The Bridal Tip

What does it mean to motorboat someone?

by Carol Dillon

As a professional wedding consultant, I strive to provide detailed and informative answers to all questions related to weddings and relationships. Today, I will address the question of what it means to “motorboat” someone. Please note that this term is slang and may not be suitable for all audiences.

To put it simply, motorboating refers to the act of placing one’s head between a woman’s breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one’s lips while moving the head from side to side. This action is typically done in a playful or intimate manner and is often seen as a form of physical affection or sexual gratification.

It is important to note that motorboating is not a universally accepted or appropriate behavior in all situations. It is generally considered a playful or intimate act between consenting adults and is often associated with a sexual context. It is crucial to always obtain explicit consent from your partner before engaging in any physical acts, including motorboating.

While motorboating may be seen as a form of physical affection or foreplay in some relationships, it is important to remember that everyone has different boundaries and comfort levels when it comes to intimate acts. It is essential to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about what is consensual and enjoyable for both parties involved.

In the context of a wedding or any public event, motorboating is generally considered inappropriate and disrespectful. It is important to maintain a level of professionalism and respect when attending such occasions. Engaging in any behavior that may be seen as offensive or inappropriate can have negative consequences and may tarnish your reputation.

To summarize, motorboating refers to the act of placing one’s head between a woman’s breasts and making a motorboat sound with one’s lips. While it may be seen as a form of physical affection or sexual gratification in certain contexts, it is crucial to always obtain explicit consent from your partner and respect their boundaries. In public or professional settings, it is important to maintain a level of professionalism and avoid engaging in inappropriate behavior.

What does it mean to motorboat someone?

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(1) An act of giving pleasure; like giving a 'raspberry' to the belly (or other erogenous zones).

(2) To stick your face deeply into the clevage of two huge breasts,shake your head back and forth while making the sound of a motorboat with your mouth.

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When was the motorboat invented?

What is a vaporetti?

A motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice, ItalyA motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice, ItalyA motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice, ItalyA motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice, ItalyA motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice, ItalyA motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice, Italy

What is the sentence for motorboat?

Rafts are replaced by Motorboats. They are fast and safe.

What does it mean to motorboat a girl?

To "motorboat" a girl, means for a person to put their head between a girls breasts, move their head back and forth, while blowing air hard. It is called "motorboating" because of the sound it makes.

What is the meaning of the word motorboat?

The definition of motorboat is any kind of boat with a motor that runs it. It is usually any type of boat that is available as long as it has a motor. For example, a car is not a boat so it is not a motorboat.

What equipment is required while operating a motorboat in Virginia?

Personal floatation devices are required while operating a motorboat in Virginia.

What is equipment is recommended while operating a motorboat in Virginia?

Who invented the motorboat, what are the release dates for motorboat mamas - 1928.

Motorboat Mamas - 1928 was released on: USA: 30 September 1928

Who is motorboat Jones?

motorboat jones is just one of the altar egos for jordan himself along with johnny kilroy

What should a motorboat operator do when approaching a sailing vessel head-on?

Do everything possible to avoid it. The motorboat operator would give way if boat is under sail but go by regular motorboat rules if he is under power.

Which if what equipment is recommended while operating a motorboat in Virginia?


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Why Do Guys Motorboat? (The Answers Revealed)

motorboat someone deutsch

Have you ever seen a guy motorboat a girl? Maybe youve even been motorboated yourself! But why do guys motorboat? Is it simply a harmless prank or is there more to it than meets the eye? In this article, we will explore the different reasons why guys motorboat, from the appreciation of physical appearance to the desire to be funny and show off in front of friends.

We will also discuss when motorboating is inappropriate and provide respectful tips for motorboating.

So, if youve ever been curious about why guys motorboat, keep reading to get the answers revealed!

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Motorboating is a behavior often associated with men, typically in a social setting such as a bar or club.

It involves moving the face rapidly from side to side, in close proximity to a woman’s chest.

