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How Many of these Yachtie Terms Do You Use?

An illustration showing two men talking.

Pre-galley, Nina Wilson trained as a dive instructor and skippered sailing boats in Greece before starting her yachting career in 2013. Currently head chef on a 55-meter, her talents included telling brilliant jokes and being able to consume six cheeseburgers and feel no guilt. Follow her on Instagram @thecrewchef .

You would be forgiven for scratching your head once or twice upon hearing the jibber-jabber yachties like to toss around. Henceforth, I present a translation sheet — feel free to forward to your land-based family and friends so they can start studying for your triumphant return.

“Well, my owner is worth 6 billion and only eats albino caviar.”

Yes, we frequently refer to the owner of the vessel as our owner. Try not to think too much about the psychology behind this. (Do we truly believe we are slaves? Slaves don’t get free shampoo…right?)

“I’m going to go down for a few hours,” OR “Where’s Tommo?” “He’s gone down. ”

Alas, get your heads out of the gutter. Simply, going down below, down to their cabin, to put their head down and get some down time.

“Sorry, can’t do beers tonight, I’m boss on. ”

Boss is on board, all fun is cancelled.

“Make sure you candle-ise the boat at sunset.”

This is not even a real word. It’s a made-up word by some over-rose’d chief stewardess to describe the process of decorating the boat with candles. (Before you question me, I have heard it used on multiple vessels ranging from 55 meters to 80 meters. FACT.)

“We’ll do the vac-dust on Thursday.”

Dusting, but with a vacuum. We have evolved from just wiping the dust around with a cloth, we hoover it out of existence with a high powered piece of Miele engineering. Genius.

“Friday is wash down day.”

Washing the boat, but only from the top down. And in-to-out (or vice versa depending on your Chief Officer’s method).

“Please fill in your HORS today.”

Pronounced like ‘whores’ and stands for Hours of Rest, not any particular red light district inhabitant.

“I can’t make it, I’m on watch. ”

Basically, the boat is a vulnerable, delicate child and you are the babysitter for a 24-hour period. Don’t let the baby burn, sink, or get stolen.

“ Now, now ”

A South African import. Sometime between now, before, and later — I’m afraid nobody born outside the continent of Africa truly knows.

“ On My Last Boat ”

A precursor to a long-winded story about how their last boat was infinitely better, had unlimited crew champagne and razor blades, and how everything was done differently (but better).

“Damn, it’s gonna be WAF today.”

No, unfortunately not Wives and Friends day. It’s gonna blowing its tits off, be proper gusty, OR say it how you mean it and use Windy As F***.

“Have you pulled for dinner?”

This one means gathering all the crockery/cutlery, etc. for service, essentially pulling knives and forks out of drawers, so…yes, I guess this one makes sense.

“ Dog Box ”

A terrible, tiny cabin that the MLC have not been informed of and that all junior deckhands inhabit. Get a UV light in there and it looks like a Jackson Pollock painting.

“ It’ll buff out. ”

Usually said after a significant blunder (say, driving the tender into the swim platform bow-first) causing significant damage, and taking a significant amount of time, effort, and money to fix.

“ CV sent ”

Believe it or not, jobs do sometimes get posted on those yachtie Facebook groups — however, if you apply it’s mandatory to comment that you have sent your CV so as to ‘double tap’ the poster’s attention. If you don’t comment, you won’t get the job, FACT.

“Tomorrow is pick up day. ”

We’re collecting the guests, prepare to service everyone’s needs but your own for the next 7/10/59 days.

“ Do it for the tip. ”

Poo in the Jacuzzi? Scoop it out. Guests want sushi at 1 a.m.? Put the rice on. Everyone has their price, and we WILL do what it takes to get that fat envelope at the end of the charter. Let’s say it together now…FOR THE TIP!

“Tomorrow is drop off day. ”

We boot these rich cats off in less than 24 hours, ice those beers STAT. Got any powdered charcoal? Get it on standby.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but hopefully a good inroad into the twisted bedsheets of yachting vernacular.

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How to become a yachtie.

  • November 1, 2023

“Ahoy there, future yachties! Are you ready to embark on an exciting and luxurious career on the high seas?” If the idea of working on a yacht, traveling to exotic locations, and catering to the needs of the rich and famous sounds like a dream come true, then you’re in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of the yachting industry, from the essential skills and certifications needed to make a splash, to tips on building a strong resume and making valuable connections in the yachting world. We’ll also discuss the various career paths available, from starting out as a deckhand to eventually taking the helm as a captain. Finally, we’ll delve into the yachtie lifestyle, and how to strike the perfect balance between work and play while living and working on the world’s most luxurious vessels. So grab your deck shoes and let’s set sail on this exciting journey to becoming a yachtie!

How to become a Yachtie

1. Discovering the Yachting Industry: Opportunities and Requirements

The yachting industry offers a wide range of career opportunities for those who are passionate about the sea and luxury vessels. From deckhands and engineers to chefs and stewardesses, there is a position for every skill set and interest. To begin your journey in this exciting field, it is essential to understand the requirements and qualifications needed for each role. This will help you determine which path is best suited for your skills and aspirations.

Before diving into the world of yachting, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the certifications and training necessary for your desired position. For example, aspiring deckhands should obtain their STCW (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping) certification, while engineers may need to complete an MCA (Maritime and Coastguard Agency) approved course. Additionally, it is essential to have a valid passport, a seafarer’s medical certificate, and potentially a visa, depending on the country you plan to work in.

Once you have acquired the necessary qualifications, it is time to start networking and job hunting . Many yachties find their first job through word-of-mouth or by connecting with others in the industry. Attending boat shows, yachting events, and joining online forums can help you make valuable connections and learn about job openings. Furthermore, registering with a reputable yacht crew agency can increase your chances of finding the perfect position. Remember to create a professional CV and be prepared for interviews, as competition in the yachting industry can be fierce.

2. Essential Skills and Certifications for Aspiring Yachties

Entering the world of yachting requires a unique set of skills and qualifications, which are essential for ensuring a successful career. Obtaining the necessary certifications is a crucial step in becoming a yachtie, as these credentials demonstrate your competence and commitment to the industry. Some of the most important certifications include the STCW (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping) Basic Safety Training, which covers essential safety and survival skills, and the ENG1 Medical Certificate, which confirms your fitness to work at sea.

Aside from certifications, aspiring yachties should also focus on developing their soft skills and practical abilities . Excellent communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills are highly valued in the yachting industry, as crew members must work closely together to ensure smooth operations and guest satisfaction. Additionally, proficiency in various tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and maintenance is crucial, as yachties are often expected to perform a wide range of duties on board. By honing these skills and obtaining the necessary certifications, you will be well on your way to a rewarding career as a yachtie.

