possibility of replacing them with a more powerful version of 57 hp.

But the Excess 14 is first and foremost a double hull catamaran, and it certainly offers the level of comfort and coziness that such boats are famous for. The spacious saloon has large windows around its entire perimeter, and in addition to natural light, this allows the skipper to visually control the entire deck space and the edge of the float opposite from the steering float. In case of bad weather, the helm, instrument panel and the skipper's seat are protected from rain by a folding bimini canopy.

Excess 14

A family with children or a group of friends can easily be accommodated at the dining table both in the saloon and in the cockpit. The dinner can be prepared in the comfortable kitchen equipped with a refrigerator, stove, sinks, oven and a microwave.

Excess 14

The Excess 14 has sacrificed a flybridge since its very first model to provide better performance and added sails, but you can still enjoy sunbathing on the roof when docked.

The company offers a choice of two layouts of the internal space of the floats: three cabins with three bathrooms and a four-cabin version with four bathrooms. The charter version of the layout is more standard and unlikely to cause a wow effect. Yet the innovative three-cabin version on the other hand, offers customers a master cabin with walk-in closet, central bathroom and a spacious living area with a king-size bed and a work desk.

Excess 14

The owner's cabin can also be used as an office for working remotely, which can be relevant for a group of friends, family or couple who are not tied to a specific place - modern digital nomads.

Excess 14

This yacht is the embodiment of the Excess DNA and the direction in which the ideas of the developers and designers of this line were initially moving since 2019. The new boat fits the bill if you are looking for a sporty and fast catamaran for your cruising or sailing adventure, yet very comfortable and stylish one at the same time.

This concludes our top 5 best picks of sailing catamarans under 500.000 euro and we hope you got some new information out of it. Thanks for reading!

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500.000 euro yacht

500.000 euro yacht ModelRiva 100′ CorsaroStatusFor saleBuilt2018Length29.85 mBeam6.70 mDraft2.35 mCabins5


  Riva 100′ Corsaro exterior  


  Riva 100′ Corsaro interior  

Full specifications.

Typemotor yacht
Length29.85 m
Beam6.70 m
Draft2.35 m
Air draft
BuilderRiva S.p.A.
DesignerRiva & Officina Italiana Design
Displacement175 t
Number of engines2
Engine makeMTU
Engine type16V 2000 M96L
Maximum speed28 kn
Cruising speed24 kn
Range300 nm
Engine hours600
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Best boats under £500k: 4 of the best dream boats to buy with half a million

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Our resident used boat expert Nick Burnham picks out four of the best boats under £500k available on the secondhand market.

Half a million pounds is a lot of money, no matter who you are. Put it this way, if you dropped it in the street, you’d stop and pick it up.

And so inevitably, it accesses a lot of variety on the used boat market, although due to incredible demand for boats currently, perhaps not as much choice as you’d think. At the time of writing there were about ten boats for sale in the whole of the UK close to this price point.

Nonetheless, I was able to find you a high performance sportsboat in the shape of a Windy 37 , a year-round walk-around ultra practical Botnia Targa, a fantastic family sportscruiser – the Princess V40 , and even a mini superyacht in the shape of a Horizon 20M. Enjoy!


Princess V40

Built: 2019 Price: £465,000

An evolution of the Princess V39 that launched almost exactly a decade ago in January 2012, the V40 takes that boat’s winning formula and brings it bang up to date.

The most obvious change is the stylish hull glazing replacing the portholes for a more modern look but without losing any of the core values that made the original such a success.

One of the best things about the Princess V40 (and its V39 forebear) is that, despite being the least expensive boat in the Princess Yachts line-up, there’s no sense of compromise in the finish.

You’ll find the same quality of woodwork (satin finished walnut in this boat although lighter oak was also offered, both with a high gloss alternative), the same fittings in items like light switches and door handles, and therefore the same sense of quality.