It is often seen as an expression of male sexual attraction and is sometimes used as a way to show off to other men.

It is also sometimes used as a way to show respect or appreciation for a woman’s physical features.

What is Motorboating?

Motorboating is a term used to describe a physical interaction between two people in which one person places their face close to the other person’s chest and makes a motorboat sound with their lips.

This behavior is often seen as inappropriate, and it is not uncommon for guys to engage in this activity.

The motorboating sound is created by puckering the lips and blowing air out of the mouth.

This causes a motorboat sound, similar to the sound of a motorboat engine.

The sound is often accompanied by a physical gesture, such as shaking the head or body, or a combination of both.

The reasons why guys motorboat may vary, but some of the most common motivations include a desire to be humorous, to express an appreciation of the other persons body, or to show off in front of friends.

Whatever the motivation, it is important to remember that motorboating should only be done with the permission of the other person.

In addition to the physical act of motorboating, it is also important to take into consideration the cultural and social context in which this behavior occurs.

For instance, motorboating may be seen as a form of flirting or a way to show off in front of friends.

It is also important to note that motorboating may be seen as an act of disrespect or even sexual harassment in some cultures.

Therefore, it is important to take into account the cultural and social context in which motorboating is taking place before engaging in this behavior.

The Different Reasons Why Guys Motorboat

motorboat someone deutsch

When it comes to motorboating, there are a variety of reasons why guys may choose to engage in this behavior.

It is important to note that this behavior should only be done with the permission of the other person, as it is often seen as an inappropriate behavior.

One possible reason why guys motorboat is to express an appreciation of the other person’s body.

This is usually done as a way of flattery or to make the other person feel good about themselves.

Motorboating can also be a way of expressing admiration for the other person’s physical appearance.

Another reason why guys might motorboat is to show off in front of friends.

This could be an attempt to appear cool or confident, or to make an impression on those around them.

This behavior could also be a way of demonstrating a sense of humor, as motorboating is often seen as a humorous gesture.

Finally, some guys may motorboat simply out of curiosity.

They may be curious about how it feels, or they may be intrigued by the notion of motorboating and want to try it out for themselves.

Whatever the reason, it is important to remember that motorboating should always be done with the consent of the other person.

The Appreciation of Physical Appearance

When it comes to why guys motorboat, one of the main reasons is that they simply appreciate the physical appearance of the person they are motorboating.

This could be a sign of attraction, admiration, or even just a desire to show off.

It is also possible that they are trying to express a level of intimacy that goes beyond words.

Whatever the motivation, motorboating is often seen as an inappropriate behavior, and should only be done with the permission of the other person.

It is important to remember that physical appearance is not the only way a person can be attractive.

Guys may motorboat as a way of expressing an appreciation of the other person’s personality, sense of humor, intelligence, or any other quality that attracts them.

Motorboating can also be seen as a sign of respect and appreciation for the person they are motorboating, regardless of their physical appearance.

In the end, it is important to remember that motorboating should only be done with the other person’s permission.

It is important to respect the other person’s feelings and boundaries.

If someone is uncomfortable with motorboating, it is important to respect their wishes and not try to pressure them into doing something they’re not comfortable with.

The Desire to be Funny

motorboat someone deutsch

There are many reasons why guys may motorboat, and one of them is to make people laugh.

Motorboating is usually seen as an inappropriate behavior, but the humor can be hard to resist.

Guys may motorboat to lighten the mood in a social setting or to show off in front of their friends.

They may even do it to make fun of themselves, as it can be seen as a silly or childish act.

In addition to making people laugh, motorboating can be a way for guys to show that they are not afraid to take risks.

By motorboating, they are demonstrating that they are not afraid to step outside of their comfort zone and take a chance.

This can be an attractive quality to some people and can make the motorboater seem more confident and attractive.

Ultimately, motorboating can be seen as a way for guys to show their sense of humor and willingness to take risks.

It is not always seen as an appropriate behavior, but it can be a fun, lighthearted way to show your sense of humor and make people laugh.

