Was über den deutschen besitzer der todesyacht auf mallorca bekannt ist, mm weiß, wer der eigentümer ist und gibt antworten auf alle offenen fragen zum tragischen unglück, bei dem ein 20-jähriger mallorquiner ums leben gekommen ist., tödliche yachtkollision: deutscher skipper ist hauptverdächtiger.

Was über den deutschen Besitzer der Todesyacht auf Mallorca bekannt ist

Die von der Guardia Civil beschlagnahmte Motoryacht "La Luna" im Hafen von Porto Cristo. | M. A. Cañellas

Im Fall um den tödlichen Unfall zwischen einer in Deutschland registrierten Motoryacht und einem dreieinhalb Meter langen Fischerboot vor der Ostküste von Mallorca , bei dem am Freitag ein 20-jähriger Mallorquiner ums Leben kam , sind immer noch viele Fragen offen. Unter anderem ist nicht offiziell bekannt, wer der Besitzer der Yacht ist, wer die Yacht zum Zeitpunkt des Unfall steuerte und wer letztendlich für die Tragödie zur Verantwortung gezogen werden kann.

Wer ist der Besitzer der Yacht "La Luna"?

Nach MM-Informationen handelt es sich bei dem Eigentümer der etwa 20 Meter langen Yacht "La Luna" um den deutschen Unternehmer K.V. aus Mönchengladbach . V. gehört einer Familie an, die Ende der 1990er Jahre mit dem Verkauf ihres Großhandelsunternehmens ein Vermögen machte. Die vier Söhne des einstigen Gründers investierten ihre Anteile anschließend in eigene Unternehmen, K.V. betreibt unter anderem die nach eigenen Angaben größte Indoor-Skihalle Europas in Neuss.

Aber auch auf der Insel ist V. geschäftlich tätig. In Puerto Cristo gründete er vor mehr als zehn Jahren zusammen mit einem mallorquinischen Teilhaber ein Bau- und Immobilienunternehmen . Mallorca ist somit sein Zweitwohnsitz.

Wer war beim Unfall an Bord?

Nach Aussagen der Guardia Civil befanden sich zum Zeitpunkt des Unglücks sechs Personen an Bord, darunter der 35-jährige Sohn D.V., ein Pilot. Die Gruppe soll nach Augenzeugenberichten bereits seit Tagen mit der Yacht durch rücksichtsloses Verhalten an verschiedenen Küstenabschnitten aufgefallen sein, unter anderem soll die "La Luna" andere Boote bedrängt haben .

Wer steuerte die Yacht zum Zeitpunkt des Unglücks?

Diese Frage dürfte entscheidend sein. Verantwortlich für alle Vorkommnisse an Bord ist nach internationalen Seerecht immer und ausschließlich der Kapitän . Dem Eigentümer kann im Höchstfall eine Teilschuld zugesprochen werden, wenn ihm nachgewiesen wird, dass er einen Kapitän, der bereits wegen vorheriger Fahrlässigkeiten bestraft wurde, ans Ruder gelassen hat. Ansonsten kann er nicht zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden , außerdem hielt sich K.V. zum Zeitpunkt des Unglücks in Deutschland auf.

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Doch wer hatte dann das Kommando an Bord? Theoretisch ist es Vorschrift, dass der Name des verantwortlichen Bootführers in einem Logbuch an Bord vor jedem Ablegen schriftlich festgehalten wird. In der Regel wird das von Freizeitskippern nicht befolgt. Da D.V. am Mittwoch vor Gericht in Palma erschien, um auszusagen, ist anzunehmen, dass er der Kapitän an Bord war.

Waren Alkohol und Drogen im Spiel?

Augenzeugenberichten, nach denen die Crew Stunden vor dem Unglück beim Feiern auf der Yacht gesehen worden sind, reichen als Beweis, dass der Kapitän Alkohol und Drogen konsumierte nur bedingt bis gar nicht für eine Schuldzuweisung aus. Unverständlich ist, warum die Guardia Civi l die Crew-Mitglieder am nächsten Tag nicht sofort einem Alkohol- und Drogentest unterzogen hat. Auch das in den Medien verbreitete Argument, dass die Besatzungsmitglieder " Beweismittel" vernichten wollten, indem sie Mülltüten mit Schnaps- und Bierflaschen entsorgten und das Deck reinigten, steht auf sehr wackligen Beinen. Jede Crew räumt nach einem Törn das eigene Boot auf, bringt Abfall von Bord und wäscht das Deck mit Süßwasser gründlich ab.

Fuhr die Yacht zu schnell?

Auch hier gestaltet sich die Beweisfindung mehr als schwierig – aus mehreren Gründen. Ab einer Distanz von 200 Metern zur Küste, dürften Motoryachten so schnell fahren, wie sie möchten, sofern sie sich in einem ausreichenden Abstand zu anderen Wasserfahrzeugen befinden. Es gibt keine Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung auf hoher See. Genauso wenig wie es Radarfallen gibt. Yachten verfügen auch nicht wie Lastkraftwagen, Busse oder gar Flugzeuge über eine Black Box , die Strecken und Geschwindigkeiten aufzeichnen.

Welche Positionslichter müssen Boote bei Nacht führen?

Nach internationalem Seerecht müssen Boote, die nach Sonnenuntergang auf dem Meer manövrieren, verschiedene Positionslichter bei sich führen, um von anderen Fahrzeugen gesehen zu werden. Dazu gehören am Bug ein grünes Licht auf Steuerbordseite sowie ein rotes Licht auf Backbordseite. Das Heck muss mit einem weißen Licht gekennzeichnet sein. Alle Lichter müssen aus einem Abstand von mindestens zwei Seemeilen (1,8 Kilometer) erkannt werden können. Ankert das Boot oder bleibt es stehen, muss ein sogenanntes Top-Licht am Mast oder an der obersten Stelle des Decks anzeigen, dass das Boot nicht in Fahrt ist. Der Onkel des ums Leben gekommenen Mallorquiners soll nach Medienberichten ausgesagt haben, es habe „Beleuchtung“ an Bord gegeben. Auf dem Foto des zurück in den Hafen geschleppten und fast unversehrt gebliebenen Bootes ist jedoch ganz klar zu erkennen, dass es keinerlei Vorrichtungen zum Anbringen einer vorgeschriebene Nachtbeleuchtung besitzt. Nur mit einer Laterne oder Taschenlampe auf einem dreieinhalb Meter langen Boot nachts hinaus aufs Meer zu fahren, ist fahrlässig.

Kann eine Yachtcrew einen Zusammenstoß mit einem anderen Wasserfahrzeug nicht bemerkt haben?

Jeder Wellenschlag ist an Bord grundsätzlich spürbar, je nach Größe der Yacht kann sich die Wahrnehmung ändern. Anders sieht es aus, wenn Kapitän und Crew unter Einfluss von Alkohol und Drogen stehen, den Autopiloten betätigt haben und vielleicht auch noch laut Musik hören. Aber selbst dann dürfte der Zusammenprall, bei dem der Außenborder aus seiner Heck-Verankerung gerissen wurde, von irgendeinem an Bord bemerkt worden sein. In diesem Fall wäre der Kapitän verpflichtet, dass Boot zu stoppen, umzudrehen und nach möglichen Beschädigungen, Opfern Ausschau zu halten. Alles andere ist unterlassene Hilfeleistung . Auf See kommt das fahrlässiger Tötung gleich.

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luna yacht sold

Schiff rast jungen Angler (†20) tot

Crew der deutschen luxusjacht soll beweise vernichtet haben.


Neue Vorwürfe gegen die Crew der Luxusjacht „La Luna“!

Angeblich soll die Besatzung nach der Todesfahrt vor Mallorca Beweismittel vernichtet haben. Wie die Zeitung Ultima Hora berichtet, soll an Bord vor dem tödlichen Unfall eine Party stattgefunden haben. Wollte die Crew das vertuschen?

Steuerte der Sohn des Besitzers die Jacht?

Augenzeugen hätten dem Bericht zufolge beobachtet, wie leere Gläser ins Hafenbecken von Porto Christo geworfen worden seien. Zudem hätten sie den Eindruck gehabt, das Schiff sei „hastig“ geräumt worden, so das Blatt.

Lese-Tipp: Onkel des Todesopfers: „Das Boot hat zu keinem Zeitpunkt angehalten!“

Das Schiff fährt unter deutscher Flagge, sein Besitzer soll Deutscher sein. Laut der Zeitung handelt es sich um einen Unternehmer mit mallorquinischem Geschäftspartner. Der Sohn des Deutschen soll die Jacht gesteuert haben.

