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Im Porträt: Hennings Yacht-Vertrieb

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Die Firma Hennings Yacht-Vertrieb feiert in dieser Saison ihr 30-jähriges Bestehen. Von Anfang an konzentrierte sich Geschäftsführer Heinrich Hennings (73) auf ein einziges Fabrikat – Linssen Yachts. Mit mehr als 650 verkauften Bootseinheiten rangiert man heute in der »Bestenliste« ganz weit oben. Auch in Zukunft soll es so bleiben.

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Bevor der drahtige Unternehmer den Schritt in die Selbstständigkeit wagte, war er 21 Jahre im Außendienst für den Keksproduzenten Bahlsen tätig. In 1986 bestellte Heinrich Hennings seine erste Linssen-Yacht, die allerdings für private Zwecke und als Charterschiff zum Einsatz kommen sollte. Auf den Bootsmessen zeigte der wassersportbegeisterte Ostfriese fortan mit seiner Firma »Chartertours« Flagge, und der Kontakt zur niederländischen Linssen-Werft vertiefte sich. Es dauerte nicht lange, bis das zweite Boot geordert wurde, und schon bald kam ein Charterkunde von Bord und meinte: »Dann schreiben Sie mal auf, die Yacht hätte ich gern.« So war der Linssen-Händler Hennings geboren. 1991 erfolgte die Unternehmensgründung. Hennings Yacht-Vertrieb eröffnete das ehemalige Bau- und Reparaturdock der berühmten Meyer Werft als überdachten Ausstellungsbereich.

Der »schwimmende Showroom« ist heute noch einzigartig und eignet sich perfekt zur Präsentation der edlen Stahlyachten. Der Standort, das Team, die Zusammenarbeit und der ausgeprägte Servicegedanke haben Hennings Yacht-Vertrieb in drei Jahrzehnten zum wichtigsten Händler von Linssen Yachts werden lassen. In jüngerer Zeit wurde der norddeutsche Fachbetrieb kontinuierlich erweitert und modernisiert. »Ich habe keine Finca auf Mallorca, ich habe einen Betrieb in Papenburg an der Ems. Das ist mein ganzer Stolz und meine Leidenschaft«, betont Heinrich Hennings. Der Mann ist Linssen-Händler mit Leib und Seele – es ist sein Hobby. Und auch, wenn´s eigentlich undenkbar scheint: Hennings will jetzt in Rente gehen, um nach 50 Ehejahren endlich mehr Zeit mit seiner Frau Karla und vier Enkeln zu verbringen.

Die Nachfolge ist längst gesichert und geregelt. Sohn Andree Hennings (49) blickt als echter Branchenkenner auf 25 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Familienunternehmen zurück, Tochter Melanie verantwortet seit Jahresbeginn die Bereiche Controlling und Buchhaltung. Als versierter Yachtverkäufer betreut Christhard Wendt neben den Privatkunden auch viele Charterinvestoren, die ihre Yachten im »Linssen Boating Holidays«-Verbund vermieten.

Infos : www.hennings-yachtvertrieb.de

Das Interview mit Heinrich und Andree Hennings sowie Christhard Wendt lesen Sie in SKIPPER Bootshandel 03/2021 ! Text : Peter Marienfeld

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The North Ossetia - Alania Republic, Russia

The capital city of North Ossetia republic: Vladikavkaz .

The North Ossetia - Alania Republic - Overview

The Republic of North Ossetia - Alania is a federal subject of Russia located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus, part of the North Caucasian Federal District. Vladikavkaz is the capital city of the region.

The population of the North Ossetia - Alania Republic is about 688,100 (2022), the area - 7,987 sq. km.

North Ossetia republic flag

North ossetia republic coat of arms.

North Ossetia republic coat of arms

North Ossetia republic anthem

North ossetia republic map, russia, north ossetia republic latest news and posts from our blog:.