What you lose, of course, is space, but this is still a 40ft boat, so there are two decent cabins, a single but generous heads and a comfy dinette opposite an L-shaped galley.


Satin finished walnut looks superb and the quality is impressive for a 40ft boat

One of the great things about the Princess V40 is the sense that both interior and exterior living spaces get equal billing. So despite a pretty generous cabin, you’re far from short changed in the cockpit.

A standard fit open-backed hard top features a fabric sliding roof, and a canopy encloses this area completely.

One interesting option on this boat is the sunpad at the aft end of the cockpit because, instead of encroaching on seating space, it extends out across the top of the tender, a sliding backrest allowing you to choose between more sunbathing or more seating.


Princess only offered one engine option on this model, twin Volvo Penta D6s, although the power rating has recently been upgraded from the 330hp engines of this boat to the latest spec 340hp engines on all future boats.

Impressively, the top speed is north of 35 knots, allowing for an easy mid 20-knot cruise.


Only two separate cabins but both offer plenty of space, natural light and privacy

The V39/V40 hull was designed with a more variable deadrise than normal, its deep vee forward segueing into flatter aft sections for a lower planing threshold and better economy.

The result is a slightly firmer upwind ride but it’s still a very capable hull.

Princess V40 specification

Length: 41ft 6in (12.6m) Beam: 12ft 5in (3.8m) Draught: 3ft 4in (1.0m) Displacement: 10.1 tonnes Fuel capacity: 730 litres Engines: Twin Volvo Penta D6-330 330hp diesel engines Location: Poole Contact: Salterns Brokerage

Article continues below…


Secondhand buyers guide: Best boats under £200,000


Best boats under £250,000: 4 of the best secondhand dream machines

Horizon 20m.

Built: 2005 Price: £499,950

Half a million pounds is an awful lot of money but if you don’t mind dropping back a few years, it will buy you an awful lot of boat!

The Horizon 20M is probably as close to proper motor yachting as you can get; indeed many of the features – waist deep bulwarks, watertight doors, 40mm diameter handrails and side deck overhangs feel decidedly superyacht.

And that’s no coincidence. Take a look at the Taiwanese builder’s current range and you’ll discover that it stretches from 70 to 150ft!

The inside of the Horizon 20M is vast. Featuring three ensuite double cabins on the lower deck, plus a large ensuite crew cabin that would easily double as cabin four, the sense is of a complete lack of compromise.

It’s a similar story on the main deck where the galley is forward, opposite a dinette and close to the helm, leaving a huge saloon area. As with all Horizons, the woodwork is exemplary.


The style may be a little dated but you can’t argue with the lavish finish and space it offers

From the stainless steel rails around the bathing platform to those wide and deeply bulwarked side decks, every area of the exterior of this vessel feels safe, accessible and seaworthy.

The bathing platform will take a RIB as a tender, the flybridge crane providing lifting and launching duties. The flybridge is every bit as palatial as you’d imagine and features an interesting helm station – there’s a GRP clamshell section that rotates to protect all of the instrumentation.

Sat in a full height walk-in engineroom, Caterpillar C18 engines are another nod to the serious business of motor yachting – these engines are very popular on the large boat scene. But even with 1,000hp a side, performance is stately rather than spritely.

Flat out the Horizon 20M will just about reach 25 knots, with a natural cruising gait of up to 20 knots. Drop the speed to 8 knots and you will triple the range of its 3,800 litre tanks from about 230 miles to 750 miles.


All the cabins are ensuite and the quality of woodwork throughout is exemplary

Nearly 40 tonnes of displacement, when fully loaded with fuel and water, should go a long way to flattening out most seas, and thanks to good visibility from both helms the skipper should be comfortable too.