As long as it is done with the permission of the other person, motorboating can be a harmless way to bring some humor into a social setting.

Showing Off in Front of Friends

Motorboating is often seen as a way for guys to show off in front of their friends.

Whether it is a way to show off their skill or to make a bold statement, motorboating can be used to demonstrate a certain level of confidence.

For example, some guys may use motorboating to demonstrate their physical prowess and sense of humor in an attempt to elicit laughter or admiration from their peers.

Additionally, motorboating can also be seen as a way for guys to prove their self-worth or to assert their masculinity in a social setting.

In addition, motorboating can also be used as a form of flirtation between two people.

This is often seen as a way for guys to demonstrate their interest in the other person in a playful and humorous way.

Furthermore, motorboating can be used to create a sense of intimacy and trust between two people, as it is often seen as a more intimate form of physical contact.

Finally, motorboating can also be used as a way to make a statement or a show of strength.

By engaging in this behavior, guys may be attempting to demonstrate their dominance and influence in a social setting.

In this way, motorboating can be seen as a show of power or dominance and can be used as a way for guys to show their assertiveness and confidence.

When Motorboating is Inappropriate

motorboat someone deutsch

Motorboating is a term used to describe when a person places their face close to someone else’s chest and makes a motorboat sound with their lips.

Though it is often seen as an inappropriate behavior, it is not uncommon for guys to motorboat.

It is important to note that motorboating is only acceptable when both parties are comfortable with it.

Even if a guy is joking around or trying to show off in front of his friends, motorboating should never be done without permission.

If the other person is not comfortable with motorboating, it can be seen as disrespectful and intrusive.

Additionally, motorboating should never be done in an unprofessional setting.

It is inappropriate and improper to motorboat in the workplace or any other place where boundaries should be respected.

In order to ensure that motorboating remains an enjoyable activity, it is important to remember to always respect the wishes of the other person.

If they are not comfortable with motorboating, then it is best to stop and apologize.

Motorboating should only be done with mutual consent, and with an understanding that it is meant to be a fun and lighthearted activity.

Respectful Tips For Motorboating

When it comes to motorboating, it is important to remember to always be respectful and courteous.

Motorboating should only be done with the permission of the other person, and it should never be done in a way that could make the other person feel uncomfortable or violated.

Before engaging in motorboating, it is important to ensure that the other person is comfortable with the idea.

If the other person is not comfortable with motorboating, then it is important to respect their wishes and not proceed with the activity.

When engaging in motorboating, it is important to be aware of the other persons body language.

If the other person appears to be uncomfortable or uneasy, it is important to stop immediately.

It is also important to be aware of the situation and the people around you.

Motorboating should only be done in private, as it can be seen as inappropriate and disrespectful in a public setting.

Finally, it is important to remember that motorboating should be done with respect and consent.

Motorboating should never be done in a way that could make the other person feel violated or uncomfortable.

If the other person is not comfortable with the idea of motorboating, then it is important to respect their wishes and not proceed with the activity.

Final Thoughts

Motorboating is a behavior that is not uncommon among guys, and can be motivated by several different reasons.

While it can be a fun way to express an appreciation of physical appearance, or to be humorous, it should always be done with the permission of the other person.

Respectful motorboating is the key to ensuring everyone feels comfortable and valued in the situation.

Whether your goal is to show off in front of friends or to express appreciation, remember to always ask for permission before motorboating.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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Wie lautet die Übersetzung von "motorboat" in Deutsch?

"motorboat" auf deutsch, motorboat {subst.}.

  • volume_up Motorboot

motorboats {Subst.}

  • volume_up Motorboote


Motorboat {substantiv}, motorboats {substantiv}, einsprachige beispiele, english wie man "motorboat" in einem satz verwendet.

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English Wie man "motorboats" in einem Satz verwendet

English wie man "motorboote" in einem satz verwendet, kollokationen, "small motorboat" auf deutsch.