3. Building a Strong Resume: Tips for Landing Your First Yacht Job

As a newcomer to the yachting industry, it’s essential to create a compelling resume that showcases your skills, experience, and passion for the job. Start by highlighting any relevant experience you may have, such as working in hospitality, customer service, or a related field. If you have any certifications or licenses, be sure to include them as well. When crafting your resume, consider the following tips:

  • Keep it concise: Aim for a one-page resume that’s easy to read and understand.
  • Use a professional format: Choose a clean, modern design that highlights your most relevant information.
  • Include a personal statement: Write a brief introduction that explains your interest in the yachting industry and what makes you a great candidate for the job.

Networking is a crucial aspect of landing your first yacht job, so attend industry events and connect with professionals in the field. This can help you learn about job opportunities, gain valuable insights, and make a lasting impression on potential employers. Additionally, consider joining online forums and social media groups dedicated to yachting to expand your network and stay informed about the latest industry news.

Finally, be persistent and proactive in your job search. Apply to multiple positions, even if they’re not your ideal role, as this can help you gain experience and make connections within the industry. Don’t be discouraged by rejection – it’s a natural part of the job search process. Instead, use it as an opportunity to learn and improve your resume and interview skills. With determination and a strong resume, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful yachtie.

4. Networking in the Yachting World: Making Connections that Matter

Establishing a strong network is crucial for success in the yachting industry. Building relationships with fellow yachties, captains, and industry professionals can open doors to new opportunities and help you advance in your career. Attend industry events, such as boat shows and yacht crew meetups, to meet like-minded individuals and expand your network. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself and engage in conversations, as this can lead to valuable connections and potential job offers.

Utilizing social media platforms is another effective way to network in the yachting world. Join Facebook groups, follow industry influencers on Instagram, and connect with professionals on LinkedIn to stay informed about the latest news and job openings. Be active in these online communities by sharing your experiences, asking questions, and offering advice. This will not only help you learn from others but also showcase your expertise and passion for the industry.

Finally, consider creating a checklist to track your networking efforts and ensure you’re making the most of every opportunity. This can include goals such as attending a certain number of events per month, connecting with a specific number of professionals online, or following up with contacts you’ve made. By setting measurable objectives and regularly reviewing your progress, you’ll be well on your way to building a powerful network in the yachting world.

5. Climbing the Yachtie Career Ladder: From Deckhand to Captain

Embarking on a career in the yachting industry can be both rewarding and challenging. One of the key aspects to success is understanding the various roles on a yacht and how to progress from one position to another. Starting as a deckhand , you will gain valuable experience and skills that will serve as the foundation for your future growth in the industry. As you continue to learn and develop your abilities, you will have the opportunity to advance to higher positions, such as mate, engineer, or even captain.

One of the most important factors in climbing the yachtie career ladder is gaining relevant qualifications and certifications . For example, obtaining your STCW (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping) certificate is essential for working on any yacht. Additionally, pursuing specialized training in areas such as navigation, engineering, or hospitality can significantly increase your chances of securing a higher position on a yacht. It is also crucial to network within the industry, as many job opportunities are found through personal connections and recommendations.

Lastly, developing a strong work ethic and demonstrating professionalism at all times will set you apart from other crew members. This includes being punctual, maintaining a positive attitude, and taking pride in your work. As you continue to excel in your role and gain the trust of your captain and fellow crew members, you will be well on your way to climbing the yachtie career ladder and achieving your ultimate goal of becoming a captain.

6. Living the Yachtie Lifestyle: Balancing Work and Play on the High Seas

Embracing the yachtie lifestyle requires a delicate balance between hard work and enjoying the perks of the job. While the days can be long and demanding, the rewards are often worth the effort. To maintain this equilibrium, it’s essential to develop a routine that allows you to excel in your duties while still finding time for relaxation and personal growth. A checklist can be a helpful tool to ensure you’re staying on track with your responsibilities and making the most of your downtime.

One of the key aspects of living the yachtie lifestyle is learning how to adapt to the unique challenges of working on a yacht. This includes mastering the art of multitasking, being prepared for unexpected situations, and maintaining a positive attitude even when the going gets tough. By staying organized and focused, you’ll be able to enjoy the incredible experiences that come with working on a luxury yacht, such as exploring exotic destinations, meeting new people, and indulging in world-class cuisine. Remember, the key to success in this industry is finding the right balance between work and play, so make sure to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what are the different roles available on a yacht, 2. how long does it take to become a qualified yachtie, 3. can i work on a yacht without prior experience in the industry, 4. what is the salary range for yacht crew members, 5. what are the typical working hours and conditions for yacht crew members.

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Yacht Deckhand Premium STCW

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  • January 5, 2019
  • by Austin Frye

So you caught a glimpse of a beautiful yacht sitting in the harbor and saw the crew hard at work serving guests and keeping the vessel in Bristol shape? Quietly you said to yourself… “that seems like an awesome job, how do I throw my hat in the ring for that job and become a real Yachtie?!”

Fear not, I’m here to help guide you through the process of getting your first crew job and donning the official title of Yachtie. But please be warned there are hazards associated with working crew on a yacht:

  • You may have feelings of euphoria and will never look at a traditional 9-5 in the same light
  • Your tan will definitely be the envy of all your friends
  • Your passport will rack up some unique stamps along the way
  • Most importantly, at the end of the day, you’ll have a blast doing what you do for a living

Once you hop onboard and go down the path to becoming a yachtie it becomes much more than a job, its a lifestyle. You spend your days on the water, in the sun, smelling the crisp salt air, not adhering to a traditional schedule. There’s nothing better and the longer you stay in the game the harder it becomes to give up the life.

Now that you’ve been properly warned about the side effects of becoming a yachtie. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of what it actually takes to hop on one of these beauties and care for her. For starters, take a mental note of what kind of boating skills you have. Are you a complete newbie having never washed one and have only gone out for the occasional sunset cruise on a friends boat? Or are you a seasoned salt ready to tackle anything Mother Nature or the yacht throws at you.

What does a Yachties typical day consist of?

Before I give you the requirements for landing your first gig on a mega or superyacht, why don’t we take a look into the daily life of a yachtie and see if you’re up for the task. You start your day off by getting up before your owners or guest, which in some cases is pretty early. So if you’re not a morning person the yacht crew life may not be the life for you. Then you hit the decks and chamois dry the whole boat. Be sure to remove fingerprints off of the stainless and make sure those windows look crisp! Then you take all the covers off of the cushions and make sure the boat is ready for your owners to enjoy.