Horizon 20M specification

Length: 66ft 3in (20.2m) Beam: 17ft 4in (5.3m) Draught: 5ft 7in (1.7m) Displacement: 34 tonnes Fuel capacity: 3,800 litres Engines: Twin Caterpillar C18 1,000hp diesel Location: Cowes Contact: Berthon International


Botnia Targa 35

Built: 2018 Price: £485,000

The Targa 35 joined Botnia’s production of fast practical seaworthy commuters in 1998 and has sat resolutely in the middle of a range that spans from the smallest 23-footer to the 46ft flagship ever since, with Botnia gently and pragmatically evolving the model without ever losing what has always made this a great boat.

This is emphatically not a floating holiday home. If your priority is acres of internal volume then look away now. What you do get, however, is sturdy to the point of bulletproof and shot through with practical features, like a dinette table that slides up and down a pole so it can be adjusted to any height or raised up to the ceiling when not needed.

Head aft from the wheelhouse and you’ll drop down to a lower deck with a double berth situated on one side, single on the other, as well as the heads.

There’s a further cabin on the lower deck forward, usefully augmented by the CFC (comfort fore cabin) option that not only significantly increases headroom but also frees up space for a further ensuite heads.


No frills extends to the accommodation with a double and single cabin down below

Outside is where the Botnia Targa 35 is at its most practical. Wide deeply bulwarked decks encircle the wheelhouse and fore cabin making this boat an absolute doddle to crew safely.

One upgrade worth looking out for is the HiFly flybridge that extends the upper helm position across the roof creating far more seating than the original perch at the trailing edge of the wheelhouse of early examples. Introduced in 2005, every Botnia Targa 35 the UK importer has sold has been specified with this game changing addition.

Mostly sterndrives (IPS is a recent and expensive alternative), all Targa 35s have twin engine installations. There’s a wide range of choices, from a pair of Volvo Penta D4s through to the D6 engines in 330hp, 370hp and 400hp guise. This has the largest, giving a genuine 40 knots!


Look elsewhere if you want an opulent interior, the Targa 35 is well built but very functional

Legendary. In terms of design priority, speed and seakeeping are Job #1. The Botnia Targa 35 blasts through the rough stuff like an Exocet, throwing up huge curtains of water on either side.

Botnia Targa 35 specification

Length: 34ft 9in (10.6m) Beam: 11ft 5in (3.5m) Draught: 3ft 6in (1.1m) Displacement: 7.8 tonnes Fuel capacity: 1,185 litres Engines: Twin Volvo Penta D6-400 400hp diesel Location: Poole Contact: Wessex Marine

Windy 37 Shamal

Built: 2020 Price: £499,999

At over 500ft long and almost 80ft wide, Dilbar is one of the largest and most famous superyachts in the world. She was designed by Espen Øino, who also designs superyacht tenders, including a couple for Windy , but the 37 Shamal was his first production boat design.

Unashamedly a performance boat, the emphasis is clearly not on accommodation. That said, there’s plenty of space for a weekend aboard for a family, or a week for a couple.

And that’s because Windy has focussed on sleeping space down below – there’s no dinette or galley, the idea is that the cockpit is the living space.

There’s a vee-shaped double forward and another two berths further aft beneath the cockpit floor with a neat bi-fold door that folds flush against the bulkhead when open to create an open plan layout.

There’s a heads too of course, which rather impressively features a separate shower stall. What is most noticeable is the quality, from the beautifully wrought carpentry to the stainless steel detailing.


Below deck is for sleeping only with a master cabin and this double under the cockpit

The cockpit stretches across the full beam of the boat (there are no side decks, foredeck access is through the screen) and includes a galley module and a large U-shaped seating area around a folding table. A bimini stows away under here, with side sections that enclose the whole cockpit.

But ultimately this is a driver’s machine, hence the three chunky forward facing seats behind the wraparound screen (complete with trademark grab rail), all with lift bolsters allowing you to stand and enjoy the performance.

Talking of performance, there is plenty of it! Twin Volvo Penta D6-440 5.5 litre turbocharged diesels live under the sunpad aft, channeling their combined 880hp through a pair of duo prop outdrives for a blistering top end of 45 knots and a fast cruise in the high 30 knots range.