Häufiger „Partys mit jungen Frauen und Alkohol“ an Bord

Der tödliche Unfall ereignete sich am vergangenen Freitag (23. August). Die Luxusjacht soll mit hoher Geschwindigkeit ungebremst in ein kleines Fischerboot gerauscht sein. Dabei starb der 20-jährige Guillem C. Wie es zu dem Unfall kam – unklar. Das dreieinhalb Meter lange Fischerboot soll seine Positionsleuchten angehabt haben, hätte also nicht übersehen werden dürfen. Fest steht: Die 20 Meter lange Luxusjacht fuhr anschließend einfach weiter, als sei nichts geschehen.

Als die Ermittler die Jacht später im Hafen von Porto Cristo entdeckte, behauptete die Besatzung, den Zusammenstoß nicht bemerkt zu haben. Für die Polizei wenig glaubhaft. Wie das Mallorca-Magazin berichtet, sei an Bord ein Mobiltelefon gefunden worden. Die Ermittler erhofften demnach Hinweise aus den Daten, wie viele Menschen zum Zeitpunkt des Unfalls an Bord der Jacht waren.

Lese-Tipp: Er hatte keine Chance: Deutsche Luxusjacht rast jungen Angler (†20) tot

Dem Mann, der das Boot gesteuert haben soll, wird vorgeworfen, dass er nach dem Unfall versucht haben soll, per Flugzeug von der Insel zu fliehen. Eine Zeugin sagte dem Bericht zufolge, dass der Mann häufiger „Partys mit jungen Frauen und Alkohol“ an Bord des Schiffs veranstaltet haben soll. (uvo)

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Watson Island

Yacht watch: the $545m luna is docked in miami.

With a missile-defense system and bulletproof windows

We've seen some exceptional yachts come through the Magic City -- from the 377-foot Pelorus to Mark Cuban's 288-foot Fountainhead -- but the 377-foot Luna, last valued at $545 million, is truly a marvel.

Both Luna and Fountainhead are currently docked at Watson Island's Island Gardens Marina off the MacArthur causeway in Miami. Notice the enormous disparity in size, as Luna (front) makes Cuban's vessel (back left) look like a speedboat in comparison.

Only two helipads A photo posted by The Flying Eye (@flye_drones) on May 2, 2016 at 6:48pm PDT

At 377 feet, Luna is the second largest expedition yacht in the world. It's so large it has two helipads.

Feeling pretty dwarfed being docked next to 2 of the largest yachts around. Luna and Fountainhead both more than double out length. A photo posted by Ronald Christie (@worldwide_ron) on May 3, 2016 at 5:24pm PDT

It was built for Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, owner of Chelsea F.C, and then sold to his billionaire pal Farkhad Akhmedov for $400 million in April 2014.

After purchasing his new toy, Akhmedov poured $50 million into a refit that fall.

A photo posted by Ronald Christie (@worldwide_ron) on May 3, 2016 at 7:15pm PDT

Estimated to be worth $545 million as of 2010, Luna has NINE decks, nine cabins and is capable of sleeping 18 guests with a crew of up to 50 people.

Luna Yacht. #yacht #lunayacht #sail #sailing #yachtlife #million #like4like A photo posted by Lavish Luxury Style (@lavishluxuriousness) on Sep 16, 2015 at 7:46pm PDT

Amenities include the two helipads, anchor stabilizers, multiple jacuzzis, a swimming pool, elevator, beach club, dance floor, gym, and spa.

Among its wide array of water toys is a mini submarine.

The swimming pool on the 115-meter custom expedition yacht LUNA is the perfect place for a late-night dip. #Yacht #Yachts #Yachting #LuxuryYacht #LuxuryYachts #Superyacht #Superyachts #LuxurySuperyacht #LuxurySuperyachts #MotorYacht #MotorYachts #LuxuryMotorYacht #LuxuryMotorYachts #WorldsLargestYachts #ExpeditionYachts #LuxuryExpeditionYachts #LUNAYacht #YachtLUNA A photo posted by Northrop & Johnson (@northropandjohnson) on Apr 15, 2015 at 9:51am PDT

Another ridiculously cool feature is the roof opening above the master cabin, allowing guests to sleep under the stars.

The vessel is practically indestructible, with bulletproof windows and an anti-missile system.

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LUNA Yacht – Glamorous $300M Superyacht

LUNA yacht has had an incredible journey over the years and has had a few facelifts as well.

Until now, LUNA is famous for being the world’s largest expedition yacht. Despite its large size, it is also known for having many family-friendly amenities that create a homey feel to it.

Lloyd Werft
New cruise
Donald Starkey
22.5 knots
5,655 ton
US $300 million
US $20–25million

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LUNA yacht interior

The interior of LUNA is chic but calming, which differs from the intensity of its exterior’s hard lines.

The designer, Lloyd Werft wanted to make sure each room of this vessel was appreciated appropriately.

The lounge and dining room are split by a wall and fireplace, so guests can enjoy different experiences in each room.

Guests can also enjoy a moment of serenity in the low aft deck’s sun worship room.

After some deep breathing exercises here, guests can also take a swim in the large pool that was once the largest pool on a superyacht.

Some other amenities on the LUNA superyacht are two tender garages, a gym, a beach club, a steam bath, a plunge pool, and a sauna.

It has a variety of activities for people to enjoy regardless of age.

Though LUNA has gone through many changes in her short lifetime, she continues to be a classic superyacht.

She is not only incredible to look at, but has everything needed for a good time out on the ocean.

LUNA was created to be a space for both adults and children to play in and have an unforgettable experience.

With the hard work of many workers and designers, LUNA has come to achieve that goal.


The impressive LUNA yacht measures 115 meters and can reach top speeds of 22.5 knots.

It holds 9 staterooms that can house up to 18 guests and 49 crew members. The engine room of LUNA is different from most superyachts.

Not only is it large in volume, but it has a special polish that keeps the engine room squeaky clean.

Some staff members have described it as the cleanest engine room they have ever worked in.

There are seven generators that power the electric motors that take up less space on the ship, decrease vibrations, and make for a more economical ride.

Many have said that the original paint job was not the best, to put it lightly. One of its 130 jobs was to repaint the whole hull of the LUNA yacht.

It now has a mirror finish from end to end on its 2,000+ square meters of hull.

It took over 70 painters and eight months to finish this massive undertaking.

Now LUNA has a continuous shine along its hull with not a blemish in sight.

The interior of the LUNA yacht is chic but calming, which differs from the intensity of its exterior’s hard lines.

The LUNA yacht was created to be a space for both adults and children to play in and have an unforgettable experience.

LUNA yacht background

Originally built by Llod Werft Roman Abramovich, it was sold to Akhmedov in 2014.

With its change in owners, it also changed in appearance. LUNA had a 14-month-long process with around 130 jobs.

These changes included adding wine fridges and separating the ballast tank system. It took a lot of work, but it definitely improved on a classic superyacht.

image 5

Yacht Seizure

In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in May 2022, the yacht was seized in a German port due to its owner being tied to the Russian oligarch.

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  • Donald Starkey
  • Farkhad Akhmedov
  • Lloyd Werft

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Luna | 90' 2020 Ocean Alexander


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Sold! Luna 90' 2020 Ocean Alexander  

LUNA, the Ocean Alexander 90R, stands as a big, bold, and exquisite luxury yacht, showcasing the remarkable partnership between visionary designer Evan K. Marshall and Arrabito Naval Architects. Spanning 90 feet in length and slightly over 22 feet in beam, LUNA boasts powerful MTU engines, unwavering safety features, luxurious spaces, and breathtaking views. The Ocean Alexander 90R delivers outstanding performance and efficiency, embodying the essence of the Ocean Alexander brand.