After you get the boat squared away then you can grab some food for yourself. By this time the owners are usually stirring and ready to enjoy an action-packed day onboard. Usually, they’ll take it easy during the mornings. Then they’ll want to leave the dock, go for a slow cruise then throw the hook. Be sure to put every toy in the water including skis and tubes and have dinner on the hook. After you’ve watched another beautiful sunset its time to head back to the dock. From there your guests will continue to enjoy some drinks and some quality time onboard.

Finally, they decide to call it a night. You cover the boat up and crash yourself. Then in the morning rinse and repeat. Eat, sleep, yacht, repeat.

Now that you have a gist of the daily grind, what background do you need to hop onboard your first gig?

1. Hone Your Deckhand Skills

First, I would start getting some basic skills down pat, if you have none. Learn how to properly wash and care for the aesthetics of a boat. See if any local detailing companies are looking for an extra set of hands for their weekly care customers.

2. Search For Day Work

After you’ve got washing, and chamois’ing down pat, lets log some sea time. If you have friends who are day captains see if they are looking for a mate. Chances are they need a good, reliable mate.

Do some trips with them, you’ll develop a good rhythm of what it takes to get various size boats on and off the dock. It racks up those coveted days on the water so you can earn your ticket down the road.

Honestly, I love day work, moving different boats around for dealers, its a chance to experience so many different systems and trips and not the same routine like being full-time.

3. Get Your Certifications

After all of this, do you still have burning desire to embrace the yachtie lifestyle? I hope so…

Now its time to hit the classroom. In order to crew on a larger yacht at a minimum, you need your STCW 95. Which stands for, Standards of Training, Certification, and Watch-keeping for Seafarers.

The course consists of 5 elements and will take 5 days to complete. In order to successfully obtain it, you need to complete all five elements.

  • Personal Survival
  • Fire Fighting
  • First Aid & CPR
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibility
  • Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA)

Like anything else, this certification helps to show captains, and owners you mean business and aren’t trying to just hop on cause its “cool” to work on a boat.

4. Grow Your Network

After you received your certification, its time to start networking. The best opportunities within my boating career have come through my network, time and time again. If you took my advice above about working for someone cleaning boats or hopping on a delivery or two chances are you’ve met some key players in the game. But remember that day work is also good for something else, building references. Any captain and owner is going to want to make a few phone calls to get a feel for you.

While building your network up of captains, deckhands, brokers and anyone else who can help you accomplish your goal of landing your first gig on a yacht, you need to work on your resumé.

5. Craft The Perfect Resumé

Your resumé needs to paint a picture of who you are. Illustrate how energetic you, that you’re a team player ( a must considering you’re putting your life in the hands of those you sail with, things can happen in a split second on the high seas.) Make sure to get a nice headshot, that’s an industry standard to attach to your resumé.

Think long and hard about what truly sets you apart from everyone else vying to become a yachtie. What makes you memorable next the other persons application in the pile? This will help you to get captains to pick up the phone to speak with you, without knowing you personally.

6. Work With A Crew Placement Agency

Once you’ve dialed in your resumé and you’re ready to fire it off but where do you send it? A job board? Hang it at a marina?

Your best bet would be to register with a superyacht crew agency. There are a variety of ways you can go about this. Do a google search for an agency and you will yield a bunch of good results to inquire with.

Another way would be to do some research into large brokerage houses. They typically have a crew division, helping to place crew with newly sold boats or signup with larger boats to help place when someone leaves a boat.

Those are the two best avenues to help get your phone to ring. But like anything else don’t just wait for the phone to ring. Stay in touch with your placement agent be top of mind so when their phone rings with an opportunity it’s your number they dial first!

Be proactive and keep in touch is some of the best advice I can give, being in the right place at the right time will be the difference a lot of the time from getting landing that yachtie gig and it going to someone else. Talk to the captain who you helped with day work, your broker friends, you never know they could have just hung up with someone looking for crew!

To Sum It All Up

Lastly, while you’re waiting to land that first full-time yachtie opportunity, keep doing day work. It is the most valuable way to hone your skills before you hop onboard a larger yacht and will give you the confidence to excel in your newfound career… I mean way of life.

So go out there and make your dream a reality and get lost in the yachtie culture, you won’t regret it. You already took the first step and researched how to get your foot in the door.

If you need some help figuring out how to get started if you’re still struggling feel free to reach out.

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yachty adjective

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What does the adjective yachty mean?

There is one meaning in OED's entry for the adjective yachty . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.

Entry status

OED is undergoing a continuous programme of revision to modernize and improve definitions. This entry has not yet been fully revised.

How common is the adjective yachty ?

Where does the adjective yachty come from?

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the adjective yachty is in the 1890s.

OED's only evidence for yachty is from 1892, in the Field .

yachty is formed within English, by derivation.

Etymons: yacht n.

Nearby entries

  • yachtian, n. 1842–
  • yachtie, n. 1874–
  • yachting, n. 1836–
  • yachting, adj. 1847–
  • yachtist, n. 1895–
  • yachtling, n. 1872–
  • yachtman, n. 1820–
  • yachtsman, n. 1862–
  • yachtsmanship, n. 1862–
  • yachty, adj. 1950–
  • yachty, adj. 1892–
  • yacht-yard, n. 1933–
  • yack, n.¹ 1789–
  • yack, n.² 1860–
  • yack, v. 1873–
  • yacker, n. 1882–
  • yacker, v. 1961–
  • yacket, v. 1969–
  • yacketing, adj. 1958–
  • yackety, int. 1953–
  • yackety-yack, n. & v. 1958–

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Meaning & use

Entry history for yachty, adj..

Originally published as part of the entry for yacht, n.

yacht, n. was first published in 1921; not yet revised.

Revision of the OED is a long-term project. Entries in oed.com which have not been revised may include:

  • corrections and revisions to definitions, pronunciation, etymology, headwords, variant spellings, quotations, and dates;
  • new senses, phrases, and quotations which have been added in subsequent print and online updates.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

OED First Edition (1921)

  • Find out more

OED Second Edition (1989)

  • View yacht, n. in OED Second Edition

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  • How to become a Yachtie

So you’re thinking about becoming a Yachtie?

You may have a friend or relative who already works in the industry, or you have watched TV programmes like Below Deck , you know working on a yacht is the right for you, but where do you start? 

With the potential to earn great money, travel, and work with loads of like-minded people, it’s not surprising this job ticks a lot of boxes for many people. 

Becoming a Yachtie and getting paid to work on luxury yachts may seem like a job and industry that only the elite can have access to, or it just seems too confusing to start. 

However, with an understanding of the requirements, certification, and having some expectations of what job role you should be looking for, starting work as a Yachtie will not seem so daunting.