The cockpit has the feel of a superyacht tender and doubles as the living space

Performance is nothing without control however, and the Windy has control, and serious offshore capability hardwired into its DNA thanks to its slender, deep vee hull design.

We described it as covering ground with ‘laughable ease, relishing the opportunity to explore the upper reaches of the rev range’.

Windy 37 Shamal specification

Length: 36ft 9in (11.2m) Beam: 10ft 9in (3.3m) Draught: 3ft 9in (1.2m) Displacement: 7.4 tonnes Fuel capacity: 650 litres Engines: Twin Volvo Penta D6-400 400hp diesel Location: Southampton Contact: Bates Wharf

First published in the February 2022 issue of MBY.

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Yacht For Charter - 70 Meters and Larger


108 m / 354 ft

2019 Benetti

11 cabins for 12 guests

From EUR 1,800.000 per week

  • Summer operating areas: Eastern and Western Mediterranean
  • Winter operating areas: Red Sea


96 m / 315 ft

2017 Feadship

7 cabins for 12 guests

From EUR 1,600.000 per week

  • Winter operating areas: Caribbean


88 m / 289 ft

2022 Golden Yachts

9 cabins for 12 guests

From EUR 1,100.000 per week


85 m / 279 ft

2010 Oceanco

From EUR 1,000.000 per week

  • Winter operating areas: Maldives, Red Sea. and the Abu Dhabi GP


2013 Lurssen

8 cabins for 12 guests

From EUR 1,000,000 per week

  • Winter operating areas: Red Sea and Indian Ocean


2019 Silver Yachts

From EUR 875.000 per week


83 m / 272 ft

2015 Feadship

6 cabins for 12 guests

  • Summer operating areas: Canadian west coast


77 m / 253 ft

From USD 740.000 per week

  • Summer operating areas: Costa Rica, Galapagos, Mexican west coast
  • Winter operating areas: Mexican west coast


Lady Jorgia

74 m / 243 ft

From EUR 750.000 per week


From EUR 800.000 per week


73 m / 240 ft

  • Summer operating areas: French Polynesia
  • Winter operating areas: French Polynesia


70 m / 230 ft

2016 Feadship

From EUR 650.000 per week



95 m / 312 ft

2020 Golden Yachts

12 cabins for 12 guests

  • Winter operating areas:


90 m / 295 ft

2008 Oceanco

From EUR 1,200.000 per week

  • Summer operating areas: Western Mediterranean
  • Winter operating areas: Indian Ocean


2015 Oceanco


81 m / 266 ft

2020 Royal Huisman


2022 Silver Yachts

From EUR 896.000 per week


75 m / 246 ft

2016 Abeking & Rasmussen

  • Summer operating areas: Australia and South Pacific
  • Winter operating areas: Southeast Asia