  • volume_up kleines Motorboot

Diese Sätze sind von externen Quellen und können mitunter Fehler enthalten. ist für diese Inhalte nicht verantwortlich.

Synonyme (Englisch) für "motorboat":

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  • motor-operated
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  • motor-paced racers
  • motor-servo
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  • motorcycle accessories
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  • motorcycle approach bietet außerdem das Italienisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch für mehr Übersetzungen.

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What does Motorboat mean?

motorboat someone deutsch

Other definitions of Motorboat:

  • To motorboat someone, place your face between their breasts, squishing them together, rock your head side to side (or have them jiggle back and forth), and making an audible "brrrr" noise, which sounds like a motorboat.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Motorboat that should be included here, please let us know .

How to use the term Motorboat :

It's doubtful she derives much pleasure other than seeing your amusement when you're motorboating.

Oh, motorboat me harder, baby! Yes, just like that!


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A shortening of vorarephilia, an erotic desire to be eaten or to consume someone.


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  • cabin cruiser
  • dragon boat
  • While you can take a motorboat, many people prefer to take the original Venetian taxi, the famous gondola.  

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  • Meaning of motorboat

motorboat ( English)

Origin & history, alternative forms.

  • ( nautical ) Any vessel driven by an engine (either inboard or outboard ), but especially a small one.

▾  Further examples

The captain of a German aid ship was arrested after the vessel docked without permission at a tiny Mediterranean island, ramming an Italian border police motorboat blocking its way., 29 June 2019

Rescuers in Poland are searching for a celebrity businessman and socialite who went missing after falling from a motorboat into a lake. The Washington Times, 19 August 2019

But a prosecutor in Michigan's Upper Peninsula said he has no problem with people fishing in a motorboat in his county under certain conditions. The Washington Times, 20 April 2020

Onlooker Hugo Severino filmed the small dog being towed behind a motorboat in Alvarado, Veracruz, on May 2. He said he was walking along the bank when he witnessed the scene that made his day. Mail Online, 5 May 2021

Suspects who broke in to a fine art museum in Texas escaped police by using a motorboat and running into a sewer system, according to Houston police., 17 March 2021

Vancouver police confirm a 46-year-old Surrey man has not been seen since renting a motorboat from Granville Island on Wednesday. Vancouver Sun, 10 June 2022

A 67-year-old man has died after a motorboat overturned during a Colorado River trip inside the Grand Canyon National Park, officials said., 12 September 2022

▾  Dictionary entries

Entries where "motorboat" occurs:

boat : …jetski, junk, caik/kaiki/kayık, kayak, keelboat, ketch, lifeboat, log boat, longboat, luxemotor, mackinaw boat, mailboat, motor boat, motorboat , motorsailer, narrowboat, Norfolk wherry, outrigger canoe, paddleboat, peniche, pinnace, policeboat, powerboat, raft…

motor : …forms motour (very rare) Derived words & phrases crate motor electric motor linear motor motorbike motor boat, motorboat motor caravan motorcycle motorcyclist motor home, motorhome motorise motorist motor oil motor scooter…

admiral's barge : admiral's barge (English) Noun admiral's barge (pl. admiral's barges) A motorboat used by flag officers for harbour transport.

water skiing : see also waterskiing, water-skiing‎ water skiing (English) Alternative forms water-skiing, waterskiing Noun water skiing The sport of riding on water skis, whilst being towed by a motorboat . See also wakeboarding Translations water skiing - water…

bátur : …women's boat) leitingarbátur (search boat) línubátur (boat for line fishing) lívbátur (lifeboat) maskinbátur (open motorboat ) motorbátur (motorboat) pappírsbátur (paper boat) postbátur (post boat) róðrarbátur (rowing boat)…

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Guide to Motorboats

Motor boat

With so many different types of boats available, we bring you this beginner's guide to Motorboats. We hope it will help you make the right choice when buying a boat.

What is a motorboat?