What is a Yachtie?

Before we go any further, let’s make sure we are all singing off the same hymn sheet. 

A Yachtie is a broad term used to describe anyone who works on a yacht. More specifically, it has become the term for people working as yacht crew on superyachts. 

A superyacht is a very large boat that is extremely luxurious and often owned by multi millionaires and billionaires.

These Yachties who work on superyachts hold a number of different positions. Most Yachties will start their superyacht career working as a Deckhand or Stewardess. With more experience and responsibilities, your role will change as you progress up the career ladder. 

It’s worth noting there are other types of yachting and Yachties. The other kind of ‘Yachtie’ could describe those who hold their Yachtmaster qualification and have jobs like skipper charter boats. 

Job roles for new Yachties

Yachties new to the industry (also known as ‘Green’ Yachties) will traditionally apply for entry levels roles, which are Yacht Deckhands or Yacht Stewardesses. 

These are both very different jobs, so you need to be sure which one you want to do and start training for that career path.

Yacht Stewardess (Stew)

A Stewardess, or Steward , looks after the interior of the yacht. This means anything that happens inside the boat, you will be responsible for it. 

Think of any job in the hospitality industry and then combine it into one role on a yacht, that is what you will be doing.

From making beds, doing the laundry, cleaning, serving food, and hosting dinner, you will do it all to a 5-star standard. Anything less than perfect, and your guests won’t be satisfied.

It’s the small things that make the difference between high standards and exceptional standards. You must have a great eye for detail and be able to make sure no stone is left unturned. Everything on board the ship must be 100% perfect at all times.

You will be reporting to Chief Stew, who will be your manager and give you your task list. After a good few seasons as a green Stewardess, you will have enough experience and confidence to apply for Chief Stewardess roles.

Yacht Deckhand

In contrast to the Stewardess role, Deckhands look after the exterior of the boat. 

Predominantly a male role, Deckhands will do everything from general maintenance to cleaning the teak deck, looking after the toys (Jet Skis, etc.), and even driving the tenders.

Deckhands should know how a yacht operates, the basic terminology used onboard, how to tie knots, and loads and loads of enthusiasm. 

Deckhands may also dip in and out of helping the Stewardesses, and it isn’t uncommon for Deckhands to give a hand during busy evening meal preparation and service.

5 steps to Becoming a Yachtie

With an understanding of the job roles available, you can now decide which one best suits you. With the right attitude, qualifications, and knowing where to look for work, becoming a Yachtie is achievable for anyone who wants it. 

  • Have the right attitude
  • Pass an ENG1 medical
  • Complete STCW Basic Safety Training
  • Gain experience
  • Go to a superyacht marina

1. Have the right attitude

Along with gaining the correct qualifications to prove your competence, to become a Yachtie, you must have certain characteristics to thrive in this industry.

Yachties have to be well presented, articulate, know how to take orders, and be able to work hard, all with a smile and enthusiasm. You have to be able to work incredibly long hours, sometimes under stressful conditions, without losing your patience.

Having a job on a superyacht may sound glamorous, but if it’s your 10th day working in a row and you’ve got your head stuck down a toilet trying to clean it, you may want to think again. To become a Yachtie, you have to be happy with spending a lot of time away from home without seeing your friends and family. This may all seem obvious, but this situation does not suit everyone, and without careful consideration of the negatives, you will leave this industry quicker than when you arrived.

2. Pass ENG1 Medical

The first actionable step you need to take to become a Yachtie is gaining an ENG1 medical certificate. The ENG1 medical is an examination by an approved MCA (Maritime and Coastguard Agency) Doctor to make sure you are fit and able to work at sea.

Every single person working at sea must have an ENG1 medical certificate , without this, you are not able to start working on superyachts. The examination will take around 45 minutes, during which the doctor will go through a checklist to make sure you have no underlying health conditions that may impact the safety of you or anyone else on board the ship.

The most common reason new yachties fail the ENG1 is colour blindness. Surprisingly many people can go through their whole life without knowing they are colour blind. However, on board a ship, this can have huge implications. If you cannot identify signals and lights correctly, it will be impossible for you to help navigate the ship in an emergency. Unfortunately, this means you cannot start work as a Yachtie.

3. Complete STCW Basic Safety Training

Another requirement for working at sea is completing STCW Basic Safety Training . Similar to the ENG1 you can only get a job on a yacht if you have the STCW certificate. 

STCW stands for ‘Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping’. It is to make sure that all Seafarers have an understanding of what to do in an emergency and are aware of the procedures required. 

STCW Courses are action-packed and quite a bit of fun. From fire fighting to sea survival, you will get stuck in learning, and learn loads of new skills.

4. Gain experience 

If you are lucky enough to have a job offer on a superyacht, then having your ENG1 and STCW certificates will be enough.

Don’t worry if you haven’t already got a job offer, it’s quite normal to go through all these steps and not have a job lined up yet. If this is the case, gaining more experience and qualifications is a good idea to give you a competitive advantage over anyone else applying for the same job role. 

This is achieved through signing up to a Deckhand or Stewardess Course. On these courses, you will get your standard STCW certificate and a list of extra qualifications demonstrating your competence, ability, and commitment to the industry. 

Deckhands will learn how to drive a small yacht, engine maintenance, general yacht repair, and how to clean teak properly. Stewardesses will understand wine and how to serve it, the art of flower arranging, and how to drive a powerboat. 

5. Go to a superyacht marina

After you have completed your superyacht training, now is the time to head out to France and look for work. Along with signing up to yacht crew recruitment agencies, going to one of the main superyacht marinas and handing out your CV to Captains is a great way to find work. This is known as dockwalking.

If you complete your Superyacht Course with us, you will have the option of signing up to our recruitment day in Antibes, France. We head out to France as a group, talk you through the process and offer you our industry contacts.

This is a great way to start your journey, and all our students find work in no time.

How much do Yachties make?

So you’ve heard you can make a good amount of money working on superyachts? Along with the travel, the great salary is why many people decide to become a Yachtie.

Like a job within any industry, salary varies. A Superyacht will agree on a crew salary budget with the owner of the yacht.

If you are just starting out, you can expect a salary of around €2,200 – €3,200 per month. However, the industry standard is €2,500 per month. Once you gain more experience and qualifications, your salary will increase. 

When you look at the salary at face value, it looks great but not incredible, however when you are at sea, you have zero outgoings. Working on a yacht means you don’t have to pay rent, bills, or buy food which will save you heaps of money compared with working at home.

If you want to see the salaries of all yacht crew, check out our Salary Guide.

Do Yachties pay taxes?

Another reason why the salary is so appealing is that in most cases Yachties don’t have to pay tax. 