13 April, 2021 / Mountain Landscapes of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania .

6 October, 2020 / The City of the Dead in Dargavs .

26 June, 2018 / Beauty of Mountainous Digoria in North Ossetia .

28 May, 2016 / Stunning nature of the Caucasus - climbing Stolovaya Mountain .

History of the North Ossetia - Alania Republic

From the first millennium BC, Koban culture was spread on the territory of present North Ossetia. It was named after the village of Koban located in Tagaur canyon, where ancient archaeological monuments were found. Since the 7th century BC, the Scythian tribes began to settle in the Central Caucasus.

Koban population assimilated among the Scythians and then the Sarmatians, some of whom switched to a settled agricultural economy. By the 2nd century AD, the Sarmatians of South-Eastern Europe and Central Asia united under a new name - the Alans. Like the Scythians, the Alans used Derbent pass and the passes of the Greater Caucasus for their raids.

In 372, the nomadic tribes of the Huns invaded Europe from Central Asia. This invasion was the reason of migration of the Alans to the most inaccessible mountain areas on both slopes of the Greater Caucasus mountain range. In the 6th-7th centuries, Alania was again a relatively powerful state with a dense network of well-fortified settlements, developed agriculture, trade and crafts. At the beginning of the 10th century, Orthodoxy became the state religion in Alania.

In the 12th century, Alania experienced the feudal period and was divided into principalities fighting against each other. They were unable to unite against the Mongols who invaded the region in the 13th century. In 1222, the Mongolian army defeated the Alanian army. In January 1239, after a three-month siege, the Alanian capital of Magas was captured. The Mongols ravaged the plain part of the country, but the resistance continued in the mountain areas.

More Historical Facts…

The final blow in a series of tragic events of the 13th-14th centuries was the invasion of the troops of Tamerlane in 1395. Almost all of the Alans were killed, the state of the Alans collapsed. The survivors took refuge in the mountains where they mingled with the local population of other language group and later became known as the Ossetians.

In the 15th-17th centuries, the Ossetians fought for survival in extremely cramped conditions of the mountains (the plain was occupied by Adygeyan tribes). In the 18th century, the Ossetians were in need for resettlement on the plane because of the extreme shortage of land. Ossetia was also important for Russia, as the region that controlled the strategic passes in the Caucasus.

In 1774, the territory of North Ossetia was among the first regions in the North Caucasus, which joined the Russian Empire. Vladikavkaz, founded in 1784, became the first Russian fortress in the area. In the 19th century, the Ossetians migrated from the mountains to the plains and outskirts of Mozdok.

In Soviet times, Ossetia was divided into two parts. The part north of the Caucasian ridge came under the jurisdiction of the RSFSR (present Russian Federation), the part to the south came under control of the Georgian SSR. In 1921, Ossetia became part of Gorskaya Soviet Republic. It received the status of an autonomous oblast in 1924. In 1936, it was reformed into North Ossetian Soviet Socialist Republic.

During the Second World War, fierce battles took place on the territory of the republic, the northern and western parts of North Ossetia were occupied by the Germans. In November, 1942, the German advance was stopped near Ordzhonikidze (Vladikavkaz). About 85,000 people were drafted into the Soviet Army in the republic and almost 45,000 of them were killed.

During the war, the territory inhabited by the Ingush, who were deported for “collaboration” with the Germans, was joined to North Ossetia. Empty villages were inhabited by the Ossetians from North Ossetia, the South Ossetian Autonomous District and inner districts of the Georgian SSR.

The Ingush, who returned home in the 1950s, were given back part of their former territory. Instead of Prigorodny district, which then belonged to North Ossetia, they received the land taken from Stavropol krai. But the Ingush demanded that the eastern part of Prigorodny district should be returned to them. In 1992, an armed conflict broke out because of territorial disputes.

In 1993, the region received a new name - the Republic of North Ossetia. In January 1995, it received its present name - the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania.

In the 1990s and in the early 21st century, several major terrorist attacks occurred on the territory of the republic related to the wars in Chechnya including the taking of hostages in the school #1 in Beslan in 2004. This terrorist act led to serious political consequences not only for the republic but also for Russia in general (the system of election of regional governors was abolished).