Key Features:

MTU 12V2000 1900HP engine's

Extended engine warranty until March 2025

Engine raw water cooling using cupronickel 90.10

Hydraulic steering system

Kohler 50KW Genset generators

Dual Hydraulic windlasses VWCLP4000

SidePower hydraulic stabilizer w/zero speed system

SidePower 55HP bow thruster and 40HP stern thruster

Hydraulic 1500lb swim platform

Sight gauges for all fuel tanks

AC outlets throughout

24 Volt system

Engine battery isolation switches

Domestic air purification package

High output LED underwater lights


LOA: 90' (28 m)
Beam: 20' (7 m)
Hull Material: Fiberglass
Fuel Capacity: 3,000 gal (11,357 L)
Fresh Water Capacity: 450 gal (1,704 L)
Holding Tank: 200 gal (758 L)
Location: Florida, Key Biscayne, United States
Build Year: 2020
Builder: Ocean Alexander
Model: 90R
Type: Motor Yachts
Cruising Speed: 11 Knots
Max Speed: 22 Knots
Engine Information:

luna yacht sold

Vessel Walkthrough:

Teaming up with yacht designer Evan K. Marshall, the shipyard seamlessly blends its renowned long-range seaworthiness with a contemporary aesthetic. The OA 90R, LUNA, epitomizes a best-of-both-worlds strategy by modernizing Ocean Alexander’s classic design elements. This includes a full-beam salon and extensive glazing, all while retaining practical features like a 3,000-gallon fuel capacity and an enclosed pilothouse for dedicated cruising.

LUNA places significant emphasis on volume. With a beam of 22 feet 5 inches, the yacht maximizes interior space, particularly evident on the lower deck. Here, a forepeak VIP stateroom stands out, competing with master staterooms on other yachts. This VIP space boasts a walk-around king berth, walk-in cedar closets, wooden cabinets, recessed overhead lighting, hull side windows, and a comfortable sofa.

Down the companionway from the VIP are two guest staterooms featuring twin berths, hull side windows, and ensuite heads with separate shower stalls. The berths in each stateroom are adjustable, sliding together to create a queen-sized bed.

The master stateroom is up a level, forward on the main deck. It features a forward-facing king-size berth designed with his-and-her sections to minimize movement transfer. Additionally, there are two walk-in cedar closets, Cambria-stone-topped nightstands, and wood-and-leather wall paneling. (Cambria is a manufactured stone based on mined quartz.) To the port side, there are dual armchairs with a table, while to starboard, there is a desk. The generously sized windows on both sides, measuring more than 3 by 8 feet, provide expansive views. For privacy, push-button motorized shades are available. The master's en suite head is located forward, equipped with a heated sole, a separate toilet compartment, and a Cambria-clad shower stall.

The salon of LUNA is particularly spacious, featuring a U-shaped sofa to port, complemented by a three-seat sofa on the opposite side. Abundant ambient light fills the space, courtesy of metal-framed 5-by-5-foot side windows and glass doors positioned to the sides and aft. This arrangement ensures a continuous connection to the sea from nearly every vantage point on the main deck. The headroom in the salon makes LUNA feel like a much larger yacht, with mega-style amenities including a drop-down 55-inch TV with Crestron and iPad mini controls.

A fixed cabinet separates the salon from the dining area with an eight-seat table that runs fore-to-aft on the port side. This layout creates space to the starboard for a wet-bar island, featuring a concealed stainless-steel Blanco sink, drink-chiller buckets, a fridge, and a wine chiller. The bar boasts a stone top with light-oak trim and high-gloss walnut panels, making it a visually striking setup for serving cocktails or arranging a buffet.

Forward of the dining area is a country-kitchen-style galley. To the port side, a breakfast nook features an L-shaped settee and a Cambria-top table that complements the countertops. The galley is equipped with Bosch cooktop and oven, a full-size Fisher & Paykel fridge, Thermador microwave, an Asko dishwasher, and a Franke sink. For added privacy during formal dinners or parties, two pocket doors can be closed to seclude the galley.

Ascending a floating staircase leads to the sky lounge. Enjoying a 360-degree view is not limited to the helm station but extends to every corner, whether you're at the tiered wet bar with fridge drawers or the low-profile, L-shaped settee accommodating eight. Similar to the salon, the sky lounge offers generous headroom at 6 feet, 9 inches. Sliding glass doors open to the bridge deck aft, featuring its own wet bar, an electric grill, twin corner lounge seats, and, optionally, an eight-person Jacuzzi.

Forward in the sky lounge is the command center, featuring a futuristic helm station with a raised floating console housing three 24-inch Garmin multifunction displays. Overseeing house breakers and switch circuits is an OctoPlex control system, enabling the monitoring and switching of all electrical components via a touchscreen. Additional systems and controls are integrated into the flat dash, and standard features include bow and stern thrusters.

After dropping anchor, unwind on the main aft deck where you can enjoy shade beneath the sky lounge overhang. This area also provides alfresco dining and comfortable transom seating. With side-boarding gates and twin swim-platform staircases, accessing the water becomes more convenient. Keep the festivities alive with a drop-down 40-inch TV and a wet bar equipped with a fridge and ice maker.

Enhance your social experience by accessing the bow lounge through a side-deck staircase. Discover a U-shaped settee with a table, providing an ideal setting for sunset viewing. Just forward, a sun pad accommodates four guests comfortably. Elliptical grab rails are strategically designed to ensure safety, featuring two stanchions at each support spot.

Owners can indulge in ample relaxation at the bow with guests, as LUNA is crafted for cruising with crew. Standard features include two cabins, a galley, a head with a shower, and a lounge area equipped with a 24-inch TV. The crew quarters boast a decor finished with oak wood and leather panels, offering flexibility for use by teenagers or unexpected overnight guests if desired.

The beach club features an air-conditioned, glass-enclosed lounge, serving as an ideal vantage point for observing kids in the water. This versatile space transforms into a semi-private oasis for morning coffee or afternoon cocktails, equipped with a bar, fridge, ice maker, 40-inch TV, and an L-shaped settee with an ottoman. Stylish teak decking enhances the aesthetic, and the glass doors are equipped with an inflated gasket to prevent water intrusion.

Ocean Alexander opted for a wave-piercing bow, departing from the traditional bulbous design on the 90R. Unlike the conventional approach of pushing water to facilitate the yacht's movement over waves, this innovative bow style parts the seas, enabling the hull to smoothly glide through with reduced resistance.

Situated between the diamond-plated sole and dual 50KW Kohler generators are twin 1,900 hp MAN V-12 2000 diesel engines, driving Aqua 22HS shafts and nibral propellers. Engineered in collaboration with Arrabito Naval Architects, this power configuration provides a maximum range of 407 nautical miles at 25 knots, consuming 185 gallons per hour. Scaling back the yacht's speed to 9.9 knots reduces fuel burn to 27 gallons per hour, extending the range to 1,100 nautical miles.

Overall, LUNA is a luxurious and stylish superyacht that offers spacious living areas, high-end amenities, and excellent performance. Its sophisticated design, coupled with its range of customizable features, makes it a popular choice among luxury yacht enthusiasts.

Vessel Overview:

•Wood paneling and cabinetry

•Evan K Marshall custom design salon furniture and sofa.

•Stone countertop at wet bar and dining room divider cabinet

•Custom designed window mullion

•Decorative ceiling treatment

•Enlarged windows in the salon with custom engineered solution incorporation marine grade aluminum beams allowing for industry leading window expanse. Incorporate (where possible) A/C outlet from ceiling, provides unobstructed view to outside

•Cabinet including wet bar, fridge & ice maker

•Electric doors at port and starboard sides at dining area on main deck


•King-sized berth (with independently coiled his & her sections to ensure minimal transfer of movement. Unique Ocean Alexander Feature

•Two nightstands with stone countertops

•Hidden safe in hanging locker

•Walk-in closet on Port & STBD sides

•Cedar-lined, twin full-height hanging locker with automatic lighting


•Queen-sized berth

•Drawers under berth

•Cedar-lined hanging locker with automatic lighting

•Port staterooms side-by-side conversion berths

•Starboard staterooms side-by-side conversion berths


•Kitchenette (sink, microwave, and refrigerator w/ ice maker)

•Storage locker

•Captain quarters includes desk with storage and N2KView linked Apple IPad for systems diagnostics/alerts/settings and full height hanging closet

•Additional commercial grade/capacity washer and dryer in crew

•Wood panel and cabinetry with positive-latch doors or proprietary drop-lock drawers. Provides containment of stored objects while underway.

•Galley storage cabinetry w/ hidden hinges

•Stone countertops

•Franke professional series kitchen sink w/ pull out tap

•Exhaust blower

•Overhead dish locker fwd & STBD

•30” BoschTM electric cooktop

•30” BoschTM electric oven

•Fisher & Pakyel® Refrigerator w/ice maker

•U-Line® wine cooler

•WhirlpoolTM garbage disposal

•30" ThermadorTM Over-theRange Microwave with exhaust blower

•Asko dishwasher

•15” Jenn-Air trash compactor

•Seagull water purifier

•Custom S/S potholder for cook-top for securing pots while cooking underway

•Cabinet including wet bar, fridge & ice maker w/ solid panel door and storage

•Wood valance board

•Settee with table

•Chart locker


•IPad mini linked to Crestron fully programmable A/V entertainment system. Allows full •A/V control from individual IPad mini located for each stateroom and public area wherever there is a TV. Includes programmable lighting control in select areas.