This is a government scheme called the Seafarers Earning Deduction , and providing you are eligible, Yachties can keep 100% of their earnings.

To be able to apply for Seafarers Earning Deduction, you must be working on a ship outside of UK waters for a period of 365 days. This doesn’t mean you have to spend a whole year at once away from home, rather you can only apply once all the days you work on a yacht adds up to 365.

Being able to understand this tax scheme will be hugely beneficial before you start working on a Superyacht. 

Download our free Guide

Want to know more about working on a Superyacht, please download our free guide .

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1836, in the meaning defined above

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“Yachting.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/yachting. Accessed 2 Sep. 2024.

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Seaworthy Secrets

How To Become A Yachtie: Essential Guide

Are you wondering how to become a yachtie? With over 10 Years of experience in the industry, I know what it takes!

Follow this step-by-step guide on how to get into yachting and fast-track your goal of finding your dream job.

Here, I will provide insight into what it takes to enter this exclusive industry and offer tips for securing your first yacht job.

Table of Contents

What is a Yachtie?

A Yachtie is a term used to describe anyone who works on a yacht. You will be welcomed to a world of free travel, adventure, lots of money, and experiences of a lifetime.

If you’re starting your search for becoming a yachtie, there are a few positions you can apply for, namely stewardess or deckhand.

A stewardess is an entry-level position working within the interior of the yacht. This role covers a range of tasks, including but not limited to housekeeping, laundry, bartending, table scaping, floral arrangements, serving and hosting guests.

A deckhand’s role is to maintain the exterior of the yacht. Duties will include cleaning, polishing, varnishing, sanding, caulking, and any other maintenance work required.

4 girls wearing bright red gumbie suits

Mandatory Qualifications to Becoming a Yachtie

In order to get a job in the yachting industry, every seafarer has to have the STCW basic training certification and pass an ENG1 medical certificate.

The STCW (Standards of Training and Certification of Watchkeeping) is an internationally mandated course and a minimum requirement for anyone who wishes to work on a yacht.

The training focuses on basic safety skills and knowledge to ensure that all crew know how to handle emergency situations onboard as well as basic safe working practices.

This STCW course is comprised of 4 modules, takes 5 days to complete, and is valid for 5 years. The modules include:

  • Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
  • Firefighting and prevention (FFP)
  • Elementary First Aid (EFA)
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR)

In 2010, the STCW convention added a new module requirement to the basic safety training. The Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA) module is a requirement for all crew working on ISPS-compliant vessels (over 500gross tons/+50m).

Furthermore, if you are going to become a yachtie with designated security duties, you require the PDSD (proficiency in designated security duties) course. I recommend you just skip straight to the PSDS course which is a one-day online course and includes PSA.

6 people dressed in firefighting gear at their STCW training course, training to become a yachtie

An ENG1 is a basic medical examination carried out by an MCA (Maritime Coastguard Agency) certified doctor. This confirms that you are in a fit condition to work on a yacht and mandatory to becoming a yachtie.

Without passing this medical check, you will not be able to work on a yacht. This has to be done with an  MCA approved doctor .

Before we move on to other courses that are not mandatory, I am going to nail down some more essential items to consider if you want to become a yachtie.

Passports and Visas Required to Become a Yachtie

This is a big one and not easy for all to figure out when becoming a yachtie.

When you work on a yacht it is likely to travel to all sorts of destinations around the world. In order for you to do that you need to hold a passport or obtain certain visa’s that allow you to travel and work in those areas.

Look into your personal situation and passport to identify which visa you need.

3 passports and a world map

B1/B2 Visa – Needed to Enter the United States and Surrounding Waters

This visa is notoriously hard to obtain, but once you have it, it will be valid for 10 years!

The B1/B2 is a combination VISITOR visa, a non-immigrant visa for persons who want to enter the United States temporarily for business (b1) or for tourism (b2), or for a combination of both (b1/b2).

When you have this visa, it does not mean you can work in the United States or be employed by a U.S. employer. For yachting purposes, it allows you to enter the U.S. to work on a yacht that is flagged by another state (such as Cayman Islands, Jamaica etc).

In order to get this visa, you need to have a job lined up so that the Captain can give you paperwork to go the embassy to apply for the visa. This is unfortunately very rare as Captain’s are going to hire superyacht crew that already hold visa’s and are available immediately.

However, if you land a job on a yacht in the Mediterranean , you might get lucky. If that boat is planning on crossing for the Caribbean Season , and the Captain wants to keep you on for the following season, then they will assist you in obtaining the B1/B2 visa.

Schengan Visa – Needed to Enter Europe for the Mediterranean Season

A Schengan visa is a short stay visa that allows a person to travel to any member of the Schengen area, per stay, up to 90 days for tourism or business purposes. For more information on how to apply for this visa, go to the Schengen info website.

You really want to try get yourself a multi-entry visa. This way you can travel freely in Europe and locate yourself in the right place at the right time.

How to get into Yachting with the Perfect Yachting CV

It is crucial to have a well-laid-out Yacht CV that showcases your skills and grabs the attention of the Captain.  

If you’re looking to work on a yacht but you don’t have any previous experience, it can be tough to stand out from other crew members.

Give the Captain or agent a reason to stop and read your CV. Here are a few tips and tricks for writing the perfect yacht CV.

  • Have a professional head and shoulders photo of yourself, look smart, professional, and friendly. DON’T TAKE A SELFIE.
  • Write a simple yet captivating objective. Highlight the job you are aiming for as well as why you are the best candidate.
  • SPELL CHECK!! I cannot reiterate this enough. When we work in an industry that requires you to be meticulous and show attention to detail, spelling errors in a CV are not a good start.
  • Keep it simple and try to highlight ANY attributes/experiences that could be transferable to yachting.  
  • There are certain bits of information that are crucial to a CV that you do not want to leave out. You need to list your personal information such as health status, passport and visa’s held, education, contact info, location, and availability. You also need an objective, work experience, any additional courses and skills you hold, references, and some hobbies and interests.
  • Have a Word document and PDF version of your CV as different agents will have a preference.

CV's on a desk. Next to glasses, a pen and a small plant

Where to Be and When in Order to Become a Yachtie

It is important to base yourself in the right place and at the right time in order to become a yachtie.

Wherever you decide to go, you will want to head over a few weeks before the season starts.

Boats will be arriving from having crossed the Atlantic, or coming out of the yard and getting themselves ready for the season ahead. These boats will be looking for day workers so you want to position yourself near the main marinas and start networking.

“Daywork” is when you get hired on a day-to-day basis, earning cash and assisting boats as they need extra help onboard.