North Ossetia - Features

The territory of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania stretches from north to south for 120 km, from west to east - 125 km. The highest peak is Mount Kazbek (5,033 meters). The Terek is the main river.

It is one of the most densely populated Russian regions. About half of the population lives in Vladikavkaz. The largest cities and towns are Vladikavkaz (298,800), Mozdok (41,000), Beslan (37,300), Alagir (19,400), Ardon (19,200). The national composition according to the 2010 census: Ossetians (64.5%), Russians (20.6%), Ingush (4.0%), Armenians (2.3%), Kumyks (2.3%), Georgians (1.3%).

The climate is moderately continental in the central part and foothills. The average temperature in January is about minus 3.2 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 20.4 degrees Celsius. The natural resources of the region include complex ores containing zinc, lead, copper, silver, dolomites, mineral water springs. Also there are several oil deposits. Forests cover about 22% of the territory.

The main industries of the republic are non-ferrous metallurgy, machine-building, mining (non-ferrous ores, construction materials), electronics, light, glass, food. Several large plants producing spirits are located in Vladikavkaz and Beslan.

Two main highways (Georgian Military Road and Transkam) pass through the territory of North Ossetia connecting Russia with the South Caucasus countries and the Middle East.

Tourism in North Ossetia - Alania

Since the middle of the 19th century, Ossetia was positioned as one of the tourist centers in the North Caucasus. The Soviet period was the next milestone in the development of a recreational complex of the republic. By the early 1990s, spa treatment and tourist-excursion services became an important part of the local economy.

Today, North Ossetia may serve as a basis for the creation of a large health resort agglomeration, comparable to well-known Sochi-Matsesta and the Caucasian Mineral Waters regions.

The geographical location of the republic allows to organize year-round ski resorts. In addition to traditional forms of recreation, there is great potential for the development of extreme forms of recreation, agricultural and ecological tourism. North Ossetian State Nature Reserve is located in the upper reaches of the Tsey, Ardon and Fiagdon rivers.

The rich historical heritage of North Ossetia is of great value. The republic has more than 1,500 historical and cultural monuments. Vladikavkaz trams are one of the oldest tram systems in Russia (1904).

North Ossetia republic of Russia photos

The beauty of the mountainous north ossetia - alania.

Mountain valley in North Ossetia

Mountain valley in North Ossetia

Author: Dmitry Zhmakin

The North Ossetia Republic scenery

The North Ossetia Republic scenery

Author: Ivan Diakonenko

Skiing in the North Ossetia Republic

Skiing in the North Ossetia Republic

Author: Yegorin Sergey

North Ossetia - Alania scenery

Horses in the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania

Horses in the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania

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  • Vladikavkaz

Vladikavkaz, Russia

Vladikavkaz, Russia

Tours, Attractions and Things To Do in Vladikavkaz

Vladikavkaz travel guide.

  • 2. Architecture
  • 3. Museums and Theaters
  • 4. Outdoor Attractions
  • 5. Souvenirs

Hospitable and sunny Vladikavkaz, the capital of Russia’s Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, captures the heart with its colorful mountain landscapes, historic architecture, kind residents and vibrant local culture.

The city is located on the banks of the Terek River and is almost completely surrounded by mountains which, along with unique Northern Caucasian architecture, make this urban landscape rather irresistible. Upon arrival, luxurious mansions, unusual architecture, parks, museums, theaters, retro trams and cozy eateries serving famous Ossetian meat pies all clamber for visitors’ attention, often pulling them back for further visits.

As the largest city in Russia’s southern Caucasus, Vladikavkaz is the start and ending point for many regional tourist routes, so after enjoying the city sites be sure to continue onward to the surrounding natural attractions .

History of Vladikavkaz

Vladikavkaz Fortress was built in 1784 to provide protection for the Russian Empire along its southern border with Georgia. The name Vladikavkaz means “I own the Caucasus” and was chosen by Catherine the Great after the Russian Empire extended its power into the region. The fort served a vital protective role for many years even as wealthy merchants and retirees began investing in the region’s development, and in 1860 Vladikavkaz attained the status of city. Later in the 19th century, newly laid rail lines in the region led to an economic boom and to an influx of ethnic minorities whose diverse houses of worship and unique architecture can still be seen in the city today.