•Includes the following equipment installed at factory

•Salon: LED 50” TV with Blu-Ray A/V System

•MSR: LED 40” TV with A/V System with One Subwoofer

•Skylounge: LED 50” TV with A/V System

•VIP: LED 40” TV & DVD with Satellite Receiver on starboard wall beside door and A/V system

•Guest: LED 28” TV & DVD with Satellite Receiver on wall and A/V system

•Crew: LED 28” TV & DVD with Satellite Receiver

•Captain’s: LED 40” TV & DVD with Satellite Receiver

•Beach Club: LED 40” TV & DVD with Satellite Receiver

•Hardtop with dedicated custom S/S ladder to navigational electronics 2”elliptical 316L •Stainless steel handrails & stanchions, main deck 1-1/2” on FB. Elliptical conforms better to human grip than traditional round rails. Provides greater “grip strength” for safety and comfort

•Stainless-steel cleats

•Electric stainless-steel sliding doors for salon and sky lounge with safety light curtain that senses obstruction and protects for grandkids/pets. Also includes “foot-kick button” control for operation when both hands with full food trays/other items.

•24” Electri-ChefTM electric barbecue custom-made for OA using 316 S/S, versus competitors’ 304 materials.

•Skylounge seat w/ high gloss table

•Fiberglass stairway up to Flybridge from cockpit w/teak steps

•High bulwark w/ flush-mounted deck lights

•Side boarding gates in cockpit

•Sunpad and settee at bow

•Exterior ceiling panels removable

•Custom designed fender storage at foredeck

•Manual awning for Skylounge Deck with custom-made stainless-steel poles and marine-grade exterior Ferrari mesh fabric. Includes custom designed built-in storage for poles.

•Manual awning for Bow with custom-made stainless-steel poles and marine-grade exterior Ferrari mesh fabric. Includes custom designed storage for poles

•Manual awning for swim step with custom-made stainless-steel poles and marine-grade exterior Ferrari mesh fabric. Includes custom designed storage for pole

•Custom exterior protection canvas and windshield mesh cover for exterior seating and BBQ

•Recessed boarding ladder on starboard gunnel with OA logo teak steps

•Aft-deck custom ceiling feature

•S/S transom gates for pets/children protection from Aft-deck to swimstep

•Skylounge Deck flip-up hatch

•40” Flip down from ceiling TV with Satellite Receiver Includes additional exterior speakers for full stereo effect on Aft Skylounge

•40” Flip down from ceiling TV with Satellite Receiver Includes additional exterior speakers for full stereo effect on Aft-deck

•Compressed air in engine room and aft deck

•Automatic robot exterior glass cleaner w/ spare parts


•Main Deck (aft deck to midship first step) steps from Aft Deck to Sky Lounge Deck

•Swim step teak

•Steps from Swimstep to Aft Deck

•Steps from aft deck to flybridge


•Outdoor Beach Club with sliding doors that meet sea- state V structural design parameters. Including glass, sensors for open and close positions and inflated gasket for water seal.

•Settee w/ table

•Cabinet including wet bar, fridge, and ice maker

•Dedicated air conditioning

•Weathertight door to swim platform


•MTU® 12V2000 1900HP Main engines

•Add plug-in engine wired remote at aft deck and skylounge

•Engine alarm system, for low oil pressure and high-water temperature

•S/S engine beds

•Automated computerized Delta-T® intake/exhaust fans with variable frequency drives shall be mounted to facilitate the pushing and/or pulling of air through the machinery spaces and the providing of a high rate of air exchange. Ducts shall have fire dampers installed with manual/ automatic triggering that shall be tied into the machinery shut down circuits. Ducts in the way of interior living space shall be insulated and soundproofed. System of water separator grills used on intake and exhaust sides of system

•Stabilizer with power take-off from both engines to provide redundancy (Unique OA feature)

•One control station: skylounge with complete engine instrumentation with modern switches.

•Ocean Alexander employs aerospace grade "autoclave" to make "hard coat" exhaust with AL-6XN alloys (used in Saturn V rocket nozzle). Ocean Alexander is unique in utilizing Military standards that ensures optimum and sustained performance in its exhaust system.

•Engine raw water cooling using cupronickel 90.10 which offers superior corrosion resistance and inherent bio-antifouling.


•Hydraulic steering system

•Steering control station with complete instrumentation

•S/S rudders w/integrated zinc plates

•Dripless seal for rudder post

•High performance computer designed and machined Nibral propellers

•Interior steering wheel, Ultraleather wrap

•Maintenance free “dripless” seals for engine shaft packing glands

•Propeller shaft Aqua 22HS. 22HS is a high-grade austenitic alloy stainless steel that provides superior corrosion resistance (comparable to Aqua 22) along with excellent toughness and high strength (comparable with Aqua 17). A no-compromised approach adopted by navies around the world

•Electric helm seat x2 in lieu of standard mechanical seat

•Kohler® 50KW gen set (2x)

•Generator exhausts to be water-drop type per “Centek”, “Marine Exhaust Co.” or equal. Reduces noise & vibration

•Generator set resiliently mounted and installed with sound shield & vibration dampener


•Dual Hydraulic windlasses, VWCLP4000

•Dual S/S anchors 240 lbs. from hull sides w/ 250ft anchor chain (1/2" HT) & chain stoppers.

•Two vertical electric rope winches for Aft Deck (Standard versus competitors’ optional)

•Chain counter x 2

•Anchor chain wash system – allows for cleaning of chain during anchor operation


•SidePower hydraulic stabilizer w/zero speed system (DAME 2013 award Winning patented curved fin design) and SidePower 55 HP bow thruster and 40HP stern thruster. Patented “curved” fin design not only provides lift underway it is also unique in the industry with active “predictive” inertia control.

•Stainless steel rails on side of engine and stainless-steel engine mounting plates (Unique Ocean Alexander engineering affords industry leading torsional rigidity and engine alignment assurance. Further reducing vibration and high torque pressures)

•Color-coded piping system for easy identification

•Hydraulic 2,000-lb swim platform

•Fire extinguisher system with engine-shutdown feature

•Sea Recovery 1800G/Day water maker w/auto fresh water flush operation, PH Neutralizer, UV sterilizer and Commercial Pre-filter (US Coast Guard 14-person unit, Standard versus competitors’ optional)

•All engine room and bilge spaces shall be primed and top coated with polyurethane paint system.

•Heavy-duty commercial grade pantograph windshield wipers & washers w/ intermittent function

•Detailed stringers in engine room & lazarette

•Ocean Alexander proprietary “dry bilge ventilation system” with dedicated bilge exhaust to outside. This provides constant airflow to keep the bilges dry and mildew free.

•Any moisture from condensation is evacuated outside the yacht to keep a clean and healthy cruising environment.

•Ocean Alexander design in oversized shafts, rudder and other drive train systems typically one-class larger than competition. Superior handling, longevity is ensured with Ocean Alexander drive-train systems


•2mm thickness 316 S/S water tank w/ sight gauge

•Headhunter™ pressure fresh-water system

•Fresh-water outlet with hose for engines & generator

•Cold fresh-water wash down at bow, stern and flybridge

•Dockside water connection

•One 80-gallon water heater with high density fiberglass insulation w/ dual high efficiency heating element that speeds heating by 50%


•Sight gauges for all tanks

•4.5mm thickness 5052 Aluminum fuel tanks with sight gauges and tested to

International Standards 33CFR 510(a) w/ high and low fuel level alarm system

•Dual Racor® fuel/water separator with Y-valves for generator

•Gulfcoast™ fuel polishing system based on US Military Abrahams-M1 Tank design •Dual MTU® fuel filter w/ remote readout of filter performance.