Daywork is a great way to get experience as a Yachtie. It can either lead to you getting a full-time job or if you’ve made a good impression on the crew but they don’t have an open position, they are likely to pass on your CV to boats that are looking.

Captains prefer to hire crew that come recommended by other captains. Never stop working hard to make a good impression!

Another good time to seek work is towards the end of the season. If crew are looking to resign, they generally wait until the end of the season so you can bet that there will be a lot of positions opening up.

Also, keep an eye out for Boat shows, these are busy times for yachts and they will always need extra help. Some of the biggest boat shows are:

  • Fort Lauderdale Boat Show: End of October
  • Antigua Boat Show: Early December
  • Monaco Boat Show: End of September

aerial view of a marina filled with hundreds of yachts and boats

The Mediterranean Summer Season (April/May to September/October)

In the Mediterranean, the best place to position yourself is in Antibes in the South of France. This is one of the biggest yachting hubs with a lot of crew houses and yacht agents. You are also not far from other popular locations such as Monaco and Nice.

Palma on the island of Mallorca is also one of the biggest yachting hubs to be situated with a lot of marinas, agents and crew housing.

The United States and Caribbean Winter Season (November/December to March/April)

The biggest hub for yachting in America is Fort Lauderdale, and in the Caribbean, it is Antigua and St Maarten.

I do not recommend flying into America and dock walking if you are not a citizen or green card holder. This is ILLEGAL and could get you into trouble.

Sign Up to Yacht Crew Agencies

Sign up with as many crew agencies as possible, as most Captains will use agencies to find crew.

This process can be tedious but make sure you take the time to fill out all your information correctly and login regularly to keep your information up to date.

This is also an opportunity to try arrange interviews with the agents as they can better get to know you rather than just reading your CV. Make a good impression and agents will be sure to put your CV forward where possible.

Here are some popular crew agencies you should sign up with to get started: Luxury Yacht Group, Blue Water Yachting, The Crew Network, Cotton Crews, YotSpot, Northrop and Johnson, HR Crew, Burgess and Elite Crew.

There will also be a lot of job posts happening on Facebook and social media so keep an eye out there too.

Yachting Facebook pages you will want to join and check regularly are: Fort Lauderdale Yacht Crew, Palma Yacht Crew, Antibes Yacht Crew and anything else that pops up with job posts.

three yacht stewardesses wearing tropical glasses

Additional Courses to Consider to Become a Yachtie

Here are a few courses that aren’t mandatory to become a Yachtie, but you might consider doing if you want to get some more experience or to boost your CV above the rest.

In some situations, relatable experience might be more important than holding a certificate. This will all really depend on the position you are going for, your budget, and your relatable land-based experience.

Food Hygiene and Safety Level 2

This course is for a yacht stewardess or steward , as well as chefs. Larger boats will require this certification so I do recommend it

Interior Start Up Courses

This entails approximately 5 days in which you will be taught all the basics of life onboard including service, cleaning, laundry, wine service, flower arranging, table setting and much more.

These courses can be great to boost your confidence and gain some insight into what you can expect onboard as a yacht stew.

Power Boat Level 2

If you are pursuing a deckhand position then this is the very first entry-level course you will need.

Approved Engine Course, this will be the first entry-level course if you are thinking of pursuing an engineering career.

a man driving a tender doing a training course to become a yachtie

Attitude is Key

Once you’ve made it this far and you are out there trying to become a yacht crew member, just remember you are competing with a lot of people that are doing the same thing.

Your attitude is SO important.

When living on a yacht in a tight space with a bunch of other people, working crazy long days and sometimes feeling worn out, it is fundamental to have a good team of “good people”.

So work hard, put in the extra hours, stay positive, and remain professional at all times. You may not have the experience right now, but making a good impression and having the willingness to learn will take you far.

meaning of yachtie

Hi, my name is Lisa, a Chief Stewardess in the yachting industry with 10 years of experience, as well as 8 years of hospitality experience prior to that. Being in the yachting industry has been a whirlwind of adventure, growth, challenges and some of the best experiences of my life, and I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with all of you.

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Do you speak yachtie? A-Z glossary of Yachting terms

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

Kesmet yacht

Superyacht industry has its own unique set of terminologies, that may seem confusing to someone who is new to superyachting. While some of the terms used is borrowed from the boating industry, others are unique to the superyacht world. In this article, we will explore the most common terms used in the superyacht industry, and help newcomers understand the language of yachties.

Aft – The back of the yacht. It is also known as the stern, and it’s where the yacht’s engines and steering mechanisms are located.

AIS - AIS, or Automatic Identification System, is used to track other vessels and communicate with them. This is important for safety and navigation.

Anchor - A heavy weight that is dropped from the yacht to hold it in place.

Abeam - At a right angle to the center of a vessel’s length

APA - APA or Advanced Provisioning Allowance is an additional charter fee paid in advance to cover the cost of provisions such as fuel, food and drink, and marina fees. The APA is usually 30% of the charter fee.

Bow – The front of the yacht. This is the direction the yacht moves towards.

Beam - The beam of a yacht refers to its width, measured at its widest point. This is an important measurement, as it can impact a yacht's stability and performance.

Berth - A designated space in a marina or on a yacht where a yacht can be docked or anchored.

Bridge - The area of the yacht where the captain navigates and controls the yacht.

Bilge - The deepest part of the vessel’s hull often used for storage

Crew – The team of people who work on a yacht. This includes the captain, first mate, deckhands, steward(ess), chef, and engineers.

Captain - The captain is the person in charge of the yacht and its crew. They are responsible for the safety of the yacht and its passengers, as well as navigating the vessel.

Capstan - A winch used to wind in an anchor and tighten lines

Draft – The distance from the waterline to the bottom of the yacht’s hull. This measurement is important for determining the depth of water needed to navigate safely.

Displacement - The weight of the yacht when fully loaded.

Deckhand - A crew member responsible for maintaining the exterior of the yacht.

EPIRB – Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon. This device is used to send a distress signal in case of an emergency.

ENG1 - MCA-approved medical certificate required for all crew on commercial superyachts.

ENGINEER - The engineer or chief engineer ensures the safe and efficient operation of the main propulsion and all auxiliary systems on board, including deck machinery, tenders and toys, and all hotel services. He/She is the one that keeps toilet flushing, AC working and the galley power on as some would also say 😊

Fender – A cushion or bumper that is placed between the yacht and the dock or another vessel to prevent damage.

First Mate - The second in command after the captain.

Flybridge - An open deck on the top of the yacht.

Foredeck - The forward part of the deck of a ship, usually level with the main deck

GPS – Global Positioning System. This is used for navigation and to pinpoint the yacht’s location.