Vladikavkaz was awarded the title of City of Military Glory after successfully fighting off invading Nazis in World War II. Today it remains an ethnically diverse city with hundreds of Art Noveau and historic buildings. Although no longer a military outpost, Vladikavkaz remains a soulful city with a rich cultural life . Read more...

Vladikavkaz Architecture

Vladikavkaz, Russia

The city of Vladikavkaz is famous for its architecture, and for good reason. The city grew rapidly between the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century due to the influx of high-ranking retired military personnel who built mansions and summer houses with their hefty pensions. It is believed that the presence of around 75 such individuals led to Vladikavkaz’s historic nickname "City of retired generals".

Today the historic city center is a chain of cozy avenues lined with many of these elegant mansions.

Prospekt Mira

Prospekt Mira (Mira Avenue) in Vladikavkaz is a kilometer-long boulevard which serves as the main pedestrian thoroughfare for the historic city center. It promises a pleasant walk amid slender two- and three-story merchants’ mansions, inviting coffee shops and other convenient photo opps.

Vladikavkaz, Russia

Mukhtarov Mosque

Mukhtarov Mosque , also called Sunni Mosque, is an unmistakable landmark of Vladikavkaz. This delicately carved structure appears to have been lifted from the pages of a fairy tale and is often likened to Cairo mosques of the 10th-12th centuries. Built in the early 20th century, it remains an active mosque to this day.

Imperial Hotel

The main hotel in Vladikavkaz, Imperial Hotel on Mira Avenue has long been a city symbol. The fashionable accommodation was built in 1896, and although there were already 16 hotels in Vladikavkaz at the time, it quickly rose to prominence as the hotel of choice for the city’s most honored guests.

Other famous buildings in central Vladikavkaz include:

  • Oganov Mansion (12 Mira Avenue)
  • Mansion of the Lawyer Boehme (Pavlovsky Lane)
  • Yastremsky Mansion (33 Sovetov Street)
  • Khudyakovs’ Mansion (11 Mira Avenue)
  • English Consulate Building (31 Lenin Street)

As you walk through the center of Vladikavkaz, you cannot miss these unique Northern Caucasian structures which preserve the memory of a bygone era .

Museums and Theaters

Many travelers who come to North Ossetia either visit Vladikavkaz in transit or skip it altogether in their rush to reach the Caucasus Mountains. However, it is here that life can be experienced in full swing and many options for leisurely activities can be found. Museums, theaters, cinemas, concert halls, parks and family entertainment venue all await you in Vladikavkaz.

At Opera and Ballet Theater , one of the largest musical theaters in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, you can enjoy quality opera and ballet performances by professional dancers, singers and musicians.

Vakhtangov Theater is another large public theater that offers performances for both adult audiences and young viewers. The theater opened in 1871 to host performances produced by outstanding Russian playwrights, including an early performance of "Masquerade" by Mikhail Lermontov. Mikhail Bulgakov staged his earliest plays at Vakhtangov Theater, which regularly hosts renowned Russian actors and theatrical figures to this day.

Narty Horse Theater offers highly unusual performances which combine elements of choreography and circus art subtly interwoven with a dramatic plot. This performance will definitely appeal to family members of all ages!

At the North Ossetian Philharmonic , exemplary performances by an all-male choir are held regularly.

National Museum of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania is a museum, research center and exhibition complex with several branches, the main one of which is located in the city center at 11 Mira Avenue. Come get acquainted with a variety of historical findings which date back centuries. In total, the museum complex houses more than 4,000 exhibits which shed light on the history of the region and the peculiarities of the local culture.

M. S. Tuganov Art Museum , located at 12 Mira Avenue next to National Museum of the Republic, has amassed a large collection of works of fine art, including pieces by Levitan, Aivazovsky, Repin, Bryullov, Vereshchagin, Shishkin, Korovin and other acclaimed artists.