Yacht For Charter - 60 to 70 Meters


67 m / 220 ft

2010 Icon Yachts

From EUR 500.000 per week


66 m / 217 ft

6 cabins for 11 guests

From EUR 480.000 per week


2013 Delta Marine

From USD 550.000 per week


65 m / 213 ft

2021 Benetti


2011 Benetti

From EUR 462.000 per week


63 m / 207 ft

2011 Feadship

From EUR 440.000 per week


2015 Sunrise Yachts

From EUR 460,000.00 per week


60 m / 197 ft

From EUR 425.000 per week


Come Together

From USD 450.000 per week

  • Summer operating areas: French Polynesia and Fiji


2016 Benetti

From EUR 475.000 per week


Baton Rouge

62 m / 203 ft

From EUR 420.000 per week


From EUR 644.000 per week


61 m / 200 ft

221 Sanlorenzo

From EUR 485.000 per week

Yacht For Charter - 60 to 50 Meters


57 m / 187 ft


55 m / 180 ft

5 cabins for 12 guests

From USD 325.000 per week

  • Winter operating areas: Costa Rica


2020 Baglietto

From EUR 320.000 per week

  • Summer operating areas: Eastern Mediterranean


5 cabins for 10 guests

From EUR 315.000 per week


50 m / 164 ft

2022 Benetti

From EUR 300.000 per week



2011 Westport

From USD 235.000 per week

  • Summer operating areas: Bahamas


2017 Mangusta

From EUR 225.000 per week


2021 Heesen

From EUR 350.000 per week


From EUR 295.000 per week

Yacht For Charter - 50 to 40 Meters


49 m / 161 ft

2013 Codecasa

From EUR 215.000 per week


2021 Columbus

5 cabins for 11 guests

From EUR 270.000 per week


47 m / 154 ft

2018 Baglietto

From EUR 240.000 per week


Orient Star

From EUR 168.000 per week

  • Summer operating areas: Greece and Turkey


From EUR 210.000 per week


43 m / 141 ft

2020 Yildiz

From EUR 200.000 per week


41 m / 135 ft

From EUR 175.000 per week


40 m / 131 ft

2020 Benetti

From USD 196.000 per week

  • Winter operating areas: Bahamas


From EUR 190.000 per week


2014 Sunseeker

From EUR 160.000 per week


Northern Escape


2014 Mangusta

From EUR 120.000 per week


2016 Admiral

  • Winter operating areas: Eastern Mediterranean


Fast & Furious

44 m / 144 ft

2016 AB Yachts

From EUR 189.000 per week

  • Winter operating areas: Western Mediterranean


2010 Feadship

From EUR 285.000 per week


2011 Pendennis

From EUR 238.000 per week

  • Summer operating areas: Norway and Western Mediterranean


  1. Dilbar, il super yacht da 500 milioni di euro, il più grande del mondo

    500.000 euro yacht

  2. Take a rare look inside the largest yachts in the world

    500.000 euro yacht

  3. Dilbar, il super yacht da 500 milioni di euro, il più grande del mondo

    500.000 euro yacht

  4. World's largest yacht unveiled

    500.000 euro yacht

  5. Roman Abramovich's superyacht Eclipse

    500.000 euro yacht

  6. The 10 Most Expensive Luxury Yachts In The World

    500.000 euro yacht


  1. 100 Million Euro Yacht

  2. € 1000 EURO GEVEN WE WEG IN BRIELLE 2024 EP 305

  3. Ege Yat Explorer serisinden 5.650.000 Euro'luk motor yat Ukiel'i gezdik!

  4. Jeff Bezos’ $500,000,000 yacht is a need?

  5. Couple Rebuilding an American Wrecked Sailboat

  6. Der deutsche Weg zum America's Cup


  1. FCSB a dat răspunsul după ce i-a fost propus transferul unui fotbalist

    FCSB a dat răspunsul după ce un fotbalist din Superliga i-a fost propus pentru transfer în schimbul sumei de 500.000 de euro. Prin vocea lui Gigi Becali, patronul echipei, FCSB a dezvăluit că îl poate transfera pe Andrei Ivan (27 de ani) de la Universitatea Craiova în schimbul a 500.000 de euro. Totuși, Becali a …

  2. Gen Z Trends. Piaţa de influencer marketing depăşeşte 100 mil. euro. În

    ♦ În 2024, piaţa de influencer marketing a ajuns la circa 100 mil. euro ♦ Spre comparaţie, în 2020, piaţa de influencer marketing din România se situa undeva între 18 mil. eur şi 23 mil. euro. Să postezi pe Instagram sau TikTok foto­grafii sau videoclipuri din viaţa de zi cu zi, cu diferite activităţi, din vacanţe sau de la anu­mite evenimente a devenit un lucru aproape ...

  3. Verkehr : Autotransporter kippt um: rund 500.000 Euro Schaden

    Hier finden Sie Informationen zu dem Thema „Verkehr". Lesen Sie jetzt „Autotransporter kippt um: rund 500.000 Euro Schaden".