•Fuel system with venting


•ECOmar waste treatment system (600Gal/day)

•Oversized drains to overboard

•Automatic bilge pump - The vessel shall be outfitted with automatic bilge pump with manual and automatic switches in each space as divided by weather-tight bulkheads. High water alarms will be mounted in each of these bilge zones

•High water bilge alarm at every Rule® bilge pump station

•Dry bilge area arrangement in center engine room


•AC outlets throughout

•All primary AC & DC electrical wiring is appropriately labeled throughout the yacht

•GFI (110V) AC outlet in potential “wet” areas. In addition, entire boat is dual protected via ELCI Octoplex breakers. (OA is unique in the industry to provide dual protection GFCI & ELCI)

•24 Volt system

•Engine battery isolation switches

•AGM Batteries with 40oF to 140oF operating temp and industry leading low self-discharge rates 1 to 3%


•Dometic® chilled water system air conditioning system, rated for “Extreme Tropical Climates” (with reverse cycle for operation down to 40°F water temp)

•Dometic air purification package

•Refrigerant type is accepted worldwide under the Montreal Protocols

•Dedicated engine room air conditioning

•Where possible A/C exits from custom made ceiling panels hidden from view. Shortens A/C ducting thus improving efficiency and speed of cooling by over 20%.

•24V LED lights (Aerospace quality, specially tuned color temperature for Ocean Alexander)

•Convenience lights

•International navigation lights

•High output LED underwater lights (three at stern-aft, two at each hull side)

•Francis Voyager 2 searchlight and spreader lights for swim step and FB deck


•Garmin 8600 Series Black Box with 24” Touch screen (Three screens bridge station)

•Garmin GRID remote input device installed on helm chair

•Garmin 25KW Open Array Radar

•Garmin Autopilot GHC20

•Garmin VHF and Card Reader

•Garmin Blackbox sounder

•Garmin AIS with NMEA GPS

•Garmin Marine Camera (2 in engine room and 1 aft deck)

•HD7 with DIRECTV® receivers

•Ritchie Compass 5"

•IPad with built-in Garmin App for navigational control/viewing via iPad

•Navigational electronics standard versus optional with competitors


•50/60 Hz Power Converter

•Electrical transformer allows for automatic marina connection irrespective of 110V/60 Hz (USA) or 220-240V/50 Hz(European) standards


•Upgrade 100 AMP charger to inverter/charger (5000W/120AMP)

•Allowing for “silent night/no generator¨ inverting from DC Batteries to AC circuits (refrigeration, water pumps, select AC outlets

•Blue-Power full function programmable controller

•Vinylester resin with high-density structural foam. High density allows for high temperature resistivity and particular advantage in thermal and acoustic insulation.

•Longitudinal and lateral fiberglass stringers filled with high-density foam

•Fiberglass with infusion lamination manufacturing technology

•Reinforced collision bulkhead

•Frameless window

•All exterior hardware to be S/S 316 or to manufacturer requirements

•Weather-tight bulkheads with further sound and temperature insulation

•Painted exterior surface with professional grade Alexseal polyurethane paint and epoxy-based primers. Highest gloss and color retention compared with gelcoat or other paint brands. Guarantee color match by Alexseal. No fading, yellowing and minimum maintenance with no annual compounded necessary on exterior paint. For first 3 years just use soap and water (Unique OA standard feature, not an optional upcharge like competitors).

•Marine grade aluminum beams for floors, walls and ceiling. Provides greater rigidity and monolithic structure. Reduces movements and “abrasive” sounds while underway. Also allows for one of the largest uninterrupted glass/window spans in the industry. (Unique OA feature)

•Use of cross-knit directional carbon fiber in high stress area for added structural integrity and torsional strength

•Engine Foundation: Main engine stringer/foundation will be constructed from S/S plates custom formed to encapsulate over engine structural stringers. Allows for industry leading high support, high level and isolation. King-sized berth (with independently coiled his & her sections to ensure minimal transfer of movement.


•Black boot top stripe

•Interior structural components all bonded to hull

•Three coats of Seahawk primer, hi-build epoxy barrier coat and covered with three coats of Seahawk self-polishing bottom paint

•Fiberglass rub rail w/ S/S striking plate

•Bronze through-hull fitting

Listing MLS by Yachtr.com

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luna superyacht lloyd werft 2010 115m cruising half stern

Luna was delivered in June 2010 and underwent a thorough refit in 2015/16, including the fairing of the hull and over 1,000 extra items. Diesel-electric powered, she has two helipads, one forward and one aft.

About LUNA , brought to you by BOATPro

LUNA is a 115.0 m Motor Yacht, built in Germany by Lloyd Werft and delivered in 2010.

Her top speed is 22.5 kn and her cruising speed is 16.8 kn and her power comes from two diesel electric engines. She can accommodate up to 18 guests in 9 staterooms, with 49 crew members. She has a gross tonnage of 5655.0 GT and a 20.0 m beam.

She was designed by Newcruise , who has designed 7 other superyachts in the BOAT Pro database.

The naval architecture was developed by Lloyd Werft , and the interior of the yacht was designed by Donald Starkey , who has 56 other superyacht interiors designed in the BOAT Pro database - she is built with a Teak deck, a Steel hull, and Aluminium superstructure.

LUNA is in the top 5% by LOA in the world. She is one of 70 motor yachts longer than 100m, and, compared to similarly sized motor yachts, her cruising speed is 0.89 kn above the average, and her top speed 2.8 kn above the average.

LUNA is currently sailing under the Marshall Islands flag, the 5th most popular flag state for superyachts with a total of 455 yachts registered. She is currently located at the superyacht marina Club de Mar, in Spain, where she has been located for 2 days. For more information regarding LUNA's movements, find out more about BOATPro AIS .


  • Yacht Type: Motor Yacht
  • Yacht Subtype: Displacement , Expedition Yacht
  • Builder: Lloyd Werft
  • Naval Architect: Lloyd Werft
  • Exterior Designer: Newcruise
  • Interior Designer: Donald Starkey
  • Refits: 2016

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The Five Largest Yachts Sold So Far in 2024

By Frances Flannagan

Despite being only five months into the year, 2024 has already proven to be highly exciting for the superyacht industry. From the launch of the first hydrogen fuel cell superyacht, to the world’s largest true sportfish vessel hitting the water, a spectacle of iconic moments have already unfolded and captivated the industry's attention. In light of this, Superyachts.com takes a look at the five largest yachts to be sold in 2024, showcasing the very best of the brokerage market so far this year.

KOGO - 72m 

On the 27th March, Burgess announced the in-house sale of 71.7m motor yacht KOGO, with Partner and Senior Broker Dominic Millman representing both the buyer and the seller. She is the largest yacht to be sold so far in 2024, handed over to her third Owner since her delivery in 2006.

She was built by Alstom, featuring exterior design by Tim Heywood and interiors penned by Terence Disdale Design, able to accommodate up to 14 guests across seven cabins. KOGO features a range of remarkable amenities, including everything from a wellness suite to both an indoor and outdoor cinema, offering the very best of luxury yachting to her new Owner. 

Her last known asking price was $62,500,000. 

Benetti’s 70m ALFA was sold in February, with Anton Foord, Sales and Purchasing Consultant at Ocean Independence , representing the buyer and Fraser Yachts representing the seller. 

This award-winning, never-been-used superyacht was built in 2020, with the Italian yard overseeing both her exterior design and naval architecture. Laura Pomponi created her contemporary interiors, which are characterised by a combination of elegance and functionality, a highlight being her main salon that offers an abundance of natural light due to wide panoramic windows. 

She can accommodate up to 14 guests across seven cabins, with her Owner benefiting from a dedicated Owner’s deck. ALFA also boasts spectacular exterior spaces, including a full-beam beach club with fold-down balconies that allow those on board to fully connect to their surroundings. 

VASSA - 69m 

Previously called DRIZZLE and now renamed VASSA, Feadship’s 69m motor yacht was sold in April, with Hamilton Marine International representing the buyer. She was delivered in 2012 and features a timeless exterior profile by Studio De Voogt, whilst offering a beautiful blend of classic and modern interior stylings by RWD. 

VASSA is able to accommodate up to 12 guests across seven cabins, and up to 18 crew members to ensure the most premium service onboard. She is the perfect yacht to fully make the most of the ocean environment, featuring a tender bay and water sports garages that are able to host an array of water toys. From Pro Race Jet surfs to an Aquaglide jellyfish pool, every single person onboard VASSA is able to have a thrilling experience on the water. 

DAPPLE - 67m 

After just 18 days on the market, 67m DAPPLE was sold by Y.CO in February: a unique support vessel delivered by Damen Yachting in 2014. She features a striking profile, boasting impressive speed and efficiency, with a range of over 8,700nm at 13 knots. She is the perfect yacht to embark on global adventures, with a 360 degree bridge offering total visibility.