Vladikavkaz, Russia

21st-Century Entertainment

As in any other major city in Russia, Vladikavkaz is home to a whole host of modern entertainment venues, including quests, laser clubs, time cafes and more .

Outdoor Vladikavkaz Attractions

While there are plenty of manmade attractions to see in Vladikavkaz, outdoor adventures also await travelers, both beyond city limits and even before you depart the mountain metropolis.

Table Mountain

Table Mountain , which at 3000 meters is the highest ridge in the Caucasus, rises above Vladikavkaz as an unmistakable feature of its natural landscape. Table Mountain is depicted on the coat of arms of both the Republic of Ingushetia and Vladikavkaz, for it is located on the border between the two entities. Due in part to the 4th-8th century ruins located on Table Mountain, North Caucasus residents have long viewed it as symbolic of Olympus.

Vladikavkaz, Russia

Kosta Khetagurov Park

Kosta Khetagurov Park , the oldest park in the entire North Caucasus, consists of upper and lower terraces along the Terek River, shady pathways which provide welcome relief in the summer heat and a calming lake populated with swans. Cafes, boat rides and other entertainment options combine to create a fun and restful atmosphere .

Vladikavkaz Souvenirs

Like the rest of the Caucasus, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania offers guests an exquisite array of gifts so you can carry the memory of a Vladikavkaz vacation home with you.

Among the most popular gifts are wine vessels in the shape of a horn, which often include an engraving on a metal border and may be either decorative or unpainted. Dishes, coasters, potholders, fragrant spices and delicious local pies are also popular souvenir choices from Vladikavkaz.

Specialty gifts for men include leather belts, wallets and decorative metal plates, all of which are made with embossed patterns, ornamentation or symbols of the republic such as horfreses, leopards, deer or double-headed eagles.

Women can be presented with openwork earrings, bracelets, pendants, combs and hair clips made of wood, as well as textiles or wool shawls in colorful oriental patterns. Ceramic products suitable for everyday use include coffee cups, small teapots, serving bowls and elegant jugs adorned with national motifs.

National costumes for both genders reflect the vibrancy of the North Caucasian culture of Vladikavkaz and can make an excellent souvenir for relatives and friends.




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  17. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Vladikavkaz (UPDATED 2024)

    THE 30 BEST Things to Do in Vladikavkaz, Russia. 1. Tsey Alpine Resort. One can see the high mountains with large glaciers. There are many interesting places around the area such as the Rekom... 2. Fiagdon Monastery. A lot of history behind this Monastery.

  18. History for your Linssen yacht Hennings Yachtvertrieb

    Service for your Linssen motor yacht: from repair, maintenance, engine service and electronics to safe winter storage Find out more now!

  19. THE 10 BEST Vladikavkaz Sights & Landmarks to Visit (2024)

    Points of Interest & Landmarks. By Alexander_Kudrin. This mosque is one of the symbols of the city of Vladikavkaz. 5. Gazdanovy Brothers Monument. 29. Monuments & Statues. By Alexander_Kudrin. A touching monument dedicated to the seven brothers from the Gazdanov family who died during the Great Patriotic War...

  20. Papenburg Bootshow 2014 bei Hennings Yacht-Vertrieb

    Rekordverdächtig: Sechs Linssen Yachten getauft!„Unsere Hausmesse war wieder ein toller Erfolg" zeigte sich der Firmengründer und Inhaber Heinrich Hennings ...

  21. Your used Linssen yacht at Hennings Yachtvertrieb

    High-quality yachts are waiting for new captains: Used Linssen yachts in all sizes on site in Papenburg Find out more now!

  22. Vladikavkaz Travel Guide

    Mukhtarov Mosque. Prospekt Mira. Table Mountain. Kosta Khetagurov Park. History of Vladikavkaz. Vladikavkaz is the sunny capital of Russia's Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and the starting point for most regional tourist routes. City highlights include merchants' mansions, Mukhtarov Mosque, Imperial Hotel and many theaters and museums.