A motorboat is a power driven vessel with an internal combustion engine driving a jet pump or propeller. Even a sailboat, while it has an engine running, is technically a power driven vessel. The term motor boating refers to motorised cruising vessels used for leisure.

A little bit of history!

Many names contributed to the invention of the motorboat. Charles Raymond Hunt was responsible for introducing the deep v-shaped hull in 1963, one of the motorboats most important advances. Renato Levi is given credit for the evolution of the motorboat, particularly developing unique concepts - improving the performance of racing boats. Rudolph Diesel also helped make advancements in motorboat industry. He is best known for inventing a 25-horsepower, four-stroke, single vertical compression engine.

Types of motorboats

A speedboat is a small motorboat designed to move quickly. It is often used in races and for water skiing. Even inflatable boats and dinghies with a motor attached are classed as types of motorboats.

The three popular variations of motorboats are: inboard, inboard / outboard and outboard. If the engine is fitted within the boat, it's called a powerplant. If it's a removable section attached to the boat, it's known as an outboard motor.

Motor cruisers offer a range of amenities, depending on the number of passengers and the type of the cruising. They range from small vessels equipped with basic essentials for a short cruise to much larger holiday crafts complete with shower, cooker and sleeping accommodation.

Where to begin

All first time motorboat cruisers should have some form of training. As a rule, the larger the motorboat and the longer the journey, the greater the level of training is required.

Beginners can rent small vessels for a short cruise, without needing much training. This will help you get to grips with the basic motorboat controls. Courses are available for beginners which cover the basic areas of handling the boat. The Royal Yachting Association offers three levels of courses, from a two day helmsman course offering basic boat handling, helmsmanship and engine maintenance to a five-day coastal skipper course.

A great way to start motorboating is to combine your motor boating course with a holiday, either in the UK or across the European mainland. A number of well known activity holiday companies are RYA training centres and offer courses with certificates.

Where to use your motorboat

Motorboating is the perfect way to explore Britain's many rivers –the Norfolk Broads, the Yorkshire dales, the historic city of York and the River Thames.

But there is no need to limit cruising to UK waters. Ireland, Germany, France and many other European countries offer a number of beautiful and interesting waterways.

From inland lakes to rivers and overseas, motor boating offers a relaxing and fun pastime. Unlike sailboats, there is no need to wait for the right wind conditions before setting sail.

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  • ( UK ) IPA ( key ) : /ˈməʊtəˌbəʊt/
  • ( US ) IPA ( key ) : /ˈmoʊtəˌboʊt/
Audio (AU) ( )

  • ( countable ) ( vehicle ) Any vessel driven by an engine .

Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  • If you motorboat , you ride in a motorboat .
  • ( slang ) ( transitive & intransitive ) If you motorboat a person, you press your face between another person's breasts .

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  1. Guelcan Kamps poses with an lifesaver on a motorboat during the '60

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  1. What does it mean to motorboat someone?

    Today, I will address the question of what it means to "motorboat" someone. Please note that this term is slang and may not be suitable for all audiences. To put it simply, motorboating refers to the act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips while moving the head from side ...

  2. What does it mean to motorboat someone?

    To "motorboat" a girl, means for a person to put their head between a girls breasts, move their head back and forth, while blowing air hard. It is called "motorboating" because of the sound it makes.

  3. motorboat

    Learn the translation for 'motorboat' in LEO's ­English ⇔ German­ dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer

  4. motorboating Many translated example sentences containing "motorboating" - German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.

  5. Understanding The Meaning Of Motorboating

    Definition of Motorboating. Motorboating is a term that is often associated with physical contact and carries a strong sexual connotation. It involves placing one's face in between someone else's breasts and making a noise that mimics the sound of a motorboat engine. This act typically occurs in a social setting, and the intention behind it ...

  6. Why Do Guys Motorboat? (The Answers Revealed)

    There are many reasons why guys may motorboat, and one of them is to make people laugh. Motorboating is usually seen as an inappropriate behavior, but the humor can be hard to resist. Guys may motorboat to lighten the mood in a social setting or to show off in front of their friends. They may even do it to make fun of themselves, as it can be ...