DAPPLE can accommodate a crew of 20 across 13 cabins, and is also able to act as a standalone explorer by assigning three cabins as guest staterooms with a crew of 16. The highlights of this support vessel are remarkable, featuring everything from a fully commercial helideck to a fully equipped gym, making her as luxurious as she is functional. 

Whilst her final sale price is unknown, she was last listed for sale for €28,000,000 in September 2023. 

LUNA B - 66m

A spectacular start to 2024, Oceanco’s 66m LUNA B was sold in January, with Superyacht Partners introducing the buyer and Large Yacht Corp representing the seller.  She was delivered in 2005 and completed a full rebuild in 2020, boasting generous proportions both inside and out. 

Up to 16 guests can be accommodated on LUNA B across eight cabins, a highlight of her design being a full-beam master stateroom that features its own distinct saloon area, with a drop-down television screen and a private office. Whilst her interior design created by Alberto Pinto is something to be marvelled at, her exteriors are also spectacular, with her deck spaces reconfigured to maximise the diversity of outside areas. LUNA B boasts a large pool surrounded by sun pads, entertaining spaces located across all decks, and an array of al fresco dining spaces.

With these five yachts sold just five months into the year, alongside a plethora of other luxurious vessels, we can only expect 2024 to bring even more exciting updates on the brokerage front. We at Superyachts.com cannot wait to see what other spectacular sales unfold over the course of this year. 

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40 Facts About Tolyatti

Elfreda Solberg

Written by Elfreda Solberg

Modified & Updated: 25 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

  • Automotive Industry Facts
  • Russian Federation Facts
  • Soviet Union Facts
  • Volga River Facts


Tolyatti, situated on the banks of the beautiful Volga River, is a city that holds a plethora of fascinating facts and captivating stories. Located in the Samara Oblast of Russia, Tolyatti is not only known for its picturesque landscapes but also for its rich history and vibrant culture. As one of the largest cities in the country, Tolyatti has a population of over 700,000 people, making it a bustling hub of activity and a significant industrial center.

From being home to one of the largest automobile plants in Russia to having a diverse range of cultural attractions, Tolyatti offers a unique blend of modernity and tradition. In this article, we will delve into 40 intriguing facts about Tolyatti, uncovering the hidden gems that make this city truly special. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to embark on a journey to discover the enchanting secrets of Tolyatti!

Key Takeaways:

  • Tolyatti, the “automobile capital” of Russia, is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage, strong sports tradition, and a thriving automotive industry. It offers a diverse culinary scene, beautiful nature, and a welcoming community.
  • With a population exceeding 700,000, Tolyatti is known for its strong focus on innovation, vibrant music and nightlife scenes, and a low crime rate. The city embraces technology, supports entrepreneurship, and has a growing film industry.

Tolyatti is the largest city in the Samara Oblast.

Tolyatti is a vibrant city located in the Samara Oblast of Russia. Covering an area of approximately 314 square kilometers, it is known as the “automobile capital” of Russia.

The city was founded in 1737 as a fortress.

Tolyatti was originally established as a fortress by the Russian Empire in 1737 to protect their territory from nomadic tribes.

The city was renamed Tolyatti in 1964.

Prior to 1964, Tolyatti was known as Stavropol-on-Volga. The city was renamed in honor of the Italian communist leader , Palmiro Togliatti.

Tolyatti is home to the largest car manufacturing plant in Russia.

The AvtoVAZ car factory, known for producing the iconic Lada vehicles, is located in Tolyatti. It is one of the city’s major economic contributors.

The Volga River flows through Tolyatti.

Tolyatti is situated on the banks of the Volga River , the longest river in Europe. The picturesque river adds to the natural beauty of the city .

Tolyatti has a population of over 700,000 people.

With a population exceeding 700,000 residents, Tolyatti is a bustling city with a diverse and vibrant community.

Tolyatti experiences a humid continental climate.

The city has distinct seasons, with cold winters and warm summers. The average temperature in January, the coldest month, is around -10 degrees Celsius, while in July, the warmest month, it can reach up to 25 degrees Celsius.

Tolyatti is known for its thriving automotive industry.

As the “automobile capital” of Russia, Tolyatti plays a significant role in the country’s automotive industry. It is home to various car manufacturing and engineering companies.

The city has a rich sports culture.

Tolyatti has a strong sports tradition, with ice hockey, football, and volleyball being popular among its residents. The city has professional teams competing at national and international levels.

Tolyatti is a major tourist destination in Russia.

With its beautiful landscapes, historical sites, and cultural attractions, Tolyatti attracts visitors from all over the world. Its proximity to the Volga River offers opportunities for water activities as well.

Tolyatti has several parks and green spaces.

The city is known for its abundance of parks and green spaces, providing residents and visitors with recreational areas for relaxation and outdoor activities.

The city has a well-developed transportation system.

Tolyatti has an extensive network of roads, buses, and taxis, making it convenient for residents and tourists to navigate throughout the city.

Tolyatti has a rich cultural heritage.

The city has numerous museums, theaters, and art galleries, showcasing its cultural diversity and history.

Tolyatti is home to the Zhiguli Museum of Automobile History.

The Zhiguli Museum offers a fascinating glimpse into the history of automobile manufacturing in Tolyatti and the development of the iconic Lada brand.

Tolyatti hosts the International Film Festival Kinoshock.

Each year, Tolyatti plays host to the Kinoshock International Film Festival, attracting filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world.

The city has a thriving nightlife scene.

Tolyatti boasts a variety of clubs, bars, and restaurants, offering entertainment options for locals and tourists to enjoy.

Tolyatti is known for its contemporary architecture.

The city showcases modern architectural designs, with several striking buildings and structures that add to its skyline.

Tolyatti has a strong educational system.

The city is home to numerous educational institutions, including universities, colleges, and schools, providing quality education to its residents.

Tolyatti has a diverse culinary scene.

The city offers a wide range of culinary delights, including traditional Russian dishes, international cuisine, and local specialties.

Tolyatti is a city of festivals.

Throughout the year, Tolyatti hosts various cultural, music, and sports festivals , adding to its vibrant atmosphere.

Tolyatti is known for its automotive-themed events.

The city organizes auto shows, rallies, and motor racing events, attracting enthusiasts and showcasing the latest advancements in the automotive industry.

Tolyatti has numerous shopping centers and markets.

Shopaholics can indulge in retail therapy at the city’s malls, boutiques, and traditional markets, offering a wide selection of products.

Tolyatti is surrounded by beautiful nature.

The city is blessed with picturesque landscapes, including forests, lakes, and nature reserves, providing opportunities for outdoor adventures.

Tolyatti has a strong sense of community.

The residents of Tolyatti are known for their warmth and hospitality, creating a close-knit and welcoming community.

Tolyatti is a hub for innovation and technology.

The city fosters technological advancements and innovation, attracting businesses and entrepreneurs in various sectors.

Tolyatti is home to the Tolyatti State University.

The Tolyatti State University offers a wide range of academic programs and research opportunities to students.

Tolyatti has a strong industrial base.

Aside from the automobile industry, the city is known for its production of machinery, chemicals, and other industrial products.

Tolyatti has a well-established healthcare system.

The city provides quality healthcare services, with modern hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities catering to the needs of its residents.

Tolyatti has a low crime rate.

The city has implemented effective measures to ensure the safety and security of its residents, resulting in a relatively low crime rate.

Tolyatti has a vibrant music scene.

The city hosts numerous music festivals, concerts, and performances, showcasing both local talent and renowned artists.

Tolyatti is known for its vibrant street art.

The city is adorned with colorful murals and graffiti, adding character and creativity to its streets.

Tolyatti is a major center for water sports.

With its proximity to the Volga River and surrounding lakes, Tolyatti offers opportunities for boating, fishing, and other water-based activities.

Tolyatti has a strong environmental focus.

The city is committed to sustainability and ecological preservation, implementing initiatives to protect its natural surroundings.

Tolyatti is well-connected to other major cities.

The city has excellent transportation links, including rail connections and an international airport, facilitating travel to and from Tolyatti.

Tolyatti is a center for engineering and technical expertise.

The city has a strong focus on engineering and technical education, producing skilled professionals in various fields.

Tolyatti is known for its annual motor show.

The city hosts an annual motor show, showcasing the latest advancements in automotive technology and attracting car enthusiasts from far and wide.

Tolyatti has a strong cultural identity.

With its rich history and diverse population, Tolyatti has developed a unique cultural identity that is celebrated throughout the city.

Tolyatti has a growing film industry.