Galley - The galley is the kitchen on a yacht. Depending on the size of the yacht, it may be a small space with limited amenities or a fully equipped professional kitchen.

Gunwhale - The upper edge of a yacht’s sides

Gross Tonnage - This is a measurement of the volume of the yacht’s enclosed spaces.

Hull – The body of the yacht that floats on the water. The hull design affects the yacht’s performance and efficiency.

Head - The head is the bathroom on a yacht. Depending on the size of the yacht, there may be multiple heads for guests and crew.

Interior – The living quarters of the yacht. This includes cabins, the galley, and the salon.

IMO - IMO stands for International Maritime Organisation and is the United Nations agency responsible for the safety and security of shipping

Jib - on sailing yachts, it is the foresail

Jacuzzi – well... Do we need to say what it is? 😊 A hot tub on a yacht. It’s a luxurious addition to any yacht and can provide a relaxing soak after a day of activities.

Knot – A unit of speed used in navigation. One knot is equal to one nautical mile per hour.

Keel - On sailing vessels, a structural framework that runs longitudinally along the centreline of a hull to increase stability

LOA – Length Overall. This is the length of the yacht from the tip of the bow to the end of the stern. It is a common way to measure the size of the yacht.

Leeward - The side sheltered from the wind

Mooring – The process of securing the yacht to a dock or anchor. It’s important to moor the yacht properly to prevent damage and ensure safety.

Mile - Nautical Mile (to be more precise) is a unit used in measuring distances at sea, equal to 1,852 meters

Navigation – The process of determining the yacht’s position and direction. This includes using GPS, charts, and other navigation tools.

Net Tonnage - Net tonnage is a measurement of a yacht's cargo carrying capacity. This measurement takes into account the yacht's volume and the amount of cargo it can carry.

Owner – The person or entity that owns the yacht. The one you need to satisfy (almost) anytime for (almost) anything! They may hire a crew to operate the yacht or use a management company.

Overhead - The overhead on a yacht refers to the ceiling or roof of a cabin or room. This can be important for crew to know when moving around the yacht

Port – The left side of the yacht when facing the bow. It’s important to know port and starboard when navigating a yacht.

Quarter - The quarter of a yacht refers to the aft part of the vessel. This can be an important area for crew to work in when mooring or maneuvering the yacht.

Quality – The level of excellence and attention to detail that goes into building and maintaining a yacht. High-quality materials and craftsmanship are essential for a safe and comfortable yacht.

Radar – A device used to detect other vessels or objects in the water. This is important for avoiding collisions and navigating in poor visibility.

Rudder - An underwater blade used for steering

Steward(ess) – A crew member responsible for maintaining the interior of the yacht and attending to the guests. This includes cleaning, cooking, and serving meals.

Superstructure - The part of the yacht above the hull, including the decks and cabins.

Salon - The living room on a yacht.

Starboard - the right side of the yacht (when facing the bow).

Stern - The rear end of a yacht.

Tender – A smaller boat used to transport guests or supplies to and from the yacht. It’s important to have a reliable tender for accessing remote areas and exploring.

Trimming - Adjusting the angle of the sails on a sailing yacht

Underway – The state of the yacht when it’s moving. This is different from being at anchor or docked.

Varnish – A protective coating used on the yacht’s woodwork. Varnish needs to be regularly maintained to keep the yacht looking beautiful.

Windlass – A device used to raise and lower the anchor. This is important for anchoring the yacht securely and safely.

Warp - A line used for anchoring or mooring

X-ray – A medical test that crew members may need to undergo to ensure they are healthy and fit to work on a yacht. Crew members need to be in good physical condition to handle the demands of the job, especially when they stay a long time at sea.

Yachtie – A term used to refer to someone who works on a yacht. This includes crew members such as the captain, first mate, deckhands, steward(ess), chef, and engineers. Being a yachtie is not just a job, but a lifestyle that requires a unique set of skills and knowledge. One of the most important aspects of being a successful yachtie is being able to communicate effectively with your crew members and guests. Superyacht terminology can be complex and daunting for newcomers, but with some guidance and practice, anyone can learn to speak yachtie.

Zulu Time – A standardized time used in navigation and communication on yachts. It’s also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This ensures that everyone on the yacht is on the same schedule, regardless of their location.

You want more?

If you want to go further and master all technical words, have a look at the most complete report on maintenance systems used onboard yachts across the world.

To go quick, have a look at this video and discover the BoatOn Book 😊

You have other words you want to add to this article or want some explanation about? Write to us at [email protected] !

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1550s, yeaghe "a light, fast-sailing ship," from Norwegian jaght or early Dutch jaght , both from Middle Low German jacht , shortened form of jachtschip "fast pirate ship," literally "ship for chasing," from jacht "chase," from jagen "to chase, hunt," from Old High German jagon , from Proto-Germanic *yago- , from PIE root *yek- (2) "to hunt" (source also of Hittite ekt- "hunting net"). Related: Yachting ; yachtsman .

Entries linking to yacht

Old English huntian "chase game" (transitive and intransitive), perhaps developed from hunta "hunter," and related to hentan "to seize," from Proto-Germanic *huntojan (source also of Gothic hinþan "to seize, capture," Old High German hunda "booty"), which is of uncertain origin.

Not the usual Germanic word for this, which is represented by Dutch jagen , German jagen (see yacht (n.)). General sense of "search diligently" (for anything) is recorded from c. 1200. Related: Hunted ; hunting . To hunt (something) up "search for until found" is from 1791. Parlor game hunt the slipper is attested from 1766.

also jaeger , "German sharpshooter," 1776, from German Jäger , literally "huntsman," from jagen "to hunt," from Old High German jagon , related to Old Frisian jagia , Dutch jagen "to hunt," Old Norse jaga "to drive, to move to and fro" (see yacht (n.)). Applied to riflemen and sharpshooters in the German and Austrian armies. Englished as yager , yaeger from 1804.

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Meaning of yacht in English

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  • They spent their annual holiday on a chartered yacht in the Caribbean .
  • He spent three days adrift on his yacht.
  • His eyes were fixed on the distant yacht.
  • If they can afford a yacht, they must be rolling in it.
  • She sailed around the world single-handed in her yacht.
  • cabin cruiser
  • dragon boat

yacht | American Dictionary

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meaning of yachtie

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meaning of yachtie

Meaning of "yachtie" in the English dictionary

Pronunciation of yachtie, grammatical category of yachtie, what does yachtie mean in english, definition of yachtie in the english dictionary.

The definition of yachtie in the dictionary is a yachtsman; sailing enthusiast.