  4. Used Yachts For Sale Between $400,000 and $500,000

    Find a used yacht for sale between $400,000 and $500,000 with United's expert team of yacht brokers. We can help you find the perfect used boat on the market under $500k.

  5. Yachts for sale

    Lengers Yachts sells luxury new and pre-owned yachts and is dealer of the brands Sanlorenzo, Bluegame, Prestige & Sacs. Find your luxury yacht at lengersyachts.com +31 294 256 156

  6. Benetti 52m

    Benetti 52m one of the finest custom and iconic yachts available with a very unique general arrangement. Benetti 56m offers the largest volume of any yachts in her class (over 800GT) and boasts features and options that one would only expect from a 60M/197′ yacht. She is a truly one of a kind and a must see. ... Asking price : 22.500.000 euro.

  7. All Used Yachts for Sale from $100,000 to $500,000

    70-79 Feet. 80-89 Feet. 90-99 Feet. 100+ Feet. Discover a selection of pre-owned yachts ranging from $100,000 to $500,000 and uncover the ideal boat that suits your unique lifestyle. Seize this chance to embark on your upcoming journey with a yacht that exceeds all expectations. Explore a range of pre-owned yachts priced from $100,000 to ...

  8. Used Yachts For Sale From $400,000

    Listed below are used yachts for sale worldwide from $400,000 - $600,000. Use the search tools to narrow your exploration. SYS Yacht Sales offers a wide range of used yachts for sale, including motor yachts, trawlers, express cruisers, center consoles, sailboats and everything in between. Search top brands like Azimut, Sunseeker, Princess ...

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    Used Yachts For Sale - $500,000 to $1,000,000. Dive into the lavish world of pre-owned yachts, where a wide selection awaits you in the price range of $500,000 to $1,000,000.Whether you're in the market for a chic and trendy yacht for fabulous parties or a roomy and cozy yacht for family adventures, there's a perfect match for your one-of-a-kind lifestyle.

  10. Megajachten boten te koop

    Currency € - EUR - Euro Sort orde sorteren ... With only 215 recorded hours on the twin Volvo D8-500 engines, this yacht feels practically new. Performance & Functionality: This 14.35-meter planing yacht delivers an impressive combination of power and practicality: Thrilling Performance: Reach speeds of up to 30 knots and explore distant ...

  11. Sailboats for sale under 500 000 €

    All our used sailboats for sale under 500 000 €. Compare prices. All our used sailboats for sale under 500 000 €. Compare prices. ... NORTHSHORE YACHTS SOUTHERLY 420 RST. Condition. New. Secondhand. Total length (meters) ... EUR Euro Swiss Franc ...

  12. Top 5 Best Sailing Catamarans under 500.000 Euro in 2024

    Ok, let's go. List of top 5 Best Sailing Catamarans under 500.000 Euro. Excess 12. Brand: Excess; Hull type: Catamaran; Overall length, m: 11.8; Width, m: 6.73; Draft, m: 1.35; Displacement, t: 10.1; Air draft, m: 18.27; ... This yacht is the embodiment of the Excess DNA and the direction in which the ideas of the developers and designers of ...

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    Boats for sale under $600,000 online include brands like Boston Whaler, Cabo Yachts, Carver Yachts, Cruisers, Grand Banks, Intrepid, Sea Ray, Tiara Yachts, Yellowfin, and more! From New York, to Florida, and beyond, SI Yachts can assist you in the purchase or sale of a boat under $500k. We look forward to earning your business! Contact us today ...

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    Toutes nos annonces de bateaux d'occasion entre 400 000 et 500 000 € à vendre par des particuliers et professionnels au meilleur prix. Annonces vérifiées. Afin d'assurer une utilisation optimale de notre site et de bénéficier des dernières mises à jour de sécurité, nous vous conseillons de mettre à jour votre navigateur.