  7. motorboating

    motorboating ( uncountable) The act of travelling in a motorboat. ( slang) The act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to side.

  8. Full Speed Ahead: The Origins of 'Motorboating'

    Urban Dictionary, our modern beacon of slang enlightenment, has an entry for 'motorboat' dating back to 2003. While it's challenging to pinpoint the exact year the term first cropped up, it's clear it's been part of our vernacular for at least a few decades, quietly bubbling under the surface before making a splash in popular culture.

  9. motorboat translation in German

    motorboat translation in English - German Reverso dictionary, see also 'motor, motor road, motorcoach, motorization', examples, definition, conjugation


    Übersetzung für 'motorboat' im kostenlosen Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und viele weitere Deutsch-Übersetzungen. - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar share

  11. Motorboat » What does Motorboat mean? »

    Other definitions of Motorboat: To motorboat someone, place your face between their breasts, squishing them together, rock your head side to side (or have them jiggle back and forth), and making an audible "brrrr" noise, which sounds like a motorboat. All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors.

  12. German translation of ' motorboat'

    German Translation of "MOTORBOAT" | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases.


    motorboat Bedeutung, Definition motorboat: 1. a small, fast boat that is powered by an engine 2. a small, fast boat that is powered by an….

  14. motorboat

    2013, "19 Most Lustable Celebs", VIBE, April/May 2013, page 84: You're blind to the blue Pacific water and glaring sun as your entire face is buried in Sofia's bosom—you're motorboating on a motorboat!; 2014, Madison Holmes, "Big boobs: The bane of my existence", The Orion (Chico State University), 15 October 2014, page A6: While talking to some dude at a party, he bent over and motorboated me.

  15. motorboat: meaning, translation

    A family's motorboat trip turns tragic when a big wave tips them over near a Normandy beach. BBC News, 13 August 2019. The daring heist of royal regalia involved thieves escaping on bicycles to a motorboat waiting on Lake Malaren. One man has now been sentenced to jail and two others are under investigation. Deutsche Welle, 22 February 2019

  16. Motorboat

    A motorboat with an outboard motor. A motorboat, speedboat or powerboat is a boat that is exclusively powered by an engine.. Some motorboats are fitted with inboard engines, others have an outboard motor installed on the rear, containing the internal combustion engine, the gearbox and the propeller in one portable unit. An inboard-outboard contains a hybrid of an inboard and an outboard, where ...

  17. MOTORBOATING definition and meaning

    Travelling by motorboat.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  18. Guide to Motorboats

    A speedboat is a small motorboat designed to move quickly. It is often used in races and for water skiing. Even inflatable boats and dinghies with a motor attached are classed as types of motorboats. The three popular variations of motorboats are: inboard, inboard / outboard and outboard. If the engine is fitted within the boat, it's called a ...

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    Pages for logged out editors learn more. Contributions; Talk; Contents move to sidebar hide

  20. Urban Dictionary: motorboat

    v. int. The act of pushing one's face in between two ample breasts, and rocking one's head side to side very rapidly while making a vigorous, lip-vibrating "brrr" sound. n. The sound produced when doing a motorboat.

  21. motorboat noun

    Definition of motorboat noun in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  22. MOTORBOATING definition in American English

    [1925-30; motorboat + -ing 1] This word is first recorded in the period 1925-30. Other words that entered English at around the same time include: Nazi, distinctive feature, hot spot, recycle, turnaround-ing is a suffix of nouns formed from verbs, expressing the action of the verb or its result, product, material, etc. (the art of building; a new building; cotton wadding).

  23. motorboat

    • The official was convicted of criminal damage for ramming the craft with a motorboat, then whacking it with a shovel. • The Grand Canal was wider than she'd anticipated, teeming with water-buses and motorboats, barges and gondolas. • Richie, who always lay on his back, produced a sound similar to the underwater gurgling of an old motorboat.