Words that begin like yachtie, words that end like yachtie, synonyms and antonyms of yachtie in the english dictionary of synonyms, words relating to «yachtie», translation of «yachtie» into 25 languages.

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Examples of use in the english literature, quotes and news about yachtie, 10 english books relating to «yachtie», 10 news items which include the term «yachtie».


  1. The meaning and symbolism of the word

    meaning of yachtie

  2. Understanding Yacht Classifications

    meaning of yachtie

  3. What is the Meaning of Yacht

    meaning of yachtie

  4. Yacht : meaning of the term and types of boats

    meaning of yachtie

  5. Yacht Definition

    meaning of yachtie

  6. The meaning and symbolism of the word

    meaning of yachtie


  1. Let’s GO!!!!!!! Boating #yachtie #yachting #travel

  2. Cocktail Hour on a Yacht #belowdeck #yacht #chef #crew #yachtie #food #cooking

  3. Day in the Life: Yacht Chef #ninjacreami #belowdeck #yacht #chef #crew #yachtie #food #cooking

  4. Day in the Life: Yacht Chef PART 2 #belowdeck #yacht #chef #crew #yachtie #food #cooking

  5. Day before our charter! #yacht #catamaran #privatechef #bahamas #yachtie #belowdeck #sailing

  6. #yacht #thatyachtiegirl #yachtie #yachtcrew #yachting #fyp #viral


  1. Yachtie Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of YACHTIE is a person who sails or owns a yacht.

  2. YACHTIE definition and meaning

    Australian and New Zealand informal a yachtsman; sailing enthusiast.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  3. YACHTIE Definition & Meaning

    Yachtie definition: a yachtsman; sailing enthusiast. See examples of YACHTIE used in a sentence.

  4. yachtie, n. meanings, etymology and more

    yachtie, n. in OED Second Edition (1989) colloquial (originally Australian and New Zealand ). 1874-. A person who owns, manages, or frequently spends time on a yacht; (later also) a worker on a yacht. 1874. Ah! there the yachties go, They really form a splendid show. Evening Star (Auckland) 28 January. 1965.

  5. Yachtie

    Nautical taken too literally will bring a case of mistaken identity as a yachtie, but many of this season's offerings are much more feminine and quirky, and give a hint of nautical as well as a literal translation.

  6. YACHTIE definition in American English

    Definition of 'yachtie' COBUILD frequency band. yachtie in British English ... Unless you're a yachtie or an estate agent, finding well-paid work is difficult. Times, Sunday Times (2015) It is also on the verge of becoming a yachtie haven, thanks to a 3m harbour project. Times, Sunday Times (2007)

  7. 18 Yachtie Terms Every Crewmember Should Know

    FACT.) "We'll do the vac-dust on Thursday.". Dusting, but with a vacuum. We have evolved from just wiping the dust around with a cloth, we hoover it out of existence with a high powered piece of Miele engineering. Genius. "Friday is wash down day.". Washing the boat, but only from the top down.

  8. How To Become A Yachtie

    This includes being punctual, maintaining a positive attitude, and taking pride in your work. As you continue to excel in your role and gain the trust of your captain and fellow crew members, you will be well on your way to climbing the yachtie career ladder and achieving your ultimate goal of becoming a captain. 6.

  9. What Does It Take To Become A Yachtie

    Lastly, while you're waiting to land that first full-time yachtie opportunity, keep doing day work. It is the most valuable way to hone your skills before you hop onboard a larger yacht and will give you the confidence to excel in your newfound career… I mean way of life.

  10. The meaning of Yachtie

    A Yachtie refers to an individual whose primary occupation involves the operation, maintenance, and navigation of luxurious yachts. Ranging from professional yachtsmen to personal crew members on extravagant vessels, these individuals are entrusted with handling a variety of tasks onboard in order to ensure a seamless, enjoyable experience for their clientele.

  11. yachty, adj. meanings, etymology and more

    See 'Meaning & use' for definition, usage, and quotation evidence. Entry status. OED is undergoing a continuous programme of revision to modernize and improve definitions. This entry has not yet been fully revised. See meaning & use. How common is ... yachtie, n. 1874- yachting, n ...

  12. How to become a Yachtie (Stewardess Or Deckhand)

    Go to a superyacht marina. 1. Have the right attitude. Along with gaining the correct qualifications to prove your competence, to become a Yachtie, you must have certain characteristics to thrive in this industry. Yachties have to be well presented, articulate, know how to take orders, and be able to work hard, all with a smile and enthusiasm.

  13. Yachting Definition & Meaning

    yachting: [noun] the action, fact, or pastime of racing or cruising in a yacht.

  14. How to Become a Yachtie: Essential Guide

    A Yachtie is a term used to describe anyone who works on a yacht. You will be welcomed to a world of free travel, adventure, lots of money, and experiences of a lifetime. ... When you have this visa, it does not mean you can work in the United States or be employed by a U.S. employer. For yachting purposes, it allows you to enter the U.S. to ...

  15. Yachty Definition & Meaning

    Yachty definition: A yachtsman or yachtswoman. .

  16. Do you speak yachtie? A-Z glossary of Yachting terms

    Yachtie - A term used to refer to someone who works on a yacht. This includes crew members such as the captain, first mate, deckhands, steward (ess), chef, and engineers. Being a yachtie is not just a job, but a lifestyle that requires a unique set of skills and knowledge.


    What does the word YACHTIE mean? Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word YACHTIE in our free online dictionary!

  18. yacht

    Old English huntian "chase game" (transitive and intransitive), perhaps developed from hunta "hunter," and related to hentan "to seize," from Proto-Germanic *huntojan (source also of Gothic hinþan "to seize, capture," Old High German hunda "booty"), which is of uncertain origin.. Not the usual Germanic word for this, which is represented by Dutch jagen, German jagen (see yacht (n.)).

  19. YACHT

    YACHT definition: 1. a boat with sails and sometimes an engine, used for either racing or travelling on for pleasure…. Learn more.

  20. How to become a yachtie

    A superyacht or megayacht is a large, luxurious, professionally crewed motor or sailing yacht, ranging from 24 meters (79 ft) to more than 180 meters (590 ft) in length. Each of the largest, most expensive, most over-the-top yachts in the world are custom-built creations that represent the pinnacle of creativity, craftsmanship, luxury, and yes ...

  21. YACHT definition and meaning

    3 meanings: 1. a vessel propelled by sail or power, used esp for pleasure cruising, racing, etc 2. → short for sand yacht, ice.... Click for more definitions.

  22. yachtie

    yachtie - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free.

  23. Meaning of "yachtie" in the English dictionary

    «Yachtie» Meaning of yachtie in the English dictionary with examples of use. Synonyms for yachtie and translation of yachtie to 25 languages.