The city has been the backdrop for various film productions, and its thriving film industry continues to grow in popularity.

Tolyatti is a city of innovation and entrepreneurship.

The city supports and encourages startups and entrepreneurial ventures, creating a dynamic business environment.

Tolyatti is a city that embraces technology.

With a strong focus on innovation, Tolyatti utilizes technology in various sectors, enhancing the quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Tolyatti is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant culture. From its origins as a planned industrial city to its modern developments and attractions, Tolyatti offers a unique blend of tradition and progress. With its picturesque location on the Volga River and its numerous landmarks and points of interest, Tolyatti is a destination worth exploring.Whether you’re interested in automotive history, nature, or simply experiencing the local lifestyle, Tolyatti has something for everyone. Make sure to visit the AvtoVAZ museum to learn about the city’s automotive heritage and the Tolyatti Embankment for stunning views of the Volga River.With its friendly locals, delicious cuisine, and diverse range of activities, Tolyatti promises an unforgettable experience. So, pack your bags and get ready to discover the wonders of this hidden gem in Russia. Tolyatti awaits!

1. What is the population of Tolyatti?

Tolyatti has a population of approximately 700,000 people.

2. How do I travel to Tolyatti?

Tolyatti is well-connected by air, rail, and road. The city has its own international airport, and there are regular train and bus services from major Russian cities.

3. Are there any famous landmarks in Tolyatti?

Yes, Tolyatti is home to several iconic landmarks such as the AvtoVAZ museum, the Tolyatti Embankment, and the Kuibyshev Square.

4. What is the climate like in Tolyatti?

Tolyatti has a temperate continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. The best time to visit is during the spring or autumn when the weather is pleasant.

5. What industries are prominent in Tolyatti?

Tolyatti is known for its automotive industry, with AvtoVAZ being the largest car manufacturer in Russia. The city also has a growing technology sector.

6. Are there any natural attractions near Tolyatti?

Yes, Tolyatti is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes. Visitors can explore the Zhigulevsky National Park, which offers hiking trails, scenic viewpoints, and diverse flora and fauna.

7. What are some popular local dishes in Tolyatti?

Tolyatti is known for its delicious cuisine. Some popular local dishes include pelmeni (meat dumplings), borsch ( beetroot soup), and syrniki (cheese pancakes).

Tolyatti's location along the mighty Volga River has shaped its history and culture. As Russia's automotive capital, Tolyatti is home to cutting-edge manufacturing plants that drive the nation's economy. Visitors can explore the city's fascinating museums, vibrant festivals, and stunning natural surroundings, making Tolyatti a must-see destination for anyone interested in discovering the heart of Russia. For more captivating facts about the region, dive into the mysteries of the Volga River , uncover the secrets behind Chrysler's success , and embark on a journey through the enchanting city of Orenburg .

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luna yacht sold

Tolyatti: A Russian Homage To Italy

This is the curious story of a Russian city named after an Italian politician, Palmiro Togliatti.

Russian city of Tolyatti, named after Palmiro Togliatti

“Togliatti” by Shine Phantom is licensed under CC BY 2.0

This is the curious story of a russian city named after an italian politician, palmiro togliatti.

There are cities which were made great by men, and men which have been made great by a city. This is the case of Palmiro Togliatti — a founding member and the longest serving secretary of the Italian Communist Party — and a Russian city located in Samara Oblast, known as Stavropol on Volga until 1964, which was then renamed Tolyatti, becoming the greatest tribute in the world to an Italian politician. The city of Tolyatti was named after him immediately after his death in Yalta — a seaside town in the then Soviet Union — on August 21st, 1964, as a result of a sudden stroke and cerebral bleed. He was on vacation, on his way to give his support for Brezhnev as Khrushchev’s successor.

Who was Palmiro Togliatti?

If you happen to travel around Italy, you may have noticed that in every Italian city — however big or small — there is a street named after Palmiro Togliatti. That’s because Togliatti was not just the charismatic secretary and one of the founders of the Italian Communist Party, but a legendary figure of Italian and international politics. He started his political career before World War I, joining the Italian Socialist Party in 1914, then serving as a volunteer, and returning home to Turin after being injured. During this period he learned about the Russian Revolution and became fascinated, wanting to bring soviet ideas to Italy. He became a founder of the Communist Party of Italy, which was a part of Communists International (Comintern). In fact, after the end of Fascism — during which he spent almost 17 years in Moscow, becoming one of the highest representatives of the Comintern with the blessing of Stalin — he came back to Italy as Deputy Prime Minister until 1945 and taking part in the Constituent Assembly until 1948, writing the current constitution of the Italian Republic. Under his political and intellectual leadership — enough to be nicknamed ‘The Best ’ — the Italian Communist Party would become the largest non-ruling party in Europe and the second in Italy, after the Christian Democracy, which was consistently the most popular Italian party until 1992, when the Cold War ended and the danger of a ‘ Soviet ’ turning point in Italy was warded off.

luna yacht sold

Nevertheless, the Communist Party ruled by Togliatti had a big influence in Italian society, especially regarding culture, and achieved great results in local elections within particular regions of Italy. Togliatti chose to become a Soviet Union citizen in 1930, in fact giving up Italian citizenship. What may have seemed like complete devotion to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and its General Secretary Joseph Stalin, clashes with his next choice of refusing the head of the Communist Information Bureau proposed by Stalin himself in 1951, preferring to remain General Secretary of the Italian Communist Party. Throughout his career he supported his communist beliefs but fought to bring them to his beloved home country of Italy. Palmiro Togliatti wanted to fulfill his dream of a communist plan through democracy: the original ‘ Italian way to Socialism’.

Tolyatti, the Russian city

The Russian homage to Palmiro Togliatti was not chosen at random. In fact, a significant city was named after him: Stavropol on Volga became Tolyatti ( Togliatti Russianized) because right there — on the banks of Volga river — the Italian politician had a key role in building the popular AvtoVAZ factory, the manufacturer of the Lada car brand. And thus, in the 1960s, through cooperation with FIAT , the city took a new shape and a new name, because the old Stavropol on Volga was also covered by the Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Station. This infrastruscture was crucial for the development of a large industry. Therefore Tolyatti — just like what happened in Italy with Turin — became the working-class city par excellence, and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union made it a great vehicle for propaganda and experimentation. Many facilities were built, especially for sports, and new parks and monuments emerged in Tolyatti, which were made to represent the perfect Soviet city for the perfect Soviet citizen.

A shiny, green vintage Lada car model sitting on a driveway.

Not surprisingly, many popular athletes grew up in Tolyatti, such as the Olympic champion Alexei Nemov and the former ice hockey players Alexei Kovalev, Ilya Bryzgalov, Viktor Kozlov and Alexei Emelin. As you might imagine, ice hockey is very popular around there, and the local club sponsored by Lada is one of the best across Russia. Tolyatti, due to its vast spaces, has several monuments of national interest : Victory Park, a memorial dedicated to the Soviet victory in World War II built in the Auto Factory district; Liberty Square with its Obelisk of Glory dedicated to the fighters of World War II; the Mourning Angel standing in Central Park, a memorial to victims of political repression built after the end of the Communist era. Also the Transfiguration Cathedral, with its wonderful golden domes, was built after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Tolyatti was also the city where the great Russian painter Ilya Repin stayed for a brief period in 1870, painting his masterpiece ‘ Barge Haulers on the Volga’. The house where he stayed then became a monument.

Last but not least, among the most meaningful monuments of Tolyatti is ‘ Loyalty’. It is a bronze statue dedicated to a faithful dog, called ‘ Kostya’, who survived a car accident in which its owners lost their lives. Like what happened in Japan with Hachiko, Kostya wouldn’t give up, waiting for its owners for seven consecutive years at the same spot. Under the snow and the rain, winter and summer, the dog stayed there, running up to all the passing cars and hoping one day to again see its beloved masters. Only his own death let him abandon his spot, but Tolyatti citizens unanimously wanted to honor the loyalty of Kostya, building a sculpture in his memory. I could say no place was more appropriate than Tolyatti, because the city’s namesake itself represents a great metaphor of loyalty: that of Palmiro Togliatti to the Soviet Union.

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  1. Luna Yacht

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  3. Luna: the world's 3rd largest explorer yacht

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  4. LUNA B yacht for sale (Oceanco, 66m, 2005)

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  6. Landing Luna: The story of the 115m explorer yacht’s €50m refit

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  4. LUNA Yacht • Farkhad Akhmedov $300M Superyacht

    In 2014, Luna was sold by Russian billionaire Abramovich to his friend, billionaire Farkhad Akhmedov, born in Azerbaijan. The sale saw a hefty price tag of EUR 240 million (US$ 300 million). A major milestone in Luna's journey was her arrival at German Dry Docks in January 2015.