  15. Yachts for sale

    Yachts for sale at De Valk Yacht Broker. Always more than 500 quality motor and sailing yachts for sale. Seven sales offices in Europe.

  16. Affordable Yachts: Best Boats For Your Budget

    Ranger Tugs tops the list in terms of affordable, feature-packed "pocket yachts" that can be great family boats and longer distance cruisers, that can also be easily trailered to different locations (and even used as campers along the way at RV parks). Prices start at US$ 149,000. 2022 Ranger Tugs R31 Command Bridge.

  17. Yacht Agency

    Cambiaso Risso Yacht Division operates in all Mediterranean ports and worldwide through an efficient network of subagents providing solutions which balance client satisfaction with operation costs: ... Share Capital Euro 120.000 V.A.T 00822900940 Pec [email protected] soggetta a vigilanza I.V.A.S.S. (Istituto per la vigilanza delle ...

  18. Gold Black

    Yachts for sale. eng Gallery. Specifications. Home » Yachts for sale » Riva 100′ Corsaro. Gold Black. Riva 100′ Corsaro. Asking price EUR. 7.500.000 (VAT: paid) This is a fine example of a Riva superyacht, however registered below 24 metre loadline, she offers 5 double cabins, amazing exterior and interior volume and maintained in mint ...

  19. Best boats under £500k: 4 of the best dream boats to buy with half a

    Windy 37 Shamal. Built: 2020. Price: £499,999. At over 500ft long and almost 80ft wide, Dilbar is one of the largest and most famous superyachts in the world. She was designed by Espen Øino, who also designs superyacht tenders, including a couple for Windy, but the 37 Shamal was his first production boat design.

  20. Home

    Wind Yachts' offerings are geared towards the high-end of the nautical market, with a focus on custom yachts, whether for the purchase of new builds, as a broker for the sale and purchase of used yachts, or as an operator in the charter market. ... 2,700,000 EUR vat paid. Overmarine. Mangusta 110. 6.500.000 EUR. JMV Industries. Gilles Vaton ...

  21. Barche usate da 200 000 a 250 000 €

    Barche usate da 250 000 a 300 000 € (421) Barche usate da 400 000 a 500 000 € (385) Tutti i nostri annunci di barche usate da 200 000 a 250 000 € in vendita da privati e professionisti ai migliori prezzi. Annunci verificati.

  22. Bayliner boats for sale

    Bayliner is a yacht builder that currently has 758 yachts for sale on YachtWorld, including 241 new vessels and 517 used yachts, listed by experienced yacht brokers mainly in the following countries: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France and Spain. The selection of models featured on YachtWorld spans a spectrum of sizes and lengths ...

  23. Brokerage Yachts

    795,000 EUR. Fjord - 48 Open. 2018. 790,000 EUR. Fjord - 53 Xl. 2023. 1,775,000 EUR. Frauscher - 1414 Demon Air. 2019. 855,000 EUR. Fjord - 42 Open. 2017. 520,000 EUR. Austin Parker - 44 Ibiza. 2022. POA. Say Carbon Yachts - Say 42. ... Marivent Yachts presents an innovative vision of the future: to offer an exclusive selection of different and ...

  24. Mega-Yacht (Motor) gebraucht kaufen

    Motorboot / Mega-Yacht (Motor): Komorebi Yachts, Gebrauchtboot, Aluminiumboot Länge x Breite: 45 m x 12,30 m, 45 x 12,30 m Bj.: 2020, Kabinen: 5 Motor: Electric, 2 x 250 PS (184 kW), Diesel € 25.000.000 Liegeplatz: Frankreich, Saint-Tropez 2020 Firma: Band of Boats

  25. Charter

    85 m / 279 ft. 2019 Silver Yachts. 8 cabins for 12 guests. 20 crew. From EUR 875.000 per week. Summer operating areas: Eastern and Western Mediterranean. Winter operating areas: Red Sea and Indian Ocean. Download Brochure.