  5. 66m Oceanco motor yacht Luna B sold

    The 66-metre motor yacht Luna B has been sold with Vesa Kaukonen of Large Yacht Corp, representing the seller and Matt Albert of Superyacht Partners representing the buyer.. Luna B started life as Dilbar and was delivered by Dutch shipyard Oceanco in 2005. She was built in steel and aluminium with a classic canoe stern and had an extensive 16-month rebuild completed in 2020.

  6. Luna (yacht)

    Luna was delivered to Russian businessman Roman Abramovich on 10 April 2010. [1] Its exterior was designed by NewCruise of Germany and its interior by Donald Starkey. [3] The yacht's cost has been estimated at over €250m. Luna was sold to Azerbaijani Farkhad Akhmedov, for €200m in April 2014. [5] In October 2014 the yacht was sent to Bremerhaven, Germany, for an extensive refit costing €50m.

  7. LUNA B Yacht • Robert Friedland $60M Superyacht

    The Luna B yacht, valued at $60 million, was built by the reputable yacht manufacturer Oceanco in 2005. She boasts a powerful Deutz engine setup, a maximum speed of 17 knots, and an impressive range of over 6000 nautical miles. Luxuriously designed by Alberto Pinto, the yacht can accommodate 12 guests and a crew of 22.

  8. Lloyd Werft Luna Superyacht: Features, Photos & Specifications

    Features. A special boat - more unique features. Firstly she has a real expansive beach area aft with a near-record 20-meter indoor pool, which is more typical of classic megayachts than of explorers. Secondly, and more importantly, «Luna» is still the only boat of her size powered by a diesel-electric propulsion system.

  9. Luna B (yacht)

    In October 2017 it was announced they had sold the yacht for $27,5 million. The new owner was revealed to be Robert Friedland, who put Luna B up for sale once more in 2022 with a $47,5 million asking price. Design. Her length is 66 m (217 ft), beam is 11.90 m (39.0 ft) and she has a draught of 4.05 m (13.3 ft).

  10. 114.2m Luna Superyacht

    Length 114.2m. Year2010. Luna. 2010. |. Motor Yacht. Motor yacht Luna is a 115 metre explorer yacht built by Lloyd Werft and Stahlbau Nord. Luna was constructed for Roman Abramovich who will add her to his already significant list of large luxury yachts. Luna is also one of the largest explorer yachts in the world.

  11. 66m Oceanco superyacht Luna B sold

    The 66m Oceanco superyacht Luna B has sold, featuring a sophisticated interior aesthetic. See more. Used Sales 66m Oceanco superyacht Luna B sold . Written by Amy Larsen. Tue, 09 Jan 2024 | 13:00.

  12. LUNA Yacht • Farkhad Akhmedov $300M Superyacht

    The Luna yacht was once the world's largest expedition yacht, a title now held by Solaris. Originally owned by Roman Abramovich, Luna is currently owned by Azerbaijani billionaire Farkhad Akhmedov. Luna can accommodate 18 guests with a ਚਾਲਕ ਦਲ of 49 and has a cruising speed of 18 knots. Akhmedov agreed to pay his ex-wife $186 ...

  13. Luna Yacht

    Luna is a motor yacht with an overall length of m. The yacht's builder is Lloyd Werft from Germany, who launched Luna in 2010. The superyacht has a beam of m, a draught of m and a volume of . GT.. Luna features exterior design by Newcruise and interior design by Donald Starkey Designs. Up to 50 guests can be accommodated on board the superyacht, Luna, and she also has accommodation for 18 crew ...

  14. FARKHAD AKHMEDOV • Net Worth $1 Billion • House • Yacht

    Luna can accommodate 18 guests with a crew of 49 and has a cruising speed of 18 knots. Akhmedov agreed to pay his ex-wife $186 million, settling Britain's largest financial dispute. The yacht Luna, with her luxury and status, is valued at $300 million.

  15. LUNA, €400 Million, 115m Explorer Yacht docking in Gibraltar 4K

    Luna returning to Europe after spending 4 years in Dubai 26/10/2021

  16. Yacht Watch: The $545M Luna is Docked in Miami

    We've seen some exceptional yachts come through the Magic City -- from the 377-foot Pelorus to Mark Cuban's 288-foot Fountainhead-- but the 377-foot Luna, last valued at $545 million, is truly a ...

  17. LUNA Yacht

    The LUNA yacht was created to be a space for both adults and children to play in and have an unforgettable experience. With the hard work of many workers and designers, LUNA has come to achieve that goal. LUNA yacht background. Originally built by Llod Werft Roman Abramovich, it was sold to Akhmedov in 2014.

  18. 90' Ocean Alexander 90R Luna

    Sold! Luna 90' 2020 Ocean Alexander. LUNA, the Ocean Alexander 90R, stands as a big, bold, and exquisite luxury yacht, showcasing the remarkable partnership between visionary designer Evan K. Marshall and Arrabito Naval Architects. Spanning 90 feet in length and slightly over 22 feet in beam, LUNA boasts powerful MTU engines, unwavering safety ...

  19. LUNA yacht (Ocean Alexander, 28.17m, 2019)

    Ocean Alexander. LUNA is a 28.17 m Motor Yacht, built in Taiwan by Ocean Alexander and delivered in 2019. She is one of 8 90R models. Her top speed is 21.0 kn and her cruising speed is 18.0 kn and her power comes from two MAN diesel engines. She can accommodate up to 6 guests in 3 staterooms, with 3 crew members waiting on their every need.

  20. Luna: The story of the 115m yacht's €50m refit

    The work was done by local firm Thraki Yacht Painting and constitutes the biggest single change to the boat in its six-year life. It took 70-80 painters eight months to fill and fair more than 2,000 square metres of hull, while also refinishing Luna's superstructure.But first the hull was sandblasted to remove any remnants of the old paint.

  21. LUNA yacht (Lloyd Werft, 115m, 2010)

    LUNA is a 115.0 m Motor Yacht, built in Germany by Lloyd Werft and delivered in 2010. Her top speed is 22.5 kn and her cruising speed is 16.8 kn and her power comes from two diesel electric engines. She can accommodate up to 18 guests in 9 staterooms, with 49 crew members. She has a gross tonnage of 5655.0 GT and a 20.0 m beam.

  22. The Five Largest Yachts Sold So Far in 2024

    LUNA B boasts a large pool surrounded by sun pads, entertaining spaces located across all decks, and an array of al fresco dining spaces. - - - With these five yachts sold just five months into the year, alongside a plethora of other luxurious vessels, we can only expect 2024 to bring even more exciting updates on the brokerage front.

  23. Roman Abramovich

    Luna 115 m (377 ft) - Built by Lloyd Werft and delivered to Roman Abramovich in 2009 as an upgraded replacement for his Le Grand Bleu expedition yacht. [196] Sold to close friend, Azerbaijani-born billionaire Farkhad Akhmedov, in April 2014 for US$360m. Boasts a 1 million litre fuel tank, 7 engines outputting 15,000 hp propelling Luna to a ...

  24. Tolyatti

    Tolyatti or Togliatti (/ t ɒ l ˈ j ɑː t i / tol-YAH-tee, US also / t oʊ l ˈ-/ tohl-; Russian: Тольятти, IPA: [tɐlʲˈjætʲ(ː)ɪ]), known before 1964 as Stavropol, [a] is a city in Samara Oblast, Russia.It is the largest city in Russia which is neither the administrative center of a federal subject, nor the largest city of a subject.Population: 684,709 (2021 Census); [7 ...

  25. 40 Facts about Tolyatti

    Tolyatti, the "automobile capital" of Russia, is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage, strong sports tradition, and a thriving automotive industry. It offers a diverse culinary scene, beautiful nature, and a welcoming community. With a population exceeding 700,000, Tolyatti is known for its strong focus on innovation, vibrant music ...

  26. Tolyatti: A Russian Homage To Italy

    Tolyatti, the Russian city. The Russian homage to Palmiro Togliatti was not chosen at random. In fact, a significant city was named after him: Stavropol on Volga became Tolyatti (Togliatti Russianized) because right there — on the banks of Volga river — the Italian politician had a key role in building the popular AvtoVAZ factory, the manufacturer of the Lada car brand.